Page created by Kathryn Powell

                            MOSS LANE

                               August 2014

                       ALDI FOOD STORES

Turner  Lowe  Associates              TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS

22 Guest Road. Manchester. M25 3DL.   Tel. 0161 798 7898   Fax. 0161 798 6642
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

                      PROPOSED ALDI DEVELOPMENT

                                         MOSS LANE

                         SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL PLAN

                                          August 2014

                                  ALDI FOOD STORES

                Job. No.                                  140601

                Authorised By:                            J. Lowe

                Position:                                 Partner


                Date:                                     6 August 2014

This report is for the sole use of Aldi Food Stores (the Client) and Turner Lowe Associates in connection
with the above project. No undertaking or responsibilities are given to any other party. Reproduction of
any part of this report is expressly forbidden without the approval of Turner Lowe Associates and the
 Turner Lowe Associates.

                                                                       Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

Contents                                                                 Page

1.          Introduction                                                    1

2.          Details of Proposed Development and Existing Accessibility      3

            i.     The Development                                          3
            ii.    Location                                                 3
            iii.   Existing Travel Patterns in Garstang                     5
            iv.    Pedestrian Accessibility                                 7
            v.     Public Transport Accessibility                           8
            vi.    Pedal Cycle Accessibility                                9

3.          Objectives and Content of the Travel Plan                      10

            i.     Stage 1                                                 10
            ii     Stage 2                                                 11

                   Employee Initiatives                                    11
            i.     Employee Travel Survey                                  11
            ii.    Travel and Travel Plan Information Provision            11
            iii.   Personalised Travel Planning                            12
            iv.    Walking                                                 12
            v.     Pedal Cycling                                           12
            vi.    Public Transport                                        13
            vii    Motor Car Users                                         13

                   Customer Initiatives                                    14
            i.     Customer Travel Survey                                  14

4.          Implementation and Monitoring                                  15

            i.     Travel Plan Co-ordinator                                15
            ii.    Responsibilities                                        15
            iii.   Key Travel Plan Administration Tasks                    15
            iv.    Travel Plan Monitoring                                  16
            v.     Marketing                                               16
            vi.    Targets                                                 16
            vii    Reporting                                               17

5.          Conclusions                                                    20

                                                          Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan




                            Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

1.       Introduction

1.1      This Sustainable Travel Plan has been prepared on behalf of Aldi Stores Ltd as part
         of the proposed development by Morbaine Ltd on Moss Lane, Garstang.

1.2      This Travel Plan will be applied to both Aldi staff and customer policies.

1.3       The Plan has been prepared in accordance with guidance contained in the following
          original DETR documents:

         i.         Green Transport Plans
         ii.        The Benefits of Green Transport Plans: The Guide
         iii.       The Benefits of Green Transport Plans: A Literature Review
         iv.        Guide to Green Transport Plans: Advice for Government Departments.

          subsequently issued DfT documents:

          v.        Preparing Your Organisation for Transport in the Future: The Benefits of
                    Green Transport Plans: The Guide. 1999
          vi.       Making Travel Plans Work. 2000
          vii.      Travel Plan Resource Pack for Employers. 2000
          viii.     Using the Planning Process to Secure Travel Plans. 2005
          ix.       Good Practice Guidelines: Delivering Travel Plans through the Planning
                    Process. April 2009
          x.        NHS National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) Public Health
                    Guidance Report 8: Promoting and Creating Built or Natural
                    Environments that Encourage and Support Physical Activity. January

1.4       In 1998, the Government published its White Paper entitled "A New Deal for
          Transport, Better for Everyone". This document sets out the Government's current
          transport policy which promotes a greater integration of the transport and land use
          planning processes, and a priority for sustainable modes of transport.

1.5       The Government’s White Paper on the future of transport entitled “The Future of
          Transport – a network for 2030” July 2004, sets out the Governments continued
          commitment to sustainable transport.

1.6       The increased dominance of the private motor car contributes to congestion,
          pollution, social barriers, increased risk of accidents and can affect the health and
          fitness of people. Current travel patterns are unsustainable and future demands for
          travel cannot be satisfactorily met, particularly by car, unless they are managed
          more efficiently.

                                                                 Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

1.7       Aldi are well aware of current transport issues and the need for sustainable
          development. Aldi are actively taking action to reduce the impact of their stores
          and other operations and activities.

1.8       This Sustainable Travel Plan is consistent with the National policies and will thus
          help to achieve the Government's objectives of reducing reliance on the private car,
          reducing traffic emissions, and the promotion of sustainable transport. The Plan
          embraces national and local transport policy objectives to reduce the number and
          length of motorised journeys and will help to encourage alternative means of

1.9       To achieve these aims a two stage approach will be adopted as summarised below:

          Stage 1

          To provide a number of measures from the outset as part of the development to
          provide Aldi shoppers and employees with safe and viable transport alternatives to
          the car for accessing the store.

