Page created by Enrique Hanson

Stock Market 2020
Review and 2021

Leveraging digitisation

Sustainability best


                                 Official Sponsor


                                               06                                                               22

                                    42                                              50
       04        Editor’s Note – Melody Chikono             32       Adjudication – Equity Axis

       06        2020 Review, 2021 Outlook –                34       Award Winners – Equity Axis

                 Tatenda Makoni                             36       CAFCA

       08        Currency Fix – Victor Bhoroma              38       ProPlastics

       10        VFEX – Respect Gwenzi                      40       ART

       14        Financial Reporting – Owen Mavengere       42       Padenga

       16        Boardroom Talk – Proctor Nyema             44       Simbisa Brands

       20        Capital Markets - ZSE                      46       CBZ

       22        Leveraging Digitisation – Joe Chirowodza   48       Zimplow

       26        Beyond Covid-19 – Tapiwanashe Mangwiro     50       Seedco

       28        Sponsors Remarks - Nedbank                 52       ZIDA

       30        Stock Market Rally – Tinotenda Gakanje

PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY                                                                  2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey     3


     Stock Market 2020
     Review and 2021

     Leveraging digitisation

     Sustainability best


                                                               EDITOR’S NOTE
                                                                                                                  governments rolling out hard lockdowns that
                                                                                                                  confined people to their homes.
                                      Official Sponsor
                                                                                                                    Technologies came in handy, as acknowledged by
                                                                                                                  the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange listed clothing chain
Quoted Companies Survey Magazine
                                                                                                                  in June this year, which said most of its revenues
        is Published by the
                                                                                                                  came through payments from creditors’ online
                                                                                                                    Banks closed shop but banking did not stop, with
                                                                                                                  96% of payments coming through digital platforms.
                                                                                                                    Operations only ticked up towards year end after
ZIMBABWE INDEPENDENT EDITOR:                                                                                      government relaxed restrictions.
Faith Zaba                                                                                                          Still, that was not enough to defuse a carnage that
                                                                                                                  had frustrated gross domestic product growth.
MAGAZINE EDITOR:                                                                                                    Some estimate that growth slowed down by about
Melody Chikono                                                                                                    12% after an erosion of disposable incomes and de-
CONTRIBUTORS:                                                                                                       Tourist arrivals, a key contributor to Zimbabwe’s
Tatenda Makoni
                                                                                                                  economy, plunged by 96%.
Victor Bhoroma
Respect Gwenzi                                                                                                      Over US$1 billion was wiped out.
Owen Mavengere                                                                                                      Measures put in place to help companies included
Proctor Nyemba                                                                                                    the launch of the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange in
Zimbabwe Stock Exhange                                                                                            October, which trades in US dollars.
Joe Chirowodza                                                                                                      There has been a listing drought at the waterfall
Tapiwanashe Mangwiro                                                                                              because policy inconsistences and other drawbacks
Tinotenda Gakanje                                                                                                 have continued.
                                                                                                                    But the good news is that a few companies have
                                                                                                                  indicated they will list on the new bourse.

Equity Axis
                                                                      DECADE after hyperinflation turned            However, in the midst of all this chaos, quoted
                                                                      Zimbabwe’s economy upside down,             companies delivered strong results in FY 2020.
Punish Murumbi                                                        destroying the local currency and
                                                                      slashing gross domestic product by 50%,
                                                                                                                    On the backdrop of the ever changing terrain, it
                                                                                                                  has become imperative for companies to keep                General and Bonded Warehousing         Bonded Vehicle Storage
PROJECT C0-0RDINATORS:                                                a more frightening crisis returned in       moving forward in terms of innovation, thus the 2020
Olayayi Jack                                                          2020.
Wilson Masawa
Tariro Gweshe
                                                            Covid-19 hit the world, and economies including
                                                                                                                  Quoted Companies Survey theme: Business
                                                                                                                  Innovation and Enterprise in a Disrupted                   Customs Clearing                       Cold Room Facilities
                                                         Zimbabwe were unsettled.                                 Environment.
Gamuchirai Mataure                                          For Zimbabwe, the problem was that Covid-19,            In this issue we look at how companies can leverage
                                                                                                                                                                             Road, Rail, Air and Sea Freight        International Forwarding
Olga Muteiwa
                                                         estimated by the World Bank (WB) to have cost the        on digitalisation under the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                         country 500 000 jobs, became a crisis within a crisis.     We run an overview of the market in 2020, giving
Ozilio Chabhanga - Marketing Officer                        Following a temporary relief brought about by the     an idea of what the future holds.
Talent Mativenga                                         multicurrency system between 2009 and 2018,                As we look at the currency implications, we also
Brenda Mutetwa
Kington Mundondo
                                                         Zimbabwe was already relapsing when the pandemic
                                                         rattled the markets in 2019.
                                                                                                                  touch on how companies can report in uncertain
                                                                                                                  times such as hyperinflation.
                                                                                                                                                                             Full and Empty Container Logistics     Distribution
Justice Mubvakure                                           Government blunders and the health scourge              Producing this magazine could have been an uphill
Mitchel Ezra
                                                                                                                                                                             Project Management                     Logistics Advisory / Consultancy
                                                         placed 2020 on track to the one of the most difficult    task if it was not for the support we got from our
                                                         years for Zimbabwe – almost eight million people         perennial sponsors, Nedbank Zimbabwe.
                                                         plunged into extreme hardships, the WB noted.              For five consecutive years they never wavered.
                                                            This was not the only problem – inflation rocketed      To them we say THANK YOU.
                                                         to 839% in July 2020, sparking off a surge in prices       I also wish to thank our lead research company,
                                                         and the foreign currency black market returned.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 RESPONSIVE LOGISTICS
                                                                                                                  Equity Axis, for their input while all the contributors
                                                            Even the forex auction system introduced by the       to this magazine are greatly appreciated .
                                                         central bank in June, which had pumped in US$800           To our readers your support can never be
TWITTER                                                  million by February this year, failed to calm market     underestimated!!
@zimindependent                                          jitters.
                                                            Firms continued with the struggle to access forex,      Happy reading.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR YOU
                                                         but they acknowledged that the auction system had

                                                                                                                    Melody Chikono
Zimbabwe Independent
                                                         brought in positive spinoffs.
17382 Corner Bessemer & Strand                              The biggest lesson out of last year’s upheavals was
Road, Graniteside, Harare
                                                         that when pushed to the corner, businesses think
                                                         outside the box.
                                                                                                                                                                            91 Coventry Road, Workington, Harare P.O. Box 792 Harare Zimbabwe
                                                            New technologies were embraced after it became          EDITOR
Tel: 0242 773930-9,798894-6,
                                                         clear that the virus would be relentless, with                                                                     Telephones : +263 242 666751 - 8 ,086770044568, 0772 151 477 - 9
Fax: 0242 773854
4            2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                        PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY

                                                                                                                                                                       BE THE
    By Tatenda Makoni                      Exchange Control (Exclusive Use of        quarter ended December 2020 of           presents a significant downside risk.
                                           Zimbabwean dollar for Domestic            consumer facing businesses like            Month-on-month inflation has

