Water is our element! - 2019/2020 AERATION WASTE WATER AERATION OXYGEN-ENRICHMENT - LINN Gerätebau
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Waste water Turbo-Jet stationary 1.1 kW Turbo-Jet stationary Turbo-Jet with hinged stainless fixing. The stainless steel support tube is Technical steel fixing used simultaneously as an air intake tube. Motor rating kW 1.1 2.5 4.0 For use in closed basins or for attachment TURBO-JET with hinged stainless steel Power take-up W 1500 3000 5300 to existing bridges of failed aeration rol- fixing should be mounted so that the pro- Voltage V 400 400 400 lers, we manufacture the aeration unit peller works 40-50 cm below the waste water level. Thus the equipment achie- Motor rpm 2900 with a stainless steel bracket. This version can also be used for retrofitting or original ves the largest effectiveness and the best Active zone max. m 70 85 100 equipment. Here again we deliver a com- oxygen input. Water delivery max. m /h 3 300 500 750 pletely assembled unit ready for opera- With larger immersion depth of our ven- Air deliverymax. m3/h 30 60 85 tion. tilation aggregate the air intake track de- Motor case grey cast The aeration unit can be aligned hori- creases. Vacuum-casing grey cast zontally and vertically by means of the The exact execution of the mounting Propeller bronze bracket. The unit can easily be removed plate can be adapted to the local condi Air supply stainless steel for possible maintenance work with the tions. 16 LINN
OXYGEN-ENRICHMENT-SYSTEMS Increasing demands of fish quality, higher very important factor in fish farming. With rate of 1.5 % of the bodyweight. With a ment systems for this purpose. They are stocking densities, declining water sup- abundant dissolved oxygen, fish growth dissolved oxygen saturation of 10 mg/l (= used directly in the pond, usually floating ply and the use of high quality, expensive is maintained, food conversion rate is op- 90 % saturated) this formula calculates a like an aerator. LINN systems offer high feed necessitate more effective oxygen timised and less f aecal waste is generated. production of 1.3 kg trout per litre intake oxygen transfer rates with high dissolu- transfer methods than surface aerators In addition, fish health improves, and they water. If the dissolved oxygen concentra- tion efficiency. alone. With surface aeration, it is only are less susceptible to disease. These bene- tion can be increased to 11.1 mg/l (= 100 Comprehensive information and techni- possible to achieve a maximum of 100 % fits result in cost savings. % saturated) the production will increase cal data on the different LINN systems ap- saturation, and then with the expense of to 1.7 kg trout per litre intake water. This A ‘fish stock formula’ can be found by pear on the following pages. high energy costs. This is because oxygen corresponds to an increase of 30 %. referring to the technical literature. From is only present in air at a low concentra- this it is possible to calculate the fish stock This example illustrates the profound tion (about 20 %). in kilograms per litre of intake water. The effect that oxygen has on the stock of a This is the reason why the peak demand most important factor when calculating pond, and shows very clearly the poten- of oxygen in many operations cannot be stock capacity is available oxygen and tial offered by the use of oxygen with ef- covered any more with surface aerators. oxygen consumption per kg of feed. A fective enrichment systems. Clearly, the Due to this, a situation of lack of oxygen simple example will readily illustrate the decision to use pure oxygen in fish-farms (at least temporarily) occurs. During pe- importance of adequate oxygen levels. is cost effective because the environment riods of low oxygen, feed is poorly dige- Example: a pond at 250 m altitude, sto- for the fish can be 100 % oxygen-satura- sted. The fish subsist, resulting in little or cked with 10 cm long rainbow trout, wa- ted all year round. LINN Gerätebau has no growth, and poor health. Oxygen is a ter temperature 10 °C and a daily feeding developed specialised oxygen-enrich- 17 LINN
