Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business

Page created by Edward Ellis
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business

Short Term - Study Abroad
Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018
Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business
Discover Sydney

                          In 2017, Sydney was ranked         a flight to explore the Great
                          Australia’s top city for Quality   Barrier Reef or New Zealand!
                          of Life* and the world’s most      The city of Sydney has numerous
                          reputable city, based on levels    cultural events and festivals

                          of trust, esteem, admiration       to keep you entertained
Short Term Study Abroad

                          and respect by international       throughout your stay. There is
                          consumers.**                       plenty happening and many new
                                                             experiences awaiting you!
                          We’re located on the doorstep
                          of Sydney. You can wander to       Visit the City of Sydney What’s
                          the Opera House, take a bus        On calendar to plan your days:
                          to Bondi Beach, ride a train to    −− whatson.cityofsydney.
                          the Blue Mountains, or hop on
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                                                                                               Page 3
                             *2017 Mercer survey
                             **2016 World Economic Forum
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business
Study with us                                                                How it works                      Unit of study
                                                                                                       −− Session A:
                                                                                                          26 May – 7 July 2018

                          Every year, we welcome                                                       −− Session B:
                          hundreds of students from                                                       8 July – 11 August 2018        The University of Sydney offers
                          around the world to the                                                                                        the largest selection of units
                                                                                                       Study                             in Australia to Study Abroad
                          University of Sydney through
                          our popular Study Abroad                                                     −− Choose from up to 25           students. Each unit of study is

                          Program. While some students                                                    intensive units of study       taught in an intensive format,
Short Term Study Abroad

                          are attracted to our world-class                                             −− Same credit points earned      while maintaining credit point
                          academic reputation, others                                                     per unit, as a full semester   values and academic integrity.
                          come to experience our vibrant                                                                                 Many unit of study options
                                                                                                       −− Airport pickup,
                          city and student life.                                                                                         provide hands-on experiential
                                                                                                          orientation, social
                                                                                                                                         learning in an Australian cultural
                                                                                                          events and farewell
                          Whatever the reason, join                                                                                      context. Students can choose
                          us and discover why we’re                                                    Fees                              either 1 or 2 units of study in
                          students’ number one                                                         −− 1 unit of study: $3,075 AUD    either session, one of which
                          preference!**                                                                                                  can be our credit-bearing
                                                                                                       −− 2 units of study:
                                                                                                          $6,150 AUD
                          Ranked 50th in the world in the
                                                                                                       −− Guaranteed                     Visit our program web page:
                          2016/17 QS World Rankings and
                                                                                                          accommodation for either
                          consistently within Australia’s
                                                                                                          6 weeks (Session A) or
                          top three universities*, the
                                                                 #studyatsydney Instagram photo           5 weeks (Session B) at
                          University of Sydney is a leading    competition entry by Katrine from the      $360 AUD per week
                          research university and is              University of Bergen, Norway.”
                          committed to offering the very                                               Application deadline
                          best teaching and learning                                                   −− 31 March 2018
                          environment for our students.
                                                                                                       −− For application details:
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                                                                                                                                                                              Page 5
                           *Times Higher Education 2017
                            National Union of Students (NUS)
                            2012, 2013, 2015
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business
visual user interface elements in an       ENGL2638 Literature and Cinema
                                                                                                                 interactive product. Using digital image   This unit will examine issues arising

                          Units of study                                                                         manipulation tools, such as Adobe
                                                                                                                 Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator,
                                                                                                                                                            from a comparative study of literature
                                                                                                                                                            and cinema, including: the continuities
                          Units listed are based on previous program offerings and may                           students will learn how to develop         and discontinuities between the two
                          change. Please check our web page for updated information and                          design concepts and how to turn            mediums; the cultural and historical
                          to register your interest for 2018.                                                    concepts into visual communication         contexts of literary and cinematic
                                                                                                                 materials in the form of digital images    texts; authorship, auteurism and
                                                                                                                                                            aesthetic authority; adaptation and
                          ANTH1001 Cultural Difference An             the unique anatomical, physiological       DECO2102 Web design and Technologies       intertextuality; the figurative styles of
                          Introduction                                and behavioural adaptations that           This unit introduces students to web       literature and cinema; narrative and
                          Anthropology explores and explains          have enabled our wildlife to survive       design and modern web technologies         narration in literature and cinema;
                          cultural difference while affirming         and thrive within varied Australian        for the purpose of designing and           genre study
                          the unity of humankind. It provides         ecosystems                                 prototyping web-based user interface
                          accounts of cultural specificity that                                                  solutions. Students will learn about       ECON1002 Introductory
                          illuminate the world today. Lectures        DECO2010 Designing Social Media
                                                                                                                 design principles and patterns for         Macroeconomics
                          will address some examples of cultural      This unit provides students with an