             HE             operating      Tra nsactions) (A mendment)               Delta Corporation, Innscor Africa        trended below 10% from August
             environment in the first      Regulations, 2020, the exchange           Limited and Econet Wireless              2020.
             half of 2020 was              rate has remained stabilised at           Zimbabwe, there was a marked               Should the trend continue, annual
             c h a r a c te r i s e d by   around US$1: ZW$84.                       improvement in trading volumes           inflation is likely to close the year
             hyperinflation as well as        As the currency stabilised in the      albeit off a low base post the           below 35%, a positive development
             volatility in the parallel    second half of 2020, and the              Covid-19 induced lockdown; a             for the banking sector that had been
market hinged on a background of           env i ron ment        fou nd    some      signal that consumer spend was           charging sub-inflation interest rates.
                                           equilibrium, building a view on           more robust than expected under            Companies ser vicing the
an exchange rate peg within the
                                           earnings became clearer, increasing       the circumstances.                       infrastructure industry such as
formal banking system.
                                           general confidence.                                                                Proplastics Limited, Masimba
   Annual inflation peaked at
                                              This gave rise to corporate activity      Looking Ahead                         Holdings Limited and Lafarge
837,58% in July 2020 and gradually
                                           on the stock market as businesses            Latest reports are implying a         reported improvements in their
declined to close at 348,59% in
                                           beca me        more      ag gressive,     potential harvest of circa 2,8 million   order books for the second half of
December 2020.
                                           consolidating upwards and                 tonnes of maize for the 2020/21          2020 implying growth in capital
   Activity on the stock market was
                                           downwards to create scale and             agricultural season.                     spend.
primarily driven by inflation
                                           improve efficiency.                          Since 2013, the peak production         Going into 2021, individual
hedging by local investors.
                                              Some examples of these include         season was 2016/17 with 2,1 million      housing projects and government’s
   The environment stabilised from
                                           the acquisition of 100% of Dawns’         tonnes.                                  planned budgetary allocations to
the second half of 2020 going into
                                           share capital by African Sun                 Tobacco output in 2021 is             general construction, will be
2021 necessitating a return to
                                           Limited, Zimre Holdings Limited           estimated at 205 000 tonnes (tons)       determined by the extent of the
fundamentals for investors.
                                           (ZHL) acquiring a control block in        relative to prior season at 182 000      pandemic’s effect.
   As seen from the sectoral analysis,
                                           Fidelity Life Assurance (FLA) and         tons while yields are expected to be       The underlying companies on the
the banking sector outperformed
                                           Sotic International completing their      higher.                                  ZSE are set to benefit from a
the rest, driven by FBC Holdings and
                                           takeover of BNC.                             In the April edition of the World     seemingly stable operating
CBZ Holdings.
                                              The Victoria Falls Stock Exchange      Bank commodities outlook, tobacco        environment and an increase in
   The price movement was not
                                           (VFEX) was launched in October            prices are forecast to marginally        consumer liquidity.
necessarily a reflection of improving
                                           2020. The exchange trades in              increase in 2021.                          Company earnings will be driven
fundamentals but rather aggressive
                                           foreign currency with the aim of             It is estimated that around 70% of    by volumes growth rather than
demand from strategic buyers.
                                           attracting external investors.            Zimbabwe’s population is employed        inflation induced price adjustments.
                                                                                                                                                                       Make a difference (M.A.D) today! Take responsibility
   By the end of 2020, CBZ Holdings
had displaced Delta Corporation
                                              So far, the exchange’s sole listing    directly or indirectly in agriculture      Several counters have invested in      of your communities by disposing litter the right way.
                                           is Seedco International, which has        hence an improved agricultural           their earnings capacity over the past
Limited as the largest company on
the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE)
                                           been relatively illiquid.                 season directly impacts consumer         two years and are still trading below    Separate all PET bottles before disposal. Recycle to
                                              Old Mutual and PPC are expected        liquidity.                               their replacement values in real
by market cap.
                                           to delist from the ZSE in favour of          Agriculture also supplies 63% of      terms, presenting an opportunity         curb pollution and ensure a clean and healthy
   The ZSE opened the year with 60
counters and closed with 56 after
                                           the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange         agro-industrial raw materials to the     for long-term investors.                 environment.
                                           (VFEX). The relisting process has         manufacturing sector implying a
the delisting of SeedCo International,
                                           taken relatively longer than              direct knock-on effect to input costs.
Zimre Property Investments (ZPI),
                                           expected for the counters with               Business volumes in the first           Makoni is an Equities Sales Trader
Falcon Gold and Powerspeed
Electrical Limited.
                                           foreign parent companies possibly
                                           due to lengthier administrative
                                                                                     quarter of 2021 were adversely
                                                                                     affected by the Covid-19 induced
                                                                                                                              at IH Securities. She can be reached
                                                                                                                              on tmakoni@ihsecurities.com
                                                                                                                                                                       PET Recycling Collection Points
   Further delistings followed in the
                                           processes.                                lockdown, however, there will likely                                              Harare                                                              Mutare
first quarter of 2021 as Dawn and
                                              The ZSE was the best performer         be a recovery in the second quarter                                               Plant and Factory - 41 Dover Road, Ardbennie, Harare                Yellow Portion Services - No 21 Chimoio Street, Mutare
SeedCo merged with African Sun
                                           in sub-Saharan Africa rebased to          as restrictions ease, tobacco auction                                             Tisungureiwo Co-operative -19351 Stevenson Road, Graniteside        Masvingo
Limited and SeedCo International,
                                           US dollars, as the All-Share Index        floors open and maize deliveries to                                               SHEQ Ambassadors - Kamunhu Shopping Centre Mabvuku                  Recycling Solutions - No 964, Industrial Road, Masvingo
                                           closed 2020 up by 135% y-o-y as           Grain Marketing Board (GMB) begin.                                                Bulawayo                                                            Kwekwe
   The introduction of the foreign
                                           investors’ quest for capital                 Food processing and food retail
currency auction market in June                                                                                                                                        GN Plastics - 76 Wolverhampton Road, Bulawayo                       No 55 Goods Avenue, Stuart Lloyd Complex
                                           preservation drove demand                 stocks will directly feel the impact
2020 saw parallel exchange rate
                                           followed by the Nigerian Stock            of increased liquidity on their
premiums plummeting from circa                                                                                                                                              @DeltaCorporationInTheCommunity                           @Petreco
                                           Exchange, up 40% y-o-y in 2020.           earnings base. Of course, the
300% to 48%. Since the introduction
                                              Reviewing trading updates for the      possibility of a 3rd wave of Covid-19
of the auction system and SI 185

6       2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                        PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY

                                                                  S dollar deposits with local deposit    foreign currency on the auction market while
                                                                  taking financial institutions have      posing viability challenges for various exporters
                                                                  grown significantly since March 2020    who surrender 40% of their foreign earnings to the
                                                                  to now account for over 65% of the      central bank.
                                                                  money stock in the economy, thereby        The local industry and miners have been lobbying
                                                                  entrenching the country’s partial       the central bank to reduce the surrendered position
                                                   dollarisation status.                                  to less than 30% or institute reforms that liberalise
                                                      That foreign currency stock excludes the billions   the formal foreign exchange market. The bone of
                                                   in cash that are kept away from the formal economy     contention is the absence of an efficient foreign
                                                   by businesses of all sizes, households, and traders.   exchange mechanism that reduces the spread
                                                   It is estimated that close to US$2 billion is          between the formal exchange rate and the open
                                                   circulating in the informal sector. The multi-         market rate.
                                                   currency regime has eased inflationary pressure           The central bank on its part is reluctant to let the
                                                   as businesses now receipt in foreign currency,         foreign exchange market be free market determined
                                                   reducing demand for foreign currency on the            as it fears that inflation might shoot through the
                                                   parallel market.                                       roof and certain players in the market have enough
                                                      The government’s hopes for a monocurrency           capital or deposits to sway exchange rates out of
                                                   were swiftly squashed by low levels of confidence      line. Tied to the reservations above, the central
                                                   in the local currency (the Zimbabwean dollar) and      bank still maintains its quasi-fiscal operations in
                                                   record annual inflation (659,4% in September 2019)     buying gold, which consistently increases money
                                                   caused by excessive money printing to fund             supply and also partially funds government
                                                   government expenditure and central bank quasi-         expenditure.
                                                   fiscal operations.                                        Between December 2017 and December 2019,
                                                      However, money supply in the local currency         the central bank borrowed over US1,4 billion from
                                                   has stabilised since the beginning of 2021 with        the Africa Import and Export Bank (Afreximbank)
                                                   reserve money maintaining at just above ZW$20          in three phases to import various unspecified
                                                   billion (US$237 million) in the last three months.     commodities into the country for government
                                                      However, the widening spread between the            programmes. The external borrowings did not pass
                                                   formal exchange rate (US$1: ZW$84.48) and the          through parliament as specified in Zimbabwe’s
                 CURRENCY                          parallel market rate (US$1: ZW$130) is creating a      Constitution.
                                                                                                             Long-term economic stability

