Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower -

Page created by Andy Diaz
Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower -
Volume 22 Issue 5                                                                                            May 2022

   Small Business Week Kicks Off With
Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower
     ou’re invited to celebrate National         Bellflower business owners and
Y    Small Business Week 2022
beginning May 1st with a variety of free
                                             operators have a special opportunity to
                                             participate with 37Oaks, a commerce
                                                                                        business operations. Apply today at
                                                                                             For Spanish speaking Bellflower
business workshops ranging in topics         development company that helps             business owners and residents, the
from how to market to your audience,         product entrepreneurs scale and diver-     City is working with Emprendedor@s
growing your business, what federal          sify through e-commerce, wholesale,        to host a free 8-week program that will
resources are available, design and          storefronts and pop ups. The City has      cover how to start, grow and operate
product photography, how to drive            partnered with 37Oaks to offer a 10-       a business. This course will be held
traffic to your website, and more.           course certified program that is           in-person with sessions every
     The National Small Business             designed to help support our local         Thursday from June 30th - August 18th
Week 3-Day Virtual Summit, hosted by         product-based merchants.                   from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. To register
the U.S. Small Business Administra-              To qualify for this course, your       visit or
tion (SBA), begins Monday, May 2 –           business must be product-based (i.e.       call (714) 627-2671.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022 – starting            food, beverages, clothing, beauty,              Meet with an experienced mentor
each day at 11:00 am ET.                     books, art, etc.) located in Bellflower.   at no-cost through SCORE O.C. Sign
     This year’s free event will spotlight   You must have a desire to grow into a      up at For
Building a Better America Through            brick-and-mortar store in the city and     more small business info visit
Entrepreneurship.                            must have a minimum of 6 months of
Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower -
Mark Your Calendar                      Get To Know The Current Citation Strategy
    City Hall is closed                      ast year, the City of Bellflower im-    citation as per the City’s longstanding

    Monday, May 30th
                                         L   plemented a more aggressive
                                         policy to stop the discharging of illegal
                                                                                     past practice. All individuals that
                                                                                     receive a citation will be responsible
 in observance of Memorial Day           fireworks. The enforcement strategy         for its payment. The City of Bellflower
                                         permits Bellflower Sheriff and Public       is starting early to encourage all prop-
    There will be no trash pickup        Safety personnel to                                          erty owners to take a
 and no street sweeping on Monday,       respond to a complaint                                       more active role in
May 30th. Trash pickup will be delayed   at a residential property,                                   ensuring that family
  one day for the rest of the week.      film the discharging of                                      members and guests
                                         illegal fireworks, and if                                    on their property refrain
                                         the person(s) lighting                                       from     using     illegal
                                         them cannot be identi-                                       fireworks this Fourth of
RSVP List Filled for                     fied, the property owner                                     July season. The City
                                         will receive a $2000                                         discourages illegal pur-
Catalytic Converter                      administrative citation                                      chases - just don't do it.
                                         in the mail.                                     For more information , call the
  Etching Event                               If those individuals who are           Bellflower Sheriff’s Substaion at
                                         discharging illegal fireworks can be        (562) 925-0124. For more details
                                         identified by enforcement personnel,        about permitted fireworks in Bellflower
                                         they will receive the traditional $2000     visit

     he City of Bellflower’s
T    Public Safety Department
and the Los Angeles County
Sheriff’s Bellflower Special
Assignment Team hosted a
free catalytic converter etching
                                         Residential EV Charging Incentive
                                              he South Coast Air Quality Man-        program will be available to residents
event on April 27th. Catalytic
converters continue to be a hot
item for thieves to steal, there-
                                         T    agement District (South Coast
                                         AQMD) and the Mobile Source Air Pol-
                                                                                     within the South Coast AQMD’s four-
                                                                                     county jurisdiction (incl. Bellflower).
fore, engraving a license plate          lution Reduction Review Committee               The program will provide an incen-
or VIN number will assist law            (MSRC) has established a residential        tive to buy-down the cost of residential
enforcement in locating the              Electric Vehicle (EV) charging incen-       chargers, which typically range from
victim and hopefully return the          tive program to offset Level 2 (240v)       $400-$800. The program is adminis-
stolen property.                         EV charger hardware costs. This             tered on a first-come, first-served basis
     If you are a Bellflower                                                         and provides up to a $250 rebate or
resident and weren’t able to                                                         the cost paid for the charger,
secure a reservation for this                                                        whichever is lower. Low-income resi-
event, you can call in to                                                            dents can qualify for a total rebate of
request a future event or leave                                                      $500 or the cost paid for the charger,
a voicemail message at (562)                                                         whichever is lower. For additional
925-0124 ext. 2557.                                                                  information call 833-760-0651 or email
Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower -
Work Around
                                            Two Restaurant Openings
City of Bellflower                          Offer Many Great Options
16600 Civic Center Dr. Bellflower

Management Intern
Temporary - $21.62 Hourly
Deadline: open until filled

The City's Intern program is
designed to enhance the education
of currently enrolled Master's
program students by providing on-
the-job training and experience.

