Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation

Page created by Eduardo Robles
Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation
News and events for spring 2019

Spring is a time for venturing outdoors to discover
wonderful sights, sounds and scents at our special
places throughout Wales.
All of our properties are bursting back      Call at Erddig, to step into one of the
into life and action.                        best meadowlands in Wales. Head
                                             Gardener, Glyn Smith monitors the
There is an abundance of wildlife to         number of common spotted-
explore, Cadbury Easter Egg Hunts for        orchids that grow in this               Check out
the family and Mother’s Day treats to        wonderful, wild space. He said:        inside for all
enjoy, while appreciating our heritage,      “The record year saw 2,800           the best of the
land and coastline.                          common-spotted orchids but            National Trust
                                             heavy winter snows can bring             in Wales
                                             this down to 400, like last year.”

                                             You can find out about our latest
                                             garden projects too. At Bodnant
                                             Garden, take a walk with John Rippin,
                                             Head Gardener on 13 March, to enjoy
                                             the early camellias, magnolias and
                                             rhododendrons.                              And birdlovers can celebrate World        wonderful creatures eggs belong to on our
                                                                                         Wetlands Day with our rangers on          Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt.
                                             At Powis Castle, see dozens of              Saturday, 2 February in Gower, studying
                                             magnolia, plus delicate fritillaries,       waders at our spectacular wetland at      As the mornings get lighter in late
                                             primroses, and Narcissus                    Whiteford.                                spring, it’s the perfect time to
                                             Pseudonarcissus, the famous Welsh                                                     experience the sublime, harmonious
                                             daffodil, as the stunning Wisteria          Grab your muddy boots from 13 to          tweets of the dawn chorus. And you can
                                             Floribunda drapes its beautiful long        28 April, for family fun and adventure    celebrate International Dawn Chorus
                                             strands of pea-like flowers over the        at Dyffryn Gardens on a Plant Hunter      Day on Sunday, 5 May at Marloes Mere,
                                             Aviary Terrace. This spring vision has      expedition this Easter. Collect lots of   Pembrokeshire, from 5.30am before
                                             charmed visitors for over 300 years.        different species of plants to complete   breakfast at Runwayskiln café, or be
                                                                                         your mission.                             an early bird at Southgate, Pennard, in
                                             Touch golden daffodils and breathe in                                                 Gower from 5.10am.
                                             new blooms on Chirk Castle’s Spring         Visit Tredegar House from 18 to
                                             Sensations Trail, from 30 March to          22 April, to watch spring awaken and rustle Come and celebrate spring at one
                                             28 April.                                   through new shoots, to discover which       of our special places.