                                                                                                                 the web and apply them in practical        Introductory Macroeconomics
                          difference from the present and the         understanding of principles and
                                                                                                                 exercises that involve designing and       addresses the analysis of the level of
Short Term Study Abroad

                          past. These examples will introduce         technologies relevant to the design of
                                                                                                                 creating interactive web applications.     employment and economic activity in
                          modern Anthropology, the method of          social media, that is, media supporting
                                                                                                                 Students will develop an understanding     the economy as a whole. Introductory
                          ethnography, and its related forms of       social interaction. The unit covers
                                                                                                                 of web technologies and their role in      Macroeconomics examines the main
                          social and cultural analysis.               the history and theory of social
                                                                                                                 user experience and interaction design,    factors that determine the overall levels
                                                                      networks, techniques and methods
                                                                                                                 such as the use of web technologies for    of production and employment in the
                          ARTS2600 Internship 1                       for analysing social media networks,
                                                                                                                 prototyping user interfaces. Prototyping   economy, including the influence of
                          Gain work experience and professional       design principles and patterns for the
                                                                                                                 techniques covered in this unit include:   government policy and international
                          development at an Australian workplace      creation of social media applications,
                                                                                                                 scripting and mark-up languages            trade. This analysis enables an
                          or within a research setting, with a        and the development and delivery of
                                                                                                                 for enabling dynamic content and           exploration of money, interest rates
                          minimum 120 hour placement                  social media strategy. Students will
                                                                                                                 interactive designs, such as HTML, CSS,    and financial markets, and a deeper
                                                                      gain proficiency designing social media
                          BIOL2032 Australian Wildlife Biology                                                   and JavaScript                             examination of inflation, unemployment
                                                                      platforms and usage scenarios that
                          Australia has a unique assemblage of                                                                                              and economic policy. It is assumed that
                                                                      solve a range of design challenges.        DENT3231 Dental Elective Immersion
                          terrestrial vertebrate faunal species,                                                                                            students undertaking this unit will have
                                                                      Students will participate in, critically   Program
                          many of which are found nowhere                                                                                                   a prior knowledge of mathematics
                                                                      review and prototype new forms of          The Dental electives immersion program
                          else on earth (for example, 94% of          sociable media to demonstrate their        provides opportunities for overseas        ECOP1001 Economics as a Social
                          frog species are found nowhere else).       understanding of the subject matter        dental students to participate in          Science
                          This unit aims to introduce students
                                                                                                                 observational and didactic learning        Economic concerns are central to
                          to the fascinating life of Australia’s      DECO2101 Visual Communication
                                                                                                                 experiences within the dental faculty.     modern society and politics. Yet
                          diverse and unique vertebrate wildlife      This unit introduces students to the
                                                                                                                 The students will gain experience and      economists are deeply divided in their
                          fauna which have evolved in isolation       principles of visual design, including
                                                                                                                 insight into Australia’s contemporary      views about how the economy works
                          from other large land-masses for            graphic design, colour theory and
                                                                                                                 model to oral health care as well as the   and how it could be made to work
                          millions of years. It includes Australian   typography. Students will develop an
                                                                                                                 opportunity to participate in dental       better. This unit of study explores
                          reptiles, amphibians, birds and             understanding of how to successfully
                                                                                                                 research.                                  the principal competing currents of
                          mammals including all three mammalian       combine visual elements to effectively
                                                                                                                                                            economic thought - classical, neo-
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 7
                          lineages; monotremes, marsupials            communicate an idea or concept, to
                                                                                                                                                            classical, institutional, Marxian and
                          and eutherian mammals. We focus on          describe a product, and to represent
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business
Keynesian. It looks at how these rival        delivery are critically examined against      Sydney. These experiences of Australian      the violence of convict society,
                          economic theories shape views about           the backdrop of Australian historical         sporting culture are informed by a           frontier conflict and early battles for
                          economic policy and the nature of             and sociological perspectives                 socially critical examination of sport in    self-government. It maps the political
                          capitalism. This unit provides a solid                                                      Australia through lectures and readings      struggles, contested stories and
                          foundation for subsequent study in            EDUH4052 Learning in Outdoor                                                               shifts in Indigenous-settler relations
                          political economy                             Education                                     GEOS2115 Oceans, Coasts and Climate          that accompanied the creation of a
                                                                        Learning in Outdoor Education                 Change                                       nation state after 1880, and explores
                          EDGU1003 Diet and Nutrition for Health        examines the nature and significance of       This unit of study introduces core           the effects of war on different social
                          and Sport                                     the learning that takes place through         concepts about how the formation of          groups. Finally, it charts Australia’s
                          In a world where nutrition advice is          these experiences. While the unit             ocean basins and their influence on          cultural and political transformation
                          commonplace but not always accurate,          aims to build knowledge and develop           climate govern the development of            after 1945 into the post-industrial
                          learning the basics of good nutrition         understanding of specific areas of            coasts and continental margins. The          postcolonial society of today
                          habits is vital for development and           natural significance, its principal focus     Unit of Study systematically outlines
                          growth at all stages of the life cycle.       is the theory and practice surrounding        how these factors have played out to         IBUS1102 Cross Cultural Management
                          If practiced correctly, nutrition             Experiential Education. It does this          produce, by gradual change, the coasts       Critical to effective management
                          can help prevent disease, assist in           by examining two different, yet               we see today, as well as the less familiar   in international and multi-cultural