          Stage 2

          To continually monitor the travel patterns of customers and employees, and
          implement any additional selective measures that may be identified to encourage
          sustainable travel.

                                                                 Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

2.        Details of Proposed Development and Existing Accessibility

         i.         The Development

2.1      The development site is located on the G B Oils depot site on Moss Lane (Figure 1).

2.2      The development will consist of an Aldi Discount Foodstore with a gross floor area
         of 1699 sq m. The site layout and access arrangements are shown on Drawing No:
         140601/01 Rev A, a copy of which is provided in the Drawings section of this

2.3      The site has an existing substandard access that will be replaced by an access to
         current standards.

2.4      The existing (Oil Depot) use rights of the site have the potential to generate
         significant HGV activity. An Aldi store usually has no more than 5-6 deliveries a
         day at off peak times. Delivery routes are planned with vehicles often delivering to
         several stores to minimise distances travelled by each vehicle and maximise
         efficiency of goods delivery. This practice is not only economically beneficial for
         Aldi but achieves greatest sustainability.

2.5      The proposed development will therefore result in the removal of significant HGV
         activity in this area; the closure of a sub-standard access point; and the creation of a
         new access to modern design standards.

         ii.        Location

2.6      The site in relation to the surrounding highway network is shown in Figure 2.

2.7       The proposed redevelopment site is located to the north of Moss Lane on an
          existing Oil Depot site. As outlined above, the existing site has access only from
          Moss Lane. This is a sub-standard access for commercial uses with the site’s
          existing use rights capable of generating high volumes of HGV traffic.

                                                                   Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

         View of Moss Lane Access Looking West

         View of Moss Lane Access Looking East

2.8      Moss Lane is an unclassified local distributor road which connects to the A6 to the
         west (and to the M6 Junction 33 to the north) and to Park Hill Road to the east (Park
         Hill Road and High Street / Market Place form part of the B6430 providing a one-
         way clockwise gyratory around the town centre).

2.9      The immediate vicinity is subject to a blanket 20 mph speed limit introduced as part
         of the highway authority’s policy for residential areas, with waiting restrictions to
         protect the existing access junction and other sections of carriageway. In other
         sections there is on-street parking which helps to keep vehicle speeds in line with

                                                                 Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

         the 20 mph limit. Moss Lane is a single carriageway around 8.5 m wide in the
         vicinity of the development.

2.10     The site has good vehicle and alternative mode accessibility to the surrounding area.

         iii.      Existing Travel Patterns in Garstang

2.11     The National Trip End Model (Tempro V6.2 / Dataset 62) has been used to derive
         the modes of transport used in Garstang for Shopping and Employment Trip
         purposes in comparison with the County and National travel patterns at 2014 levels.
         The results are shown in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 below.

2.12     As can be seen weekday and Saturday shopping trips on foot in Garstang are very
         slightly less than the County and National averages. As will be seen in Section 4 of
         this report, the proximity of existing residential development in relation to the
         proposed development is likely to be conducive to higher percentages of trips on
         foot being made to the development.

2.13     Weekday and Saturday Shopping trips by cycle in Garstang are again slightly lower
         than the County and National averages. The ease of cycling on Moss Lane and the
         provision of cycle parking within the development should result in the development
         generating a higher level of cycle trips than is currently being experienced in

2.14     Weekday and Saturday shopping trips by car are higher in Garstang than the County
         and National averages but the likely increase in trips on foot and by cycle will be
         balanced by a reduction in trips by car so this should reduce for the development.

2.15     Shopping trips using Public Transport are lower in Garstang than the County and
         National Averages but with services passing by or close to the site higher
         percentages would be expected in this location than the Garstang average.

2.16     Both weekday and Saturday employment trips made on foot in Garstang are slightly
         lower than the County and National averages. Employment trips by cycle are also
         slightly lower. The large area of population within easy walking and cycling
         distance of the development from where employment trips for a Discount Foodstore
         could originate, however, should result in greater percentages being achieved,

2.17     Employment trips made by car are higher in Garstang than the County and National
         averages but as in the case of customer trips, the likely increase in trips on foot and
         by cycle will be balanced by a reduction in trips by car.

