Page created by Jesus Kennedy
National Intestinal Failure & Rehabilitation Service
                                                                OPPORTUNITIES                                    Intestinal Rehabilitation & Transplant
                                                                                                                           A S S O C I AT I O N

                                                       30 J U N E – 2 J U LY 2021   |   CORDIS HOTEL, AUCKLAND
    Nau mai, haere mai!
    Welcome to CIRTA 2021.

    We are delighted to invite you to join us for the world’s leading conference in intestinal
    failure, rehabilitation and transplantation in 2021. The challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic
    may have changed the way we can interact with each other for now, but the need for the
    highest quality care for our patients with intestinal failure remains.
    The Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Association is the only society dedicated to
    the care of patients with intestinal failure, whether they can be managed with parenteral
    (intravenous nutrition), rehabilitated or referred for intestinal transplantation. IRTA is rare
    in encompassing the lifespan in representing health professionals looking after neonates,
    children and adults. As well as representing researchers, doctors and surgeons, IRTA has
    a very strong Allied Health representation of specialist nurses, psychologists, dietitians,
    pharmacists and many more. As a relatively small specialist society, it has a dedicated and
    loyal delegation of 500-600 attendees every two years.
    Our Congress will bring together the world’s leading researchers and experts in the
    management of these rare diseases. We have used our famous Kiwi can-do attitude and
    ingenuity to carefully design an innovative and exciting Congress which will work just as well for
    those people joining us online and those that are able to travel to join us in person in Auckland.
    The Congress will have all the usual interactive components we have come to expect from
    CIRTA – Meet-the-Professor sessions, debates, State-of-the-Art lectures, workshops, oral and
    e-poster presentations, surgical videos and much, much more. Our agile timetable works
    across time zones so that networking with colleagues near and far will be seamless.
    Our programme is more exciting than ever before, incorporating the strong Allied Health
    component of CIRTA, and addressing the real-life challenges we face every day in managing
    intestinal failure and transplantation. What is the best way to feed a patient with intestinal
    failure? What should we do if our patient are reluctant to advance feeds? How do we
    manage patients who live a long way from our hospitals? When should we refer them for
    transplantation and what is the latest evidence about outcomes?
    For our industry partners, we will have the usual trade exhibition here in Auckland but also
    a virtual exhibition and sponsorship opportunities between online sessions, allowing you to
    interact with delegates the world over. Now more than ever we ask for your input in sponsoring
    our meeting in order to showcase Auckland, New Zealand and our National Intestinal Failure
    and Rehabilitation Service, the first of its type worldwide. Please help us to make this cutting
    edge Congress a success. Let us show the world what New Zealand can achieve!
    Helen Evans and Amin Roberts, Congress Convenors
2   Cate Fraser-Irwin, Congress Allied Health lead
Location                  Programme Overview
Cordis Hotel              Wednesday 30 June
83 Symonds Street         Post-graduate course
Auckland                  – Medical/Surgical
                          Post-graduate course
Key Dates                 – Allied Health Programme

Exhibition set up         Thursday 1 July
30 June 2021 – time tbc   Morning tea     1030–1100
                          Lunch           1200–1300
Exhibition open
                          Afternoon tea 1515–1545
1 July 2021
                          Friday 2 July
Welcome reception
                          Morning tea     1030–1100
30 June 2021
                          Lunch           1200–1300
Conference dinner         Afternoon tea   1515–1545
1 July 2021
                          Please note: This is a draft overview
                          of the programme only and is subject
                          to change.

Sponsors and Exhibitors
    Take this opportunity to show your support and make connections,
    develop relationships and provide valuable exposure to your company
    and its products and services!

    Why sponsor?

    •   Sponsorship provides an excellent opportunity to promote your name
        and support your brands, maintaining a high profile among specialists,
        before, during and after this event.

    •   Sponsorship provides you with an opportunity to engage with key
        decision-makers, over three days, under one roof.

    •   Sponsors will benefit from an interested, relevant and influential audience
        in an educational / social environment away from the competition of
        everyday distractions. This may lead to new or increased sales.

    •   Sponsorship contributes to the promotion, planning and operation of
        the conference, reducing the overall cost of managing and staging the
        event and enabling a higher level of participation by the delegates.

    Delegate Demographics
    The Congress of Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant has in recent years attracted 400-
    550 delegates from over 40 countries, including Europe, North America, South America,
    Asia, the Middle East and Australasia. This is the first meeting to be held in the Asia-Pacific
    region and we anticipate higher numbers of delegates from within the region.

