Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library

Page created by Carrie Gibbs
Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library | | 845-753-2001

Spring 2022             Hours: Mon-Thurs:10am – 8:00pm Fri:10am – 5:00pm Sat:10am – 5:00pm Sun: TBD
                                         1 Liberty Rock Road | Sloatsburg, New York 10974

Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling!
                               Look for the return of the
                               Sloatsburg Public Library’s                                                       fun
                               Spring Fling craft, food          SLOATSBURG LIBRARY
                               and vendor fair. Everyone’s       SPRING FLING
                               invited to a very special         Saturday, April 30,
                               day on Saturday, April            10:00am -4:00pm
                               30. Join us for a lively          In Person at The Library!
                               salute to the season in this
                               outside event that welcomes spring and you! Call the Library for more information.
                               (Rain date for the Spring Fling is Sunday, May 1, 10am to 4pm)

                                                            THE PARTING GLASS BAND
                                                            Saturday, March 12, 1:00pm
                                                            Live Event at The Sloatsburg Senior Center
                                                            Welcome this fan favorite to the Sloatsburg Senior Center
                                                            for a rousing afternoon of Irish music. The Parting Glass Band
                                                            is back to mark St. Patrick’s Day with music from the Clancy
                                                            Brothers, Dubliners, Wolf Tones and more. Call the Library to
                                                            sign up or register online.

                                                      Call the Library for more information or to register!

The Sloatsburg Library announces the return of our Annual Village Wide Garage Sale. The sale is an opportunity for
village residents to spring clean and join together with others throughout Sloatsburg to create an exciting event that attracts
shoppers near and far. The more participants, the more interest in the event! Be on the lookout for news on applications and
how to get included on our handy map and sale directory! For more information, call the Library or look for updates on our
Facebook page and websites: and
(Village Wide Garage Sale Rain Date is 5/22, 10am - 4pm)
Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library

                                                           Please register for programs online or
                                                           by calling 845.753.2001. SCAN the QR
                                                           code to go to our online calendar.

DROP-IN         Make a                                    UPCYCLE                                    Turn an upcycled
ST. PATRICK’S   St. Patrick’s                             DVD CASE                                   DVD case into
DAY CRAFT       Day                                       Wednesday,                                 a character,
Monday,         themed                                    April 20,                                  a traveling art
March 14,       craft then                                2:00pm                                     case or a frame
                go on a                                                       for pictures and art. Registration is
4:00 - 6:00pm                                             In Person
                scavenger                                                     required. Ages 6+
In Person       hunt for leprechauns and gold!
                Registration is required. Ages 4+
WATERCOLOR                                                LUCY                Local Children’s
SCENE                             Learn different         BERMINGHAM          Author Lucy
Thursday,                         watercolor              AUTHOR VISIT        Bermingham will
March 24,                         techniques to paint     Thursday,           visit the library
                                  a colorful scene!       April 28,           for an afternoon
                                  Registration is         4:15pm              of reading from
In Person                         required. Ages 8+       In Person           her newest tale!
                                                                              Craft and snack included. Registration
                Hop into                                                      is required. Ages 5+
SPRING          spring with a
BUNNY           cute bunny
SCENE           scene craft!                                                                        Learn about the
Monday,                                                   CHAMELEON                                 amazing color
                Snacks will
March 28,       be provided.                              HABITAT                                   changing ability
5:00pm          Registration is                           Thursday,                                 and habits of
In Person       required.                                 May 12,                                   chameleons.
                Ages 7+                                   5:30pm                                    Make a habitat for
                                                          In Person                                 your take-home
CD WEAVING                        Create a woven                                                    tiny chameleon
Thursday,                         disc using a CD,                            “pet.” Registration is required. Ages 8+
April 7,                          yarn and beads for
4:00pm                            a whimsical library
In Person                         display! Registration
                                  is required. Ages 8+                        Stop in the
                                                          DROP-IN             library for
                                                                              some fun
PAPER                                                     GAME DAY
                Artist Maribeth                                               afternoon
MOSAICS                                                   Wednesday,          games and
                will help you
Thursday,       piece together                            May 25,             snacks! We
April 14,       a creative                                4:00 - 6:00pm       will make paper airplanes and sticker
6:30pm          paper mosaic.                             In Person           paintings too! Registration is required.
In Person       Registration is required. Ages 7+                             Ages 4-10
Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library
Children’s Programs | S P R I N G 2 0 2 2                                                                 SPRIN G | PAGE 3

