Glucocorticoid Inhibition of RNA Synthesis Responsible for Cleft Palate in Mice: A Model* - PNAS

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
                                           Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 779-785, October 1970

                                             Glucocorticoid Inhibition of RNA Synthesis Responsible
                                                       for Cleft Palate in Mice: A Model*
                                                   Ernest F. Zimmermant, Floyd Andrew, and Harold Kalter
                                                  PHARMACOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI, CINCINNATI, OHIO 45229

                                                                   Communicated by Albert B. Sabin, July 29, 1970
                                             Abstract. A study was undertaken to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by
                                           which glucocorticoids induce cleft palate in mice. It was hypothesized that a
                                           compound such as triamcinolone acetonide inhibits m-RNA synthesis; that this
                                           results later in depressed protein synthesis; and that the latter is ultimately
                                           responsible for slowed palate formation and cleft palate. Support for the model
                                           derives from the fact that the palatine shelves rise and fuse 3-4 days after
                                           the most sensitive time of administration of steroid; RNA synthesis was mark-
                                           edly inhibited 6-24 hr after its administration; and coadministration of cyclo-
                                           heximide partially reversed the tendency toward cleft palate formation.

                                              Prenatally administered cortisone produces cleft palate in mice1' 2 and has
                                           been reported to inhibit mucopolysaccharide synthesis in the fetal mouse
                                           palate.3 4 Larsson3 postulated that the cleft palate was due to the block in
                                           the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides (supposedly responsible for the "internal
                                           shelf force" that raises the secondary palatine shelf from the horizontal position
                                           to the vertical). Alternative explanations are oligohydramnios,5 excessive hy-
                                           dration of palatine tissue,6 and protein catabolism.7
                                              To try to clarify the mechanism by which glucocorticoids cause cleft palate
                                           in mice, an alternative approach to the problem was taken. The model proposed
                                           was predicated on the known inhibition of RNA synthesis by glucocorticoids,
                                           responsible for growth suppression in certain target cells in vivo8 and in vitro.9 It
                                           was postulated that such an inhibition of mRNA synthesis in the fetal palate
                                           would lead to a later inhibition of protein synthesis and hence cleft palate; i.e.,
                                           protein and RNA synthesis would be out of phase due to the sequential synthesis
                                           of mRNA molecules during the 3-4 day period of time that the glucocorticoid
                                           was administered and the time that the palatine shelves rise.
                                              Experiments were undertaken to test the model with triamcinolone acetonide, 10
                                           since a single dose of extremely small quantities of this glucocorticoid causes
                                           cleft palate in mice.11 It was shown that triamcinolone acetonide (hereafter
                                           referred to as triamcinolone) inhibits RNA synthesis in mouse embryos within 6
                                           hr of administration, and furthermore that cycloheximide partly prevents in-
                                           duction of the cleft palate.
                                             Materials and Methods. The inbred mouse strain C3H/An (Cumberland View
                                           Farms, Clinton, Tenn.) was used. Vaginal plugs on the morning following overnight
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                                           mating were considered evidence for conception and the time was called day 0.5 of gesta-
                                              Triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog, Squibb, N.J.) and cycloheximide were adminis-
                                           tered between 10 and 11 a.m. on the appropriate day of gestation. Triamcinolone (10
                                           mg/ml) in an aqueous microsuspension of the manufacturer's vehicle, was injected intra-
                                           muscularly, while cycloheximide (2.5 mg/ml) dissolved in 0.85% saline was injected
                                           subcutaneously. In this study, vehicle was not used as a control for triamcinolone;
                                           but the vehicle does not cause cleft palate in C3H mice,'2 a strain in which this malforma-
                                           tion does not occur spontaneously.
                                              In studies of the teratogenic and lethal effects of the drugs, pregnant mice were killed
                                           by cervical dislocation at day 17.5 or 18.5. The number of viable fetuses (moving spon-
                                           taneously) and resorptions were recorded and the number of cleft palates was scored by
                                           examination of live fetuses under a dissecting microscope.
                                              In other studies the effect of triamcinolone on the rate of RNA and protein synthesis
                                           in whole embryos was measured by the incorporation of [4C ]orotic acid and ['H Ileucine
                                           into RNA and protein, respectively. Pregnant mice were killed at the indicated time
                                           (Fig. 3), 2 hr after intraperitoneal injection of 25 ACi of [6-'4C ]orotic acid (36.5 Ci/
                                           mol) and 0.5 hr after similar injection of 25 A&Ci of [4,5-'H]leucine (55,000 Ci/mol).
                                           The uterine horns were removed and placed in a Petri dish in ice, and with the aid of a
                                           dissecting microscope each embryo was separated from placenta and membranes. Non-
                                           resorbed embryos from each pregnant mouse were pooled and weighed. Cold distilled
                                           water was added to a final concentration of 5% (w/v) and homogenized in a motor-driven
                                           Thomas homogenizer. Four replicate samples of 1.5 ml each were removed, made to 5%
                                           trichloroacetic acid (cold), and centrifuged in the cold for 20,000 g-min. Pellets were
                                           washed twice with 5 ml of cold 5% trichloroacetic acid and dissolved in 1 ml of Soluene 100
                                           (Packard) at 370C with shaking overnight. 15 ml of a toluene-2,5-diphenyloxazole-
                                           1,4 [bis-(5-phenyloxazolyl-2) ]benzene mixture was added and 'H and 14C were assayed
                                           simultaneously in a scintillation counter with appropriate quench correction with an auto-
                                           matic external standard.
                                              Results. Latent period: One of the most striking phenomena observed in
                                           drug-induced teratogenesis is the fact that teratogens have to be administered
                                           some time before the teratogenic effect first becomes visible. This time is
                                           especially long in glucocorticoid-induced cleft palate. In mice the palatine
                                           shelves move to a horizontal position and fuse between 14.5 and 15.5 days,
                                           and cortisone has to be administered several days before these events in order
                                           to prevent closure of the palate.""4 When single 10 mg/kg doses of triamcino-
                                           lone were administered in gestation days 10.5-14.5, we observed that the most
                                           susceptible time (critical period) in C3H mice was day 11.5 (Fig. 1): 83%
                                                         100                             ,     _

