Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy

Page created by Greg Wilson
Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy
Issue 1 | December 2018 | | Tel: 01902 368 147 | |   @PoolHayesAcad

                                                                                             Sixth Form

             TERM DATES
                                                                                  Pool Hayes Sixth Form
  Autumn term 2018
  2nd half term: Monday 5th November-Friday                                      Open Evening: Thursday
  21st December
  Spring Term 2019                                                                 10th January 2019
  1st half term: Monday 7th January-Friday 15th
  February                                                                          5:30pm-7:30pm
  Half-Term break: Monday 18th February-
  Friday 22nd February
  2nd half term: Monday 25th February-Friday
  12th April
  Summer Term 2019
  1st half term: Monday 29th April-Friday 24th
  Bank holiday: Monday 6th May
  Half-Term break: Monday 27th May-Friday
  31st May
  2nd half term: Monday 3rd June-Friday 19th
  INSET Days
  Friday 7th December 2018
  Friday 25th January 2019
  Monday 22nd July 2019

              KEY DATES

   Christmas Jumper Day
   Wednesday 12th December
   Mock exam dates
   Tuesday 11th December-Friday 21st December
   BTEC examinations begin on Monday 7th January
Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy
Issue 1 | December 2018 | | Tel: 01902 368 147 | |   @PoolHayesAcad

 Make Your Mark

 As a member of the Youth of Walsall, a local young people’s cabinet group, I introduced the Make Your Mark
 campaign to our Sixth Form earlier on this year, in September. Make Your Mark is the UK’s largest youth consul-
 tation and every year the UK Youth Parliament representatives meet in the House of Commons to discuss the
 things that matter to young people the most. I was a representative for the campaign in organising the cam-
 paign assembly and organising the ballots and getting the votes. All Sixth Formers voted on one of the 10 issues,
 ranging from mental health to a curriculum to prepare young people for life, from putting an end to knife crime
 to tackling homelessness, in which I managed to get a total of 131 votes. This added to the over a million ballots
 for this year’s campaign, and to the 88,922 ballots from across the West Midlands. This campaign was a politi-
 cally-inclining and interesting campaign for all of us as it opened Sixth Formers up to in-depth questions and de-
 bates. I felt like this was really needed, as we need to be politically aware of the things that will be affecting us
 in the future, and it was great to see how everyone participated in discussions related to the topics, which high-
 lighted their passion in getting involved in more programmes like this.

 Harvind Grewal

 Remembrance Day
 On the 9th November Pool Hayes staff and students commemorated
 all those who fought in World War One by observing the last post
 played by Mr Penn and holding two minutes silence at 11 o’clock. As
 this year commemorated 100 years since the end of World War One,
 members of Short Heath’s Royal British Legion visited our school and
 lowered the flag to half mast during the last postal as a sign of re-
 Also, Pool Hayes Sixth Form are proud to have raised £464.94 to do-
 nate towards this year’s poppy appeal.
 On Sunday the 11th November both staff and students attended the
 march from the Royal Legion Club (along with Short Heath’s Scouts,
 Guides and Brownies groups) to the memorial with the President of
 Sixth Form, Harvind Grewal, and School Prefects laying wreaths on
 the cenotaph. We sang the national anthem and held two minutes
 silence at 11 o’clock before marching back up to the Royal Legion.
 Victoria Haywood

               OUR CHOSEN CHARITY

                                                            We have chosen ‘Mind’ as our Sixth Form charity because we
                                                            believe that mental health is very important and deserves to
                                                            be focused upon more and it is a big part of life and society.
Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy
Issue 1 | December 2018 | | Tel: 01902 368 147 | |   @PoolHayesAcad

  The food bank                                                                      Our Children in Need day 2018!
  This Christmas season as a sixth form we decided                           Our Sixth Form community made a fabulous
  to congregate and collect food to aid those in                             show of support for Children in Need this
  need. This is an important cause as poverty is esca-                       year to raise money for children who deserve
  lating, so people are becoming increasingly de-                            the support and medical help they need in
  pendent on the food bank outlets.                                          order to thrive and be given the same oppor-
  Over the past decade there has arisen over 2,024                           tunities as the rest of us.
  food banks in operation across the nation. The                             Everyone pitched in to raise money, whether
  UK’s biggest foodbank network, The Trussell Trust,                         it be to provide cakes and doughnuts (Krispy
  show that a record of 1.3 million food parcels was                         Kreme’s) for the bake sale, or to come in
  given to an estimated 666,000 people over the                              sporting pyjamas or something yellow or
  past year. These figures shows that the foodbank                           spotted. We want to thank everyone for do-
  helps people and continues to do so.                                       ing their part and really helping to make a
  The need for a foodbank is everywhere, 795 mil-                            difference.
  lion people worldwide face hunger, hunger knows                            We managed to raise an astonishing £168
  no borders. Foodbanks are there to rescue per-                             between years 12 and 13, contributing to
  fectly edible food before its discarded. A donation                        the 60.7 million pounds raised this year
  could be from as little a tin of soup to fresh pro-                        across the country!
  duce. Students from our sixth from have come to-
                                                                             Natalie Law
  gether to collect various items.
  Karys Lucas

