SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021

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SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021
Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021

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SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021
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SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021
                                                                                            30 FINANCE LEADERS:
 8                                                                                          SKILLS FOR A CAREER
                                                                                            IN THE DIGITAL AGE
                                                                                            Leaders across varied
                                                                                            industries discuss the skills
                                                                                            and foresight needed to
                                                                                            navigate career progression
                                                                                            in finance and accounting.

                                                                                            34 PRIORITISING
                                                                                            REVERSE LOGISTICS
                                                                                            The explosive growth of
                                                                                            reverse logistics presents
                                                                                            risks and opportunities
                                                                                            for finance professionals.
                                                                                            Here are ways to identify

                                                                                            38 SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                                            WHAT DO THEY DO?
                                                                                            Companies are grappling
                                                                                            with ESG risks and
                                                                                            opportunities in their
5 THE VIEW FROM THE            12 HIGHLIGHTING                                              strategy and business
PRESIDENT                      CHART DATA IN EXCEL                                          models. Some hire
CIMA President Paul Ash,       Learn how to create                                          sustainability accountants
FCMA, CGMA, says the           dynamic highlights for a                                     or create whole departments
Association can draw on        chart.                                                       to measure and track ESG
AICPA & CIMA’s combined                                                                     metrics to ensure long-term

                                                                                                                            TOP: IMAGE BY STUART KINLOUGH/IKON IMAGES; CENTRE: IMAGE BY OTTO STEININGER/IKON IMAGES;
experience to lead through     16 MOTIVATING PEOPLE                                         value creation.
the next five years.           IN A FLAT ORGANISATION
                               Focus on aspects                                             42 DRIVING DOWN

                                                                                                                            BOTTOM, FROM LEFT: IMAGE BY PIRANKA/ISTOCK; IMAGE BY NICK LOWNDES/IKON IMAGES
                               other than money and
                               title to keep staff, and                           22        CARBON EMISSIONS
                                                                                            WITH INTERNAL
BUSINESS                       yourself, motivated.                                         PRICING
Data, trust, and stewardship                                 22 HOW FINANCE                 In the current rush to
principles can provide         18 FINANCE AT THE             CAN SHAPE AFRICA’S             decarbonise, Acciona,
a grounding amidst             FOREFRONT OF M&A              PUSH INTO NEW MUSIC            Swiss Re, and Mahindra
rapid change, says             Finance’s role in mergers     MARKETS                        & Mahindra have found
Andrew Harding, FCMA,          and acquisitions is           Management accounting          success in implementing
CGMA, chief executive–         expanding, thanks to          skills can be harnessed to     internal carbon prices to
Management Accounting          the function’s increased      turn creative talent and       reduce emissions and fund
at the Association of          input into strategy and the   ideas into sustainable         greener investments.
International Certified        rising influence of data      business ventures.
Professional Accountants.      and analytics.
                                                             26 5 KEY STEPS FOR
8 BOOST YOUR                                                 DISCOVERING THE
CAREER WITH                                                  SKILLS GAPS AT YOUR
INTRAPRENEURSHIP                12                           BUSINESS
Looking for creative ways                                    Keeping pace with change
to challenge yourself                                        means that businesses and
within your current job can                                  professionals need to assess
improve your skills, boost                                   and remedy the difference
the business, and grow your
career opportunities.
                                                             between the skills they have
                                                             and the skills they need.
FM-MAGAZINE.COM                                                                     September 2021 I FM MAGAZINE I 3
SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021
46 5 WAYS TO UNLOCK                     54 A FUN LOOK AT                               58 INSTITUTE NEWS                                  62 TIN MINING AT SEA
                                                                                                         THE VALUE OF YOUR                       TAXATION THROUGH THE                           Get updates on issues                              COVID-19-driven demand
                                                                                                         BUSINESS DATA                           AGES                                           affecting the profession and                       for consumer electronics
                                                                                                         Being proactive with                    Economists reveal success                      your membership.                                   sent tin prices soaring,
                                                                                                         data can magnify the                    stories and unintended                                                                            leading miners in the
                                                                                                         value-creating aspects of               consequences in their book                     61 MICROCHIPS AND THE                              world’s largest tin-exporting
                                                                                                         teams and individuals.                  about the history of taxes                     GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN                                country to head offshore.
                                                                                                                                                 around the world.                              Take a look at the

                                                                                                         50 MANAGING COSTS OF                                                                   microchip shortage and
                                                                                                         SUPPLY CHAIN RISKS
                                                                                                         BEYOND THE PANDEMIC
                                                                                                                                                   54                                           the disruption it is causing
                                                                                                                                                                                                in manufacturing.
                                                                                                         The pandemic disrupted
                                                                                                         supply chains and
                                                                                                         added logistics costs in
                                                                                                         many industries. Here’s
                                                                                                         how Welbilt, a global
                                                                                                         supplier of restaurant
                                                                                                         equipment, responded.                                                                    Contributing to sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                                  FM is now shipped without plastic wrapping. Paper wrapping used

                                                                                                                                                                                                  in certain markets is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and is recyclable and biodegradable. The paper used in FM is made
                                                                                                                                                                                                  from wood grown in FSC-certified forests, recycled material, or
                                                                                                                                                                                                  controlled wood.

                                                                                                                                      CIMA HONORARY OFFICERS                                                 United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                                                                                             The Helicon, One South Place. London EC2M 2RB
                                                                                                           Paul Ash, FCMA, CGMA                           Melanie Kanaka, FCMA, CGMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Tel.: +44 (0)20 8849 2251
                                                                                                           President, CIMA                                Deputy President, CIMA
                                                                                                           Chair, Association board                                                                          United States
                                                                                                                                                          Sarah Ghosh, FCMA, CGMA                            220 Leigh Farm Road, Durham, NC 27707-8110
                                                                                                           Nick Jackson, FCMA, CGMA                       Vice-President, CIMA                               Tel.: +1 919-402-4500
                                                                                                           Immediate Past President, CIMA

                                                                                                                                  Publisher: Kim Nilsen                                              Associate Publisher: Karin DeMarco
                                                                                                                                                               (                                        Associate Director, Business Development: Shreyas
                                                                                                           CONTACT US
                                                                                                                                                               Managing Editor: Rocky S. Rosen                                    Mecheri
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                                                                                                         4 I FM MAGAZINE I September 2021
SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021

