Snap it with

Page created by Lloyd Kim
Snap it with

The Indian consumer has never been so spoilt for choice before. The emergence of discount e-commerce websites have
been raining discounts for the consumers – be it for products, services, holidays, dental care or food. We get up, close and
personal with one such website by the name

Snap it with

22 | September - October 2011
Snap it with
Kunal Bahl, founder and chief             tion, there was a very large address-   Customers write in to us to say that
executive officer, was       able market out there for a service     when they get to office in the
quick to gauge the gap in the market      like SnapDeal. We realized that small   m o r n i n g , b e fo re t h e y c h e c k
for a service like the one he was         business owners, who were now           Facebook, they check SnapDeal. To
about to start. It shall be no exagger-   saying that internet was working for    us, even if there are 50 people out
ation to state that today; the service    them as a channel of customer           there who are doing this right now,
is so well-known amongst its patrons      acquisition, would change the           we know that if we maintain the
that the word discount is being           landscape of local merchant e-          trajectory of our progress and
synonymous with its name –                commerce in India. Thus started         customer centricity, we will have 5
SnapDeal. As Bahl puts it, “Our           SnapDeal in February of 2010.”          million people doing that eventually
prime focus was to create an                                                      every day.”
excellent customer experience on          The Buffering
the website. Today, I can proudly         Bahl had his own set of hiccups and     Bahl adds, “Creating the right
state that, we have reached a point       challenges which he had to encoun-      customer experience and choosing
in our country that whenever a            ter with the launch of his service.     the right mix of media to promote
consumer thinks deals, they think         Talking about the teething prob-        the brand proved effective for the
SnapDeal.”                                lems, Bahl shares, “When we started     brand and this gave the company a
                                          out, people said that daily deals       lot of credibility. One of the other
The First Click                           model has low barriers to entry. But    challenge faced was to do with
What led to the inception of the          soon after we started out, we           narrowing down on the right team.
service was the recognition of the        realised that the biggest barrier in    We did not have good technology
increase in disposable income of the      this business is to build your brand.   talent when we started, and that
Indian consumer. He elaborates,           Presently we have reached a point       proved to be a big challenge given
“Our conviction was very strong           where in India, whenever a con-         we were building an e-commerce
about the fact that with increasing       sumer thinks deals, they think          platform. However, we were able to
disposable income in India, rising        SnapDeal and achieving this was not     weather many of these challenges of
internet penetration and a willing-       easy. Our vision for SnapDeal is that   attracting bright, talented profes-
ness for retailer to use the internet     it needs to be participating in         sionals and today, 16 months since
as a channel for customer acquisi-        consumer's lives – everyday.            SnapDeal began, we have a team of

                                                                                   September - October 2011 | 23
Snap it with
500+ very talented professionals in     merchants told us that if we did         built an excellent technology team
our organization across the country,    something on internet, they were         who in turn re-built the entire
which is expected to grow to 800        ready to do it with us, and then there   platform. It would be fair to say that
team members by the end of year.        was no looking back for us. Post our     SnapDeal as a technology platform is
And all our operations, including our   discussions; we started the service      one of the most robust sites in India
call centre, are in-house. We are in    in 8 days time! But we didn't know       that support over 2 million visitors
such a growth trajectory that we        anything about the internet and we       every day and still loads in less than
want to closely monitor every           spent a lot of time understanding        one second.”
process of the company.”                the medium. We also invested a lot
                                        of effort in selecting and registering   The Funding
Putting it in Action                    the domain name. Initially we did        Sourcing investments for an idea
Hard to believe but the entire          not even have the dot com (.com)         which is not tested and experi-
execution of the idea was done in a     domain and when SnapDeal                 mented before always has its own
record time. Post the manpower was      launched, it was We         set of roadblocks. Same was the case
in place and a few relationships with   bought the dot com (.com) three          for Says Bahl,
merchants built, the entire opera-      months later for $3000 and we            “Convincing the investors to fund
tion was put live in just 8 days.       thought that was a lot of money.”        our venture was one of the most
Explains Bahl, “At the time of our                                               difficult tasks. Initially when we
launch, content companies sold          Bahl shows no qualms in accepting        s t a r t e d o u r p ro j e c t w e h a d
impressions on the internet through     that when they started with their        approached 15 venture capitalists
banner ads and typically fleeced        service, the output was not up to the    and managed to get funds from just
smaller advertisers into paying them    mark. Says Bahl, “Our website at that    one. While some investors liked me
CPM rates with no conversions to        time was really shabby, but over a       idea, they believed that the Indian
offline sales. So those small           period of time we improved and           market would not embrace it. One

