Senior Mobility Guide - Staying Connected in San Mateo County June 2021

Page created by Brad Parks
Senior Mobility Guide - Staying Connected in San Mateo County June 2021
Senior Mobility Guide
Staying Connected in San Mateo County
               June 2021
Senior Mobility Guide - Staying Connected in San Mateo County June 2021
Table of Contents                                                                                Introduction
                                                                                                                      This guide provides information about a wide
                    Introduction ........................................................1                            range of programs and services that can help
                                                                                                                      you stay mobile, active and connected to your
                    Transit Service Information...................................3                                   community. These programs include helping you
                    Mobility Ambassadors.........................................7                                    remain a safe driver and specialized assistance
                                                                                                                      getting out into the community. Regardless of
                    ADA Paratransit...................................................8                               your situation, there are services available that
                                                                                                                      can help you. Here are some common situations
                    Information and Assistance..................................9
                                                                                                                      and information you may find helpful.
                    Local Shuttles....................................................10
                    Senior Center Transportation Services................14                  You drive yourself and plan to keep driving as long as you safely can.
                                                                                              • A driver safety course can help keep your skills sharp
                    Resources at a Glance........................................16             and make sure you know how to adjust for changes as
                                                                                                you get older.                                                    Page 36
                    Community Transportation Services...................24
                                                                                              • Many publications and online resources can help you spot
                    Private Transportation Services......................... 33                 possible difficulties before they become serious problems.        Page 37

                    Local Driver Safety Training............................... 36           You drive yourself but don’t feel as confident as you used to.
                                                                                             • A driver safety course can help you learn how to adjust
                    Other Driver Safety Resources............................37                your driving and deal with issues related to vision,
                                                                                               flexibility, reaction time and medication.                   Page 36
                    Walking and Fitness.......................................... 40
                                                                                             • Adjustments to your car may help you drive with more
                    Other Information Resources..............................41                confidence.                                                  Page 38
                    Quick Phone List......................... Inside back cover              • Public transportation may be an option for you. If you
                                                                                               haven’t ridden a bus for a long time, you might be surprised
                                                                                               by how much they’ve changed.                                  Page 3
                    The Senior Mobility Guide can also be accessed                           • A SamTrans Mobility Ambassador can help you learn about
                    at:                                                 transportation options.                                       Page 7

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Senior Mobility Guide - Staying Connected in San Mateo County June 2021
You’ve cut back on your driving and are looking for other ways to get around.
• Depending on your physical abilities, public transportation                        Transit Service Information
  may be an option for some of your needs. Buses now have
  a lot of features that make them easier to use.                       Page 3   The San Mateo County Transit District
• If using the bus is too hard for you, you might be eligible for                manages a range of public transit services,
  services that pick you up at home and take you where you                       including SamTrans bus service, paratransit
  want to go.                                                           Page 8   service for individuals who cannot use
You ride public transportation but you’re finding it more difficult as you get   fixed-route transit, and Caltrain rail service.
older, for example, if you need to carry anything.
• Many communities have small buses that are designed                            SamTrans
  for short trips to go shopping, to the library and to medical                  SamTrans provides fixed-route bus service throughout San Mateo County
  appointments.                                                       Page 10
                                                                                 and into parts of San Francisco and Palo Alto. Seniors and people with
You are concerned about a friend or family member who probably shouldn’t         disabilities with approved ID can save money by paying the Eligible
be driving anymore.                                                              Discount fare and enjoy priority seating at the front of the bus whenever
• Several publications provide tips about how to talk to                         available.
  friends and family about driving.                                   Page 38    SamTrans buses have many amenities for those with physical challenges.
• Get the latest information about Department of Motor                           All SamTrans buses can “kneel” to lower the bus so the first step is
  Vehicles policies on testing, reporting and license renewal.        Page 38    easier to reach, and also have ramps for those with mobility devices
You can’t drive, or prefer not to, and transit routes just don’t go where you    or who have difficulty climbing steps. Each bus has grab rails and two
need to go                                                                       wheelchair spaces — the operator will secure the device in place, and
• You may be able to get a ride on services operated by                          offer a lap and shoulder belt for added safety. SamTrans buses make
  community organizations and some cities.                            Page 24    amplified announcements of major transfer points, intersections and
Your condition doesn’t let you drive or use public transportation.               destinations. An electronic message board inside the bus displays the
• You may be eligible for paratransit service that picks you up                  same information. External loudspeakers announce the route number
  at home and takes you where you want to go.                           Page 8   and destination of the bus at all bus stops.
You need help from another person in order to go anywhere.                       Free travel training is available for people with disabilities who want to
                                                                                 learn to ride SamTrans buses or Caltrain. For more information about
• Services operated by community organizations and some
  cities may be able to help you.                                     Page 24    travel training, call 650-508-6202.
                                                                                 For more information about SamTrans service, call 1-800-660-4287
                                                                                 (TTY 650-508-6448) or visit Redi-Wheels