   Mary Poppins
   This years annual school performance of ‘Mary Poppins’ took place on the 4th, 5th and 6th of December. Stu-
   dents began the audition process back in April of this year and have only had a matter of months to gather
   and prepare every aspect to create this magnificent show. Sixth form students Megan Kelly and Sophie As-
   bury steal the show as Mary Poppins with support from their co-stars Jack Knott who plays Burt, Faith
   Whitehouse and Elle Kirk as Jane Banks, Mark West as Michael Banks and many more of our talented stu-
   dents who make up a fabulous cast!
   However, the show would be completely lost without the director and Head of Drama Mr Monksfield, along
   with choreographer Miss Priest, music director Mr Dunphy and costume/prop manager Mrs Rowlinson.
   The show was a massive success and has been yet another great achievement on behalf of everyone involved
   at Pool Hayes Academy.
   Elisia Raybould
Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy
Issue 1 | December 2018 | | Tel: 01902 368 147 | |   @PoolHayesAcad

   The 21st November year 13 be visited by Elevate as they delivered a session on how to effectively revise for
  exams. Two sessions were running: one for those who were taking part in English or maths re-sits which fo-
  cused on how to ace those subjects. Meanwhile in the common room there was another session on a much
  broader scale.
  Overall, the sessions were met with positive feedback as students felt it helped them a lot and taught them
  very useful tips such as staying organised and rationing your time and were given these tips by very entertain-
  ing hosts.
  Hopefully these tips and tricks can be put to good use when mock exams begin Tuesday 11th December 2018,
  BTEC Controlled Assessments begin Monday 26th November 2018 and BTEC examinations begin 7th January
  2019, all students have been given exam timetables for these.

Christmas Cookies!
  For the cookies:                               For decoration:
  125g butter, unsoftened                        400g white fondant icing
  125g golden caster sugar                       Icing sugar for dusting
  1 egg, beaten                                  100g pack mixed red, yellow, black and
  1 tbsp Vanilla extract                         blue ready-to-roll icing
  250g plain flour, extra for dusting            Tube white icing, for sticking.
                                                 Tube black icing

 1. Heat the oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, then beat in the egg
     and vanilla. Stir in the flour and mix to a fairly soft dough. Tip onto a lightly floured surface and knead gently.
     Put the dough on a plate, cover and chill for at least 2 hrs.
 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of around 0.5cm. Use a cookie cutter or water
     glass to stamp out 7cm rounds. Re-roll the trimmings and repeat.
 3. Transfer the biscuits to two lined baking trays and bake for 8-14 mins until the edges turn lightly golden in col-
     our. Leave to cool.
 4. To decorate, roll out the white fondant icing on a surface lightly dusted with icing sugar. Stamp out 7cm circles
     using the same cookie cutter or glass as before, then use a dab of the white tube of icing to stick a fondant
     round on each biscuit.
 5. Knead together some of the yellow and blue icing to make green icing, then do the same with the red and yel-
     low icing to make orange (alternatively, buy separate packs of each colour). Roll out one icing colour at a time.
     Stamp out a 7cm circle of icing, cut in half and stick on for a hat. Cut a strip of another colour and make some
     markings to make it look like the elasticated band of a hat, then trim to fit and stick on. Repeat with all the
     biscuits, mixing and matching colours.
 6. Decorate the hats with icing spots and stripes, if you like. Roll out balls of coloured icing, poke holes all over
     with a cocktail stick and stick on as pom poms. Mould lumpy balls of the orange icing for noses and roll out
     balls of the black icing for eyes. Press down to flatten, then stick on with white icing. Use the tube of black
     icing to pipe rows of dots for the smiles. Leave to set. Will keep for up to five days in an airtight container.

 By Megan Spittle
Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy
Issue 1 | December 2018 | | Tel: 01902 368 147 | |   @PoolHayesAcad

                                                       By Grace Hartshorn

       Tips for parents:                                                      Tips for students:
             Have a look at what subjects                                          Remember to take breaks,
              your child is taking to gain a                                         don’t over-do it.
              better understanding of their                                         Have a revision timetable
              work.                                                                  that you can stick to.
             Support your child in their                                           Have a plan.
                                                                                    Remember to have some
             Create a suitable, distraction                                         “me” time
              -free space and enforce set
              times for revision.                                                   Remember there is always
                                                                                     room for improvement
             Have set times for social
              media.                                                                Use past papers to practice
             Don’t put too much pressure                                           Always ask for advice
              on them, they know how                                                Try out different revision
              hard it is!                                                            techniques to see what
             Create time to spend with                                              works best for you
              and supporting your child.                                            Always stay positive .

                                                         Website links:

                                                                                         GOOD LUCK!

                      MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy Sixth Form Pool Hayes Sixth Form Open Evening: Thursday 10th January 2019 5:30pm-7:30pm - Pool Hayes Academy
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