SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

Page created by Milton Hayes
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal
SMS Marketing
Campaigns that
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

  What is
  SMS Marketing?
  (And Why is it a Must for
  Your Business?)
  Smartphones are our best friends? Did you know the average
  person checks their phones 85 times a day? If you look around,
  smartphones are everywhere. Amongst the most popular
  application on a smart phone is the ubiquitous text communication.

  A latest study reports that 80 percent of the total population in the
  U.S. uses text messages. With such material usage in mind, another
  aspect to consider is to use SMS messages for marketing.

                       YS                  i                        YS                  i
                   YOUR SHOP                                    YOUR SHOP

        Hey Lucie, make jaws drop with               Hey Lucie, you’re special! We’re
        your gorgeous glow! Miz and                  extending our Independence
        match 4 of our bestselling                   day sale for 3 days wih 60% off
        beauty products for the price of             on select items just for you!
        3. Https://brand.yourshop/offer              https://brand.your-
        Reply STOP0000 to opt out.         
                                                     Reply STOP00000 to opt out

In the following sections, we discuss SMS marketing and why it is a must for your business.
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

What is
SMS Marketing?
Similar to email marketing, SMS marketing is the process of using
text messages to communicate with customers about valuable
information concerning your business. What makes it so impactful
is that it is a permission-based marketing channel, which means
customers have to give their consent (i.e., opt-in) to reap its
benefits. It is truly versatile, as it allows companies to send
real-time messages to text subscribers. A few examples include
alerts, updates, and special offers. Text messaging is a direct line of
contact, and SMS marketing, can reach a wider audience not just
nationally but internationally too – no interoperability problems; it
just works everywhere.

                   YS                    i                  YS                    i
               YOUR SHOP                                YOUR SHOP

                                             Hey Lucie, treat our little one
     Hey Steve, get to your next             with a cute new outfil for Easter!
     meeting on time and in style with       Free Shipping on our new rrivals
     10% off on any leather watch            this week only
     Reply STOP00000 to opt out.             Reply STOP0000 to opt out
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

Why You
Should Use
SMS Marketing

 Research shows that SMS open
 rates are as high as 98%. And,
 on average, it takes 90 seconds
 for someone to respond to a text
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

 It’s a Chance
 to Get

 In today’s day and age, subscribers receive a lot
 of messages. The best way to stand out from the
 emails flooding their inbox is to invest in SMS
 marketing. Another way is to get creative with
 your messaging.

 Because text messages restrict how much you
 can say, you need to be more strategic with your
 word choices. Try to gamify your text-marketing
 campaigns or using quippy or witty language to
 entice your readers into engaging.
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

It Can

Your Other Marketing
The beauty of digital marketing is that you have
multiple ways to communicate with subscribers.
When used in tandem, these channels can help
create a marketing communication system that
strengthens the customer relationship.
For example, email and SMS marketing go
hand-in-hand to inform. You can use text messages
to communicate more time-sensitive or urgent
information, whereas emails can be reserved for
more detailed information.
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

It Has the Best
Although email is recognized as one of the most
successful marketing channels, the truth is emails
can take time to make an impact. Sometimes
emails sit in a customer’s inbox for days before
they’re opened or deleted.

SMS marketing rates sit somewhere around 82.1 %
compared to a 24% email marketing open rate. It is
a hard pill to swallow, but if you want immediate
engagement from subscribers, go text.
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

for Mobile
A struggle for many marketing departments is
trying to optimize social and email campaigns for
mobile. How a campaign displays on a mobile
device can differentiate between a new customer
and a wasted marketing attempt.
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

We all understand the significance of creating a positive
customer experience. One way to provide this is to implement
SMS marketing. Customers have grown accustomed to quick
responses and instant gratification, and SMS marketing is an
excellent way to meet expectations.

Once you click send, your messages go out instantly, and within
minutes has customer engagement. The best part is you can
ensure that everyone who wants to receive a message can with
the help of an opt-in feature.
SMS Marketing Campaigns that Convert - Factoreal

Keep an Eye on
One of the distinct benefits of text marketing is that you can
track how many times your links are clicked as it happens. You
can use that information to tell how effective your marketing
campaign is in real time and tweak your campaigns for
optimum performance. You can monitor your link performance
for high click-through rates to determine which texts have been
most successful in grabbing your subscribers’ attention.
Conversely, consider modifying texts that contain links with low
click-through rates, which are less successful.

These SMS
Campaigns will                         Here are some

surely help you                        SMS campaigns that will
                                       boost your sales funnel
convert                                conversion rate.

Welcome Message:                     SMS for Multi-Channel
The best way to greet your           Engagement: Include SMS
customers is by sending them a       campaigns in-line with other
welcome message instantly.           channels to orchestrate a
                                     seamless customer experience

Abandoned cart:
Shopping cart abandonment is
an issue for any ecommerce           Holiday Deals: Holidays are
business, learn how to drastically   great opportunity to offer
reduce abandonment with SMS          irresistible deals.
marketing automation.

