Regional Drought Monthly Report - WaterNSW

Page created by Joann Brewer
Regional Drought Monthly Report - WaterNSW
Regional Drought
Monthly Report

14th January 2020

In this report:
About WaterNSW
WaterNSW – drought reporting
Latest drought update
Emergency drought works and key valley updates
 Peel Valley drought works
 Macquarie Valley drought works
 Brogo Valley and Bega River update
 Menindee update
Monthly outlook - Rainfall
 Latest rainfall deficiency map - BOM
 Previous month rainfall (NSW) – BOM
 Rainfall anomaly for past month
 Summary of monthly BoM update
Critical drought map
Water quality report
Regional Storage levels as of December 2019
Stakeholder and community information sessions
Where to find more information
 Other useful links
Regional Drought Monthly Report - WaterNSW
About WaterNSW

WaterNSW is a State-Owned Corporation established under the Water NSW Act 2014 and
operates under an Operating Licence issued and monitored by the Independent Pricing and
Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

We operate the state’s rivers and water supply systems in accordance with the rules set out by
regulators. With more than 40 dams across the state, we supply two-thirds of water used in NSW
to regional towns, irrigators, Sydney Water Corporation and local water utilities. We also own
and operate the largest surface and groundwater monitoring network in the southern
hemisphere and build, maintain and operate essential infrastructure.

WaterNSW is working alongside NSW Government and local water authorities in responding to
one of the worst droughts ever experienced in NSW. WaterNSW is now managing water in some
storages to meet critical human needs as the highest priority.

WaterNSW – drought reporting

This drought in many regions across NSW is officially the worst on record. The impact of the
drought is severe and is the most prominent issue of our times. As the dam, storage and river
operator, WaterNSW has a key role in providing accurate, up to data to our customers, local
communities and many stakeholders.

Given the strong community interest in water, water management and the drought we are
committed to ensuring the public can access data from across our system to see first-hand the
severity of this drought, what we are doing to respond and the many ways you can connect
with us to stay up to date.

Our approach to keeping you updated on this drought includes:

   1. Live/Daily Information – this is available from our website where
       we have dedicated pages to show you the latest data and information. We have
       dedicated pages on all aspects of our drought operations, drought links, along with
       information on our emergency drought works being undertaken to extend water
       supplies for critical human needs. Our information combined with that from the Bureau
       of Meteorology (BOM), NSW Government via the, and
       other key sources such as the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) provide a thorough
       and complete overview of all aspects of water, inflows, releases, weather forecasts,
       data and seasonal outlooks.

Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                                  2
2. Monthly – WaterNSW now produces two monthly drought reports - a regional report and
       a metropolitan report. These reports are available through subscribing to our email
       updates and via our website. We encourage you to register to our subscription service
       so you will receive the reports directly into your inbox on the day of release.

   3. Quarterly – From 2020, WaterNSW will introduce a quarterly seasonal outlook. This will be
       based on the BOM seasonal outlooks and combined with our own analysis, we aim for
       this to provide some broader context of the issues and challenges WaterNSW will need
       to manage, as well as the latest BOM forecast links and updates on our priority drought

   4. Annual – WaterNSW Annual Water Operations Plans for each valley will be available via
       our website.

Latest drought update

There has been no improvement in rainfall and inflows across our regional catchments with
storages continuing to decline throughout December 2019.

The forecasts from the Bureau of Meteorology and our own analysis last month were accurate,
with December 2019 forecast of below average rainfall and above average temperatures
across all valleys being experienced. With record low rainfall, above average temperatures and
record soil moisture deficits in many areas, there has been an ongoing decline in inflows and
storage levels.

The start of summer season has seen severe and widespread bushfires spread rapidly including
into our catchment areas. The NSW Rural Fire Service have done an outstanding job in limiting
the impact where possible and in working with our teams closely to protect essential water
infrastructure in many areas.

The combination of bushfire impacts and record dry soils may result in further impacts to runoff
and inflows depending on the duration and intensity of rainfall across catchments. There may
also be impacts to water quality in some areas. We will continue to work closely with local
councils and water authorities to keep the public updated.

We are continuing to see high levels of transmission losses, that is the water lost to evaporation
and seepage between dams, resulting in losses of over 50% in some valleys.

Our priority remains extending water supply for critical human needs in many valleys such as the
Peel, Namoi and Macquarie Valleys. WaterNSW is already delivering a range of emergency
Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                                      3
drought projects to extend water supplies for critical human needs in towns and valleys where
rainfall, inflows and storage levels are now the lowest ever recorded.

