Sequestro di CO 2 come effetto secondario di una tecnologia di carbonatazione di ceneri leggere - Elza Bontempi - Desarc-Maresanus
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Sequestro di CO2 come effetto secondario di una tecnologia di carbonatazione di ceneri leggere Elza Bontempi INSTM and University of Brescia
Outline Azure Chemistry approach Rendering project: recovery of fly ash from co-combustion of sewage sludge (SS) and municipal solid waste (MSW) Carbon dioxide sequestration capability of proposed technologies La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Azure Chemistry approach Azure chemistry proposes to restore or reconstruct the ecosystems by sustainable solutions in terms of energy, materials, and emissions Connection of three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) to the remediation technologies development Remediation is generally based on the use of natural resources (raw materials) and the available de-pollution technologies, with the aim to obtain a safe environment Zanoletti, A., Bilo, F., Depero, L.E., Zappa, D., Bontempi, E. The first sustainable material designed for air particulate matter capture: An introduction to Azure Chemistry (2018) Journal of Environmental Management La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
RENDERING: «Recupero ENergetico dei fanghi di DEpurazione e loro Riutilizzo, IN alternativa ad alcune risorse naturali, per la produzione di compositi ‘Green’» FLY ASH 2018-2021 RENDERING project Financed by Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare BOTTOM ASH Reuse of fly ash from co-incineration of Stakeholder Sewage Sludge (SS) and Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Stabilization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) fly ash Reuse of stabilized material as filler in new eco-composites La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Cosmos-Cosmos Rice projects 2010-2012 2013-2015 Methods devoted to stabilization of MSWI fly ash derived from only municipal solid waste incineration Amorphous silica as metals stabilizer: Colloidal Silica Silica from rice ash COlloidal Silica COlloidal Silica Medium Medium to Obtain to Obtain Safe inert Safe inert with rice ash Reuse of stabilized material as filler in new sustainable composites COSMOS filler Composites La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
RENDERING vs COSMOS RENDERING Rendering: evolution of Cosmos projects; Fly ash from co- BA or SSA are substitutes of combustion silica fume tested as metals stabilizer FGD COSMOS CFA MSWI - FA FGD Bottom ash (BA) CFA Sewage sludge ash (SSA) Silica fume La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Stabilization method Simple and sustainable technology Integrated on already existing plants of waste management CFA BA FGD Stabilizer FA SSA NO Low T commercial treatment chemical reagents (A) 120°C for 4h (to accelerate reactions) (B) Room temperature Leaching test (1-2 months) [CEN EN 12457-2, 2004] La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Stabilization of fly ash from co-combustion Raw materials FA: CFA: CaClOH SiO2 NaCl Al4.75Si1.26O9.63 KCl CaCO3 FGD: Ca(OH)2 Ca(OH)2 BA: CaSO3*0.5H2O SiO2 CaSO4*2H2O CaCO3 XRD analysis Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12*26H2O (K,Fe)0.97Si1.03O4 Al2(Ca,Mg)3O12Si3 Curing materials Stabilized samples A and B Calcite (1 M and 2 M): CaCO3 NaCl SiO2 CaSO3*0.5H2O CaSO4 Calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) Calcium silicate hydrate (or C-S-H) Is the main product of the hydration of A: curing samples at 120 °C Portland cement. B: curing samples at room temperature It can be obtained from the reaction of M: months CaO and SiO2. La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Results Pulses 106 MSWI fly ash Stabilized material Chemical analysis on 105 liquid (leaching tests) Pb Mo 104 Cl K Mn S Ar Ca Ti Cr Fe Ni Cu Zn Ga Pb Br Rb Sr 103 102 4 6 8 10 12 14 - keV - A: curing samples at 120 °C B: curing samples at room temperature La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Results SEM analysis on powder TEM analysis on powder The sample morphology appears to include some fibrils, which may be due to a C-S-H with a Ca/Si ratio lower than 1.5. Identified EDX maps elements: Si Zn C, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Fe and Zn. Ca Pb In collaboration with: Identified elements: Assi, A., Bilo, F., Zanoletti, A., Ponti, J., Valsesia, A., La Spina, R., Zacco, A., Bontempi, E. Zero-waste approach in municipal solid waste incineration: Reuse of bottom ash to stabilize fly Si, Ca, Pb and Zn. ash (2019) Journal of Cleaner Production La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Heavy metals stabilization effect Reduction of Pb and Zn all stabilized samples have lower concentrations of Pb and Zn in their leaching solutions in respect to the starting MSWI-FA Reduction of pH pH results always lower one (and two) months after stabilization. Literature attributes this stabilization effect, due to the pH reduction, to carbonation reactions La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Carbonation reactions Mineral sequestration is considered one of the promising method of CO2 emission reduction. Generally CO2 is injected into geological formations with alkaline minerals it forms stable carbonates and is stored. The disadvantages are related to CO2 recovery and injection (energy requirements). Direct gas–solid carbonation has slow reaction and Direct aqueous carbonation is expensive for large scale applications [Global NEST Journal, Vol 20, No 3, pp 497-503, 2018] The alternative is found in the use of industry-specific CO2 sequestration methods, by using by-products of these same industrial processes The approach concerning fly ashes: • the carbonation reactions are by-products of a stabilization procedure; • all the materials used in the process are wastes and by-products; • the reactions don’t require control of temperature or pressure conditions; • the process is realized in the frame of “Azure chemistry” approach. Its sustainability is guarantee by the approach fundamentals. La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