                          reaching health goals, influence sports       interrelated, modes of learning in and        deposits hidden beneath the sea and          business environments is an
                          performance and reach academic                about natural environments through            coastal lands. The Unit of Study is          understanding of cultural differences
Short Term Study Abroad

                          outcomes. This elective aims to equip         lectures about these places and by            structured around GIS-based practical        and how to manage such differences.
                          students with the knowledge required          experiences in these places. During the       sessions and problem-based project           The aim of this unit of study is to
                          to make informed food choices and gain        course of the unit students will come         work, for which lectures provide the         provide conceptual frameworks and
                          skills in analysing their personal diet and   to know the places they visit through         theoretical background                       evidence from practice that will develop
                          nutrition habits. Topics covered in the       distinctly different learning experiences                                                  an understanding of the ways in which
                          unit include the anatomy and physiology       provided by two field trips. There will be    HPSC1000 Bioethics                           cultures differ, how these differences
                          of digestion, the link between common         extra costs incurred in the field trips for   Science has given us nearly infinite         can impact management, and how
                          diseases and nutrition practices,             this unit                                     possibilities for controlling life.          cultural issues can limit organisational
                          nutrition for sports performance,                                                           Scientists probe the origins of life         effectiveness. The subject is explored
                          practical tips for shopping and cooking       EDUH4058 Sport and Learning in                through research with stem cells and         from an internal perspective as well as
                          and the use of food to improve                Australian Culture                            embryos. Science has provided new            from an external perspective, looking
                          cognition                                     This unit provides students with a            ways of controlling and manipulating         at issues within the company as well
                                                                        socially critical perspective on the          life and death. As a consequence,            as issues between the multinational
                          EDUF3034 Australian Theatre, Film and         place, meaning and practice of sport          difficult ethical questions are raised in    company and its host environment
                          Learning                                      in Australian culture. Focused on the         increasingly complex cultural and social
                          This unit of study examines the               range of learning that takes place            environments. This course will discuss       INDG1001 Introduction to Indigenous
                          Australian identity through an                through youth’s engagement in sport,          major issues in the ethics of biology        Cultures
                          exploration of Australian film, theatre,      it examines the practice of sport at          and medicine, from gene modification         This unit introduces students to
                          and television traditional formats            levels ranging from elite international       to Dolly the sheep. This unit will be        Indigenous Australia in a stimulating,
                          and new digital content and delivery          sport to grass roots, community-based         introductory, but a small number of          in-depth study of traditional and
                          platforms. The unit focuses on young          and school sport. In striving to provide      topical issues will be studied in depth      contemporary forms of Aboriginal
                          Australian playwrights, performers and        a meaningful educational experience                                                        and Torres Strait Islander cultural
                          filmmakers, and the range of learning         this unit places students’ first hand         HSTY1089 Australia: Conflict and             expression. Ranging from the Dreaming
                          that takes place through young people’s       experiences of Australian sporting            Transformation                               and ancient knowledges, ceremony
                          engagement in, and appreciation of,           culture at the centre of the unit of          Australia has been called the ‘quiet         and lore, to the lives and societies of
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                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 9
                          theatre, film, television and digital         study through the provision of field          continent’, but conflict has been part of    Indigenous peoples today, students
                          content. A variety of genre, formats and      trips to relevant sporting events in          its history since 1788. This unit examines   learn in areas such Aboriginal kinship,
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business
language, story and art, Indigenous           of phenomena and principles in              new social and political imaginaries       the difference between domestic and
                          agriculture, aquaculture and astronomy,       behaviour, learning and perception,         emerging. Examines the uses of             international HRM, and the challenges
                          and contemporary Indigenous cultures          abnormal psychology and their               victimhood in trying to escape terror      of cross-cultural management. This
                          and cultural currents                         relations to underlying neural              and achieve reconciliation                 unit will provide students with a
                                                                        substrates. The emphasis in learning is                                                theoretical understanding of IHRM and
                          INFO1110 Introduction to Programming          on instrumental conditioning and the        USSC2601 US in the World                   cross-cultural management, as well
                          Programming in a legible, maintainable,       principle of reinforcement, ranging         This unit of study introduces students     as a practical understanding of the
                          reusable way is essential to solve            from applications of this principle         to the key global transformations of the   issues and challenges associated with
                          complex problems in the pervasive             to its neural substrates. A number of       contemporary era, focusing on the role     managing employees in international,
                          computing environments. This unit             perceptual phenomena will be studied,       of the United States from an Australian    global and cross-cultural contexts
                          will equip students with foundation           such as motion detection, recognition       perspective, amid the challenges
                          of programming concepts that are              of faces and chronic pain. The practical    posed by: globalisation, free trade,       WORK3205 Organisational
                          common to widely used programming             classes are designed for students with      the rise of Islamic extremism, nuclear     Communication
                          languages. Java, one of the most              an interest in clinical and therapeutic     proliferation, and the emergence of        Communication is integral to many
                          popular programming languages, is used        Psychology, and will allow students         China and India as world powers. The       organisational processes; for instance,
                          in this unit. It provides interdisciplinary   to design and implement a behaviour         unit is designed to give students the      effective planning, decision-making,