    Attendees are made up of:

    •   IRTA members

    •   Paediatricians, Physicians and Surgeons

    •   Allied Health Professionals including dietitians, nurse specialists, pharmacists,

    •   Trainee doctors and allied health professionals

    •   Research scientists

    •   Postgraduates

    •   Patient representatives

4   CIRTA2021 will be delivered both in person in Auckland and also through a virtual
    platform which will maximise the attendance.
As New Zealand’s largest city, it is also the international gateway to
the rest of the country. Auckland’s waterside location has fostered
the locals’ love affair with the sea, earning this place the nickname
“City of Sails”. Auckland has so much to see and do - there’s plenty
of entertainment for a few hours, a few days or a few weeks.
Auckland is a beautiful city built around a stunning waterfront
which has been developed into a vibrant entertainment area with
a host of upmarket restaurants, bars and shops.

CIRTA2021 Conference
    Organising Committee
    Dr Helen Evans
    Paediatric Gastroenterologist
    Starship Child Health, NZ

    Dr Amin Roberts
    Paediatric Gastroenterologist
    Starship Child Health and NIFRS*, NZ

    Cate Fraser-Irwin
    Nurse Specialist
    Starship Child Health and NIFRS*, NZ

    Local organising committee
    Amy Andrews Dietitian | Starship Child Health & NIFRS*, NZ
    Prof Julie Bines Professor of Paediatrics | University of Melbourne, Australia
    Prof Ian Bissett Surgeon | Auckland City Hospital & NIFRS, NZ
    Mr Stephen Evans Paediatric Surgeon | Starship Child Health, NZ
    Prof Winita Hardikar Paediatric Gastroenterologist | Royal Children’s Hospital,
                          Melbourne, Australia
    Kim Herbison Dietitian | Starship Child Health & NIFRS*, NZ
    Prof Robert Jones Surgeon | Austin & Royal Children’s Hospitals, Melbourne, Australia
    Briar McLeod Nurse Specialist | Auckland City Hospital, NZ
    Prof Greg O’Grady Surgeon | Auckland City Hospital & University of Auckland, NZ
    Dr Adam Testro Gastroenterologist | Austin Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
    Dr Russell Walmsley Gastroenterologist | North Shore Hospital, NZ
    Dr Darren Wong Gastroenterologist | Austin Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

6   * National Intestinal Failure & Rehabilitation Service
Sponsorship Opportunities


    Platinum Sponsor

    NZ$20,000 + GST
    (One opportunity available)

    Sponsorship benefits and exposure
    •   Three complimentary exhibition stands
    •   Six complimentary conference registrations including daily catering,
        welcome function and the congress dinner
    •   Hyperlinked logo and 50-100 word organisation profile on the conference
        website and app
    •   Company logo on the sponsors holding slides shown throughout the
    •   Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to
        the database pre-event
    •   Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on the
        Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your
    •   Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding
        those who request privacy)

    Platinum sponsorship also entitles you to choose one of the following
    additional benefits:

    Keynote Speaker Sponsor
    • One free standing banners in the Keynote Session (supplied by the
      sponsor, conference organiser will place the banners near the stage)


Gold Sponsor

NZ$15,000 + GST
(Three opportunities available)

Sponsorship benefits and exposure
•   Two complimentary exhibition stand
•   Four complimentary conference registrations including daily catering, welcome
    function and the conference dinner
•   Hyperlinked logo and 50-100 word organisation profile on the conference website
    and app
•   Company logo on the sponsors holding slides shown throughout the conference
•   Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
    database pre-event
•   Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on the Conference
    App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
•   Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who
    request privacy)

Gold sponsorship also entitles you to choose one of the following additional benefits:

Plenary Speaker Sponsor
• One free standing banners in the plenary speaker Session (supplied by the
   sponsor, conference organiser will place the banners near the stage)
• Further acknowledgement on the conference website and sponsors holding slides
   as the ‘Plenary Speaker Sponsor’

Barista Coffee Cart Sponsor
• Opportunity to brand coffee cart or supply a branded reusable coffee cup
   (supplied by your organisation)
• One free standing banner to be placed next to the coffee cart (to be provided by
   your organisation)
• Further acknowledgement on the conference website and sponsors holding slides
   as the ‘Barista Coffee Cart Sponsor’

Live Streaming/Virtual Platform Sponsor
• We are excited to offer an OnAir Virtual Platform to ensure participation is available
   for those that are unable to attend in person. Your logo will be displayed on the
   banner of the virtual platform
• Further acknowledgement on the conference website and sponsors holding slides
   as the ‘Virtual Platform Sponsor’                                                       9

     Silver Sponsor

     NZ$10,000 + GST
     (Three opportunities available)

