Sixth Form Courses 2020-21 - Milton Abbey

Sixth Form Courses 2020-21 - Milton Abbey
Sixth Form Courses

        Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21 | 1
Sixth Form Courses 2020-21 - Milton Abbey
   3 | Introduction
   4 | What we offer: Course types and combinations
   5 | Subject Pods: To help your course selection
   6 | Pod 1: Land-Based Studies
   7 | Pod 2: Hospitality
   8 | Pod 3: Humanities
   9 | Pod 4: Creative
   10 | Pod 5: Science & Sport
   11 | Pod 6: Business & Entrepreneurship
   12-13 | Subject Columns: Selecting your courses
   14-15 | Full list of subjects
   16-30 | A-Level subject directory
   31 | Extended Project Qualification
   32-43 | BTEC subject directory

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Sixth Form Courses 2020-21 - Milton Abbey
I am excited to share our Sixth Form
course choices with you; whether
you’re a Lower School pupil
continuing your education at Milton
Abbey or joining us in the Sixth Form.
We continue to offer one of the widest range of courses available in
the independent sector. We will work tirelessly to find the right
combination of subjects and course types to suit every student –
whatever your interests, strengths and plans for the future. We review
the courses available every year based on trends and student interests.
The choices you make now will determine the options that are
available to you when you finish school. It is vitally important that you
make your choices in an informed and sensible way, so that you can
secure the future that you want.
Ultimately, the various routes that are open to you lead to a common
destination – the world of work. But how you get there, and which
parts of it are open to you, depends on the choices you make now.
As well as our excellent academic offer, you will also find the Milton
Abbey Sixth Form provides the space and responsibility for you to grow
and thrive as a person.
You’ll be able to play a huge range of team and individual sports, take
part in varied extra-curricular and social activities, and be trusted as a
Sixth Former to take more responsibility for your time and to act as a
role model in the school.
I look forward to working with you to make your time in Sixth Form
successful, satisfying and enjoyable.
Dr Josh Bradbury | Head of Sixth Form

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What we offer
   Our wide range of Sixth Form courses can be combined in different
   ways to best suit the interests and needs of each student.
   Course types
   A-Level | Academically-focused learning with in-depth subject
   BTEC Extended Certificate | Practical subjects with a workload
   equivalent to one full A-Level
   BTEC Diploma | Career-focussed practical learning with a workload
   equivalent to two full A-Levels
   BTEC Extended Diploma | Highly-specific practical learning, with
   academic development of the theoretical aspects of the subject,
   equivalent to three full A-Levels
   Course combinations
   Students should choose combinations that will allow them to manage
   their workloads effectively. These combinations are recommended:
          3 A-Levels
          2 A-Levels + 1 BTEC Extended Certificate
          1 A-Level + 1 BTEC Diploma
          1 BTEC Diploma + 1 BTEC Extended Certificate
          1 BTEC Extended Diploma
          4 A-Levels or 2 BTEC Diplomas are possible in special cases
          The Extended Project Qualification or Core Maths course are
           also available for those who wish to expand their studies
   Current pupils must talk through choices with your tutor, subject
   teachers, and the Head of Sixth Form to establish which combination
   will best suit you. As a new joiner to our Sixth Form, we will work with
   you to select the best option as part of the Admissions process.

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Subject Pods: To help your course selection
The biggest reason for students not getting onto university courses of
their choice or a preferred career is inappropriate Sixth Form choices.
In order to help with good choice-making, it is strongly recommended
that students pick their subjects from within ‘Subjects Pods’, which are
designed to ensure good combinations to facilitate opportunities in
different fields after Sixth Form.
The many courses offered at Sixth Form level have been grouped into
broad subject or career areas, to ensure that subject choices support
one another and that they provide access to relevant higher education
options and career paths.
Please note that not all combinations within each pod may be possible,
as your choices must also be made in conjunction with the ‘Subject
Columns’ to ensure availability.

                              Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21 | 5
Pod 1 | Land-Based Studies

                             • Countrside Management Diploma
                             • Countryside Management Extended Diploma
                             • Horse Management Diploma
                             • Enterprise Extended Certificate
                             • Geography
      Sixth Form             • Biology
       Courses               • Chemistry
                             • Core Maths

                             • Agriculture
                             • Estate Management
                             • Real Estate
        Higher               • Conservation & Ecology
       Education             • Equire Studies

                             • Farm/Estate Management
                             • Agriculture
                             • Equine Management
                             • Real Estate
                             • Property Development
         Careers             • Conservation
                             • Gamekeeping

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Pod 2 | Hospitality

                • Hospitality Diploma
                • Hospitality Extended Diploma
                • Enterprise Extended Certificate
                • Fine Art
  Sixth Form    • Photography
   Courses      • Core Maths

