Solutions: the business perspective - WBCSD
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Contents 1 Preface | 3 2 Natural climate solutions: the opportunity for business | 4 Executive summary 5 3 The climate challenge, the role of the land sector and negative emissions technologies | 7 Natural climate solutions can help bring the Paris Agreement into reach 8 The role of business in delivering and scaling natural climate solutions 10 Key drivers for scaling investment in natural climate solutions 12 Principles for investing in natural climate solutions 15 Unlocking impact at scale: how can your business play its part? 16 WBCSD would like to acknowledge and thank PwC for their support in producing this document. This paper is the product of a collaboration between members of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Nature4Climate (N4C), a global civil society organization. Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 2
1 Preface The world is on track to surpass with clean power, maximizing Stopping deforestation, improving a 1.5°C global temperature rise circular opportunities to reduce soil health, protecting natural as soon as 2040. resource consumption and waste, carbon sinks, restoring damaged de-carbonizing transport of habitats, and implementing The UN Secretary General is goods and services, and investing climate-smart agriculture holding a Climate Action Summit in nature to increase the carbon practices are solutions that (CAS) during the UN General sequestration of forests, land can and must be scaled today. Assembly to build focus and and oceans. However, despite their massive highlight the need for more potential, most estimates ambitious and urgent progress. While limiting global warming to suggest Natural Climate Solutions We must set a bolder ambition to 1.5°C is possible, economies only attract 2 to 3 % of public get on track towards achieving the and societies worldwide must climate finance globally. Natural Paris Commitments, and business undergo rapid and far reaching Climate Solutions are not just can once again demonstrate transformation at unprecedented for land sector companies. leadership and action to address speed and scale. They can offset hard-to-abate the climate emergency. and unavoidable emissions, Natural climate solutions supporting the transition to Ahead of the UN Climate Action are an established means of sustainable land use at the same Summit in New York City, WBCSD reducing, capturing and storing time as accelerating near-term calls on companies to to set a carbon emissions. Using them progress towards net-zero climate target a climate target provides opportunities for both emissions across all business aligned with what science says climate change mitigation and sectors. At the same time, they is needed to limit global warming increased resilience. create the opportunity to invest to 1.5°C. According to the IPCC Investing in nature offers a also in biodiversity, just livelihoods special report Global Warming significant opportunity to and rural transitions, and food of 1.5 ºC, limiting global warming sequester atmospheric carbon security. to 1.5°C requires reaching net- zero CO2 emissions by around at a global scale while delivering Delivering these solutions at 2050. solutions for biodiversity and scale will require unprecedented ecosystems. GHG emissions funding and coordination. Reaching net-zero emissions agriculture, forestry, and other land Close collaboration between for a company means reducing uses (AFOLU) contribute a quarter governments, businesses, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of total global GHG emissions. investors and civil society will be where possible and balancing the Investments in nature could needed. impact of remaining emissions potentially deliver one third of the with carbon removals. This will emissions reductions needed to The private sector can play result in no net impact on climate. align with the Paris Agreement a critical role in accelerating It will require unprecedented between now and 2030. and financing these solutions. level of action in several areas, Together, we are stepping up to including electrifying energy use the challenge. Diane B. Holdorf María Mendiluce Managing Director, Managing Director, Climate & Food & Nature Energy, Cities & Mobility and Circular Economy Natural Natural climate climate solutions: solutions: the the business business perspective perspective 33
2 Natural climate solutions: the opportunity for business Natural Natural climate climate solutions: solutions: the the business business perspective perspective 44
