Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |

Page created by Tammy Ayala
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
BROMSGROVE                     2019

                                              Comedy Theatre Music Film Family Workshops & More

box office: 01527 577330 |
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
Welcome to Artrix!                                                                                          Comedy
 Did you know Artrix is a charity? Not everyone realises it,                                                “If you are a comedy fan, Artrix is where you need to be.”
 but we don’t receive any funding from Bromsgrove Council.                                                  Alex Redmond, Slap Magazine
 Instead, we rely on the generous support of people like you.

 By making a donation you are helping us to continue enriching                                               Friday 27 Sept, 8pm                                   Saturday 28 Sept, 8pm
 lives in Bromsgrove through our programme of workshops,                                                     Paul Foot                                             John-Luke Roberts
 summer schools, film, music, comedy and theatre for people                                                  Image Conscious                                       After Me Comes the Flood
 of all ages, on and off our stages.                                                                                                                               (But in French) drip splosh
                                                                                                             Greetings. I am one of the world’s comedians and      splash drip BLUBBP BLUBBP
                                                                                                             I’m here to tell ye about my show. Have you ever      BLUBBPBLUBBPBLUBBP!!
                                                                                                             considered the unique predicament of the soft-

 Be a Star!                                                                                                  shell crab? Well I have. That animal is absolutely
                                                                                                             ridiculous. What about the many, MANY problems
                                                                                                             that occur when organising a suburban orgy?
                                                                                                                                                                   The critically acclaimed idiot John-Luke Roberts
                                                                                                                                                                   returns to the road with another ridiculously long
                                                                                                                                                                   titled show this autumn.
 What better way to show your support for Artrix than a lovely shiny star with
 your name, or that of a loved one, taking pride of place on our wall of fame.                                                            In a brand-new hour of extraordinary daft-hearted
                                                                                                                                                                   comedy, expect to not know why you are laughing
 Individuals                                           Business                                              Studio | £15 | Age 14+                                once more… even when he gives you the punchline
 Star: £25                                             If you’re a local business you can also show                                                                first. Who knows what could happen!
 Rising Star: £50                                      your support and raise your profile through your
 Shooting Star: £250                                   company name or logo on a star. Choose your                                                                  “an impeccably choreographed, giddily
 Mega Star: £500                                       level of support:                                                                                           inventive, turbo-charged hour” The Telegraph
 If you are a UK tax-payer you can Gift Aid your       Bronze: £250+VAT
 donation too – this adds 25% to the amount            Silver: £500+VAT                                                                                            Studio | £10 | Age 16+
 Artrix receives, at no extra cost to you              Gold: £1,000+VAT
                                                       Platinum: £2,000+VAT
                                                                                                                                                                   Wednesday 9 Oct, 8pm
                                                                                                                                                     Paul Foot
 Find out more:
                                                                                                                                                                   Daliso Chopandra
 You can also donate at the box office, online at or through one of the donation                                                                      Blah Blah Blacklist
 boxes in the foyer. And of course by using the café, buying a ticket or hiring a room you are also          Thursday 3 Oct, 8pm
 supporting Artrix.
                                                                                                             Luke Kempner                                          Daliso shot to fame on Britain’s Got Talent and has
                                                                                                                                                                   gone on to amass over 100 million YouTube views,
 Thank you!                                                                                                  Comedian and Impressionist Luke Kempner hosts         write and star in his critically acclaimed Radio 4
                                                                                                             an ultimate reality show where no one is off limits   show Citizen of Nowhere, and appear on QI, The
                                                                                                             Expect celebrities, politicians and even royalty      Apprentice: You’re Fired, News Quiz and The Now
“I had always seen myself as                                                                      Artrix,    going head to head in Luke’s hit show; House          Show. In his hilarious, daring new show, Daliso
                                                                            Slideslow Drive, Bromsgrove,     of Faces.                                             looks at disgraced, blacklisted celebrities and
 a star; I wanted to be a galaxy”                                                               B60 1GN                                                            historical figures we’re ashamed we once admired.
Twyla Tharp                                                                     Charity number 1124900
                                                                             Company number 5455644                                                      
                                                                                                             Main House | £15 | Age 14+
                                                                 Cover image NBT Dracula. See page 31                                                              Main House | £15 | Age 14+

 2                                                                                                          box office: 01527 577330 | |                                    @artrixarts           3
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
Saturday 12 Oct, 7.30pm                                Friday 18 Oct, 8pm                                        Saturdays                                                Tuesday 15 Oct, 7.30pm
                                                                                                                          21 Sept, 26 Oct & 30 Nov, 8pm
         Matt Parker                                            Griff Rhys Jones                                                                                                   Billy Connolly
         Humble Pi                                              All over the place                                        Barnstormers                                             The Sex Life of Bandages
                                                                                                                          Sit back and enjoy a great Saturday night out as
         Humble Pi explores the greatest mathematical           It’s time to join one half of Smith & Jones, one          the Barnstormers comedy compere introduces               Don’t miss BILLY CONNOLLY - The Sex Life of
         near-misses and mishaps involving planes, bridges,     quarter of Not the Nine O’Clock News and one              three top comedians from the London and UK               Bandages


         the internet, big data and more. Matt Parker shows     third of Three Men In a Boat as he presents an            stand-up circuit. Barnstormers Comedy Prides
         us the bizarre ways maths trips us all up. Being       evening of hilarious true stories, riffs, observations    itself on finding the funniest, cleverest and maybe      Live screening see page 30 for details.
         wrong has never felt so right.                         and details of his recent medical procedures.             silliest comedians out there so a great night of
                                                                                                                          entertainment is guaranteed.
         Studio | £14 | £12                                     Main House | £20
                                                                                                                          Studio | £14 | Age 18+

         Thursday 24 Oct, 8pm                                                                                             Saturday 16 Nov, 7.30pm                                  Thursday 21 Nov, 8pm
         Ellie Taylor                                                                                                     George Egg                                               Alfie Moore
         Fresh from recording her debut Netflix stand up                                                                  Movable Feast                                            Fair Cop Unleashed
         special, the star of The Mash Report, Live at the
         Apollo and QI is back with a brand-new show.                                                                     More inspiration, more instruction, more ingredients.    Join BBC Radio 4’s cop-turned-comedian Alfie
                                                                                                                          Brand new comedy from the stand-up who cooks.            Moore for his latest stand-up tour show. Fair Cop
         Join Ellie as she bangs on about life, love and what                                                             In this show he’s on the road so it’s time for Planes,   Unleashed is based on a dramatic real-life incident
         will happen if one more person tells her “you got                                                                Trains and Automob-meals.                                from Alfie’s police casebook. Relive with him the
         this”.                                                                                                                                                                    thrilling ups and downs of the night a mysterious
                                                                                                                          “trust us, you won’t believe how good the food           clown came to town and more than one life ended                                                                                        tastes” Scotsman                                         up in the balance.

         Main House | £15                                                                             Griff Rhys Jones    Studio | £14 / £12 | Age 14+                             Main House | £14

         Wednesday 30 Oct, 8pm                                  Friday 15 Nov, 7.30pm                                     Friday 22 Nov, 7.30pm
         Sofie Hagen                                            Shazia Mirza                                              Sajeela Kershi & Guests
         The Bumswing                                           Coconut                                                   Immigrant Diaries
         One of British comedy’s most exciting talents          “What’s going on? Why is everyone fighting? Why           “Immigration, migrants, the refugee crisis; these
         (although she’s Danish), winner of the prestigious     does everyone hate each other? Who the hell is            are hot topics dividing Britain and the rest of
         Edinburgh Best Newcomer Award, a cult podcaster,       Alexa? And why are there no women left with real          Europe too. How many are there? Why are they
         and now the author of the hugely successful book       eyebrows? Women are in fashion now but the                coming here? What do they want? And who exactly
         ‘Happy Fat’, Sofie Hagen returns to Bromsgrove         eyebrows come and go?”                                    are these ‘bloody foreigners’ anyway?”
         with a brand new show direct from the Edinburgh
         Fringe. A show about the things you forget, the        Following the success of her critically acclaimed         A chance to hear some sublime true stories from a
         things you remember, and the things you wish you       recent shows at Artrix, Shazia returns with a searing     cast of performers from somewhere else.
         could forget. But also, there’s a bit about bums.      and urgent exploration of life, love and Jihadi brides.
                                                                                                                          Studio | £15 / £10 | Age 16+                                                                   Sajeela Kershi
         Main House | £15 | Age 14+                             Studio | £15 | Age 16+