                               For more ideas or further information visit
Plenty to see and do. Go to: or follow us on   NT Wales   @NTWales and @YGCymru         @NTWales             Spring 2019                    1
Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation
A word from
our Director                                                                              The lesser of two weevils
                                                                                          We’re introducing non-native ‘predators’ to save our pond life
I’ve always been
 passionate about
increasing the
relevance of the
National Trust to
as many people as
For me, that means
making everyone
welcome, through
improving accessibility and opportunities to
visit our places. It means drawing in more
people to involve them in what we look after
and showing that we have something to offer
to everyone, not just appealing to those who
already know how their lives can be enriched by
our places.
In doing this we can show that we are an
essential part of the whole nation, and not just
appealing to a part of the nation.
That doesn’t mean we stop doing what we have
done so well for such a long time, or lessen our
                                                                                       We're protecting our beautiful crystal-clear                                                                                     The invasive plant, Azolla, can create a thick
commitment to looking after things for ever for
                                                                                       waters at Dinefwr which, in turn, helps its                                                                                      blanket of vegetation that blocks out sunlight,
                                                                                       native biodiversity to survive and thrive                                                                                        starving the native species below of oxygen
But in an uncertain world I feel our
commitments have to mean that we utilise
our spaces and places to offer more for more                                          Springtime is usually a season of new life and exploration for Dinefwr Park, but an                                               Whilst the ponds at Dinefwr are under
people.                                                                               invasive pond plant is threatening biodiversity of the waterways at the parkland National                                         treatment, we have replaced our popular
                                                                                      Nature Reserve.                                                                                                                   pond-dipping kits with alternative family
I was exceptionally heartened by recent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        activities including our top five outdoor
statements from our new Director General,
                                                                                      A water fern (Azolla Filiculodies) originally                                    We avoid using chemicals in the park and to      adventures: birdwatching, track a wild
Hilary McGrady, where she said she wanted us
                                                                                      found on the American continent has spread                                       control through mechanical means could           animal, explore inside a tree, hold a scary
to be on the front foot in putting people first.
                                                                                      rapidly across the British Isles in recent years,                                result in the plant spreading further as the     beast and build a den.
Wealth is not always about riches in the                                              Carmarthenshire seeming to be a new hot spot.                                    weed matt is broken up and dispersed.
traditional sense; it is also about wealth of
space through access to places and experiences                                        Spread mainly by spore dispersal and by                                          As a preferred, biological means of control
at places – something the founders of the                                             wildfowl travelling between ponds, the                                           we’ll be treating the Azolla using the novel
National Trust fundamentally recognised.                                              Azolla is a definite cause for concern for the                                   approach of introducing a plant-specific
                                                                                      conservation team at Dinefwr.                                                    predator called the North American Weevil
And I believe that our part in tackling society’s
                                                                                                                                                                       (Stenopelmus Refinasus).
many challenges, in a way that is appropriate
                                                                                      If the Azolla gets a good grip on a waterway or
for us, is through having our arms wide open in
                                                                                      pond it will form floating matts of vegetation                                   This little insect only eats this particular
making everyone welcome at our places.
                                                                                      that can grow to up to 30cm thick. This can                                      type of water fern and will do so until it
Of course that will mean different things to                                          cut off the sunlight to the pond beneath and                                     has disappeared. We hope to see a big                                                  Build a den
different sections of society, but we are a big                                       suffocate our native species and wildlife.                                       difference by the end of the year.
enough and experienced enough charity to find
a welcome that sits comfortably with all who
want to walk, talk and share a sense of wonder
with us.
This coming year will, I’m sure, see more
people visiting our places, and more people
                                                                                      £36,000 raised to save our White Park Cattle
and partners working with us in Wales. That
challenges us to make the idea of ‘everyone                                           Our ambitious three-year campaign to                                              It will also help us to sustain the flowering
welcome’ increasingly relevant to more people,                                        safeguard the ancient herd of White Park                                          hay meadows at Dinefwr and to maintain
and in accepting that challenge I believe we                                          Cattle at Dinefwr has helped us to raise an                                       important links to Welsh history.
can genuinely enrich and improve the spiritual                                        astonishing £36,000 for the iconic herd.
wealth of our nation.                                                                                                                                                   The Dinefwr herd of White Park Cattle
                                                                                      Our #SaveTheHerd fundraising campaign was                                         has grazed the land at Dinefwr for over a
                                                                                      set up to protect these magnificent and rare                                      thousand years and has become a much-
                                                                                      animals at Dinefwr.                                                               loved icon of the property.
    Justin Albert, Director for Wales

Get involved supporters’ groups near you
ABERTAWE CENTRE                                                                     ERYRI ASSOCIATION                                                                    GWENT ASSOCIATION                                  VALE OF GLAMORGAN ASSOCIATION
Roger Knight                                                                        Ann Davies                                                                           Rita Edwards                                       Hywel Jenkins
01792 401019                                                                        01248 722696                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                         MEIRIONNYDD ASSOCIATION                            WREXHAM ASSOCIATION
CEREDIGION ASSOCIATION                                                              FRIENDS OF ABERDULAIS                                                                Richard Withers                                    Mr Selwyn Jones
Gillian Manton                                                                      c/o National Trust, Aberdulais, Near Neath,                                                          01978 841545
01970 627943                                                                        Neath & Port Talbot SA10 8EU                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MENAI ASSOCIATION
                                                                                    FRIENDS OF DYFFRYN GARDENS                                                           Mrs Anne Wilkes
CHIRKLANDS ASSOCIATION                                                              Clare Williamsonn                                                          
Lillie Hayward                                                            
01691 777753                                                                                                                                                             PEMBROKESHIRE ASSOCIATION            
10 Ceiriog Close, Chirk, Wrexham, LL14 5SB                                          FRIENDS OF TREDEGAR HOUSE                                                            Sheila Ashton
                                                                                    Annie Parker                                                                         01437 731525 / 07817 407 566                   supportergroups
DYFFRYN CLWYD ASSOCIATION                                                                                                    
Zara Fleming

For alternative formats: 01633 811659 or email
©National Trust 2019. Registered charity no. 205846. Images: ©National Trust Images / Mike Richards, Chris Lacey, James Dobson, John Miller, James Dobson, John Miller, Polly Thomas
Printed on 60% recycled paper. Please recycle after use. Designed by W O Jones, Llangefni. Printed by Wyndeham Group

2                                     Spring 2019                                Plenty to see and do. Go to: or follow us on                                                 NT Wales   @NTWales and @YGCymru                @NTWales
Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation
On your doorstep                                                                              South-West
New canopy to connect
to wildlife corridors
The Dolaucothi Estate is ready to be replanted with a native broad leaf canopy, following a successful
campaign to recruit countryside volunteers.