Executive summary Natural climate solutions As part of this, WBCSD will focus NCS can help. (NCS) help nature do what on raising corporate, civil society it’s been doing for millions and consumer awareness and NCS are an important of years: sequester and accelerating voluntary action, complement to long-term store carbon. while working in partnership corporate decarbonization with other key organizations to strategies. This is especially true promote and scale carbon pricing across land sector companies, Research shows that these policies that steer private capital where reductions in GHG solutions could deliver up to one to NCS. emissions from agriculture, third of the emissions reductions forestry and other land uses between now and 2030 needed Collectively, global targets are not (AFOLU) – which contribute to limit global warming to 2°C.1 A on track to meet the goals of the a quarter of total global third of these have a price of USD Paris Agreement. In fact, current anthropogenic GHG emissions $10 per tCO2e – or less.2 NCS targets point to 3 °C of warming – could make a significant can also protect ecosystems, by 2100. The impacts of such impact on achieving climate contribute to climate resilience, warming would cause significant goals. For companies working restore land and transform and material risk to business and in sectors like agriculture and agricultural, wetland and forestry society. forestry, investing in nature offers practices. a significant opportunity to As such, the Intergovernmental sequester atmospheric carbon at However, despite their massive Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) a global scale – helping develop potential, most estimates is calling for urgent action. sustainable practices in addition suggest NCS only attracts 2 to The speed at which we can to existing efforts to avoid and 3 % of public climate finance avoid further greenhouse gas reduce emissions. globally. emissions, transition to renewable WBCSD has formed a partnership energy and push for energy However, NCS are not just with a coalition of NGOs, efficiency will still not be enough for land sector companies. Nature4Climate,3 to help unlock to meet our targets. NCS can offset hard-to-abate private capital for investments in and unavoidable emissions, NCS. supporting the transition to sustainable land use at the same time as accelerating near-term progress towards net-zero emissions across all business sectors. Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 5
There are two important drivers Regulatory compliance: Carbon for investment in NCS, namely pricing instruments like carbon WBCSD and Nature4Climate purchasing carbon credits for taxes and trading schemes members recommend that voluntary action and regulatory provide incentives to reduce any NCS investment adheres compliance: emissions. to the following four guiding principles: Voluntary action: Many Since 2012, the number of companies are voluntarily implemented or scheduled 1. NCS investments can and responding to the obvious carbon pricing policies has nearly should raise ambition business case for addressing doubled and a growing minority with respect to climate climate change. In 2016, already encourage NCS carbon action, enhancing rather voluntary buyers paid USD credits. The combined value than diluting a company’s $191.3 million to offset 63.4 of the world’s carbon pricing contribution to the Paris million metric tons of CO2 initiatives, including both taxes goals. Carbon credits (MtCO2e)4 - this is equivalent to and emissions trading schemes should therefore be used a year’s worth of GHG emissions (ETS), totaled USD $82 billion in in conjunction with the from 13.4 million cars,5 roughly 2018.8 While the voluntary use GHG emissions mitigation the number of cars on the road of natural climate solutions is hierarchy. in Belgium and the Netherlands growing and desirable, it is not 2. NCS credits can provide combined.6 currently sufficient to deliver the an interim solution for Paris Agreement’s goals. Given Forestry and land-use carbon hard-to-abate emissions, the scale of the climate challenge, credits made up 13.1 million but not a permanent one. regulatory carbon pricing metric tons (MtCO2e) at USD For unavoidable emissions, instruments – which are typically $67 million.7 Given the size of the carbon sinks - potentially measured in billions of dollars challenge to achieve the Paris including natural sinks rather than millions – would likely Agreement, voluntary action is - will always be needed have a much greater impact than critical for demonstrating and to achieve net zero. voluntary action. scaling NCS markets. NCS credits should be Whether companies are driven considered an enabling by regulation or taking voluntary solution that will support action, they must make sure long-term sustainable land that their approach to the use of use. carbon credits and the credits 3. NCS investments should themselves are robust and deliver environmental scientifically sound. and social safeguards and benefits in addition to GHG emissions reductions. 4. Sound and verified carbon measurement and accounting methodologies should be applied to ensure high environmental integrity of NCS credits. The remainder of this paper dives into several of the key elements of the NCS landscape today, as well as into each of the four principles. This paper is designed to provide reference and support to companies interested in integrating NCS into their GHG emissions mitigation strategies. Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 6