         4                                                                                                                box office: 01527 577330 | |                                      @artrixarts            5
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
          Thursday 10 Oct, 7.30pm                                 Tuesday 22 Oct, 7.30pm                                  Wednesday 30 Oct, 7.30pm
          New Perspectives in association with                    Circus of Horrors                                       The Strange Case of
          The Brewery Arts Centre presents
                                                                  The new Circus of Horrors show celebrating              Dr Jekll & Mr Hyde
          trade                                                   25 years of mayhem, including an amazing
          by debbie tucker green                                  amalgamation of acts, driven by a rock n roll sound     During his final lecture on the duality of humankind,
          directed by Jack McNamara                               scape, a show that will have you sat on the edge of     the respectable Dr Jekyll reveals his strange
                                                                  your seat when not falling off it with laughter.        association with the mysterious Edward Hyde
          Welcome to the Caribbean. Where the sun is hot                                                                  and the shocking truth about his identity: that
          and the living is uneasy.                               The almighty cast that stormed into the finals of       Hyde, unlike other human beings, is not only


                                                                  Britain’s Got Talent is now a West End & World Wide     fundamentally evil, but also the very definition of it.
          Meet three women. An unlikely trio. Different ages,     Hit will take you on a rock n’ roller coaster ride of   Combining edge-of-your-seat thrills with stunning
          backgrounds and attitudes. Each has a unique            amazing & Bizarre acts. It is a circus like no other    physical theatre, Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic
          relationship with the island. A home. A regular         and a show you simply can’t afford to miss.             “bogey tale” is brought chillingly to life in this
          holiday haunt. A first time visit. Through language                                                             award-winning one-man show.
          that fizzes and sparks, we begin to discover that       Whether you are a Rock fan or theatre goer The
          they share one surprising thing in common.              Circus of Horrors has something for everyone.           Studio | £10 / £8

          trade was first performed in 2005 by the Royal          Main House | £20
          Shakespeare Company, New Perspectives in                Warning: 18+ Adult Content                              Tuesday 12 Nov, 7pm
          association with The Brewery Arts Centre brings
          debbie tucker green’s distinctive voice to a regional
                                                                                                                          Shakespeare Schools
          audience. Get set for an intoxicating mix of fresh                                                              Festival                                                    Rehearsal of I Wanna Be Yours
          rhythm and raucous humour, as the women come to
          terms with the transactions that define who they are.                                                           See Shakespeare’s timeless stories brought to
                                                                                                                          life like never before, and support young people          Thursday 14 Nov, 7pm
          Contains strong language.                                                                                       from your community as they take to the Artrix Arts
                                                                                                                                                                                    A Paines Plough and Tamasha production
                                                                                                                          Centre stage.
          New Perspectives is supported by public funding                                                                                                                           I Wanna Be Yours
          from Arts Council England.                                                                                      Main House | £10 / £8
                                                                                                                                                                                    A window into young love in the twenty first century,
          Main House | £12 / £10                                                                                                                                                    and everything that is thrown at it.
                                                                                                                          Sunday 1 Dec, 7pm                                         Ella is from Yorkshire. Haseeb is from London.
                                                                                                                          Fizzogs The Greatest                                      They order a pizza. House red for Ella. Hot chocolate
                                                                                                                                                                                    for Haseeb.
                                                                                                                          Showwench                                                 “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
                                                                                                                                                                                    Meet in the middle. Meet the parents. Meet the
                                                                                                                          Hollywood has The Greatest Showman, The Black             friends. Meet the aunties. They say opposites attract,
                                                                                                                          Country has The Greatest Showwench!                       but can they stay together?
                                                                                                                          Lizzie Cotterill is back with her latest play.            A tender, funny, lyrical play about finding love and
                                                                                                                          Come n have a loff!!                                      holding onto it with everything you’ve got.

                                                                                                                          Main House | £18                                          Studio | £10 | Age 14+

          6                                                                                                               box office: 01527 577330 | |                                         @artrixarts            7
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
Music: New Sounds
        “Bringing a whole world of sounds – world music at its best.”
        Redditch Standard.

        Following our first season of new sounds in the Studio, we’re
        bringing more acts to Bromsgrove combining the energy and
        passion of new folk with the excitement and soul of other
        musical influences.
        Try out our World of Sounds Taster ticket: 4 acts for just £30!* John Blek
        (Ireland), Duotone (England), Jenny Sturgeon (Scotland), Poor Nameless
        Boy (Canada).
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Jenny Sturgeon
        All four tickets must be purchased together.


        Thursday 5 Sept, 8pm                                   Saturday 5 Oct, 8pm                                  Friday 18 Oct, 7.30pm                                  Friday 8 Nov, 7.30pm
        John Blek                                              Duotone                                              Jenny Sturgeon                                         Poor Nameless Boy
        Blek’s ‘Salt in the Water’ was nominated for Song      ‘Profoundly moved by the beauty & brilliance of      Jenny Sturgeon is a singer-songwriter described        In a world that celebrates being rich and famous,
        of the Year at the International Folk Music Awards     Duotone. If you could distill sweet melancholy it    as “a significant new talent” (Bright Young Folk) on   there’s something purely powerful about being
        2018 at Folk Alliance International in Kansas City.    would sound like this’. English Folk Expo            the folk and acoustic scenes. Jenny’s music is rich    poor and nameless.
        The release of his latest album, Thistle & Thorn, in                                                        with imagery and her songs are bound together
        February capped a busy few years with tours and        Multi-instrumentalist, song writer and live-looper   by common threads of folklore, history and the         Regina, Canada-based Joel Henderson’s striking
        recording in Ireland, Europe, UK and USA keeping       Barney Morse-Brown performs tunes that grow          connection people have with the wild. Having           grasp of life’s complexities allows listeners to
        the Irish troubadour busy.                             from subtle relaxing chilled out pieces of music     trained as a biologist her enthusiasm for nature       immerse themselves into the stories, songs and
                                                               into loud, almost anthemic climaxes.                 and wild places effortlessly creeps in to all of her   experiences that are irresistible and effortlessly
        Studio | £10 / £7.50*                                                                                       work. Sometimes joined by renowned Old Blind           engaging.
                                                               Studio | £10 / £7.50*                                Dogs fiddle player and guitarist Jonny Hardie.
                                                                                                                                                                           Studio | £10 / £7.50*
                                                                                                                    Studio | £10 / £7.50*

                                               John Blek                                               Duotone                                                                                           Poor Nameless Boy

        8                                                                                                           box office: 01527 577330 | |                                    @artrixarts             9
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
Saturday 21 Sept, 8pm                                     Friday 4 Oct, 8pm                                 Wednesday 16 Oct, 7.30pm                                 Saturday 2 Nov, 8pm
        Chantel McGregor                                          Luke Daniels                                      Faith i Branko                                           Kim & Andrew Lowings
        A female guitar prodigy, at fourteen Chantel was          Luke is a skilled composer and songwriter who      “I’ll never forget the first moment I saw Branko. I’d   Daughter and Father duo Kim and Andrew Lowings
        told by major labels that she had a “great voice, but     comes from a background of folk and traditional   travelled alone from Gloucestershire to the village      have been writing and collaborating together since
        girls don’t play guitar like that!” Wisely ignoring the   music. He has worked for two decades as an        of Gornja Grabovica in Serbia, on a mission to learn     2011. The pair have become well established on
        comments, she enrolled at the Leeds College of            instrumental musician on melodeon, piano          Roma-style accordion. A week or so later a friend        the British folk circuit and together form half of the
        Music and became the first student in the college’s       and guitar, straddling many genres with solo      took me to meet his cousin Branko, who he said           band Kim Lowings and The Greenwood.
        history, to achieve a 100% pass mark, with 18             performances at London Jazz Festival, with The    was one of the country’s best violinists… We formed      As a duo they are able to showcase their
        distinctions. Chantel left with a First Class Honours     London Philharmonic Orchestra and as a member     a band.” Faith.                                          songwriting skills and the intricacies of their
        degree in Popular Music and a coveted prize, the          of the Riverdance Band.                                                                                    acousticsound with a warm and captivating stage
        college’s musician of the year award.                                                                       ‘This is the real virtuosic hairs-standing-on-end        presence.
                                                                  Studio | £15 / £13                                Serbian Roma music, delivered through their own
        Main House | £14 / £16 on the door                                                                          particular love story’ ABC Australia                     Studio | £12 / £14 on the door

                                                                                                                    ‘Musically a delight’ The Guardian

                                                                                                                    ‘Moving & Virtuosic’ BBC Radio 3


                                                                                                                    Recent performances include: The Royal Festival
                                                                                                                    Hall; Guca; Australia National Folk Festival;
                                                                                                                    Glastonbury; Port Fairy Festival; ABC Sydney;
                                                                                                                    BBC Radio 3