CO2 sequestration by the proposed technologies • Carbonation reactions occur by mixing: MSWI FA, Coal Fly Ash (CFA), Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) residues and silica fume (or bottom ash) MSWI FA CFA FGD Silica fume MSWI-BA Samples % MSWI-FA % FGD (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) A 130 30 40 20 \ 59.1 18.2 B 130 30 \ \ 20 72.2 \ C 130 30 40 \ 20 59.1 18.2 D 130 30 40 \ \ 65 20 La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
CO2 sequestration by the proposed technologies Raw materials • MSWI-FA: CaClOH XRD analysis • FGD: Ca(OH)2 Reactive species for CO2 sequestration Carbonation reaction for CaClOH: 2CaOHCl + CO2 CaCO3 + CaCl2 + H2O (1) Carbonation reaction for Ca(OH)2 : Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O (2) La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Rietveld Refinement The XRD spectrum depends on: - phases: crystal structure, microstructure, Minimize differences between quantity, cell volume, texture, stress, calculated and observed pattern by chemistry etc. least-squares method - instrument geometry characteristics: - sample: position, shape and dimensions, orientation. Each of the quantity can be written in term of parameters that can be refined (optimized). La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Rietveld refinement of different stabilized materials Calcite •Rietveld method allows the quantification of the amorphous content (Al2O3 as the internal standard) •The change in the amorphous amount must be checked to obtain reliable information about phases evolution XRD pattern and corresponding Rietveld refined profile made in stabilized sample A, one month after the synthesis. Difference curve is also plotted. La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Results XRD analysis • CaClOH and Ca(OH)2 • Calcite and Vaterite were identified in the carbonated sample Rietveld refinement • 6-10% of calcite due to the natural carbonation of MSWI-FA • > 65 % amorphous amount • Reduction of amorphous during reaction with CO2 La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Results • Increase of Calcite and Vaterite when the amorphous phase decreases • Increase of CaCO3: 59% samples A and D 42% sample C 31% sample B • Sample B (highest amount of MSWI-FA, not FGD) shows the largest amount of Vaterite and lowest amount of Calcite • Sample D (highest amount of FGD) shows the highest amount of Calcite and the lowest amount of amorphous •Vaterite formation is related to MSWI- FA carbonation •Carbonation of FGD favors the Calcite formation La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Carbonation: in summary • The carbonation reactions are by-products of a stabilization procedure • The changes during the ageing of the Calcite and Vaterite content allows to highlight the carbonation process • The carbonation of FGD residues favors the formation of Calcite, while the Vaterite formation may be due to MSWI-FA carbonation • These proposed recycled materials can sequestrate till to 90 gCO2/Kg of ash • Despite carbonation of MSWI-FA was already proposed as possible CO2 sequestration technology, the potential maximum theoretical CO2 sequestration quantity is reported to be about 58 gCO2/kg of FA in literature. Assi, A., Federici, S., Bilo, F., Zacco, A., Depero, L.E., Bontempi, E. Increased sustainability of carbon dioxide mineral sequestration by a technology involving fly ash stabilization (2019) Materials La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Global avoided CO2 emissions due to the stabilization of co-combusted fly ash Waste treatment in the place where it is produced; Reuse of FA and BA; CO2 sequestration due to carbonation reaction Parametri Kg CO2-eq/t FA Trasporto MSWI FA (600 Km) 36.24 Processo solidificazione MSWI FA 285.6 Reazione carbonatazione 55 Smaltimento discarica MSWI BA 0.8 Macinazione MSWI BA -1.32 Emissioni evitate 376.32 EMISSIONS AVOIDED 376.32 kg CO2-eq/t FA La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Future activities • Make a chamber with controlled environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, etc) • Substitute FGD residues (derived from coal combustion) with other wastes and by-products • Use of accelerated carbonation to sequestrate more carbon dioxide • Evaluate the eventual formed amorphous calcium carbonate: the amount of CO2 sequestrated by this technology is expected to be higher than that evaluated only considering the formed crystalline calcium carbonate La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
Published papers: - Benassi, L., Zanoletti, A., Depero, L.E., Bontempi, E. Sewage sludge ash recovery as valuable raw material for chemical stabilization of leachable heavy metals (2019) Journal of Environmental Management - Assi, A., Federici, S., Bilo, F., Zacco, A., Depero, L.E., Bontempi, E. Increased sustainability of carbon dioxide mineral sequestration by a technology involving fly ash stabilization (2019) Materials - Assi, A., Bilo, F., Zanoletti, A., Ponti, J., Valsesia, A., La Spina, R., Zacco, A., Bontempi, E. Zero-waste approach in municipal solid waste incineration: Reuse of bottom ash to stabilize fly ash (2019) Journal of Cleaner Production - Zanoletti, A., Bilo, F., Depero, L.E., Zappa, D., Bontempi, E. The first sustainable material designed for air particulate matter capture: An introduction to Azure Chemistry (2018) Journal of Environmental Management - Pasquali, M., Zanoletti, A., Benassi, L., Federici, S., Depero, L.E., Bontempi, E. Stabilized biomass ash as a sustainable substitute for commercial P-fertilizers (2018) Land Degradation and Development La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Acknowledgements: Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare La rimozione di CO2 dall’atmosfera e il progetto Desarc-Maresanus - 4-5 febbraio 2020
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