Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong

Page created by Alma Rojas
Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
Office Market
Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
Welcome                                            • ‘Avante’ - a newly completed mixed-use
                                                         development offering A-grade office space
    The Wollongong CBD is undergoing a                   overlooking the Wollongong CBD (5,500 sqm GFA).
    rapid transformation with a significant            • ‘Lang’s Corner’ - a landmark A-grade office
    number of cranes in the sky and several              development offering premium space on the
    large office developments either under               lower Crown Street Mall (12,733 sqm gross floor
                                                         area (GFA), including 11,452 sqm of net lettable
    construction or in the pipeline.                     office space).
    As businesses assess the ongoing impacts           • The new IMB Bank headquarters at 47 Burelli
    of COVID-19, they have an opportunity to             Street - an A-grade office development that is
    re-examine their business models and                 already fully committed. (6,695 sqm GFA).
    accommodation needs. This additional
    supply of A-grade office space means there         There is also a further $400M+ of projects in the
    is an opportunity for businesses to consider       pipeline, including approximately 25,000+ sqm
    Wollongong as a legitimate CBD location,           of A-grade office space.
    whether it be a new satellite office, shared
                                                       Wollongong City Council is committed to seeing
    services centre or to provide flexible working
                                                       our City grow and prosper. Late last year Council
    arrangements for staff.
                                                       endorsed an updated Economic Development
    The availability of new office stock, combined     Strategy 2019-29 including an ambitious target
    with our large highly skilled talent pool, lower   of 10,500 net new jobs by 2028.
    staff turnover, and a great work life balance,
                                                       This strategy focuses on growing highly skilled,
    provides an opportunity for organisations to
                                                       professional knowledge-based jobs that tap
    consider all that our city has to offer.
                                                       into the existing large talent pool. This pool
    Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic the Wollongong      includes many local residents who commute to
    CBD had seen an unprecedented level of             roles outside the region and the large number
    investment and construction, including $1.6B of    of highly skilled graduates coming out of the
    investment in recent years.                        University of Wollongong. In order to achieve this
                                                       jobs target, the Wollongong CBD needs more
    The Wollongong CBD is seeing an additional         high quality office accommodation.
    28,000 sqm of A-grade office space under
    construction or newly completed, representing      I invite you to take a look through the Wollongong
    a 36% uplift on current stock levels.              Office Market Prospectus to learn more about the
                                                       exciting opportunities Wollongong has to offer as
    This includes:                                     an alternative office market precinct.
    • ‘Gateway on Keira’ - a newly completed           We look forward to seeing how Invest
      A-grade office development on Keira Street       Wollongong can assist you in exploring the
      (5,259 sqm GFA).                                 many opportunities that exist in our city.
                                                       Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery AM

Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
Wollongong: an alternative CBD location
There are now exciting and potential game changing office leasing opportunities
in our city.

 70%        A-grade
            office stock        28,000      A-grade office space
                                            under construction        25,000+
                                                                                   A-grade office
                                                                                   space future
 UPLIFT     pipeline             sqm        or newly completed         sqm         pipeline

Wollongong is the perfect location to consider for your business to establish,
through relocation or a new satellite office

       Home to a thriving business                            Superb liveability; where work-life
       community                                              balance is real

                                                              Strategic gateway location, 1 hour from
       Lower commercial rents
                                                              Sydney and 2.5 hours from Canberra

                                                              Commercial/business focused global
       Large talent pool of 23,000 daily
                                                              university to partner with on research
       commuters to Greater Sydney
                                                              and commercial projects

