FROM THE President - Kiwanis Club of Tiffin, Ohio

Page created by Jon Day
FROM THE President - Kiwanis Club of Tiffin, Ohio
April 2021                                  Monthly Newsletter of the Kiwanis Club of Tiffin, Ohio

          FROM THE
         President                          one community at a
                       Kiwanians,           time.” And we have
                                            done just that! We
                         April is a
                                            have improved the
                         month of new
                                            community around
                         beginnings and
                                            us. We have met
                         rebirth! We
                                            regularly and put our minds together        a thank you to Beth for encouraging
                         celebrate Easter
                                            to do “more good”. So far this year,        us to remember our military with
                         and Spring and
                                            we have gathered money for Foster           decorations for their Christmas
often reflect over the past season of
                                            Kiddos Birthday Bags, gathered more         celebrations. It has been a wonderful
snow, ice and cold. New growth is
                                            than 4,600 items for our “Heads to          year to be a Kiwanian. want to
evident as the little sprouts push past
                                            Toes” campaign where we were able           thank you for your time, energy and
the crust of the earth and begin to
                                            to give much needed foundation items        financial resources. Most importantly,
reach for the warmth of the sunlight.
                                            and hygiene items to the children           thank you for being here. For being
Just as these elements, our club is
                                            throughout Seneca County. We also           present. As we round out this year
beginning to awaken from the year-long
                                            put together and delivered bags             and go through Spring and Fall, let us
pandemic hibernation that many of us
                                            for our friends who are fighting            be as compelled to continue making
are looking to put into the past. For an
                                            against cancer. More than 44 bags           differences. I could not ask for a better
entire year, our social gatherings and
                                            were filled to the brim with amazing        group of people to spend my Thursday
events have been put on hold. Our
                                            tokens of love and welcomed by              lunch hour with. I love each of you and
weekly meetings were forced to go to
                                            our friends at Mercy. Add to that           am so grateful that you are a part of my
a virtual venue. Our best celebrated
                                            two (2!) sweet candy sales and              journey!
activities took on a new look. But we did
                                            our donation drive through. We
it. We continue to meet, to plan, and to
welcome new members into our club.
While our donation drives and parade
                                            were able to help contribute to
                                            several worthy organizations right          Michelle Tuite
                                            here in Tiffin. And let’s not forget our    President
look different, we didn’t let the ‘Rona
                                            reverse Christmas parade! What an
keep us unmotivated or less passionate
                                            awesome time to really stand up and
about our mission. And that mission
                                            tell COVID-19 to take a seat! Oh…and
is: “Improving the world one child and

              Pass The
                                                                                        The Tiffin Kiwanis Club was named as
                                                                                        one of the 2019-2020 DISTINGUISHED
                                                                                                   KIWANIS CLUBS!
                                                                                           Congratulations Kristi Krintzline-
                                                                                          Distinguished President and Beth
    The first week of each month we will “pass the pig” (at least we will              Mcfarlan-Hutson-Distinguished Secretary
    when we start meeting in person again!) to collect funds to show                     Thanks to everyone in the Club who
    our ongoing support for The Tiffin Teen Center (The HUB). The HUB                   worked together to make our Club and
    uses these funds to purchase food supplies for the snack area.                        outstanding group of Kiwanians.
FROM THE President - Kiwanis Club of Tiffin, Ohio
Club Member S p o t l i g h t INSPIRATION
                                Provided by the Human &
                               Spiritual Values Committee
                    John and Joyce Millar                                                John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I
                                              John has been a member of the club         am the resurrection and the life. The
                                              since June of 1986. “Over the years I      one who believes in me will live, even
                                              have been asked and served in club,        though they die; and whoever lives by
                                                                                         believing in me will never die. Do you
                                              division and Ohio district roles,” he      believe this?”
                                              says. “Joyce and I have been fortunate     Three Years and Twelve Friends
                                              to meet and work with Kiwanians            © Raelene J. Elliss
                                              from all over Ohio and throughout
                                              the world and they are all great caring    We’ve been given the greatest gift,
                                              and committed people.” He said that        The most precious, wonderful
                                                                                         promise ever made.
projects that were really important to him were the Children’s Emergency Room at         It’s about the resurrection.
Mercy Children’s Hospital in Toledo and the Emergency Room children’s section at         This truth will never fade.
Mercy Health – Tiffin Hospital. “The first project was Division 12 wide when I was
Lieutenant Governor and the other was a major undertaking for our club,” he said.        His gift is for all eternity,
                                                                                         Not just a moment in time.
John’s father was a Kiwanian when he lived in Maryland and John went to one of           He’s given us a mind-boggling gift.
the meetings as a teenager. He was also in Circle K when he was in college. “Both        He was innocent of His crime.
of these experiences led me to want to join the Tiffin club when I was asked by          Released from the burden of our sin,
Don Worland in 1986,” he said.                                                           The veil was torn to free.
While John has worked in many different roles for Kiwanis, he thinks the one he          A promise delivered as the
                                                                                         prophecies told.
enjoys most is being just a member doing things like advising the Builders Club;         The ancient ones could see.
washing breakfast pots and pans at Feed the Fair in the 90’s; setting up Garage
sales with Will Einsel, the Smith brothers and now Gene Chintala and Mark Zeno;          Nothing can separate,
or blowing up balloons and papering tables for Shirley Smith at the Grade A              No man-made intervention.
                                                                                         We are saved from our mortal sin
banquets. He says that all of these are fond memories of serving and good times          By the power of the resurrection.
with other Kiwanians. “In the end, service and fun are what we are all about,”
John said. “Thank you all for the great times, great memories and I look forward to      He came and walked with us
our exciting future.”                                                                    With twelve friends he taught
                                                                                         and prayed.
                                                                                         Three years of dedicated ministry,
                                                                                         In His blood our debt is paid.
           April Speakers                      April Prayer Providers
April 1               Audrey Flood,        April 1                  Mary Lewis
       TSEP Development Manager,           April 8                Bonnie Boroff          Source: https://www.
                  VP of the Board of       April 15              Michelle Tuite          yeats-and-twelve-friends
    Seneca County Common Ground            April 22               Pat DeMonte            John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I
        “Tiffin Community Kitchen”         April 29             Marcella Hughes          am the resurrection and the life. The
                                                                                         one who believes in me will live, even
April 8                Lori Rombach,                                                     though they die; and whoever lives by
              Calvert volleyball coach                                                   believing in me will never die. Do you
                                                      April Wedding                      believe this?”
             (two-time state champs)