                          approaches, applications and                  modification programme                      ability to look behind today’s news        negotiation, conflict management,
                          examples to support students from                                                         headlines to understand the underlying     change management and leadership
Short Term Study Abroad

                          broad backgrounds such as science,            SCLG2608 The Sociology of Deviance          forces driving them, particularly the      all rely upon effective communication
                          engineering, and mathematics                  and Difference                              behaviour and views of key policy          by organisational actors. Drawing on
                                                                        This unit of study focuses on               makers and opinion leaders                 communication research models,
                          INFS1000 Digital Business Innovation          understanding ‘deviance’ and                                                           theories and case studies, the unit
                          The Digital Economy, with its focus           ‘difference’ from a sociological            WORK3201 International Human               will provide students with insight
                          on information as a key business              perspective. The unit covers a range        Resource Management                        into how to manage the complexities
                          resource, has changed the way Business        of theories, from classic sociological      This unit considers the opportunities      of contemporary organisational
                          Information Systems (BIS) are viewed          theories of deviance to more recent         and challenges associated with             communication. The unit will focus
                          in organisations. This unit is designed       critical theories of difference, and        managing employees in international        primarily on internal organisational
                          to develop your understanding of              explores the key issues involved in this    and cross-cultural context. Within         communication and will examine
                          how businesses operate. It shows              change of term. These theories are          the context of global labour markets,      communication processes at various
                          how information systems support               employed to explore a series of areas       the unit considers the implications of     levels: interpersonal (dyadic), group and
                          business operations and management            of contemporary debate in society,          internationalisation and globalisation     organisation
                          through integration of people, business       including youth subcultures, the            for human resource management (HRM),
                          processes and systems. You will be            construction of outsiders, rebellion, the
                          provided with an introduction to                                                                                                                   International Human
                                                                        body, and mental health
                                                                                                                                                                             Resource Management
                          state-of-the art business analysis
                                                                                                                                                                             students learning in the
                          techniques, frameworks and models             SCLG2623 Sociology of Terror                                                                         Royal Botanic Garden,
                          to assist in understanding the nature         This unit examines the relationship                                                                  Sydney
                          and contribution of BIS in a range of         between terrorism and globalisation.
                          business contexts. With its emphasis on       Explores themes of massacre, ethnic
                          business rather than IT, this unit does       cleansing, and terrorism in the context
                          not require prior IT-related experience       of social uncertainty and crises in
                                                                        nation states. Examines the production
                          PSYC2010 Brain and Behaviour                  of victims and the process of cultural
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                          This Unit of Study examines a range           symbolisation of the body and the
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business

                          Short term study abroad             We work with companies from a        Eligibility                             “My internship experience has
                          students have the opportunity       variety of fields including start-   Applicants are placed on a               exceeded my expectations! It
                          to develop familiarity with the     ups, technology firms, financial     best-fit basis. Placement is            was a tremendous experience to
                          Australian workplace culture        service providers and not-for-       competitive and based on              immerse oneself in another culture
                          while applying their academic       profit organisations. Research       eligibility criteria, applicability    and develop a sense of community
                          learning in real workplace          placements with University of        of academic studies (including a        within Sydney, while exploring