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Senior Mobility Guide - Staying Connected in San Mateo County June 2021
paratransit is available for people whose disabilities or health conditions   BART (San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit)
prevent them from using the bus. See page 8 for more information.             BART (San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit) BART is a regional rail
                                                                              service with six stations in northern San Mateo County (Daly City, Colma,
Caltrain                                                                      South San Francisco, San Bruno, San Francisco Airport and Millbrae).
Caltrain operates rail service on the Peninsula between San Jose              The entire BART system consists of five lines that serve all BART stations
and San Francisco, with commute-hour service to Gilroy. Caltrain has          in San Mateo, San Francisco, Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
11 full time stations in San Mateo County, with an additional 2 providing     With the recently added Milpitas and Berryessa stations, Santa Clara
weekend-only service. Caltrain connects with BART at the Millbrae Transit     County also has service. BART has many features to make it easy for
Center. Seniors and people with disabilities with appropriate ID may          seniors and persons with disabilities to use it. There is disabled parking
save by paying the Eligible Discount fare. All fares must be paid prior to    at all stations with parking lots. All BART stations have escalators and
boarding, either by tagging on (and then tagging off at the destination)      elevators to the platforms. From the platform, there is level boarding to
with a Clipper card at the Clipper reader, by purchasing a paper ticket       the trains. All BART cars have space for wheelchairs and priority seats
from the ticket machines on the station platforms, or through the online      for seniors and people with disabilities. Station Agents are available at
mobile app.                                                                   all times in each station to help seniors and persons with disabilities.
The older “Gallery” style trains have a wheelchair accessible car that can    For more information on BART service or ticket vendors call
accommodate up to three wheelchairs. The newer Bombardier trains can          650-992-2278 (TTY 510-839-2220) or visit
accommodate up to 5 wheelchairs, one in each car, space permitting.
Boarding assistance is available from conductors, including the use of        San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (Muni)
a lift or bridge plate for wheelchair users and those who have difficulty     Muni provides public transportation in San Francisco and connects
with stairs. Caltrain stations that are not currently wheelchair accessible   with SamTrans, Caltrain and BART. Muni buses are fully accessible on all
are 22nd Street, South San Francisco, Broadway, Atherton, Stanford and        lines. Muni Metro Light Rail services are accessible at all stations and at
College Park. The other 26 stations are fully accessible.                     key stops on the surface portion of the Muni Metro Light Rail.
All Caltrain stations provide free parking for passengers with a Disabled     For a brochure or more information on Muni’s Accessible Services,
placard.                                                                      please call the Muni Accessible Services Program at 415-701-4485
Senior Clipper cards are available by mail (see or                (TTY 415-701-4730) or visit for details) or at Bay Area transit agencies.             accessibility/access-muni-buses.
Regional Transit Connection Clipper cards for people with disabilities        For more information on Muni service call 415-701-2311
are available at Bay Area transit agencies. For more information on           (TTY 415-701-2323) or visit
Caltrain service, call 1-800-660-4287 (TTY 650-508-6448), or visit

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Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)
VTA provides public transit in Santa Clara County and connects with
                                                                              Mobility Ambassadors
SamTrans in Palo Alto. All buses are equipped with lifts or ramps to
make boarding easier for persons who use mobility devices or for          Mobility Ambassadors are volunteers who help
anyone who may have difficulty negotiating steps. VTA requires that       older adults and people with disabilities become
all mobility devices be secured on VTA buses. VTA’s light rail stations   familiar with their transportation options.
provide level boarding — meaning that there are no steps required to      An Ambassador can help you plan a trip using
get on board — or ramps for boarding assistance.                          public transit, conduct group and one-on-one
                                                                          rider training, and teach you about alternatives
For more information on VTA service, call 408-321-2300                    to driving, such as community shuttles. They
(TTY 408-321-2330) or visit                                  also give educational presentations, help you
                                                                          find a driver safety class and organize group
                                                                          trips on public transit to interesting destinations. You can set up an
                                                                          appointment with an Ambassador by calling 650-508-6362.
  Discounts on Public Transit
  Seniors (age 65 and older) are eligible for discounted fares            You can meet your assigned Ambassador at a senior center, a community
  on SamTrans, Caltrain, and all other Bay Area public transit            center, or at a public library near your home. If you live in a building
  systems if they possess a valid photo ID, or a Medicare Card, or a      that has a community or conference room, you can meet with your
  Department of Motor Vehicles Disabled Placard Identification Card.      Ambassador there. The volunteer Ambassadors, many of whom are older
  The Regional Transit Connection (RTC) is available for people           adults themselves, are carefully screened, comprehensively trained, and
  with disabilities. Seniors can apply for a Senior Clipper Card at       are eager to show others how to enjoy riding public transit.
  SamTrans Headquarters or through the mail. The card is free and         To learn more about the Mobility Ambassador Program, or to volunteer to
  does not expire. For more information or to request an application,     be an Ambassador, contact the Program Coordinator, Senior and Veteran
  call SamTrans at 1-800-660-4287 (TTY 650-508-6448) or visit             Mobility at 650-508-6362 or email us at

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Veterans Mobility Corps                                                       buses, vans and sedans serve most of the county and will come to your
The Veterans Mobility Corps is a unique Vet-to-Vet program providing          home and take you to your destination. The vehicles can accommodate
free assistance to all military veterans who cannot (or choose not to)        wheelchairs. Trips can be reserved up to seven days in advance and as
drive due to physical, emotional or mental disabilities. Veteran Volunteers   late as the day before your trip.
(who are military veterans themselves) assist fellow veterans to maintain     For more information on ADA paratransit service in San Mateo
mobility and independence by training them to ride public transit and         County, call Redi-Wheels/RediCoast at 650-508-6241 or visit
access other alternatives to driving, such as community shuttles. They Accessibility/Paratransit.html.
are carefully screened and trained to work with veterans of any age,
and with a variety of disabilities.
In addition to conducting one-to-one and group rider training, Veteran            Information and Assistance
Volunteers are also available to give educational presentations and
organize group trips on transit to popular destinations.                      The following organizations provide staff who can consult, advise and
                                                                              assist individuals on a wide range of issues including transportation
If you would like to learn more about the Veterans Mobility Corps, to
                                                                              services and programs available in various parts of San Mateo County:
schedule an appointment with a Veteran Volunteer, or to volunteer,
contact the Mobility Coordinator at 650-508-6362 or visit
Vet2Vet@samtrans.                                                             Healthy Aging Response Team (HART) (north County):
                                                                              Weekdays, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
    ADA Paratransit                                                 
If you are unable to use the SamTrans regular bus service some or
all of the time due to a disability, you may be eligible for Americans        Self Help for the Elderly (mid County):  650-342-0822
with Disabilities Act (ADA) paratransit service. There are no age or          Peninsula Family Service (south County): 650-403-4300
income requirements. If you think you might be eligible, please call          Senior Coastsiders (coastal County):     650-726-9056
650-366-4856 to apply. Before you can use ADA paratransit, SamTrans                                          
will need to evaluate your eligibility. This process may take up to 21 days
from the date that you complete the application process.
SamTrans operates the paratransit service called Redi-Wheels on the
bayside of the county and RediCoast on the Coastside. Paratransit