Education & Experience:
Possession of a Bachelor's Degree
from an accredited university with         Above: Burger Monster is now open     Above: Everytable Bellflower opened
major coursework in a field related        at SteelCraft Bellflower located at   at 9747 Alondra Blvd. Bellflower. A
to the position and current enroll-        16500 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower    variety of healthy chef-inspired plates
ment in a related, accredited              Check out their deliciously scary     starting at just under $9. Try a turkey
Master's degree program is                 burgers! INFO:      taco bowl! INFO:
required. Preferred majors include
Public Admin or Business Admin or
a related field.

10900 E, 10900 183rd St. #285
Cerritos, CA 90703

Business Engagement
F/T with full benefits package
Salary Range: $45,000-$54,698

Connect local businesses with
customized corporate employee
training. The position is for the
Southeast Los Angeles County
Workforce Development Board
(SELACO WDB), a government-
funded workforce development
program that aims to increase our
region’s skill development and busi-
ness growth. This candidate must
be able to establish business rela-
tionships, meet goals, and speak
about employee training topics in
manufacturing, logistics, safety, and
information technology. A combina-
tion of 3 years of work experience
and education is desired.
(Visit website for full job description)
Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower -
Organics Recycling Program
     n January 1, 2022, CR&R Envi-          Compostable bags are optional
O    ronmental Services together with
the City of Bellflower launched a new
                                        and available at local retailers. Other
                                        types of plastic bags are not accepted.
Organics Recycling Program. Single-     You may also line your cart with news-
family customers with cart service      paper or paper bags.
may now place food scraps in addition       As of January 1, 2022, all busi-
to yard waste in the green waste        nesses and multi-family dwellings are
container.                              also required by State regulations to
    What materials may I place in       arrange for ongoing recycling and or-
         the organics cart?
    From your yard: Grass clippings,
                                        ganic waste recycling services. This
                                        applies to all commercial businesses
                                                                                     SEACCA’s All-Star
leaves, weeds, prunings, flowers, and
other yard waste.
                                        regardless of service levels and
                                        applies to all multi-family dwellings. To
                                                                                     Adoption Promotion
    From your kitchen: Fruit, bread,    establish these required recycling                eady to add a new member to
fish, meat, vegetables, dairy, food
soiled paper, and FOG (fats, oil, and
                                        services now, contact CR&R via email
                                        at or
                                                                                    R     your family by adopting a pet from
                                                                                    SEAACA's Animal Care Center? The
grease).                                call 562-944-4716.                          "All-Star Lineup" dog adoption promo-
    Items NOT Accepted in Organics          By participating in the program,        tion is underway and runs through
Carts: Recyclables (plastic, glass,     you are helping California reach            Saturday, May 28th.
metal), Styrofoam, bones, waxed /       targeted goals to reduce short-lived             All dogs 40 lbs. or more are
coated paper, pet waste, palm fronds,   climate pollutant emissions. INFO:          discounted to $40* and all dogs “1-day
and trash.                             past available” date are only $45*.
                                                                                    There maybe additional fees for licens-
                                                                                    ing and a deposit for spaying or
                                                                                    neutering. Dogs labeled as Boutique
                                                                                    Buddies are excluded.
                                                                                         To view currently available dogs,
                                                                                    visit or stop by the Self
                                                                                    Serve Animal Browsing times on
                                                                                    Wednesdays through Saturdays from
                                                                                    1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at 9777 Seaaca
                                                                                    St., Downey, CA 90241.
Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower -
Submit Your Best Photo For 2023 Calendar
                                     rab your camera and head
                                G    outdoors! The Greater Los
                                Angeles County Vector Control District
                                                                           will be placed in a raffle. Winners will
                                                                           be announced after every deadline.
                                                                           Final winners will be selected after the
                                (GLACVCD) invites local photogra-          September 30th deadline.
                                phers to celebrate the District's 70th          All participants must sign and
                                Anniversary by participating in the        submit the “Photograph Submission &
                                'Through My Lens Photo Contest.'           Release Form” found on the website.
                                Your photo could be featured in the        For details about the contest visit
                                2023 District calendar.          
                                    This contest is open to residents      lens-photo-contest or email Diana
                                18+ years who live within the District's   Garcia at
                                boundaries. All entries must be
                                taken within the Greater Los Ange-
                                les County boundaries. There are
                                5 submission categories to pick
                                from. The first deadline is May
                                20th, the second deadline is July
                                22nd and the final deadline is Sep-
                                tember 30th at 4 pm. Submissions

                                                                           Local Student Artists
                                                                                  hile not selected as County of
                                                                           W      Los Angeles Board of Supervi-
                                                                           sors finalists, the following contestants
                                                                           had been selected as winners from the
                                                                           Clifton M. Brakensiek Library for the
                                                                           42nd Annual Bookmark Contest held
                                                                           in Fall 2021. Congratulations again to
                                                                           our very own local artists!