                                                                                                            FIG. 1. Effect of time of admin-
                                                     '                                                    istration of 10 mg/kg triamcinolone
                                                                                                          during pregnancy on frequency of
                                                                                                          cleft palate in C3H fetuses. Each
                                                         40                                               time point represents fetuses from
                                                                                                          five litters of mice except for day
                                                     8 20                                                 11.5, which represents 14 litters.

                                                                10.5 I,-
                                                                      11.5 12.5         13.5       14.5
                                                                     DAYS   -   ADMIN OF TRIAM
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                                           cleft palate resulted. No malformations were produced when the drug was
                                           given at day 14.5. Thus the effects of triamcinolone appear similar to that
                                           of cortisone"5 or cortisol'6 except that the fluorinated analogue is much more
                                           potent (32-fold greater in C3H mice than cortisol'2).
                                              Model. In order to explain the long latent period between the time of the
                                           critical period (day 11.5) to the time of palate shelf elevation (day 14.5-15.5),
                                           we postulate that during this interval there occurs a series of molecular steps
                                           in the differentiation of the palate, one or more of which is blocked by triam-
                                           cinolone, thus causing cleft palate: (1) differentiation and morphogenesis of
                                           embryonic tissue are characterized by a sequential synthesis of different mRNA
                                           molecules in echinoderms,17 amphibians,'8 and mammals,'9 which are stored
                                           as long-lived cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein particles and are responsible for
                                           the translation of specific proteins at later times in development20; (2) actinomy-
                                           cin D, an inhibitor of RNA synthesis, causes developmental anomalies in mam-
                                           mals21; (3) cortisol inhibits RNA syn-
                                           thesis in rat thymus.' In view of the
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                                                                       DAY OF PREGNANCY
                                                    too;11;5 12.5         13.5     14.5   15.5             NO CYC                         CYC

                                                                       -too                                              CLEFT       PALATE

                                                                                                                     *   RESORPTION
                                                                        /                               80~~

                                                     RNA 24 48 72 96 I.4.Efc                                                         fcclhxmd                d
                                                            TIME   -   HRS AFTER   TRIAM95                                       0            1.   12535
                                                                                                                      TIME   -   DAYS CYC ADDED

                                                    FIG. 3. Effect on embryonic
                                                  RNA and protein synthesis of                           FIG. 4. Effect of cycloheximide ad-
                                                  triamcinolone (10 mg/kg) admin-                     ministration during development on tri-
                                                  istered at day 11.5 of pregnancy.                   amcinolone-induced cleft palates and resorp-
                                                  Each time point represents the                      tions. Number of litters: triamcinolone
                                                  average of five control and five                    alone, 14; triamcinolone plus cyclohexi-
                                                  drug-treated mice.                                  mide, 5; except day 11.5, 11.