Oxygen-Enrichment LOXY® With the help of this new invention, LOXY® achieves a very good level of pressure is required) or with wheels or brush wheels (disadvantage: a lot of ener- LINN.eu oxygen enrichment with low energy con- gy is required to move the water) Compa- sumption. red to these systems, LOXY® has the ad- THE LATEST GENERATION OF Previous systems worked with ‘bottle- vantage that, due to the rotary mixer, only OXYGEN ENRICHMENT necks’ (for example, the venturi nozzle a very small portion of the water needs to – disadvantage: a relatively high water LOXY® – motor cover easy removable without tools LINN Germany has been manufacturing This new enrichment system contains oxygen enrichment systems for 20 years. a novel rotary mixing mechanism wit- The design brief for the latest development hin the plastic body. This is driven by an was to produce a robust and reliable sys- electric motor located above the water tem with a high oxygen transfer efficiency. surface. This mixer propels the water out- In addition, the new floating device was to wards in the contained system, due to its be as light, convenient, e asily-serviced and rotation. The resulting fast-flowing water quickly-deployable as possible. generates a vacuum, and pure oxygen is drawn in and entrained through a tube in The development trials were a success, the mixer, and is distributed in very fine and LOXY® was born – the latest state-of- bubbles within the water. the-art oxygen enrichment system from LOXY® – 0.37 or 0.55 kW LINN! 18 LINN
ADVANTAGES: ven! 1000 times pro l L ow energy consumption – very efficient l Pioneering technology l Safe operation l Maintenance-free l L ightweight and compact l Clog-free l Great value for the money LOXY® – bottom side LOXY® – lightweight and compact – easy to install! be accelerated; no water pressure is re- LOXY® uses a durable, energy-saving quired. A fluidised bed that lowers energy electric motor (according to the latest IE3 consumption and leads to excellent oxy- standard) with a stainless steel shaft on gen enrichment is created on the surface which the rotary mixer is directly moun- of the novel rotary mixer. ted. The drive is thus completely mainte- nance-free! The electric motor is located The main plastic body of LOXY® is shaped in a protective housing on the body base Technical such that water is sucked up from below and can be removed easily and quickly. and exits through an opening on the side. Motor rating kW 0.37 0.55 LOXY® does not need any screens to pro- Therefore, short-circuiting cannot occur. Power take-up W 540 650 tect the fish or exclude leaves, so clogging The main body is enclosed by two floats. within the system is impossible! Voltage V 230/400 230/400 All of the plastic parts are made of poly- ethylene and are extremely robust. LOXY® is supplied assembled, ready for Motor rpm 1400 1400 use and with a 20 m cable and a motor O2 enrichment l/min 16 25 This elegantly simple LINN development protection plug. max. does away with submersible motors, m /h3 1.0 1.5 belt drives and external bearing blocks. Dimensions cm 114 x 94 x 80 Weight kg 45 19 LINN
Oxygen-Enrichment Oxyplus works with a comparatively low pressure difference (max. 0.1 bar). Oxy- gen-poor water is drawn in and mixed intensively with the pure oxygen which has been introduced. An increase in the surface area of the medium is obtained by mixing and oxygen is taken up. By this means, other gases (e. g. Nitrogen) will also be driven out. These gases escape through the ventilation pipe of the appa- ratus with a minimal amount of oxygen. Water supported by Oxyplus can be en riched by 4-10 mg/ltr. LINN enrichment systems makes it possi- OXYPLUS 0.25 kW ble to introduce oxygen to water with a high level of efficiency. Oxyplus is supplied completely self-con- Oxyplus floats (except for the 0.10 kW tained and ready for use. You simply have Oxyplus® model), is lightweight, handy and simp- to fit the loose floats (included) and the le to install in the water. It has a direc- apparatus can then be positioned in the Enrichment with oxygen in a self-contained system – table current. The inlet and outlet are water. An flowmeter is mounted onto the positioned on opposite sides – so avoi- oxygen supply, which is attached to the developed by LINN Germany! apparatus. After having connected the ding short-circuiting. apparatus to your power supply, you can begin. Linn’s tried and tested Pipe Pumps take care of water supply with the Oxyplus A standing apparatus for use in hatcheries, system. The submersible motor’s housing Mixing Device circular and small pools. We use an L3 pipe is made entirely of stainless steel, the seal is produced with a high quality sliding pump as supply unit onto which the mixing sealer ring. M ountings and screws are, of device is fitted. The height of the mixing device course, also made from quality stainless can be custom made in according to the steel. location requirements (water level). Oxygen feed The basic housing and the floats are cons- tructed from synthetic materials and are robust, easy-care items which contribute Inlet Outflow to the low weight of the apparatus. Practi- Oxyplus 0.10 kW cal carrying handles are moulded directly 0.25 kW onto the floats. The inlet requires a screen 20 LINN