  $    Up to 33% more cost effective than
       Sydney, Melbourne or Parramatta

Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
Why your business should                                               Shared Services
                                                                           Shared services span a broad range of sectors
    consider Wollongong                                                    of the economy with a focus on providing
                                                                           support services to large, multi-location
    1. A cost effective alternate                                          businesses. Intensive users of technology and
    CBD location                                                           skilled people, these business functions cover
                                                                           an array of support services including back
    Wollongong is the perfect location to                                  office activities in finance, accounting, HR,
    consider for a professional, financial                                 administration operations, call centres,
                                                                           IT and tech support desks.
    and shared services business to
    establish, whether it be relocation or a                               Wollongong is a cost effective shared services
                                                                           location compared with other CBDs.
    new satellite office.
                                                                           Fifth Quadrant’s analysis of an indicative 150
    Research undertaken by Fifth Quadrant found
                                                                           seat contact centre demonstrated that Sydney
    that Wollongong is up to 33% more cost effective
                                                                           is the most expensive location for a shared
    for a shared services operation when compared
                                                                           services operation with higher cost of salaries,
    to Sydney, Melbourne or Parramatta CBD. A key
                                                                           staff turnover and real estate. This is closely
    reason is Wollongong’s lower staff turnover rate
                                                                           followed by Melbourne and Parramatta.
    at only 8%, which is less than half the national
    average (19%), translating to lower operating costs.                   Wollongong is considerably less expensive
                                                                           with lower salary costs, significantly lower staff
                                                                           turnover and lower real estate costs, delivering
                                                                           savings in the range of 28-33% relative to capital

             33%                                  8%
                                                                           city locations.

    Wollongong is up to 33%                  Wollongong shared
    more cost effective than             services staff turnover rate
    Sydney, Melbourne and                 is 8%,
Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
2. Large Talent Pool                                      The Illawarra’s Commuter Pool
23,000 skilled commuters                                  Occupation                      Number of     Share of
                                                                                          Commuters     total %
A key attraction is the existing large talent pool
                                                          White Collar workers            14,189        62.1
available, with 23,000 commuters from the region
travelling to Greater Sydney, including 9,000             Managers                        3,272         14.3
Managers and Professionals.
                                                          Professionals                   5,715         25
Constant flow of talented graduates                       Community and Personal          2,439         10.7
                                                          Service workers
Wollongong’s large talent pool is complemented
by the high number of students and graduates              Clerical and Administrative     2,763         12.1
studying at the University of Wollongong.
Currently, there are almost 26,000 students               Blue Collar workers             8,291         36.3
studying at the Wollongong campus in subjects
                                                          Technicians and Trades          3,642         15.9
as varied as engineering, information sciences,           workers
medicine, health, law and business.
                                                          Sales workers                   1,292         5.7

UOW is ranked in the top 1 percent in the world           Machiners Operators and         1,933         8.5
of universities for the quality of graduates in the       Drivers
2019 QS Graduate Employability Rankings.                  Labourers                       1,424         6.2

                                                          Inadequately described/         357           1.6
                                                          not stated

                                                          Total                           22,837        100%

96,000                 26,000         5,942

 Local jobs in         Students at    Graduated
 Wollongong            Wollongong       in 2019
     LGA                Campus

                                                          23,000 commuters                9,000 Managers
 UOW Graduate Numbers                                     to Greater Sydney
                                                               each day
                                                                                         and Professionals
                                                                                        commute to Sydney
                           Undergraduate   Postgraduate

 Faculty of Business       726             545

 Faculty of Engineering    653             589
 and Information

 Faculty of Law,           851             48
 Humanities and the Arts

 Faculty of Social         632             496

 Faculty of Science,       829             573
 Medicine and Health

 Total                     3,691           2,251

Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
3. Home to a thriving business                     UOW’s leading research institutions. It includes
                                                       iAccelerate, a unique business accelerator and
    community and leading                              incubator program.
    commercial brands                                  Tech is also thriving in Wollongong, encouraged
                                                       by a supportive business environment,
    Wollongong is home to a thriving                   led by ‘Siligong Valley.’ Siligong Valley is a
    business community and leading                     community of over 1,000 professionals who
    commercial brands. It offers an                    voluntarily arrange meetups and are focused
    alternative CBD location to businesses             on placing Wollongong on the global tech and
    who may not have traditionally                     entrepreneurial map.
    considered the city as an office
    market precinct.
    The Wollongong CBD is a key employment hub             Some of the firms calling Wollongong
    supporting over 26,000 jobs - almost a third of        home include:
    all jobs in Wollongong LGA. The CBD is home to
    many sectors including growing professional,           Mercer, ATO, IMB Bank, KPMG, Services
    financial and shared services sectors. These           Australia, NEC, Cardno, EY, Illawarra Credit
    businesses are attracted by a large talent pool        Union, SES, PeopleCare, GPT, Colliers
    of high-quality staff and a lower cost operating       International, Australian Health Management,
    environment.                                           South32, StatePlus, Community Sector
                                                           Banking, iTree, Internetrix, Accorplus, Suncorp,
    Our city is also home to the University of             Northrop Consulting Engineers, iCare, Accelo,
    Wollongong’s Innovation Campus, an award               Finocomp, GHD, Stellar, GBST, First State Super,
    winning research, technology and commercial            Local Government Super.
    precinct. This precinct seeks to encourage
    innovative organisations to co-locate with