3 The climate challenge, the role of the land sector and negative emissions technologies Natural Natural climate climate solutions: solutions: the the business business perspective perspective 77
3 The climate challenge and the role of the land sector and negative emissions technologies At COP 21 in Paris, nearly Carbon Capture and Storage of avoiding catastrophic climate 200 countries adopted the (BECCS). Although these change at a later stage. landmark Paris Agreement solutions are important, they to combat climate change. have not in general been proven Nature is a proven, scalable The Agreement aims to keep commercially or widely deployed carbon removal technology the global temperature rise at scale and therefore these that’s been refined endlessly to well-below 2°C above pre- technologies need more time. over millennia. Businesses, industrial levels, pursuing In contrast, NCS are available governments and other actors efforts to limit warming to for deployment at scale today. can implement NCS across the 1.5°C. globe at massive scale to reduce Use of NCS is not only about atmospheric CO2 emissions. negative emissions technologies, While the Paris Agreement however. Reductions in GHG charted a new, more ambitious NCS store carbon and other emissions from agriculture, course in the global effort to stop greenhouse gases by enhancing, forestry, and other land uses climate change, three years on, restoring or protecting natural (AFOLU) - which contribute the world is not on track to meet sinks – like wetlands and a quarter of total global GHG the original goals, in particular peatlands - or by reducing emissions10 - are also needed. to limit warming to 1.5°C, which emissions from land-use Using NCS to avoid emissions the IPCC describes as the upper change. NCS are usually pursued from the land sector in addition to limit of a safe operating space for through three main activities: creating carbon sinks can make humanity.9 conservation, restoration and a significant impact on achieving climate goals. improved land management An IPCC report published in across forests, grasslands, October 2018, highlights that agricultural lands and wetlands In this light, investing in nature worldwide, on average, we’ve (see Figure 1 for examples). as a proven solution offers a already reached 1°C warming and compelling option for society and today’s rates of decarbonization business. Recent research shows that NCS are less than half of what’s needed to limit warming to safer can provide up to one third (11.3 NATURAL CLIMATE billion tons CO2e at less than levels. In fact, global warming SOLUTIONS CAN HELP is expected to exceed 1.5°C as USD $100 per tCO2e) of the GHG BRING THE PARIS emissions reductions needed by early as 2040. AGREEMENT INTO REACH 2030.12 The same study showed Given this challenge, the IPCC that a high proportion of this is Pursuing a pathway for rapid available at relatively low cost; describes the use of “carbon GHG emissions reductions is around 3 GtCO2e can be delivered removal” technologies to capture essential over the next decade,11 annually for less than USD $10 per greenhouse gases from the which is critical – and NCS can tCO2e (see Figure 2). atmosphere and securely store be a key part of this. If sufficient them. action is not pursued today using The IPCC lays out potential all the available cost effective options for carbon removal technologies we have at our technology such as Direct Air disposal, then we will likely be left Carbon Capture and storage turning to solutions that are more (DACCS) or Bio Energy with expensive, and in some cases unproven, to give us any chance Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 8
Figure 1: Examples of NCS CONSERVATION RESTORING COASTAL SMART AGRICULTURE AND WETLANDS LAND MANAGEMENT Rising demand for food and Coastal wetlands such as Tropical and temperate forests natural resources is causing saltmarshes, seagrass meadows are highly effective carbon sinks. large-scale land conversion and mangrove forests store and Improved agricultural practices around the world for commercial sequester carbon. can deliver improved carbon agriculture and urban storage in healthier soils. development. These “blue carbon” ecosystems can store up to four times Climate smart agricultural This land conversion releases more carbon per hectare than practices and proper carbon that had previously been terrestrial forests. management of working stored. plantations and forests can aid However, destruction of coastal carbon storage while improving By protecting habitats from ecosystems is releasing massive yields and productivity of the unnecessary or irresponsible amounts of carbon. land. conversion, the loss of carbon stored in plants and soils into the Restoring these environments Improving soil health and forest atmosphere is avoided. can prevent carbon from management improves the escaping while enhancing resilience of farming and forest This maintains the land area as community resilience against communities to climate change an active carbon sink. the localized impacts of climate risks of both drought and change through storm and flooding, for example. flooding protection, for example. Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 9