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Menlo Park Cross Town Shuttle
     Local Shuttles                                                        Service Area:           Menlo Park
Local shuttles are typically vans or shuttle                               Hours:                  Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
buses that serve small areas within cities and                             Fare:                   Free
communities weekdays during the midday,
with some exceptions.                                                      Eligibility:            Open to all, no restrictions
                                                                           Accessibility:          The vehicles are wheelchair-accessible.
Bayshore/Brisbane Senior Shuttle                                           For More Information:   Menlo Park Transportation Division
Service Area:            Brisbane/Bayshore                                                         650-330-6770
                         Neighborhood of                                                 
                         Daly City                                         The Menlo Park Cross Town Shuttle serves the Menlo Park Senior
Hours:                   Monday-Friday, midday hours                       Center, Sequoia Belle Haven, Veteran’s Administration Medical Center,
                                                                           Menlo Park Library, Crane Place, Menlo Park Caltrain Station, Little
Fare:                    Free                                              House, Partridge/Kennedy, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Stanford
Eligibility:             Open to all, no restrictions                      Shopping Center, Stanford Medical Center, Menlo Commons, and Sharon
Accessibility:           All vehicles are wheelchair accessible            Heights. The shuttle is a 20-passenger bus with two spaces available for
                                                                           wheelchairs. The shuttle stops at all marked shuttle stops and SamTrans
For More Information:    1-800-660-4287 (TTY 650-508-6448)                 bus stops.
Or to book a ride:       415-740-9458
For schedules and a map, go to                     Menlo Park Shoppers’ Shuttle
The Bayshore/Brisbane Senior Shuttle operates request-ride service         Service Area:           Menlo Park
during the midday and connects to the Bayshore Caltrain Station.           Hours:                  Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays,
Passengers may request rides for any purpose within the service                                    9:30 am to 1:30 pm
area. To request a ride, the passenger must call and leave a message
                                                                           Fare:                   Free
stating when and where they would like to be picked up and dropped
off. The driver will then return the call and work out the schedule with   Eligibility:            Open to all, no restrictions
the passenger.                                                             Accessibility:          The vehicles are wheelchair-accessible

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For More Information:   650-330-6770                                                                between Redwood City Caltrain and the Midpoint
                                                                Technology Park on Broadway. The shuttle serves
By request the shuttle will pick you up at your home in Menlo Park                                  the Stanford Medical Outpatient Center.
starting at 9:30 am (depending on your location) and take you to
destinations such as Woodside Plaza, Peninsula Boardwalk and Sequoia      Senior Coastsiders
Station Shopping Center in Redwood City on Tuesdays and Sharon            Service Area:             Coastside (Half Moon Bay, Moss Beach,
Heights, downtown Menlo Park, or the Stanford Shopping Center on                                    El Granada and Montara)
Wednesdays and Saturdays (times are variable). For the return trips
home, the shuttle will pick up passengers starting at 12:00 pm            Hours:                    Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm,
Reservation lines:                                                                                  Friday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Tuesday: 			              650-330-2286                                    Fare:                     $2.00 round trip suggested donation
Wednesday: 		             650-330-2288                                    Eligibility:              Must be age 60 or older
Saturday: 			             650-330-2289
Please provide name, address, destination, wheelchair (y/n), and call     Accessibility:            The vehicles are wheelchair-accessible
back number.                                                              For More Information:     Kim Olivares, Office Manager 650-726-9056
                                                                          Senior Coastsiders coordinates transportation with Redi-Coast to
Redwood City-Midpoint Caltrain Shuttle                                    transport seniors from their homes to our facility where they are able
Service Area:           Redwood City                                      to take classes, socialize and have lunch, In addition, on Wednesdays
                                                                          seniors living in Moss Beach, El Granada and Montara are dropped off
Hours:                  Monday through Friday, peak commute
                                                                          at Safeway for grocery shopping and then taken home. On Fridays, the
                        hours 6:45 am - 9:20 am and again at
                                                                          same service is provided to those seniors living in Half Moon Bay.
                        3:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Fare:                   Free
                                                                          South City Shuttle
Eligibility:            Open to all, no restrictions
                                                                          The South City Shuttle provides service around South San Francisco,
Accessibility:          All vehicles are wheelchair-accessible            with trips to local stores, the senior center, libraries, city hall and parks.
For More Information:   650-588-1600                                      Service Area:             South San Francisco BART, Hillside/Chestnut,
                                               Linden/Aspen, Orange West Orange Library,
                        The Redwood City-Midpoint Caltrain shuttle runs                             Main Library, Rotary Plaza,

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Hours:               Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm          For More Information:   650-738-7350
Fare:                Free                                                             

Eligibility:         Open to all, no restrictions                       The CaR Program has been made possible due to the generosity of
                                                                        Sirkka Niukkanen.
Accessibility:       All vehicles are wheelchair-accessible
For More Information: 1-800-660-4287 (TTY 650-508-6448)                 Redwood City Veterans Memorial Senior Center
For schedules and a map go to
                                                                        Service Area:           Redwood City
                                                                        Hours:                  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
                                                                                                8:00 am to 2:00 pm
  Senior Center Transportation Services
                                                                        Fare:                   Free
Pacifica Senior Center Connect-A-Ride                                   Eligibility:            Must be a Redwood City resident and attend the
(CAR) program                                                                                   Veterans Memorial Senior Center

Service Area:		Trips must begin or end                                  Accessibility:          Vehicles are wheelchair-accessible. When
               in Pacifica. Includes                                                            reserving, inform staff if you are travelling with
               city of Pacifica, Colma                                                          a wheelchair so they can allow additional time
               BART and hospitals                                                               in scheduling and identify an appropriate pickup
               between Daly City and                                                            spot.
               Burlingame.                                              For More Information:   Veterans Memorial Senior Center,
Hours:               Monday through Friday,                                                     650-780-7270
                     pickups 8:45 am to
                     10:00 am, drop-offs
                     1:00 pm to 2:15 pm
Fare:                Up to 8 trips per month at $5.00 per trip
Eligibility:         Must be age 65 or older and a Pacifica resident.
                                                                                                                            (Continued on Page 24)
                     Must fill out application.
Accessibility:       Some wheelchair-accessible service is available