2.18     As in the case of shopping trips, Employment trips using Public Transport are lower
         in Garstang than the County and National Averages but with services directly

                                                                  Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

         passing or passing close to the site, and stops within easy walking distance, a higher
         level of use would be expected by the staff to be employed at the proposed

         Table 2.1          Modes of Travel for Shopping Trips in Garstang,
                            Lancashire and Nationwide (2014)

          Mode                 Garstang           Lancashire              GB

          Walk                   32.99%              34.26%            34.87%
          Cycle                   1.15%               1.23%             1.17%
          Car Driver             40.67%              37.79%            36.83%
          Car Passenger          19.95%              20.96%            20.40%
          Bus                     4.89%               5.12%            5.75%
          Rail                    0.39%               0.64%             1.0%
          Walk                   28.27%              28.67%            29.02%
          Cycle                   0.95%               1.01%             0.97%
          Car Driver             38.23%              36.05%            35.29%
          Car Passenger          27.79%              28.94%            28.37%
          Bus                     4.34%               4.65%            5.23%
          Rail                    0.42%               0.68%             1.12%

         Table 2.2          Modes of Travel for Employment Trips in Garstang,
                            Lancashire and Nationwide (2014)

          Mode                 Garstang           Lancashire              GB

          Walk                   12.25%              12.68%            12.87%
          Cycle                   2.26%               2.67%             2.54%
          Car Driver             67.51%              65.32%            63.26%
          Car Passenger          11.94%              12.22%            11.52%
          Bus                     4.73%               4.82%            5.51%
          Rail                    1.31%               2.29%             4.30%
          Walk                   13.07%              13.50%            13.58%
          Cycle                   2.80%               3.44%             3.53%
          Car Driver             63.51%              61.25%            59.26%
          Car Passenger          15.45%              15.99%            15.72%
          Bus                     4.59%               4.69%            5.58%
          Rail                    0.58%               1.13%             2.33%

                                                                 Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

2.19     The location of the development is clearly well suited to encourage trips, both by
         shoppers and staff to be made by alternative modes of travel to the private car.

         iv.        Pedestrian Accessibility

2.20     The site is within easy walking distance of a wide surrounding catchment area.

2.21     The DTLR publication “By Design: Better Places to Live, A companion guide to
         PPG3” advises that when considering new residential development the area within
         10 minutes walking time or 800 m walking distance should be examined to
         determine the range of facilities which residents could access comfortably on foot.
         Whilst the parent document PPG3 has now been superseded this advice is still valid.
         The same logic would therefore be appropriate to determine the area which would
         be within a comfortable walking distance or time of the proposed development. This
         is also the preferred maximum walking distance for town centre journeys on foot as
         advised by the Institution of Highways and Transportation in their publication
         ‘Guidelines for Providing for Journeys on Foot’.

2.22     Whilst now superseded by the National Planning Policy Framework, the advice in
         the former PPG13 is still relevant and advised that walking is the most important
         mode of travel at the local level and offers the greatest potential to replace short car
         trips, particularly under 2 kilometres. Assuming a round trip of 2 km for a shopping
         trip, a single walking distance of 1 km would, therefore, be considered acceptable.

2.23     The site location and the areas within an 800 m and 1 km radius are shown in Figure
         3. As can be seen, virtually the whole of Garstang would be within these
         comfortable walking distances. This and the following diagram indicates “as the
         crow flies” distances. The science behind the derivation of these distances is far
         from exact and any more detailed catchment areas would not have any greater
         reliability (in fact less by indicating with what may appear to be accuracy, areas that
         would not be within walking distance from where pedestrians could easily walk to
         the site).

2.24     The site is also adjacent to the Booths foodstore and car park (which also acts as a
         general car park for the town centre). There is a strong likelihood of there being
         linked trips between the two foodstores in line with current Transport Planning

2.25     For employment trips a 2 km walk in each direction would be appropriate and this is
         also the preferred maximum walking distance for commuting journeys on foot as
         advised by the Institution of Highways and Transportation in their publication
         ‘Guidelines for Providing for Journeys on Foot’. The area within such a catchment
         is shown in Figure 4. This covers the whole of Garstang and Bowgreave from
         where staff who could walk to the development on foot could be recruited.

                                                                   Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

2.26     Footways in the area are relatively good and there should be no need for any
         improvements to accommodate the expected pedestrian traffic that will be generated
         by the development.

2.27      The site is clearly accessible on foot and the location in relation to the surrounding
          areas is likely to encourage trips to the development to be made on foot and a
          potential reduction in car use.

         v.         Public Transport Accessibility

2.28     The site is well served by public transport with several services passing close to the
         site on the Park Hill Road gyratory system or on Moss Lane as detailed in Table 2.3.
         Table 2.3          Bus Service Details.

