Page created by Rafael Bailey
FlashAcademy® lessons            Worksheets                       Instructions
• Beginner > Home, Time &        Free Time Activities –           Cut out and match the words to
Leisure > Spending free time,    Flashcards                       the pictures.
What interests you?, Time for
some entertainment                                                ★ Play Pictionary with a friend
                                                                  over video chat. Take it in turns
                                                                  to draw an activity and ask the
                                                                  other person to say what it is in
• Beginner > Work & School >     Free Time Activities – Gapfill   Write the activities in the correct
Actor or farmer?                                                  spaces, paying attention to

                                                                  ★ Find out the name of a
                                                                  famous Spanish-speaking
                                                                  person who does each of these
                                                                  activities professionally. Make
                                                                  a detailed fact file about one of
                                                                  them in Spanish.
• Intermediate > Everyday life   Free Time Activities –           Cut out the cards and shuffle
> Using your free time           Dialogues                        them. Practise answering the
                                                                  questions, then use the cards to
                                                                  practise having a conversation
                                                                  with a friend over video chat.

                                                                ★ Find a YouTube video in
                                                                Spanish to help you practise
                                                                one of your hobbies e.g.
                                                                tutoriales de fútbol, cómo bailar
                                                                salsa, recetas fáciles.
• Beginner > Home, Time &       Translation Card 1 – Foundation Fold the paper in half. Translate
Leisure > Days of the week, All                                 side A (into Spanish and
about time                                                      English), then check your
• Beginner > Food & Drink >                                     translations with the texts on
Likes & Dislikes                                                side B. Wait a day or two, then
                                                                repeat, but translate side B then
                                                                check with side A.

                                                                  ★ Make a timetable in Spanish
                                                                  and fill in with the days, times
                                                                  and different activities you like
                                                                  to do.
FlashAcademy® lessons            Worksheets                     Instructions
• Intermediate > Everyday life   Translation Card 2 – Higher    Fold the paper in half. Translate
> Getting musical                                               side A (into Spanish and
                                                                English), then check your
                                                                translations with the texts on
                                                                side B. Wait a day or two, then
                                                                repeat, but translate side B then
                                                                check with side A.

                                                                ★ Look up the top 40 songs in
                                                                Spain at the moment. Are there
                                                                any Spanish singers you know/
                                                                don’t know? Find a Spanish
                                                                singer you like, then look up the
                                                                lyrics to their song and practise
                                                                singing it.
• Intermediate > Everyday Life   Cinema and TV photocard        Use the vocabulary to practise
> Passing time, Things to do                                    answering the questions about
• Advanced > Art, History &                                     the picture.
Tradition > The beauty of art,                                  ★ Watch a film or TV series
At the theatre                                                  in Spanish. You can choose
                                                                Spanish language films or
                                                                change an English language film
                                                                into Spanish on Netflix.

                                                      Record yourself speaking and play it
                                                          back. Can you improve your
                                                         answer? Send the audio to your
                                                       teacher for extra feedback and ask
                                                      them to send it to FlashAcademy® to
                                                          include in our pupil podcast.
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                                      Home, Time & Leisure

              el rugby                                        el fútbol

                el tenis                                   la natación

         la equitación                                  el baloncesto

               el esquí                                    la gimnasia

                       Created by the FlashAcademy® Education Team

Do you have an MFL resource idea? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Send your resources/ideas/
sketches to and if selected, we’ll design it up for you and share it with
the MFL community.
More resources like this available on the FlashAcademy Dashboard at
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                                     Home, Time & Leisure

             la cocina                                      el ajedrez

             la pintura                               los videojuegos

                bailar                                         cantar

             la lectura                                    el patinaje
                                                           sobre hielo

                       Created by the FlashAcademy® Education Team

Do you have an MFL resource idea? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Send your resources/ideas/
sketches to and if selected, we’ll design it up for you and share it with
the MFL community.
More resources like this available on the FlashAcademy Dashboard at
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                                    Home, Time & Leisure

                       Created by the FlashAcademy® Education Team

Do you have an MFL resource idea? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Send your resources/ideas/
sketches to and if selected, we’ll design it up for you and share it with
the MFL community.
More resources like this available on the FlashAcademy Dashboard at
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                                    Home, Time & Leisure

                       Created by the FlashAcademy® Education Team

Do you have an MFL resource idea? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Send your resources/ideas/
sketches to and if selected, we’ll design it up for you and share it with
the MFL community.
More resources like this available on the FlashAcademy Dashboard at
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                   Home, Time & Leisure

    f__b_l            r__b_                _a__n__st_

  _a_a_i_n              __ni_             v__e__u_g__

   l_c_u__          _q_it__i__              _i__u__

                                          p_t__a_ s___e
    e_q__            __c__a

tenis         pintura           rugby            natación
cocina       baloncesto         esquí          equitación
fútbol      videojuegos         lectura      patinaje sobre hielo
Instructions: Cut out the cards and shuffle them. Work in pairs. Pick up a card and ask
  your partner the question on the card. Take it in turns to ask each other a question.