                                                     PAUL ASH, FCMA, CGMA

        ince AICPA & CIMA came                                                                     were posted in 2020, despite
        together five years ago, I                                                                 many work opportunities being
        have been a strong                                                                         greatly diminished due to the
supporter and advocate for our                                                                     crisis.
Association. From the beginning,                                                                       AICPA & CIMA’s 200-plus years’
I saw how each founding body                                                                       combined experience is vital to our
could empower the other and                                                                        Association as we embark on our
could become greater than the                                                                      new five-year strategy. We aim to
sum of our parts. We are now                                                                       grow even more organically to
ready to move forward and build                                                                    ensure our Association maintains
on what we have achieved. This                                                                     its ability to influence and remain
year’s Association theme of “Adapt                                                                 relevant to all it serves. Strategic
+ Thrive” fits perfectly with my                                                                   initiatives have been updated in
own theme of “Dare Together”.
    Following the challenges we                 Building a                                         response to the changing
                                                                                                   environment and provide the

                                              reputation of
have experienced over the past 18                                                                  framework to make strategic
months, I am confident that we                                                                     investments in, for example,
are not being too ambitious. We                                                                    technology, people, and resources,

                                            ‘daring together’
should not be afraid of new                                                                        and make alliances with partners
challenges. By “daring together”, I                                                                who share common interests.
am certain we will be even more                                                                        Environmental, social, and
successful in the future. Having                                                                   governance (ESG) measures now
been through an experience such              ‘We should not be afraid of                           require a greater level of public
as a global pandemic, we have
learned the strength of working
                                                  new challenges.’                                 disclosure, based upon the
                                                                                                   collection and analysis of data
together. Being able to collaborate                                                                and a clear ESG strategy. As
on the new challenges we face will help us succeed.                          management accountants, we have always looked
    AICPA & CIMA came together because we, as                                beyond the numbers to describe the value chain
individual members of those founding bodies, chose                           across the business. Using tools such as integrated
to do so through a democratic process. Any doubts                            thinking and reporting, we should prioritise finding
some may have had as to whether we would be                                  where ESG principles can be applied and
stronger together have been answered in how, as a                            implemented. If you need support, AICPA & CIMA
joint Association, we have not only endured the                              recently published guides such as Putting the E in ESG
pandemic but thrived.                                                        and a useful overview of the topic, Sustainability
    When we began our relationship, there was no                             Frameworks and Standards (find the reports and others
precedent to work from and no rule book, but our                             at
joint resources represent powerful assets. They                                  The challenges ahead of us are likely to change, but
                                                                                                                                          PHOTO BY FIONA HANSON/AP IMAGES

enabled us, almost overnight, to pivot to support our                        be confident that you are ready to face them. Use them
members and students throughout the world. We                                as opportunities for positive transformation, with the
were able to move our examinations to a remote                               resources and support of AICPA & CIMA in your
testing platform. That meant students’ learning did                          toolkit. I want us as finance leaders to build a
not have to stop. The Association redoubled its efforts                      reputation for daring to be bold on the transition
to keep members in work at a time when job security       KEEP IN TOUCH      required. We are ready and able to make the next step
was nonexistent. The Association’s Global Career Hub         Follow me       in reimagining our profession and making our
contains a huge range of roles to help members find         on Twitter:      Association even more successful than it has been
their next opportunity. More than 1.25 million jobs       @CIMA_President    over our first five years.

FM-MAGAZINE.COM                                                                             September 2021 I FM MAGAZINE I 5
SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021
                                                                                                                    to build
                                                                                                                    By Andrew Harding, FCMA, CGMA

                                                                      ometimes it is a good idea to go        You also need to ensure you do not         good relationships with the full breadth of
                                                                      back to the basics, the ABCs of     gather data for data’s sake. As the Global     a business’s stakeholders.
                                                                      management accounting               Management Accounting Principles                   The end goal of this is higher
                                                                      — and I don’t just mean             (GMAPs) say, “Management accounting            productivity and efficiency, but despite the
                                                                      activity-based costing. Going       makes relevant information available to        rise of AI, companies are — by definition
                                                         back to first principles is a good way to        decision-makers when they need it.”            — staffed by people. The human factor
                                                         ground yourself when the world seems to              Although it is important, data is only     needs to be managed intelligently and
                                                         be changing 20 times per second.                 the start of the decision-making process.      empathetically.
                                                            Ignoring change is not an option, but         Insights gleaned from information must             It is a truism that change makes people
                                                         reimagining the basics can help.                 be set against externalities such as           uncomfortable, but by encouraging staff to
                                                            At its most fundamental level,                prevailing business conditions, which can      cultivate an agile mindset and adopt
                                                         management accounting is about                   be affected by myriad factors and not all of   integrated thinking, you can reduce
                                                         decision-making. And to make the right           which have data immediately available.         friction caused by new systems rubbing
                                                         decisions we need the right data.                This is where management accountants,          against old ways of working. Good
                                                            As the new CIMA President Paul Ash            with their knowledge of operating and          stewardship builds trust, that most
                                                         said in his speech at CIMA’s Annual              business models, can show both their own       difficult quality to evaluate.
                                                         General Meeting, “No business has ever           value and that of the profession. We use           A 2017 Harvard Business Review article,
                                                         succeeded without good, solid, reliable,         “integrated thinking” to join the dots and     “The Neuroscience of Trust”, described

                                                         and timely data.” For our profession, data       tell the story that supports good decision-    how compared with people at low-trust
                                                         has always been the keystone. Now,               making.                                        companies, people at high-trust
                                                         everyone has latched on to that secret, and          Understanding the stories behind the       companies report 74% less stress, 106%
                                                         data analysis is often cited as a, if not the,   numbers is a particularly useful skill when    more energy at work, 50% higher
                                                         key future skill.                                it comes to performance management.            productivity, 13% fewer sick days, 76%
                                                            The assembly and analysis of relevant         The Association is publishing new              more engagement, and 40% less burnout.
                                                         data is increasingly automated. Data itself is   research on performance management                 Get the foundations right and you can
                                                         becoming more sophisticated, and the             that reimagines traditional financial          build a stronger business.
                                                         conversion of the value of important assets      considerations.
                                                         into meaningful data is a challenge. How do          It says that to succeed over the short,
                                                         you plan to show your company’s ESG              medium, and longer term, businesses are
                                                                                                                                                            Andrew Harding, FCMA, CGMA, is chief
                                                         impact, for example? (This FM issue focuses      adopting new ways of managing
                                                                                                                                                            executive–Management Accounting at
                                                         on aspects of sustainability: “Sustainability    performance that capitalise on the talents
                                                                                                                                                            the Association of International
                                                         Accountants: What Do They Do?” on page           of their people, and leverage their business
                                                                                                                                                            Certified Professional Accountants,
                                                         38; and “Driving Down Carbon Emissions           model, systems, processes, and
                                                                                                                                                            representing AICPA & CIMA.
                                                         With Internal Pricing” on page 42.)              procedures. It also notes the advantage of

