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Management Case Study Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council Drives Toward a Long-Term Strategic Horizon For more information please see:
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council Drives Toward a Long-Term Strategic Horizon By Bernard Marr* and James Creelman Abstract: Many organisations, especially in the government sector, are aiming to create more outcome-based performance management systems. The aim of these systems is to prioritise strategic objectives, clearly articulate the intended impacts, and to focus management attention onto the things that matter the most. This management case study outlines how Christchurch City Council has put this into practice using the Balanced Scorecard approach with strategy maps, long-term community council plans, the Malcolm Baldrige framework, and an intranet-based performance management software tool. Version: 8 September 2008 * corresponding author Bernard Marr is the Chief Executive and Director of Research at the Advanced Performance Institute. E-mail: James Creelman is a Fellow of the Advanced Performance Institute The Advanced Performance Institute (API) is a world-leading independent research and advisory organisation specialising in organisational performance. It provides expert knowledge, research, consulting and training to performance orientated companies, governments and not-for-profit organisations across the globe. For more reading material or information on how the API might be able to help your organisation please visit: How to reference this case study: Marr, B. and Creelman, J. (2008) Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council Drives Toward a Long-Term Strategic Horizon, Management Case Study, The Advanced Performance Institute ( © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 2
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council Drives Toward a Long-Term Strategic Horizon Introduction About Christchurch City Council New Zealand has one of the most advanced Located on the east coast of New Zealand’s South approaches in the world for ensuring outcome- Island, the City of Christchurch has a population of based public sector performance management. about 350,000, making it the nation’s second Each of the nation’s 85 local authorities must create biggest city after Auckland. Internationally Long Term Community Council Plans that set recognized as ‘a garden city’ due to its expansive performance goals over a 10-year horizon. At the parks and public gardens, Christchurch was core of these plans are a set of community designated an International Safe Community in outcomes that are identified through an extensive, October 2008 by the World Health Organization. heavily participative and legally mandated This designation was based on criteria such as consultation programme with local residents and accident prevention, road safety and crime other groups. prevention. The region is technologically advanced by international standards and is the main This management case study outlines how distribution centre for the South Island and is also Christchurch City Council has implemented a considered the gateway to the Antarctic. With two performance management system to better universities and 16 research institutions it boasts a operationalise its long term-goals. Their approach stable and well-educated workforce. includes a Strategy Map (which it calls ‘Plan on a Page’) that focuses on a critical few strategic Christchurch City Council covers an area of 152,837 objectives. This is supported by a comprehensive hectares. This area includes highly urbanized city intranet-based system performance management areas as well as extensive agriculture and areas of and measurement system called Horizon that natural beauty, including Banks Peninsula. The collocates and tracks a large number of operating Council has an annual budget of about M $670 and measures and improvement initiatives. Importantly, about 2,700 employees. It has a fast growing the Horizon metrics etc aggregate up to the Plan on population that increased by nearly 12% between the Page objectives. As a further mechanism for 1991 and 2001 and is projected to grow by another driving forward performance Christchurch City 16% by 2026. Council assesses performance to the criteria of the Malcolm Baldrige framework. Recently the council Community Outcomes was a recipient of the New Zealand version of the The New Zealand Local Government Act of 2002 is Baldrige award. one of the most progressive approaches to public sector performance management in the world. Peter Ryan, Manager, Planning and Performance at © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 3
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study Christchurch City Council, believes that it has made • Stock-take of existing services and funding best-practice planning and delivery mandatory for from the Council and government local government. For instance, as a legal • agencies; requirement each authority must, and in • Interviews with key stakeholders; consultation with residents and community groups, • Interviews and workshops with elected identify community outcomes, with a robust set of members; supporting metrics. Ryan who achieved significant • Research with key groups such as people successes in improving public sector performance with disabilities, Maori and Pacific people; in non-New Zealand agencies (in particular the City • Discussion papers developed with external of Brisbane, where he spearheaded the building stakeholders and reference groups; and implementation of a Balanced Scorecard that • Feedback on the 2004 to 2014 LTCCP and led to the city’s induction into the Balanced the Community Outcomes developed in Scorecard Hall of Fame) has been instrumental in 2004; Christchurch City Council’s performance • Feedback from a specially designed management implementation. section on the Council’s website. Community outcomes are reviewed every six years. Long-term Council Community Plan The present outcomes for Christchurch City How the Christchurch City Council delivers these Council, which take the city to 2012, are a safe city; community outcomes is described in great detail a city of people who value and protect the natural within the Long-Term Council Community plan environment; a well-governed city; a prosperous (LTCCP). This is the council’s ‘contract with the city; and a healthy city. These are shown with community’ describing how it intends to deliver to supporting performance indicators