  Fix &
                                                   fertile ground for various arbitrage opportunities
                                                   in the short-to-medium term. The spread also              Going forward, the Zimbabwean economy needs
                                                   skews prices towards the parallel market rate          an efficient foreign exchange market where rates
                                                   which maximises business profits.                      are market determined (with limited central bank
                                                      Auction market actor                                intervention to curb market failure when it is
                                                      The central bank introduced the foreign currency    necessary).

                                                   auction system on June 23, 2020 and the mechanism         Other Sadc countries such as Zambia,
                                                   has played a significant role in channelling earned    Mozambique and Botswana managed to
                                                   foreign currency to the productive sector where        successfully relaunch their domestic currencies
                                                   70% of the total foreign currency has been allocated   after flirtation with dollarisation. Theirs were
                                                   to the importation of raw materials, machinery,        success stories because they introduced formal
                                                                                                          foreign exchange markets with limited government

                                                   spares, and equipment.
                                                      On the other hand, the parallel market has grown    intervention and money supply is kept in sync with
                                                   from strength to strength since the introduction of    economic growth.
                                                   bond notes in November 2016, filling in the gap left      Zimbabwe’s central bank must commit to money
                                                   by financial institutions in buying and selling        supply discipline, zero interference on determining
                                                   foreign currency at competitive bids favourable to     the exchange rate and end all quasi-fiscal
                                                   foreign currency holders.                              operations. The central bank can never play the
                                                                                                          foreign currency allocation and management,
TO THE ECONOMY                                        So far, the Auction market is falling short of
                                                   market demands as it can only allocate                 exchange rate determination and money supply
                                                   approximately US$135 million per month versus          management roles efficiently at the same time.
                                                   national demand of at least US$420 million                The roles pose unbridled conflict of interest,
                      BY VICTOR BHOROMA                                                                   create unhealthy arbitrage opportunities for other
                                                   required to import various commodities into the
                                                   country.                                               economic sectors at the expense of others, and
              AFTER the                               The central bank dilemma                            discourage export production or transparency in
                                                                                                          exports. It is imperative for the central bank to
    unsuccessful trial to                             Despite having a soft peg to the US dollar, the
                                                   auction market has been a successful bridge in         provide regulatory mechanisms for the
            implement a                            bringing currency stability in the economy. This       liberalisation of the foreign exchange market where
 monocurrency in 2019,                             has been aided by central bank efforts to mop up       allocation is independent of its directives or
       the Zimbabwean                              excess liquidity in the market.
                                                      The dilemma that faces the central bank is on          An efficient and market determined exchange
   economy has vaulted                             how to move from the transitory mechanism to a         rate will crowd in all economic players and provide
                                                                                                          a path to free movement of foreign currency to the
      back to the multi-                           sustainable managed float exchange rate, how to
                                                   provide incentives to key players (such as banks,      formal market.
   currency regime that                            miners and other exporters) and maintaining its
     prevailed between                             firm control on the country’s foreign currency
                                                                                                             Bhoroma is an economic analyst. He holds an
2009 and 2018 with the                             earnings.
                                                      Despite having total foreign currency receipts of    MBA from the University of Zimbabwe (UZ). For
 US dollar transactions                            US$6,288 billion in 2020, Zimbabwe faces an acute      feedback: Email him on vbhoroma@gmail.com or
  growing in the formal                            foreign currency shortage in the formal sector due         follow him on Twitter @VictorBhoroma1.

           market while                            to inadequate foreign exchange liberalisation.
                                                      The central bank still maintains control in
dominating trade in the                            concurrently determining the exchange rate,
        informal sector.                           allocating foreign currency, in buying gold and
                                                   defining the exchange control regulations.
                                                      Retention levels and Fx market
                                                      The conflicting central roles have created
                                                   unsustainable subsidies for importers who get

8      2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                     PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY

Stock Exchange:
a white elephant or a product in development

  By Respect Gwenzi                       economy as a whole). De Sousa et

                                          al’s research results imply that the
              HE Victoria Falls Stock     number of listings and turnover
              Exchange (VFEX) is now      ratio correlate with performance of
              in its ninth month since    a bourse.
              it was set up in October                                              board. The stock market was               appreciation on the internet. These
              2020. So far, the bourse       Lessons learnt:                        announced in October 2020, a              manoeuvres have pushed for the
              has only attracted one         • Within a 20-year timeframe, the      month and half after the resumption       mainstreaming of cryptocurrency
listing. This is perhaps a world          first five years of a stock market set    of trading on the ZSE, which had,         and thus the timing of Coinbase
record for any stock market within        the tone for the remaining 15 years,      however, seen the suspension of           listing was perfect.
the same period.                          led by a number of listings and           dual listed counters including Old           A good idea executed at the wrong
   The VFEX registered its first trades   market turnover as pivotal                Mutual Limited, PPC and SeedCo            time or forcibly executed without
two weeks after its launch, yet           indicators of future success.             international.                            much attention to more significant
another negative indicator. A                • Low activity at formative stages        A separate exchange housing dual       fundamentals may be disastrous.
measly total turnover of just US$180      as well as a limited number of            listed counters was thus seen as a        Zimbabwe had just banned equities
was achieved on the respective first      counters attracted indicate a long-       way of accommodating the                  in June 2020, barely 12 years after
day of trading. To further                term likelihood of failure as a stock     relegated counters from the ZSE           another ban at the height of
demonstrate that the listing did not      exchange (as measured by 3 Key            main board.                               hyperinflation when the country’s
generate meaningful attention from        Performance Indicators’ (KPI)                It was important to keep the dual      currency was depreciating at a
investors, the shares of the company      above)                                    listed companies on the local             scary rate, inflation rising and forex
that listed, Seed Co International,          •Initial market cap is not             financial markets scene as it would       scarcer.
had an initial asking price of 21,9 US    necessarily an important variable         have an impact on investor                   Foreigners were struggling to
cents but only sold for 18c, which        to consider, at least not in the early    perception of the country and it          remit portfolio disposal receipts but
was also a discount on its primary        years of a newly setup exchange.          would further impact capital              desperate to exit the ZSE. The
Botswana Stock Exchange listing              •Size of a national banking sector     markets depths. Completely doing          populace had low confidence levels
price of 22c.                             is the most reliable leading indicator,   away with dual listed counters            in the currency and the government.
   To date, no additional listing has     where “a higher 1% private credit         would have sent a negative picture        Savings could not be consolidated
been recorded and no foreign              provided by the banking sector and        to the rest of the world with regards     due to inflation and a historical
participation has been registered         other financial institutions is           to the rule of law, policy consistency,   culture driven by fears of a recurring
either. A number of companies             associated with a 1% higher number        property rights and other matters,        hyperinflation. These are all
initially primed to hop on to the         of listed companies, a 0,4% higher        which had already dented the              concocting factors militating
bourse have so far not yet firmed on      market capitalisation (% GDP) and         country’s status for two decades.         against the promulgation of hybrid
the move.                                 a 0,7% higher turnover ratio 15 years        My persuasion is that the              stock exchange.
   These are early signs pointing         later”.                                   formation of the VFEX was solely             The failure of VFEX to attract two
towards a failed exchange, but               •In-line with predicting a stock       driven by the need to pacify some         of the three dual listings, which
before a conclusion is drawn,             exchange’s liquidity, researchers         counters dropped from the ZSE, but        were on the ZSE clearly shows that
studies show that a period of at least    look towards an economy’s national        also emboldened by the ill-fated          the odds are highly tilted against its
five years should be used as scale        savings level and historical saving       ambition to attract new listing           success. The two, which are Old
over, from which a more informed          patterns. This, in the long-run           capitalising on the expected few          Mutual and PPC, could have been
assessment can be made. Empirical         facilitates demand levels as well as      forced listings.                          thought of as low-hanging targets,
research carried out by Albuquerque       both stock exchange transaction              As with anything in the capital        but their reluctance to hop onto the
de Sousa et al (2016) tries to narrow     volume and trade frequency.               markets, timing is important. A           VFEX shows very low confidence
down tell-tale signs of future stock         In the study above the time            month ago, Coinbase, an exchange          from issuers of securities; even as
market success and failure based          horizon for study is very important       for cryptocurrency listed on the          there may be low confidence from
on a set of three variables. De Sousa     in the sense that it informs a more       Nasdaq. It soon generated more            the investing public.
et al’s 59 country investigation          reliable conclusion to be reached. It     interest and investors pushed its            The fact that the management of
focused on the variables listed           is also clear that the timeline for the   Initial Public Offering (IPO) price       VFEX remains the same with that
below within the first 20 years of        review of the VFEX at this point is       beyond its reference price of US$250      of ZSE also demonstrates that there
bourse establishment.                     short of the timeline prescribed in       to close its first day of trading at      is little in terms of substance
   Resea rchers            measured       the study cited above. However, a         US$381. The listing of came at a time     separating the two except for a
performance at a 16-20 year point         lot of underlying issues would need       when the cryptocurrency revolution        separate depository. Authorities will
using Market Cap: GDP (as a proxy         to be interrogated so as to establish     has shifted gears up with renewed         have to go back to the drawing
for size of stock exchange), Turnover     the likely future outcomes of the         strength.                                 board and seek to promulgate stable
Ratio (measure of market liquidity)       bourse.                                      The most popular cryptocurrency,       policies and a stable macro-
and the Number of Listed Firms               The VFEX was initially formed as       Bitcoin, had scaled by about 80%          environment that attracts savings
(indicates diversification potential      a reactionary response to a failed        from the beginning of the year, with      and investments.
of exchange and its importance to         dual listing system on the ZSE main       meme coin, Dogecoin gaining wide
                                                                                                                                                      TO PAGE 12

10      2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                        PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY

                                                                                                                                                                                            Are your fleet running costs
                                                                                                                                                                                            driving you out of business?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           IoT Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sign-up for PowerTrack Fleet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Management Solution (PFMS) and
FROM PAGE 10                             measures to sweeten the VFEX              the variance.                           fundamental nature such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      efficiently manage your fleet.
                                                                                                                                                                             Fuel Management
                                         through legislation adjustments.             Given the 50% premium on             economic readjustments to foster
  It further has to look at technical    Exporters who list on the VFEX will       parallel market rates, exporters’       sustainable capital markets growth.
aspects to spruce up the image and
                                         retain 100% of their export earnings      losses in the current year are likely
operational aspects of the bourse to
entice issuers of securities, who are
                                         on incremental volumes above their
                                         average monthly volumes over a
                                                                                   to go up as much as 20%. Now what
                                                                                   happens when exporters increase             Gwenzi is the lead analyst
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Get connected today!
                                                                                                                                                                             GPS Tracking                                                                                                             sales@powertel.co.zw
mainly on the sidelines engaging a       predetermined period. This is             their production volumes beyond            and Managing Director of
wait-and-see attitude. Some of the       almost an equivalent of the yester        the current average?                     Equity Axis, which is a financial
considerations that will need to be      year export incentive.                       They gain retention and thus          media company, specialising in
made to increase the allure of the         While this would be a positive in       reduce the loss suffered on the                financial research,
VFEX, include separating the             a normal economy where exchange           primary and larger production             broadcasting and publishing
Victoria Falls town as a standalone      rates clea rly mir ror t he               share highlighted above. A key thing         economic and business
jurisdiction in terms of taxation and    fundamentals and market forces, in        to note is that the loss does not go                 updates.
exchange control regulation.             the case of Zimbabwe, it is not a         away but rather it reduces. So for a
  The move is tantamount to              positive and thus will, in my view        company listed on the VFEX, it will
derisking the Victoria Falls, which      do little to entice new listings on the   have to increase production levels
would increase investor appeal. The      VFEX.                                     first above its normal levels, which
bourse may also look at partnering         In terms of value, exporters are        is not an easy thing to do.
leading exchanges such the               lost between 12% and 15% on export           Some of these adjustments may                                                                                                                  Harare - Head Office: No.16 Birmingham Road, Southerton, Harare, Zimbabwe
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)        receipts surrender to RBZ given the       require more capital investment. It                                           Sales VoIP: 08611 208 028 | 08611 208 053-4                         Office VoIP: 08611 370 001-16
                                                                                                                                                                                 08611 208 035 | 08611 208 125
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Harare- Joina City: 2nd Floor, Joina City, Cnr Jason Moyo/Julius Nyerere Way, P.O. Box 7600,
or London Stock Exchange (LSE)           disparity between the interbank and       may also mean adjusting the current                                                                                                               Harare Zimbabwe | Office VoIP: 08611 208 280 / 1
                                                                                                                                                                 Client Services (24hr): VoIP 08611 208 222-6
through management contracts.            the parallel market rates. The rate       production processes at a cost. The                                                                                0714 000 026/28                Bulawayo: Ground Floor, Fidelity Life Centre, Cnr Fife Street & 11th Ave, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
  Recently, government instituted        of loss widens with the widening of       government has to adjust policies of                                                 0717205183 | Toll free 888 (on 08611)                        Office VoIP: 08611 370 020/ 21/23 Tel: 0292- 880202/ 883522-3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Gweru: Shop # 5, Nkabazwe Centre, MIPF Building, 7th Street, GWERU
                                                                                                                                                                 Selfservice:- http://selfservice.powertel.co.zw:8080/selfservice/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mobile VoIP: 08611 208 033 Office VoIP: 08611 208 296
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mutare: Shop 21, First Mutual Centre, No. 86 Herbert Chitepo Street, Mutare, Zimbabwe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mobile VoIP: 08611 208 054 Office VoIP: 08611 208 295

12     2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                     PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY

By Owen Mavengere

                N October 11, 2019,
                the accounting
                profession regulator
                in Zimbabwe, the
                Public Accountants
                and Auditors Board
(PAAB) made a pronouncement
that International Accounting
Standard 29, Financial Reporting
in Hyperinflationary Economies
(IAS29), had become applicable in
   This pronouncement was to
apply to all entities that report
based on the International
Financial Reporting Standards
   This implied that financial
statements for entities operating in
Zimbabwe for the financial periods
ending on or after July 1, 2019 were
to be prepared and presented using
IAS 29.                                    releva nce        and       fa it hf ul           relatively stable foreign       value.
   The effect of preparing and             representation.                                   currency. Amounts of local        Its predictive value is increased
presenting financial statements              In other words, this information                c u r renc y     held    a re   because it can be used as an input
using IAS 29 is that current year          will not be useful to the users of                immediately invested to         to processes employed by users to
a mou nt s       to g e t he r    w it h   financial statements in terms of                  maintain purchasing power;      predict future outcomes. Although
corresponding figures for the              decision-making relating to the              • The general population             the financial information will not
previous period and any information        reporting entity.                                 regards monetary amounts        be a prediction or forecast, it will
in respect of earlier periods are            The rate of loss of purchasing                  not in terms of the local       possess predictive value because it
stated in terms of the measuring unit      power in a hyperinflationary                      currency but in terms of a      can be employed by users in making
at the end of the reporting period.        environment is such that                          relatively stable foreign       their own predictions. The
   This is achieved by restating           comparison of amounts from                        currency. Prices may be         confirmatory value of financial
financial statements using a general       transactions and other events that                quoted in that currency;        information will also be enhanced
price index that reflects changes in       have occurred at different times,            • Sales and purchases on credit      by IAS 29 because it will provide
general purchasing power.                  even within the same accounting                   take place at prices that       feedback about (confirms or
    In Zimbabwe, this is achieved by       period, is misleading.                            compensate for the expected     changes) previous evaluations.
the use of the ZWL Consumer Price            This is regardless of whether the               loss of purchasing power          Although the procedures for IAS
Index (CPI) as published by the            financial statements are based on a               during the credit period,       29 restatement of financial
Zimbabwe Statistical Office                historical cost approach or a current             even if the period is short     statements may be cumbersome and
(Zimstat) and the Reserve Bank of          cost approach. Information will                   and                             require more time than conventional
Zimbabwe (RBZ).                            therefore be useful only if it is            • The cumulative inflation rate      financial statements, it is necessary
   In a non-hyperinflationary              expressed in terms of the measuring               over three years is             because not restating the financial
economy, assets, liabilities, income       unit current at the end of the                    approaching, or exceeds,        statements may lead to production
and expenditure are recorded on            reporting period. In other words,                 100%.                           of irrelevant financial statements
the dates at which they were               that is, figures informed by the             In addition to the application of    which does not faithfully represent
acquired or when the respective            generally prevailing price levels or      procedures outlined in IAS 29 in        what it purports to represent.
transactions occurred.                     inflation at the end of the reporting     preparation and presentation of           The effect of the difference
   This is the historical basis of         period.                                   financial statements, restatement       between the restated and the
accounting as prescribed by the              Financial statements prepared           requires a lot of judgment on the       unadjusted financial information
International Financial Reporting          applying IAS 29 show a column for         part of management.                     will be so material that it can
Standards (IFRS).                          unadjusted financial information             These judgments may differ           reasonably be expected to influence
   The impact of inflation and the         for the current and previous              between different entities but the      decisions that the users of general
associated changes in inflation are        reporting period and a column for         treatments may all be compliant         purpose financial reports make on
ignored as they are immaterial to          restated financial information for        with IFRS. The consistent               the basis of those reports.
the financial statements as a whole        the current and previous reporting        application of these procedures and
and are unlikely to impact the             period.                                   judgements from period to period
decisions of the users of the financial      This will enable the user of            is more important than the precise          Mavengere is the Institute of
statements.                                financial statements to note the          accuracy of the resulting amounts           Chartered Accountants of
   The financial information               effects of the restatement made to        included in the restated financial        Zimbabwe technical manager.
produced will be useful because            the amounts on the financial              statements.                                   He can be reached on
there is no significant change in          statements.                                  Judgments, which were applied             technical@icaz.org.zw
prices in the general macro-                 Although IAS 29 does not establish      by the entity during the initial
economic environment.                      an absolute rate at which                 application of IAS 29, should
   Considering the prevailing              hyperinflation is deemed to arise, it     continue to be used for subsequent
hyperinflationary environment in           gives characteristics of the              periods so as to avoid influencing
Zimbabwe, reporting of operating           economic environment of a country,        the decisions of users of financial
results and financial position in the      which       a re   indicat ive       of   statements through changing
local currency without restatement         hyperinflation.                           accounting procedures rather than
is not useful. These financial               Some of these characteristics are:      the underlying information.
statements will not possess the              • The general population                   IAS 29 increases the relevance of
qualitative characteristics of useful              prefers to keep its wealth in     financial information by enhancing
financial information, that is,                    non-monetary assets or in a       its predictive value and confirmatory

14      2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                       PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY

  By Proctor Nyemba                         conflict with your other obligations?      Do not deny the company an              influence and how, that is, what their
                                            If yes, consider resigning. If you       opportunity of having another             weaknesses or pain points are.
                                                                                     capable person serving on the Board.        For example, if the MD/ CEO knows
     When and how                           decide to stay, you risk having a
                                            tainted record in terms of                                                         that one of the Board members’
      to quit from a                        professional attention as well as poor             3. When unhappy with the        weaknesses is money, they will try
                                            time management and planning.                         company, especially the      to give it to him in the form of
           Board of                           When you accept an appointment                          Managing Director        allowances.
          Corporate                         to the Board and find that out of the
                                            four meetings of the Board, you can         The Board of Directors is
                                                                                                                                    This is how Board member
                                                                                                                               becomes ‘corrupt’ as they will be
          Directors.                        only attend one due to other             responsible for recruiting and            getting vast allowances by virtue of
                                            commitments, you will not be adding      supervising the Managing Director         their position on the company’s
  When you get appointed as a Board         any value to the company.                (MD). Once you recruit the MD, you        board.
member for any company, a time will           When you are a Board member,           then provide oversight and risk             They will now be working at the
come when you have to exit. It is           there are certain expectations people    management of the company                 mercy of the MD /CEO whom the
important to prepare for that               have of you and delivering is one of     through the Managing Director.            board members are supposed to
moment.                                     them.                                       This means, the Managing Director      supervise.
  Below are red flags indicating that         We have seen situations where          MUST be fully accountable to the            Now if this favour is extended to
your term could come to an end and          people feel proud of being a Board       Board. Many times, after joining as a     many Board members, it means the
how to exit honourably.                     member even when they are not            Board member, you may find the MD         MD has definitely taken control and
                                            adding any value to the company.         has visible weaknesses steering the       any decision the MD will make will
                         1. Term limits       If you are a Board member and you      company. It may be he/she was not         be approved synonymously by the
                                            do not have time to attend the           competitively recruited and might         Board whose members no longer
   If your term has come to an end, it      meetings, the best thing to do is to     have ‘overwhelming’ influence on          have moral authority to question the
is time to let go. It is difficult to add   put in a resignation to the person who   the Board. If you generally feel the      MD’s position.
something new if you overstay. Do           appointed you.                           Managing Director is not good and           Now if you are coming in as a new
not hang on. Quit honourably.                                                        you raise concern on this to the Board    Board member to such an entity you
                                                                                     but they are not listening, it is a red   are likely to get a cold reception
                  2. No time to attend                                               flag.                                     should you raise any concerns.
                      Board meetings             Given my other                         As a new Board member, you can           The Board members are already
                                              commitments, I am                      easily see things which are not right     vulnerable and cannot prevail over
  If you are finding it difficult to                                                 but when you raise your complaints,       the Managing Director. The best
attend Board meetings as and when             unable to continue                     you might also see a lot of resistance.   decision for you as a new Board
you are called, it is high time you quit.                                               There exists organisational politics   member is to quit since you cannot
   Most of the time when Board
                                               serving up to my                      in many entities and the MD might         add significant value to the Board.
meetings are called for, check if they            capability                         know which Board members to