100 effeciency (%) efficiency (%) OXYPLUS 0.55 kW 90 80 70 OXYPLUS 0.55/0.75 kW 60 which excludes fish and other floating of water flow through the pool must suit Oxygen Oxygen debris. Internal blockages in the system the capacity of the machine in order to supply supply cannot occur. The inlet screen can be achieve optimum results. Speak to us, we 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 l/min supplied in several mesh sizes. Standard will be happy to advise you. equipment is a stainless steel screen with Oxyplus does not spray water out of the 9.5 mm bar spacing – for a fry pool, the stainless steel screen has a bar spacing of apparatus and runs almost silently. In the ADVANTAGES: summer months, the water is only slight- Oxyplus – the solution for healthy fish, 5.5 mm and for hatcheries a stainless steel l highly efficient ly warmed by the apparatus, in winter optimum living conditions and better screen with bar spacing of 2-3 mm is only slightly cooled. This is particularly feed conversion! l almost silent supplied. All Oxyplus apparatus are de important for winter feeding in water- l lightweight and compact signed for use directly in the pool. Please courses fed by spring water! take into consideration that the volume lp ump grill not susceptible to blockage l tested and reliable Technical Motor rating kW 0.10 0.25 0.55 0.75 Power take-up W 155 400 800 1100 Voltage V 230 230/400 230/400 230/400 Motor rpm 2900 1400 1400 1400 Min. water depth m 0.90 0.60 0.70 0.70 O2 enrichment l/min 4 9 17 25 suitable max. m3/h 0.24 0.5 1.0 1.5 oxygen Water del ca. m3/h 17 50 110 150 flowmeter see page 38 Dimensions cm ø 30 ø 105 H 110 100 x 105 x 120 0.55 + 0.75 kW Weight kg approx. 20 35 50 21 LINN
Oxygen-Enrichment Oxyjet type 05 + 06 LINN mixing jet inlet overflow O2 Typ 02-03 O2 Oxyjet mounted in the pond According to the flow to be enriched with oxygen, Oxyjet is fitted with a suitable number of jets. Furthermore, Oxyjet is outlet flexible for times of low flow – plugs are supplied to block jets to reduce the flow capacity. If the water flow increases tem- Oxyjet porarily, there is an overflow, that by passes the jet system. LINN mixing jet conventional systems Oxyjet is an open oxygen input system The outstanding performance of Oxyjet Oxyjet offers effective oxygen enrichment which is put directly into the pond or is due to patented special jets. Compared without energy or maintenance costs. channel. The system is ideal for use in re- to conventional jets, a very high gas trans- circulation complexes where the water fer is achieved. The jets result in a very must be circulated anyway. Then Oxyjet high bubble detention time in the mixing Technical circulates the water and enriches it with chamber, and therefore a very high effec oxygen at the same time. Oxyjet can be tiveness and efficiency. Type 01 Type 02 Type 03 Type 05 Type 06 used wherever there is a hydraulic pres- no. of mixing jets 1 2 3 1 1 sure head of at least 60cm. Minimum water flow l/s (ca.) 15 30 45 2 4 O2 enrichment max. l/min 10 20 30 1,5 3 Dimensions cm ø 40 H 166 square 85 x 60 x 175 ø 20 H 125 22 LINN
Simon Moore Water Services Rundumfisch AG ACUITEC S.L. Hrastinger GmbH Oy MG-Trading AB Unit 2 Poundbury Est Ind. Estate Muschelbergweg 11 Poligono Urtaki No. 4 Statteggerstr. 60 FI-02920 Espoo UK-DT1 2PG Dorchester/Dorset CH-8852 Altendorf E-20150 Aduna-Gipuzkoa A-8045 Graz Tel. 05033 66333 Tel.: 01305 251551 Tel.: 055-2123828 Tel.: 09436-93327 Tel.: 0316-680547 Internet: www.mg-trading.fi E-Mail: info@simon-moore.com E-Mail: info@rundumfisch.ch E-Mail: acuitec@acuitec.es E-Mail:info@alles-fisch.at Internet: www.simon-moore.com Internet: www.rundumfisch.ch Internet: www.acuitec.es Internet: www.alles-fisch.at Aqualor SARL Kedjeasens Fisk AB VISKWEKERIJ/PISCICULTURE AQUALITY OVRAIS Jacek Kierul Parc d‘Activité Pl 111 Ommegangstraat 9, Oficerska 15 F-57930 Fenetrange S-69191 Karlskoga B-8720 Wakken(Dentergem) PL-10-215 Olsztyn Tel.: 03-87257202 Tel.: 0586-18059 Tel. 0032 51 63 71 00 Tel.: 606 987687 E-Mail: aqualor@aqualor.com E-Mail: vtnbruk@kedjeasens.se E-Mail: info@viskwekerij-aquality.be E-Mail: jkierul@pro.onet.pl Internet: www.aqualor.com Internet: www.kedjeasensfisk.se Internet: www.viskwekerij-aquality.be Internet: www.ovaris.com.pl OOO Merke Scubla S.R.L. RAF ehf. Fish Tech AS RUS-143980 Moscow region Strada di Oselin 108 Bæjarhraun 20 Verpetveien 20 Tel.: 165-7997975 I-33047 Remanzacco (UD) IS-220 Hafnarfjordur N-1540 Vestby E-Mail: fish@merke.ru Tel.: 0432-649277 Tel.: 4626400 Tel.: 06485-9400 Internet: ww.merke.ru E-Mail: info@scubla.it E-Mail: raf@rafehf.is E-Mail: mail@fishtech.no Internet: www.scubla.it Internet: www.rafehf.is Internet: www.fishtech.no LINN Gerätebau GmbH An der Sauerlandkaserne 1 D-57368 Lennestadt (Oedingen) Telefon: 00492725-22021-0 Fax: 00492725-22021-20 E-Mail: info@linn.eu · www.linn.eu
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