         Service       Frequency                           Area Covered

              40     60 min Mon - Sat      Preston – Garstang – Lancaster - Morecambe
                       06.15 – 23.39
                      60 min Sundays
                      09.44 – 21.48

              40a    1 service Mon - Fri   Preston – Garstang – Lancaster
                     1 service Mon - Fri

              41    60 min Mon - Fri       Preston – Garstang – Lancaster - Morecambe
                      08.07 – 18.19
                     60 min Saturdays
                     09.42 – 18.12

              42    60 min Mon - Fri       Blackpool – Garstang – Lancaster
                      07.43 – 23.29
                     60 min Saturdays
                     10.20 – 23.29
                    120 min Sundays
                     12.19 – 21.19

2.29     The routes of these services are shown in Figure 5

2.30     The closest stop on Moss Lane is a simple “standard” stop. The Park Hill Road
         stops have raised boarding points and high standard shelters with timetable displays.

                                                                  Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

2.31      It is clear that the site has good public transport accessibility and is well located in
          accordance with current transportation planning policies.

         vi.        Pedal Cycle Accessibility

2.32     There are no defined cycle routes in the immediate vicinity of the development but
         the western end of Moss Lane is used for a recreational cycle route that follows the
         canal. There are other planned cycle routes for the area as shown in Figure 6.

2.33      On Park Hill Road to the south of Moss Lane cycle lanes have been provided but
          elsewhere the traffic flows are such that specific cycle facilities are not needed.

2.34      Within the site secure cycle parking facilities will be provided to encourage this
          mode of transport for small shopping trips. Staff will be further encouraged to use
          cycles as an alternative to the car through the provision of secure long stay cycle
          parking facilities and lockers.

2.35     It is usual to assume a maximum cycle distance of 5 km for shopping trips and
         employment trips. Assuming a total cycle distance of 5 km (i.e. 2.5 km each way)
         for shopping trips gives the cycling catchment area indicated in Figure 7. As can be
         seen the whole of Garstang is within easy cycling distance of the development site.

2.36     For employment trips it would be reasonable to assume a 5 km distance each way.
         Such a catchment area would have 2x the radius of the Figure 7 catchment area and
         4x the area. Cycling would clearly be an appropriate form of travel from a wide
         surrounding area for employment trips.

2.37      The site is clearly accessible by this mode of transport and the development will
          encourage this mode for shopping and employment trips as an alternative to the car.

                                                                   Turner  Lowe  Associates
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

3.       Objectives and Content of the Travel Plan

3.1       The Travel Plan is primarily aimed at reducing the dependence of Employees on
          travel by car. The main objectives of the Travel Plan can therefore be defined as

          i.        Discourage the use of unsustainable modes of transport and enable
                    employees to make travel choices that benefit themselves and their

          ii.       Introduce a package of physical and management measures that will
                    facilitate employee travel by sustainable modes; and

          iii.      Raise awareness of alternative modes of transport and thus encourage a
                    modal shift towards more sustainable travel modes.

3.2      The secondary objectives of the Travel Plan are to:

          iv.       To increase customer awareness of the advantages and availability of
                    sustainable modes; and

          v.        To reduce unnecessary and unsustainable use of the car by customers,
                    particularly in the case of short trips.

3.3       The objectives will be achieved through reference to information on travel patterns
          at the site which will be analysed to identify and establish baseline conditions, the
          propensity for future travel change and to assist in the selection / refinement of
          individual Travel Plan measures.

          STAGE 1

3.4       The first stage in the process of implementing the Sustainable Travel Plan is the
          introduction of measures forming part of the development proposals, which will
          encourage sustainable travel from the outset. The design of the proposed
          development takes full account of the aims of the Sustainable Travel Plan and
          introduces a number of measures which will improve sustainable transport for
          people travelling to and from the store. These measures include:

          i.        The provision of pedestrian routes within the site linking the site to Moss
                    Lane, and with agreement, the Booths store / car park and the northern
                    part of the town centre beyond.

          ii.       The provision of pedal cycle parking facilities within the site in close
                    proximity to the store entrance in accordance with the local planning
                    authority’s parking standards.

                                                                 Turner  Lowe  Associates
                                           - 10 -
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

          iii.      The display of any bus timetable and other public transport promotion
                    literature and displays that may be provided by the Passenger Transport
                    Executive in the store and staff area.

          STAGE 2

3.5       The second stage will involve carrying out surveys to understand travel patterns and
          implementing selective measures to encourage sustainable travel. Measures that
          will be investigated and considered in detail will include the following:


          i.     Employee Travel Survey

3.6       Once the store is operational the Travel Plan Coordinator (see Section 4.1) will
          organise an Employee Travel Survey to understand the travel needs of staff to be
          employed at the store to help to ascertain:

          i.        The suitability of existing public transport services to meet the needs of

          ii.       To plan the most effective additional services to meet employee needs

          iii.      Employee attitude towards sustainable modes of transport

          iv.       Employee preferences to their intended mode of transport

          v.        Employee attitude to changing their preferred mode of transport if

          vi.       Cost effective measures to induce a shift from private car usage to other
                    sustainable modes of transport

3.7       An example of the Travel Survey Questionnaire that has been used in other Aldi
          Travel Plans is reproduced in Appendix A

          ii.    Travel and Travel Plan Information Provision

3.8      All employees will be provided with Introduction Packs which will include the
         following information:

         i.        Name and contact details of the Travel Plan Co-ordinator;

         ii.       An introduction to the Travel Plan and its purpose;

                                                                 Turner  Lowe  Associates
                                           - 11 -
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

         iii.      Bus route maps and timetables; and

         iv.       Location and access arrangement to lockers, changing facilities
                   and cycle parking.