                                                                                                                    Main House | £10 | Age 14+

                                                                                                Chantel McGregor                                          Faith i Branko                                 Kim and Andrew Lowings

        10                                                                                                          box office: 01527 577330 | |                                        @artrixarts              11
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
Music: Legends
        Friday 6 Sept, 8pm                                     Saturday 14 Sept, 7.30pm                               Saturday 28 Sept, 7.30pm                                     Wednesday 23 Oct, 8pm
        Miranda Sykes                                          Andy Fairweather Low                                   Ralph McTell                                                 Mike Peters’ The Alarm
        Building on the success of her Borrowed Places         Andy Fairweather Low came to prominence as the                                                                      Hurricane of Change 30th
        tour, Miranda Sykes is back with a completely new
        project: Behind The Wall. Where Borrowed Places
                                                               lead singer in Amen Corner. The 60s saw them
                                                               clock up hit after pop hit. Songs such as ‘Bend Me
                                                                                                                      One of the great storytellers, Ralph McTell, is known
                                                                                                                      for his virtuoso guitar style, but is primarily a prolific
                                                                                                                                                                                   Anniversary Acoustic
        opened a window into the past, explaining where        Shape Me’, ‘Hello Suzy’, ‘( If Paradise is ) Half As   and gifted songwriter. With a style that invites you         Tour
        she had been, physically & spiritually, Behind The     Nice’ are internationally remembered to this day.      into a unique world, he weaves a narrative that
        Wall is a roller coaster ride exploring where we are   But if you were paying close attention you might       is both significant and poignant. Ralph made                 The tour honours The Alarm’s late 1980’s trilogy
        going; Miranda, you, me, all of us.                    have picked up a clue in the magnificent ‘Gin          his debut in 1968 with the album ‘Eight Frames               of iconic album’s Eye Of The Hurricane, Electric
                                                               House’ to Andy’s future musical collaborations.        a Second’ and in 1974 the release of ‘Streets of             Folklore, and Change. Featuring intimate acoustic
        Studio | £14 / £16 on the door                                                                                London’ earned him an Ivor Novello Award.                    readings of some of the band’s most famous songs
                                                               Main House | £25                                       In 2002 he was presented with the prestigious                including the 1987 International Top-20 Hit Rain In
                                                                                                                      Lifetime Achievement Award at the BBC Radio 2                The Summertime, 1989 USA Number 1 Rock Song
                                                                                                                      Folk Awards.                                                 Sold Me Down The River and 1990 UK Top 40
                                                                                                                                                                                   hit A New South Wales, alongside a host of Alarm


                                                                                                                      Main House | £26                                             standards as captured on the 1988 live album
                                                                                                                                                                                   Electric Folklore.

                                             Miranda Sykes                                                                                                                         Main House | £20 | Age 16+

        Friday 20 Sept, 8pm
        The Strawbs
        50 years! The Strawbs started life as the Strawberry
        Hill Boys before emerging from the exciting British
        Folk Movement of the mid 60s alongside Fairport
        Convention, Pentangle, Al Stewart and Roy Harper.
        Following their first album, with Sandy Denny, they
        became the first British Band to be signed by the
        famous A&M Records label in America. Under the
        guidance of Herb Alpert & Gerry Moss, major chart
        success followed with seven consecutive albums
        in the Billboard charts, earning the band two Gold
        Albums along the way.

        Main House | £20

                                                                                                    The Strawbs                                                                                                         Ralph McTell

        12                                                                                                            box office: 01527 577330 | |                                          @artrixarts               13
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
Saturday 26 Oct, 7.30pm                                                                                         Saturday 7 Dec, 8pm                                     Sunday 8 Dec, 8pm
        Barbara Dickson                                                                                                 Quill                                                   Cara Dillon
        & Rab Noakes                                                                                                    Christmas Show 2019                                     Upon a Winter’s Night
        Barbara Dickson and Rab Noakes have been                                                                        Classic Midlands folk rock band Quill are back          Cara Dillon, possessed of one of the most
        friends since they were teenagers, singing and                                                                  with a great new show to start the festive season       celebrated folk voices to have come out of
        playing in venues around Scotland.                                                                              with a bang!                                            Ireland, will be touring her Christmas show “Upon
                                                                                                                                                                                A Winter’s Night” for a third year running this
        As separate acts they often found themselves                                                                    Featuring Christmas favourites, stylish covers,         December (2019). The overwhelming success
        performing alongside each other (and other musical                                                              original numbers and Quill standards in a fabulous      of previous tours cementing this magical and
        luminaries) creating a lifetime bond. Subsequently,                                                             night of music includ¬ing Quill’s unique take on        memorable festive experience as a firm tradition
        they have ‘occasionally’ performed live, sang on                                                                Fairytale of New York, Rocking Around The               for many years to come.
        each other’s records and remained friends for over                                                              Christmas Tre” and Happy Christmas ( War is Over)
        40 years. Both have diverse careers and have won                                                                – original new songs and quirky interpretations         Main House | £23.50
        awards and praise for their solo work in many fields.                                                           of Blackberry Way, Telephone Line, Changes and
                                                                                                                        Gold Dust Woman as well as long-standing Quill
        Main House | £26                                                                                                favourites Say It Ain’t So Joe, The Jig and Nine Mile
                                                                                      Barbara Dickson & Rab Noakes      Camp. Get your dancing shoes on!


                                                                                                                        Main House | £20

        Sunday 17 Nov, 7pm                                      Saturday 28 Nov, 8pm
        Raymond Froggatt                                        Graham Parker
        Born in Birmingham in 1941, Froggie, as he is           Regarded as one of the UK’s most distinguished
        known by his army of fans, started his working          and original songwriters, Graham Parker is perhaps
        days as a pipe lagger in Birmingham, night time         best known as lead singer of Graham & The Rumour
        would be spent singing in the pubs and secretly         who preceded the arrival of punk rock and new
        writing poetry in his spare time. Before long Froggie   wave. His career has spanned over 40 years and
        became signed to the top record companies of the        was recently reinvigorated when acclaimed US film
        time and was writing for Cliff Richard and the Dave     producer and director, Judd Apatow cast Parker
        Clark Five and others. Still today his songs are        in his hit film ‘This Is 40’, featuring a performance
        recorded by major artists and his concerts are sold     by GP & The Rumour that signalled the band to
        out across the country and abroad.                      reform to play a series of now legendary come
                                                                back concerts.
        Main House | £21
                                                                Main House | £24.50


        14                                                                                                              box office: 01527 577330 | |                                    @artrixarts           15
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
Music: Jukebox
        Friday 6 Sept, 7.45pm                                    Friday 27 Sept, 8pm                                    Friday 1 Nov, 8pm

        Country Chix                                             Counterfeit Sixties                                    Official Receivers
        with guest Chloe Mogg
                                                                 Britain’s No.1 tribute show the magic of the sixties   A fast-moving selection of classic 60s soul from
        The Country Chix is a modern, fun take on country        to life with tributes to more than twenty five bands   the eight piece band that is The Official Receivers
        music provided by three talented performers              of the era, encompassing all things sixties, from      One of the most consistent crowd pleasers in the
        who bring a lively, visual performance of Country        the clothes, to flashbacks from television history,    Midlands, The Official Receivers swing into action
        classics like ‘Jolene’, ‘Stand by your Man’ &            including: TV programmes, adverts and even clips       with their exciting, high energy show featuring
        transform songs such as ‘Sweet child of mine’ with       from the original bands. You can dress Carnaby         classics from the great days of Stax and Atlantic.
        a real Country flavour.                                  Street style if you fancy!                             Songs by Otis Redding, Sam & Dave, Booker T,
                                                                                                                        Edwin Starr and many more legendary performers
        Main House | £10                                         Main House | £19                                       are slickly packaged to present a fast-moving

        Saturday 12 Oct, 8pm                                     Saturday 19 Oct, 7.30pm                                Main House | £10


        Quadrophenia Night                                       Ronnie Scott’s All Stars
        A night of live music drawn from the film to celebrate   The Ronnie Scott’s Story:
        the 40th anniversary of the release of Franc
        Roddam’s cult classic movie Quadro¬phenia. Top
                                                                 60th Anniversary Concert
        tribute bands The Whoo and The Quik Beats will be        Direct from London’s world-famous jazz club and
        joined by a variety of guest musicians to perform        combining world class live jazz alongside rare
        hits from rock giants The Who and other iconic           archive photos and video footage, The Ronnie
        1960s tracks featured in the film in a reprise of this   Scott’s All Stars, take you on a guided, musical
        popular Artrix original show.                            tour of this music institution.