                                                                               Jailynn G. Prieto - 2nd Grade
                                                                                Intensive Learning Center
                                                                               Yesner Martinez - 4th Grade
                                                                                 St. Dominic Savio School
                                                                                Zachary Lopez - 7th Grade
                                                                                 St. Dominic Savio School
                                                                                Alexa Chang - 11th Grade
                                                                                    Cerritos High School

 Congratulations Bellflower Graduates
Valley Christian   May 19th • 7:30 p.m.    Cottonwood Church
                                            (by invitation only)
St. John Bosco     May 21st • 9:00 a.m.     SJB Campus Quad
Somerset High      May 31st • 7:00 p.m.     Ron Yary Stadium
Mayfair High       June 1st • 6:30 p.m.     Ron Yary Stadium
Bellflower High    June 2nd • 6:30 p.m.     Ron Yary Stadium
Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower -
LOCAL EVENTS                       Veteran’s Memorial Design
Bellflower Take Back Day
    Saturday, April 30, 2022
                                            Wins Award
                                         he City of Bellflower is a proud re-   and friends, will be forever acknowl-
     10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
     Kaiser Permanente
                                     T   cipient of an Award of Excellence
                                     from the California Park & Recreation
                                                                                edged and enshrined in the center of
                                                                                the city for generations to come.
  Bellflower Medical Offices         Society for the Veterans Memorial at           The CPRS awards program is the
    9400 Rosecrans Ave,              Library Garden in the category of Ex-      highest recognition our agency can re-
    Bellflower, CA 90706             cellence in Design – Park Planning         ceive and our award is a credit to all in-
                                     category.                                  volved in making this project happen.
    The City of Bellflower and           The City of Bellflower partnered       We are honored to receive this award
  the LA County Sheriff's Dept.      with VFW Post 7243 to design en-           on behalf of our residents!
   have teamed up with Kaiser        hancements to an existing tribute to
       Permanente to host a          veterans located within Library Gar-
   National Take Back Initiative     den. The VFW offered guidance on
     event. Proper disposal of       military protocols and attributes they
expired, unused, and unwanted        would value being incorporated into
  medication such as personal        the project. The final recommended
  prescriptions, vitamins, over-     enhancements included: individual
 the-counter drugs, dietary and      monuments and lighted flag poles rep-
    herbal supplements, helps        resenting the 5 branches of the military
   protect the environment. In       and POWs; a lighted Battle Cross
 the past, people were advised       sculpture; a reflection area where
   to flush unused medication        bricks could be dedicated to honor vet-
   down the toilet, but this can     erans; lighted Veterans Memorial entry
      contaminate the water.         walls with lettering; and many decora-
    Prescription drugs that are      tive attributes including military in-
   collected by the DEA will be      signia, quotes of valor and honor, and
disposed of by the safest means                                                   Our Parks & Recreation Summer
                                     dedication plaques.
 available for this waste stream.        The beautifully enhanced City of
                                                                                  Brochure will be mailed out to
                                     Bellflower Veterans Memorial, located        Bellflower residents the week of May
  How to Start Your                  at 9918 Flower Street, was dedicated         16th! We can’t wait to share all of the
Own Business Workshop                November 11, 2020 and proudly                programs, classes and special events
    Tuesday, May 31, 2022            serves as a dedicated space where            that we have in store for our commu-
     4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.           local veterans and their sacrifices on       nity to enjoy this summer! Brochures
                                     behalf of our nation and our values, as      will also be available online, as well
     Hosted virtually by
                                     well as the sacrifices of their families     as our supervised parks beginning
    Operation HOPE and
 SELACO WDB Cerritos AJCC                                                         May 16th! Be on the lookout!

         A no-cost, 8-week
  Training Workshop will provide
 you with practical information to
   help you succeed in business
    and includes subject matter
    experts as guest speakers.
     Topics include: Evaluating
   feasibility, conducting market
research, securing start-up funds,
 and more. INFO or to RSVP call
  (818) 584-6131 or contact Ben
    Sandoval at (562) 484-5012
Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower - Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower - Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower - Small Business Week Kicks Off With Free Virtual Business Classes For Bellflower -
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