April 15                  Jon Adams,
                      Acrylic Paintings    April 22          Julie & Rusty Adkins
                                                                                                   April Birthdays
April 22          Emily Eichhorn,                                                       April 2                  Lowell Forbes
                 Health Educator,            April Club Anniversaries                   April 2                 Jean Overmier
 Seneca County Health Department           April 7                Kristi Krintzline     April 5                  Mike Gardner
          “Naxolone Distribution”          April 10                   Rick Dorsch       April 7                Steve Schreiner
April 29                Jim Grubbs,        April 14               Melissa Mullins       April 8                  Brad McClung
           Columbian Superintendent        April 20                Gene Chintala        April 22                Darlene Bloom
                      “School Levy”        April 25               Steve Schreiner       April 23                  Sharon Rigby
                                           April 25                  Bob Shreiner       April 25                  Shirley Smith
FROM THE President - Kiwanis Club of Tiffin, Ohio
March Programs
March 4                                   customers. Tiffin Metal currently           Pioneer Mill is open six days a week
                 Matt Dysard,             has 100,000 square feet with an             – all but Mondays. Sunday hours
                 president of Tiffin      expansion of 74,000 square feet being       are 1:00 – 8:00pm. Tuesday through
                 Metal Products said      constructed. The company recently           Saturday, it opens at 4:00pm. He has
                 that the company         opened a facility in Switzerland. Tiffin    no plans for lunch-time hours, other
                 started in 1903 as       Metal employs 170, with the majority        than for parties and events and only
                 Tiffin Art Metal         being in Tiffin.                            by appointment. When asked what
                 Company. The                                                         his favorite dish is, he hesitated,
company changed hands over the            March 11                                    and then chose Italian garlic roasted
years, including Hadco in the early                        Our very own Marta         chicken. The menu has a feature
1970s. Later the company’s name                            Mohr spoke about           each week and that accounts for
became Tiffin Metal Products and                           Developmental              approximately 30 percent of sales.
it was purchased by the late Will                          Disabilities
Heddles in 1980. Matt purchased a                          Awareness Month.           March 25
portion of the company in 2014 and                         The campaign seeks                          Nancy Grandillo
now owns it with two members of                            to raise awareness                          spoke about the
the Heddles family. Over the years        about the inclusion of people with                           importance of
the company has manufactured              developmental disabilities in all                            insects.
roofing gutters, down spouts and          areas of community life, as well as
various items such as bomb casings        awareness to the barriers that people
for the war and fire extinguishers        with disabilities still sometimes face
among some 60-70 items. Tiffin            in connecting to the communities in
Metal was a major player in the           which they live.
billboard industry. Now that industry                                                 K-Kids for Kids!
is moving toward digital billboards       March 18                                    Noble K-Kids sponsored a “penny war”
so Tiffin Metal will no longer be in                             Scott Lyons          coin collection to raise money for
that business for the first time since                           has owned The        birthday bags for foster kids in Seneca
1927. Today Tiffin Metal focuses                                 Pioneer Mill of      County. They collected coins March 1
on three areas: specialty lockers,                               Tiffin for over 20   thru March 5.
material handling and OEM and                                    years. Next year,
custom products. The lockers are not                             the building will
like those used in school buildings.                             be celebrated
Rather they are specialized for police,   for its 200 years. Scott is working on
military police, SWAT teams, evidence     plans to celebrate. At the time that
lockers, firearms and gunnery lockers     Scott purchased The Pioneer Mill,
and the like. They have plug-ins built    it was busy for six months but not
in and are bullet proof. Material         so much the other six during the
handling equipment has become             warm weather season. He added
a major industry for Tiffin Metal,        the deck for outside dining and it is
with a business that has exploded         now busy year-round. As COVID hit,
to $100 million in annual sales with      he was nervous about losing his staff
Amazon as one of its customers.           but was able to keep them engaged
OEM parts are components used in          throughout. Outdoor dining after May
making products, for example parts        15 of 2020 and then being able to
for pizza ovens such as those used        serve inside at half capacity for social
by Little Caesars to keep their pizza     distancing has kept the restaurant
warm until the customer picks them        busy. In addition to taking out half of
up. Tiffin Metal makes fence posts        the tables, The Mill is sanitized hourly.
for the Department of Defense and,        Scott advises getting reservations
also does custom work for various         for Friday and Saturday nights. The
FROM THE President - Kiwanis Club of Tiffin, Ohio
7 W. Market Street
                           Tiffin, OH 44883
                                                                BENEFITS OF JOINING
                           419-448-4541                         Study after study shows that volunteering with an
                                                                organization like Kiwanis does more than make people
                                                                feel good. Volunteering enhances social networks,
                                                                improves mental health and contributes to higher levels
                                                                of happiness, self-esteem, self-worth and life satisfaction.
                                                                Volunteers develop life skills and leadership abilities that
                                                                can lead to employment opportunities.
                                                                Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just
                                                                have the heart.
                                                                                                                          -Elizabeth Andrews