After felling a large area of Larch         to begin replanting the area with            sustainable populations and to
woodland to prevent the spread of           locally native, broadleaf trees and          create new ones too.”
a tree disease in 2017, the estate          fruiting shrubs.
can now begin creating more                                                              You can step out into the woodland
wildlife-rich habitat in our corner of      “Eventually the woodland will be part        and see all of the improvements
Carmarthenshire.                            of a joined up network of wildlife-          for yourself.
                                            friendly corridors on the estate.
Ranger Carol Bailey said: “Our                                                           Visit:
next steps will be to work with             “This connectivity will give species         dolaucothi-gold-mines
our volunteers and other partners           the chance to establish larger, more

   Power to the
   people in 2019

   You’re invited to share your precious memories of close partners
   in your life in our memory jar, as part of our Partnerships of Power
   exhibition at Llanerchaeron Estate.

   Partnerships of Power, from 16 March to 3 November, follows 2018’s
                                                                                            Tudor slumbers
   successful Petticoats of Power exhibition, to further deepen and expand                 Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, is a rhyme that we’ve all heard            Are you brave enough to snooze
   stories we’re telling about the estate's residents.                                     or used but have you ever wondered where the historic phrase comes                   like a servant or would you prefer
                                                                                           from or what it actually means?                                                      to rest like a merchant?
   Come along and help us to produce a ‘Partnership’ quilt, to visually bring
   your local stories alive, in a shared creation to treasure.                             This year at the Tudor Merchant’s        townhouse will tell the story of            Head to the top floor to discover
                                                                                           House in Tenby, we’ll be answering       the merchant’s family and                   how wealthy residents and guests
   Llanerchaeron remains an integral part of our drive to focus on the                     those questions as we embark on          servants.                                   enjoyed four-poster bed luxury and
   people who make our places special and the experts who put our                          a slumber adventure and reveal                                                       a very superstitious routine.
   collections together.                                                                   how our predecessors would have          Smell Tudor supper in the kitchen,
                                                                                           slept.                                   gather herbs from the garden                ‘Don’t let the bed bugs bite’ runs
   Follow a new trail and hear how marriages, friendships and work                                                                  and help us create the ultimate             from Saturday, 13 April to Sunday,
   relationships stood the test of time.                                                   From their nightly rituals, to the       recipe to a good night’s                    3 November. Visit: nationaltrust.
                                                                                           origins of sleeping tight, our           sleep.                            