3.9      This information will be available to all new employees as part of their induction.
         Information will be reviewed as part of the Travel Plan to ensure the most up to
         date employees information is provided to employees.

          iii.   Personalised Travel Planning

3.10     The Travel Plan Co-ordinator will offer a personalised Travel Planning service for
         all new employees. The free online journey planning information that is available
         to plan journey from door to door will be promoted to employees, including: and   http://www.traveline-

3.11     For journeys on foot the walking journey planner will be
         promoted amongst employees. The transport direct website detailed above also
         offers information on planning cycle routes.

          iv.    Walking

3.12     It is accepted that the shift patterns of the workforce may not be conducive to the
         promotion of walking on a daily basis, and that such modes are generally less
         attractive during the winter months; however, given appropriate incentive/
         encouragement there is potential to encourage additional staff member to do so.

3.13     The Travel Plan Co-ordinator will:

         i.      Liaise with staff living within nearby residential areas with the aim of
                 encouraging them to walk, even if only occasionally;

         ii.     Liaise with the Highway Authority to ensure that pedestrian routes are
                 properly maintained;

         iii.    Promote the benefits of walking.

3.14     Employees will be provided with information and advice concerning safe
         pedestrian routes to the store.

          v.     Pedal Cycling

3.15     The store encompasses a significant population catchment within an acceptable
         cycling distance of five kilometres that is defined within PPG13. The Travel Plan

                                                               Turner  Lowe  Associates
                                          - 12 -
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

         Co-ordinator will:

         i.      Liaise with employees living within a accessible cycle distance, with the
                 aim of encouraging them to cycle, even if occasionally;

         ii.     Promote the benefits of cycling; and

         iii.    Promote websites offering information on cycling.

3.16     Employees will be provided with information and advice concerning safe cycle
         routes to the store.

3.17     Secure parking will be available for employees.

3.18     Changing and Locker facilities will be available for employees

3.19     Bicycles are regularly available as ‘special purchases’ within Aldi stores. This
         provides an opportunity for staff to purchase bicycles at greatly discounted rates,
         thus encouraging this mode of transport.

          vi.    Public Transport

3.20     The area surrounding the site has good public transport links, with several bus
         stops located close to the store. The frequency of bus services and the range of
         destinations served from these stops should provide a realistic alternative travel
         mode to the private car.

          vii.   Motor Car Users

3.21     Due to the limited number of staff, and the potential non-coincidence of shift
         patterns, it is considered that there is little merit in providing a formalised car
         share scheme to employees at Aldi Food Stores.

3.22     The Travel Plan Co-ordinator will, however, recommend to employees the web-
         based Lift Share schemes ( and the national Lift Share
         scheme (

3.23     Support will be given any staff member wishing to find a car share partner by the
         Travel Plan Co-ordinator.

3.24     In the event that an employee’s ride home becomes unavailable, employees will
         be guaranteed a free taxi home.

                                                                Turner  Lowe  Associates
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Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan


3.25        The primary focus on influencing customer travel will be by raising awareness
            of the benefits and opportunities for travel by sustainable modes, as follows:

            i.     Information on bus routes and timetables along with walk and cycle
                   routes will be displayed within store;

            ii.    Information on the benefits of walking and cycling will also be
                   promoted within store.

3.26        Discussions have been held with management at Aldi Stores Limited to determine
            the best way of displaying this information within the store. It has been agreed
            that a folder will be provided within the customer packing area containing all
            relevant information of travel by sustainable modes. Timescales for implementation
            of this information would be within six months of the store opening.

            i.     Customer Travel Survey

3.27        When the new store has become established and has a reasonable stable customer
            patronage, The Travel Plan Co-ordinator will organise a customer questionnaire
            travel survey. By interrogating the results (in conjunction with the local and
            highway authorities) it will be possible to establish the travel characteristics of the
            customers. It will then be possible to tailor future transport initiatives and focus on
            addressing the travel patterns of the established customer base.

3.28        In understanding modal choices and travel behaviour of customers the following
            will be investigated.

            i.     areas of residence

            ii.    purpose of trip

            iii.   frequency of visits to store

iv.     main mode of transport used

v.      Reason for use of car if that mode used

3.29        An example of the Customer Travel Survey Questionnaire that has been used in
            other Aldi Travel Plans is reproduced in Appendix B

3.30.       The findings of the customer travel survey will form the basis for the formulation
            and development of further transport initiatives.

