SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters

Page created by Jonathan Bradley
SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters
SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters
The Association of Consulting Foresters of America, Inc. (ACF) has a total membership of
more than 750 professional foresters in private practices in 35 states with businesses
responsible for the management of over 200 million acres of timberland. Our members
make the purchasing decisions for their companies and clients.
We’re excited to announce ACF’s 2023 Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities featuring
a mix of benefits that will keep your brand in front of members throughout the year, both
in-person and virtually. If you do not see an appealing opportunity, we encourage you to
contact the ACF National Office to discuss a custom package. Benefits of ACF sponsorship
at any level include exclusive access to ACF members, special recognition at events,
online, and in ACF publications, and knowing your support helps to advance the practice of
professional consulting forestry.

                                                                               EVENTS & MEMBERSHIP
                                                                                   IN NUMBERS

                                                                                  178                    255
                                                                                                         2022 National
                                                                                  Individuals attended   Conference Attendees
                                                                                  at least one 2021

                                                                                  TreeLearn Session

                                                                                  Members who are
                                                                                                         Total Members/Newsletter

                                                                                  company owners/
                                                                                  decision makers
                                                                                                         Expected Winter Meeting
SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters

ACF NATIONAL CONFERENCE                                              ACF WINTER MEETING
ACF is extremely grateful for all previous support of our annual     NEW This year! ACF’s Winter Meeting will take place February
National Conference. We’re excited to invite you to support          17-21, 2023 at Maumee Bay Lodge in Oregon, Ohio and
                                    our    2023       National       will include a Regional Meeting in addition to the Practice of
                                    Conference to be held            Consulting Forestry Course & Executive Committee Meetings.
                                    June 10-13 in the heart of       Register as a sponsor before December 31, 2022 for special
                                    Eugene, Oregon.                  promotion at this event and the opportunity to include materials
                                                                     in attendee packets!
                                  Eugene, known as “A Great
                                  City for the Arts and Outdoors,”
                                  is located at the southern end
                                  of the Willamette Valley, often
                                  considered synonymous with
                                  “Oregon Wine Country.”

                                  Visit www.acf-foresters.
                                  org/national-conference for
                                  additional information.

          2023 National Conference Venue
   The Graduate Eugene                  Room Rate: $144              VIRTUAL TREELEARN SESSIONS
       66 E 6th Ave             Reserve your stay by visiting        TreeLearn, a virtual education series created by ACF, was
     Eugene, OR 97401           this specific booking website or     launched in 2020 and provides opportunities for ACF members
                                by calling 844-888-4723 and          to    earn      required
                                referring to code 060723ACF.         continuing education
                                                                     credit. In 2023, at least
                                                                     five sessions will be
                                                                     offered and average
                                                                     session      attendance
                                                                     is 42. Sessions are
                                                                     promoted to ACF’s
                                                                     750 members and are
                                                                     open for anyone to
SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters
                                      FRIEND          BRONZE            SILVER              GOLD             PLATINUM                                  EXHIBITOR
                                       $500            $1,000            $2,500             $5000               $7,500          (limited to two on a

                                                                                                            Up to 5 minutes     Up to 15
Product Demonstration or                                                                                    during ACF          minutes during
Presentation at National Conference                                                                         Business            ACF Business
                                                                                                            Meeting             Meeting
Social Media Shoutout Announcing                                                                            One boosted         Two boosted
Sponsorship (Facebook &                                                                                     post                posts

                                                                                        One exhibit         One exhibit         Two exhibit            One exhibit
National Conference Exhibit Space                                                       table               table in prime      tables in prime        table
                                                                                                            location            location
National Conference Forester                                                            One attendee        Two attendees       Three attendees        One attendee
Sponsorship of Specific National                                    Pre- or Post-       Full conference     Conference          President’s
Conference Event Including Signage                                  conference          function            meal or break       Buffet or Closing
and Live Mention During Function                                    function                                                    Party
                                                                    Up to 30            Up to 1 minute      Up to 2 miutes      Up to 2 minutes
                                                  Live mention      seconds during      for promotional     for promotional     for promotional
TreeLearn Webinar Sponsorship                     of sponsorship,   promotional         “commercial”        “commercial”        “commercial”
                                                  logo featured     “commercial”        during 1 webinar,   during 1 webinar,   during 2
                                                                    during 1 webinar,   logo featured       logo featured       webinars, logo
                                                                    logo featured                                               featured

                                                  Up to 250 words   Up to 500 words     Up to 500           Up to 750 words Up to 750 words
“A Word from Our Sponsors” Sent to                in an ACF event   in an ACF event     words in            in a monthly    in a quarterly
all ACF Members                                   promotion email   promotion email     a monthly           e-newsletter    newsletter

                                        ✓               ✓                 ✓                   ✓                   ✓                    ✓
Opportunity to Include Promotional
Materials in National Conference
Attendee Packets

                                        ✓               ✓                 ✓                   ✓                   ✓                    ✓
Logo Prominently Featured on ACF
Website Plus National Conference
Signs and Materials

                 SPECIAL INCENTIVE: Register by December 31st as a sponsor at any level for promotion at the 2023 Winter Meeting.

            REGISTRATION                                              CONTACT
            Register as a sponsor or exhibitor on the next page       If you do not see an appealing opportunity, we encourage you to
            or online at www.acf-foresters.org/sponsors               reach out to ACF Staff for a custom package.
            Deadline to Register is March 31, 2023.                   membership@acf-foresters.org (703) 548-0990
SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters
         Please complete the form below or register online: www.acf-foresters.org/sponsors-and-exhibitors-registration

Contact Information:
                                                                                             Deadline to Register:
Organization Name:                                                                             March 31, 2023
Contact Name:

Contact Email:
                                                                        Please select a registration option:
                                                                        ☐ FRIEND - $500
Company Website:
                                                                        ☐ BRONZE - $1,000
Mailing Address:
                                                                        ☐ SILVER - $2,500
                                                                        ☐ GOLD - $5,000
Office Phone:                          Cell Phone:
                                                                        ☐ PLATINUM - $7,500
National Conference Attendees (if applicable):
                                                                        ☐ DIAMOND - $10,000 (limited to two on a first-come basis)
                                                                        ☐ EXHIBITOR - $895

                                                                        Total payment:
                                                                        Payment Options:
                                                                        ☐ Check enclosed ☐ Please send invoice
Name:                                                                   ☐ Charge to:
Email:                                                                       ☐ Discover ☐ Visa
                                                                             ☐ MasterCard ☐ American Express
                                                                        *Limited to payments under $5,000*
                         Submit this form to:
                  Association of Consulting Foresters                   Card number:
                     376 McLaws Circle, Suite 1A                        CVV#:                            Exp. Date:
                       Williamsburg, VA 23185
                                                                        Name on card:
                     Phone: (703) 548-0990                              Billing address:
              Email: membership@acf-foresters.org                       City/State/Zip:
SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS - 2023 OPPORTUNITIES - Association of Consulting Foresters
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