Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...

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Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...
Social Media Trends You
Need to Know for 2016
Michelle Kostya
Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy
Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...

                      Michelle Kostya
          Director, Enterprise Training & Strategy
                       @ Hootsuite
Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...
Today’s Agenda

1. The landscape in 2015

2. Trends Hootsuite sees for 2016

3. Audience Q&A
Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...
The Landscape in 2015
The following paved the way for our 2016 trends:

  Consumerization     Fragmentation     Mobile First
Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...
2015 Landscape, demographics
                           Active Users of the Top Social Platforms and Messaging Tools, by Age

                                                    16-24          25-34         35-44        45-54           55-64

            Tumblr         Instagram            YouTube            Pinterest             Google+              Twitter         Facebook           LinkedIn

 Snapchat            Kik               Wechat               Line               Facebook               Viber             Whatsapp         Skype              Kakao

Source: Global Web Index Q4 2014
Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...
Hootsuite Trends for 2016

1. Social is the   2. Channel         3. #socialbusiness   4. Video is king   5. Spend on
new front door     feature sets are   FINALLY happens                         Influence
Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...
Social is the
new front door.
Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...
Trend 1:

Brands are investing in reaching
customers where they are – social and
mobile - and how they want to be engaged.
Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...
Percentage of marketers growing their
            70%       social media advertising budgets in 2015

Consumers   $24       The amount marketers will spend by the end
                      of 2015 to reach customers on social media

on Social

            + 33%     Growth in social media
                      advertising budgets in 2015

                      Data source:
                      emarketer, marketingland, recode
Social Media Trends You Need to Know for 2016 - Michelle Kostya Global Director, Enterprise Training and Strategy - MEV ...
Social - Beyond Marketing

                 Marketing            Sales

       Service                                Research

                             Social                Internal
Customer Service Gets Social
     According to J.D. Power, 67% of consumers have used a company’s social
     media channel for customer service.

     Less than 6% of unhappy customers get in touch via email or support hotline
     now. In fact, 30% of people prefer to contact brands using social media rather
     than the telephone.

      More than half of social                        42% of consumers
      media users under the                           complaining in social media
      age of 45 engage in social                      expect a 60 minute response
      care.                                           time.
Sales Gets Social

   75%                        45%                           84%
                            more opportunities
  of prospects now use      Social selling leaders create   of new opportunities
  social media to be more   45% more opportunities per      are started from a
  informed                   quarter than Social Selling    warm introduction
HR Gets Social
●   Recruiting: 92% of companies
    use social to hire and 3 / 4 hiring
    managers check social profiles.

●   Brand: 47% of Millennials say a
    prospective employer’s online
    reputation matters

●   Retention: Empowering
    employees and encouraging a
    positive sharing company culture
The convergence of
   feature sets.
Trend 2:

While channels are increasingly
fragmented, the feature sets offered
by each are actually converging.
Top Apps
             Usage (Time)

Rank             1          2          3           4        5       6       7           8             9      10


              Facebook   WhatsApp   Messenger   Instagram   Line   Viber   Kakao   Clash Of Clans   WeChat   Twitter

Source: Mary Meeker Report 2015
In-Demand Features
                                            Fastest Growing Apps


Content Discovery

Photo, Video,

                    Data source: Statista
Messaging Investments &
Niche over Mass
Work is now social.
Trend 3:

The long-awaited transformation of
workplace communication promised
by social media is here.
Social’s Taken Over the Office

Data source: IDC
Employee Advocates Take Over Social

Video dominates
   on social.
Trend 4:

Video continues to grow its share of our attention
on social media, even as it fragments across
multiple channels.
The Internet is Video

    80%                    +50% YoY                 5 million                  6 billion
Percentage of global       Hours of video watched   Years it would take to     Daily video views on
Internet traffic that will   by YouTube users every   watch all the video that   Snapchat (3X growth from
be attributed to video     month                    will be shared every       May to November 2015)
by 2019                                             month in 2019
Facebook vs. YouTube

8 billion videos are viewed on Facebook daily       YouTube

Facebook views are aided significantly by autoplay   Facebook
The Future of Livestreaming
2016 will be the make-or-break year for mobile livestreaming, as Meerkat and Periscope seek
mainstream consumer use cases

           ●   10 million users                         ●   2 million users
           ●   40 years/21 million minutes of
               video watched every day                  ●   Unknown number of video views
           ●   Owned by Twitter
                                                        ●   Access to Facebook Graph
Trend 5:

Both brands and consumers are shifting spend
toward influence.
The influence of
people we trust seals
      the deal.
The Pyramid of                  Journalists
                               & Celebrities

Influence               Paid   Professional

                              Power Middle

                               Super Fans


                                Fans &
What Do You Do With Them?
What Can They Do For You?

           Generate              Reach a                       Ignite
          Awareness            new audience                    action

     Amplify your messages     Crowdsource        Drive entries, downloads, clicks,
          or program            intelligence       traffic, shares and purchases

         Build affinity        Grow consideration              Change
        for your brand        for your products              opinions
Where’s It All Going?
 ● Blurring the lines between traditional    ● Influencers are becoming more diverse and
   and digital PR                              are either “non-niche” or VERY niche

 ● Influencers are becoming increasingly      ● Influencers will need to provide more data
   expensive to partner with                 ● Oversaturation = inauthenticity
 ● Exclusivity drives cost and complicates   ● Marketers need to figure out
   relationships                               the true value of an impression
            Resource Library

            Hootsuite Blog
Thank You
Michelle Kostya
Global Director, Enterprise Training & Strategy
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