     Sponsorship benefits and exposure
     •   One complimentary exhibition stand
     •   Two complimentary conference registration including daily catering, welcome
         function and the conference dinner
     •   Hyperlinked logo and 50-100 word organisation profile on the conference website
         and app
     •   Company logo on the sponsors holding slides shown throughout the conference
     •   Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
         database pre-event
     •   Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on the Conference
         App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •   Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who
         request privacy)

     Silver sponsorship also entitles you to choose one of the following additional benefits:

     Lanyard and Name Badge Sponsor
     • Company logo featured on the name badge (alongside the conference logo)
     • Opportunity to provide branded lanyards for all delegates to wear (to be provided
        by your organisation)
     • Further acknowledgement on the conference website and sponsors holding slides
        as the ‘Lanyard and Name Badge Sponsor’

     Conference App Sponsorship
     • Company logo on the splash screen of the conference app
     • Further acknowledgement on the conference website and sponsors holding slides
       as the “Conference App Sponsor”

     Welcome Reception Sponsor
     • Naming rights to the social event as the “(sponsors name) welcome reception”
     • Prominent branding for your company at the function venue (two free standing
       banners supplied by sponsor, conference organisers will allocate space to ensure
       that your brand makes the most impact – likely near entrance way)


Bronze Sponsor

NZ$5,000 + GST
(Four opportunities available)

Sponsorship benefits and exposure
•   One complimentary exhibition stand
•   Two complimentary conference registration including daily catering, welcome
    function and the conference dinner
•   Hyperlinked logo and 50-100 word organisation profile on the conference website
    and app
•   Company logo on the sponsors holding slides shown throughout the conference
•   Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
    database pre-event
•   Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on the Conference
    App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
•   Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who
    request privacy)

Bronze sponsorship also entitles you to choose one of the following additional benefits:

Pocket Programme Sponsor
• Company logo featured on the pocket programme (alongside the conference logo)
• Further acknowledgement on the conference website and sponsors holding slides
  as the ‘Pocket Programme Sponsor’

Catering Sponsorship–Day one, day two:
• Company logo featured on the catering cards placed amongst the catering
  stations during your sponsored catering breaks
• Two freestanding company banners displayed near the catering stations for the
  duration of the catering break.
• Further acknowledgement on the conference website and sponsors holding slides
  as the ‘Catering sponsor – (Day one, or two)’

Session Sponsor
• Company logo featured on the introductory hold slide for the sponsored session
• A freestanding company banner displayed in the room during the session


     Associate Sponsor                        NZ$750 + GST

     Sponsorship benefits and exposure
     •   Hyperlinked logo and 50-100 word organisation profile on the conference website
         and app
     •   Company logo on the sponsors holding slides shown throughout the conference
     •   Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
         database pre-event
     •   Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on the Conference
         App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)

     Exhibition Stand                         NZ$3,000 + GST

     •   Two complimentary exhibitor registrations, including daily catering and
         welcome function
     •   Hyperlinked logo and 50-100 word organisation profile on the conference
         website and app
     •   Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on the Conference
         App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •   Pre-fabricated stands are 3m wide x 1.2m deep x 2.3m high
     •   Partitioning will be supplied for two or three sides of the stand, depending upon
         individual requirements.
     •   2 x 150 watt spotlights
     •   1 x 10 amp power supply with 4 pin multi-box power point
     •   Company name on fascia board (max 20 characters on black and white board)

     Table Top Display                        NZ$1,750 + GST

     •   One complimentary exhibitor registration, including daily catering and
         welcome function
     •   Hyperlinked logo and 50-100 word organisation profile on the conference
         website and app
     •   Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on the Conference
         App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •   One clothed trestle table with two chairs
     •   One poster board

12   NB: Conference organisers to allocate space closer to conference.
Floor plan

General Information
     Virtual Events
     In light of recent global events the need to diversify the way we deliver events
     has been essential. We are excited to offer an OnAir Virtual Platform to ensure
     participation is available in case we need to revert to a virtual conference.

     Sponsors and exhibitors can still reap the benefits of attendee engagement and
     brand promotion. Sponsor logos are easily integrated into the meeting interface and
     delegate communications, while sponsors can be offered the chance to sponsor a
     session, with an introductory presentation or branded holding slide/advertisements.
     Pre- and post-meeting opportunities can also be provided,through distribution of a
     dedicated marketing email to the conference database.

     A fully integrated virtual conference, an online ‘exhibition hall’ with dedicated
     exhibitor ‘booths’ allow for easy uploading of collateral, interaction with attendees
     through live chat portals and the recording and follow-up of leads.