The Coastal regions of NSW are now experiencing a decline in inflows throughout December
2019 and river levels with some storages on the north and south coast now reaching low levels.
Should the drought continue over the coming months, we expect that the situation on the
North Coast and South Coast will intensify with the need to consider other drought response
measures in some rivers to prolong water supply for local communities.

Key points:

   •   WaterNSW has recorded minimal inflows state-wide for December 2019 with below
       average rainfall in December across most of NSW.

   •   The year ended with 2019 being the warmest and driest year on record.

   •   Water quality issues were experienced in December 2019 in some rivers and storages
       with algal alerts advised via our website and media updates.

   •   Across the Northern River valleys and the Far West, water for critical human needs will be
       top priority as dam storages reach critical lows and more rivers and creeks run dry.

   •   Impact of drought on coastal systems is becoming more pronounced. Options to
       extend water supplies in areas experiencing extreme declines in inflows and storage
       levels is ongoing with close consultation with local council and water authorities.

   •   Several months of above average rainfall is required to see any recovery from the
       prolonged long-term rainfall deficiencies and low to very low storage levels in most

If you would like to subscribe to our more detailed, weekly and valley specific water operations
and availability reports please do this via:

Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                                    4
Emergency drought works and key valley updates

Peel Valley drought works

      Stage 1 works involving the installation of a temporary weir (block bank), temporary
       pumps and pipeline, were completed in early December 2019, extracting water from
       the Peel River and directing into the Tamworth Water Supply system at Dungowan.
      The transfer of the water supply from the Peel River is in operation 24 /7.
      Flows ceased from 2 December 2019 on the Peel River following the installation of the
       temporary weir (block bank).
      Installation of Stage 2 works (pipeline and pumping works) is now underway with over
       20% completed. Work has commenced on restoration on impacted areas.
      Temporary dam releases were made from Chaffey Dam on the 21st December to
       bolster Tamworth supply. WaterNSW delivered up to 80 megalitres (ML) of water to
       Tamworth Regional Council via the Peel River downstream of the temporary weir (block
       bank) at Dungowan. The water will serve as a standby supply in council’s new off-river
       storage facility to ensure continuity of supply for Tamworth should there be any issues
       experienced with the existing pipeline.
      The Minister has suspended parts of the Peel WSP relating to environmental flows.
      WaterNSW has been working closely with DPI Fisheries and installed eight aerator units in
       the Peel Valley in refuge holes to assist in maintaining water quality over the summer
       period. DPI Fisheries has also removed some native species from the river as part of their
       recovery program to secure brood stock from river systems across NSW to reintroduce
       when the drought breaks.
      There has been reports of some fish deaths in some pools in the Peel River which we are
       advised was a result of a blackwater event following storms and runoff into the river.
      WaterNSW will be holding our next round of community meetings for landholders along
       the Peel River on 11 and 12 March.

Macquarie Valley drought works

      Flows were ceased past Gunningbar Weir downstream of Warren from 9 December
       2019 to reduce transmission losses and extend the availability of dam water for town
       supply. This follows on from the ceasing of flows at Duck Creek and Crooked Creek, and
       the Macquarie River downstream of Warren Weir in late August 2019.
      Burrendong deep water access is underway with preliminary works. Project is due for
       completion and pumping by May 2020.

Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                                     5
   Bulk water transfer between Windamere to Burrendong Dam has been postponed until
       early February 2020 following recent minor inflows. A community information session will
       be held on 16 January 2020 (9am-12pm) at the Stables, near the council building,
      The bulk water transfer from Windamere Dam to Burrendong Dam (via the Cudgegong
       River) will transfer up to 25,000 megalitres (or 25 GL) over a three-month period.
      16 aerators have been installed in the Macquarie River, with a larger unit installed at
       Burrendong Dam.