                                     Conversational SMS: Drive
Flash Sales:
                                     two-way SMS marketing to the
A promotion that runs for a short
                                     bottom of the funnel and see
time, 1-48 hours, makes customers
                                     meaningful improvements.
stock up on additional items.

Transactional SMS:                   Targeted Promotions: Send
Make sure your subscribers don’t     personalized campaigns based
miss out on important                on product purchase trends
transactional updates.               and product interests.


Thanks for signing up for updates.

One of the first messages a business will establish as they
start text message marketing is the welcome message.

The welcome message greets new SMS subscribers.

Here is Peter Quinn’s welcome message for people who
subscribe to marketing updates:


                     hi, this is Peter Quinn. thank you
                     for joining my unicorn marketer’s
                     text message club.

                     i’ll send new marketing hacks –
                     once or sometime twice a week.

                     you can type STOP at any time to

                     be a unicorn in a sea of donkeys.


An effective cart recovery campaign helps brands reduce
abandonment rates by reminding customers that they still
have items in their shopping cart. One of the ways you can
do this is by sending an abandoned cart SMS to your
prospective customers—which is one of the more likely
ways you can get subscribers to open and act on your offer
while adding a personal touch from your brand.


                              Text Message
                             Fri 21 Feb, 15:01

                     Hi, we have saved your basket
                     so you can complete your order
                     when you are ready.
                     MOBILESTOP to 60006 to opt

SMS for

Flash Sale
A flash sale never fails to generate hype around a product
that is running low on stock. Every once in a while, when
sales slow down, is the chance to create a powerful SMS
campaigns that demands to be opened.


                           Text Message
                          Fri 21 Feb, 15:01

                 Hey Audrey, our Sweet Home
                 Get Cozy event continues - 15%
                 off everything in the store now
                 through Sunday! Come see!

Flash sales are meant to get opened fast and make a
direct purchase. Let your customers know how much time
the sale will last, make sure it’s less than 48 hours, and
also mention low inventory.

Make your offer appealing! The better the deal the more
likely the customer will click your link.

Make transactional messages more visible and useful — or
respond to a user request through your preference center
to send transactional messages via SMS.

Transaction Confirmation: Make it easy to see when an
order has been received and when it’s been shipped, and
provide tracking information at their fingertips.

Alerts: Put mission-critical information front and center on
your customers’ phones.


                               Text Message
                              Fri 21 Feb, 15:01

                      Your intern payment for account
                      ending with 1862 is due in 3

                      Your account payment has been

SMS in
Create a smart way to orchestrate messaging across all your
customer engagement channels, so you can use the best mix of
channels for messaging — instead of blasting customers on every
channel every time.

Email + SMS Transactional Notification
Make sure customers are getting critical updates on all the channels
they want to receive them on. Send an SMS opt-in offer via email to
give them maximum flexibility.

Email + SMS for Upsell
Use an email to point users to opt into your text marketing program —
then quickly show them how valuable it will be by providing them a
personalized coupon via SMS that pivots off a purchase they’ve
already made

               Inbox              ...                                     i
                                                   YOUR SHOP

                                                Text Message
         Be Well Pharmacy                      Fri 21 Feb, 15:01
         01/30/2019 12:34 p.m.

  Thank you for refilling your            Join to receive recurring
  prescription! Stay up to date on        auodialed updates of this
  our order status. Text UPDATE to        order and any future orders
  234567 to receive recurriring           from Stay Well. Full terms at
  autodialed updates on this order
  and anyfuture order and any future      No purchaserequired.
  orders from Stay Well.
                                          Msg & data rates may apply.
                                          Reply STOP0000 to cancel

People are very receptive and trusting during the holiday times.
Launching your SMS marketing campaigns during holidays can help
you connect with your subscribers on a very emotional level. So make
your deals strike the right chord, and lead them straight to checkout.

                                       i                                         i
               YOUR SHOP                                 YOUR SHOP

    Hey Lucie, make jaws drop with            Hey Lucie, you’re special! We’re
    your gorgeous glow! Miz and               extending our Independence
    match 4 of our bestselling                day sale for 3 days wih 60% off
    beauty products for the price of          on select items just for you!
    3. Https://brand.yourshop/offer           https://brand.your-
    Reply STOP0000 to opt out.      
                                              Reply STOP00000 to opt out

Things to Consider
 Don’t wait for the last minute, give yourself at least a week in
  advance to craft a campaign.
 Sell experience and not your product. Make your customers see the
  value you bring during this special time and make it a tradition every
 People are busy with the festivities, make sure to extend the sale by a
  few days and make them feel special.
 Surprise them with a gift, reward points.

Conversational SMS is the next generation of SMS business messaging.
It provides the ability for customers to respond and have a simple
interaction with keywords to the addition of limited automation.