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Resources at a Glance
Name of Service      Area                              Phone             Trip Types          Accessible Fare          Eligibility       Reservations       Days and Hours        Page
Local Shuttles
Bayshore/Brisbane    Bayshore/Brisbane                 800-660-4287      Any                    Yes     Free          Open              Call driver        Monday–Friday,         10
Senior Shuttle       neighborhood of Daly City         TTY                                                                                                 midday hours
                                                       To book a ride:
Menlo Park Cross     Menlo Park                        650-330-6770      Any                    Yes     Free          Open              None               Monday–Friday,         11
Town Shuttle                                                                                                                                               8:00am–6:00pm
Menlo Park           Menlo Park South County           650-330-6770      Shopping               Yes     Free          Open              Reservation        Tuesday, Wednesday     11
Shoppers’ Shuttle                                      (for program                                                                     lines:             and Saturday,
                                                       information)                                                                     Tuesday:           9:30 am–1:30 pm

Redwood City-        Redwood City                      650-588-1600      Any                    Yes     Free          Open              None: catch a     Monday–Friday,          12
Midpoint Caltrain                                                                                                                       bus at a bus stop 6:45am–9:20am and
Shuttle                                                                                                                                                   3:30pm–6:00pm
Senior Coastsiders   Half Moon Bay, Moss Beach, El     650-726-9056      To/from senior         Yes     $2,           Age 60 or older Call the senior      Monday–Thursday,       13
                     Granada, Montara                                    center, some                   round trip                    center               8:00am–4:00pm,
                                                                         shopping                       donation                                           Friday
South City Shuttle   South San Francisco               800-660-4287      To/from senior         Yes     Free          Open              Note: catch a      Monday-Friday,         13
                                                       TTY               center, shopping,                                              shuttle at a bus   7:00am–7:00pm
                                                       650-508-6448      libraries, parks                                               stop

Senior Center Transportation
Pacifica Senior      Trips must begin or end in        650-738-7350      To/from senior         Yes     $5.00 per     Pacifica          Call 24 hours      Monday–                14
Center Connect-A-    Pacifica. Includes city of                          center, group                  trip. Up to   resident 65+.     ahead for          Friday, pickups:
Ride (CAR) Program   Pacifica, Colma, BART, and                          shopping trips                 8 trips per   Must complete     shopping 48        8:45am–10:00am;
                     hospitals between Daly City and                     and individual                 month.        an application.   hours ahead        drop-offs:
                     Burlingame.                                         medical trips                                                  for medical        1:00pm–2:15pm

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Name of Service       Area                                Phone           Trip Types       Accessible Fare           Eligibility     Reservations      Days and Hours        Page
Redwood City          Redwood City                        650-780-7270    To/from senior      Yes     Free           Redwood City    Call the senior   Tuesday, Wednesday,    15
Veterans Memorial                                                         center                                     resident        center, ask for   Thursday,
Senior Center                                                                                                                        Lloyd             8:00am–2:00pm
Community Transportation
ACCESS Paratransit    Santa Clara County with some        408-321-2300    Any                 Yes                    Disabled        Request by        Same as                24
                      services in San Mateo County        TTY                                                        individuals who phone             VTA bus service
                                                          408-321--2330                                              cannot use
                                                                                                                     public transit.
Avenidas Door To      Belmont south to Mountain View 650-289-5453         Any                 No      $9-18       For anyone         Call up to        Monday–Friday,         24
Door                                                 To book a ride:                                  depending without              5 weeks in        8:15am–4:00pm
                                                     650-281-5411                                     on distance their own          advance
                                                                                                                  or access
                                                                                                                  to public
Brisbane Village      Brisbane                            415-508-2185    Any                 No      Free to     Members,           Call at least one Monday–Friday,         25
Helping Hands                                                                                         dues-paying primarily older    week in advance 8:00am–6:00pm
                                                                                                      members     adults
El Camino Hospital-   10 miles out of                     650-940-7016    Any                 No      $7.50 -        Community       Call the Hospital Monday–Friday,         25
Road Runners          El Camino Hospital Mountain                                                     $21.00         Members                           7:00 am–5:00 pm
Program               View

Foster City Village   Foster City (but riders may         650-378-8541    Any                 No      Free to     Dues paying        Schedule at       Monday–Thursday,       26
                      request rides as far north as                                                   dues-paying members of         least 3 days in   9:00am–2:00pm
                      San Mateo and as far south as                                                   members     Foster City        advance.
                      Redwood City)                                                                               Village
Get Around (City      Destinations must be between        650-522-7490    Any                 Yes     $5 per ride    Qualifying      Request by        24/7                   27
of San Mateo          the cities of San Mateo,                                                        limited to 8   residents 60+   phone
Senior Rides          Belmont, Burlingame, Foster                                                     trips
Transportation        City, Hillsborough, Redwood
Program)              City, San Carlos, the Veterans
                      Hospital in Menlo Park, and
                      Palo Alto and Stanford Affiliated
                      Medical Offices.

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Name of Service       Area                                 Phone           Trip Types         Accessible Fare          Eligibility        Reservations      Days and Hours      Page
Get Up & Go (PJCC)    San Mateo County (except             650-378-2750    Any non-work          Yes     Free          Older adults       Call in advance   Monday–Friday,       28
                      Coastside), Palo Alto VA Health                                                                  who do not         - rides must be   9:30am–3:30pm
                      Systems, Standford Hospital and                                                                  drive or find      scheduled by
                      Clinics.                                                                                         it difficult to    Wednesday of
                                                                                                                       use public         the week before
                                                                                                                       transportation     your ride.

Got Wheels!           Daly City, Colma, Brisbane,          650-403-4300,   Any                   Yes     $5.00 per    Residents           Schedule rides    24/7                 29
                      South San Francisco, San             x4329                                         one-way ride 70+, no-fee         on-demand,
                      Bruno, Millbrae, Burlingame,                                                                    membership          24 hours a day,
                      Hillsborough, Half Moon Bay,                                                                    required.           7 days a week.
                      Montara, Moss Beach, El
                      Granada, and SF Airport.

Kaiser Redwood City   Hospital service areas and           650-299-3139    Medica                Yes     Free          Kaiser             Call to request   Monday–Friday,       30
                      Caltrain Station                                                                                 members            after 9:00 am     7:20am–6:45pm
Little House          Zone 1: East Palo Alto, Palo Alto,   650-272-5040    Medical, Dental,      No      $5 per trip   Pre-registered     Call for          Monday–Friday,       30
Transportation        Stanford, Portola Valley; Zone                       Pharmacy,                     within and    users, primarily   on-demand         9:00am–4:00pm
                      2: Menlo Park, Redwood City,                         Grocery, To/From              between       older adults.      service, no
                      Atherton, Woodside: Zone 3: San                      Little House                  neighboring                      reservations.
                      Carlos, Belmont, Foster City, San                                                  zones. $9
                      Mateo                                                                              per trip
                                                                                                         area is
                                                                                                         subject to
                                                                                                         Lyft rates.