        Main House | £18 / £16                                   Main House | £25

                                                                                                                                         ONCE A MONTH
        The Ronnie Scott’s All Stars
                                                                                                                              15 Sept - Blinded by the Light
                                                                                                                              20 Oct - Downton Abbey
                                                                                                                              17 Nov - Judy
                                                                                                                              (No December date, back from 19 Jan 2020)
                                                                                                                                                                              All you
                                                                                                                              11am Film                                              need t
                                                                                                                              1-3pm Free live music in the foyer                is turn     o do
                                                                                                                                                                               AND R p.
                                                                                                                              12-4pm Street food & bar from Ascott’s

                                                                                                                              A feel good film, live music, amazing                   ELAX.
                                                                                                                              street food. And great company.

        16                                                                                                              box office: 01527 577330 | |                   @artrixarts   17
Sept-Dec 2019 BROMSGROVE - box office: 01527 577330 |
Diary of events
                                                                All information is accurate
                                                                                                          Comedy Theatre Music Film Family Workshops & More
                                                     at the time of printing. For full details
                                                      of forthcoming shows and films visit
Mon 2    7.30pm   Vita & Virginia                                NT Live: One Man, Two                      2pm      Vienna Festival Ballet:    Mon 28   7.30pm   The Report
                                            Thu 26   7pm                                         Sun 13
                                                                 Guvnors (Encore)                           5pm      Snow White
Thu 5    8pm      John Blek                                                                                                                                       Nick Sharratt’s
                                                                                                 Mon 14     7.30pm   Mrs Lowry and Son                   2pm
                                                     11am        Pain & Glory                                                                                     Drawalong
                                                                                                                                                Tue 29
         11am     The Current War
                                                                 Paul Foot:                                          Billy Connolly: The                 7pm      Starlight Theatre
                                            Fri 27   8pm
Fri 6    7.45pm   Country Chix                                   Image Conscious                 Tue 15     7.30pm   Sex Life of Bandages -
                                                                                                                                                         11am     Dan McGarry: Seeking
                                                     8pm         The Counterfeit Sixties                             Screening
         8pm      Miranda Sykes                                                                                                                          1.30pm   Isolde
                                                                                                 Wed 16     7.30pm   Faith i Branko                               Strange Case of Dr
Sat 7    11am     Lion King                          11am        Playmobil: The Movie                                                           Wed 30   7.30pm
                                                                                                                     NT Live:                                     Jekyll & Mr Hyde
Mon 9    7.30pm   The Current War           Sat 28   7.30pm      Ralph McTell
                                                                                                 Thu 17     7pm      A Midsummer Nights                           Sofie Hagen: The
                                                                 John-Luke Roberts:                                                                      8pm
Thu 12   7.30pm   NT Live: Fleabag                                                                                   Dream                                        Bumswing
                                                     8pm         After Me Comes The
Fri 13   11am     Photograph                                                                                11am     Downton Abbey                       12pm     NSPCC Lunch
                  Horrible Histories: The                                                                   7.30pm   Jenny Sturgeon             Thu 31   2pm      Downton Abbey
         11am                               Mon 30   7.30pm      Pain & Glory                    Fri 18
                  Movie – Rotten Romans                                                                              Griff Rhys Jones: All                        NBT: Dracula Live
Sat 14                                                                                                      8pm                                          7.15pm
                  Andy Fairweather Low &                                                                             Over The Place                               Screening
                  The Low Riders            October                                                         11am     Astro Kid
         11am     Blinded by The Light
Sun 15
                                            Thu 3    8pm        Luke Kempner
                                                                                                 Sat 19     7.30pm
                                                                                                                     Ronnie Scott’s All Stars   November
                  Easy Sunday: Live                                                                                  60th Anniversary
         1pm                                         11am       The Mustang
                  music                                                                                                                                  11am     The Goldfinch
                                                                Gordon Hendricks as                         8pm      Julie July Band            Fri 1
                                            Fri 4    7.30pm                                                                                              8pm      Official Recievers
Mon 16   7.30pm   Blinded by the Light                          Elvis                                       11am     Downton Abbey
                                                     8pm        Luke Daniels                     Sun 20                                                  11am     Family Matinee
                  The Carpenters                                                                                     Easy Sunday: Live
Wed 18   7.30pm                                                                                             1pm
                  Experience                Sat 5    11am       Charming                                             music                      Sat 2    7.30pm   G2: Definitive Genesis
                  Once Upon A Time In                           Gordon Hendricks as              Mon 21     7.30pm   Downton Abbey                                Kim Lowings & Andrew
         11am                                        7.30pm                                                                                              8pm
                  Hollywood                                     Elvis                                                                                             Lowings
Fri 20                                                                                           Tue 22     11am     Circus of Horrors
                  The Strawbs 50th                                                                                                              Mon 4    7.30pm   Film
         8pm                                         8pm        Duotone                                              Mike Peters presents
                  Anniversary Concert
                                            Mon 7    7.30pm     The Souvenir                     Wed 23     8pm      The Alarm: Hurricane Of    Tue 5    7.30pm   EOS: Leonardo
                  Dora and the Lost City
         11am                                                                                                        Change
                  of Gold                                       Daliso Chaponda: Blah                                                           Thu 7    7pm      NT Live: Hansard
                                            Wed 9    8pm                                                             Ellie Taylor: “Don’t Got
Sat 21   8pm      Chantel McGregor                              Blah Blacklist                   Thu 24     8pm                                                   Bromsgrove Concerts:
                                                                New Perspectives:                                                                        7.30pm   Soloists of the
         8pm      Barnstormers Comedy       Thu 10   7.30pm                                                 11am     Downton Abbey              Fri 8
                                                                Trade                                                                                             Orchestra of St John
Sun 22            Dear Zoo                           11am       Mrs Lowry and Son                Fri 25     7.30pm   Purple Zeppelin                     7.30pm   Poor Nameless Boy
                                            Fri 11              Bromsgrove Concerts:                                 Theo’s Comedy Skool
         11am                                        7.30pm                                                 7.30pm                                       11am     Family Matinee
                  Dear Zoo                                      Navarra String Quartet                               Show                       Sat 9
         3.30pm                                                                                                                                          8pm      Fleetwood Bac
Mon 23                                                                                                               Asterix: The Secret of
                  Once Upon A Time In                11am       Princess Emmy                               11am
         7.30pm                                                                                                      the Magic Potion           Mon 11   7.30pm   Film
                  Hollywood                 Sat 12   7.30pm     Matt Parker: Humble Pi
                                                                                                 Sat 26              Barbara Dickson & Rab                        Shakespere Schools
Wed 25   8pm      Forever Elton                                                                             7.30pm                              Tue 12   7pm
                                                     8pm        Quadrophenia Night                                   Noakes                                       Festival Performance
                                                                                                            8pm      Barnstormers

18                                                                                               box office: 01527 577330 | |                      @artrixarts            19
Thu 14   7pm

                  Paines Plough: I Wanna
                  Be Yours
                                           Wed 4

                                           Fri 6

                                                              NT Live:
                                                              Present Laughter
                                                                                        Music: Tributes
Fri 15   7.30pm   Shazia Mirza                      11am      Family Matinee
                                                                                        Wednesday 18 Sept, 7.30pm                                Friday 4 & Saturday 5 Oct, 7.30pm
                                           Sat 7              Quill Christmas
         8pm      Abba Forever                      8pm
                                                              Concert                   The Carpenters’                                          Gordon Hendricks as Elvis
         11am     Family Matinee
                                           Sun 8    8pm
                                                              Cara Dillon: Upon A       Experience                                               Gordon Hendricks was crowned 2017 Ultimate
Sat 16   7.30pm   George Egg                                  Winter’s Night                                                                     Elvis Tribute Artiste Champion on the Graceland
         8pm      Abba Forever             Mon 9    7.30pm    Film                      When we were young we’d listen to the radio,             Stage at Memphis, on the 40th Anniversary of Elvis’
                                                                                        waiting for our favourite songs. Now they’re back        passing. After winning the largest Elvis Festival in
         11am     Judy                     Tue 10   7.30pm    Film
                                                                                        again, like a long-lost friend, all the songs we loved   the World - in Collingwood, Canada - twice, he is
                  Easy Sunday:             Mon 25   7.30pm    Film                      so well. . .                                             the undisputed No 1 Elvis Tribute Artiste in the
Sun 17   1pm
                  Live music                                                                                                                     World.
                                           Wed 11   7.30pm    Film
         7pm      Raymond Froggatt                                                      The UK’s leading Carpenters show, featuring the
                                           Thu 12   7.30pm    Film                      stunning voice of Maggie Nestor and eight top-class      Main House | £24.50
Mon 18   7.30pm   Film                                                                  musicians, captures the sights and sounds of the
                                           Fri 13   7.30pm    Film
                  Alfie Moore: Fair Cop                                                 amazing talents of Richard and Karen Carpenter.
Thu 21   8pm                                        2pm       All & Sundry Panto:
                  Unleashed                Sat 14
                                                    7pm       Snow White                Main House | £20
         11am     Film