                                                                     Turner  Lowe  Associates
                                              - 14 -
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

4.        Implementation and Monitoring

         i.      Travel Plan Co-ordinator

4.1      The administration of the Travel Plan is the responsibility of the Travel Plan
         coordinators (TPC). To ensure the effective implementation of the Travel Plan,
         the TPC responsibilities are usually assigned to the store manager.

4.2       Contact details of the Travel Plan Co-ordinator will be supplied to the Local
          Planning Authority before the development opens and any changes afterwards will
          be notified.

4.3      The TPC is the main contact for the Travel Plan and is responsible for
         implementing Plan measures, involving new staff and visitors to the site and
         monitoring the effects of implementation. A full set of the duties and
         responsibilities of the TPC is set out below.

4.4      The TPC is the main liaison with the Local Planning Authority with respect to
         Travel Plan matters. The TPC is the first point of contact for staff/ visitors on site
         and other external organisations in all matters regarding employee and visitor
         travel and the management of physical and operational travel measures.

         ii.     Responsibilities

4.5      The key roles and responsibilities of the TPC are as follows:

         i.      Managing the development and implementation of the Travel Plan;

         ii.     Co-ordinating the Travel Survey exercise on an annual basis in conjunction
                 with the Highway Authority;

         iii.    Liaising with public transport operators and Local Planning/ Highway
                 Authority officers to ensure up-to-date transport information is available at
                 the site; and

         iv.     Monitoring the operation of the Travel Plan and undertaking an annual
                 review of the Travel Plan.

          iii.   Key Travel Plan Administration Tasks

4.6      As part of the on-going operation of the Travel Plan, the following key
         administrative tasks will need to be undertaken by the TPC:

         i.      Inform the Local Planning Authority of contact details should the TPC role
                 be transferred to an alternative staff member/ management company/

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Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

                transportation consultancy within the lifetime of the Plan;

         ii.    Formulate a ‘key contacts’ file of appropriate personnel for all company
                representatives on the development site and key personnel at other
                organisations such as the Local Planning Authority, Local Highway
                Authority, public transport operators, etc.;
         iii.   Undertake an annual Travel Survey of all Aldi store employees and
                maintain a staff database. New staff should be made aware of the existence
                of the Travel Plan, ideally at the time of appointment, but within at least
                two weeks of beginning work; and

         iv.    Ensure that Travel Plan information is readily available to staff members
                to include up-to-date public transport information and details of travel
                initiatives such as National Cycling Week, the ‘10,000 steps’ challenge,
                healthy living information, etc.

         v.     Travel Plan Monitoring

4.7      The TPC will liaise with the Local and County Council Travel Plan officer(s) on an
         annual basis with regard to the review of travel patterns against stated targets.

         vi.    Marketing

4.8      The success of the Travel Plan will rely on the support of employees. As such,
         the store manager as Travel Plan Co-ordinator is in an ideal situation to retain close
         contact with management and employees. The role also involves responsibility for
         liaising with key stakeholders, including the local and County Council planning
         and highway officers.

4.9      Regular liaison with officers at the authorities will also be necessary.

         vii.   Targets

4.10     National Guidance r e c o m me n d s t h e s e t t i n g of realistic targets to measure
         progress against the stated outcome objectives listed above.

4.11     The primary target will be to reduce single occupancy employee car trips by 5%
         over a 5 tear period. Experiences at other Aldi stores show that beyond Year 3
         modal share values will plateau as travel habits by employees become established
         and change is less likely. It should also be acknowledges that the exact targets will
         change over time as the results of on-going monitoring surveys become available.
         Consequently final targets for Year 4 and 5 will be set in Year 3 following
         discussions with the respective authorities Travel Planning Officers.

4.12     As shown in Table 2.2, car employment trips currently account for 67.5% of all

                                                                   Turner  Lowe  Associates
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Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

         weekday employment trips in Garstang. Assuming that the trips made as car
         passengers are on the basis of one passenger per car (not necessarily the case but
         any different figures cannot be derived from the National Travel Survey published
         information), single occupancy car trips would account for around 55.57% of all
         employment trips on weekdays.

4.13      The aim would therefore be to reduce these single occupancy car staff trips to
          52.8%. The development has no control over customer trips but the aim will be to
          achieve as great a reduction in car usage as possible with the effectiveness of the
          customer measures being reported in the Travel Plan Monitoring Reports (para 4.9

         v.      Reporting

4.14     A report presenting the findings of the initial surveys will compare the observed
         modal split of trips made to the development with current travel patterns in
         Garstang from Section 2 part iii. to determine the effects that measures provided
         from the outset may have had on modes of travel.

