SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County

Page created by Daniel Little
SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County
SERV                                                                   2021

Photos below: Winter 2021

Lake Monroe Wayside                       Stormdrain marking    Lake Sylvan shoreline   Adopt-A-Road

Seminole Education, Restoration, and Volunteer (SERV) Program | | 407-665-2457
SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County
Restoration Event
                                   Lake of the Woods
                                   Saturday, May 15th, 2021, 9 am - 12 pm: Seminole County Water-
                                   shed Management & the SERV Program invite you to help us plant
                                   shoreline vegetation to improve ecosystem function, habitat, and
                                   water quality! RSVP (required): or
                                   contact, 407-665-2457. Kick-off: 300
                                   Carolwood Pt, Fern Park, FL 32730. Please note that this event
                                   will be capped at 20 participants, including staff, to enable social
                                   distancing for health safety. Volunteers will be required to wear
                                   masks throughout the event.

Benefits of Native
Shoreline Plants
• Improves water quality
• Improves wildlife habitat                                                               Lake of the Woods 2019
• Reduces erosion
                                   Stay tuned for more late spring and fall 2021 shoreline planting
• Beautifies the community
                                   events! In the meantime, please continue to spread the word
                                   about protecting water quality, utilizing native plants, and saving
                                   water! Check out these helpful educational resources:

                                   A Citizens’ Guide to Lake Management (booklet)
                                   How to Plant Your Lakefront (booklet)
                                   Creating Habitat in Your Yard (video)
                                   Easy Irrigation Calibration (video)

                                   Soldiers Creek Park Pond 2019                                Myrtle Lake 2018

 Seminole Education, Restoration, and Volunteer (SERV) Program | | 407-665-2457
SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County


These opportunities are available year-round. After a brief training
session, each activity can be done independently. These activi-
ties are great for volunteers who would like to take ownership of
a more long-term project, and can be used to earn many volun-
teer hours if needed. Contact: Elizabeth Stephens, 407-665-2457,

Adopt-A-Road                         Adopt-A-River
Did you know that litter along       Do you have your own canoe or
our roadways can wash into           kayak? Help protect our water
nearby waterways, and harm           resources and reduce pollution
wildlife? Make a difference by       by joining our Adopt-A-River
protecting our natural resourc-      Program! Adopt your own sec-
es and beautifying your com-         tion of river in Seminole County
munity! Adopt your own sec-          and schedule clean-ups at your
tion of road in Seminole County      convenience (2 per year).
(FREE sign!) and schedule
clean-ups at your convenience
(4 per year).

                                                                           Stormdrain Marking

Stormdrain Marking                   Adopt-A-Park
Stormdrain marking is a won-         This program facilitates the
derful way for volunteers to         monitoring, clean-up and en-
help educate the public about        hancement of parks, natural
water quality, and protect our       lands, trails, and trailheads
local waterbodies! Volunteers        maintained in Seminole Coun-
are trained on how to mark           ty. For more information and to
stormdrains, and given a map         join this great program, contact
and supplies. Volunteers can         Seminole County Leisure Ser-
track their progress over time       vices at 407-665-2001.
on their printed map, or via a
fun App.

   Seminole Education, Restoration, and Volunteer (SERV) Program | | 407-665-2457
SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County
More Opportunities

Looking for a small group vol-
unteer project? SERV can work
with your group to start plan-
ning a future litter clean-up or
invasive plant removal event.
For details, contact 407-665-
2457, serv@seminolecountyfl.
gov.                                                                                       Macroinvertebrates 2019

                                     Request an Educational Presentation
                                     Are you a teacher or scout lead-      407-665-2457)! This service is
                                     er? Are you part of a civic club,     free of charge to any group in
                                     small business, or faith organi-      Seminole County. Read about
                                     zation that would like to re-         our frequently requested pre-
LakeWatch                            quest a speaker on water quali-       sentation topics here, or work
                                     ty, or biological conservation &      with the SERV Coordinator to
Do you live on a lake? Con-          restoration? SERV is currently        meet your curriculum require-
sider joining LAKEWATCH and          offering virtual presentations,       ments.
help with monthly monitoring         and will be scheduling in-per-
activities. Visit https://lake-      son presentations again as soon, or contact      as possible. Please contact us           (,

   Seminole Education, Restoration, and Volunteer (SERV) Program | | 407-665-2457
SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County
Volunteer of the
                                    Carol Jonda
                                    SERV Involvement: Carol has           Background: Carol holds clean-
                                    volunteered with us since 2012.       ups with her local chapter of
                                    She writes “I enjoy volunteering      Beta Sigma Phi, an internation-
                                    through the Adopt-A-Road Pro-         al non-academic sorority that
                                    gram for the stretch of county        focuses on cultural, social, and
                                    road coming into my subdivi-          service opportunities for wom-
                                    sion because I love my neigh-         en. She also does the clean-ups
                                    borhood and have lived here for       independently as needed. Carol
                                    43 years. Picking up litter is such   has been interested in helping
                                    an easy way to improve the            to protect the planet since she
                                    environment and enhance the           participated in the 1st Earth Day
                                    entrance to our neighborhood. I       celebration in April,1970, which
                                    love to walk for exercise, so par-    had a profound impact on her.
Floridy Friendly                    ticipating in the Adopt-A-Road        Carol’s “glimmer of hope” is
Landscaping (FFL)                   Program was a natural thing to        that she is making some kind
                                    do. This also fulfilled a personal    of impact on passing neighbors
FFL Newsletter:                     civic duty for my community!”         and their children, the way
Sign-up on the FFL website                                                Earth Day in 1970 did for her.

Landscape Fertilization in FL-
A Professional’s Guide
May 27
April 29

Contact: Tina McIntyre
KMcIntyre02@                                                              Carol (left) and her Beta Sigma Phi                                                          group members at clean-up

  Seminole Education, Restoration, and Volunteer (SERV) Program | | 407-665-2457
SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County SERV Program 2021 Spring - Seminole County
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