                                                         6 I FM MAGAZINE I September 2021
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SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021
Boost your
                                                     career with
                                                          Looking for creative ways to challenge yourself within your
                                                           current job can improve your skills, boost the business,
                                                                     and grow your career opportunities.
                                                                                                By Anastasia Uglova

                                                    pend a few years working for       services, and systems for the benefit of       becoming the next Blockbuster.
                                                    the same employer and even         their employer.                                   So how do you ditch your career rut
                                                    the most exciting job can             You may have heard of                       while convincing your boss to let you be a
                                                    eventually feel limiting and       intrapreneurship by other names:               workplace hero?
                                                    monotonous. As the allure of       hackathons, skunkworks, sandbox funds,
                                       new challenges wears off, you find              innovation hubs, incubation labs. While        Start with a why
                                       yourself daydreaming about quitting if          these may sound like trendy new concepts       Begin, as all good ideas do, with why. There
                                       only to keep your skills fresh in a rapidly     that would never fly at a conservative         are several very good reasons to innovate
                                       changing job market.                            workplace, intrapreneurship is actually a      from within.
                                           But forgoing job security is far from the   time-tested tactic that finds itself in very
                                       only way to jump-start a sluggish career. To    good company: 3M’s Post-it Notes,              Staying sharp through upskilling and
                                       try your hand at something new while            Facebook’s Like button, and Lockheed           knowledge transfer
                                       keeping your gainful employment,                Martin’s F-22 Raptor and SR-71 Blackbird       Some job skills have a sell-by date. By
                                       consider intrapreneurship.                      aircraft are all examples of internal          working on new projects outside your
                                           Like entrepreneurship,                      innovation incubated outside of normal         usual functional area, you gain exposure
                                       intrapreneurship is the practice of rapidly     work process.                                  and an introduction to new and valuable
                                       spinning up novel solutions to complex             Perhaps the best-known example of           skillsets, opinion leaders, and technology
                                       problems. But while entrepreneurs launch        corporate intrapreneurship is Google’s         platforms.

                                       new ventures to solve external problems in      20% Project, intended to encourage                At the same time, your colleagues in
                                       society and the business world at large, the    employees to spend 20% of their time           other business units benefit by sharing
                                       focus of the intrapreneur is internal,          working on personal and creative               information and cross-pollinating the
                                       exploring opportunities to improve things       endeavours to boost innovation and             different tactics internal teams use to
                                       inside the organisation they work for.          employee retention. It is no surprise that     analyse problems and design solutions.
                                       These employees prepare compelling              the home of the 20% Project is also the
                                       business cases and sometimes assemble           birthplace of Gmail, the most widely used      Increasing engagement and motivation
                                       strike teams to experiment with new             product in the history of email.               If you are feeling bored at work, focusing
                                       approaches to “business as usual”. They are        Not every skunkworks scheme will            on innovation can reignite a sense of
                                       given the resources and autonomy to build       become the next Gmail, but any                 excitement and new possibilities by
                                       and test these processes, products,             company that does not innovate risks           helping you see old problems with fresh

                                       8 I FM MAGAZINE I September 2021
SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021
eyes. Additionally, the attention and        because they get caught up in doing what    yourself indispensable. New initiatives
recognition that comes with “unorthodox”     they have always done, the way they have    often put the people behind them on the
projects translates to renewed inspiration   always done it.                             radar of executives. After all, these
and engagement, especially as your ideas        This is called organisational inertia,   executives have dedicated valuable
gain traction and your work is recognised    but intrapreneurship breaks that cycle by   company resources, time, and money to
for its positive contribution to the         spinning up new ideas, products, and        support your efforts.
company’s future.                            services to stay agile and competitive in       Now you have their attention, too, and
                                             the marketplace.                            they are going to want to hear how that
Contributing to innovation and market                                                    new project is going. This chance to
leadership                                   Earning respect and relevance               impress your peers and superiors can
No company wants to be last in line when     through self-promotion                      become the career opportunity of a
the market shifts. Business leaders know     Speaking of leadership, intrapreneurship    lifetime, because how your colleagues
that stagnation means death, but large       provides a visible platform to              perceive you is one of the most significant
companies struggle with innovation           communicate your value and make             factors in your success — even more so
SKILLS Finance leaders on competitive career advantage - Driving innovation in management accounting | September 2021
Focusing on innovation can                                                                   recruit top talent to remain competitive.
                                                                                                 A skunkworks initiative that pairs

reignite a sense of excitement and                                                           hiring managers with junior-level
                                                                                             employees directly addresses pain points

new possibilities by helping you                                                             in talent acquisition and succession
                                                                                             planning, helps the company stay relevant,

see old problems with fresh eyes.
                                                                                             keeps leadership in touch with today’s
                                                                                             business trends, and gives less
                                                                                             experienced colleagues a chance to emerge
                                                                                             as leaders.