                   r y t i m e                                       STORYTIMES

               Sto                       STORYTIME FOR PRE-SCHOOL              STORYTIME        All Storytime programs
                                                                                                are age-appropriate.
                                         AGE CHILDREN (2 SESSIONS)             Mondays &
                                                                                                For safety reasons, the
                                         Tuesdays,                             Wednesdays,
                                                                                                Library Board requires
                                         Ages 3 to 5,                          Ages birth to 3, one adult for every
                                         11:15am - 11:45am                     10:30am          two children. Siblings
                                         & 2:00pm - 2:30pm                     In Person        are always welcome!
                                         In Person                                              Registration is required.

                                                                               Our popular and funtastic Pajama
                                                                    PAJAMA     Storytime returns. Wear pajamas
 March 30,                                                          STORYTIME and bring a stuffed friend when
                                                                    Thursdays, we celebrate Pajama Storytime
 April 27,                                                                     one Thursday per month
 4:00pm                                                             March 10,
                                                                               this spring. Each Pajama
 In Person         We have two fun book discussions                 April 7,   Storytime will have a
                   planned for kids where they can read             May 19,    different theme for kids
                   and talk about their favorite books.             6:00pm     to enjoy. Registration is
                   Books will be available one month                           required. Ages 3+
                   before each session. Registration is
                   required. Grades 3-5

 Wednesdays,                                               Kids will enjoy a series of afternoon      Weds, March 9,
                                                           crafts this spring with three craft days   Color Collage
 March 9,
                                                           that focus on creative use of simple       Weds, April 6,
 April 6,                                                  materials. Each observes the season        Spring Wings
 May 11,                                                   through color and theme! Registration is   Weds, May 11,
 4:00pm                                                    required. Ages 4-6 years                   Bugs and Blooms
 In Person

 KIDS                                       Sign up for            HARLEY HAWK CLUB
 OUTDOOR                                    this series            Sign up for our Sloatsburg
                                            of kids                Library Harley Hawk Club
                                            outdoor                this spring. Each child gets
 Thursdays,                                 yoga with
 May 5, 12,                                 Shelley.
                                                                   a membership pass with
 19, 26,                                    Bring a                a lanyard! Perks include
 June 2, 9,                                 yoga mat               monthly activities to redeem
 4:00pm            and water for hydration! Registration           prizes and VIP status to
 In Person         is required. Ages 7+                            sign up early for Summer
                                                                   Reading fun. There is no cost           “Harley Hawk”
                                                                   to join!
Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library

                                                           Please register for programs online or by calling
                                                           845.753.2001. SCAN the QR code to go to our
                                                           online calendar.

MACRAMÉ        Learn to make                                SPRINGTIME           Learn how to
               macramé feathers                             BUNNY CRAFT          make this no-
               for a fun and easy                           Wednesday,           sew bunny using
               wall decoration.                             April 13,            material and hot
Wednesday,                                                                       glue, creating
               Registration is                              6:00pm
March 16,                                                                        a cute Spring
               required. Limit 12                           In Person
6:30pm                                                                           decoration.
In Person                                                                        Registration is required. Limit 12
               Visualize and
MEDITATE                                                    SMALL SPACE
               create your                                  GARDENING                                Learn backyard
AND PAINT      own 11x14                                                                             growing methods
Tuesday,       original                                                                              for small spaces.
               painting after                               April 14,                                Registration is
March 29,
               a guided                                     6:00pm                                   required. Limit 12
               meditation                                   In Person
In Person
               session lead by Kristen. Registration
               is required. Limit 12                                             Use geometric
                                                            PAINT BY             shapes to
                              All NYS drivers are           STICKER              create a
DEFENSIVE                                                   Wednesday,
                              welcome. Fee is                                    picture with
DRIVING                                                     April 20,
                              $35. Please make                                   a 3D effect.
Saturday,                     checks payable to the         6:00pm               Find the sticker, peel and place
April 2,                      Sloatsburg Library.           In Person            until your “painting” comes to life.
10:00am                       Registration is required.                          Registration is required. Limit 12
In Person                     Limit 12
                                                            CHARGER                           Use paint and a stencil
               Author and                                   PLATE CRAFT
DECLUTTER      Organizer,                                                                     to create this beautiful
YOUR DESK                                                   Wednesday,                        plate that can be used
               Jamie will
Tuesday,       share her                                    May 11,                           as a serving plate or a
April 5,       signature steps.                             6:00pm                            decoration. Registration
6:30pm         Registration is                              In Person                         is required. Limit 12
ZOOM           required.
                                  Create this beautiful     WATERFALL            Paint this
CHERRY                                                                           beautiful
                                  picture following         PAINTING
BLOSSOM                                                                          oasis in this
                                  step by step              Tuesday,
DRAWING                           sketching instructions                         beginner
Thursday,                                                   May 24,
                                  with Maribeth.                                 acrylic
April 7,                                                    6:30pm               painting
                                  Registration is           In Person
6:30pm                            required. Limit 12                             class with Maribeth. Registration is
In Person                                                                        required. Limit 12
Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library
Adult Programs | S P R I N G 2 0 2 2                                                                            SPRIN G | PAGE 5