                                                    2pm       All & Sundry Panto:
                  Bromsgrove Concerts:     Sun 15
         7.30pm                                     7pm       Snow White
Fri 22            Mark Bebbington
                                                    11am      Film
                  Sajeela Kershi &
                                           Mon 16             All & Sundry Panto:
         7.30pm   Guests: Immigrant                 7pm
                                                              Snow White
                  Diaries                                                                                                                        Wednesday 25 Sept, 8pm
         1pm      Bromsgrove School
Sat 23
         6pm      Of Dance
                                           Tue 17   11.30am
                                                              Moon on a Stick: Little
                                                              Star Baby Show
                                                                                                                                                 Forever Elton
Sun 24
         1pm      Bromsgrove School
                                                                                                                                                 The Greatest Hits Tour
         6pm      Of Dance                          11am      Film
                                           Wed 18             All & Sundry Panto:                                                                Hot on the heels of Rocket Man, everyone has fallen
Mon 25   7.30pm   Film                              7pm
                                                              Snow White                                                                         back in love with the astonishing back catalogue of
                  The Simon & Garfunkel
Wed 27   8pm                                        11am      Film
                                                                                                                                                 Sir Elton John & Bernie Taupin.
                                           Thu 19             All & Sundry Panto:
Thu 28   8pm      Graham Parker                     7pm                                                                                          This brand new show features hits from the most
                                                              Snow White
         11am     Film                                                                                                                           enduringly successful singer/songwriters of their
Fri 29                                              11am      Film                                                                               generation.
         8pm      The ELO Experience       Fri 20             All & Sundry Panto:
                                                    7pm                                                                                          With sales exceeded only by Elvis and The Beatles,
         11am     Family Matinee                              Snow White
                                                    2pm       All & Sundry Panto:                                                                Elton John has been at the forefront of the pop
Sat 30   8pm      The ELO Experience       Sat 21
                                                    7pm       Snow White                                                                         - rock music business for 50 YEARS. Share this
         8pm      Barnstormers                                                                                                                   musical journey along the Yellow Brick Road.
                                                    2pm       All & Sundry Panto:
                                           Sun 22
                                                    7pm       Snow White
December                                                      Santa’s Christmas
                                                                                                                                                 Main House | £18 | Age 16+
                   Fizzog: The Greatest    Mon 21   1pm
Sun 1    7pm                                                  Countdown
                                                    10.30am   Santa’s Christmas
                                           Tue 24
Mon 2    7.30pm    Film                             1pm       Countdown

20                                                                                      box office: 01527 577330 | |                                       @artrixarts           21
Saturday 19 Oct, 8pm                                                                                        Saturday 9 Nov, 8pm                                   Friday 15 & Saturday 16 Nov, 8pm
                                                              Friday 25 Oct, 7.30pm
        Julie July Band                                       Purple Zeppelin                                       Fleetwood Bac                                         Abba Forever
        A heartfelt tribute to the great British Folk-Rock    They blow the roof off every time we have them, so    Fleetwood Bac are the world’s first and best          The unique Abba look and sound is replicated with
        singer-songwriter, Sandy Denny.                       we couldn’t wait to invite them back again!           Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band, endorsed by               an incredible attention to detail as the beautiful
                                                              Featured in the BBC TV documentary “The Joy of        Mick Fleetwood himself, the only Mac tribute          lyrics penned by Benny and Bjorn are sung in
        The Julie July Band has built a substantial           the Guitar Riff” (alongside Brian May, Tony Iommi     to authentically replicate the classic ‘Rumours’      wonderful harmony by all seven performers on
        reputation on reinterpretations of Denny’s            & Dave Grohl) Purple Zeppelin are proud to pay        line-up.                                              stage with two outstanding Abba girls completing
        music from dreamy acoustic melodies to driving        tribute to the two greatest Rock Bands of all time,                                                         the line-up, adding the essential glitz and glamour
        progressive folk-rock in her legacy of beautiful,     Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin!!!                       Over the last few years they have received rave       to a well-polished and gently humorous show.
        haunting original and traditional compositions.                                                             reviews from ‘The Stage’ newspaper, the U.K.s
                                                              Main House | £19                                      leading Fleetwood Mac fansites, the official Stevie   Dynamic non-stop choreography, stunning
        Studio | £15                                                                                                Nicks website; and from ecstatic audiences            visuals, top-class musicianship and an ALL-LIVE
                                                                                                                    wherever the band played, wowing audiences as         performance ensures that the ABBA Forever tribute
                                                                                                                    far afield as Dubai, St. Tropez, the Cayman Islands   show captivates audiences from the opening refrain
        Saturday 2 Nov, 7.30pm                                                                                      and Monte Carlo, and twice selling out the world-     to the final sing-along chorus of this two-hour

        Definitive Genesis                                                                                          famous Minack Theatre in Cornwall.                    spectacular.

        G2 Definitive Genesis are making their second                                                               Main House | £20                                      Main House | £23.50


        visit to Artrix. G2 pay tribute to a vintage period
        in Genesis’ history with songs from the four-man
        “Seconds Out” era, and earlier Gabriel years.                                                               Wednesday 27 Nov, 8pm                                 Friday 29 & Saturday 30 Nov, 8pm
        Hear classics such as Ripples, Entangled, Los
        Endos, Blood On The Rooftops and Afterglow,
                                                                                                                    The Simon and Garfunkel                               ELO Experience
        along with Gabriel era classics Firth Of Fifth,                                                             Story (50th Anniversary Tour)
        Cinema Show and Supper’s Ready.                                                                                                                                   The ELO Experience are the world’s foremost
                                                                                                                    Direct from a weeklong run in London’s West End       tribute to The Electric Light Orchestra. With a
        Main House | £19 / £17                                                                                      at the Vaudeville Theatre, a SOLD OUT Worldwide       sensational string section, a stunning light show
                                                                                                                    tour and standing ovations at every performance,      and large screen projection to further enhance the
                                                                                                                    The Simon & Garfunkel Story is back! Using huge       experience, why not come along and enjoy this
                                                                                                                    projection photos, original film footage and a full   incredible show which accurately reproduces the
                                                                                                                    live band performing all the hits including ‘Mrs      songs and sounds and takes you on a
                                                                                                                    Robinson’, ‘Cecilia’, ‘Homeward Bound’ and many       magical musical journey through time.
                                                                                                                    more.”Fantastic” - Elaine Paige, BBC Radio 2.
                                                                                                                    “Authentic and Exciting” - The Stage                  Main House | £25

                                                                                                                    Main House | £22.50

                                                                                                Purple Zeppelin                           The Simon and Garfunkel Story

        22                                                                                                          box office: 01527 577330 | |                                   @artrixarts           23
Music: Classical                                                   book direct from:
        Bromsgrove Concerts present:
        Wednesday 11 Oct, 7.30pm                                Friday 8 Nov, 7.30pm                                   Sunday 13 Oct, 2pm & 5pm
        Navarra String Quartet                                  Hyungi Lee                                             Vienna Festival Ballet
        The Navarra Quartet previously played for us in         Hyungi Lee was born in South Korea and came            Snow White
        March 2013 and January 2017. On their first visit       to the UK at the age of 12. She has studied at the
        they introduced us to Peteris Vasks 3rd Quartet,        Purcell School and the Royal College of Music and      Join Vienna Festival Ballet on a magical journey with   This spellbinding ballet promises to entertain and
        which received a very positive reception from our       she won the percussion category final in the 2012      their unmissable production of Snow White. World        dazzle the whole family.
        audience. So we are delighted that they are now         BBC Young Musicians Competition.                       class choreography propels this timeless fairytale
        bringing his 4th Quartet. The Janacek and Schubert                                                             and answers the question; who is the fairest one of     Main House | £20
        Quartets need no such introduction, having both         Hyungi will be playing a range of percussion           all? Based on the traditional Grimm brothers’ story,    Family of 4 each £16.50
        featured in our programmes several times.               instruments during her recital for us – full details   this ballet incorporates all the important elements     Over 60’s £19 / Under 16’s £15
                                                                will be announced later.                               – a beautiful girl, an enchanted mirror, a poisoned
        Main House                                                                                                     apple. Hip-hopping dwarves help Snow White find
                                                                Main House                                             her Prince Charming.