     Should there be a need for a fully virtual conference, our Conference Organiser will
     engage effectively with each sponsor and exhibitor to ensure their benefits are clearly
     outlined and delivered in a virtual format.

     Exhibitor registration includes lunches, morning and afternoon teas and the welcome
     function which is held amongst the exhibition. Tickets to the conference dinner are
     available to purchase separately during the online registration process.

     Additional exhibitors can be registered to assist on the stand at a cost of $260 + GST
     for the two days or $165 + GST for one day.

     Exhibitors will be able to book accommodation at the conference hotels where
     competitive room rates have been negotiated during the registration process.

     Additional Equipment
     Any additional equipment required such as display units, shelving, stools, audio visual
     equipment etc can be ordered through the exhibition build organisation, Exhibition
     Hire Services

     Nicola Ransome T +64 3 338 4193      |   E nicola@exhibitionhire.co.nz

Health and Safety
We take the health and safety of our delegates, exhibitors and suppliers seriously.
A manual will be provided to exhibitors closer to the conference. This will provide full
details around compliance when packing in your displays and working throughout
the conference. Please note that all electronic equipment plugged in onsite must be
tagged and tested. By agreeing to exhibit at the conference, you agree to adhere to
our health and safety policy.

It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to ensure that their stand and goods on
display are adequately insured for theft and damage. All exhibitors shall insure,
indemnify and hold the Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Association or
the conference secretariat harmless in respect of all costs, claims, demands and
expenses. Exhibitors are responsible for any injury to persons and damage to
property on the conference environment caused during the setting up, the operation
of and the dismantling and removal of the exhibition.

All prices are quoted in New Zealand dollars and exclude Goods and Services Tax
(GST) of 15%. Invoices are payable within one month of invoice, or prior to conference,
whichever is earliest.

Sponsorship packages and exhibition space will be allocated only on receipt of the
booking form (i.e. a first come, first served basis).

The organising committee may need to make changes to the floor plan, however,
changes will not be undertaken without prior discussion with the companies affected.

Sponsors consent to their contact details being shared with conference suppliers and

Cancellation Policy
If notification of cancellation of sponsorship packages or exhibition space is
received in writing prior to Friday 5 March 2021, you will be refunded in full less an
administration charge of $150 + GST. After that date no refunds will be made.

The organising committee reserves the right to cancel the conference in case of
circumstances beyond their control. In such a case all monies paid to date will be
refunded in full less any expenses incurred. The liability of the organisers will be
limited to that amount.

If you wish to discuss any information outlined in this prospectus please contact us.
Claire Bark, Project Manager, Conference Innovators Ltd E claire@conference.nz,
T +64 9 972 2034
Sponsorship and Exhibition
Application Form – CIRTA2021
Please forward this form indicating your
sponsorship and exhibition request to:
Claire Bark, Conference Innovators Ltd
PO Box 28 084, Remuera, Auckland 1051                                                                       NZNIFRS                             Intestinal Rehabilitation & Transplant

E claire@conference.nz | T +64 9 972 2034
                                                                                         National Intestinal Failure & Rehabilitation Service
                                                                                                                                                          A S S O C IAT ION

Organisation name

Contact person (Main)

Postal address

City                                                             Postcode

Phone number                                          Mobile number

Email                                                            Purchase order number

Sponsorship requests will be allocated on a first in first served basis.
Please indicate which opportunity you are interested in:

Platinum Sponsor                  Gold Sponsor                             Silver Sponsor
    $20,000 + GST                    $15,000 + GST                             $10,000+ GST
Additional Benefits               Additional Benefits                      Additional Benefits
   Keynote Speaker Sponsor          Plenary Speaker Sponsor                   Lanyard & Name Badge Sponsor
		                                  Coffee Cart Sponsor                       Conference App sponsor
		                                  Live Streaming/On air Sponsor             Welcome Reception Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor                    Exhibition Stand                         Table Top Display
   $5,000 + GST                      $3,000 + GST                             $1,750 + GST
Additional Benefits
   Pocket Programme Sponsor                                                Associate Sponsor
   Catering Day One or Day Two Sponsor                                        $750 + GST
   Session Sponsor

Upon receipt of your application you will receive a confirmation of your sponsorship request and a
contract with invoice (where appropriate).

Acceptance of Terms
We apply for sponsorship in accordance to the terms and conditions set out in the sponsorship document.
By completing this form you have given your consent for us to store your personal data. Your personal
data will be retained by Conference Innovators and Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplant Association
for up to 24 months after the conclusion of this conference.

Signature                                                        Date
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