From successfully managing huge jumps in customer calls to
reorganising payment, collecting more customer payments, and
streamlining simple and complex process, SMS truly has come of age.
Therefore, having conversational SMS as part of your omnichannel
offering is really important.

                                YOUR SHOP


                        Thank you for your interest in
                        our GOLD pack. Reply YES
                        to confirm your subscription.


Prove you know your customers well and cater to their interests by
offering them a truly personalized experience. Segment customers
who buy the same products and launch text marketing campaigns on
items similar to their most recent purchase.

                                     i                                          i
              YOUR SHOP                               YOUR SHOP

    Hey Tedd, congrats on your
                                           Hey Leo, ready for take-off? Buy a
    new watch! Just letting you
                                           2 piece luggage set from our new
    know there is a 10% off on al
                                           collection & get 105 off – 3 piece
    leather watch brands this week
                                           set set 25% off https://www.your-
    only https://www.your-
                                           Reply STOP0000 to opt out
    Reply STOP0000 to opt out

Things to consider

 A customer might have bought a pair of running shoes so why not
  offer them different colored laces, or a watch band to match their
  leather bag?
 Recommend a higher priced item Choose a product that you’re sure
  your customer will love and buy, only with a slightly higher price tag
  than their previous purchase.
 Add in Multi-buy deal. Give customers a deal on a 3 piece set,
  increasing the discount if they add a fourth item.

Tips for creating successful
SMS Campaigns
A quick text message is a great way to keep your current
subscribers interested and reel in potential customers. However,
running a profitable SMS marketing campaign is a little more
complicated than it would be to shoot a text to a friend. If you
require a little direction, here are a few tips to keep in mind for the
best SMS marketing campaign possible

Keep Your Message Short
It’s tempting to apply the same technique to an SMS campaign
that you would use for an email marketing campaign, but they’re
just not the same. Different mediums require different strategies,
and with SMS marketing, you need to keep your message succinct.
An SMS message should be more conversational and urgent than
an email. You’ll only have 160 characters to get your point across,
so grab the reader’s attention quickly.

Use a Clear Call to Action
Just as the body of the text message should be to the point, so should
the call to action. Since people open text messages so quickly, they
are best used for things that time-sensitive. For instance, you might
use an SMS marketing campaign for a flash sale, holiday deals, or new
items. When choosing a call to action, use verbiage to create urgency
and give the customer an action to perform right away.

A few good ideas are:

“Click Here to Discover More.” This is great because you’re
immediately showing customers your new product or service. Make
sure that the link leads them to see something that they’ve never seen
before. Don’t make the mistake of guiding them to the homepage
because they’ll quickly lose interest.

“Enter this Discount Code at Checkout.” With this call to action, you’ve
already given subscribers an incentive to shop with you. Remember to
put all the terms and conditions in the message so that people don’t
feel swindled.

“This Offer Ends at _____.” The genius of this call to action is that
subscribers feel a sense of urgency, but you’re not commanding them
to do anything.

Send Texts at the Right Time
Timing is key to a successful SMS campaign. It’s no use
putting all that effort into a campaign if nobody opens. The
best time for you to send your SMS campaign out is highly
dependent on what type of person your campaign is
targeting and the product or service you’re selling. Here are a
few of the best time frames to keep in mind:

• From 9a.m. to 12p.m. It’s common for people to check their
  text messages first thing in the morning before heading to

• From 5p.m. to 9p.m. At this time, most people just got off
  of work, and they’ll probably be on their phones for a while.

• From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Most
  people are relaxing, so it’s an excellent time to get a

How can Factoreal
help you?
Using SMS through Factoreal’s All-in-one Customer
Engagement Platform provides everything you need
to connect with your audience on SMS in one
convenient package:

Multi-channel orchestration:               Easy upload: Upload
Orchestrate SMS messages as                numbers in bulk via CSV
part of a multi-channel
customer engagement                        Robust API: Real-time,
strategy                                   server-to-server
                                           messages for getting the
Single interface: One interface            message there at exactly
supports all channels                      the right time
managed by our Customer
Engagement Platform (from                  Audience segmentation:
push notifications to email to              Quickly define unlimited
web notifications, and a lot                subsets for targeted
more)                                      campaigns based on
                                           subscriber activity
Scheduling: Schedule
messages to be delivered at a              Personalization: Send
specific time                               personalized transactional
                                           messages or offers
Opt-in/out management:
Inbound requests to opt in or              Analytics: See how SMS
out of SMS are handled                     performs on its own, and
effectively                                against other channels.
Talk to Us
You can now include SMS texts to your automation

workflows and send follow-ups to your contacts.

Factoreal is a robust omnichannel customer

engagement automation platform that recovers

revenue, boosts marketing ROI and grows your

business. Fully compliant with SMS. Factoreal

ensures to inform you about each compliance step

and will help you in person in case you need

assistance setting everything up. If you want to

accelerate your business growth, check what

Factoreal can do for your store and start your SMS

marketing strategy today!


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