Pathway Affordable Housing Construction Begins - CEO message ǀ Navigate Initiative adventure days City2Surf in the NI ǀ Alloyfold commercial ...

Page created by Gene Barrett
Pathway Affordable Housing Construction Begins - CEO message ǀ Navigate Initiative adventure days City2Surf in the NI ǀ Alloyfold commercial ...
March 2021
Pathway Charitable Group news

Pathway Affordable Housing
Construction Begins

CEO message ǀ Navigate Initiative adventure days
City2Surf in the NI ǀ Alloyfold commercial update & portfolio highlight
Pathway Affordable Housing Construction Begins - CEO message ǀ Navigate Initiative adventure days City2Surf in the NI ǀ Alloyfold commercial ...
CEO message

It’s mind-blowing to think that a year has passed      We are thankful to God and our dedicated team,
since we were in lockdown, with no idea what           but also, importantly, to our generous volunteers
the future would hold. As I’m sure it was for          and supporters for this result. Without this
many of you, 2020 was a tough year for us here         support, we wouldn’t be able to continue offering
at Pathway.                                            fresh starts to those who so desperately need
                                                       them and I cannot overstate how much this
As a charitable trust, funding our life-changing       means to us.
work is challenging under normal circumstances.
So, the abrupt halt of world markets –                 In the pages ahead, we will share the impact of
particularly the event and hospitality industries      that support; the dedication of our volunteers                       Murray Kennedy
which Alloyfold is very dependent on, and the          and staff who worked alongside the Navigate            CEO Pathway Charitable Group
shipping industry that Oak Tree relies on – threw      Initiative team to bring the Tū Ora day to fruition,
a Covid-sized spanner in the works and decisive        and our exciting new ground-breaking venture
action was required.                                   that will provide housing for those struggling to
                                                       find somewhere safe and affordable to live.
Change is never easy, but we are fortunate to
have a hard-working team that is passionate and        We share a couple of success stories that are
dedicated to what we do here at Pathway. Not           due largely to the passion and tenacity of our
only have they been able to steady the ship, but       team and we celebrate the success of the
they’ve enabled us to innovate, putting us in an       Alloyfold sales team, who also play no small part
even stronger position moving forward.                 in enabling us to do what we do.

As such, I’m happy to say the group has been           Thank you again to the volunteers and
able to end the financial year in the black. This is   supporters who remain dedicated to helping
hard to believe when we look at where we stood         Pathway Group make a difference; we couldn’t
a year ago, wondering how we would survive.            do it without you.

Pathway Affordable Housing Construction Begins - CEO message ǀ Navigate Initiative adventure days City2Surf in the NI ǀ Alloyfold commercial ...
Adventure Days Connect Tū Ora
Navigate Initiative Adventure Days are an        paint a house. But these have evolved into
opportunity to support released Tū Ora to        introducing the men into local community groups
try new things in the community. When men        or gathering together for a barbecue at the beach.
are in the Navigate Initiative Unit (NI Unit),
they gain momentum in many areas of their        Some of the activities that have been or will be
life as they commit to change, and they          introduced include Zumba classes, rock-climbing,
have the support around them to make and         and a group recently hosted by a lawn bowling
sustain those changes. Sometimes when they       club, which proved a huge hit for all participants.
come out of that bolstered environment, the      Pathway support staff are also looking for some
momentum can wane and the men become             good mountain bikes so they can introduce             Anaru Baynes
more disconnected.                               the men and their whānau to the great bike            Pathway Reintegration Manager

                                                 tracks around the city. Introducing activities like
The aim of the Adventure Days - held once or     these also encourages the men to take their
twice a month - is to help transition the men    adventurous new experience and initiate their own
by introducing them to different “adventures”    adventures with their families and friends.
available in the community. The Adventure                                                                “Our Tū Ora
Days also enable them to connect with other      The benefits of these Adventure Days include
Tū Ora who can then support one another on       Pathway staff and social workers being able to          days are a great
their various pathways.                          see and monitor how the Tū Ora are doing in a           example of the
                                                 non-threatening environment. Pathways Support           amazing things
Some reintegration programmes are familiar       Services Coordinator Renee Jones observed:
to the Tū Ora because Pathway has been                                                                   that can happen
running them inside the NI Unit, eg. the         “Tu Ora who are flying are able to connect              when there is
Writers’ Group, City2Surf etc. But alongside     and support ones who are struggling using
this goal of running programmes inside and       the powerful tools of their own stories and             collaboration
outside the wire, is the goal to connect the     encouragement.”                                         between
men to existing community groups.                                                                        Pathway,
                                                 Importantly, the Tū Ora gain more connections with
The days originally started as “Whānau           community groups that help to bridge them into          Corrections and
Fridays” and were more about gathering           their community and provide another step on their       the community.”
together and helping clean up a garden or        journey of wellness.