than skills and experience, as documented     help your company get ahead of the curve       Plan the how
by workplace researcher and speaker Dan       by proposing to try out a new tool to solve    A fruitful conversation about taking on a
Schawbel in his bestselling book, Promote     an unmet business need.                        new assignment — especially one that is
Yourself: The New Rules for Career Success.                                                  outside your company’s usual way of
                                              Change management                              doing business — takes serious
Move to a what                                With so much change coming to finance,         preparation. While it may be tempting to
A good way to come up with ideas for          how can you help your company and              complain that you are bored and
internal skunkworks is to list what you       colleagues adapt smoothly and                  uninspired, you should keep this crucial
already dislike or find inefficient about     productively? Your executives are likely       conversation focused on solutions and
your company. Even better is involving        asking themselves the same question.           possibilities: solutions for business
others in your brainstorming by asking        Help them answer it by offering to explore     problems and possibilities for your career.
your colleagues what they wish they could     current and future changes that are likely     An ideal container for this type of
change. For example, are you annoyed by       to cause friction, along with novel            conversation is a goal-setting meeting
your company’s outdated human                 methods and techniques to mitigate their       with your boss.
resources software? Does a business           impact.                                            Talking about job aspirations and career
process add too much unnecessary time             In the process, you will collaborate and   planning is an essential conversation that
and not enough value?                         problem-solve with many different teams,       too few employees have with their
   Talk to others, determine if the           educate yourself on some of today’s most       managers — but the ones who do have that
sentiment is shared, explore alternate        pressing workplace issues, and gain            conversation end up seeing their
ideas from adjacent teams, and propose        essential change management skills in an       professional prospects skyrocket. When is
solutions by testing innovations to           era of rapid innovation.                       the last time you sat down with your
research and implement, such as:                                                             manager to talk about where you want
                                              Reverse mentoring                              your career to go and what work
Automation                                    The practice of pairing executives with        experiences would best position you to
Instead of feeling anxious and paralysed      junior staff to facilitate the exchange of     reach those goals? If the answer is never, it
by the prospect of artificial intelligence    ideas and expertise is a tactic pioneered by   is past time to book that meeting.
making human jobs obsolete, take charge       General Electric in the 1990s. Legendary           At the meeting, start with the “why”
of the inevitable disruption by helping       Chairman and CEO Jack Welch sought to          from this article to help your boss
lead the change. This way, you emerge as      teach his company leadership about the         understand the business case behind your
an indispensable subject-matter expert        technological advances reshaping his           idea. Next, research the “what” as it relates
while facilitating a crucial transformation   industry. Chief among these was the            to your company — or come up with your
for your employer.                            internet, a revolution that GE’s senior        own project ideas.
    Explore what automation projects are      executives struggled to grasp, and which           A great way to generate problems worth
already in the works and see if you can get   its junior employees were exceptionally        solving is to talk to colleagues. Propose a
involved. If there is nothing underway,       well equipped to explain.                      plan that details not just the problems, but
                                                  Today, reverse mentoring can be used       the solutions you envision. Your proposal
                                              by companies to teach essential digital        may not be what you ultimately end up
 Resources                                    skills such as social media and artificial     incubating, but the first step is simply to
                                              intelligence.                                  kick off the conversation. ■
 “Top Finance Skills”, a series of            Succession planning
 Q&As with finance and business               Reverse mentoring can even help
                                                                                               Anastasia Uglova is a communications
 leaders, FM magazine,                        companies tap into new ways to attract
                                                                                               and personal branding consultant                         new talent. Data from postsecondary and
                                                                                               based in the US. To comment on this
                                              MBA programmes shows that Millennials
 Career help                                                                                   article or to suggest an idea for
                                              and Generation Z are increasingly less
                                                                                               another article, contact Drew Adamek,
 Global Career Hub,                           interested in pursuing careers in financial
                                                                                               an FM magazine senior editor, at                      services, which poses an existential threat
                                              to finance departments struggling to

10 I FM MAGAZINE I September 2021
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chart data
in Excel
A series approach can produce conditional
formatting that changes dynamically.
By Liam Bastick, FCMA, CGMA

          hen creating financial models, charts are often an
          effective way to present data. Sometimes, you
          might wish to highlight specific datapoints to
          emphasise them.
Example 1 data

                                       Consider the following example, shown in the
                                    screenshot “Example 1 Data”, which shows the historical
Example 1 chart                     data for income for a company, summarised quarterly.
                                       From the provided data, I plot a line chart such as the
                                    one in “Example 1 Chart”, which has a clear minimum and
                                       If I wish to highlight these points on the graph, it would
                                    be easy enough simply to highlight them and change
                                    the format of the points, as shown in the screenshot
                                    “Example 1 Chart With Highlights”.
                                       But what if the data changes? I would have to go
                                    back and edit the chart points each time there is a new
                                    maximum and minimum point. This is not the way to do it!
                                       In this situation, let’s create dynamic highlights for the
                                    chart. To do that, I am going to use two “helper” data series:
                                    one series is to calculate the maximum and the other, the
                                    minimum (surprise, surprise), as shown in the screenshot
                                    “Helper Series Data”.
                                       The Total Income series represents the original series
                                    data that I used to construct the chart. Formulas are used
                                    to construct the Max and Min series; the Max series is
                                    calculated with the following formula:

Example 1 chart with highlights
                                       The Min series is calculated with this formula:


                                        This results in the series displaying only the
                                    maximum and minimum value in the original chart data,
                                    and #N/A for everything else. Using formulas allows
                                    these two series to be dynamic, so when there is new
                                    data, the Max and Min series will update accordingly. The
                                    #N/A error is deliberate, as it prevents data being plotted
                                    as zero, depending upon the type of chart being selected
                                    (I have deliberately used a line chart here to demonstrate
                                    this point).
                                        Now that I have the data series, I can include them in the
                                    chart. When I click on the original chart, Excel highlights
                                    the relevant data series, as shown in the screenshot “Chart
                                    Data Highlighted”.
                                        I can then drag the values down or I can right-click on
                                    the original chart and select the Select Data option, which
                                    will cause the Select Data Source dialog box to appear.
Helper series data

14 I FM MAGAZINE I September 2021
Chart data highlighted

Add new series           Chart with conditional formatting

Add Max and Min
                         I can then add new series by clicking on the Add button on
                         the left side of the dialog box, as shown in the screenshot
                         “Add New Series”.
                             The next step is to fill out the Edit Series dialog box
                         accordingly for Max and Min series, as shown in the
                         screenshot “Add Max and Min”.
                             The two additional series are now added and shown in
                         the Legend Entries (Series) box within the Select Data
                         Source dialog box, as shown in the screenshot “Adding
                             Do remember to reference the Horizontal (Category)
                         Axis Labels if the dates are replaced with sequential
                         integers, as illustrated in the “Adding Series” screenshot;
                         otherwise, this may cause charts to display incorrectly in
                         alternative scenarios.
                             The chart now appears as shown in the screenshot
                         “Chart With Conditional Formatting”. Max and Min are now
Adding series            chart series and will be changed dynamically depending on
                         the data.
                             In essence, this is “conditional formatting” for a chart. ■

                           Liam Bastick, FCMA, CGMA, FCA, is director of
                           SumProduct, a global consultancy specialising in Excel
                           training. He is also an Excel MVP (as appointed by
                           Microsoft) and author of Introduction to Financial
                           Modelling. Send ideas for future Excel-related articles
                           to him at To comment
                           on this article or to suggest an idea for another article,
                           contact Jeff Drew, an FM magazine senior editor, at