Brogo Valley and Bega River update

      Current storage levels continue to decline in Brogo Dam and releases will be cut back.
       The region has also been severely impacted by bushfires.
      A section 324 order was gazetted by the NSW Government on the 8 January 2020.
       WaterNSW has been liaising with local water authorities and councils regarding the
       need to reduce releases and options for emergency drought measures to prolong water
       supply for town water needs.
      WaterNSW has liaised with the Rural Fire Service (RFS) to ensure any reduction in water
       releases does not impact the ability of the RFS to respond to bushfires and source water.
       We also acknowledge the RFS for working with us to protect critical water infrastructure
       where possible and keeping our teams updated in the region. Public access and
       recreational areas remain closed due to the bushfire emergency.
      There will be a ROSCCO meeting to be held in Bega on the 29 January 2020. Go to our
       website for further information at

Menindee update

      Water levels in Lake Weatherill and Weir 32 pool have continued to decline through
       evaporation and seepage resulting in the pool now being disconnected. NSW Fisheries
       through their fish rescue program have been removing fish from the Weir 32 pool as part
       of the protection and recovery strategy announced last year by the NSW Government.
      There are three aerators installed in Lake Weatherill to maintain water quality and
       oxygen levels for as long as possible. There are two aerators in the Weir 32 pool.

Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                                   6
Monthly outlook - Rainfall

Latest rainfall deficiency map - BOM

Previous month rainfall (NSW) – BOM

Regional Monthly Drought Report        7
Rainfall anomaly for past month

Summary of monthly BoM update

The BOM has advised that stream flows are likely to remain low for January and into February
2020. The positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) has ended, and likewise the negative Southern
Annular Mode (SAM) phase, meaning most of Australia's climate influences are now neutral.

Source: Australian Bureau of Meteorology

Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                                8
WaterNSW will remain focused on delivering our drought projects in critical valleys and based
on the BOMs latest advice, are planning for a continuation of below average inflows, below
average rainfall and declining storage levels in all valleys.

The BOM information and data is an excellent source of weather and drought information and

Please follow this link to see their latest outlook video:

Critical drought map

Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                                 9
Water quality report

Red algal alerts continue at multiple sites around NSW. These latest alerts are available

WaterNSW regularly updates water quality advices via our website and local media.

Regional Storage levels as of December 2019

Stakeholder and community information sessions

WaterNSW has been involved in supporting the Department of Primary Industries - Water (DPI
Water) Drought Roadshows around regional NSW along with leading our regular stakeholder
consultation sessions.

WaterNSW’s Customer Advisory Groups (CAGs) are the primary forum we regularly consult, on
an area basis, with a broad cross-section of our customers on issues relevant to our operating
licence and customer service charter. Membership include customers from the regulated and
unregulated streams, groundwater irrigators, stock and domestic water users, major water
utilities, local water utilities, local government, environmental water users and Indigenous
Australian water users.

Planned CAG 2020 meeting dates for February 2020:

      Lachlan Valley – Tuesday 25 February (Condobolin)

      Macquarie-Cudgegong Valley – Wednesday 26 February (Dubbo)

      Barwon-Darling Valley – Thursday 27 February (Dubbo)

Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                                  10
Our River Operations Stakeholder Consultation Committee (ROSCCos) are valley based,
ongoing committees formed with key stakeholders. These committees improve understanding
of river system and to discuss current stakeholder concerns. Generally, discussions at the
ROSCCos include:

   •   Current storage levels and predictions under various scenarios

   •   Critical water needs in 2019-20

   •   Stock and domestic replenishment flows

   •   Treatment of tributary inflows

   •   Potential, temporary infrastructure options or other actions for managing the drought

   •   Groundwater issues and water quality issues

   •   Other items as required

Planned ROSCCo 2020 meeting dates for January and February 2020:

      Lower Darling – Wednesday 15th January (Teleconference)

      Hunter Valley – Wednesday 22 January (Singleton)

      Bega / Brogo– Thursday 30 January (Bega)

      Lake Cargelligo – Tuesday 4 February (Lake Cargelligo)

      Lachlan Mid Creeks – Wednesday 5 February (Condobolin)

      Macquarie Valley – Wednesday 6 February (Narromine)

      Lower Darling – Monday 10 February (teleconference)

      Peel Valley – Tuesday 12 February (Tamworth)

      Murray Valley – Thursday 13 February (Deniliquin)

      Lachlan Valley – Tuesday 25 February (Condobolin)

      Lachlan mid creeks – Thursdays 9am – Teleconference.

If you would like to know more, visit these links where you will also find copies of our
presentations and notes that are freely available to the public:

CAGs -


Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                                11
Where to find more information

The primary source of up to date information from the NSW Government regarding the
drought and drought support, please visit

Other useful links

The Bureau of Meteorology:

Rural Areas Mental Health Support:

NSW Government’s Emergency Drought Relief Package:

The Federal Government’s Drought Communities Programme (DCP):

The Safe and Secure Water Program (SSWP):

Regional Monthly Drought Report                                                   12
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