        Friday 22 Nov, 7.30pm
        Mark Bebbington
        Mark Bebbington has played for us on five previous
        occasions, most recently in 2017, and it is always a
        pleasure to welcome him back to Bromsgrove. He
        is a prolific recording artist with a particular, but
        by no means exclusive, emphasis on 20th century
        British composers. This time the focus is more on
        France and he will joined by two of the wind players
        from the Birmingham Philharmonic Orchestra for
        the Poulenc Trio.

        Main House

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    & More
                                           Mark Bebbington                                             Hyungi Lee                                                                                                    Snow White

        24                                                                                                             box office: 01527 577330 | |                                     @artrixarts          25
Family                                                                                                           Film : Family Matinees
                                                                                                                                              Saturday 7 Sept, 11am
         Sunday 22 Sept, 1.30pm & 3.30pm                         Tuesday 29 Oct, 2pm
         Monday 23 Sept, 11am & 2pm                                                                                                           The Lion King
                                                                 Nick Sharratt’s Right                                                        Be swept away to the plains of Africa with Jon Favreau’s glorious,
         Dear Zoo                                                Royal Drawalong                                                              photo realistically animated remake of The Lion King, featuring the
         Rod Campbell’s best-selling lift the flap book has                                                                                   voices of Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, Beyoncé and Chiwetel Ejiofor.
         delighted generations of young readers since it was     A family-friendly, fun filled draw-along for all ages.
         first published in 1982. This production will delight   Join acclaimed children’s writer and illustrator Nick                        Saturday 14 Sept, 11am
         all those who have read the book (both young and        Sharratt and draw along with him! He’ll be showing
         old). Join us to see what the zoo has sent!             you how to sketch favourite characters, sharing
                                                                                                                                              Horrible Histories: The Movie –
                                                                 ways of creating fantastic creatures, and giving                             Rotten Romans
         Main House | £14 / £50 family                           loads of top tips. And to celebrate his latest book                          A hilarious new film adaptation inspired by the irreverent, bestselling
                                                                 ‘Nice Work for the Cat and the King’ everything will                         book series.
                                                                 have a special ‘royal’ twist!
         Wednesday 30 Oct, 11am & 1.30pm                                                                                                      Saturday 21 Sept, 11am
         Seeking Isolde                                          Bring pencils, paper and something to lean on and
                                                                 expect plenty of chances to join in.                                         Dora & the Lost City of Gold
         Seeking Isolde is a new family show (with original                                                                                   Follow Dora the explorer out of the animation TV series and on to the
         songs) about rediscovering a mythical Arthurian         Running time 75 minutes, no interval.                                        cinema screen with this fantastic adventure film continuing her story.
         Kingdom. Think Horrible Histories meets the
         world’s geekiest Indiana Jones.                         Main House | £12 / £40 families of four

                                                                 Under 16s £10                                                                Saturday 28 Sept, 11am
         Main House | £5 under 15s
         £10 adults                                                                                                                           Playmobil: The Movie
                                                                 Monday 23 Dec, 1pm                                                           When her younger brother Charlie (Gabriel Bateman) unexpectedly

                                                                 Tuesday 24 Dec, 10.30am & 1pm                                                disappears into the magical, animated universe of Playmobil, Marla
         Tuesday 17 Dec, 10am, 11.30am                                                                                                        (Anya Taylor-Joy) must go on the quest of a lifetime to bring him home.
         & 1pm
                                                                 Santa’s Christmas
         Little Star                                             Countdown                                                                    Saturday 5 Oct, 11am

         A Star lit show for babies.                             Santa’s Christmas Countdown is a 45 minute,                                  Charming
                                                                 interactive family show, particularly suitable for                           Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama lend their voices to Charming,
         Meet Little Star as she swings from shooting stars,     2-7 year olds. Afterwards the adventure continues                            an irreverent animated comedy about a young Prince (Valderrama)
         slides down crescent moons and bounces on fluffy        as each child gets to meet Father Christmas and                              with an irresistible appeal and a kick-ass maiden (Lovato).
         clouds. Combining puppetry, music and captivating       receive a specially wrapped present from him –
         visuals, an intimate, relaxed setting makes this the    it’s the most Christmassy Christmas show ever,
         perfect first theatre experiences for babies aged       HO-HO-HO!
                                                                                                                                              Make Artrix matinees part of your family’s weekend!
                                                                                                                                              A family blockbuster on the big screen every single Saturday morning!
                                                                                                                                              Our tickets, drinks and snacks are priced to make regular cinema
                                                                 Main House | £11 / £40 families of four
                                                                                                                                              visits really affordable.
         Studio | £10 inclusive ticket for each                  £10 under 16s
         baby & adult; £8 for additional adult                   Price includes meet & greet plus a gift with                                 Adults £5 | Under 12s £3
         places (limited availability)                           each child’s ticket                                                          Family Ticket (2 adults +2 children) £14
                                                                                                                                              Check online or follow @FilmArtrix to see what’s coming soon!

         26                                                                                                               box office: 01527 577330 | |                      @artrixarts            27
Film                                                                                                                                Friday 20 & Monday 23 Sept
                                                                                                                                           Once Upon a time in Hollywood
                                                                                                                                           In 1969 Los Angeles, everything is changing; as TV star Rick Dalton
                                                                                                                                           (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his long time stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad
       As Bromsgrove’s only cinema, Artrix is the go-to screen for                                                                         Pitt) make their way around an industry they hardly recognise anymore.
       local film lovers. And our Sony 4k cinema projection system
       has picture quality that is second to none. If you haven’t                                                                          Fri 37 & Monday 30 Sept
       already tried the relaxed, friendly, Artrix cinema experience,                                                                      Pain & Glory (15)
                                                                                                                                           Antonio Banderas and Penélope Cruz star in Pedro Almodóvar’s
       we hope there’s something here to tempt you.                                                                                        magnificent 21st feature film.

       Film bookings are on a shorter lead time than the rest of our programme, so be sure to check our website
       for new additions to the cinema listings.                                                                                           Friday 4 Oct

       Tickets: £8 standard | £6 concessions
                                                                                                                                           The Mustang (15)
                                                                                                                                           Matthias Schoenaerts (Far from the Madding Crowd) gives a quietly
                                                                                                                                           devastating performance in Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre’s bold,
       Monday films are 7:30pm, Friday & Sunday films are 11am
                                                                                                                                           heartfelt directorial debut.

                                        Monday 2 Sept                                                                                      Monday 7 Oct
                                        Vita & Virginia (12A)                                                                              The Souvenir (15)
                                        Gemma Arterton, Elizabeth Debicki and Isabella Rossellini star in Chanya                           New from acclaimed British director Joanna Hogg (Unrelated,


                                        Button’s study of the passionate love affair between novelist Virginia Woolf                       Archipelago) comes this exquisite, award-winning semi-
                                        (Debicki) and aristocratic poet and novelist Vita Sackville-West (Arterton).                       autobiographical drama.

                                        Friday 6 & Monday 9 Sept                                                                           Friday 18, Sunday 20, Monday 21 & Friday 25 Oct

                                        The Current War                                                                                    Downton Abbey
                                        Benedict Cumberbatch and Michael Shannon star in this epic                                         Downton Abbey hits the big screen this autumn, with all the original
                                        historical drama about the battle to light the world.                                              cast returning – including Michelle Dockery, Laura Carmichael, Joanne
                                                                                                                                           Froggatt, Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern and Maggie Smith.

                                        Friday 13 Sept
                                        The Photograph (15)
                                        From Ritesh Batra, director of 2013’s acclaimed The Lunchbox,
                                        comes this affecting, bittersweet coming-of-age romance.                                           New titles are added to our programme
                                                                                                                                           as films are released.
                                                                                                                                           Don’t miss out!
                                        Sunday 15 & Monday 16 Sept
                                                                                                                                           Check online or follow @FilmArtrix
                                        Blinded by the Light (12A)                                                                         for all the latest cinema news
                                        New from Gurinder Chadha (Bend It Like Beckham) comes this
                                        exuberant comedy drama, inspired by journalist Sarfraz Manzoor’s
                                        youthful obsession with Bruce Springsteen.