FM-MAGAZINE.COM                                 September 2021 I FM MAGAZINE I 15
                              people in a flat
                                           ne of the greatest assets an         particularly with longer serving staff,        Give people a sense of purpose
                                           organisation can have is a           because some people are better at              A feeling of belonging and the idea that
                                           motivated staff. Motivated           negotiating than others. There often is an     there is a greater goal also helps to keep staff
                                           employees are more engaged,          element of gender or other biases,             engaged. People should feel that they are
                                           more productive, and more            including unconscious ones, too. So you        contributing to something bigger than just
                              likely to stay in their jobs longer. But how      need to ensure that people who work at the     their immediate role. A famous illustration
                              do you motivate people — especially in            same level get the same pay — and this         of this is the (probably apocryphal) story of
                              today’s nonhierarchical companies where           needs to be done in a holistic and             US President John F. Kennedy asking a
                              real promotions are few and far between?          structured way. One of the best ways of        janitor at NASA what he did. The janitor
                                                                                doing this is having transparency around       replied, “I’m helping put a man on the
                              What role does money play?                        pay and pay bands. Bonuses are generally       moon.” Interestingly, this is something the
                              Money is what is known as a “hygiene              not a good way to motivate people. They        public sector and not-for-profit
                              factor”, a basic requirement. If you don’t        produce short-term upticks in satisfaction     organisations often do much better than
                              pay people enough, it can be a significant        but do little in the long term and can be      the private sector.
                              demotivator. But once you pay them                divisive.
                              enough, paying them any extra has little                                                         Be an attractive organisation
                              effect. It’s a good idea to pay people slightly   Be fair with appraisals                        People want to work for a business they
                              above the market rate — this tells your staff     Fairness is not just about pay. Both           can be proud of. Some might seek to work
                              you value them enough to pay more than            managers and organisations should              for a widely admired household name, like
                              your competitors do and will help make            ensure that staff appraisals are conducted     Google or Nike. But people increasingly
                              you an employer of choice.                        in a way that is both fair and seen as fair.   choose employers based on criteria such

                                                                                Employees should feel that a balanced          as environmental responsibility, diversity
                              But it’s not that simple                          view has been taken of their performance       and gender balance, corporate social
                              Pay is not just benchmarked externally.           and that everyone is held to the same          responsibility, and so on. This is
                              People compare themselves to their                standards. They should be asked to             particularly true of younger employees
                              colleagues. Having unfair salary disparities      contribute and should agree with the           and graduates. Attractiveness is closely
                              internally can be hugely demotivational           conclusions of the appraisal. If there are     related to purpose — people want to work
                              — and can lead to charges of                      problems, a way forward that both parties      for a business that reflects their own
                              discrimination. This often happens,               buy into should be found.                      values and that they can feel good about.

                              16 I FM MAGAZINE I September 2021
In a structure that includes few real promotion
opportunities, focus on other factors to keep staff
By Rhymer Rigby

Career development is the new career             Be a good boss                                  much of this advice works for individuals.
progression                                      It’s not just a saying that people join         You can ask for training and to be moved
In old-fashioned, hierarchical                   companies but leave managers. In survey         around the organisation if you feel you are
organisations, people got a promotion            after survey, a dislike of a boss is cited as   becoming stale and stuck in a rut. You can
every few years, which gave them a feeling       the number one reason for leaving. So, be a     take the initiative and make suggestions to
that they were moving forward. In flat           good boss. Take an interest in your staff       your boss. You can ask for feedback and
organisations, this is much tougher. But it      and their careers. Be available to talk — or    flexible working. You can join company-
is not impossible. You can still offer people    take them out for coffee when it makes          wide groups that concern themselves with
career development. This might involve           sense to do so. Give them feedback              social responsibility or charitable work. All
moving them sideways to gain experience,         regularly. Bosses tend to assume that if        of these will give you new experience and
temporarily assigning them to other              things are going OK, they don’t need to say     bring you into contact with new people.
business units or special projects, or giving    anything. This is not the case. Tell staff      You can, to a very large extent, empower
them training. You still provide the sense       they’re doing a good job. Or pick up the        yourself and take charge of your career and
of building careers and skillsets, just in a     phone and thank them. Better still,             motivation.
different way.                                   acknowledge them publicly.
                                                                                                 Visit the Global Career Hub from AICPA &
Make their lives easier                          Empower people                                  CIMA for help with finding a job or
This is closely related to being an attractive   As a boss, you should give staff the tools      recruiting. Visit ■
organisation. Be thoughtful and show your        they need to do their jobs and then let
employees you care. Perhaps the most             them get on with it. Be there if they need
obvious example of this is that parents of       you, but give them space to work, and             Rhymer Rigby is an FM magazine
young children are likely to find working        resist the urge to ask for constant updates       contributor and author of The
for an employer that tries to be flexible        or constantly look over their shoulders. Do       Careerist: Over 100 Ways to Get
much easier. As we return to offices after       not do their jobs for them or tell them how       Ahead at Work. To comment on this
COVID-19, there is going to be a great deal      you would do things better. Be a manager,         article or to suggest an idea for
of flux and change in this area. It is an        not a micromanager.                               another article, contact Neil Amato,
opportunity for companies to rethink how                                                           an FM magazine senior editor, at
people work — and help their staff better        Motivate yourself                       
manage work/life balance.                        If you are working in a flat organisation,

FM-MAGAZINE.COM                                                                                   September 2021 I FM MAGAZINE I 17
Finance at
the forefront
of M&A
While many business activities were halted by the
pandemic, mergers were not. Here are the factors
driving finance’s expanded M&A role.
By David A. J. Axson
             espite the impact of the global
             pandemic, there has been no
                                               IMAGE BY ROY SCOTT/IKON IMAGES

             shortage of merger and
             acquisition (M&A) and
             divestiture activity. More than
28,000 transactions were completed
globally in 2020. We have seen a number
of sizable deals, including Morgan
Stanley/E-Trade, LVMH/Tiffany,
Salesforce/Slack, Intuit/Credit Karma,
Grubhub/Just Eat Takeaway, and
Finance is instrumental not just in                                                       measuring portfolio value and isolating
                                                                                          opportunities to realise value through

making sure the numbers add up                                                            asset divestment. They can also expedite
                                                                                          the process by identifying potential

but also in ensuring M&A                                                                  buyers, easing the due diligence process,
                                                                                          and preparing assets for a seamless

transactions deliver lasting value.