                                           trol) and the inhibition was maximal by 24 hr (42% of control). Thereafter,
                                           RNA synthesis returned toward control values, stabilizing at about 75% of
                                           control. Protein synthesis was also inhibited but not as profoundly as RNA
                                           synthesis. Protein synthesis was 75% of control at 6 hr and 63% of control
                                           at 24 hr. As with RNA synthesis, protein synthesis returned to about 75%
                                           of control thereafter. RNA synthesis measured by [3H ]uridine incorporation
                                           has given similar results.22
                                              Cycloheximide effects: Since the inhibition of RNA synthesis in the embryo
                                           would presumably cause a later inhibition of synthesis of specific proteins and
                                           hence cause RNA and protein synthesis to go out of phase, the simultaneous
                                           inhibition of RNA (by triamcinolone) and protein (by cycloheximide) synthesis
                                           might prevent cleft palate. The LD50 (median lethal dose) of cycloheximide
                                           in nonpregnant C3H female mice was 80 mg/kg; this dosage administered sub-
                                           cutaneously at gestation day 11.5 was completely embryolethal. A lower
                                           dosage (10 mg/kg) caused 29%o resorption and no cleft palates (Table 1). In
                                           TABLE 1. Effect of cycloheximide on triamcinolone-induced cleft palate in mice.
                                                  Triam-                  Cyclo-                                                                           Per cent
                                                 cinolone                heximide           No. of      No.         No. of                     Per cent     cleft
                                                 (mg/kg)                 (mg/kg)            litters       implants
                                                                                                      resorbed          resorption     palate
                                                                              5                 49            39            23            0
                                                  ...                        10                 48            28            29            0
                                                   5                        ...  23            60            200            30           41
                                                   5                5             12           29            105            28           25
                                                   5               10             18           81            146            55            9
                                                  10              ...             14           38            112            34           83
                                                  10                5              7           19             42            45           22
                                                  10               10             11           68             91            75           30
                                             Procedure as described in Fig. 1 except that resorptions were also scored and triamcinolone and/or
                                           cycloheximide was administered on day 11.5 of gestation.
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                                            other experiments it was found that protein synthesis was inhibited by 80%
                                            in the embryo and 50% in the maternal liver within 1 hr after administration of
                                            triamcinolone at day 11.5, as measured by [3H]leucine incorporation. The
                                            results of triamcinolone administered alone or plus cycloheximide at day 11.5
                                            are also seen in Table 1. Triamcinolone (10 mg/kg), by itself, caused 83%
                                            cleft palate and 34% resorption, while simultaneous administration of both
                                            drugs (10 mg/kg each) caused 30% cleft palate and 75% resorption. Tri-
                                            amcinolone plus a lower dosage of cycloheximide (5 mg/kg) produced 22%
                                            cleft palate and 45% resorption. It therefore appears that cycloheximide was
                                            not differentially killing embryos that would have developed cleft palate. Fur-
                                            ther evidence supporting this contention is shown in Fig. 4. Cycloheximide
                                            (5 mg/kg) administered at different days of pregnancy produced fairly con-
                                            stant resorption rates, but only when cycloheximide was administered at the
                                            same time as triamcinolone (day 11.5) was cleft palate significantly reversed.
                                               Discussion. Much of the past work on glucocorticoid-induced cleft palate in
                                            mice has focused on an antiinflammatory action of these drugs, i.e., the suppres-
                                           sion of mucopolysaccharide synthesis. 4 However, the growth-inhibitory action
                                            of these steroids has been largely ignored as a possible mechanism for cleft palate.
                                            One of the most profound growth-inhibitory effects of such compounds, the
                                           inhibition of RNA synthesis,9 was the basis for postulating our model. The
                                           results obtained in this investigation indicated that a glucocorticoid, triamcino-
                                           lone, indeed depressed the synthesis of RNA in mouse embryos shortly after
                                           the time of its administration (within 6 hr), which agrees with the time