COOKING               Chef Rob is back                             THE CAT’S                  The Cat’s Meow
WITH CHEF             to demonstrate                               MEOW
ROB SCOTT             how to make                                  BOOK CLUB
Friday,               grilled chicken                              Every 3rd
April 29,             and strawberry                               Tuesday at
                                                                                             Register and pick up your books
6:00pm                salad, along with                            3:00pm                    at the front desk during regular
ZOOM                  a spring carrot                              March 15,                 business hours. Mae hosts the
                      cake topped with                             Beneath a                 Cat’s Meow Book Club which
                      cream cheese frosting. Registration is       Scarlet Sky
RAISING AND                                                                                  meets every third Tuesday at 3
                      required.                                    April 19,
MAINTAINING                                                                                  p.m. at the library. Beneath A
A SMALL HEN        Bracco Farms will discuss types of coops,       tba (book will            Scarlet Sky will be the featured
FLOCK                         feed and nesting boxes and           be choosen by             book in March. Join us to select
Tuesday,                      how to make them predator            the book club)            April’s book! Books will be
May 3,                        proof to maintain a healthy          In Person                 available the month before the
                              flock. This presentation will be                               Book Club meets. Registration is
                              on ZOOM. Registration is                                       required. Limit 12
                              required. Limit 12
 SIMPLE            Chef Nancy will                                                      March 15
                   demonstrate how easy                                                 Beneath A Scarlet Sky
 SUMMER                                                                                 by Mark Sullivan
 DESSERTS          it is to make gluten-
 Wednesday,        free desserts that will
                   please everyone at
 May 18,
                   your Summer BBQ!                                EVENING
 6:00pm            Registration is required.
 In Person                                                         BOOK CLUB                                        Our Evening
                   Limit 12                                        4th Wednesday                                    Book Club
                                             Outdoor yoga on       of the Month
OUTDOOR                                                                                                             continues with
                                             the library lawn,     Wednesdays,
YOGA                                                                                                       Book     Laura. Pick up
                                             featuring fitness     March 23,
                                                                                                          of the
Thursdays,                                                                                                Month     your book at
                                             instructor Shelley.   April 27,
May 5, 12, 19, 26,                                                                                                  the front desk.
                                             Stretch out this      May 25,
June 2, 9,                                                                                                          Registration is
                   spring during this six-week evening class.      6:30pm            Sloatsburg
6:00pm                                                                                   Library                    required.
                   Bring a yoga mat and water. Registration        In Person
In Person                                                                                                           Limit 12
                   is required. Limit 14
                                    Ghostbusters: Afterlife                Clifford The Big Red Dog
                                    The Kingsman
     New Releases                   Last Night in Soho
                                                                           The Last Duel
     DVD & BLU-RAY
                                    Joe Bell                               Spiderman: No Way Home
                                    Sing 2                                 Encanto

  Recovery Agent - Janet Evanovich
  The Diamond Eye - Kate Quinn
                                                   New         Reads           A Safe House - Stuart Woods
                                                                               High Stakes - Danielle Steel
  Sister Stardust - Jane Green                                                 The Match - Harlan Coben
  Apples Never Fall - Liane Moriarty                                           Shadows Reel - C.J. Box
  Cinder & Glass - Melissa de la Cruz                                          The Summer Get Away - Susan Mallery
  Run Rose Run - James Patterson & Dolly Parton                                The Good Left Undone - Adrianna Trigiani
  The Stranger in the Lifeboat: A Novel - Mitch Albom
Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library

                                                            Please register for programs online or by
                                                            calling 845.753.2001. SCAN the QR
                                                            code to go to our online calendar.