THE ROLE OF BUSINESS All companies can make use of IN DELIVERING AND insetting13 or offsetting using For this to work, investment SCALING NATURAL NCS credits to compensate in NCS for offsetting CLIMATE SOLUTIONS for emissions that cannot be must occur in tandem avoided through their mitigation with strong emissions Deploying NCS at scale will strategies, helping draw down or reductions efforts in the require everyone to play their avoid carbon emissions in order companies’ own operations, part. Governments can provide to achieve net-zero emissions in whether companies are enabling conditions through the second half of the century. operating in the agrifood, policy change while civil society chemicals, energy, materials, can promote new ideas and hold NCS carbon credits should be transportation or any other organizations accountable for used as a tool to help companies sectors. their actions. Business will also be to demonstrate leadership, and critical in unlocking the massive to make additional, near-term In the second half of the century, potential of NCS. contributions towards their absolute emissions reductions climate goals. globally must be significant enough to maintain steady atmospheric CO2 levels and we should not need to over-rely on offsetting. In other words, for most companies, investment in NCS should only be used to complement wider climate action that delivers net zero global GHG emissions.14 Figure 2: Chart showing the potential contribution of NCS to limit climate change up to 2030 and beyond Reproduced from Griscom, B.W. et al., 2017, NCS 80 70 s sion le mis 60 usua as- Global carbon emissions (Pg CO2 yr-1) ss- ine Bus 50 Fossil fuel mitigation 40 s 30 sion emis oric NC Hist SA NC vo ide 20 SS dE eq mi
Companies operating in the term sustainable agricultural For example, farmers and food land-use sector are a bit different and forestry practices that avoid producers increasingly invest as they have a particularly deforestation while engaging in in improving soil health as part important long-term role to restoration efforts. Companies of climate-smart agriculture play: managing land sustainably in this sector, due to their initiatives, recognizing the in order to provide necessary management and/or ownership significant climate and business commodities to the global of land, also have the opportunity benefits of doing so. Improving markets while also working either to sequester CO2 within soil health increases land to enable and support local their own supply chains - in the productivity, while healthy soils communities and indigenous form of insetting - or to produce are also more effective at storing peoples. While companies carbon credits for use outside and sequestering carbon. operating in this space are critical their supply chains. for a healthy and thriving human Leading companies in the forest society, they’re also responsible Nearly 450 consumer goods sector are also working with for approximately 25 % of global companies have now set zero- customers and policy makers to anthropogenic emissions.10 deforestation commitments develop business opportunities for the products they source, for sustainably managed forests, Because of this, land-sector responding to customer delivering positive ecological and companies have two key roles. demand and because of long- social outcomes by maximizing Firstly, they can implement long- term productivity benefits.15 carbon storage and providing livelihoods for local people. Figure 3: Different private sector actors can play different and complementary roles in supporting NCS D USE SECTO HE R SECTOR AN R OT S L NCS support via carbon finance as a near-term NCS as a central part transitionary tool of long-term absolute decarbonization strategy TARGET Supporting and accelerating transition of land use sector Net zero to meet own near-term Transitioning emissions by climate goals to a long-term sustainable land 2050 Absolute emissions use sector reductions must continue in parallel and dominate from mid century Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 11