       28                                                                                                              box office: 01527 577330 | |                     @artrixarts           29
Live Screenings
       The best seats in the house at a fraction of the price. Live
                                                                                                                       Thursday 31 Oct, 7.15pm                              Tuesday 5 Nov, 7.30pm
       streams of some of the best drama, dance and exhibitions in
       the world – with scene-setting introductions from performers                                                    NBT: Dracula                                         Exhibition on Screen:
       and directors.                                                                                                  Bram Stoker’s legendary vampire lives on in this     Leonardo
                                                                                                                       extraordinary production from Northern Ballet,
                                                                                                                       played out through a unique blend of sensuous        London’s National Gallery assembled the largest
       Thursday 12 Sept, 7.30pm                                 Thursday 26 Sept, 7pm                                  dancing, gripping theatre and Gothic sets.​​         ever collection of Leonardo’s surviving paintings

       NT Live: Fleabag                                         NT Live: One Man Two                                   Broadcast LIVE to cinemas for Halloween​, Dracula
                                                                                                                       is ballet with a dramatic bite that will leave you
                                                                                                                                                                            for a unique exhibition ‘Leonardo da Vinci: Painter
                                                                                                                                                                            at the Court of Milan.’
       Written and performed by Phoebe Waller-Bridge            Guv’nors                                               thirsty for more. ​                                  A fascinating exploration of Leonardo’s great
                                                                                                                                                                            works. Art historian and broadcaster Tim Marlow
       See the hilarious, award-winning, one-woman              Featuring a Tony Award-winning performance from        Main House | £15 / £13                               offers his insight, interwoven with an insightful
       show that inspired the BBC’s hit TV series Fleabag,      host of the The Late Late Show, James Corden, the                                                           biography filmed at the locations of Leonardo’s life.
       broadcast live from London’s West End.                   hilarious West End and Broadway hit One Man,
                                                                Two Guvnors returns to cinemas to mark National                                                             Main House | £15 / £13
       Main House | £15 / £13                                   Theatre Live’s 10th birthday.

                                                                Main House | £15 / £13                                 Thursday 7 Nov, 7pm                                  Wednesday 4 Dec 7pm
                                                                                                                       NT Live: Hansard                                     NT Live: Present Laughter


       Tuesday 15 Oct, 7.30pm                                   Thursday 17 Oct, 7pm                                   See two-time Olivier Award winners, Lindsay          Andrew Scott (BBC’s Sherlock, Fleabag) stars in

       Billy Connolly                                           NT Live: A Midsummer                                   Duncan (Birdman, About Time) and Alex Jennings
                                                                                                                       (The Lady in the Van, The Queen), in this brand-
                                                                                                                                                                            Noël Coward’s provocative, giddy and surprisingly
                                                                                                                                                                            modern reflection on fame, desire and loneliness.
       The Sex Life of Bandages                                 Night’s Dream                                          new play by Simon Wood, broadcast live from the
                                                                                                                       National Theatre in London.                          Captured live from The Old Vic in London.
       The legendary Billy Connolly is coming to cinemas        A feuding fairy King and Queen of the forest cross
       with this brilliant show recorded in 2015 during         paths with four runaway lovers and a troupe of         Main House | £15 / £13                               Main House | £15 / £13
       his final stand-up tour. A riotous journey filled with   actors trying to rehearse a play. As their dispute
       outrageous tales and blistering observations of          grows, the magical royal couple meddle with mortal
       everyday absurdities. Connolly will also muse upon       lives leading to love triangles, mistaken identities
       his career, life and legacy in a deeply personal         and transformations… with hilarious, but dark
       interview filmed exclusively for cinema audiences.       consequences.

       Main House | £15 | Age 18+                               Main House | £15 / £13

                                              Billy Connolly                                             NT Live         NBT:Dracula

       30                                                                                                              box office: 01527 577330 | |                                   @artrixarts            31
            We’re excited to welcome back our popular workshops and                                                        17 Sept to 3 Dec, 7.10pm–8.10pm [No class 22 & 29 Oct]
            introduce some brand-new opportunities to inspire you.                                                         Adult Intermediate Ballet
            Creativity is great for your health and can be discovered by                                                   A fun and friendly class for those who have some previous experience of ballet.

            anyone at any age with the right guidance and environment –                                                    £60 per term

            so we’ve brought these things together at Artrix.
                                                                                                                           17 Sept to 3 Dec, 8.20pm–9.20pm [No class 22 & 29 Oct]

                                                                                                                           Adult Beginners Ballet
                                                                                                                           An excellent introduction to ballet for those who have never tried it before, or who feel their skills
            16 Sept to 2 Dec, 1pm–3pm [No class 21 & 28 Oct]                                                               may need refreshing!
                                                                                                                           £60 per term
            New! Calligraphy and brushstrokes
            Learn how to write beautifully in the style of modern calligraphy and unlock your creativity to develop
            your own personal script. It is a fantastic skill to learn and a relaxing way to spend your time.              Wednesdays
            You will be shown how to use dip pen and ink and provided with your own starter kit.
            £110 per term                                                                                                  18 Sept to 11 Dec,11.45pm–12.45pm [No class 30 Oct]
            Tuesdays                                                                                                       A system of exercises that encourages correct alignment and strengthens muscles with balance
                                                                                                                           and attention to the breath. Led by Ruth Jacombs.
            17 Sept to 10 Dec,10am–12pm                                                                                    £6 per week
            [No class 29 Oct]
            Drawing                                                                                                        18 Oct to 23 Oct, 1.15pm–2.15pm
            Use a range of tools and media to look at drawing
            ideas and explore the different purposes of                                                                    Dancefit
            drawing. Led by Madeline Goold.                                                                                If you’re looking for something to help keep you young and flexible this dance class will certainly
            £10 per week                                                                                                   help. With a combination of low impact aerobics and dance sequences to popular music old and new,


                                                                                                                           you will learn simple foot patterns that will help optimise brain function, improve muscle memory and
                                                                                                                           muscle mass as well as help stave off weight gain. You’ll have a lot of fun meeting new people and
            17 Sept to 10 Dec, 10.15am–11.15am,                    17 Sept to 10 Dec, 1pm–2pm                              learning new moves each week. Who knew keeping fit was so much fun!! Led by Ruth Jacombs.
            11.30am–12.30pm [No class 29 Oct]                      [No class 29 Oct]                                       £6 per week
            Chance 2 Dance                                         Gentle Chance 2 Dance
            An enjoyable exercise-based class that increases       Aimed at predominantly at the 65+ age bracket, this     18 Sept to 4 Dec, 7pm–8.30pm [No class 23 & 30 Oct]
            flexibility and strength and improves balance.         class is mostly seated and is for those looking for a
            Led by Marie Oldaker.                                  more relaxed and expressive approach to dancing.        Belly Dancing
            £6/£5.50 over 60s per week                             £6/£5.50 over 60s per week                              Learning moves that will build into a beautiful choreography; whether you are a complete beginner or
                                                                                                                           an improver you’ll love what your body will achieve. For all abilities. Led by Tracy Griffiths.
                                                                                                                           £65 per term

            32                                                                                                             box office: 01527 577330 | |                                      @artrixarts           33
Artrix Workshops                                                                                         Thursdays

                                                                                                                     19 Sept to 5 Dec [No session 31 Oct & 14 Nov]
                                                                                                                     Artrix Songstars
            Mondays                                                                                                  Join our sparkling singing sensations to learn vocal techniques, sing some great pop songs, show and
                                                                                                                     film tunes and prepare for fun performances! Led by Estelle Scarth.
            16 Sept to 2 Dec, 7pm–8.30pm
            [No class 21 & 28 Oct]                                                                                   Little Songstars                   Songstars Junior                    Songstars Adult
                                                                                                                     Showchoir, 6pm                     Showchoir, 7pm                      Showchoir, 8pm
            New! Artrix Studio Collective                                                                            Ages 5–8 years                     Ages 8–16 years                     Ages 16 years+
            The Studio Collective is an opportunity for young                                                        £45 per term                       £45 per term                        £65 per term
            people aged 14–19 to collaborate, discuss and
            develop theatre techniques, projects and ideas,
            leading to a performance in the Artrix Studio at
            the end of each term. Led by our associate artist,
            Naomi Coleman - whose recent work includes
                                                                                                                     26 Oct, 10am–4pm & 2 Nov, 10am-12.30pm (Follow up session)
            directing Oleanna in the Studio - ASC will include
            masterclasses from other specialists each term.                                                          Public Speaking
            Seniors 14–19 years | £80 per term                                                                       The ability to speak well in public is a major social and professional asset. This workshop will help you
                                                                                                                     to speak effectively and with confidence, whatever the situation. Led by Madeline Gould.
                                                                                                                     £75 per course [Limited to 6 people]