                                           course of inhibition in thymocytes in vitro.23 The recovery of RNA synthesis
                                           in the embryo by day 13.5 is not surprising since triamcinolone is no longer
                                           found in the embryo at this time.24 Presumably the early inhibition of RNA
                                           synthesis could be responsible for a later block in the translation of protein,
                                           causing cleft palate (see Fig. 2).
                                              It would be expected that the marked inhibition of RNA synthesis would
                                           mean that all species of RNA (mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA) are inhibited, and
                                           that localized RNA synthesis (e.g., in the palate) is also inhibited, both of which
                                           have been verified.22
                                              The results also indicated that protein synthesis was inhibited, although to a
                                           lesser extent than synthesis of RNA (Fig. 3). However it is not likely that
                                           the immediate inhibition of protein synthesis by triamcinolone, 6-24 hr after
                                           its administration, would be responsible for cleft palate, because (1) cyclohex-
                                           imide did not produce cleft palate (Table 1), (2) puromycin, another inhibitor
                                           of protein synthesis, produced no cleft palate' 26 in rats, (3) simultaneous ad-
                                           ministration of cycloheximide and triamcinolone, which presumably additively
                                           inhibited protein synthesis, did not increase the frequency of cleft palate. In
                                           fact, the opposite result was obtained.
                                              One of the assumptions of the model is that the inhibition of RNA synthesis
                                           by triamcinolone causes RNA and protein synthesis to go out of phase during
                                           development. In fact it was observed that the simultaneous administration of
                                           triamcinolone and cycloheximide at day 11.5 produced a lower frequency of cleft
                                           palate than triarmcinolone alone, which supports the assumption. Conversely,
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                                           if cycloheximide were given either days before or after triamcinolone, RNA and
                                           protein synthesis should not resume in phase, and no reversal of cleft palate
                                           should occur. Fig. 4 indicates that this is so: no reversal took place.
                                              It is well documented that glucocorticoids stimulate protein synthesis in rat
                                           liver, owing to the rapid increase in synthesis of the enzymes involved in gluco-
                                           neogenesis.27-29 Evidence has also been presented that the synthesis of mRNA
                                           molecules coding for these proteins (e.g., tyrosine aminotransferase) has been
                                           stimulated.30 Our results did not show that triamcinolone stimulated RNA
                                           and protein synthesis in murine embryos. This is not surprising, since a steroid
                                           can elicit different responses in different target tissues. For example, gluco-
                                           corticoids depress RNA synthesis in the thymus and cause involution of the
                                           gland,8 as well as cells growing in culture.9 These growth inhibitory effects of
                                           glucocorticoids, in fact, represent the basis for their use in cancer chemotherapy.
                                              Since glucocorticoids also inhibit DNA synthesis in growing cells3" as well as
                                           in cells undergoing development and differentiation (e.g., sea urchin32), it is
                                           possible that they cause cleft palate by their effect on DNA synthesis. How-
                                           ever, cytosine arabinoside, which inhibits DNA synthesis in rat embryos,33 pro-
                                           duces a large range of malformations in these embryos.34 Yet the glucocorti-
                                           coids are rather specific in producing cleft palate; the incidence of other anoma-
                                           lies in mice' and of cleft palate in rats35 is very low.
                                              The reason for this specificity in producing cleft palate in mice is unclear.
                                           It may be that mouse embryos, after the rate of RNA synthesis returns to nor-
                                           mal, can resume differentiation in each organ without malformation except for
                                           the palate. The palatine shelves, as a result of the block in synthesis of mRNA
                                           molecules which later causes impaired translation of their proteins, would thus
                                           be delayed in moving to the horizontal position. Since the cranium is larger
                                           when the shelves finally move up, the distance would be too great to allow fusion
                                           of the separated shelves. 14
                                               It is possible in this model to link the early inhibition of RNA synthesis by
                                           triamcinolone (12.5 days) with the observed later inhibition of mucopolysac-
                                           charide synthesis in the palate (14.5 days).3.4'22 Thus mRNA, synthesized at
                                           day 11.5 could presumably code for protein, (Fig. 2), which in turn could be an