4.15     The Travel Plan Co-ordinator will agree in conjunction with the local planning and
         highway authorities whether the initial targets set out in 4.13 above should be
         revised following the analysis of the initial surveys.

4.16     The Travel Plan Co-ordinator will agree the timescales for further surveys (unless
         agreed otherwise to be on an annual basis).

4.17      The Travel Plan Co-ordinator will produce and submit to the local planning and
          highway authorities a Travel Plan Monitoring Report on an annual basis (unless
          agreed otherwise) within 3 months of the undertaking of the follow-up surveys.

4.18      In the event that the Monitoring Report indicates that the staff trip target reductions
          are unlikely to be achieved, additional incentives will be discussed in the
          Monitoring Report, and if necessary where input from the local planning and
          highway authorities is required, agreed with the authorities.

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Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

5.        Conclusions

5.1       This Sustainable Travel Plan will promote the aims of the Sustainable Transport
          Policies of the local authority.

5.2       The information obtained from the travel surveys, together with information on
          public transport services, cycle facilities, and pedestrian accessibility will provide
          the substance for the implementation of the Sustainable Travel Plan with achievable
          targets set for the realisation of the plan.

5.3       There will be a continuous improvement process including monitoring and
          measuring against the targets set. The whole process will then be reviewed on a
          regular basis and modified where appropriate.

5.4       Efforts will be made to control and influence the associated travel characteristics of
          customers and employees. The introduction of sustainable travel measures within
          the Sustainable Travel Plan, in association with the care that has been taken in
          selecting the location of the store, will ensure that this objective is met.

5.5       A two stage approach will be adopted by Aldi to ensure that the aim is achieved.
          This involves providing a number of measures from the outset as part of the
          development, and measures to follow in the future based on the monitoring of
          customer and employee travel behaviour. The continual annual monitoring of travel
          patterns will ensure that any new initiative that is to be provided will be tailored to
          the specific travel characteristics of the store's customer base and employees.

5.6       The development’s location benefits from good access to existing public transport
          and walking facilities. The measures proposed in this Sustainable Travel Plan are
          designed to maximise the number of trips to and from the store that are made by
          these sustainable modes.

5.7       This Sustainable Travel Plan is part of an on-going commitment by Aldi to
          encourage customers and employees to travel to their developments in the most
          sustainable way practical.

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Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan


                                      Turner  Lowe  Associates


                                        Job Title            Proposed Development
Turner Lowe Associates
22 Guest Road. Manchester. M25 3DL                            Moss Lane. Garstang
Tel: 0161 798 7898 Fax: 0161 798 6642   Drawing Title
E-mail:                                Site Location
Client                                  Scale       1/25000     Date   June 2014    Doc Sheet No.

                    Aldi Stores Ltd     Drawn By    J.L.        Checked             Approved

                                        Job No.     140601      Drg. No.   Figure 1            Rev.




                                                 Job Title              Proposed Development
Turner Lowe Associates
22 Guest Road. Manchester. M25 3DL                                       Moss Lane. Garstang
Tel: 0161 798 7898 Fax: 0161 798 6642            Drawing Title
E-mail:                            Surrounding Highway Network Details
Client                                           Scale         NTS         Date   June 2014    Doc Sheet No.

                    Aldi Stores Ltd              Drawn By      J.L.        Checked             Approved

                                                 Job No.       140601      Drg. No.   Figure 2            Rev.


           1 km Walking Catchment Area

           800 m Walking Catchment Area

                                          Job Title             Proposed Development
Turner Lowe Associates
22 Guest Road. Manchester. M25 3DL                               Moss Lane. Garstang
Tel: 0161 798 7898 Fax: 0161 798 6642     Drawing Title
E-mail:                     Customer Walking Catchment Area
Client                                    Scale        N.T.S.      Date   June 2014    Doc Sheet No.

                    Aldi Stores Ltd       Drawn By     J.L.        Checked             Approved

                                          Job No.      140601      Drg. No.   Figure 3            Rev.


           2 km Walking Catchment Area

                                         Job Title             Proposed Development
Turner Lowe Associates
22 Guest Road. Manchester. M25 3DL                              Moss Lane. Garstang
Tel: 0161 798 7898 Fax: 0161 798 6642    Drawing Title
E-mail:                    Employee Walking Catchment Area
Client                                   Scale        N.T.S.      Date   June 2014    Doc Sheet No.

                    Aldi Stores Ltd      Drawn By     J.L.        Checked             Approved

                                         Job No.      140601      Drg. No.   Figure 4            Rev.