Mid-Peninsula Village Burlingame, San Mateo, and           650-260-4569    Any                   No      Free for    Members              Call at least 4   Monday–Friday,       31
                      Hillsborough                                                                       dues-paying                      business days     8:00am–5:00pm
                                                                                                         members                          ahead

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Name of Service      Area                                Phone            Trip Types   Accessible Fare        Eligibility         Reservations     Days and Hours            Page
Sequoia Village      Belmont, San Carlos, and            650-260-4569     Any             No      Free for    Members             Call at least 48 Monday–Friday,             32
                     Redwood City including Redwood      (Volunteers                              dues-paying                     hours ahead, one 8:00am–5:00pm
                     Shores                              available to                             members                         week preferred
                                                         answer calls
Seton Medical        Daly City BART to Seton Medical     650-991-6480     Any             Yes       Free        Open              Catch a shuttle    Monday–Friday,           32
Center (Seton BART   Center                                                                                                       at a bus stop      6:00am–9:00am,
Shuttle)                                                                                                                                             12:00pm–7:00pm
Private Services
Go-Go Grandparent    Nationwide service                  855-464-6872     Any              No       Based on    Open              Call to request    24/7                     33
                                                                                                    and time
Need-a-Ride          Palo Alto to San Mateo              650-462-0853     Any              No       Based on    Ambulatory        Leave a message Monday–Friday,              34
                                                                                                    distance                      for response in 7:00am–5:00pm and
                                                                                                                                  the evening     Saturday,
Serra Yellow Cab     Daly City, Colma, Brisbane,         650-991-2345     Any           Yes, upon   Based on    Open              Call for request   24/7                     34
                     Pacifica, Broadmoor, Millbrae,      for regular                     request    distance
                     Burlingame, Hillsborough,           reservations
                     Foster City, Belmont, San Carlos,   650-340-9999
                     Redwood City and SFO                for wheelchair
SilverRide           Bay Area                            650-853-7433     Activities       No       Based on    Able to walk 20   Call SilverRide    24/7                     35
                                                                                                    distance    feet
                                                                                                    and time
ADA Paratransit
SamTrans             Bayside portion of San Mateo Co.    650-508-6241     Any             Yes       $4.25       Unable to ride    Call from 7 days   Everyday, 5:30am-        8
Redi-Wheels          plus Pacifica and Daly City                                                                buses due to a    ahead up to        Midnight, 24 hours in
                                                                                                                disability        5:00pm the day     some places
SamTrans             Coastside from south of Devil’s     650-508-6241     Any             Yes       $4.25       Unable to ride    Call from 7 days   Monday–Friday,           8
Redi-Coast           Slide to the border of Santa Cruz                                                          buses due to a    ahead up to        6:30am–8:00pm,
                     County                                                                                     disability        5:00pm the day     Saturday, Sunday
                                                                                                                                  before             and holidays

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For More Information:   650-289-5453
    Community Transportation Services                                           Or to Book a Ride:      650-289-5411 (up to 5 weeks in advance)

ACCESS Paratransit                                                              For More Information:

VTA ensures a comparable paratransit service is provided to eligible            Avenidas Door to Door provides rides up to 12 miles to medical
individuals with disabilities who cannot use conventional public transit        appointments, community centers, classes, shopping, beauty salon, etc.
service due to their physical, visual or cognitive disabilities.
                                                                                Brisbane Village Helping Hands
To learn more about VTA ACCESS paratransit service, eligibility
                                                                                Service Area:           Brisbane
and how to apply, call VTA Customer Service at 408-321-2300
(TTY 408-321-2330) or ACCESS Eligibility Department at 408-321-2381             Hours:                  Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; to make a reservation, or             Fare:                   Free to dues-paying members
for account inquires, call 408-321-2380, Monday to Friday, 8:00am to
5:00pm.                                                                         Eligibility:            Members, primarily older adults
                                                                                Accessibility:          The vehicles are not wheelchair-accessible.
Check out VTA’s website at For direct link to VTA ACCESS
paratransit page, log on to:                        For More Information:   415-508-2185 (leave a message and we’ll return
                                                                                                        your call),
Avenidas Door To Door                                                           Members may receive a variety of services including transportation.
                                                                                Volunteer drivers (Trained and background checked) use their own
Service Area:           Redwood City, Atherton, Woodside, Menlo Park,
                                                                                cars to provide rides for members to destinations in San Mateo and
                        Portola Valley, East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, Los Altos,
                                                                                San Francisco Counties. Trips of any type can usually be accommodated
                        Los Altos Hills, Mountain View
                                                                                if requested at least one week in advance. Requests are accepted up to
Hours:                  Monday through Friday, 8:15 am to 4:00 pm               48 hours in advance.
Fare:                   Rides with Lyft cost the amount charged by
                        Lyft along with a $3 service charge
Eligibility:            Seniors without their own transportation and
                        without access to public transportation
Accessibility:          The vehicles are not wheelchair-accessible