    Wollongong: new commercial developments

    Gateway on Keira - a newly completed A-grade       Avante - a newly completed mixed-use
    office development on Keira Street (5,259 sqm      development offering A-grade office space
    GFA)                                               overlooking the Wollongong CBD (5,500 sqm GFA)

Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
Alongside the boom in office developments,                                  4. Lower commercial rents
the Wollongong CBD is seeing strong demand
for residential living due to its great coastal                             Leasing quality A-grade office space is more
lifestyle, a thriving arts and music, foodie and                            affordable in Wollongong when compared with
small bar culture. There have been many new                                 capital city markets.
residential towers constructed in recent years,
                                                                            Recent rental data for June 2020 shows that for
indicating a strong demand for people to live
                                                                            prime A-grade pre committed space, leasing
in what is a truly cosmopolitan city. As at July
                                                                            in the Sydney CBD is around three times more
2020, there were over 1,100 residential units under
                                                                            expensive than in Wollongong. Secondary Sydney
construction, with a further 700 approved units
                                                                            markets such as North Sydney and Paramatta are
in the pipeline. This represents a substantial
                                                                            also comparatively higher cost in both A-grade
uplift in additional residents who will soon call
                                                                            pre commit and existing A-grade segments.
the Wollongong CBD home.
                                                                            Wollongong therefore represents a more cost
                                                                            effective option for either business relocation or
                                                                            establishment of a new satellite office.

 Office Leasing Rates - Sydney v Wollongong
                                                        Prime A-grade/pre-commit      A-grade              B-grade

 Wollongong                                             $485 - $530                   $400 - $485          $325 - $400

 Sydney CBD                                             $1,400 - $1,800               $1,250 - $1,400      $950 - 1,150

 North Sydney                                           $1,250                        $800 - $1,000        $650 - $800

 Parramatta                                             $650+                         $550 - $650          $400 - $550

 Indicative rates based on Invest Wollongong research, June 2020.

Lang’s Corner - a landmark A-grade office                                   IMB Bank’s new A-grade headquarters on Burelli
development offering premium space on                                       Street (6,695 sqm GFA)
the lower Crown Street Mall (12,733 sqm GFA,
including 11,452 sqm of net lettable office space)

Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
Wollongong case studies                                The new building will be light-filled, diverse
                                                           and contemporary, and will provide a
                                                           working environment that is modern and
    Wollongong is an attractive location to                flexible, thereby reinforcing IMB’s culture
    establish a new head office or satellite               and contributing to IMB’s ability to deliver a
    operation for both the public and                      leading employee experience and enhanced
    private sectors.                                       outcomes for its members. IMB Bank’s new
                                                           head office is estimated for completion by
    IMB Bank Head Office                                   December 2020.
    47 Burelli Street Wollongong
    IMB Bank is currently in its 140th year of operation
    and has been offering banking services to the
    Illawarra community since 1880. Currently, they           “IMB was formed in Wollongong in 1880 by
    employ over 500 staff across a range of banking           a group of businessmen who pooled their
    and professional services roles.                          money to help each other build their homes.
    The IMB Bank’s new head office at 47 Burelli              140 years on, IMB Bank has members from all
    Street is currently under construction. This $45          over Australia, but we remain committed to
    million land and building construction investment         helping our members reach their financial
    re-affirms IMB’s long term commitment to the              goals. Our new offices will deliver an
    Wollongong CBD.                                           improved employee experience and more
                                                              efficient ways to work and collaborate so
    The seven story A-grade office building offers a          we can achieve our mission to make our
    gross floor area of 6,695 sqm (GFA). The building         members and communities better.”
    boasts a sustainable approach offering many               Robert Ryan, Chief Executive, IMB Bank
    operating efficiencies.
    The design incorporates a range of flexible
    work and meeting spaces which, supported by
    technology and more innovative, agile ways of
    working, will encourage increased collaboration
    and productivity.

Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
Mercer Administration Services                      and flexible working, the office will feature
                                                    a spacious staff hub on the top floor with
Wollongong: Lang’s Corner                           panoramic views where colleagues can refresh,
                                                    energise and socialise. The new environment will
Mercer, a global leader in redefining               also feature seamless wireless connectivity and
the world of work, reshaping retirement             smart technology to enable colleagues to work
and investment outcomes, and a                      effectively.
business of Marsh & McLennan (MMC),
is relocating its Coniston offices to the
Wollongong CBD.
Mercer has announced it will enter into over
a decade-long lease and development
commitment for 5,000 square metres of the              “As one of the largest employers in the region, we
historic Lang’s Corner building in the heart           recognise our responsibility to the community
of Wollongong. The move supports Mercer’s              and we are proud of Mercer’s commitment to
ongoing role in providing regional employment          contributing to the transformation and economic
opportunities and will deliver a modernised            growth of Wollongong. We have forged excellent
workplace for its colleagues - fit for the future      relationships with the business and local
of work.                                               community in the Illawarra and we will continue
                                                       to invest in our operations in Wollongong,”
According to Mercer, Lang’s Corner will enable
the consolidation of operations which are              Craig Rice, Head of Mercer
currently spread over multiple buildings, with         Administration Services
capacity for future growth. The new office will
be outfitted as an MMC Smart Office, enabling
over 500 Mercer colleagues to collaborate under
one modern roof, with anticipated completion in
Smart Office allows colleagues to find the
workspace that works best for them. In addition
to a mix of spaces designed to support agile

Office Market Prospectus - Wollongong - Invest Wollongong
Australian Taxation Office
                                                                      45-53 Kembla Street
                                                                         Completed in 2013, the ATO’s new
                                                                   facility on Kembla Street added much
                                                                     needed A-grade office space to the
                                                                                        Wollongong CBD.
                                                                    The five storey building, offering large
                                                              floorplates over 1,500 sqm (GFA), achieved
                                                               new environmental standards at the time
                                                              within the Wollongong office market, with a
                                                                                    5.5 star NABERS rating.
                                                                   Today, the upper floors continue to be
                                                              occupied by the ATO on a long term lease,
                                                                along with ANZ Business Banking hosting
                                                               their corporate and commercial business
                                                                   banking team for the Illawarra region.
                                                                 The ATO currently employ 310 staff in the
                                                                                       Wollongong CBD.

     NEC Australia                                     workforce in Wollongong and tapped into the
                                                       many experienced senior IT professionals and
     UOW Innovation Campus                             executives located within the region along with
                                                       the UOW IT graduate pool.
     NEC Australia, a leading Australian ICT
     solutions and services firm chose to              “NEC chose Wollongong due to its combination of
                                                       state-of-the art facilities, access to a talent base
     locate its newest $25M corporate office           provided by University of Wollongong (UOW)
     and support centre in Wollongong in               student and graduate pool, easy access to
     2017 at the University of Wollongong’s            Sydney and the wonderful business and lifestyle
     Innovation Campus.                                benefits of the Wollongong location.”
                                                       Martin Braithwaite, General Manager,
     Today, NEC employs 130 staff and its new          NEC Wollongong
     corporate office will continue to support major
     customers of NEC across the country. NEC
     Australia was impressed with the quality of the