What’s on                                   29 May, 8.30pm-10pm
                                            Twilight walk
                                                                                         Stackpole                                  Tudor Merchant’s House                      Dolaucothi Gold Mines
                                                                                         24 March, 2pm-5pm                          19-22 April, 11am-4.30pm                    15 March, 10.30am-5pm
Llanerchaeron                               Visit Colby at twilight and see the
                                            woodland garden in a whole different         Mother’s Day flower arranging and          Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt                     Official opening for 2019
19-22 April, 11am-4pm                       light. Go on a guided walk to see the bats   afternoon tea                              Bunny’s been leaving clues around the       Go on an underground adventure of the
Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt                     and beasties that enjoy this special place   Come along to our flower arranging         house to a Cadbury chocolate surprise.      only known Roman Gold Mines in the UK.
Follow the nature trail around the estate   at night. Adult £3, child £2. **BE (01834    workshop and create a handmade             *NAP + £2 per hunt.                         *NAP.
to claim your chocolate reward. *NAP +      811885).                                     floral piece for mum. Then enjoy a
£2 per hunt.                                                                             bite to eat with full afternoon tea        25 May – 2 June, 11am-4.30pm                19-22 April, 11am-3pm
                                                                                         including a glass of Prosecco for the      Tudor household trail                       Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt
27 May, 11am-4pm                                                                         grown-ups. Adult £19.95, child £7.95       Look for the Tudor dolls hidden around      Hunt around the goldmine for clues to a
Shearing day                                North Pembrokeshire                          including flower arrangement session       the house and find out what their jobs      Cadbury treat. *NAP + £3 for hunt.
See our flock of sheep get their annual     Gwadn, Solva                                 and afternoon tea. **BE (01646             were. Lots of different roles were needed
haircut. Ceredigion Spinners and Weavers    14 February, 10am-12noon                     623110).                                   to make the household run smoothly.         Gower
will demonstrate how to tread, dye and      AND                                                                                     *NAP.
spin a sheep’s fleece into wool. *NAP.      Marloes Sands                                19-22 April, 11am-3pm                                                                  2 February, 10am-4pm
                                            24 April, 2pm-4pm                            Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt,                                                               World Wetlands Day
Colby Woodland Garden                       29 May, 11am-1pm                             Broad Haven South                          Dinefwr                                     Join us for this bird watching event at our
                                            The Big Beach Clean Challenge                Follow the Easter safari to find a sweet                                               wetland area at Whiteford. Meet at Cwm
19-22 April, 11am-3.30pm                    Help us care for the Pembrokeshire           treat. £3 per hunt. *NAP.                  25 February – 1 March, 11am-3pm             Ivy car park. **BE.
Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt                     coastline by taking part in our monthly                                                 Half term fun at Dinefwr
Bunny’s been leaving clues to a Cadbury     beach cleans. Litter picking kit will be     11 May                                     Get to know our wonderful trees on a        5 May, 5.10am-8.30am & 9am-12noon
surprise. To find the treat you’ll need     provided. Free event.                        Festival of the sea, Gupton Farm           guided activity event every day during      International Dawn Chorus event
to explore the gardens. £2 per hunt.                                                     With stalls, live music, food and drink,   the February half term, with outdoor and    Meet at National Trust car park,
*NAP.                                       19 April, 10.30am-3.30pm                     and beach activities to enjoy. Make a      indoor trails.*NAP.                         Southgate, Pennard (SS554873). **BE.
                                            Easter Fair and Cadbury Easter Egg           weekend of it and stay at the campsite.
12 May, 10am-4pm                            Hunt, Southwood Farm                         Tickets coming soon.                       19-22 April, 11am-3pm                       *NAP Normal admission price
Spring plant sale                           Bunny’s been exploring and                                                              Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt                     **BE Booking essential
Browse the stalls and enjoy a Q&A           leaving clues to a Cadbury treat                                                        Follow the clues to a Cadbury treat.        Please visit the website for accessibility
session with Colby’s gardeners. *NAP.       for you. £2.50 per hunt.                                                                *NAP + £3 for hunt.                         information and for further event details.

Plenty to see and do. Go to: or follow us on                     NT Wales         @NTWales and @YGCymru               @NTWales                   Spring 2019                               3
Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation
North-East                                   On your doorstep
                                                                                      Nature’s greatest
                                                                                      show at Erddig
                                                                                      Enjoy nature's greatest show at Erddig’s 13.5-acre walled garden, as wave
                                                                                      after wave of fresh blooms open up in the warm sunshine and catch the

                                                                                      First to arrive are snowdrops in           way for thousands of bold tulips
                                                                                      delightful clusters in the coachman’s      in the Victorian parterre bedding
                                                                                      tea garden and along Moss Walk.            scheme.

                                                                                      The Welsh emblem of St David’s             In May, the cascading Himalayan
                                                                                      Day, the daffodil, is next. Daffodils      clematis looks like a foaming white
                                                                                      transform the canal banks and a            waterfall tumbling 30ft from Wolf’s
                                                                                      wide variety of Narcissi fill the long     Den into the rose garden.
                                                                                                                                 And in the Big Wood, you’ll find
                                                                                      The late-flowering fragrant                a carpet of white-flowering, wild
                                                                                      pheasant’s eye variety, Narcissus          garlic.
                                                                                      Poeticus, have elegant white petals
                                                                                      and an orange-rimmed cup. They             As spring crescendos into summer,
                                                                                      grow between the apple trees in the        watch wild orchids bloom in the
                                                                                      orchards and are joined by snake's-        meadows along the banks of the
                                                                                      head fritillary at Easter.                 canal.

                                                                                      The native wildflower, Fritillaria
                                                                                      Meleagris, with its delicate, pink-
                                                                                      white flower heads, is another star
                                                                                      of the show.