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El Camino Hospital Mountain View - Road Runners Program                                                Virtual hours: Friday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Service Area:            Both the pick up location and the appointment         Fare:                   Free
                         location needs to be within a 10-mile radius of       Eligibility:            Dues-paying Members of Foster City Village
                         El Camino Hospital Mountain View (excluding
                         mountain geography)                                   Accessibility:          Private vehicles (may not be wheelchair-
                                                                                                       accessible but when requesting a ride,
                                                                                                       riders may request special service on a
Office Hours:            Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 5:00 pm                                     wheelchair-accessible vehicle)
                         Closed weekends and holidays                          For Appointments Call: 650-378-8541
One-Way Fares:           0-1 miles $7.50; 1-2 miles $9.50; 3-5 miles           For More Information:
                         $13.50; 6-7 miles $18.00; 8-10 miles $21.00.
                                                                               Full members of Foster City Village can receive rides provided by
Eligibility:             Community members                                     volunteer drivers free of charge when scheduling at least 3 days in
Accessibility:           The vehicles are not wheelchair-accessible            advance from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday-Friday.
For More Information:    650-940-7016 or visit
                                            Get Around (City of San Mateo Senior Rides
                         services/roadrunners-transportation                   Transportation Program)
The Road Runners program of El Camino Hospital in Mountain View                Service Area: 		        City of San Mateo
offers transportation to residents of southern San Mateo County. Trips         Hours:                  24-Hours a day
of any type can be accommodated. RoadRunners has a partnership with
                                                                               Fare:                   $5 per ride limited to 8 trips
Lyft for rides out of our area within a 30 miles radius of El Camino
Hospital. All Lyft rides will be charged at full Lyft price. There will also   Eligibility:            Qualifying residents 60+
be a $3.00 surcharge for Lyft rides.                                           Accessibility:          Wheelchair accessible service available
                                                                                                       Affordable transportation that is available when
Foster City Village                                                                                    you need it any day at anytime. You can schedule
Service Area:            Foster City (but riders may request rides as                                  rides in advance or on-demand, 24 hours a day,
                         far north as San Mateo and as far south as                                    7 days a week.
                         Redwood City)                                         Get Around! is a program offered through the Parks and Recreation
Hours:                   Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

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Department that offers seniors living in San Mateo a safe and                                      multicultural community.
affordable means of transportation. As a participant in the Get Around!    Accessibility:          Van with a wheelchair ramp and buses with
Senior Rides Program, you will be able to schedule your rides in advance                           wheelchair lifts are available. Please indicate
or on-demand, 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Registration is required                               need for accessibility when requesting your ride.
and can be done online, in person, or by mail:
                                                                           For More Information:   650-378-2750
                                                                           As part of the Get Up & Go program, the Peninsula Jewish Community
Mail or In Person:      Complete a registration form and mail to:          Center (PJCC) operates a door-to-door, wheelchair-accessible bus and
                        2645 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA          car service for older adults who do not drive. Every weekday, Get Up &
                        94403, or return to your nearest Recreation        Go transports seniors from their homes to destinations within San Mateo
                        Facility or the Senior Center. Once registration   County, for medical appointments, shopping, and personal errands.
                        is complete a Get Around Membership card will
                        be mailed within 5-7 days. Destinations must
                                                                           Got Wheels!
                        be between the cities of San Mateo, Belmont,
                        Burlingame, Foster City. Hillsborough, Redwood     Service Area:           Daly City, Colma, Brisbane, South San Francisco,
                        City, San Carlos, the Veteran’s Hospitals in                               San Bruno, Millbrae, Burlingame, Hillsborough,
                        Menlo Park and Palo Alto and Stanford Affiliated                           Half Moon Bay, Montara, Moss Beach,
                        Medical Offices.                                                           El Granada, and SF Airport
                                                                           Hours:                  24 Hours/7 days a week
Get Up & Go (Peninsula Jewish Community Center)                            Fare:                   $5.00 per one-way ride
Service Area:           San Mateo County (no service to the                Eligibility:            Residents age 70+, no fee membership required
                        coast side) Palo Alto VA Health Systems,
                        Stanford Hospital & Clinics                        Accessibility:          Wheelchair accessible service is available
Hours:                  Every weekday, Monday - Friday, 9:30 am            For More Information:   Call Got Wheels! Program Coordinator:
                        to 3:30 pm. Call in advance. Rides must be                                 (650) 403-4300, ext. 4329; or visit online at:
                        scheduled by Wednesday of the week before                        
                        your ride.                                                                 Registration for the limited-membership program
Fare:                   Free                                                                       will be on an annual basis and may be done
Eligibility:            Adults age 50+; The PJCC serves a diverse                                  on-line or by mail.

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As a participant you will be issued a pre-loaded Got Wheels! membership                            $9 per trip between non-neighboring zones.
card and will be able to schedule rides on-demand 24 hours a day/7                                 Travel outside our program area is subject to
days a week. Each month participants are able to take up to 6                                      standard Lyft rates
one-way trips or 3 round trips for only $5.00 per one-way ride.            Eligibility:            Pre-registered users, primarily older adults
Destinations must be within the Daly City, Colma, Brisbane, South San
Francisco, San Bruno, Millbrae, Burlingame, Hillsborough, Half Moon Bay,   Accessibility:          The vehicles are not wheelchair-accessible
Montara, Moss Beach, and El Granada. Rides must begin and end within       For More Information:   650-272-5040,
the geographic area and San Francisco International Airport.                             
                                                                            If you need a ride from your home to Little House, the doctor or dentist,
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center - Redwood City                            grocery stores, and pharmacies call our transportation hotline number at
Service Area:           Redwood City Medical Center campus                 650-272-5040. We will arrange for a Lyft Driver to pick you up from your
                        and to/from Redwood City Caltrain Station          home within a few minutes. When you’re ready to return, call us back and
                                                                           we will get you a safe, comfortable ride home. No cell phone needed!
Hours:                  Monday through Friday 7:20 am - 6:45 pm
                        (call to request)                                  Lyft drivers are adhering to local Covid-19 standards to ensure the safety
Fare:                   Free for Kaiser Permanente Members                 of both passengers and drivers, including requiring masks, sanitizing
                        (tips not accepted)                                cars, and back seat rides.
Accessibility:          Shuttle vehicles are wheelchair accessible
                                                                           Mid Peninsula Village
For More Information:   650-299-3139
                                                                           Service Area:           Burlingame, San Mateo, Hillsborough
                                                                           Hours:                  Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Little House Transportation
                                                                           Fare:                   Free to dues-paying members
Service Area:           Zone 1: East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, Stanford,
                        Portola Valley. Zone 2: Menlo Park, Redwood        Eligibility:            Members, primarily older adults
                        City, Atherton, Woodside. Zone 3: San Carlos,      Accessibility:          The vehicles are not wheelchair-accessible
                        Belmont, Foster City, San Mateo
                                                                           For More Information:   650-260-4569*, email:
Hours:                  Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm                                    or visit:
Fare:                   $5 per trip within and between neighboring         Dues-paying members may receive a variety of services including
                        zones                                              transportation. Volunteer drivers (trained and vetted) use their own