                                                                                          Deal structuring
                                                                                          Due diligence has long been
                                                                                          foundational to structuring M&A
                                                                                          transactions. Historically, this was
Liberty Global/Telefonica. Respondents       stages of the M&A process, from              largely confined to financial data;
in a global survey by Bain & Company         identification of potential acquisition      however, in recent years the scope has
expected M&A to contribute to 45% of         targets to long-term strategic value         expanded significantly. Due diligence
their growth in the future compared          creation.                                    now analyses data on a broad range of
with about 30% over the past three              Looking at the five main stages in the    topics, including potential litigation
years.                                       M&A process (see the diagram, “M&A’s 5       risks; employee demographics including
   Finance has always been an integral       Stages”), we can identify the critical       diversity; sustainability strategies;
part of the M&A process. However, until      roles that finance increasingly plays        enterprise data quality; system
relatively recently, that role has been      throughout.                                  complexity; and the relative strength of
mostly focused on performing financial                                                    customer, supplier, regulator, and
due diligence, integrating financial         Target identification                        investor relationships. Ultimately, all of
systems, and tracking synergy savings        The rapid expansion in publicly              these datapoints feed into a financial
realisation. In the current environment,     available data has allowed investors and     model that develops valuations,
we are seeing the role of finance expand     acquirers to garner significant              establishes potential acquisition prices,
from purely an accounting lens to a          intelligence about acquisition targets. At   and forecasts future financial returns.
more strategic role in M&A.                  one large US financial institution, the      Finance owns these processes and is
                                             finance team has been maintaining            being asked to expand capabilities to
Expanded role                                target company data books that have          handle not only financial data but also
Two factors are driving an expanded role     been updated every quarter for more          operational and market data, structured
for the CFO and finance in M&A activity.     than 20 years. The data books track the      and unstructured.
First is the more strategic role CFOs play   financial performance and gather
in the enterprise as a whole. In recent      market intelligence of potential             Day one operation
years, CFOs have become much more            acquisition targets for each of the          Planning for a successful start following
forward-looking and growth-oriented.         institution’s major divisions. In recent     the completion of an M&A transaction is
Evaluating portfolio value and studying      years, manual data collection processes      crucial for deal success and sets the
acquisition and divestiture                  have been replaced by artificial             foundation for both near-term synergy
opportunities are at the heart of the        intelligence and data-mining tools that      realisation and strategic value creation.
CFO’s role in supporting an enterprise’s     feed advanced analytic models to update      The key parts of this planning include
growth strategy, of which M&A is an          valuations and possible bid scenarios.       ensuring that the essential data required
integral part. After the fiduciary role,        Equally important, but often              to run the combined business is
this is finance’s most important job.        neglected, is that divesting assets can be   available, accurate, and harmonised, and
    The second driving force is the          as strategically important as acquiring      that the systems are capable of
proliferation of data and analytics across   new ones. In fact, 78% of companies          effectively operating and accounting for
the enterprise, which has created new        surveyed by EY in 2020 expected to           the merged or divested entities.
opportunities to take a fact-based,          initiate divestment activity in the next     Companies with well-defined M&A
data-driven, and analytic approach to all    two years. CFOs have a key role to play in   playbooks can mobilise

M&A’s 5 stages

  Target identification       Deal structuring          Day one operation         Synergy realisation       Value creation

20 I FM MAGAZINE I September 2021
multidisciplinary teams with embedded
finance skills around key data and            CFOs have a key role to play in
system elements that combine business,
functional, and technical expertise.          measuring portfolio value and
    Today, these teams are using
sophisticated data sourcing, cleansing,       isolating opportunities to realise
                                              value through asset divestment.
migration, and harmonisation tools to
rapidly assimilate and merge data across
all parties to a transaction. As
companies increasingly digitise core
operating processes and migrate
systems and data to the cloud, many
historic integration challenges of            harmonise data, the longer synergy            underpins strategic and operational
incompatible systems and poorly               savings take to be realised and the           success. Investors, regulators, and board
governed data are becoming less               greater the risk of a deal’s economics not    members are becoming increasingly
common. This accelerates integration          meeting expectations. A 2018 McKinsey         conscious of the value (and risks)
and reduces the risks of data- and            study reported that synergy savings           associated with M&A. Emerging
system-driven integration challenges.         targets were almost twice as likely to be     technologies are shortening cycle times,
However, CFOs need to ensure that the         met or exceeded when CFOs played an           reducing risk, and delivering more
underlying data and system                    integral part in the synergy management       predictable outcomes; however,
architectures can rapidly handle              process.                                      management needs to commit to
integration and divestiture challenges.                                                     managing M&A with the same care and
All too often, selling entities remain        Value creation (and risk                      discipline that it commits to other
saddled with long-term support                mitigation)                                   elements of the enterprise. One final
agreements for businesses they no             Today, more and more M&A deals are            note of caution, however. Recent
longer own, which can reduce the              predicated on strategic logic that is         research has identified that one of the
strategic value of acquisitions and           underpinned by the value of combining         biggest reasons for a failed M&A is not
divestitures.                                 data, products, relationships, and/or         directly financial or operational in
                                              markets to create value. Combining            nature. Strategic logic and a compelling
Synergy realisation                           product sets, customer bases, market          business case are all for nought if
Almost all M&A deals are founded upon         access, sourcing, administration, and         organisational and cultural alignment
some strategic logic for combining two        innovation all require a robust, scalable,    and integration are not successful.
or more entities. However, that is rarely     and adaptive financial planning and           Finance has a role to play here as well.
enough to convince investors and              management architecture. All too often           The metrics that are used to measure
lenders to back a deal. They are not          organisations lose focus on the strategic     performance, aligning financial policies
prepared to wait for the benefits to          rationale for a deal after the high hurdles   and controls, merging organisations and
accrue; they want a payback in the short      of deal closure and synergy realisation       job descriptions, and creating a unified
term through the realisation of synergy       have been cleared.                            financial calendar, can all have an
savings. Again, finance is central to the         The deals that pay off handsomely are     impact on culture. Being sensitive to the
value proposition. Estimating savings         those where finance keeps the                 harmonisation of policies and practices,
from organisational streamlining,             leadership team honest and tied to the        such as travel and entertainment,
contract renegotiation, overhead cost         strategic rationale of the deal. In the       spending approval levels, and, in today’s
reduction, elimination of duplicate           worst case, that may mean that finance        post-pandemic world, remote working
activities, and scale economies is            has to confront and communicate the           practices, can smooth the integration
founded upon the quality of the data          uncomfortable reality that a deal has         process. Finance is instrumental not just
used to make estimates and, more              failed and that it is better to cut losses    in making sure the numbers add up but
importantly, tracking and reporting           and move on. Discipline and focus while       also in ensuring M&A transactions
savings as they are realised. The longer it   avoiding emotional bias are central to        deliver lasting value. ■
takes a merged organisation to truly          enabling the realisation of the original
                                              value proposition and uncovering new
                                              sources of value over time.
                                                                                              David A. J. Axson is a consultant and
                                                                                              author and a retired partner from
                                              The payoff
                                                                                              Accenture, a co-founder of The Hackett
                                              The CFO and finance team are not just
                                                                                              Group, and former head of corporate
                                              partners to the C-suite, but also leaders
                                                                                              planning at Bank of America. To
                                              in ensuring discipline, focus, and
                                                                                              comment on this article or to suggest
                                              analytical rigour in M&A. The ability to
                                                                                              an idea for another article, contact Neil
                                              manage M&A sustainably across an
                                                                                              Amato, an FM magazine senior editor,
                                              enterprise as the business portfolio
                                              changes is a core competency that