                                                                                                                                                       TO PAGE 18

16      2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                         PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY
QCS | BUSINESS INNOVATION AND ENTERPRISE IN A DISRUPTED ENVIRONMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                  QCS | BUSINESS INNOVATION AND ENTERPRISE IN A DISRUPTED ENVIRONMENT


   If the Board just rubber-stamps       no separation of powers.                 the     requisite       professional     above red flags, resigning will be the
the position of the CEO/ MD, of what       You must be weary of such              qualifications, skills and experience    best decision you can make as a
use is it as far as oversight and risk   companies that set up window             to deliver the role due to limited       professional corporate director.
management are concerned?                dressing boards because they want        support.                                    In addition, you could also resign
                                         to get benefits such as loans or           In that case, the ‘good structures’    when you go through a company’ s
 4. Ownership interference under         donations.                               are just for window dressing because     documents and you are not happy
minding your role/ mandate                 They try to project the image of       on the surface the company has a         with the direction it is taking.
                                         good governance by establishing          Board of Directors, which is not            Given that the board is responsible
  You may also join a Board and find     structures that indicate good            functional should you dig deep.          for oversight, risk management and
that the owners are interfering in the   governance to outsiders.                    In that case, having been appointed   going concern, every business must          FROM PAGE 18
day-to-day activities of the business.     Structures like Internal audit,        to such a board, you are unlikely to     have a strategic foundation.
This is a big problem in the private     external audit, Board of Directors and   add any value as the Board is not in        However, it is possible to find no         Take time to help people see the         case you are appointed to another       in the share prices since valuations
sector where you find the owner is       documented policies and procedures,      a position to make decisions or          strategic foundation for the business.     business clearly. Also, try to articulate   board. If you leave a bad record, it    depends a lot on future value which
the Board chair, Managing Director       try to reflect impressions of good       influence strategic direction.           Now if you review the strategic plan       this to the person who appointed you        may become problematic. It is very      is a result of good governance and
and Finance Manager and his/her          governance.                                The best thing to do would be to       or things which have been articulated      on the Board.                               important to engage people before       risk management.
decision is final.                         However, on a closer look, you will    resign.                                  and you see that the business is not         If everything else fails, resign.         you do anything.
  Usually, the appointment of the        find that the internal audit is not                                               moving in the right direction, you         However, before you resign, manage            It is important to resign in a
Board is as a result of the bank’s       empowered to be effective - they                  How do you                      write a report to the Chair, present       relationships.                              professional way to ensure no one is       For more comments and
advice so that the company projects      have no budget, they report to the                   resign?                      it to the full board and if you see that     Before you even write a letter, talk
                                                                                                                                                                      to the Board chairperson or the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  hurt in the process especially the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  shareholders. For some public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           feedback please send to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           boardroomtalk@icd.co.zw or
good governance practices. In reality,   Board through the Managing Director                                               no one shares your views, it may be
nothing works as there is limited or     or the head of the department lacks                                               time to consider exiting.                  person who appointed you. As a              companies, if a key member of the               ceo@icd.co.zw
                                                                                    To sum it up, when you see the
                                                                                                                                                                      professional, you must be concerned         board exits, it could cause a run on
                                                                                                                                                    TO PAGE 19        with relationship management in             the company in terms of loss of value

18     2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                      PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY               PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY                                                                                                2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey     19

Capital Markets:
Innovation in a

  By ZSE                                  service firms.                          enterprises to access working             and the willingness to be publicly
                                            This year’s theme of the Zimbabwe     capital for the survival of their         scrutinised both at business and
THE Zimbabwe                              Quoted Companies Sur vey;
                                          “Business Innovation and Enterprise
                                                                                     It was also crucial for the
                                                                                                                            personal level.
                                                                                                                              Listing is also a testament to focus
Stock Exchange has                        in a Disrupted Environment”             exchange to proffer innovative            on sustainable business decisions
stood the test of                         resonates with the tumultuous           solutions that add value for investors    and the consideration of all
                                          periods that both the economy and       and the listed entities and as a result   stakeholder concerns. Listing is not
time over the years                       capital markets have gone through.      the ZSE launched the Victoria Falls       an easy route when you have to
and remains the                           The impact of Covid-19 was felt both    Stock Exchange (VFEX) in October          expose yourself to competition and
                                          at business and personal level.         2020. VFEX trades in United States        public scrutiny.
backbone of the                             Not only did it hit the local         dollars and is meant to attract both        To all the issuers, the ZSE deems
country’s capital                         economy but led to bankruptcies         local and international issuers by        you our ambassadors and economic
markets.                                  and job losses in the most advanced     providing opportunities to diversify      heroes and we salute you. The ZSE

                                          economies. Covid-19 is amongst us,      investment portfolios and hedge           also congratulates the singled out
                                          and now is the time for businesses      against exchange rate risk. VFEX is       winners and takes pride in their
                  ating back to 1894,
                                          to think beyond Covid-19, come up       currently working on establishing         achievements.
                  the ZSE has evolved,
                                          with survival strategies and be         a junior mining board targeted at           In conclusion, operating in a
                  from the automation
                                          innovative and change business          small-scale miners.                       disrupted environment requires a
                  of the exchange in
                                          models. Now is also the time for           The junior mining board will           shift in dynamics as continuing with
                  2    0    1    5    ,
                                          adaptability and flexibility as         include lower capital requirements        existing operating models may not
                  demutualisation in
                                          business innovation is no longer an     and have less stringent rules whilst      suffice for businesses. It is therefore
2017, roll out of View Only Terminals
                                          option but an absolute necessity.       allowing junior exploration and           crucial for listed companies to stay
in 2017 and roll out of ZSE Direct, an
                                            In a disrupted environment,           mining companies to participate.          involved in developments at the
online trading platform, in 2020.
                                          collaboration, not competition is the      The ZSE appreciates that the           frontiers of innovation by testing out
   The ZSE has also complemented
                                          way forward. For the ZSE, this          Quoted Companies Survey remains           and piloting new technologies.
its traditional service offerings with
                                          means building collaborative            integral to the capital markets,            For any business to survive,
training to ensure both prospective
                                          ecosystems that enhance better          having been part of the capital           innovation and agility is required.
issuers and investors are equipped
                                          services for our stakeholders. This     markets for over 24 years. The            Capital markets are also evolving
with the right information and
                                          is the route that the ZSE has           Quoted Companies Survey provides          and the ZSE remains committed to
know-how. This has enabled the
                                          undertaken in order to create value     an independent gauge on how the           continue adapting to the
bourse to remain resilient despite
                                          to its stakeholders.                    ZSE Issuers have performed.               environment to ensure that it
the changes in the economic
                                            The ZSE entered a joint venture          Whilst the ZSE takes pride in all      remains relevant. New products
                                          with Harare Receivables Exchange        its issuers, it also recognises the       such as REITs and commodity
   Over the years the ZSE has
                                          (“HRE”) and launched the Zimbabwe       independent analysis that seeks to        backed ETFs will be pursued to
remained relevant as an avenue for
                                          Receivables Marketplace (ZRM) in        reward those that are deemed              ensure there is market and product
long-term capital creation and
                                          September 2020. ZRM provides a          outperformers. In the eyes of the         diversity going forward.
investment and this has been due to
                                          platform where suppliers of quality     ZSE, all issuers are winners taking
the stature of the underlying
                                          buyers (listed companies) can           cognisance of the bold steps taken
security issuers. The profile of the
                                          discount their receivables to access    by Issuers in making their affairs          For any further information, you
ZSE has, as expected, changed over
                                          working capital.                        public by listing on the ZSE.             can contact: Email: info@zse.co.zw
the years, but today the 55 currently
                                            Such a solution by the ZSE can           Listing is indeed a hallmark of the         Website: www.zse.co.zw
listed entities represent the breadth
                                          assist not only the listed companies    intent to abide by the highest
of the Zimbabwean economy from
                                          but also small-to-medium                corporate governance standards
primary extraction industries to

20      2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                      PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY

 DIGITILISATION                                                                                                                                                                                        to the 2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey Winners
      THE Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented adverse
     effects to both advanced and developing countries. The pandemic
     has changed the way businesses, industry and society operate.