Wollongong office                                      • ‘Lang’s Corner’, a landmark A-grade office
                                                         development offering premium space on

leasing opportunities                                    the lower Crown Street Mall (12,733 sqm GFA,
                                                         including 11,452 sqm of net lettable office
The unprecedented level of development                   space). Available mid-2022.
in the Wollongong CBD offers many unique               • New IMB Bank headquarters at 47 Burelli Street,
opportunities for businesses considering a re-           a new A-grade office development currently
location or the establishment of a satellite office.     under construction and fully committed.
There is over 45,000 sqm (GFA) of non-                   (6,695 sqm GFA).
residential floorspace under development,              There is also a future pipeline of projects that
including approximately 28,000 sqm of A-grade          have not yet commenced, potentially offering
office space. These include:                           a further 25,000+ sqm (GFA) of A-grade office
• ‘Gateway on Keira’, a newly completed A-grade        space. These include:
  office development on Keira Street (5,259 sqm        • ‘Kembla Chambers’ an approved 12-storey
  GFA). Available late 2020.                             A-grade office development adjoining to Lang’s
• ‘Avantè’ - a newly completed mixed-use                 Corner (10,089 sqm GFA).
  development offering A-grade office space            • 80-82 Market Street, an approved 6-storey
  overlooking the Wollongong CBD (5,500 sqm              A-grade office development (4,440 sqm GFA)
  GFA). Available now.
                                                       • 25-27 Denison Street, an approved 7-storey
                                                         A-grade office development (11,570 sqm GFA)

New opportunities                                Agency:
     Gateway on Keira
     134-148 Keira Street
     Gateway on Keira is a four storey
     5,259 sqm (GFA) newly completed
     A-grade office development at
     134 -148 Keira Street in a prime
     CBD location.
     Designed to achieve a minimum 5 star
     NABERS rating, the building will offer high
     quality amenities including two high speed
     centrally located lifts with excellent natural
     light. Comfortable end of trip facilities will
     be available along with secure basement
     parking. Available late 2020.
     Floorplate Size (NLA):
     Large open plan floorplates up to 1,324 sqm
     NABERS Rating: 5 Star
     Car Parking:
     87 with motorbike parking
     Access to fibre:
     End of trip facilities:
     Bike racks, showers

Avantè Commercial                                      Floorplate Size (NLA):
                                                       Large floorplates of over 1,650 sqm
3 Rawson Street
                                                       NABERS Rating: Not rated yet
                                                       Car Parking:
Avantè is a state of the art, newly                    Secured parking (1:52 sqm) for 107 cars
completed development overlooking                      Access to fibre: Yes
the Wollongong CBD.
                                                       End of trip facilities: Yes, at ground level
Avante offers A-grade floorplates (1,650 sqm).
It is strategically located only 100m from the         Agency:
absolute city centre, close to the train station
and in a vibrant precinct now the focus of the city!
The building’s future focused design includes a
fully separated commercial building, separate
entry/foyer, dedicated lifts, dedicated air con per
tenancy, power and separate stratum. Flexible
areas are available.

Lang’s Corner                                        Access to fibre:
                                                          Access to fibre, in built coverage digital antenna
     101 Crown Street                                     system (IBC DAs), providing mobile coverage to
     Wollongong                                           all intended areas
                                                          End of trip facilities: Yes
     Lang’s Corner is a landmark A-grade
     office development on the lower                      Agency:
     Crown Street Mall in the heart of the
     Wollongong CBD.
     The 11 storey building with a gross floor area of
     12,733 sqm, offers ten floors of premium office
     space with expansive views and an integrated fit-
     out, set above a ground floor shopfront. Currently
     under construction, with anticipated occupation
     by mid 2022.
     Floor Plate Size (NLA):
     • Total net lettable office space 11,452 sqm
     • Floor plate sizes 900 sqm, 1,000 sqm & 1,671 sqm
       with 6,452 sqm still available
     NABERS Rating: 5 Star
     Car Parking:
     • 213 car parking provided
     • 130 car parking available
     • 10 motorbike parking
     • 78 bicycle parking

Pipeline projects
Kembla Chambers
111-119 Crown Street Wollongong
An adjoining A-grade office
development to Lang’s Corner on the
lower Crown Street Mall in the heart of
the Wollongong CBD.
The 12 storey building with a gross floor area
of 10,089 sqm, offers 11 floors of premium office
space with an integrated fit-out, set above a
ground floor shopfront.
Floor Plate Size (NLA):
Total net lettable area (office) 9,181 sqm
Floor plate sizes 770 sqm, 845 sqm & 1,150 sqm
NABERS Rating: 5 Star
Car Parking:
171 car, 7 motorbike and 65 bicycle spaces
Access to fibre:
Access to fibre, in built coverage
digital antenna system (IBC DAs),
providing mobile coverage
to all intended areas
End of trip facilities: Yes