            17 Sep to 3 Dec, 5.30pm–7pm [No class 21 & 28 Oct]                                                       17 Sep to 3 Dec, 2pm–4.30pm [No class 12 Oct & 23 Nov]
            Artrix Youth Theatre (Juniors)                                                                           Artrix Youth Theatre (Seniors)
            Making theatre, building confidence and skills, meeting new friends and having fun. Led by Mel Dykes.    Focus is on performance workshops, improvisation, devising, making and writing, as well as acting
                                                                                                                     techniques. Led by Mel Dykes.
            Juniors 6–9 years | £80 per term
                                                                                                                     Juniors 10–16 years | £120 per term


            18 Sept to 11 Dec, 10am–1.30pm [No class 30 Oct]                                                         Other Workshops
            Silver Singers


                                                                                                                     Mondays            9 Sept to 9 Dec, 9am–3pm [No class 28 Oct]
            A fun singing group for the over 55s. Led by Estelle Scarth.                                                                Rhythm Time
            £6.50 per week                                                                                                              See Rhythm Time website for details – Various classes

            18 Sept to 4 Dec, 5pm–6.30pm [No session 23 & 30 Oct]                                                    Fridays            13 Sept to18 Oct & 8 Nov to 13 Dec, 10.30am–11.30pm
            New! Stressbox                                                                                                              [Taster session 25 Oct 10.30am–11.30pm]
            Stressbox is a new wellness workshop to alleviate stress with music, movement and meditation for                            Tai Chi (6 week course)
            young people coping with busy lives. Creator Liam Joe choreographs music, boxing and meditation                             All sessions booked directly with LCTKD –
            whist teaching you how to deal and cope with stress. Stressbox will leave you feeling energetic and as
            some have said before “on another planet”. It will certainly have you counting down the days to your     Saturdays          7 Sept to 7 Dect, 10am–1pm
            next session, that’s for sure! Led by Liam Joe Blackwood.                                                                   Theatretrain Bromsgrove
            Juniors Ages 7–9 years | £80 per term                                                                                       Booked Directly with Theatretrain - for details

            34                                                                                                       box office: 01527 577330 | |                                   @artrixarts            35
Community Hires                                                                                             Exhibitions
         Events in this section are presented by external companies                                                  Monday 2 Sept to Monday 30 Sept                            Tuesday 1 Oct to Saturday 3 Nov
         or organisations, including amateur and semi-professional                                                   A collaborative exhibition An Exhibition by
         performers.                                                                                                 by Lickey Hills Art Society Graham Wilson
                                                                                                                     LHAS is a friendly local group that has been               Graham has always drawn and painted,and since
         Saturday 14 Dec to Sunday 22 Dec                         Thursday 31 Oct                                    enjoying art and encouraging artists for 36 years.         taking early retirement 20 years ago he has devoted

         Snow White Panto                                         NSPCC Charity Lunch &                              Its members range from professional artists to
                                                                                                                     talented amateurs, who work in many different
                                                                                                                                                                                his time to developing his unique style in acrylic,
                                                                                                                                                                                watercolour and pen and ink. The subjects vary
         A traditional family Pantomime with, fun, laughter       Downton Abbey screening                            styles and mediums. This exhibition showcases              from landscape, seascapes, semi abstract and
         and plenty of audience participation.                                                                       the considerable talent that is in the group with          cartoons that will bring a smile. Over the years he
         Princess Snow White is ordered from her home by          Come along early before the screening of Downton   approx. 120 paintings by over 20 local artists being       has illustrated magazines, books, calendars and
         her beautiful but jealous and wicked stepmother,         Abbey to enjoy a light lunch prepared and served   exhibited. If you are looking to buy a piece of art        greeting cards. All in all this is an exhibition which
         who has ordered her death. Thankfully Hans,              from 12.30pm by Bromsgrove NSPCC                   (or even if you aren’t) this is the exhibition to visit.   has something to offer to everyone.
         the kindly woodcutter could not go through with
         the Queen’s dastardly plan but knowing that he           Film starts at 2pm
         couldn’t take Snow White back home he leaves her
         alone in the forest. Luckily she is taken in by seven    Tickets: Lunch £7 / Film: £6 / £8                  Tuesday 5 Nov – Sunday 5 Jan 2020
         kindly dwarfs who live in the forest.
                                                                                                                     An Exhibition by Kathleen Hire Us                                                                                        Watson & Lynne Sawyer
                                                                                                                                                                                With a unique venue combined with passionate and
         Tickets from £14.50                                                                                         Kathleen Watson and Lynne Sawyer return for                knowledgeable staff, you’ll have a great experience
                                                                                                                     another exhibition of current work. Both artists           booking your event with us.
                                                                                                                     have exhibited together for many years, since
                                                                                                                     meeting at University. They are regularly to be            Find out more about our spaces and our flexible
         Coming Soon!                                                                                                found out in the field sketching, and both enjoy           packages to suit your needs.
                                                                                                                     pushing the boundaries of art with alternative and
         American Troubadour                                                                                         experimental materials to produce both figurative
         Songs and Stories                                                                                           and abstract work in a wide range of media. With
                                                                                                                     this exhibition they continue to explore and be
         Performed by Alistair Sherwood (Americana)                                                                  inspired by the natural world in a celebration of
         Saturday 11th January 8pm                                                                                   texture and colour.
         Alistair Sherwood’s new album pays tribute to
         the inspiring lyrics and melodies of The American
         Troubadour’s 1968 - 1978.
                                                                   “An engaging, captivating and
         Featuring songs by artists as prolific and influential     humorous performance”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         & More
& More

         as James Taylor, Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel,
                                                                          “I could hear every word sung
         Tom Paxton,Leonard Cohen, Johnny Cash,Willie
         Nelson, Kris Kristofferson and John Denver.
                                                                    “Everybody said they really
         Tickets: £15                                               enjoyed the evening”

         36                                                                                                          box office: 01527 577330 | |                                          @artrixarts            37
We’re listening…                                                                                     Booking Your Tickets
                                                                                                     In person                                             Seating
The Artrix Team work hard to make our community proud.                                               Our box office is open Monday - Friday 9.30am -       Unless otherwise noted, events are fully seated.
We really appreciate receiving your comments and use these                                           2pm and 6pm - 8.30pm; Saturdays 10am - 2pm and
                                                                                                     6.30pm - 8.30pm and for one hour prior to ticketed    Refunds
to help us improve. We know we’re not perfect, but it’s nice                                         events on Sundays. Bank Holiday hours may vary.       Tickets cannot be refunded unless the event is
to feel valued!                                                                                                                                            cancelled.
                                                                                                     If you would like your tickets mailed to you, there   Mailing List
                                                                                                     is a £2 postage charge. There is a £2 booking fee     You can join our mailing list by completing the form
                                                                                                     on all transactions of more than £8 made by phone     on the Artrix website.
                                                                                                     or online.
                                        ‘Great local Cinema, just remember use                                                                             Artrix reserves the right to refuse admission and,
‘Lovely friendly staff and              it or lose it!’ Jeanette Price - facebook                    Concessions                                           if unavoidable, make alterations to the programme
excellent productions                                                                                Concessionary ticket prices (where available) vary    without notice.
right in the heart of                                                                                from show to show. Please ask at time of booking.
Bromsgrove – what more
could you ask?’
Fran Westrop - facebook

                                  ‘We had a fabulous time as              ‘The staff couldn’t have
                                  always working with you                 been more helpful and
                                  & your beautiful theatre.’              the sound for my show
                                  Elizabeth Crosswell                     was perfect. Wishing
                                  (Dancefest) - email                     you all the best for the
                                                                          shows ahead’ Brooks
                                                                          Williams (Musician) -
‘We’re so lucky to have you.
I have met some of my closest friends
at the Artrix since starting dance
classes over 10 years ago. Thank you
Team Artrix’
Lynne Wilton - facebook

                              ‘Wonderful afternoon in
                              the sunshine, ice cold             ‘I love the Artrix. We are so
                              drinks, great music’               lucky to have it in Bromsgrove’
                              (Easy Sunday);                     Rebecca A Stevens - facebook
                              Sue Parkes - facebook

Thank You!
                                                                                                                                  First floor              Balcony & second floor          Wheelchair
                                                                                                              Stalls              side galleries           side galleries                  position

38                                                                                                   box office: 01527 577330 | |                                    @artrixarts           39
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