                • Event Management
                • Tourism Management
                • Hospitality & Hotel Management
   Higher       • Culinary Arts

                • Catering: Chefing or Front of House
                • Hotel & Restaurant Management
                • Tourism
                • Event Management
   Careers      • Promotions

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Pod 3 | Humanities

                             • English Literature
                             • History
                             • French
                             • Spanish
                             • Classical Civilisation
      Sixth Form             • Psychology
       Courses               • Geography
                             • History of Art

                             • Politics
                             • International Relations
                             • History or Archaeology
                             • Modern Foreign Languages
        Higher               • English Literature
       Education             • Philosophy & Ethics

                             • Teaching
                             • Media & Communications
                             • Politics
                             • Civil Service
         Careers             • Business & Management

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Pod 4 | Creative

              • Fine Art
              • 3D Design Diploma
              • English Literature
              • Music Technology
              • Mathematics
              • Physics
              • Photography
 Sixth Form   • Drama Diploma
  Courses     • Music Diploma
              • Film & TV Visual Effects Diploma
              • Digital Content Production Extended Certificate
              • Fashion Design & Production Diploma
              • Core Maths

              • Performing Arts
              • Music or Music Production
              • Communications, Marketing & Advertising
              • Product Design
  Higher      • Art & Photography
 Education    • Animation

              • Brand Management or Advertising
              • Music Performance and Production
              • Acting or Technical Theatre
  Careers     • Film-making and Animation

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Pod 5 | Science & Sport

                           • Biology
                           • Physics
                           • Chemistry
                           • Mathematics
                           • Geography
                           • Enterprise Extended Certificate
     Sixth Form            • Sport Extended Certificate
      Courses              • Sport Diploma
                           • Psychology
                           • Core Maths

                           • Neuroscience
                           • Psychology
                           • Sport Coaching & Management
                           • Engineering
       Higher              • Natural Sciences
      Education            • Mathematics

                           • Neuroscience
                           • Psychology
                           • Engineering
                           • The Sports Industry
        Careers            • Scientific Research

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Pod 6 | Business & Entrepreneurship

             • Economics
             • Mathematics
             • Geography
             • French
             • Spanish
             • History
Sixth Form   • Psychology
 Courses     • Digital Content Production Extended Certificate
             • Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Extended
             • Core Maths

             • Business & Management
             • Entrepreneurship
  Higher     • Marketing
             • International Business

             • Business & Management
             • Entrepreneurship
             • Real Estate
             • Property Management
  Careers    • Finance & Accountancy

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Subject Columns: Selecting your courses
   To help you study the right mix and number of courses, we split them
   into Subject Columns. A normal Sixth Form programme consists of the
   equivalent of three A-Levels, which can be created with a combination
   of A-Levels and BTECs from three different columns.

          A                 B                   C             D                   E

                                         History of          English
       Fine Art           History                                               French
                                            Art            Literature

     Photography        Economics         Spanish         Geography

        Biology           Physics          Maths           Chemistry         Psychology

                       Sport (Single    Core Maths
                         Award)          (AS-Level)

    Digital Content
                                Film & TV VFX                      3D Design

     Enterprise &
                              Performing Arts                           Music

                           Sport (Double Award)           Fashion Design & Production

                         Countryside Management              Equine Management

    These Extended subjects are full
                                                      Extended Hospitality
    programmes equivalent to three
     A-Levels. A fourth subject from
   the columns above can sometimes
    be added, only with approval by         Extended Countryside Management
        the Head of Sixth Form.

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Subject colour codes
       A-Level subjects: Taught over both years, with end-of-course
       BTEC Diplomas (equivalent to two A-Levels): Taught over both
       years, with mainly coursework-based assessment.
       BTEC Extended Certificates (equivalent to one A-Level): Can be
       chosen with other A-Level or BTEC subjects.
       BTEC Extended Diplomas (equivalent to three A-Levels) for
       students who want to specialise in a single field.

How to use the columns
      Aim to choose complementary courses, based on the
       recommended Course Combinations (Page 4) and Subject Pods
       (Pages 7 to 11).
      Subjects in the same column cannot easily be combined due to
       timetabling, but please contact us to see if we can help.
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
The Extended Project Qualification is an extra qualification that can be
added alongside a normal three-column selection to expand your
studies and, in particular, develop independent research and time
management skills. Studying an EPQ should be discussed with the
Head of Sixth Form, either when you move from the Lower School for
existing pupils or when new students come for an Admissions visit.

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Full list of subjects
   Our wide range of Sixth Form courses can be combined in different
   ways to best suit the interests and needs of each student.