                                                                                      As the fritillary fades, Erddig's fruit
                                                                                      blossoms appear along the garden
                                                                                      walls and the orchards, paving the

Bats and yellow beetles thrive at castle                                                                                        Uprooted evacuees
Wildlife lovers, grab your boots
                                                                                                                                safe in castle                                                   Actors from
and binoculars and see all of the
                                                                                                                                Imagine being uprooted from your home, split
new and exciting species popping                                                                                                                                                               Theatre Clwyd
                                                                                                                                from your family and your friends and being taken
up in the grounds of Chirk Castle.                                                                                                                                                            will bring the war
                                                                                                                                to live in a huge castle in rural Mid Wales..
                                                                                                                                                                                               years to life at
The estate is already a Site of
                                                                                                                                That's what happened when pupils           our acting friends   Powis Castle
Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) for
                                                                                                                                and teachers from The Ashford              at Theatr Clwyd,
bats, veteran trees, grassland fungi
                                                                                                                                Welsh Girls School were evacuated          from 26 March.
and for saproxylic (or dead-wood)
                                                                                                                                from Middlesex to Powis Castle in
                                                                                                                                Welshpool, at the outbreak of the          Those frightening war years will
                                                                                                                                Second World War in 1939.                  be brought to life with film, audio
And the first results of a year-long
                                                                                                                                                                           installations and live interpretation.
invertebrate survey in 2018 show
                                                                                                                                They were guests of George
that the diversity of insects on the
                                                                                                                                Herbert, 4th Earl of Powis, governor       Discover how the girls adapted
estate has held up well since the
                                                                                                                                of the school, in a bid to safeguard       to castle life, uncovered hidden
previous survey in 1996 and new
                                                                                                                                them from the bombing raids of             treasures and met the castle’s
species have been found.
                                                                                                                                Hitler's Germany.                          residents.
Expert Keith Alexander used
                                                                                                                                Their lives were literally turned          We’ll also be inviting visitors to
delicate flight interception traps
                                                                                                                                upside down overnight but they             explore a previously unseen floor of
to capture a sample of insects and        We’re also expecting to find some          And these results are proof that
                                                                                                                                adjusted to the safety provided by         the castle. See our recreated school
identified them.                          nationally rare and European Union         their meticulous approach is
                                                                                                                                country life, within the thick castle      dormitory, classroom and prep
                                          Red-list species, such as the Hairy        working well.
                                                                                                                                walls.                                     room.
There have been many nationally-          Fungus Beetle, or the Darkling Beetle.
scarce species identified, including                                                 Take a spring walk on one of our
                                                                                                                                Their remarkable and previously            Visit us from 23-28 April and
Mordellistena Neuwaldeggiana, a           Our rangers work hard to maintain          trails around the fascinating 480-
                                                                                                                                untold story will be revealed at           30 April- 5 May, for live
yellow beetle previously only found       the estate as an excellent habitat for     acre parkland to discover ancient
                                                                                                                                Powis Castle, with a little help from      performances.
in Wales at a single site near Cardiff.   a wide variety of species.                 trees, wildflowers, birds and insects.

What’s on                                                                                                                       Erddig
                                          19-22 April, 11am-4pm                      17 March, 1pm-4pm                                                                     23 March, 12.30pm-3.30pm
                                          Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt                    Spring estate walk                                                                    House reawakens
                                          Find clues hidden along the terraces and   Join our ranger team for a spring walk     February to May, 11am-4pm,                 After a winter of conservation work,
                                          in the shade of the giant yew hedges to    around Chirk Castle’s special 480 acre     10am-5pm from 23 March                     we’re lifting off the dust covers and
Powis Castle and Garden                   claim your Cadbury prize. *NAP + £2.50     estate. Find out what spring means for     Erddig spring garden                       opening the shutters as the house
23 February – 3 March, 11am-4pm           for hunt.                                  the estate and what work the ranger        Enjoy nature's greatest show in Erddig’s   opens fully for 2019. Discover some
Spring flower trail                                                                  team have planned for the year. **BE.      13.5-acre walled garden as waves of        exciting new developments in the State
                                                                                                                                spring highlights wash over the garden.    Bedroom. Find out more about Erddig
Follow our flower trails in the castle    Chirk Castle                                1-28 April, 10am-5pm                      *NAP.                                      and its unique history on guided tours.
and garden to find out more about the                                                Signs of spring trail
beautiful blooms you can spot in your     2 February – 8 March, 10am-4pm                                                                                                   Ground floor of the house is wheelchair
                                                                                     Celebrate the signs of spring returning
own garden. *NAP.                         Sensational snowdrop walks                                                                                                       accessible. Free event.
                                                                                     with our sensory natural trail through       *NAP Normal admission price
                                          Chase away those winter blues with a
30-31 March, 12noon-4pm                                                              the gardens. *NAP.                                                                    19-22 April, 10am-5pm
                                          beautiful walk around Chirk Castle’s                                                    **BE  Booking essential
Mother’s Day afternoon tea                                                                                                                                                 Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt
                                          award winning gardens and Pleasure                                                      Please visit the website for
Show your mum how special she is by                                                                                                                                        Hop along and join us for some
                                          Ground Wood, and see a carpet of                                                        accessibility information and for
treating her to afternoon tea in our                                                                                                                                       springtime family fun on our annual
                                          delicate snowdrops. *NAP.                                                               further event details.
Courtyard Restaurant. £12, or £18 with                                                                                                                                     Easter trail to claim your chocolate
Prosecco. **BE.                                                                                                                                                            treat. *NAP + £2.50 for hunt.