KEY DRIVERS FOR Targets exist for addressing Voluntary use of NCS SCALING INVESTMENT climate change that increasingly demonstrates to policymakers IN NCS cover full value chains, going that businesses are taking action beyond a company’s own and are comfortable using NCS There are two important drivers operations, and aim for “carbon carbon credits. In doing so, behind business investment in neutrality.” voluntary uptake is likely to give NCS – both are likely to increase governments the confidence in the coming years. Many companies face they need to deploy enabling challenges in meeting their policy frameworks and structures VOLUNTARY ACTION climate action commitments, for scaling up NCS investment. particularly in the near-term. It’s worth noting that some Risks associated with climate This is because silver- sectors may never fall under change are becoming clearer bullet solutions do not yet direct carbon price regulation and more tangible – as are the exist, especially in hard-to- and therefore scaling voluntary commercial opportunities for decarbonize industries such action for these sectors will addressing them. as steel, aluminum, shipping remain critical. and aviation. At the same In addition, companies face time, implementation of new pressure from customers, technologies often happens investors and employees to over long time-horizons, as act on climate change using is evident in the slower-than- methods that are anchored in desired uptake of electric light science and aligned to the Paris passenger vehicles. Agreement. Figure 4: The ambition loop Both voluntary action and regulation will be necessary in driving corporate NCS investment to the scale required, with each playing a distinct (but interacting) role Technical innovation Demonstrate Engage non- Create working Quick to deploy to enhance the businesses regulated sectors models for regulation robustness of leadership offsets Voluntary action Regulation Deliver scale Match businesses Correct market Send expectation incentives to failures signal to non- government’s goals regulated sectors Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 12
Key benefits for companies using emissions reductions • Another issue is the NCS voluntarily include: targets or disclose their uncertainty around how performance on tackling carbon units will be • Low-carbon product climate change offer embedded within the offerings: Customers - limited or no recognition accounting and governance including other businesses of NCS offsetting. This is structure of a country’s - are looking to achieve because there’s still a lack Nationally Determined carbon neutrality, and often of consensus on, or support Contribution (NDC) under are concerned about their for, the role of offsetting as the Paris Agreement. At the carbon footprint. NCS can a decarbonization tool by core of this is a lack of clarity help companies meet this NGOs. At the same time, as to whether countries demand. For example, an many consumers or investors will export carbon units to airline may use NCS to help may not recognize the private investors without customers offset their travel commercial and social value simultaneously making emissions. derived from investing in corresponding adjustments NCS, which can limit demand. to their own NDC goals – • Ensuring stability of which could lead to “double supply: NCS bring several • Concern about the counting” or overestimating co-benefits in addition to robustness of NCS and the amount of carbon abated offsetting carbon emissions. land sector carbon credits for every transaction. These benefits could include emerged in the early 1990s increased resilience of when the idea and economic The rules governing and agriculture, company assets thinking around this work monitoring these interactions and supply chains, securing was still nascent. Calculating must ensure that no two supply of products in the face emissions reductions from entities claim the same of growing climate-related the land sector was not well carbon unit. These rules are risks through for example understood – as it was for still being negotiated. There enhanced flood defenses or other offset project types is a need for these issues to improved soil health. When such as those with renewable be resolved by the time NDCs designed appropriately they energy. Concerns from a start to take effect in 2020. can also improve biodiversity broad set of stakeholders and ecosystems while revolved around whether a • For voluntary NCS to work helping farmers and rural land sector offset project in business, there’s also a communities accelerate would merely displace, rather need to build the capacity improved practices and than reduce, emissions. to implement NCS solutions strengthen resilience. However, there is now at scale. substantial evidence that There are, however, several addresses previous technical Addressing these challenges challenges to accelerating the challenges using globally must be a priority, if we are voluntary deployment of NCS agreed guidance17 in, for to unlock the full potential of including: example, large-scale forestry voluntary corporate action. projects. There’s also a series of more robust tools and • Many reporting frameworks methodologies available for and standards designed ensuring the robustness to help companies set and integrity of NCS offset projects.18 Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 13