          Art & Design
              o Fine Art | AQA
              o Photography | AQA
          Classical Civilisation | OCR
          Economics | AQA
          English Literature | AQA
          Geography | AQA
          History | AQA
          History of Art | AQA
          Mathematics | EdExcel
              o Core Maths (AS-Level) | AQA
          Modern Foreign Languages
              o French | AQA
              o Spanish | AQA
          Sciences
              o Biology | AQA
              o Chemistry | AQA
              o Physics | AQA
              o Psychology | AQA
          Extended Project Qualification | AQA

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  Countryside Management | Pearson BTEC Level 3
   National Diploma, with option for Pearson BTEC Level
   3 Extended Diploma
  Hospitality | Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma, with
   option for Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
  Sport | Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate or
   Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma

  3D Design | Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma
  Equine Management | Pearson BTEC Level 3 National
  Fashion Design & Production | Pearson BTEC Level 3
   National Diploma
  Film & TV Visual Effects | Pearson BTEC Level 3
   National Diploma
  Music | Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma
  Performing Arts | Pearson BTEC Level 3 National

  Enterprise & Entrepreneurship | Pearson BTEC Level 3
   National Extended Certificate
  Digital Content Production | Pearson BTEC Level 3
   National Extended Certificate
  Music Technology | Pearson BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary

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Art & Design:
   Fine Art or Photography
     Students can choose from 'Art Craft and Design' and 'Lens
     and Light-based Media'. The course encourages students to
     develop their creative practice through the development of
     practical skills, alongside investigative and analytical work.
     The different aspects of the course encourage them to
     learn to understand the role and function of art and design
     in contemporary life and culture.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment           University & Careers
    • Exploration of the       Traditional A-Level   • Degrees in various
      processes and            with final assessment. areas of art and
      practices of art and     Both the AS and the     design
      design                   full A-Level are      • Film & Photography
    • Development of           available.            • Graphic Design &
      research and critical    • Personal              Illustration
      skills                     Investigation = 60% • Game Design
    • Development of             of the A-Level      • 3D Animation or
      strong technical         • Externally-set        Modelling
      skills                     assignment:         • Fashion & Textiles
    • Aesthetic and              Preparatory period
      cultural awareness         + 15hr supervised
    • Creativity and idea        exam = 40% of the
      development                A-Level

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Classical Civilisation

 The foundations of the world we live in were lain in the
 ancient worlds of Greece and Rome. From art, culture and
 politics, to ideas of power, leadership and heroism, the
 classical world continues to exert a powerful influence on
 our lives. This course explores classical literature in works
 by Homer and Virgil, the development of theatre and art,
 the rise of the imperial ideal, as well as issues around
 politics and democracy. If you want to understand
 modernity, then you must first understand antiquity.
Skills & Knowledge          Assessment                University & Careers
• Exploration of            Traditional A-Level   • Degrees in classical
  classical art, politics   with final assessment. civilisation,
  and history               Full A-Level only.      archaeology,
• Development of            • 1 x 2hr20mins essay politics, and
  research and                and short response    literature, as well as
  analytical skills           exam on epic          the broader
• Development of              literature            humanities
  subject-specific          • 2 x 1hr45min essay • Journalism & Media
  technical                   and short response • Governance &
  knowledge                   exams on culture      Politics
• Critical thinking and       and ideas           • Business
  debating skills                                 • Marketing
                                                  • Civil Service
                                                  • Historical Research
                                                    & Heritage

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     Economics is rooted in the study of how people behave and
     interact with one another. Students study the dynamics
     between consumers, businesses, governments and the
     finance markets. They learn to understand how these
     factors influence employment, prices, international trade
     and the wealth/poverty divide. The subject draws on high
     levels of literacy and numeracy and teaches students to
     synthesise a wide range of types of information.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of the       Traditional A-Level    • Degrees in various
      processes that           with final assessment. areas of economics
      influence financial      Full A-Level only.       and politics
      markets                  • 3 x 2hr written      • Finance & Banking
    • Development of             papers: A mixture of • Civil Service
      analytical and             data response and • Law
      research skills            analysis, multiple   • Business
    • Development of             choice and essay     • Marketing
      strong technical           response questions
      knowledge                                       • International
    • Ability to
      technical data
    • Information

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English Literature
English Literature is fundamentally concerned with how we
think, feel and respond to the world around us. Through
the study of a range of texts that span the history of literary
production, students learn to see the world in new ways,
encounter new ideas, and develop the ability to express
themselves in an informed and fluent way. The course
encourages wider reading and challenges students to
question their preconceptions and cultural assumptions.
Skills & Knowledge         Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of           Traditional A-Level   • Degrees in various
  literary texts, genres   with final assessment. areas of literature,
  and ideas                Full A-Level only.      creative writing and
• Development of           • 2 x 2hr15min          the humanities
  research and textual       written exams: One • Journalism & Media
  analysis skills            on drama and one • Civil Service &
• Development of             on poetry             Politics
  strong technical         • 1 hour exam on      • The creative
  knowledge                  prose                 industries
• Aesthetic and            • A 2500-3000 word    • Business
  creative awareness         coursework essay    • Marketing
• Advanced writing           worth 20% of the A-
  and reading skills         Level