                                           enzyme(s) involved in mucopolysaccharide synthesis. That this is unlikely and
                                           that glucocorticoids cause cleft palate by a mechanism other than an effect on
                                            mucopolysaccharide synthesis comes from the following considerations. (1) Al-
                                           though Larsson showed3 that cortisone inhibited mucopolysaccharide synthesis
                                           in a sensitive mouse strain (A/J), it was equally inhibited in the CBA strain,
                                           which produced cleft palate in a very low frequency. (2) Nanda reported36 that
                                            cortisone inhibited mucopolysaccharide synthesis in the embryonic palate of the
                                            rat, which shows a low frequency of cleft palate defects. (3) In our laboratory
                                           we have observed that 10 mg/kg of triamcinolone administered on day 11.5 has
                                            only a small effect on mucopolysaccharide synthesis on day 14.5 (26% inhibi-
                                            tion), about equal to 64 mg/kg of cortisol, which was not teratogenic at this dose.
                                            Cortisol at the higher dose (320 mg/kg) produced both a high frequency of cleft
                                            palate (70%) and a marked (65%) inhibition of mucopolysaccharide synthesis.'2
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                                             We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Miss Donna Bowen.
                                                 Supported by grants from the American Cancer Society (T 39), the Pharmaceutical
                                           Manufacturers Association, and NIH grant HD03502.
                                             t Requests for reprints may be addressed to Dr. E. F. Zimmerman, Children's Hospital
                                           Research Foundation, Elland and Bethesda Avenues. Cincinnati, Ohio 45229.
                                               1 Fraser, F. C., and T. D. Fainstat, Pediatrics, 8, 327 (1951).
                                               2 Fraser, F. C., H. Kalter, B. E. Walker, and T. D. Fainstat, J. Cell. Comp. Physiol., 43,
                                           237 (1954).
                                               3Larsson, K. S., Ada Morph. Neerl. Scand., 4, 369 (1962).
                                               4Jacobs, R. M., Anat. Rec., 150, 271 (1964).
                                               6 Harris, J. W. S., Nature, 203, 533 (1964).
                                               6 Jacobs, R. M., Anat. Rec., 156, 1 (1966).
                                               7Kalter, H., Genetics, 39, 975 (1954).
                                               8 Nakagawa, S., and A. White, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 55, 900 (1966).
                                               9 Gabourel, J. D., and L. Aronow, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap., 136, 312 (1962).
                                              10 Triamcinolone acetonide is 9a-fluoro-11B,16a,17,21-tetrahydroxypregnan-1,4-diene-3,20-
                                              "Walker, B. E., Science, 149, 862 (1965).
                                              12 Andrew, F., and E. F. Zimmerman, Teratology, in press.
                                              13Walker, B. E., and F. C. Fraser, J. Embryol. Exp. Morph., 4, 178 (1956).
                                             14 Walker, B. E., and F. C. Fraser, J. Embryol. Exp. Morph., 5, 201 (1957).
                                              '5 Kalter, H., Genetics, 39, 185 (1954).
                                             l6 Kalter, H., and F. C. Fraser, Nature, 169, 665 (1952).
                                             17 Whiteley, A. H., B. J. McCarthy, and H. R. Whiteley, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 55,
                                           519 (1966).
                                             18 Denis, H., J. Mol. Biol., 22, 285 (1966).
                                              19 Church, R. B., and B. J. McCarthy, J. Mol. Biol., 23, 477 (1967).
                                             20 Spirin, A. S., and M. Nemer, Science, 150, 214 (1965).
                                             21 Wilson, J. G., Harper Hosp. Bull., 24, 109 (1966).
                                             22 Zimmerman, E. F., D. Gustine, and F. Andrew, unpublished observations.
                                             23 Makman, M. H., B. Dvorkin, and A. White, J. Biol. Chem., 241, 1646 (1966).
                                             24 Zimmerman, E. F., and D. Bowen, Teratology, 3, 211 (1970) abstract.
                                             2 Bernstein, J., R. Meyer, and D. S. Pickman, Nature, 195, 1209 (1962).
                                             " Alexander, C. S., K. F. Swingle, and H. T. Nagasawa, Nephron, 3, 344 (1966).
                                             " Kenney, F. T., J. Biol. Chem., 237, 3496 (1962).
                                             28 Segal, H. L., and Y. S. Kim, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 50, 912 (1963).
                                             29 Schimke, R. T., E. W. Sweeney, and C. M. Berlin, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 15,
                                           214 (1964).
                                             30 Peterkofsky, B., and G. M. Tomkins, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 60, 222 (1968).
                                             31 Pratt, W. B., and L. Aronow, J. Biol. Chem., 241, 5244 (1966).
                                             32 Chestukhin, A. V., and M. A. Novikova, Biokhimiya, 34, 242 (1969).
                                             83 Ritter, E. J., W. J. Scott, J. G. Wilson, M. K. Barber, and R. Fradkin, Teratology, 3, 208
                                           (1970); abstract.
                                             34 Chaube, S., W. Kreis, K. Uchida, and M. L. Murphy, Biochem. Phormacol., 17, 1213
                                                 Nanda, R., Teratology, in press (1970).
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