COMPLIANCE MARKETS Since 2012, the number of Zealand now all include NCS in countries who have implemented regulatory frameworks and are Given the size of the Paris or scheduled carbon pricing demonstrating that they work. Agreement challenge, all instruments has nearly doubled. investment in NCS is needed As of 2018, 25 emission trading and voluntary action is critical CORSIA (the Carbon Offset schemes and 26 carbon taxes and Reduction Scheme for for demonstrating and scaling exist worldwide. The value of NCS markets. However, while International Aviation), is these carbon pricing initiatives, projected to require around the voluntary use of natural including emissions trading climate solutions is growing 2.5 billion tons of carbon credits schemes, carbon taxes, permits from 2020-2035.19 Under the and desirable, it is not currently and allowances reached USD $82 anywhere near enough to deliver plan, international aviation’s billion in 2018.8 emissions above 2020 levels the Paris Agreement goals. must be offset with allowable Carbon pricing policies that carbon credits. Specifically, airline Government policies that raise create price disincentives for operators will have to purchase the ambition of national climate carbon emissions rarely include offsets for a portion of their flight goals (including NDCs), while complementary price incentives routes between countries that are also integrating nature-based for sustainable land-use; this covered. From 2021-2026 only carbon credits into compliance must be addressed to achieve countries that have volunteered pathways could unlock a scale the full potential of NCS. are covered which includes nearly of investment that exceeds all of the major aviation states. what could be achieved through From 2027-2035 coverage voluntary markets alone. In some cases, governments leave NCS out of compliance expands to include every country regimes because of outdated except LDCs and SIDS who can Compare, for example, the likely concerns around whether a still volunteer to be included in the size of voluntary markets for land sector offset project would plan. The types of offset credits NCS carbon credits, typically merely displace, rather than that will be admissible have yet measured in millions of dollars, reduce, emissions – as mentioned to be decided, so it is unclear versus compliance markets, above. These perceptions are whether NCS will be allowed to normally worth billions of dollars.8 changing: Australia, California, play a major role in helping the China, Colombia and New aviation sector lower its climate impact. Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 14
PRINCIPLES FOR NCS WBCSD and Nature4Climate including natural sinks - will INVESTMENTS strongly recommend that any always be needed to achieve NCS investment adhere net zero. NCS credits should Whether it is voluntary action to the following four principles: be considered an enabling by companies or regulatory solution that will support compliance, there must be 1. NCS investments can and long-term sustainable land assurance that the approach should raise ambition use. taken to offsetting is credible and with respect to climate rooted in science and that the action, enhancing rather 3. NCS investments must NCS carbon credits are produced than diluting a nation’s or deliver environmental and sustainably and deliver real a company’s contribution social safeguards and carbon emissions reductions. to the Paris goals. Carbon benefits in addition to GHG credits should therefore be emissions reductions. For All actors – companies, used in conjunction with the example, the preservation of governments and civil society - GHG emissions mitigation a given forest could enhance will therefore need to adopt a set hierarchy (See Figure 5). a wide variety of ecosystem of principles that can deliver this services to the benefit of local environmental and social integrity. Avoiding, minimizing, and and indigenous communities’ reducing emissions should livelihoods. be prioritized. These efforts should continue in parallel 4. Sound and verified with and in addition to the use carbon measurement and of NCS credits. accounting methodologies should be applied to ensure 2. NCS investments must high environmental integrity deliver an interim solution of NCS credits. Emissions for hard to abate emissions, reductions and removals but not a permanent one. must be real, quantifiable and For unavoidable emissions, verifiable, and tracked to avoid carbon sinks - potentially double counting. Figure 5: The mitigation hierarchy Companies should use NCS offsets in conjunction with the mitigation hierarchy as one component of a decarbonization strategy 2019-2030 2030-2050 2050-2100 Measures AVOID taken to avoid generating GHG emissions Measures MINIMIZE taken to minimise GHG emissions GHG MITIGATION HIERARCHY Compensation OFFSET for GHG Companies emissions in one place should prioritize by making avoiding and equivalent reductions minimizing their elsewhere emissions Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 15