RealCom Property

80 - 82 Market Street                                 Agency:
     A recently approved A-grade office
     development at 80-82 Market Street
     Wollongong, in the centre of the
     Wollongong CBD.
     The building will offer 4,440 sqm of gross floor
     area over 6 floors, with 4 basement levels.
     The proposal includes a café and activation of
     adjacent laneway next to the heritage listed
     Hotel Illawarra.
     Floor Plate Size (NLA):
     Typical floorplate of 960 sqm per level
     NABERS Rating: 5 Star
     Car Parking:
     • 65 car spaces over 4 basement areas
     • 20 bike storage spaces are available
     • Green car sharing spaces
     Access to fibre: Yes
     End of trip facilities:
     Close to all public transport facilities, including
     train station and bus stops.

25-27 Denison Street                                 Car Parking:
                                                     • 193 car spaces
Wollongong                                           • 8 motorbike spaces
A seven storey A-grade office                        Access to fibre: TBC
development at 25-27 Denison Street                  End of trip facilities:
in the Wollongong CBD, with close                    • Storage for 74 bicycles
proximity to rail services and the                   • Separate male and female change
                                                     • facilities, including toilet, showers and lockers.
Wollongong health precinct.
The building offers 11,570 sqm of gross floor area   Agency:
with all floors offering large floorplate office
space. End of trip facilities will be available,     ADM Architects
including bike storage, along with secured car
Floor Plate Size (NLA):
Total net lettable area: 10,641 sqm
Net lettable area per floor
(these areas exclude amenities):
• Ground Floor: 1,004 sqm
• Level One: 1,628 sqm
• Level 2-5 inclusive: 1,717 sqm (each)
• Level 6: 1,141 sqm
NABERS Rating: 5 Stars

Existing opportunities                              Agency:
     Level 2, 280 Keira Street
     A modern, high quality A-grade office
     building within the Wollongong CBD,
     directly across from a large city park
     with excellent natural light on all sides.
     The available space offers a substantial fit out
     of up to 130 work stations which can stay or
     be removed. End of trip facilities are available,
     along with secure parking and a ground floor
     Floor Plate Size (NLA):
     Large column free floorplates, 500-1,370 sqm
     Nabers Rating: 5.5 Star (Base Building)
     Car Parking:
     Car Spaces 1:70 sqm
     Access to fibre: Yes
     End of trip facilities: Yes

83-85 Market Street                                    Agency:
Perfectly positioned within close
proximity to Wollongong’s retail,
commercial and medical precinct and
only a stroll to local cafes, eateries and
public transport facilities.
Fully refurbished office suites with renovations
currently underway offering a quality and
modern fit out, including end of trip facilities and
car parking.
Available second half of 2020.
Floor Plate Size (NLA):
400 sqm floor plates, 5 floors available with a
total of 2,000 sqm
NABERS Rating: 0 Star
Car Parking: 28
Access to fibre: Yes
End of trip facilities:
Bike racks, showers

UOW Innovation Campus                                  Agency:
Squires Way North Wollongong
The Enterprise 1 building is part
of a master planned, award
winning research and technology
precinct located at the University of
Wollongong’s Innovation Campus.
A modern, environmentally-friendly building with
state of the art facilities. Enterprise 1 is one of
Wollongong’s premium A-Grade office buildings.
The building includes access to end of trip
facilities, well presented meeting facilities, café
and recreational areas.
Free shuttle bus connections to the CBD and
only 1 hour from Sydney Airport.
Floor Plate Size (NLA):
Floorplates between 460 sqm - 1,330 sqm available
Nabers Rating: 5 Stars
Car Parking: 30
Access to fibre: Yes
End of trip facilities: Bike racks, showers

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Date of publication: October 2020.
Invest Wollongong has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of
the information contained in the Wollongong Office Market Prospectus,
having worked closely with property owners and local commercial
agents in the preparation of the document.
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