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     Encompasses topics from both the human and the physical
     environment. The course gives students specialist
     knowledge and helps them to develop evaluative skills,
     alongside statistical analysis and technical knowledge.
     Students will learn about a range of contemporary issues
     on a global and a local scale, and see how they impact on
     our physical environment and how we live our lives.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of the       Traditional A-Level   • Degrees in various
      processes that           with final assessment. areas of geography
      shape human and          Full A-Level only.      and environmental
      natural                  • 2 x 2hr30mins         studies
      environments               exams: Comprising   • Agriculture and
    • Development of             40% each of the A-    Land Management
      research skills and        Level               • Sustainability
      report writing           • 3000-4000 word      • Planning
      abilities                  coursework: 20% of • Property
    • Development of             the A-Level         • Real estate
      strong technical
      knowledge                                      • Conservation
    • Awareness of key
      global issues

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Offers students the opportunity to study the people, events
and decisions that have shaped Britain, Europe, and the
world. Through interrogation of primary sources and critical
materials about different periods in history, students
develop an appreciation of the forces that have shaped our
world, and the attitudes and beliefs that inform decision
making. The course fosters analytical and research skills, as
well the ability to write clearly and concisely.
Skills & Knowledge      Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of key    Traditional A-Level    • Degrees in various
  periods in British    with final assessment. areas of history and
  and European          Full A-Level only.       politics
  history               • 2 x 2hr30min         • Historical Research
• Development of          written exams          & Heritage
  research skills and   • 3000-3500 word       • Civil Service &
  critical thinking       historical             Politics
• Development of          investigation: Worth • Business
  subject-specific        20% of the A-Level • Marketing
                                               • Banking & Finance
• Critical and
  analytical writing

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History of Art
     Helps students to understand different cultures and epochs
     through the study of Western architecture, painting and
     sculpture. Students are encouraged to develop an
     understanding of cultural heritage and how it has
     developed, from the classical period right up to the modern
     day. The course combines technical knowledge with
     analytical and interpretative skill development.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment             University & Careers
    • Exploration of           New-style A-Level     • Degrees in various
      different periods in     with final assessment. areas of art history
      Western artistic         Full A-Level only.      and cultural studies
      culture                  • 2 x 3hr exams       • Conservation,
    • Development of             looking at visual     Restoration &
      research and               analysis and key      Heritage
      analytical skills          themes, and         • Art or Antiques
    • Development of             specific art          Dealing
      strong technical           historical periods  • Journalism
      knowledge                                      • Business
    • Increased                                      • Interior design
      awareness of
      historical, socio-
      political and cultural

22 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21
Maths is a language all of its own, which can be used to
communicate with people all over the world – it is perhaps
the only truly universal language. It helps explain almost
every aspect of the world around us and underpins some
aspect of nearly all other subjects. It also poses questions
of its own about the nature of reason and logic, and asks us
to consider the true nature of the world around us. It also
provides answers to problems and drives the modern word.
Skills & Knowledge    Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of      Traditional A-Level    • Degrees in various
  mathematical        with final assessment. areas of
  processes           Full A-Level and AS-     mathematics and
• Development of      Level are available.     logic
  logic and process   • A-Level: 3 x 2hr     • Engineering
  skills                exams on Pure        • Construction
• Development of        Mathematics,         • Computer Science
  subject-specific      Statistics, and        or Programming
  technical             Mechanics            • 3D Animation or
  knowledge           • AS-Level: 1 x 2hr      Modelling
• Data manipulation     Pure Mathematics • Music Technology
  skills                exam, 1 x              or Production
• Problem solving       1hr50mins Statistics • Finance & Banking
                        & Mechanics exam
                                             • Architecture
                                             • Accountancy

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Core Maths
     An AS-Level equivalent qualification to support students
     who want to continue their maths education or who need
     ongoing maths learning to support their other studies, but
     who do not wish to pursue a full A-Level. The course
     focuses on the practical application of maths; including
     data analysis, personal finance, estimation and statistics. It
     is designed to support science, vocational or technical
     subjects that require the direct application of maths skills.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of           AS-Level equivilent    • Engineering
      mathematical             course delivered over • Construction
      processes                two years with a final • Computer Science
    • Development of           exam assessment.         or Programming
      logic and process        • 2 x 1hr30mins        • 3D Animation or
      skills                     exams with             Modelling
    • Development of             calculators          • Music Technology
      applied                    permitted              or Production
      mathematical skills
                                                      • Finance & Banking
    • Data manipulation
                                                      • Architecture
                                                      • Accountancy
    • Finance and
      statistics skills                               • Psychology and the