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cars to provide rides for members to destinations in San Mateo County    Seton Medical Center - Daly City (Seton BART Shuttle)
from Burlingame to Palo Alto. Trips of any type can be accommodated if   Service Area:           Daly City BART to Seton Medical Center
booked at least 4 business days in advance.
                                                                         Hours:                  Monday through Friday 6:00 am - 9:00 am
*Volunteers available to answer calls Monday through Friday,                                     and 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
                                                                         Fare:                   Free
                                                                         Accessibility:          The vehicles are wheelchair-accessible
Sequoia Village
Service Area:           Belmont, San Carlos and Redwood City including   Eligibility:            None
                        Redwood Shores                                   For More Information:   650-991-6480
Hours:                  Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Fare:                   Free to dues-paying members                          Private Transportation Services
Eligibility:            Members, primarily older adults
Accessibility:          The vehicles are not wheelchair-accessible       GoGoGrandparent
For More Information:   650-260-4569*, email:     Service Area:           Nationwide service
                        or visit:
                                                                         Hours:                  Rides are available 24/7
Dues-paying members may receive a variety of services including
transportation. Volunteer drivers (trained and vetted) use their own     Fare:                   Fares are quoted in advance based on distance
cars to provide rides for members to destinations in San Mateo County                            traveled and time traveled
from Burlingame to Palo Alto. Trips of any type can be accommodated if   Eligibility:            Open to all, no restrictions
booked at least 4 business days in advance.
                                                                         Accessibility:          Vehicles can transport folding wheelchairs and
*Volunteers available to answer calls Monday through Friday,                                     passengers who are transferable
9:00am-1:00pm.                                                           For More Information:   855-464-6872,
                                                                         Register by calling 855-464-6872 and press option 0 to speak
                                                                         to an operator or using the online registration web page at
                                                                before using the service. Custom pick-ups,
                                                                         group accommodations, and scheduled services are also available.

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Need-a-Ride                                                                 SilverRide
Service Area:           Palo Alto north to San Mateo                        SilverRide provides assisted transportation,
Hours:                  Monday through Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm,             companions, personalized activities, and
                        Saturday, 7:00am to 12:00pm                         group events for older adults who want
                                                                            to get things done, socialize and have
Fare:                   Fare is based on distance traveled.                 enriching life experiences. As part of its
Eligibility:            Must be ambulatory                                  service, SilverRide coordinates and refers
                                                                            a network of complementary products
Accessibility:          Vehicles are not wheelchair-accessible
                                                                            and services that together provide a
For More Information:   650-462-0853                                        comprehensive lifestyle solution for older
Need-a-Ride is a ride-request service. Leave a message and your call will   adults.
be returned between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm.                                    Service Area:           Throughout the
                                                                                                    Bay Area
Serra Yellow Cab                                                            Fare:                   Fares are quoted in
Service Area:           Offers dispatch service to/from Daly City,                                  advance based on
                        Colma, Brisbane, Pacifica, Broadmoor,                                       distance traveled,
                        Millbrae, Burlingame, Hillsborough, San Mateo,                              time of day and
                        Foster City, Belmont, San Carlos, Redwood City,                             accompaniment
                        Menlo Park and SFO.                                                         preference.
Hours:                  Rides are available 24/7                            Eligibility: 		Clients must be able to walk a minimum
                                                                                           of 20 feet with a walking aid.
Fare:                   Fare is based on distance traveled
                                                                            Accessibility:          Vehicles can transport folding wheelchairs
Eligibility:            Open to all, no restrictions
                                                                                                    and passengers who are transferable.
Accessibility:          Wheelchair vans are available upon request
                                                                            For More Information:   650-853-7433,
For More Information:
To Book a Ride:         650-222-2222
                        650-991-2345 for regular reservations
                        650-340-9999 for wheelchair vans

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Local Driver Safety Training                                               Other Driver Safety Resources
AARP                                                                        Self Assessments
The AARP Driver Safety Program offers local classes for drivers aged 50     If you are becoming concerned about your ability to drive a vehicle,
or over. The courses cover many topics related to being an older driver,    information developed by various aging and traffic safety groups may
such as traffic rules, staying flexible, medications, etc. The course is    help you determine whether you need to have a more formal evaluation
designed to help you remain a safe driver. It covers normal age-related     of your driving abilities.
physical changes and how to adjust your driving to allow for these
changes. Additionally, all insurance companies offer a discount to AARP     Roadwise Review—AAA (online tool)
Driver Safety graduates. Courses are offered throughout the year. Each      The AAA Roadwise Review is an interactive online tool that helps
class is eight hours long, most commonly in two four-hour segments          you to identify potential aging-related driving issues, identify
over two days. In San Mateo County, courses meet at nearly 20 locations     steps to reduce risk, and monitor your driving health in private.
throughout the county. AARP now offers a four-hour renewal course for       Go to for this and other helpful online
previous graduates.                                                         resources, including an online older driver safety course.

For information on AARP Driver Safety courses in your area, and for other   Driving Decisions Workbook
helpful information, go to or call 877-846-3299.         The University of Michigan developed a web-based workbook to help
                                                                            older drivers evaluate their ability to drive safely. The workbook is
NOTE: All classroom driving courses have been cancelled until
                                                                            available online at
09/01/2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Online classes are
available at

                                                                            National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Brochures
California Highway Patrol (CHP)                                             The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has
The California Highway Patrol offers an Age Well-Drive Smart seminar        developed a series of online publications that address older adults’
in conjunction with the San Mateo County Commission on Aging and            ability to drive safely. These include “Safe Driving for Older Adults,”
San Mateo County Supervisor Warren Slocum. The free class is three          “Driving Safely While Aging Gracefully” and materials dealing specifically
hours long and is designed to help keep older drivers on the road longer    with driving after a stroke or with various conditions, such as arthritis,
and refresh their driving skills. To register for the seminar or for more   Parkinson’s disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, or seizures. These resources
information, please call the office of Supervisor Warren Slocum at          can be viewed online at
650-363-4570 or email