FM-MAGAZINE.COM                                                                              September 2021 I FM MAGAZINE I 21

22 I FM MAGAZINE I September 2021
How finance can
               shape Africa’s push
                 into new music
                        Digital music platforms demand finance skills, new
                              business models, and creative thinking.
                                                        By Jessica Hubbard

              frican music is having a          markets, Mavin Records can benefit from a       experience,” said Amal Ratnayake, FCMA,
              golden moment. In March,          higher average revenue per user (ARPU),         CGMA, a former CIMA president who is the
              Nigerian Afrobeats star Burna     which denotes the value of a user’s stream      CFO at officialCOMMUNITY, an online
              Boy (whose real name is           in a particular region.                         global brand management and
              Damini Ogulu) won Best               Sean Watson, managing director, Sony         e-commerce agency for the music industry
Global Music Album at the 63rd Grammy           Music Entertainment Africa, which houses        that represents recording artists including
Awards, while his compatriot Wizkid won         stars including Wizkid, Gyakie, and rapper      James Taylor, Mark Knopfler, Bonnie Raitt,
Best Music Video for his Brown Skin Girl        AKA, said that artists are now “plugged         and Santana.
collaboration with Beyoncé. The                 into the global game” because of the access         Yet while streaming live concerts is a
popularity of these artists and Afropop         provided via global DSPs.                       concept still in its infancy, Ratnayake said
more broadly reflects a growing appetite           “We’re tapping into new audiences in         that the explosion of digital music
for African music and culture — which is        markets previously disconnected from            platforms is prompting a massive overhaul
being propelled by social media, online         African music, and we’re able to reach the      of existing business models within the
concerts, and the proliferation of digital      large African diaspora around the world         industry.
service providers (DSPs) such as Apple          more than ever … bringing huge                      “The way in which music is consumed
Music, Boomplay, and Spotify.                   opportunities for our artists,” Watson          has changed dramatically, and no one
   “Social media has expedited the creative     explained.                                      really considers buying music anymore,”
and cultural exchange between regions,             Additionally, in the absence of live         he said. “While this has been great from
whereby a song can travel to places an artist   concerts due to social-distancing               the consumer’s perspective, there are
cannot even imagine,” said Ifeoma               restrictions over the past year, many artists   going to have to be changes in revenue
Okonkwo, ACMA, CGMA, director of finance        have participated in virtual events             models and in determining what goes to
at MG Entertainment Nigeria Ltd. (better        streamed live to paying audiences and           rights holders and what goes to the artists
known as Mavin Records), which represents       thus gained further exposure to lucrative       … so we can expect new innovations and
major African artists including                 foreign markets.                                structures to emerge.”
Rema, Johnny Drille, and Ayra Starr.               “There is incredible potential to                At Mavin Records, for example, the
   According to Okonkwo, these artists are      replicate the concert experience online         label is expanding through formal
being “heavily discovered and consumed”         using technology such as augmented              partnerships with the likes of YouTube,
on YouTube in particular, which is creating     reality, although it is still very early days   and by producing original content, such as
new revenue opportunities in markets            and, at this point, fans don’t really get the   “Comments With Ayra Starr” and “Johnny’s
such as the US, UK, and France. In these        feeling of being a part of the live             Music Mondays”, that goes beyond typical

FM-MAGAZINE.COM                                                                                  September 2021 I FM MAGAZINE I 23
into place, that enhance transparency,
                                                                                                                              accuracy, and accountability,” Okonkwo
                                                                                                                              added. “I have learned to employ a lot of
                                                                                                                              financial modelling, scenario-based
                                                                                                                              analysis, simulation, and sensitivity
                                                                                             Amal Ratnayake, FCMA,            analysis to ascertain the real value of
                                                                                             CGMA, the CFO of a               commercial opportunities and to advise
                                                                                             company that represents          on potential deals.”
                                                                                             musicians, says music
                                                                                             consumption changes will         Streaming: The growth engine
                                                                                             mean changes to revenue          Although the diversification of content
                                                                                             models.                          production to areas such as brand
                                                                                                                              activation and influencer marketing is
                                                                                                                              profitable, Mavin Records, like many other
                                                                                                                              labels, is ultimately focused on the
                                                                                                                              fast-growing appetite for streaming music.
                                                                                                                                 “Our overall strategy across all
                                                                                                                              endeavours is being repurposed to either
                                                                                                                              subtly or outrightly trigger streaming from
                                  music videos. In this way, the organisation   world, piggybacking on music as our           fans and customers,” Okonkwo said.
                                  is transitioning from a traditional music     foremost and primary asset,” Okonkwo          “Streaming has also helped in mitigating
                                  record label to a multifaceted                explained. Yet capitalising on these global   costs with regards to physical production
                                  entertainment company — offering              opportunities requires the organisation to    and inventory management.”
                                  services such as content production, brand    leverage financial and accounting                According to PwC’s Global
                                  activation that generates awareness,          expertise, and particularly the niche area    Entertainment & Media Outlook 2020–
                                  influencer marketing, merchandising, and      of royalty accounting (see the sidebar,       2024, streaming revenues in Africa’s three
                                  music licensing and publishing.               “Turning Creative Flair Into Business         biggest markets — South Africa, Nigeria,
                                      “The expansion in services is a general   Success”).                                    and Kenya — will see average
                                  strategy that we are employing to connect         “We have had to put world-class           annual growth in revenue of 25%, 34%,
                                  African entertainment and culture to the      structures — financial and otherwise —        and 27%, respectively, in the five years to