in Figures 1.1 achieve the outcomes as well as the other long-term and 1.2. These outcome objectives were arrived at goals of the city. “The shift from community through a number of participative processes that outcomes to the LTCCP means a move from the were conducted during a year period, including: conceptual to the highly concrete,” explains Ryan. • Results from monitoring trends and other The LTCCP covers a period of 10 consecutive information (more than 500 measures); financial years, though it is reviewed every three • Reviews of prior consultations (5000 years; the most recent preparation being in 2008 for submissions, 54 reports); the 2009-2019 period. This allows the Council to • Reviews of reports and literature (300 take a long-term view while enabling it to adjust for reports); constantly changing financial and other factors and • Reviews of government strategies (187 keep its accounting and budgets up-to-date. strategies); • Review of existing Council strategies and Community Board statements; © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 4
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study The Balanced Scorecard coordinating and managing its strategy Given the size and multi-level complexity of its implementation efforts. Christchurch City Council planning exercises, the council has introduced the has a full suite of cascaded scorecards from the Balanced Scorecard as a core framework for executive management to team levels. Figure 1.1: Community Outcomes and Performance Indicators We will know we are using Progress will be measured Community Outcome these key indicators Using these key indicators A Safe City We live free from crime, • Rates of crime and injury • Hospital treatment for violence, abuse and injury. We decline. • accidents are safe at home and in the • Total offences community. Risks from hazards • People feel safe at all times in • Notifications to CYF are managed and mitigated. Christchurch. • Perceptions of safety • Road casualty statistics • We have excellent safety networks, support people and services. A City of Inclusive and Diverse Communities Our diversity is seen, heard, • Our city is built on strong • New Zealand Deprivation Index valued and celebrated. All communities. • Income gap between low and people feel a sense of belonging • high income earners and participate in the • A diverse range of people feel • Perceptions of ethnic diversity community. at home in Christchurch. • Maori language speakers • Perceptions of quality of life • Everybody is able to • Perceptions of community participate, particularly those • Support who are most vulnerable. A City of people who value and protect the natural environment Our lifestyles reflect our • Everybody takes responsibility • Tonnes of waste to landfill commitment to guardianship of for their impact on the natural • Liquid waste the natural environment inland environment. • Total ground water use around Christchurch. • Renewable versus nonrenewable • Biodiversity is restored, energy consumption We actively work to protect, protected and enhanced. • Waste recycling enhance and restore our • Recreational water quality environment for future • We manage our city to • Number and area of ecological generations. minimise damage to the heritage sites environment. © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 5
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study However, Christchurch City Council does not use compliance and of a report card. It doesn’t do the term Balanced Scorecard or indeed Strategy justice to the aim of the methodology.” Map. They are simply known as ‘Plan on a Page’. According to Ryan this was a deliberate ploy to help Plan on a Page secure buy-in: “The problem is that the term Figure 2 shows the Plan on a Page for the Balanced Scorecard conjures up an image of Executive Team. As befitting the priorities of a Figure 1.2: Community Outcomes and Performance Indicators We will know we are using Progress will be measured Community Outcome these key indicators Using these key indicators A well governed city Our values and ideas are • Everybody actively participates • Confidence in council decision- reflected in the actions of our in public decision-making. making decision-makers. Our • Representation on school decision-makers manage • Everybody feels represented by boards of trustees public funds responsibly, their decision-makers. • Census response rates respond to current needs and • Voter turnout at council elections plan for the future. • Our decision-makers plan for a • Voter turnout at general sustainable Christchurch. Elections A prosperous city We have a strong economy that is • Christchurch has a strong, • Economic Activity Index based on a range of successful healthy economy. • Full and part time employment and innovative businesses. rates • Standards of living improve for • Unemployment rate We value sustainable wealth everyone. • Personal, family and household creation, invest in ourselves and income in our future. • Our economic development • Volume of commercial waste prioritizes future well-being. • Recycling A healthy city We live long, healthy and • We all have access to affordable • Self reported health status Happy lives. health services that meet our • Life expectancy needs. • Frequency of physical activity • Type 2 diabetes rates • More people in Christchurch live • Barriers to accessing GPs healthy lifestyles. • Number of days exceeding air quality guidelines • Our city environment supports the health of the community. © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 6
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study Figure 2: Plan on a Page – Executive Team public sector organization, the top perspective is Finance: Deliver services and projects to customer rather than financial, as the ultimate goal budget is to deliver value to the community rather than Process: ‘Create the long-term council shareholders. In the Appendix we show the key community plan for 2009-19’, plus ‘Instill customer- metrics, targets and initiatives (or Balanced centric processes’ Scorecard that support the Executive Team Plan on People: Implement organizational workforce the Page. Note that CEO Tony Marryatt is principles planning (‘right people, right place, right time’) and owner of the measures. ‘Increase staff engagement’ (measured via international Hewitt methodology). Common Objectives Each Plan on a Page, from the executive team Figures 3 and 4 show the Plan on the Page through general managers and down into units, Strategy Maps for City Environment and the carry a core of ‘vital few’ objectives (with supporting Strategy and Planning Group. measures and targets). These align all the scorecard levels. These objectives are: As examples of common measures and targets the customer objective ‘deliver long term plan levels of Customer: Deliver long term plan levels of service’ is measured by the overall percentage of service and projects levels of service being achieved. © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 7