4                        Spring 2019                Plenty to see and do. Go to: or follow us on                  NT Wales        @NTWales and @YGCymru               @NTWales
Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation
On your doorstep                                                                                 South-East
Brecon Beacons
appeal success
Thanks to your help, we have repaired 650 metres of footpath leading
up to Pen y Fan since the launch of the Brecon Beacons Appeal in
February 2018.

With more than 350,000 walkers            further filming and a bird’s eye
treading these slopes every year,         view of the landscape we are
ongoing maintenance and erosion           protecting during the annual airlift
control is essential to keep this         to transport scalpings.
special place accessible to all.
                                          There was also an auction of a
There has been a hive of activity         Pen y Fan sign.
surrounding the appeal, which has
reached millions of people across         All money raised has gone directly
the UK.                                   to fund ongoing repairs to protect
                                          this living landscape. We want to
This included live BBC coverage           ensure visitors can continue to
of the launch in February 2018,           enjoy this beloved place.

                                                                                                                                      Hands of time

Dyffryn’s spring facelift                                                                                                             Accessibility in historic houses has been a challenge facing those who have lived
                                                                                                                                      in, worked at and visited these special places for many hundreds of years.

The house at Dyffryn Gardens will receive a major transformation this                                                                 For Colonel Courtenay Morgan, early        As his eyesight deteriorated,
spring. The project aims to repair and replace the damaged Bath stone                                                                 signs of blindness became apparent         Courtenay accumulated items
that has deteriorated over the last few decades.                                                                                      at a young age, resulting in sweeping      to aid him to continue living as
                                                                                                                                      changes to life at Tredegar House.         independently as possible. One such
Built over 125 years ago, from           The stone has slowly crumbled                                                                Gone were the days of his lavish parties   possession was a specially-designed
a soft stone in a relatively wet         and lost its colour and definition                                                           and uncompromising rule. They were         watch allowing him to feel the
environment, Dyffryn House is            over the past few decades.                                                                   replaced by a gentler lifestyle and a      hands in order to tell the time. This
now inevitably showing its age.                                                                                                       closer relationship with his staff.        treasured item in the Tredegar House
And its 'facelift' will focus on         Parts had quick-fix repairs                                                                                                             collection will be put on display to
replacing eroded and broken stone        and on closer inspection were                                                                Servants’ accounts reveal furniture        help tell Courtenay Morgan's story on
and a large amount of re-pointing        revealed to be colour-matched                                                                was not to be moved and doors              Disabled Access Day on Saturday,
and replacement of cement fixes          concrete. Work will progress                                                                 had to be shut at all times allowing       16 March.
around the whole ornate building.        in three phases and visitors to                                                              Courtenay to feel his way from room
                                         Dyffryn can expect scaffolding                                                               to room. Courtenay was a keen              Tredegar House will also be opening
This is the second stage of repairs      to mask some parts of the house                                                              horseman and continued to ride on the      early on this day for a quiet hour from
to the façade of the historic house      for several weeks – although                                                                 estate with the assistance of his stud     10am to 11am. For more information
and the project will cost nearly         there are still plenty of amazing                                                            groom Jack Vaughan, while his valet        on Disabled Access Day at Tredegar
£250,000 in total.                       sights to see.                                                                               William Sayzeland became his closest       House please visit the website or call
                                                                                                                                      companion, going everywhere with him.      01633 815880.