  BY Joe Chirowodza                      Policymakers today face an               Economic Forum, 2015).                   of economic activity. In some

                                         environment transformed by                 Creating digital markets and           sectors, it has allowed digitally
             he introduction of Non-     information and communications           boosting digitisation can yield          enabled firms to continue trading
             Pharmaceutical              technology (ICT).                        significant economic benefits and        while others are shuttered.
             Interventions (NPIs),           More people today have access to     lead to substantial social benefits to   Digitisation has a strong impact on
             such as lockdown            a mobile phone than to electricity;      societies and communities.               enterprises, both in manufacturing
             restrictions and social     the amount of data generated             Digitisation has the potential to        and services industries, where
             distancing measures,        globally is expanding exponentially.     boost productivity, create new jobs,     converging trends are detectable in
have led to innovative ways to           In every country, government and         and enhance the quality of life for      the way micro, small and medium-
communicate as well as do business       business leaders are deciding            society at large.                        sized enterprises interact with
with each other. Restrictions on         through their policies and strategies      Hence technology acts as an            customers and employees. The main
movement, factory closures and           for ICT, Inter net access,               enabler in providing goods and           factors for successful adaptation are
supply chain disruption have led to      communications media, and digital        services to clients since customers’     the ability to collect and exploit
a sharp global downturn in               applications how to promote and          expectations do not change even in       data, the interconnection of value
manufacturing.                           structure the digitisation of their      a pandemic. Although challenges of       chains and the creation of digital
  Covid-19 has also exposed the          economies. These choices have            digitisation exist, the benefits         customer interfaces and mitigation
weakness of global value chains in       enormous consequences.                   outweigh the disadvantages hence         of cyber threats.
responding to demand shocks and             Countries that have achieved          this calls for the need of leveraging       Digitisation can substantially
dealing with operational risks. The      advanced levels of digitisation          much of the digitisation process in      lower market entry barriers,
United Nations Educational,              though having digital technologies       order to benefit all business            opening up potential markets that             The Board,Management and Staff of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Limited (ZSE) congratulates all the
Scientific and Cultural Organisation     and ICT applications by consumers,       stakeholders and the society at          firms can serve, and create new
(Unesco) defines digitisation as the     enterprises, and governments, have       large.                                   ones. The widespread use of                   winners of the 2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Campanies Survey.
creation of digital objects from         realised significant economic,             Digital technologies may be seen       algorithms enables online platforms
physical, analogue originals by          social, and political benefits. For      as a gateway to solve many of the        to exchange goods and services
means of a scanner, camera or other      them, digitalisation is a pathway to     problems arising from the crisis.        including labour. Algorithms are
                                                                                                                                                                         The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Limited (ZSE) is a securities exchange regulated in terms of the Securities
electronic devices.                      prosperity.                              Technology can have a profound           also transforming traditional                 and Exchange Act (24:25) to provide for the listing and trading of finacial securities.
  It is undertaken as part of a             According to the United Nations       effect on citizen’s daily lives and      companies, enabling them to better
process that includes, selection,        Conference on Trade and                  ensure them access to health             manage their assets and processes,
assessment of needs, prioritisation,     Development (UNCTAD, 2018)               services, access to information, and     while redefining their strategies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ZSE Listed Companies
preparation of originals for             industrial use of digital technologies   communication with competent             according to innovative solutions.
digitisation, metadata collection        is at different stages of readiness in   authorities, among other things.            Digitisation affects labour
and creation, digitisation and           various parts of the world.              Digitalisation accounts for more         relations between employers and
creation of data collections,               I ndu s t r i a l robot s    h ave    than 15% of global GDP and is            employees in traditional businesses
submission of digital resources to       experienced rapidly growing              expected to rise to more than 50%        and industries, because it drastically
delivery systems and repositories.       deployment, especially since 2010,       by the year 2023 (UNCTAD, 2019).         changes the organisation of work
  Digitalisation is transforming the     even though their use remains              Digitisation also has a significant    and the relationship between
world in almost every aspect of life     concentrated in developed and a          impact on job creation: A 10%            employer and employee. As a result
during the last few decades. The         few developing countries at an           increase in digitisation reduces a       of digitisation, the organisation of
access to internet, increase of          advanced stage of industrialisation.     nation’s unemployment rate by            work is characterised by increased
people using mobile phones, social          The use of additive manufacturing     0,84%. From 2009 to 2010,                flexibility, which affects when,
media and other ICT services             has also grown rapidly. However          digitisation added an estimated 19       where and how tasks are performed.
changed the way people interact,         this growth partly relates to the        million jobs to the global economy,      This may bring advantages to
                communicate, learn       expiry of some core patents, so that     up 5% from the estimated 18 million      employers and employees, in the
                          and            improved accessibility of 3D             jobs added from 2007 to 2008. Since      form of improved work-life balance
                                         systems mainly regards technology        the outbreak of the Covid-19             and more autonomy.
                              wo r k     that is somewhat dated and               pandemic, countries have adopted            Services account for at least 50%
                              i    n     concerns prototyping and product         these measures with the support of       of GDP in over half of the world’s
                            almost       development.                             emerging technologies. This is the       countries and about 65% of the
                            ever y          Furthermore, frontier 3D-systems      first pandemic during which              world’s total GDP. In particular, the
                                         allowing for decentralised batch         technology has been widely adopted       last decade has seen a large increase
                           country.      production of final goods from           to understand and control the            in the share of services in most
                                         multiple materials remain expensive      contagion.                               developing countries.
                                         but are expected to be widely              The pandemic has accelerated
                                         accessible by 2022–2025 (World           existing trends for the digitisation                             TO PAGE 24       website:www.zse.co.zw
22     2021 Zimbabwe Quoted Companies Survey                                                                                      PROUDLY SP ONSORED BY