                                     Turning creative flair into business success
                                    The music industry provides a strong         Financial advisory                           abroad, the proposition could look
                                    example of how management                    Where there are indications that an          good qualitatively but would
                                    accounting skills can be harnessed to        artist’s financial judgement and             ultimately see Mavin Records
                                    turn creative talent and ideas into          decision-making is becoming clouded          achieving less profit as a result of
                                    profitable — and sustainable —               by stardom, financial advisory can be        all the associated fees. A simulation
                                    business ventures. Ifeoma Okonkwo,           provided to bring a more grounded            analysis can show the numbers and
                                    ACMA, CGMA, finance director at Mavin        approach to creative projects.               demonstrate that the business
                                    Records, highlighted four areas in                                                        would achieve more profit if the
                                    which she brings structure and               Simulation analysis                          same service were to be handled
                                    business savvy to creative ventures.         When assessing whether creative              locally.
                                                                                 ideas or new commercial
                                    Budgeting                                    partnerships are viable, mini case           Royalty accounting
                                    Okonkwo builds budgets in partnership        studies can be developed for each            Learning about royalty accounting,
                                    with the artists and key stakeholders        project to simulate projections for          which is often a very small and

                                    from across departments such as              “do or do not” decision-making.              overlooked part of professional
                                    artists and repertoire (A&R),                   These case studies include all            accounting courses, is important
                                    commercial, and marketing.                   the details of recoupment, as well           for management accountants
                                        Budgets are key to keeping artists’      as any advances and loans to                 working in creative industries.
                                    expenses in check and are used to            make sure that there is full                    Creating and sharing quarterly
                                    monitor variances from actuals so that       transparency from the outset.                earnings reports with artists allows
                                    expenses do not stifle an artist who is         For example, Okonkwo said that            royalty earnings and distribution to
                                    still under recoupment (recovery of an       when assessing a potential contract          be tracked.
                                    advance paid to them).                       with a DSP (digital service provider)

                                  24 I FM MAGAZINE I September 2021
2024. These growth rates are forecast to        to end, and that’s the tough part,”
result in consumer streaming revenue            Ratnayake said. “One needs to gain a
gains of $69 million in South Africa, $105      detailed understanding of the value and
million in Nigeria, and $22 million in          cost drivers of each venture in order to
Kenya over the same period.                     develop sustainable revenue-sharing
    “While physical recorded music has          agreements between all parties … and this
been on a dramatic decline over the past        is where a skilled finance professional can
ten years, we are now also seeing digital       make an immediate and important
downloads going into their own decline,”        impact.”
said Charles Stuart, director, technology,          At Mavin Records, this is precisely how
media, and telecommunications at PwC            Okonkwo and her finance team are
South Africa. “With streaming, there is         bringing a formal structure to the “varying
now a far better option for consumers on        value of streams across platforms”, which
the table, with access to millions of tracks    is highly dependent on multiple factors
at a fraction of the cost of downloads. This    including subscription tier and territory.
is the new growth engine for the music              “Cost/benefit analysis is always
industry.”                                      employed in deciding for or against
    Watson echoed this sentiment and said       ventures,” she said. “Whilst some of these
that streaming is now “at an all-time high      ideas may look good qualitatively, they
in terms of appetite and business”, with        may be a misalignment of our goals at the
Apple’s and Spotify’s recent expansions         time, as some of these activities require
across Africa serving as “testimony to the      considerable time and resources to scale
value that is being built”.                     from infancy.”
    “Furthermore, entrepreneurs in some             In addition to this analysis, Okonkwo
markets are creating local digital service      emphasised the importance of working
providers, and international companies are      closely with artists and rights holders and
                                                                                                  Ifeoma Okonkwo, ACMA,
focusing a lot of their effort on Africa as a   educating them around the risks of
                                                                                                  CGMA, finance director
growth opportunity for streaming,” he said.     elements such as neglecting to sign a split
                                                                                                  at Mavin Records,
    The continent’s unique digital              sheet (a legal contract that stipulates the
                                                                                                  emphasises the
evolution has been propelled by the rapid       rights holders’ and collaborators’
                                                                                                  importance of finance
growth of mobile telephony, whereby             percentage financial share on a recording)
                                                                                                  expertise and processes.
mobile phones have revolutionised               — which makes it difficult to fully account
banking and trade — while ushering in           for royalties and the disbursement of
access to previously inaccessible social,       revenues.
cultural, and business communities.                 “I am constantly interfacing with the
    “Most of this happened on basic phones      artists through various reports of interest   very exciting industry to be in right now.”
and feature phones, but the introduction        to them, the most important being the             For Okonkwo, who has overseen Mavin
of affordable smartphones and growth in         Artist Profitability report, which they       Records’ expansion into the broader digital
smartphone penetration has created space        receive monthly, to see their contribution    media sphere, the journey has yielded both
for streaming to grow,” Watson added. “It’s     to the organisation’s profitability or        personal and professional growth.
the growing infrastructure and organised        otherwise,” she added.                            “It is intriguing to see how many
distribution that will continue to formalise                                                  aspects of a creative’s talent can be
the streams and revenue in Africa.”             Ripe for innovation                           explored and monetised, and I am
                                                Although the music industry is rife with      constantly blown away by the many new
Understanding the value chain                   challenges and a degree of disorganisation    verticals that can be discovered,” she said.
While the streaming market is showing           compared to other industries, Ratnayake       “I have also had to appreciate the value of
considerable growth in the continent,           highlighted that for skilled management       interpreting financial indices and bringing
Ratnayake said that, as with online events      accountants, it presents an opportunity to    them to life in text that readers of financial
and other virtual formats, there is lots of     create new systems and models from            reports — who are rarely financial people
work still to be done before streaming can      scratch — and in this way, to become one      themselves — can understand and
                                                                                                                                               PHOTO BY BABALOLA JOSEPH I. (JINIUS)

become a “fair and profitable” model for all    of the principal architects of innovation.    appreciate that, indeed, figures speak.” ■
stakeholders.                                       “It’s a sector in which typical ERP
    For example, when collecting revenues       programmes and existing financial
from advertisements displayed before            systems don’t necessarily address the
                                                                                                Jessica Hubbard is a freelance writer
music videos on YouTube, what portion of        unique needs of the industry and its
                                                                                                based in France. To comment on this
this advertising revenue must be conceded       stakeholders, and that’s why a CGMA
                                                                                                article or to suggest an idea for
to artists, copyright holders, music labels,    skillset becomes especially important,” he
                                                                                                another article, contact Oliver Rowe,
producers, etc?                                 explained. “You really have to think on
                                                                                                an FM magazine senior editor, at
    “This requires developing an                your feet every day, and for professionals
understanding of the value chain from end       that like change and evolution, this is a

FM-MAGAZINE.COM                                                                                September 2021 I FM MAGAZINE I 25
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