                  Take spring                                                    Get creative!
MARCH                                                       APRIL     The first person
BACK TO           photos and                                CAMP NANO to write 15,000
NATURE:           submit them to us.                        MONTH
                  We’ll post them                                     words in April
PHOTOGRAPHY                                                                      will get a Barnes
                  on the library’s
FEST                                                                             and Noble gift
                  Instagram and Facebook pages!
TEEN ESCAPE                                                                      card. Be honest, please!
                                                            TINY FOOD
ROOM                         The long-awaited event                                                 Join us in making a
Friday,                      is here! Solve puzzles                                                 feast that’s fit for a
                             with friends to escape the     April 8,
March 4,                                                    3:30 - 4:30pm                           snack! Registration is
3:30 - 4:45pm                Teen Diner. Registration is                                            required. Grades 6
                             required. Ages 13 & up         In Person
Teen Diner                                                                                          & up

FANTASTIC         Enter a world of                          PEEP                 Marshmallow Peeps
                                                            DIORAMAS             and dioramas
BEASTS            magic with our
                  showing of the first                      Wednesday,           collide. Recreate a
                  Fantastic Beasts                          April 13,            favorite scene from
Tuesday,                                                                         books, movies or
March 8,          movie. Registration                       4:00 - 5:00pm
                  is required. Ages 13                      In Person            your imagination.
5:00 - 7:30pm                                                                    Registration is required. Grades 6 & up
In Person         & up
                                                            FANTASTIC                              Get your wands and
ZOOM                                Join us for an          BEASTS 2                               brooms ready for a
JACKBOX                             afternoon of virtual    MOVIE NIGHT                            showing of the second
PARTY                               Jackbox games           Tuesday,                               Fantastic Beasts
Friday,                             without leaving the
                                                            April 19,                              movie. Registration is
March 11,                           comfort of your
                                                            5:00 - 7:30pm                          required. Ages 13 &
                                    home. Registration
3:30 - 5:00pm                                               In Person                              up
                  is required. Grades 6 & up
ZOOM                                                                             Upcycle an old
                  Learn how to                              T-SHIRT BAG shirt into a cool
BATH BOMBS        make a bath                               Friday,              bag, no sewing
Friday,           bomb and take                             April 22,            required! Bring
March 18,         home your very                            3:30 - 4:30pm        your own t-shirt.
3:30pm - 4:30pm   own! Registration                         In Person            Registration is
In Person         is required.                                                   required. Grades 6 & up
                  Grades 6 & up                                                                    Bring an object
POKÉMON                               Make a terrarium      UPCYCLE
                                                                                                   from home - a box,
TERRARIUM                             decorated with your   PLANTER                                bin or even an old
Tuesday,                              favorite Pokémon.     Friday,                                boot. Plant seeds
March 22,                             Registration is       April 29,                              inside. Registration is
5:00 - 6:00pm                         required. Grades 6    3:30 - 4:30pm                          required. Grades 6
In Person                             & up                  In Person                              & up
Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library
Teen Programs | S P R I N G 2 0 2 2                                                                     SPRIN G | PAGE 7

 MURDER          Help solve a                                 CREATIVE            With great
 MYSTERY         crime in this                                WRITING             writing comes
 NIGHT           whodunnit!                                   CLUB                great creativity!
 Tuesday,        Join us for                                  Tuesdays,           Join us once
                 this in-person                                                   again for a club
 May 10,                                                      March 1, April 5,
                 mystery game.                                                    all about writing,
 5:00 - 7:30pm   Registration                                 May 3,              where you can
 In Person       is required.                                 4:00 - 5:00pm       practice your
                 Grades 6 & up                                In Person           skills, talk about
                                                                                  writing and share ideas! Registration
                                         We’re back                               is required. Grades 6 & up
                                         and ready
 FIELD DAY                                                                                              Our new anime
                                         to play some         ANIME CLUB
 Saturday,                               games! Bring                                                   season meets
 May 14,                                                      2nd & 4th Mon,
                                         your friends         March 14, 28,                             the second and
 2:00 - 4:00pm                           for a day of                                                   fourth Monday
 In Person                                                    April 11, 25,
                                         outdoor games.                                                 through May.
                                                              May 9, 23,
                 Registration is required. Grades 6 & up                                                Make sure you
                                                              5:00 - 6:00pm                             register and join
                 Nothing says spring                          In Person                                 us! Registration
                 like a nice campfire!                                                                  is required.
 Tuesday,                                                                                               Grades 6 & up
                 We’ll roast hot dogs
 May 17,         and marshmallows
 5:00 - 7:00pm   in this fun social                           HYBRID              Discover cool new books and cool
 In Person       event. Registration is                       BOOK CLUB           new people at our hybrid book
                 required. Grades 6                           Last Tuesday of     club! Teens can join in person or
                 & up                                         the Month
                                                                                  with Zoom. Registration is required.
                                                              through May
                                                                                  Grades 6 & up
                                                              5:00 - 6:00pm
 ICECREAM                         It’s getting warmer,        In Person           Tuesday, March 29
 IN A BAG                         so let’s make some          or via Zoom         The Giver
 Tuesday,                         ice cream! Teens                                by Lois Lowry
 May 20,                          will make ice cream
 3:30 - 4:30pm                    using plastic bags.
 In Person                        Registration is required.                       Tuesday, April 26
                                  Grades 6 & up                                   Barakah Beats
                                                                                  by Maleeha Siddiqui