What’s on                                 Tredegar House†                                                                             Dyffryn Gardens
                                                                                        25-27 May, 11am-4pm                                                                      13-28 April
                                                                                        Captain Henry Morgan’s pirate                                                            Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt
                                          1-3 March, 11am-4pm                           weekend                                       23 March, 10.30am-3.30pm                   Hunt high and low all over the gardens
                                          A taste of Wales                              Captain Henry Morgan has returned             Photography workshop                       to find the clues that will lead you to a
Aberdulais                                Celebrate St David’s Day with legendary       from his latest voyage with an impressive     Join Glyn Evans for a one-day course       chocolatey prize. Child £3.50 per hunt.
16 February – 3 March,                    tales, Welsh flavours and daffodil displays   bounty and he’s inviting you to celebrate     to improve your photography skills
10.30am-3.30pm                            galore. *NAP.                                 with a fête at the home of his ancestors.     using the gardens as your subject. £40.     † 	Buggies are not allowed
How do we know about the past?                                                          *NAP.                                         **BE.                                           inside the house. The first
Self-led family activities to help you                                                                                                                                                floor is inaccessible to
                                          6-28 April, 11am-4pm                                                                        31 March, 1pm-3pm                               wheelchair users.
learn the techniques used to discover
                                          Easter holidays
                                                                                        The Kymin                                     Mother’s day afternoon tea
Aberdulais’s secrets. *NAP.                                                                                                                                                       *NAP Normal admission price
                                          Adventure through the Orchard,                19-22 April, 11am-4pm                         Treat your mum to a special afternoon
19-22 April, 10am-4.30pm                  Cedar and Orangery Gardens on a               Family animal trail                           tea in the beautiful setting of the         **BE 	Booking essential
Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt                   sensory trail to discover the spring          Make a pair of binoculars, collect your map   Morning Room in Dyffryn house.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Please visit the website for
Follow our geology trail and learn how    blooms and wakening wildlife, before          and permit and get ready to explore as you    £21.95. **BE.
                                                                                                                                                                                  accessibility information and for
Aberdulais was formed centuries ago.      ticking off some of the ’50 things’           look for all the hidden creatures around
                                                                                                                                                                                  further event details.
*NAP + £2 for hunt.                       with our team. *NAP.                          the grounds of The Kymin. £2 per trail.

Plenty to see and do. Go to: or follow us on                    NT Wales        @NTWales and @YGCymru                   @NTWales                  Spring 2019                                 5
Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation
North-West                                       On your doorstep
                                                                                                                                   Uplift your senses
                                                                                                                                   at Bodnant Garden
                                                                                                                                   Bodnant Garden comes to life in spring and we’re inviting visitors to get
                                                                                                                                   out and be part of the great awakening.

                                                                                                                                   Nothing beats that feeling when        So pop out for a walk in the fresh air,
                                                                                                                                   you see the first bulbs appearing –    volunteer in the garden, or just find a
                                                                                                                                   snowdrops, iris, crocus and daffodils. quiet spot to sit and enjoy some ‘me
                                                                                                                                   Then, magnolia buds open in warm
                                                                                                                                   sunshine and there’s excitement for    There’s also an opportunity to get fit,
                                                                                                                                   what’s to come.                        skill-up or chill out.

                                                                                                                                   Immerse yourself in the seasonal,       In February half-term, children can
                                                                                                                                   sensory burst of warmer days,           follow the Fairy House Path and join
                                                                                                                                   lighter nights, chattering birds and    hands-on snowdrop planting.
                                                                                                                                   blossoming plants.
                                                                                                                                                                           At Easter, families can explore
                                                                                                                                   Make the most of our National           wildlife nature trails and activities.
                                                                                                                                   Collection of magnolias and             There will also be a programme of
                                                                                                                                   rhododendrons which light up the        guided walks for adults.
                                                                                                                                   garden from March to May, and spot
                                                                                                                                   garden birdlife with an expert.         There’s no other time of year
                                                                                                                                                                           like spring and no better place
                                                                                                                                   We want to inspire children’s love      to experience it than this beautiful
                                                                                                                                   of the outdoors and re-awaken that      listed garden in the Conwy
                                                                                                                                   connection for adults too.              Valley.

    Growing trees for Snowdonia                                                                                                    Voices at Penrhyn

                                                                                                                                   It’s not just the stories we tell…
                                                                                                                                   but the personal experiences behind them.