UNLOCKING IMPACT AT Accelerate private sector Advocate for policy: SCALE: HOW CAN YOUR investment: BUSINESS PLAY ITS • Governments and regulators PART? • We’ll continue to generate should ensure that policy awareness of NCS as a supports the use of NCS needs to become a major climate solution in order sustainable NCS. In particular, pillar of the global climate change to encourage demand the incorporation of NCS mitigation strategy as soon as and promote investment carbon credits in compliance possible. Businesses can help in NCS supply. The launch markets will help drive unlock the potential of NCS by and sharing of this narrative these solutions to the scale investing in high quality programs during key events such as needed. To achieve a policy today. the UN Secretary-General’s environment that releases Climate Summit, UNFCCC the potential of NCS, the By sending a strong demand COP25 and beyond will unified voice of business signal, your company and sector take a central role in our should be articulated and can help show governments communications strategy. heard at the highest levels. that the private sector is ready WBCSD, in collaboration with and willing to contribute, giving • By recognizing the role that key partners, aims to provide governments the confidence to NCS can play in driving down a platform for this discussion enact clear policy incentives to emissions, globally accepted at key UN events and through which the market can respond. frameworks for GHG continued engagement with accounting and target-setting governments in partnership WBCSD and Nature4Climate3 frameworks such as the GHG with organizations such as have formed a partnership Protocol and Science Based N4C and the World Economic to help unlock private capital Targets can act as strong Forum (WEF). Central to for investments in NCS. As enablers that encourage these efforts will be the part of this, through its NCS business to integrate NCS NCS Alliance which will be project, WBCSD will focus on into their climate strategies. launched at the 2019 New raising corporate, civil society To achieve this, we will York Climate Week. and consumer awareness, engage with and on behalf of accelerating voluntary action, our members to ensure their • WBCSD and partner as well as working in partnership voice is heard in the debate organizations will continue with other key organizations to and to find solutions that can to advocate for the promote and scale carbon pricing work within and/or alongside development of credible policies that steer private capital such frameworks. accounting and governance into NCS. structures that allow the • The credibility concerns international transfer of Our goal is to encourage around the quality and mitigation outcomes responsible investment in nature robustness of NCS carbon between countries. This is by helping companies overcome credits still need to be best achieved through Article challenges to unlocking large addressed to achieve 6 of the Paris Agreement. scale investment in NCS. greater acceptance by business and society. The WBCSD and N4C aim to stimulate science behind carbon private sector ambition and sequestration by nature is investment in NCS to protect well established. Equally, nature and improve food security standards agencies can and while sequestering carbon from do provide independent the atmosphere on a scale verification of NCS projects. sufficient to combat climate Collating and communicating change. The NCS team at the latest information on NCS WBCSD welcomes participation offsetting can help to alleviate and partnerships – so please credibility concerns. reach out to WBCSD and help us shape these exciting - but as yet underdeveloped - natural climate solutions. Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 16