FROM PAGE 22                              often ending up accelerating a                   Regional initiatives             found in many African countries as
                                          process of gradual digitisation of                                                it provides conducive online
                                                                                               for digitisation
   It is well understood that advances    their financial offer that was already                                            services. However there is still room
                                                                                     In 2013, the AU (African Union)
in telecommunications and ICT             in the making.                                                                    for improvement in many sectors,
                                                                                   founded the “Smart” Africa
more broadly have made this                 From        a     development a l                                               in particular in the media fraternity.
                                                                                   initiative, which aims to achieve
possible by facilitating production,      perspective, this accelerated shift                                                  Recommendations to improve
                                                                                   socio-economic development
sales and delivery at distance.           towards a digitisation of financial                                               digitisation
                                                                                   through ICT’s (Information and
Services firms are generally more         services can prove to be an                                                          There is need for the government
                                                                                   Communications Technology). It
knowledge intensive and more              unexpected boon for financial                                                     to build the digital essentials.
                                                                                   involves the strengthening of
likely to leverage digital technologies   inclusion amid the disruptions                                                       Digital products and services
                                                                                   broadband connections and the
(after all, how else to source services   brought about by Covid-19.                                                        cannot be created in a vacuum;
                                                                                   implementation of e-government
inputs and sell products, which are         Before the crisis, digital finance                                              essential components need to be in
                                                                                   features. These include electronic
often intangibles even where              (and chiefly mobile money) had                                                     place: physical infrastructure,
                                                                                   services for citizens, electronic IDs,
associated with goods). There is          already proven to be a fundamental                                                foundational digital systems (such
                                                                                   unified communication and a cloud-
strong evidence that firms that           enabler of financial inclusion in                                                 as digital identification and mobile
                                                                                   based infrastructure through a
begin trading in services are more        developing        a nd     emerging                                               money), and capital to invest in
                                                                                   digital government platform. The
profitable and grow more quickly          economies, especially when it came                                                innovation. These are the basic
                                                                                   member states also commit to
than those that do not – and that         to reaching and serving the most                                                  ingredients needed for existing
                                                                                   promote and fund e-applications,
digitisation amplifies these effects      isolated and financially underserved                                              firms to adopt more productive
                                                                                   e-education, e-health, e-tourism,
(Martín-Peña et al., 2019). Once          individuals. In the wake of the                                                   technologies, and for digital
                                                                                   e-agriculture and e-commerce. The
again, the need for affordable            pandemic, this rapid surge in                                                     entrepreneurs to build and innovate.
                                                                                   goal is to harmonise policies and
connectivity, and for a majority of       interest for fintech solutions (on the                                            Having reliable infrastructure and
                                                                                   frameworks, to generate more
the population to be using it, is         part of governments, businesses and                                               interoperable systems means that
                                                                                   demand for goods and expand
fundamental.                              the general public) is bound to have                                              firms and service providers can
                                                                                   markets, to attract large-scale
   The digital finance industry has       substantial implications in terms of                                              focus on their core business, without
                                                                                   investments and to create new
been playing a key role in developing     an increased potential for digital                                                having to build an enabling
                                                                                   industries and jobs.
and providing services and                channels to promote financial                                                     environment from scratch.
                                                                                     In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), gains
innovations that have mitigated, at       inclusion on a global scale.                                                         There is need for the government
                                                                                   have been particularly apparent in
least partially, the disruptions                                                                                            to stimulate demand.
                                                                                   the financial sector: mobile money
brought about by the pandemic on                           Challenges of           transactions account for an average
                                                                                                                               The country can progress rapidly
multiple aspects of people’s lives. In                                                                                      in digitisation by encouraging the
                                                            digitisation           of nearly 25% share of the GDP,
developing and emerging contexts,                                                                                           adoption of new applications by
                                            There are many new technologies        compared to 5% in the rest of the
especially, there has been a strong                                                                                         individuals, businesses, and their
                                          which have been developed during         world.
surge in interest for the ample                                                                                             own agencies. One way to stimulate
                                          the Covid-19 pandemic such as              During the pandemic, Kenyan and
potential that fintech (that is i.e.                                                                                        demand is to ensure that citizens
                                          geolocalisation apps, facial             Rwandan central banks relaxed
financial technology) carries in                                                                                            can perform all government-related
                                          recognit ion a nd A r t ificia l         regulations, and telecom operators
preserving people’s livelihoods and                                                                                         tasks such as paying taxes, renewing
                                          Intelligence (AI)-based software for     eased terms of service to promote
businesses that have been, and                                                                                              drivers’ licenses, and enrolling in
                                          the enforcement of quarantine.           use of mobile money and safe retail
continue to be, threatened by the                                                                                           school using broadband networks.
                                          Many of these actions have been          transactions. Teleworking, although
pandemic, thereby enabling and                                                                                                 Beyond that, demand for ICT
                                          enabled by emergency legislation         more challenging in SSA, also
sustaining – within societies – the                                                                                         services depends on technological
                                          and may have significant impacts         increased, with greater usage of
flow of cash, credit, deposits,                                                                                              literacy and skilled human capital.
                                          on human rights and fundamental          Kenya’s e-Citizenship portal for civil
investments, salaries, government-                                                                                          Policymakers can invest in
                                          freedoms.                                and vehicle registration, and
to-persons (G2P) and peer-to-peer                                                                                           digitisation by providing training
                                            These are data-intensive tools         videoconferencing in court
(P2P) transfers, among others, at                                                                                           programmes and incentives for
                                          and, while the right to privacy is       proceedings in Rwanda. Public
national and regional levels.                                                                                               education. They can also boost
                                          clearly being restricted, all human      health has also benefited, with anti-
   The public and private sector’s                                                                                          usage by promoting high-speed
                                          rights could potentially be affected.    epidemic robots monitoring
response to the Covid-19 crisis has                                                                                         broadband services and ensuring
                                          In order to limit governments’           patients, and delivering food and
been promoting an overall                                                                                                   that these networks are both widely
                                          abuses, these restrictions must          medication in Rwanda, and social
acceleration of the digital financial                                                                                       available and affordable.
                                          respect the rule of law and fulfil the   med ia      gener a l ly    keepi ng
inclusion process in developing                                                                                                There is need for public-private
                                          conditions set by human rights law.      communities informed.
contexts, especially in a number of                                                                                         partnerships in digitisation
                                          The World Health Organisation
countries (such as West African                                                                                                The Government needs to come
ones), where it was still lagging
                                          (WHO) itself has acknowledged that                      Digitisation in           up with joint public and private
                                          human rights provide a crucial
behind compared to regional trends                                                                   Zimbabwe               partnerships with the private
                                          framework for ensuring the
(Peyton, 2020).                                                                       The country is among a number         sectors as well as donors in order to
                                          responses are effective and
   On the side of the demand for                                                   of developing countries which need       progress in the digitalisation
finance, both developed and                                                        to improve its digitisation process      process. Public and private
                                            To buttress the above point, the
developing countries have                                                          in many sectors. A few sectors such      partnerships will unlock the much-
                                          quantum-leap in the digitisation of
experienced substantial growth in                                                  as the financial and banking sector      needed investment, which will
                                          our lives requires that measures
the subscription and use of digital                                                as well as the telecommunications        transform many government
                                          adopted by governments during the
financial services, as people have                                                 sector have advanced digitised           institutions to digitise. The
                                          health crisis uphold the protection
looked for alternative ways to run                                                 services. The financial and banking      government, however, needs to play
                                          of individuals with regard to the
and manage the financial aspects                                                   sector is currently ahead in             an oversight role in ensuring that
                                          processing of personal data. Privacy
of their lives, in light of extended                                               digitising its processes and offer       there is equity in the digitisation
                                          and data protection have a pivotal
periods of lockdown, physical                                                      clients with a variety of online         process.
                                          role, essential in building and
distancing, and livelihood                                                         transactions for payments.
                                          sustaining trust in digital solutions.
disruptions.                                                                          In        addition,          the
                                          Those rights are not an obstacle to
   On the side of the supply,                                                      telecommunications sector, which              Chirowodza is an independent
                                          the protective responses adopted by                                                Trade Consultant who is also in his
traditional financial institutions                                                 includes mobile companies such as
                                          governments, they are the guarantee                                               first year PhD in economics student
(FIs) have been forced to radically                                                Econet, Telecel and NetOne have a           at the University of Fort Hare in
                                          that such responses will be taken in
rethink their business models and                                                  variety of digitised products, which     south Africa. He can be contacted at
                                          full consideration of human dignity
delivery mechanisms, by investing                                                  it offers to its customers. Of late         chirowodzajoe@yahoo.com or
                                          and integrity.
heavily in their digital channels,                                                 Econet has gone regional and is                 jchirowodza@gmail.com

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