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Copies of most can be ordered by calling the NHTSA at 888-327-4236          Restrictions may be imposed relating to declining physical condition.
(TTY 1-800- 424-9153).                                                      The number one restriction for senior drivers is vision-related and usually
                                                                            requires the driver to wear glasses or corrective contact lenses. Some
Adjusting Your Vehicle                                                      other common restrictions are no freeway driving, no nighttime driving,
Proper adjustment of seats, mirrors, headrests and the steering wheel       no rush hour driving, or driving only with proper support to ensure a
can help keep you driving safety. A variety of simple devices can be        proper driving position.
added to help compensate for physical changes or simply to make the         For More Information:    1-800-777-0133 (or TTY 1-800-368-4327),
vehicle fit you more comfortably and safely. The American Society on
Aging, the American Automobile Association and AARP have developed a
program called CarFit,Helping Mature Drivers Find Their Perfect Fit.
For more information, go to or to and search   Disabled Parking Placards
for “driver safety.”                                                        You can get a Disabled Person placard or license plates if you have
                                                                            impaired mobility and a licensed physician, surgeon, physician’s
Talking to Family and Friends                                               assistant, nurse practitioner, or certified nurse-midwife certifies your
The Hartford insurance company has developed a series of publications       condition.
about initiating conversations with older drivers, exercise for drivers,    The placard and plates entitle you to park your vehicle in parking spaces
vehicle technology and older drivers, dementia and driving, and other       designated for persons with disabilities, including spaces at a blue or
topics. These publications can be viewed online, downloaded, or ordered     green curb, at metered on-street parking spaces at no charge, and in
at                  areas that require residential or merchant permits. You do not have to
                                                                            own or drive the vehicle to use the placard.
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Licensing
The DMV does not take away your driver’s license when you reach a
certain age. Your mental and/or physical condition and your ability to
follow traffic laws and rules regardless of age determine whether your
license is renewed, restricted, suspended or revoked. All customers age
70 or older must renew their driver’s license in person at a DMV office.

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• Peninsula Jewish Community Center (Foster City):
     Walking and Fitness                                                          650-378-2737 or

Fitness and exercise are key components of your
mobility. Not only does regular exercise make it                                    Other Information Resources
easier to walk to destinations and travel on transit,
it also helps maintain your body’s strength, flexibility,                       Help at Home Directory
reflexes and coordination, which can lengthen the
amount of time you are able to drive safely.                                    The Help at Home Directory is a mini reference guide to assist San Mateo
                                                                                County adults of all incomes to remain in their homes when they are ill,
                                                                                disabled or in crisis. The guide is developed by the San Mateo County
City Parks and Recreation Departments                                           Commission on Aging and contains some information on transportation
Most cities in San Mateo County offer health and exercise classes               in the county.
through their Parks and Recreation Departments. Some cities even have
                                                                                Printed copies of the directory can be found at all senior centers in the
programs targeted specifically at older adults. For more information,
                                                                                County, or you can request a printed copy by calling 650-573-2643.
contact your city’s Parks and Recreation Department.
                                                                                PDF versions of the booklet in English, Spanish or Chinese can be found
Community Exercise and Fitness Classes (membership based)
The three YMCAs in San Mateo County offer a variety of fitness classes
appropriate for older adults. The Peninsula Jewish Community Center
                                                                                Peninsula Library System
(PJCC) offers a Stay Fit for Life program, which is designed specifically for   There are 33 libraries in San Mateo County, with at least one branch
sedentary older adults. Membership discounts are available for seniors          in almost every city. Each library has many informational resources for
at YMCAs and the PJCC.For more information on membership and a                  seniors, such as printed copies of the Community Information Handbook
current schedule of classes:                                                    and helpful librarians who will do their best to help you find answers
• Peninsula Family YMCA (San Mateo):                                            to your questions. Additionally, each library has maps and schedules
   650-286-9622 or                                     for local transit. Most libraries also have computers that you can use
                                                                                to access websites and staff who can look up most of the Internet
• Sequoia YMCA (Redwood City):                                                  references in this guide for you.
  650-368-4168 or

                                                                                To find the branch nearest you, consult the blue government pages
• East Palo Alto YMCA:                                                          of your local phone book or go to
  650-328-9622 or

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SMC Connect
SMC Connect is an online                                                                                                    Quick Phone List
search engine that helps users
locate community services in                                                    Public Transit
San Mateo County developed                                                      Bay Area Transportation 		                      511
by the County of San Mateo                                                      SamTrans & Caltrain 		                          800-660-4287
Human Services Agency.                                                          SamTrans Travel Training		                      650-508-6202
Go to                                                      Redi-Wheels 		                                  800-660-4287
                                                                                BART		                                          650-992-2278
511                                                                             VTA (general transit information)		             408-321-2300
                                                                                VTA ADA Paratransit (ACCESS)		                  408-321-2300
511 is a one-stop resource                                                      Muni (general transit information)		            415-701-2311
for Bay Area transportation information, including real-time                    Muni Accessible Services		                      415-701-4485
traffic conditions, public transportation routes and schedules,
bicycling information and much more. 511 information is available
on the phone by dialing 511 or on the web at
                                                                                Community Transit Services
To use the phone service, speak your choices or press zero to use               Avenidas Door To Door		                         650-289-5453
touch-tone menus. It is a free service and is available 24 hours a day,         Bayshore/Brisbane Shuttle 		                    800-660-4287
seven days a week. The website includes an interactive trip planner.            Brisbane Village Helping Hands		                415-508-2185
Phone users who are hearing impaired can use 511 by calling 711.                El Camino Hospital Roadrunners		                650-940-7016
                                                                                Foster City Village		                           650-378-8541
                                                                                Get Up & Go (PJCC) 		                           650-378-2750
Senior Mobility Guide Online                                                    Pacifica Senior Center Transportation Service   650-738-7350
An online version of this guide is available at         Redwood City Kaiser Hospital 		                 650-299-3139
The online guide has live links to all the web resources listed in this print   Redwood City Midpoint Caltrain Shuttle		        650-588-1600
version.                                                                        Senior Coastsiders 		                           650-726-9056
                                                                                Sequoia & MidPen Villages		                     650-260-4569
Requesting a Senior Mobility Guide                                              Seton Medical Center 		                         650-991-6480
Additional Guides can be obtained in the lobby of SamTrans                      South City Shuttle		                            800-660-4287
Headquarters located at 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos,
California 94070. Guides can also be requested by calling
650-622-7823. The Guide is available in English, Spanish and Chinese.

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1250 San Carlos Ave.
San Carlos, CA 94070-1306
You can also read