           ¿Juegas al fútbol?                   ¿Has jugado alguna
                                                   vez al rugby?

         ¿Sabes jugar al tennis?                 ¿Cuál es tu hobby

           ¿Qué actividades                   ¿Hiciste algún deporte
           hiciste la semana                   la semana pasada?

          ¿Has tenido siempre                  ¿Te gusta la natación?
           el mismo hobby?

FlashAcademy® MFL                                                        FlashAcademy® MFL

 Translation Card 1: Free-time activities                           A    Translation Card 1: Free-time activities                          B
 Translate the text into Spanish.                                         Translate the text into Spanish.

 I go ice-skating on Mondays and Wednesdays and I play basket-            In my free time I really like doing sports outdoors, like running or
 ball on Fridays. My brother and I play tennis on Saturdays and I         riding a bike. I hate sports like yoga or golf because I find them
 win every time! However, he is younger than me and he is improv-         boring. I also go to the park once a week with my friends to play
 ing every week, so I think he will win soon. Apart from sport, I like    football. After class I do my homework and listen to music while I
 cooking a lot because it relaxes me.                                     study.

 Translate the text into English.                                         Translate the text into English.

En mi tiempo libre me gusta mucho hacer deportes al aire libre,           Hago patinaje sobre hielo los lunes y los miercoles y juego al balon-
como correr o montar en bici. Odio los deportes como el yoga o el         cesto los viernes. Mi hermano y yo jugamos al tenis los sábados y
golf porque los encuentro aburridos. También voy al parque una            ¡siempre gano! Sin embargo, él es más pequeño que yo y está
vez a la semana con mis amigos a jugar al fútbol. Después de clase        mejorando cada semana, así que pienso que pronto ganará. A parte
hago mis deberes y escucho música mientras estudio.                       del deporte, me gusta mucho cocinar porque me relaja.
FlashAcademy® MFL                                                       FlashAcademy® MFL

Translation Card 2: Free-time activities
                                                                   A    Translation Card 2: Free-time activities                          B
Translate the text into Spanish.                                         Translate the text into Spanish.
 I have not had a lot of free time recently because I must revise for    I’m interested in cinema and music and they are both important in
 my exams. However, I like to exercise and to relax because it’s         my life. I find listening to music calming when I’m stressed. I always
 good for my health. After school, when I don’t have to study, I         go to the cinema to watch films because I think the
 listen to music and talk to my friends on the phone. I am happy         experience is more exciting than watching films on the computer or
 because next week I will buy a new mobile phone. My current             TV. Next weekend I’m going swimming with my friends. I often go
 phone is too slow and the screen is broken!                             swimming because I forget about all of my problems in the water.

Translate the text into English.                                         Translate the text into English.
 Estoy interesado en el cine y la música y son importantes los dos       No he tenido mucho tiempo libre recientemente porque tengo que
 en mi vida. Encuentro escuchar música relajante cuando estoy            revisar para mis exámenes. Sin embargo, me gusta hacer deporte y
 estresado. Siempre voy al cine a ver películas porque pienso que la     relajarme porque es bueno para mi salud. Después del colegio,
 experiencia es más emocionante que ver películas en el ordenador        cuando no tengo que estudiar, escucho música y hablo con mis
 o la televisión. El fin de semana que viene voy a nadar con mis         amigos por el móvil. Estoy contento porque la semana que viene me
 amigos. A menudo voy a nadar porque olvido todos mis problemas          compraré un nuevo móvil. Mi actual teléfono es muy lento y la pan-
 en el agua.                                                             talla está rota.
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MFL                                                        Page: 3/3

Theme: Identity and culture
Topic: Free-time activities
Cinema and TV

 Useful Vocabulary:
 ver                      una telenovela
 un documental            las noticias
 la publicidad            el programa
 el anuncio               interesante
 un cómic                 reírse
 la película de acción
 la película de drama
 la pérdida de tiempo
 un ordenador portátil

 Possible Questions:
 • ¿Qué ves en la foto?
 • ¿Qué tipo de películas te gustan? ¿Por qué?
 • ¿Cuál es la última película que has visto?
 • ¿Cuándo ves la televisión normalmente?
 • ¿Prefieres ver los programas de la tele o en sitios web como Netflix?
 • Describe tu programa favorito.
 • ¿Crees que la televisión es más importante que las películas ahora?
 • ¿Crees que los cines cerrarán en el futuro debido a la disponibilidad de películas en línea?

 Notes: Describe the picture and make notes on answers to the possible questions

                          Created by the FlashAcademy® Education Team
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