Endnotes 1 Griscom et al., Natural 8 State and Trends of 17 Donofrio, B., Rothrock, climate solutions, PNAS Carbon Pricing 2018, P. & Leonard, J. Supply- 2017 114 (44) 11645- https://openknowledge. change: Tracking Corporate 11650, Commitments to Deforestation- content/114/44/11645 free Supply Chains (Forest 9 Trends, 2017). 2 For reference, at the beginning of 2019, carbon traded on the 10 Agriculture, Forestry and Other 18 Examples include: https://verra. European Union Emissions Land Use (AFOLU). In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of org/, https://www.goldstandard. Trading System (EU ETS) at org/ Climate Change. Contribution around $10 per tCO2e. https:// of Working Group III to the Fifth 19 Assessment Report of the environmental-markets/spot- Intergovernmental Panel on environment/Pages/corsia.aspx market/european-emission- Climate Change allowances#!/2019/01/02, 11 The IPCC highlights that the next twelve years are critical statistics/412794/euro-to- to achieving the emissions u-s-dollar-annual-average- reductions needed to avoid exchange-rate/ catastrophic climate change impacts. 3 Including UNDP, CBD, The Nature Conservancy, 12 The Natural Climate Solutions Conservation International, (NCS) referred to in this paper World Resources Institute, are land- and coastal-based and Wildlife Conservation Society, do not include the potential role Woods Hole Research Centre of oceans. and WWF. 13 http://www.insettingplatform. 4 State of Forest Carbon com/index.php, https://www.icroa. Finance 2017 https://www. org/Insetting uploads/2018/01/doc_5715. 14 A 2016 study found that pdf companies that offset overwhelmingly do so in the 5 context of an overarching energy/greenhouse-gas- emissions reduction strategy, equivalencies-calculator investing approximately 10 times the amount in direct 6 ACEA Report Vehicles in use emissions reductions compared Europe 2017, https://www. to companies that don’t offset. documents/ACEA_Report_ publications/buying-in/ Vehicles_in_use-Europe_2017. pdf 15 https://news.mongabay. com/2018/02/zero- 7 Negative Emissions deforestation-pledges-need- Technologies and Reliable help-support-to-meet-targets- Sequestration: A Research new-study-finds/ Agenda (2019). National Academies of Sciences, 16 Engineering and Medicine, read/25259/ Natural climate solutions: the business perspective 17
ABOUT WBCSD ABOUT DISCLAIMER NATURE4CLIMATE WBCSD is a global, CEO-led This publication is released in organization of over 200 leading Nature4Climate (N4C) is an the name of WBCSD. The paper businesses working together initiative of the United Nations is the result of a collaboration to accelerate the transition to Development Programme among WBCSD NCS group a sustainable world. We help (UNDP), UN-REDD, the members and Nature4Climate make our member companies Convention on Biological and is intended to represent more successful and sustainable Diversity (CBD), the International the wide range of discussion by focusing on the maximum Union for Conservation of and perspectives among positive impact for shareholders, Nature (IUCN), Conservation these stakeholders. Not every the environment and societies. International (CI), The Nature contributor may agree with every Our member companies come Conservancy (TNC), Wildlife word in the document but the from all business sectors and all Conservation Society (WCS), members are largely aligned on major economies, representing Woods Hole Research Center, the guiding principles described a combined revenue of more World Business Council for in this paper. than USD $8.5 trillion and 19 Sustainable Development million employees. Our Global (WBCSD), World Resources This publication has been Network of almost 70 national Institute (WRI), We Mean prepared for general guidance business councils gives our Business (WMB) and WWF that on matters of interest only and members unparalleled reach aims to increase investment does not constitute professional across the globe. WBCSD is and action on natural climate advice. You should not act upon uniquely positioned to work with solutions in support of the 2015 the information contained in this member companies along and Paris climate agreement. The publication without obtaining across value chains to deliver N4C partners work together to specific professional advice. impactful business solutions catalyze partnerships between No representation or warranty to the most challenging governments, civil society, (express or implied) is given as to sustainability issues. Together, business and investors that the accuracy or completeness we are the leading voice of use nature-based solutions to of the information contained business for sustainability: united climate change. in this publication, and, to the by our vision of a world where extent permitted by law, WBCSD, more than nine billion people its members, employees and are all living well and within the agents do not accept or assume boundaries of our planet, any liability, responsibility or duty by 2050. of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. Contact: Christopher Conifer,, María Mendiluce, and Peter Beare, and see our natural climate solutions webpage. Copyright Copyright © WBCSD, September 2019. Natural Natural climate climate solutions: solutions: the the business business perspective perspective 18 18
World Business Council for Sustainable Development Maison de la Paix Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2B CP 2075, 1211 Geneva 1 Switzerland
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