24 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21
A popular choice for linguists who want to continue with a
language – France is our nearest neighbour and French is
spoken in many parts of the world, including Africa and
Canada. The course develops spoken and written language
skills alongside a new appreciation of the cultural context
within which the language exists; including film, literature
and contemporary social issues. Foreign languages are an
increasingly valuable commodity in today’s world.
Skills & Knowledge      Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of        Traditional A-Level    • Degrees in French
  cultural topics and   with final assessment. language and
  themes                Full A-Level and AS-     culture
• Development of        Level are available.   • International
  written and spoken    • 1 x 2hr30 Listening,   Relations
  language skills         reading, writing and • Business
• Development of          translation paper    • Civil Service
  technical and         • 1 x 2hr Writing      • Foreign Office
  grammatical             paper on a literary • European Industry
  knowledge               text and a film        & Politics
• Access new ways of    • 1 x Speaking exam • Travel & Tourism
  seeing and
  understanding the

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     There has never been a better time to study Spanish.
     Second only to Mandarin Chinese, almost half a billion
     people speak Spanish. A-Level Spanish helps students
     develop confidence in the language, as well as building
     knowledge and awareness of some of the vibrant Spanish
     speaking cultures around the world. The course addresses
     technical language issues as well as cultural material such
     as film, literature and contemporary social issues.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of           Traditional A-Level    • Degrees in Spanish
      cultural topics and      with final assessment. language and
      themes                   Full A-Level and AS-     culture
    • Development of           Level are available.   • International
      written and spoken       • 1 x 2hr30 Listening,   Relations
      language skills            reading, writing and • Business
    • Development of             translation paper    • Civil Service
      technical and            • 1 x 2hr Writing      • Foreign Office
      grammatical                paper on a literary • European Industry
      knowledge                  text and a film        & Politics
    • Access to new ways       • 1 x Speaking exam • Travel & Tourism
      of seeing and
      understanding the

26 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21
Why does disease spread across the world and how do we
stop it? How did humans evolve from monkeys? Why did I
inherit my father’s ears but not his nose? If you have ever
pondered these questions then you are already thinking
like a biologist. Biology is the study of living things and with
issues such as GM technology and climate change
becoming increasingly prominent, there has never been a
better time to study it.
Skills & Knowledge       Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of         Traditional A-Level   • Degrees in various
  biological processes   with final assessment. areas of biology,
  and systems            Full A-Level only.      biochemistry and
• Knowledge and use      • 3 x 2hr written       biomedical studies
  of key apparatus         exams looking at    • Medicine
  and practical            biological          • Dentistry
  techniques               molecules, cell     • Sports &
• Development of           structure and         Physiotherapy
  analytical and           organisation, and   • Environmental &
  evaluative skills        genetics              Forensic Science
• Subject specific       • 12 practical        • Agriculture &
  technical                investigations        Equine Industries
• Mathematical
  analysis skills

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     Chemistry lies at the heart of the modern world; from the
     way that we produce and process our food, to the
     development of new materials, to the manufacture of the
     drugs that prolong our lives. It is chemistry that will help us
     to solve the problems facing all of our lives; from global
     warming to material shortages. The study of this subject at
     A-Level provides students not only with a glimpse into the
     underpinnings of the modern work, but also gives them
     valuable laboratory and analytical skills.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of           Traditional A-Level   • Degrees in various
      organic, inorganic       with final assessment. areas of chemistry,
      and physical             Full A-Level only.      biomedicine and
      Chemistry.               • 3 x 2 hour written    pharmacology
    • Knowledge and use          exams looking at    • Engineering &
      of key apparatus           organic, inorganic    Manufacturing
      and practical              and physical        • Material & Energy
      techniques                 chemistry, and        technology
    • Development of             practical           • Food Science &
      analytical and             experiment            Production
      evaluative skills          knowledge           • Pharmacy
    • Subject specific
    • Mathematical
      analysis skills

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Physics is a subject of enormous breadth; from the
macroscopic forces that underpin the lifecycles of stars and
galaxies, to the microscopic ones which inform atoms and
quantum particles. Physics underpins all other sciences and
provides explanations for why the world and the universe
work the way they do. Students get to explore these
astonishing phenomena, as well as how our understanding
of physics can be used in the everyday world.
Skills & Knowledge       Assessment                University & Careers
• Exploration of wave,   Traditional A-Level    • Degrees in various
  particle and field     with final assessment. areas of physics,
  mechanics, along       Full A-Level only.       theoretical physics
  with astrophysics      • 3 x 2hr written        and engineering
  and thermo-nuclear       exams looking at     • Engineering &
  physics                  wave-particle          Manufacturing
• Knowledge and use        mechanics, thermal • Material & Energy
  of key apparatus         and nuclear physics, technology
  and practical            and practical        • Computing
  techniques               applications. The    • Electronics
• Development of           exams will also test • Architecture
  analytical and           practical knowledge
  evaluative skills        and data analysis.   • Game Design
• Subject-specific
• Mathematical
  analysis skills