We're in the process of setting up a special tree                We’ll encourage them to grow to provide shelter for               During 2019, the team at                As well as looking for voices, the team
nursery in Snowdonia, thanks in part to funds from               livestock. We want them to bridge the gaps between                Penrhyn Castle and Garden will          will be looking for personal stories
our local renewable projects.                                    wooded areas, allowing birds and wildlife to move more            be embarking on an ambitious            and objects connected to Penrhyn’s
                                                                 freely.                                                           collaborative project to gather a       history – concentrating on the
The aim of the nursery is to use locally-collected seeds                                                                           collection of voices, stories and       Penrhyn Quarry Strike, slavery and
to grow a mixture of native trees. The saplings can              Look out for opportunities to get involved with                   associated objects to tell the story    workers' rights. Once gathered, these
be grown until they are big and strong enough to be              gathering local seeds, sowing and planting.                       of Penrhyn Castle from a different      will form part of an experience in
planted on mountainside locations across Snowdonia.                                                                                perspective.                            the castle and garden that will bring
These trees won’t be fenced off, so they need to be tall
enough to avoid the hungry mouths of grazing sheep
                                                                 Spring garden                                                     From early February, the team
                                                                                                                                                                           these stories and objects to life, while
                                                                                                                                                                           resonating with contemporary issues.
and goats.                                                       Enjoy a stroll around the gardens at Plas yn Rhiw,                will be taking to the streets, to
                                                                 where you can see in the first and last bountiful                 gather the wealth of oral history       The Collective Voices project starts
Since the seeds have been sourced locally, they are              signs of spring. Start with a dazzling display of                 and opinion that surrounds the          in early February and can be heard
more likely to have been adapted to survive in the               snowdrops in late January and early February,                     contentious history of the castle       and seen at Penrhyn Castle in the
harsh conditions of Snowdonia.                                   then return for a warm haze of bluebells in May.                  in North Wales.                         summer of 2019.

What’s on                                   10, 17 & 24 April & 29 May, 11am-4pm
                                            Springtime fun with Wild Elements
                                                                                         creatures, sights, smells and sounds in
                                                                                         the garden and claim your prize. *NAP +
                                                                                                                                   Plas yn Rhiw                            Llanbedrog Beach

Plas Newydd                                 A host of fun family outdoor activities.     £2.50 per hunt.                           26-27 January & 2-3 February,           26 May, 12noon-4pm
                                            From den building and wild trails to craft                                             11am-3pm                                Shipwrecked
House and Gardens                           activities and nature games. *NAP.                                                     Snowdrop display                        Practise your survival skills on
21-25 February, 10.30am-2.30pm                                                           Bodnant Garden                            Welcome the first signs of spring by    Llanbedrog beach, and tick off some of
Glorious mud!                               Penrhyn Castle and Garden                                                              exploring the garden and woodland       your ‘50 things’ activities such as den-
Don’t be a stick-in-the-mud; join the                                                    18-21 & 25-28 February, 11am-1pm          carpeted with beautiful snowdrops.      building, cooking on a campfire and raft
team for four days of mud kitchen           18, 21, 25 & 28 February, 11am-3pm           Snowdrop planting                         The garden, tea-room and shop will      building; everything you need to survive
mayhem – mud pies, the barefoot             Snowdrop planting                            Join our gardeners and volunteers         be open especially for these two        on a desert island! Free event.
challenge and a fabulous mud slide. Bring   Join the garden team and help them grow      creating a Snowdrop Walk in the Far       weekends. *NAP.
your wellies, towels, a change of clothes   the amazing snowdrop display to be one       End. *NAP.
and your sense of adventure. *NAP.          of the best in North Wales. *NAP.
                                                                                         18-28 February, 10am-4pm                  Beddgelert
2 April - 31 May, 11am-4pm                  1 April – 24 May, 10.30am-4pm                Fairy house path                                                                   *NAP Normal admission price
Our place in nature:                        Spring nature trail                          Follow the trail of tiny fairy houses     19-22 April, 11am-4pm
                                                                                                                                                                            **BE 	Booking essential
spring wellbeing trail                      Explore the garden using your senses to      through Furnace Wood. *NAP.               Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt
From learning Qigong Tai Chi poses,         experience nature’s voice amongst the                                                  Pick up your map in Tŷ Isaf shop and     Please visit the website for
to forest bathing techniques and            trees, plants and flowers. *NAP.             18 March, 11am-12noon                     go on a quest to find some signs         accessibility information and for
mindfulness zones – join us as we                                                        Birds of Bodnant guided walk              of spring around Beddgelert              further event details.
explore using our shared landscape to       13-22 April, 10.30am-4pm                     Join an expert bird watcher for           collecting a Cadbury chocolate
escape the daily grind and find our place   Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt                      a guided tour of the garden.              prize at the end. £2 per child.
in nature. (Self-led activities.)           Follow our nature trail to discover the      *NAP. **BE (0344 249 1895).

6                         Spring 2019                 Plenty to see and do. Go to: or follow us on                   NT Wales        @NTWales and @YGCymru              @NTWales
Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation Simply springtime - The Royal Oak Foundation
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