City2Surf in the NI Unit

On a mild Christchurch morning in March,         beneficial for hauora (wellbeing), contributing
more than 15,000 runners and walkers hit         and supporting each other, as well as enjoying

the streets of Christchurch for the annual       the feeling of accomplishment. The men
City2Surf. And joining them, as they have        supporting each other was the highlight for
for the last three years, were the men in        the staff involved, with one completing his
the Navigate Initiative Unit. This year, there   6km run then jumping on a bike to go back
were 15 Tū Ora running and walking in the        and offer water to other participants. These       “I just loved
specially-marked course inside the wire          small acts, along with the cheers and thumbs-      the community
and one other participating by providing his     up offered along the way, were positive signs
assistance on the day.                           of the strong community spirit between the         feeling today
                                                 men.                                               and the
Marcel Wilkinson, from Te Ora Hou Ōtautahi,
helped organise the event and provided the       The men even helped prepared the food              encouragement
men with t-shirts that helped link them with     for a post-race barbecue, before a prize-          I got when I
the wider community participating in the         giving which focused on participation, with
City2Surf. This identity encouraged the men      awards like the Biggest Heart Award, Best          came in. I loved
as they endured the shared pain and pleasure     Sportsmanship and the Fastest Time Award.          being a part of
of the other 15,000 Cantabrians running or
walking the same distances as them at the        The event is likely to remain on the calendar      it.”
same time.                                       as an annual occurance as, not only do the         - One of the Tū Ora who
                                                 men benefit from the sense of community and        participated in the event
All the men chose to participate in some way     wellbeing, but they are also participating in an
on the cone-marked course and, like the main     event they will recognise when they transition
event, they could choose either the 6km or       into their life outside the wire. When released
the 14km length. Although many of the men        Tū Ora are engaged in community events like
were naturally competitive, the emphasis was     the City2Surf, it is proven to create a more
on taking part in a community event that is      successful reintegration.

Alloyfold Commercial Update

A year ago, when the worldwide pandemic struck the
hospitality sector particularly hard, predictions for Alloyfold
sales were not looking favourable. But Alloyfold has
performed well in the current environment and after revising
their annual target, the Alloyfold NZ Group has overachieved
on where they thought they would be. “It’s been a difficult
and challenging year,” Alloyfold Commercial Manager
Chris Colenso says. “But the team have been on board
and have done an amazing job. It’s so rewarding to
look back and be able to say that we have done as
well as we have in this hard year.”

After achieving such encouraging results, the team has been
able to celebrate their hard work and dedication. Although it
is difficult to forecast what the future will bring, the 2021-22
year looks positive, with potential for some big sales coming
up in both the local and international markets.

One of those local sales is the Silky Otter Cinema Complex in
Wigram, Christchurch which is due to be installed in May this
year. Silky Otter Group is opening a modern, eight-screen
multiplex Cinema which Alloyfold will fit out with 48 bespoke,
high-quality, customised recliner seats per screen. “It’s the
coolest, luxurious cinema that’s coming to town and
we are excited to be custom designing the seats for
this group,” Chris Colenso says.

The Silky Otter Group is hoping to open more of its cinemas
in Nelson and Queenstown with similar fit-outs.

Regal Theatre, Adelaide

Originally known as the Princess Theatre, the Regal Theatre
in Adelaide opened in November 1925. After numerous
ownership changes and renovations, it was restored to its
former art deco glory in 2020.

The theatre was given a fresh coat of paint, a full restoration
of the interior woodwork and was completely recarpeted.
Additionally, 511 new cinema seats were installed, with the
Alloyfold Mojo cinema seat in Charcoal Rhombus chosen for
the job. This was a great project for Alloyfold to be involved
in and an excellent new addition to our portfolio.

Regal Theatre in Adelaide, Australia with the Alloyfold Mojo seat
Pathway Affordable Housing Construction Begins
    Helping to break the poverty cycle by providing affordable homes

     Statistics from Housing New Zealand over             activities. Recent statistics from Statistics New   its first houses. SInce then, a significant
     the last few years have clearly shown that           Zealand show that 10% of people receiving           amount of background work has gone into the
     the need for social housing in this country          an Accommodation Supplement from the                project, including land development, council
     is growing faster than the government’s              government spend 50% of their income on             negotiations, various consenting applications,
     ability to provide for people. This demand is        rent. This is evidence of a poverty cycle in        a new partnership with MACH Property Ltd
     continuing to grow in Christchurch with the          New Zealand.                                        and the concept design for this life-changing
     media providing constant headlines about the                                                             project.
     unaffordable housing market and the grim             But Pathway Affordable Housing (PAH) has
     possibilities for getting into affordable rentals.   some good news. After an extensive 12-month         The great news is that construction of the
                                                          application process, we are now a Registered        first four houses is finally underway. These
     At Pathway, we believe that everyone has the         Community Housing Provider. This means we           will be standalone three-bedroom homes
     right to an affordable, secure and comfortable       can partner with the Ministry of Housing and        with a separate carport. Concept plans have
     place to live. We know that getting people           Urban Development (HUD) to provide housing          also been drawn up for a further three homes
     into a house that they can call their own for        for people on the waiting list.                     on another section of land that has been
     the long term can help in many profound                                                                  purchased for more housing. The aim is to
     ways, which include helping to break the             In 2015, PAH purchased a property on Pages          have the first set of PAH tenants in their new
     intra-family cycle of poverty and criminal           Road, Christchurch with the plan to construct       homes before Christmas this year.

     “It is exciting to be
     providing these new
     homes in Christchurch
     just at the right time when
     there is a growing need.
     We look forward to these
     new homes providing a
     stable future for some
     deserving families.”
     - PAH Executive Director, Matthew Gray

An artist’s impression of the PAH houses
44 Mandeville Street, Riccarton, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand

P: +64 3 982 1952 | E:

Registered Charity Number: CC26839

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