 HOW TO SEW Learn the                                                             Tuesday, May 31
 Tuesday,        basics of hand
                 sewing and try                                                   Out of My Mind
 May 24,                                                                          by Sharon M. Draper
                 out a sewing
 5:00 - 7:00pm   machine.
 In Person       Registration is
                 required. Grades 6 & up                                                              Help solve a
                                                              CLUE CREW                               mystery with
                                       Bring a few cool                                               Nancy Drew in
 BARTER DAY                            objects and trade
 Friday,                                                      Friday,                                 the video game
                                       with others. (Teens                                            The Deadly
 May 27,                               must bring home        April 1, May 6,
 3:30 - 4:30pm                                                4:00 - 5:00pm                           Device. We
                                       as many items                                                  will be playing
 In Person                             as they brought.)      ZOOM
                                                                                  virtually on Zoom. Registration is
                 Registration is required. Grades 6 & up                          required. Grades 6 & up
Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library
Attention Gardeners
                                                              Join our new
                                                              Community Garden
                                                              Group, where we will
                                                              be working toward
SPRING NEWSLETTER 2022                                        a viable community
                                                              garden at the Sloatsburg
 MUSEUM PASSES AVAILABLE                                      Library for 2023. We
 AT THE SLOATSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY                             will begin work this
 Check individual museum websites for days and hours of       spring toward that goal by building a decorative
 operation; reservations may be required. Please note that    flower bed in front of the library. We need volunteers
 there is a $5 per day late fee on Museum Passes. Museum      and participants to help with rototilling chores.
 Passes are available to Sloatsburg and Suffern adult
 cardholders only.
                                                              We also are looking for donations for gardening
                        •American Museum of Natural History   equipment, rain barrels, organic soil and more! Please
                       •Boscobel House & Gardens              contact the library to volunteer! Ask for Mae.
  Free                 •Bethel Woods
                       •Empire Pass
  Museum               •Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
                       •Museum Village
                                                                                                 Tuesday, March 15, 6:00pm
                                                                                                 Tuesday, April 12, 6:00pm
  Passes               •Stamford Museum & Nature Center
                       •Stepping Stones Museum for Children
                                                                                                 Tuesday, May 17, 6:00pm
                                                              For the months of March through May, NY Project Hope in
                       •Storm King Art Center                 Rockland County will be working with the Sloatsburg Library
                                                              to bring emotional and educational support to the Sloatsburg
                                                              community. All support sessions will be anonymous and
                                                              confidential, with a separate entrance for all sessions.
                                                              Call the Library for more information.

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Library Closings:
Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day


    President: Jane Thompson
  Financial Officer: Beth Kaplan                              POSTAL PATRON
      Treasurer: Tracy Stein
    Trustee: Joanne Bitterman
     Trustee: Mario Donatelli
       Trustee: Mary Hahn
      Trustee: Merion Jenns
                                                              Spring Greetings!
      Trustee: Edward Marse                It’s been a long winter and we want to wish everyone a Happy Spring.
  Director: Annmarie McAnany               We have a lot of fun programming planned this season. Hope to see you
                                           soon. Thanks for the support. We love our patrons and are here for you!
 Newsletter Editors: Library Staff
Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library Sloatsburg Library Spring Fling! - Sloatsburg Public Library
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