                          situations. By enrolling in our     Sydney academics may also be         cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher         and appreciating the culture as
                          credit-bearing internship unit of   available, as an alternative to      on a 4.0 scale and completion
Short Term Study Abroad

                                                                                                                                           well as building my resume. The
                          study (ARTS2600), students can      industry internships.                of at least one year of university    internship program is one of a kind
                          enhance their communication,                                             study) to the placement,               and I’d do it again in a heartbeat!”
                          cross-cultural and interpersonal                                         and the outcome of a Skype
                                                              Recent examples of placements
                          skills, while gaining a                                                  interview.                                      Samba Njie
                          competitive advantage in the                                                                                     The University of California,
                                                                                                   Though every effort is made
                          graduate employment market.         −− Association of Chartered                                                           Berkeley
                                                                                                   to place all eligible applicants,
                                                                 Certified Accountants (ACCA)
                                                                                                   placement is competitive and
                          About ARTS2600                      −− Cancer Council NSW                not guaranteed.
                          Students complete 8 hours
                                                              −− Taronga Conservation
                          of professional development
                                                                 Society of Australia
                          training, 4 reflective
                          assessments, and a minimum          −− Garvan Institute of
                          of 120 hours with a host               Medical Research
                          organisation. The placement         −− Greenpeace
                          requires no extra fees and          −− Property Council NSW
                          students receive a final grade      −− Rainforest Rescue
                          that appears on their University
                                                              −− Sydney Story Factory
                          of Sydney transcript.
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                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 13
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business
Guaranteed accommodation                                         Mates Abroad and
                                                                                           Social Program

                          We provide peace of mind          −− Gym and yoga room           Mates Abroad                        Joining the Mates Abroad
                          to our students by offering       −− Cinema and Games room       To ease your transition into        program is an excellent way to
                          guaranteed accommodation                                         Sydney student life, promote        see the city as a local, while
                                                            −− Onside laundry facilities
                          with one of our accommodation                                    a multicultural environment         jump-starting your social circle
                                                            −− Apple IMAC computer

                          partners, like Urbanest.                                         and share exciting adventures       here in Australia:
                                                               stations with
Short Term Study Abroad

                          Urbanest is a student                                            with new friends, students are      −−
                          accommodation complex                unlimited internet          encouraged to join our Mates           matesabroad
                          situated fifteen minutes walk     Accommodation is guaranteed    Abroad mentoring program.
                          from campus and located on        for students who participate                                       Social Program
                          the doorstep of downtown          in a 5-6 week program and      In this program, you will be        The University of Sydney offers
                          Sydney. Urbanest has their own    apply by the accommodation     paired with an Australian           a terrific social program for you
                          social calendar and weekly        deadline.                      student mentor and                  throughout your stay, including
                          sausage sizzle (BBQ) and                                         benefit from the following          welcome and departure events,
                          pancake breakfast to promote a                                   opportunities:                      a harbour cruise, a learn to surf
                          community atmosphere.                                                                                camp and breakfast with Koalas.
                                                                                           −− Meet and connect with
                                                                                              Aussie mentors pre-arrival
                          Students who live at Urbanest
                                                                                              via email, and social media
                          have access to great facilities
                          and services including:                                          −− Personal support upon arrival
                                                                                              as you settle into Sydney life
                          −− Fully furnished
                                                                                           −− Make new Aussie
                             apartments with private
                                                                                              friends through your
                             ensuite bathrooms
                                                                                              mentor’s social circle
                          −− 20GB internet/month or
                                                                                           −− Learn to navigate
                             100GB for large studios
                                                                                              Sydney public transport
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                                                                                                                                                                   Page 15
                          −− Social and study spaces                                          with your mentor
                          −− 24/7 security system
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business
If you read only one thing, read this.

                           −− Top 0.3 percent of
                              universities worldwide
                           −− Variety of study options
                           −− Internship placements available
                           −− Guaranteed accommodation
                           −− Mates abroad mentor program
                           −− Amazing social events calendar
                           −− 1 unit of study: $3,075 AUD
                           −− 2 units of study: $6,150 AUD
                           −− Accommodation for 6 weeks: $2,160 AUD
                           −− Application deadline
                              31 March 2018
The University of Sydney

                           Student enquiries                    Partner enquiries

                           Produced by Global Student Recruitment and Mobility team, the University of
                           Sydney, July 2017. The University reserves the right to make alterations to
                           any information contained within this publication without notice.
Short Term - Study Abroad - Session A: 26 May - 7 July 2018 Session B: 8 July - 11 August 2018 - David Eccles School of Business
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