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     Psychology investigates the operation of our minds;
     considering how we think, what informs our decision-
     making processes, and how our mental make-up shapes
     our perception of the world. The course introduces
     students to the scientific theories and methods that
     underpin the subject, and allows them to learn about both
     the social and biological forces that shape our thoughts and
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of           Traditional A-Level   • Degrees in various
      memory,                  with final assessment. areas of psychology
      attachment               Full A-Level only.      and neuroscience
      functions, cognition     • 3 x 2hr written     • Sports Coaching or
      and perception, and        exams comprising      Management
      biopsychology              short answer        • Marketing
    • Knowledge and use          questions and       • Human Resources
      of key theories and        extended written    • Law
      research techniques        responses           • Business
    • Development of
      analytical and
      evaluative skills
    • Subject-specific
    • Mathematical
      analysis skills

30 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

The EPQ is a research project that can be tailored to suit
individual interests and expertise. Equivalent to half an A-
Level, it allows students to develop their passions and learn
a range of transferable research and project management
skills. The project must be driven by the student and, rather
than being actively taught, it is supported two hours a
week by research seminars. Work can be extended writing
or creative projects, or scientific explorations.
Skills & Knowledge        Assessment                University & Careers
• Advanced research       Holistic assessment of • Relevant to all
  skills                  final project portfolio   academic degree
• Evaluative and          to include:               courses
  interpretative skills   • Evidence of           • Provides excellent
• Problem solving and       planning and            experience of
  idea development          carrying out            University-style
• Extended specialist       research                learning and
  knowledge of            • Evidence of project     additional credit for
  project topic             development             University
• Project                 • Completed final
  management skills         project               • Project
                                                    management skills,
• High degree of          • Presentation of         which complement
  independent               project to a non-       vocational pathways
  learning                  specialist audience
                                                  • Demonstrates
                                                    independence and
                                                    intellectual curiosity

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Countryside Management
   [Extended Diploma available]

     The ideal subject for study in a rural environment, such as
     that found in Dorset. The course takes an informed and
     practical approach to learning; giving students the
     opportunity to gain practical skills alongside theoretical
     knowledge of the issues facing the rural economy. From the
     use of firearms in land-based industries, to greenwood
     crafts, to conservation management, this is a course which
     is plugged directly into the countryside around us.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of the       Ongoing practical and • Degrees in various
      issues and               unit based              areas of countryside
      knowledge that           assessments carried     management and
      inform the land-         out over the full two   agriculture
      based industries         years of study to     • Agriculture & Land
    • Development of key       produce a final         Management
      practical skills         portfolio for         • Conservation &
    • Development of           submission.             Ecology
      strong subject-          • Combination of      • Estate Management
      based knowledge            practical, work-    • Game-Keeping
    • Development of             based assessment, • Rural Property
      time management            with research and     Management
      skills                     technical
                                 understanding, and
                                 work experience
                               • 2 x externally
                                 assessed exams
                               • 1 x externally
                                 assessed project

32 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21
[Extended Diploma available]

 Hospitality is one of the major growth industries both in
 the UK and internationally, having grown by 14% since
 2004. This course equips students with the skills they will
 need to be successful in all areas of this complex and
 exciting industry. From business awareness, to cooking
 skills, to event management skills; students will be
 expected to hone their skills through practical assignments
 and theoretical understanding. Students also get the
 opportunity to work on major school events.
 Skills & Knowledge     Assessment                University & Careers
 • Exploration of the   Ongoing practical and • Degrees in various
   issues and           unit based              areas of hospitality,
   knowledge that       assessments carried     tourism and event
   inform the           out over the full two   management
   hospitality and      years of study to     • Event Management
   events industry      produce a final         & Planning
 • Development of key   portfolio for         • Chefing and other
   practical skills     submission.             Culinary Arts
 • Development of       • Combination of      • Hotel Management
   strong subject-        practical, work-    • Tourism
   based knowledge        based assessment,
 • Development of         with research and
   time management        technical
   skills                 understanding

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   [Extended Certificate or National Diploma available]

     This course puts the theory behind what happens on the
     pitch, allowing students to understand the requirements of
     training and development, and to put them into practice.
     The course looks at coaching and development, as well as
     sporting tactics and leadership. It also gives students
     valuable skills to train as coaches and fitness professionals.
     Alongside this, the course helps students to understand the
     issues facing sport, as well as how to manage risk.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of the       Ongoing practical and • Degrees in various
      issues and               unit based              areas of sports
      knowledge that           assessments carried     coaching and
      inform sport and         out over the full two   management
      the sports industry      years of study to     • Coaching & Fitness
    • Development of key       produce a final         Training
      practical skills         portfolio for         • Sports Business &
    • Development of           submission.             Management
      strong subject-          • Combination of      • Sports Therapy
      based knowledge            practical           • Professional Sport
    • Development of             assessment,         • Outdoor & Sports
      time management            technical skills      Education
      skills                     development, and
                                 theoretical work
                               • 45% external
                                 including a written