                                        Job Title            Proposed Development
Turner Lowe Associates
22 Guest Road. Manchester. M25 3DL                            Moss Lane. Garstang
Tel: 0161 798 7898 Fax: 0161 798 6642   Drawing Title
E-mail:                          Garstang Bus Routes
Client                                  Scale       N.T.S.      Date   June 2014    Doc Sheet No.

                    Aldi Stores Ltd     Drawn By    J.L.        Checked             Approved

                                        Job No.     140601      Drg. No.   Figure 5            Rev.


                                        Job Title            Proposed Development
Turner Lowe Associates
                                                              Moss Lane. Garstang
22 Guest Road. Manchester. M25 3DL
Tel: 0161 798 7898 Fax: 0161 798 6642   Drawing Title
E-mail:                            Pedal Cycle Routes
Client                                  Scale       N.T.S.      Date   June 2014    Doc Sheet No.

                    Aldi Stores Ltd     Drawn By    J.L.        Checked             Approved

                                        Job No.     140601      Drg. No.   Figure 6            Rev.


                                                    2.5 km Cycling Catchment Area

                                        Job Title             Proposed Development
Turner Lowe Associates
                                                               Moss Lane. Garstang
22 Guest Road. Manchester. M25 3DL
Tel: 0161 798 7898 Fax: 0161 798 6642   Drawing Title
E-mail:                       Pedal Cycle Catchment Area
Client                                  Scale        N.T.S.      Date   June 2014    Doc Sheet No.

                    Aldi Stores Ltd     Drawn By     J.L.        Checked             Approved

                                        Job No.      140601      Drg. No.   Figure 7            Rev.
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

                              Appendix A

                Example Staff Travel Survey Questionnaire

                                                 Turner  Lowe  Associates
Aldi, Market Site, Salford
                                  Employee Travel Survey

    As part of the Travel Plan, an employee survey is being undertaken so we can
  understand your travel patterns, any issues you may have with your journey to and
                    from the Store and how this could be improved.

    1    What is your home postcode?

    2    Are you…
         Full Time
         Part Time

    3    What was your MAIN mode of transport to work (i.e. mode for the longest part
         of the journey)?
         Car driver
         Car driver with passenger
         Car passenger
         Other (please specify)

    4    Do you have a disability that affects your travel arrangements?

If you DRIVE A CAR to the Store please complete questions 5 - 6, if not please go to
question 7.

    5    What are your main reasons for driving to the Store? (circle as many as

         Car essential for job
         School run
         Give lifts to others
         Health reasons
         Lack of alternative
         Other (please specify)

                                            1 of 2
Aldi, Market Site, Salford
                                   Employee Travel Survey

   6     Where do you usually park?
         Customer car park
         Nearby street

   7     Which of the following would encourage you to car share?
         Finding partner/s with similar work patterns
         A guaranteed ride home if let down by the driver
         I do not want to car share
         Prime parking spots reserved for car sharers
         Other (please state)

   8     Which of the following changes would MOST encourage you to cycle to work?
         Safer, better lit cycle paths near workplace
         Improved cycle paths of your route
         Improved cycle parking at workplace
         Improved locker/ changing facilities at workplace
         None, live to far away
         Other (please specify)

   9     Which of the following changes would MOST encourage you to use public
         transport to get to work? (if you already use public transport, which would
         you most like to see?)

         More direct bus routes
         More frequent bus services
         Better lit safer bus shelters
         Discount season tickets for bus
         Interest free season ticket loan
         Public transport information
         None, live to far away
         Other (please specify)

   10    Gender                             11        Age
         Male                                         Under 18
         Female                                       18 - 24
                                                      25 - 34
                                                      35 - 45

   Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Please return your
completed questionnaire to the store manager or place it in the survey return box in the
                                      staff room

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Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan

                             Appendix B

             Example Customer Travel Survey Questionnaire

                                               Turner  Lowe  Associates
Aldi, Market Site, Salford
                                Customer Travel Survey

  This survey is being undertaken to get an overview of customer travel patterns and
their understanding of alternative methods of travel and shopping. The questionnaire
  will only take a few minutes to complete and we would appreciate your assistance.

  1     Where have you travelled from today and where are you travelling to
                                      From       To
        Another Shop
        Another Origin/ Destination

  2     What is the main purpose of your trip today?
        Weekly shop
        Top up shopping
        Snack/ lunch

  3     How often do you visit the store?
        Infrequent/ less than once a week
        Once a week
        More than once a week

  4     What was your MAIN mode of transport to the store (i.e. mode for the longest
        part of the journey)?
        Car driver
        Car driver with passenger
        Car passenger
        Other (please specify)

  5     If you drove to the store, was there a particular reason?
        To much to carry
        Duration of bus journey
        Too far to walk/ cycle
        Unaware of alternative
Proposed Aldi Development
Moss Lane. Garstang
Sustainable Travel Plan


                                       Turner  Lowe  Associates
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