       2019-2020 OFFICERS
President                       Michelle Tuite
President-Elect                 Eric Willman
Vice President                  Tom Schweitzer
Secretary                       Beth McFarlan-
Treasurer                       Leslie Reinhart
Immediate Past
 President                      Kristi Krintzline
President                       Kurt Huenemann
Vice President                  Clark Hutson
Secretary                       Mikki King
Treasurer                       Melanie Frederick
Julie Adkins                    Richard Ellinger
Pam Greene                      Jim Kimmel                                       SERVICE COMMITTEES
Kristi Krintzline ex-officio    Michelle Tuite ex-officio      Community Services                        Melissa Mullins/Beth McFarlan-Hutson
                                                               Youth Services                                                   Michelle Tuite
*non-voting members representing the Kiwanis Club of Tiffin.
                                                               Human & Spiritual Values                                       Bernie Steinmetz
                                                               Young Children Priority One
    BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                         Sponsored Youth                Circle K (Tiffin University) Chelsea & Kaitlyn Bass
                                                                                                   Key Club (Tiffin Columbian) Tom Schweitzer
                          2021                                 Key Club (Calvert) Marguerite Bernard
                        Roy Zinn                                                               Builder’s Club (Tiffin Middle School) John Millar
                       Jon Beard                                                                           K Kids (Noble School) Melissa Mullins
                                                                         Aktion Club (Opportunity Center) Beth McFarlan-Hutson/Marta Mohr
                    Melissa Mullins                                            STANDING COMMITTEES
                     Pat DeMonte                               Membership & Retention                     Gene Chintala/Beth McFarlan-Hutson
                          2023                                 Interclub Meetings                                           Roy Zinn/Mark Zeno
                      Marta Mohr                               Garage Sale                                            Gene Chintala/Mark Zeno
                      Mary Traxler                             Race Program                                                         Nicole Miller
                                                               Cooking Show                                                      Debby Roszman
                                                               Highway Cleanup                                                        Mark Zeno
      KIWANIS MANOR                                            Dine & Donate                                      Mark Zeno/Bernie Steinmetz
                                                               Public Relations                                Bernie Steinmetz/Bonnie Boroff
    BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                         Website                                                              Mark Levans
President                    Shirley Smith                     Social Media                               Gene Chintala/Beth McFarlan-Hutson
                                                               Newsletter                                                       Bernie Steinmetz
Vice President               Rich Traunero
                                                               Music                                                              George Dupey
Secretary/Treasurer          Sr. Rita Mae Johns                Grade A Celebration                                                 Shirley Smith
Members: Becky Bohn, Gene Chintala,                            Family Fest                                                          Pam Greene
Richard Ellinger, Nancy Miller, Bernie                         Christmas Parade                                Kristi Krintzline/Debby Roszman
Steinmetz, Mark Zeno                                           Sharing Kitchen                                                      Pam Greene
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