34 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21
3D Design
Design is essential! It shapes almost every aspect of the
world we live in. Studying Design and Technology allows
students to develop their creative and aesthetic awareness,
alongside allowing them to gain skills and knowledge about
manufacturing processes and materials. The course
combines practical workshop time with research and
theoretical understanding.
Skills & Knowledge      Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of the    Ongoing practical and    • Degrees in various
  processes and         unit based                 areas of design and
  practices of design   assessments carried        product
  and manufacturing     out over the full two      development
• Development of        years of study to        • Engineering
  research skills and   produce a final          • Construction
  market awareness      portfolio for
                                                 • Graphic Design
• Development of        submission.
                                                 • Marketing
  strong technical      • Combination of         • 3D Animation or
  skills                  practical, work-         Modelling
• Aesthetic and           based assessment,
                          technical skills       • Mechanisation
  creative awareness
• Problem solving         development, and
                          theoretical work
                        • 33% external

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Equine Management:
   Equitation or Yard Management
     This course gives students the opportunity to develop the
     practical and theoretical knowledge needed to start a
     career in the equine industry. The course exposes students
     to issues surrounding equine health and care, physiology
     and behaviour, the racing industry and equine business.
     Equitation allows students to focus on riding, competition,
     and horse skills. Yard Management focuses on the running
     of a successful yard or equine business and does not
     require riding or a horse.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of the       Ongoing practical and • Degrees in various
      issues and               unit based              areas of equine
      knowledge that           assessments carried     management and
      inform the equine        out over the full two   care
      industry and animal      years of study to     • Animal Care &
      training and welfare     produce a final         Nutrition
    • Development of key       portfolio for         • The Racing Industry
      practical skills         submission.
                                                     • Stud & Stable
    • Development of           • Combination of        Management
      strong subject             practical, work-    • Competition &
      based knowledge            based assessment,     Animal Training
    • Development of             with research and
      time management            technical
      skills                     understanding, and
                                 work experience
                               • 1x externally
                                 assessed exam
                               • 1x externally
                                 assessed project

36 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21
Fashion Design & Production
Fashion finds its way into almost every aspect of our lives
and becomes a key part of our identity. From the pure
expression of haute couture to the functionality of high
street brands, it offers the opportunity for creativity and
innovation. Studying Fashion Design allows students to
develop their creative and aesthetic awareness and to gain
the skills needed to create fashion products. The course
combines practical workshop time with research and
theoretical understanding.
Skills & Knowledge      Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of the    Ongoing practical and    • Degrees in various
  processes and         unit based                 areas of fashion
  practices of design   assessments carried        design and
  and fashion           out over the full two      marketing
  production            years of study to        • Brand Management
• Development of        produce a final          • Graphic Design
  research skills and   portfolio for
                                                 • Costume Design
  market awareness      submission.
                                                 • Fashion Production
• Development of        • Combination of
  strong technical        practical, work-
  skills                  based assessment,
• Aesthetic and           technical skills
  creative awareness      development, and
• Problem solving         theoretical work
                        • 33% external

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Film & TV Visual Effects
     Film & TV Visual Effects offers students the opportunity to
     immerse themselves in the world of film editing, visual
     effects and media production. The digital arts and creative
     industries are one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK
     and beyond. This course prepares students with the skills
     and knowledge to enter this thriving and dynamic industry.
     Students will get the opportunity to design and create
     various film and VFX products as well as developing
     industry knowhow.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of the       Ongoing practical and • Degrees in various
      issues and               unit based              areas of media
      knowledge that           assessments carried     production and
      inform the digital       out over the full two   digital design
      industries               years of study to     • Media
    • Development of key       produce a final       • Advertising &
      practical skills         portfolio for           Marketing
    • Development of           submission.
                                                     • Broadcast
      strong subject           • Combination of        Journalism
      based knowledge            practical           • Computer Game
    • Development of             assessment,           Design
      time management            technical skills    • Multimedia
      skills                     development, and
                                 theoretical work    • TV & Film Industry
                               • 33% external

38 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21

This course offers students the opportunity to learn about
the music industry, as well as honing their skills as a
performer. Students will be expected to develop their
performance skills through regular recitals and concerts, as
well as gaining an awareness of the skills and knowledge
required by professional musicians. The course includes
practical work on composition and improvisation, and
builds knowledge of promotion and the broader industry.