24 | September - October 2011
Snap it with
investor rejected my proposal within     in the merchants send in queries to             shopping online for various products
5 minutes of presenting it. His          showcase their services on the                  and services. The same number for
reasoning was customers didn't           portal.”                                        mobile users is around 900 million.
want coupons as they loved to                                                            Hence there is enough demand, to
haggle personally. Instead, he spent     The Indian Consumer                             be catered to.
an hour trying to convince me to go      The growing globalization that we
back to my job. But our conviction to    are witnessing today has opened a               As for the brands and service
succeed was very strong, and we          lot many doors for the retailers and            providers, the website offers a
were able to see through the difficult   service providers alike. Though we              fantastic opportunity. Elaborates
times.” SnapDeal was started off         are seen an upward swing in rising              Bahl, “Brands that get featured on
with the personal savings of the         disposable income, we are also                  SnapDeal, can witness thousands of
founding partners and with an            seeing people struggling for quality            customers coming to them in a
additional investment of Rs. 40 lakhs    time in activities other than their             single day. For instance, Marriott
which was sourced from an angel          work. Talking specifically about his            group of hotels, acquired 20000+
investor. Says Bahl, “We successfully    personal observation of the Indian              customers through SnapDeal in a
raised capital from noted VC's at        consumer when it comes to                       span of 3 days. Many other mer-
appropriate time, to fuel the            shopping on the internet, Bahl says,            chants have had similar experiences.
business. Recently, we raised the        “ The consumer behaviour has                    In addition to being a very cost
largest amount of capital in a single    definitely changed and there are a              effective channel for acquiring new
round of funding, in any internet        lot of reasons. Internet allows you to          customers, its works as a risk free
company in India, from Bessemer          do so many things that the interest             alternate marketing channel for
Venture Partners, Nexus Venture          and confidence of the consumers to              businesses. The advantage of
Partners and IndoUS Venture              buy online has increased. That is               associating with is
Partners.”                               probably the reason why India is the            that the merchants can measure the
                                         fa ste st g row i n g m a r ket fo r            effectiveness and spend only on the
The initial test marketing for the       Facebook. So there is significantly             prospective clients rather than
company was done in Delhi. But           i n c re a s e d p ro p e n s i t y a m o n g   spend up front in traditional forms of
gauging the market pulse and             consumers to buy things online and              media, which do not guarantee any
demand, the brand expanded its           that propensity is different among              return on investment or customers.
reach across the other markets as        consumers in Tier I and Tier II cities.         From the retailer's standpoint, they
well. Today, SanpDeal operates out       For Tier I consumers, ecommerce                 are passing on the customer
of 50 cities, targeting to reach 100 +   means convenience because cities                acquisition cost in the form of a
cities, by the end of the year. Shares   are large and there is too much                 discount offer. Other brands like
Bahl, “Our target was to achieve 100     traffic and too little time. In smaller         Benetton, Pizza Hut, Café Coffee
deals / day in about 2 months time.      cities, ecommerce enables access to             Day, The Lalit, Makemytrip, among
But we reached the target within a       aspiration. For instance, today if we           others have also partnered with us.”
week's time, and that was the            are selling Reebok sunglasses, we
validation. It was difficult to                                                          Ensuring the standard of the brand
                                         are providing people in Guntur an
convince the retailers about the                                                         being maintained,
                                         access to these products and also at
effectiveness of the channel in the                                                      takes utmost care in choosing the
                                         a deep discount.”
initial days. But once the validation                                                    brands and service providers it
happened for a few merchants, who        There are approximately 90 million              partners with. Shares Bahl, “We
were ready to experiment this            internet users in India out of which            ensure that each and every cus-
platform, others followed suit.          around 20 million would be active               tomer has a seamless experience
Today, 5 out of 10 merchants that we     internet users. A substantial number            after buying goods and services from
feature are inbound requests, where      out of these users would be                     our website. We also request

26 | September - October 2011

                                                                                   products and travel. We already
                                                                                   have scale with over 70 per cent
                                                                                   market share in this segment.”
                                                                                   Competition for the brand though
                                                                                   on face seems to be growing with the
                                                                                   emergence and existence of other
                                                                                   websites like, ebay,
                                                                          etc. Bahl prefers to
                                                                                   concentrate on ways and means to
                                                                                   beat his own performance for good.
                                                                                   Says Bahl, “We are currently
                                                                                   competing with ourselves – the
                                                                                   question of how to grow faster is the
                                                                                   one that keeps us up at night.
                                                                                   Although when we started the
                                                                                   business, there was a lot of competi-
                                                                                   tion, however through our team's
                                                                                   efforts on multiple fronts we broke
                                                                                   away from the pack some time back,
                                                                                   and now are at the forefront of
                                                                                   traction and innovation in this

                                                                                   Beautifully summing up his learning
                                                                                   so far, Bahl says, “Whatever we are
feedback from our customers, and         addition to geographic expansion,         doing right today, will help us six
we strive to never leave a customer has forayed into new         months down the line. The fun part
dissatisfied with our services. We       categories which have shown               about this journey is that, whatever
have a no questions asked refund         excellent traction in the brief period    a mature internet company learnt in
policy in case any of the customers is   since launch. There are two new           10 years, we have had to learn many
unhappy for whatever reason. It is       categories which we have intro-           of those things in one year. And that
this customer centricity, which has      duced – products and travel. The          was possible because of the right
ensured that the customers trust         product category includes very            team. When we started SnapDeal,
whatever we showcase on                  attractive deals, typically 50 per cent   we did not even know how to run a”                           off on products such as mobile            Google Adwords Campaign and now
                                         phones, electronic gadgets, branded       we are probably one of the more
Way Ahead                                fashion products, sunglasses,             sophisticated advertisers on Google
Ta k i n g n o t e o f t h e w a y       wallets, among others. In the case of     in India. And again the team is is expanding its reach      travel, features the         responsible for this. One of our
and winning hearts, the future           best leisure and business travel          investors called us a 'brutally
definitely looks very bright for the     destinations across India at national     aggressive' company with one of the
brand. Sharing in detail the brands      best prices. We want our consumers        best teams in the internet ecosys-
future plans, “We continue to            to consider as a one-        tem in India. So a right team in the
rapidly grow our footprint across        stop-shop platform for best-in-           right place, is absolutely critical.”
India and by end of 2011, we plan to     market deals on anything to do with
extend our footprint to 100 cities. In   local merchants, branded retailers,

28 | September - October 2011
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