Skills & Knowledge      Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of the    Ongoing practical and • Degrees in various
  issues and            unit based              areas of music
  knowledge that        assessments carried     performance,
  inform professional   out over the full two   production and
  music practice        years of study to       management
• Development of key    produce a final       • Professional
  practical skills      portfolio for           Musicianship
• Development of        submission.           • Music Management
  strong subject-       • Combination of      • Music Production
  based knowledge         practical           • Wider Music &
• Development of          assessment,           Entertainment
  time management         technical skills      Industry
  skills                  development, and
                          theoretical work
                        • 46% external

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Performing Arts
     This is a course for actors. It helps students to develop their
     acting skills in a directly practical way in preparation for a
     career treading the boards. The course offers students the
     opportunity to investigate and take part in a wide range of
     performance areas; including musical theatre, theatre for
     children, and film and TV acting. Students are also
     equipped with the knowledge they need to be successful in
     the industry, from how to be successful at audition, to
     marketing and promotion.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment              University & Careers
    • Exploration of the       Ongoing practical and   • Degrees in various
      issues and               unit based                areas of acting and
      knowledge that           assessments carried       performance
      inform the               out over the full two   • Professional Acting
      performing arts          years of study to       • Performance &
    • Development of key       produce a final           Technical Support
      practical skills         portfolio for
                                                       • Directing &
    • Development of           submission.
      strong subject-          • Combination of        • Film, Theatre & TV
      based knowledge            practical               business
    • Development of             assessment,
      time management            technical skills
      skills                     development, and
                                 theoretical work
                               • 46% external

40 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21
Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Britain has an enviable record in producing world-beating
entrepreneurs. To be successful in business you need
creativity, tenacity, business acumen, and the ability to plan
and implement well thought-out strategies. This course
provides students with these skills, as well as offering them
the opportunity to start and run their own business. In an
increasingly competitive world this course will equip
students with the skills they need to be successful in
Skills & Knowledge     Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of the   Ongoing practical and    • Degrees in various
  issues and           unit based                 areas of business
  knowledge that       assessments carried        management and
  inform business,     out over the full two      enterprise
  marketing, and       years of study to        • Business
  financial planning   produce a final          • Marketing
• Development of key   portfolio for
                                                • Entrepreneurship or
  practical skills     submission.
• Development of       • Combination of         • Brand Creation &
  strong subject-        practical, work-         Development
  based knowledge        based assessment,      • Business &
• Development of         technical skills         Management
  time management        development, and         Strategy
  skills                 theoretical work
                       • 58% external
                         including a 2hr
                         written exam

                          Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21 | 41
Digital Content Production
     In a digital world, everybody needs content. All industries
     need visual and written materials that can communicate
     their product and identity to their current and potential
     customers. This course teaches students a range of
     industry-specific skills including web design and layout,
     producing written copy and digital image manipulation.
     Whether you want to communicate information or market
     a product, effective digital content is a vital component in
     the modern marketplace.
    Skills & Knowledge         Assessment            University & Careers
    • Exploration of web       Ongoing practical and • Degrees in various
      and digital design       unit based              areas of content
      features and their       assessments carried     design and
      impact                   out over the full two   production,
    • Development of           years of study to       journalism,
      practical production     produce a final         advertising and
      skills using industry-   portfolio for           marketing
      standard software        submission.           • Media Design &
    • Knowledge of             • Combination of        Research
      different techniques       practical, work-    • Journalism &
      used to convey             based assessment,     Photography
      ideas and influence        with research and   • Web Designing
      people                     technical           • Digital Marketing &
    • Development of             understanding         Advertising
      time management          • 50% external        • Business Marketing
      skills                     assessment            & Strategy

42 | Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21
Music Technology
Music technology gives students the skills and knowledge
they need to thrive in the music industry. Students develop
their practical and aural discrimination skills, as well as
learning a range of technical skills necessary for recording
and creating music. Students learn to use mixing and
production software, as well as sequencers and virtual
synthesizers. There is also the opportunity to learn about
different styles of music and to understand how they work.
Skills & Knowledge     Assessment               University & Careers
• Exploration of the   Ongoing practical and    • Degrees in various
  processes and        unit based                 areas of music
  practices of music   assessments carried        technology and
  recording and        out over the full two      production
  production           years of study to        • Sound Engineering
• Knowledge of music   produce a final          • Music &
  styles and genres    portfolio for              Performance Venue
• Development of       submission. Can be         Technical Support
  subject-specific     studied alongside the
                                                • Sound for Film &
  technical skills     Music BTEC level 3
                       National Diploma.
• Aesthetic and
  creative awareness   • Combination of
                         practical, work-
                         based assessment,
                         with research and

                          Milton Abbey | Sixth Form Courses | 2020-21 | 43
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