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study Figure 3: Plan on a Page – City Environment Figure 4: Plan on a Page – Strategy and Planning Group © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 8
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study At the organizational level, this target means all the service’ objective, this means the report summary levels of service for the organization. In a provides a single result against the target (say 83% department, it will mean those levels of service for of levels of service achieved) but it also means which the department is responsible. ”This achieves seeing a list of any services that are not on track, alignment,” claims Ryan. “These half dozen ‘vital who is running them and what that officer few’ measures and targets tie and align all the recommends going forward.” It’s summary reporting scorecards by operating as a cascade.” at the strategic level and exception based reporting Ryan stresses that as well as viewing the vital few at operational level,” explains Ryan. metrics leaders must be able to drill down and see Figure 5 is a screenshot of the Horizon online front- performance to metrics and targets to many page, which provides employees with a navigational performance dimensions. “At any one time we are aid for going to any of the organizational scorecards tracking perhaps 250 levels of service across such and viewing performance to any of the perspectives diverse services as libraries, water, child care, or indeed individual performance areas. Using City economic development or roading,” says Ryan. “We Environment as an illustration, Figure 6 provides an are also tracking maybe a thousand capital projects overview of actual performance against designated around the city.” He continues that executives targets, with the responsible manager clearly clearly need a summary in their scorecard but they identified. also need to know where to intervene where a contributing factor is driving an objective off track. Figure 7 provides information on which people are assisting with the delivery of a particular initiative. Horizon Scorecard “It is not possible for the accountable manager to This is enabled though Horizon, which is an in- throw the light on the measure without looking at house developed software system that contains the how the supporting initiatives are performing,” city’s comprehensive collection of metrics, targets explains Ryan. and initiatives “Horizon combines the key features of an executive information system with project The system also enables the loading and tracking of management and value analysis, providing a clear the individual's performance plan for the year and line of sight from strategy to operational tasks,” for monitoring how an individual is performing any Ryan says. Moreover, it is fully transparent and can point in time. Accountability for measures and their be accessed by anyone in the organization. “Such supporting initiatives is therefore very clear and openness helps create a performance-oriented cascaded to individuals on a methodical basis. culture as everyone can see how everyone else is performing.” Incentive Compensation Unusually for a public sector organization Horizon provides both the summary view against Christchurch City Council uses incentive the Plan on a Page targets, as well as any compensation as a key mechanism for ensuring that exceptions. In the case of the ‘deliver levels of people focus in performance to scorecard goals. © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 9
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study Figure 5: Horizon Screenshot Introduced in July 2007, fully 450 people (covering The compensation link works this way. The all the management layers and forming about 1/8 of performance assessment is weighted to highlight the workforce) have the major portion of their the council’s scorecard priorities. Therefore in 2007 remuneration tied to scorecard results. 35% of the bonus was dependent on performance Figure 6: Performance Overview - Horizon © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 10
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study to the customer perspective, 20% was allocated to management reporting is that it provides either too the financial perspective, people 15% and process little detail by being strategic or too much detail by 10%. The remaining 20% of the bonus is linked to being operational,” says Ryan. “By focusing on the individual development targets. “This review and ‘vital few’ objectives and their results in our compensation link is based on performance to scorecards, we have sharpened up reporting while clearly defined measures and targets,” says Ryan. keeping it strategic. He continues that by adding “It is a lot more scientific that the ad-hoc discussion operational detail around those objectives only that often informs public sector performance where action is required, the council has reduced reviews.” report volume while still providing the right level of detail to make fixes possible. Horizon Update The online Horizon tool is updated monthly (by the Measures of Success aforementioned 450 accountable managers). This With Christchurch City Council inculcating such update triggers a report for each Plan on a Page / robust and comprehensive performance Horizon scorecard. A high level one page overview management and measurement systems the million is supplied for each of the four perspectives, dollar question is how successful is it proving to be followed by a detailed list of exceptions (results in driving up performance. As an indication of their flagged as amber or red). When exceptions are successes, annual residents’ surveys show that signaled the responsible manager must outline 70% of Christchurch residents are “very satisfied” options and a next-step solution, in addition to any with Christchurch as a place to work, live and play, explanation of performance variance. and also with the way the city looks and feels. Customer satisfaction with service at first point of “The most common complaint leveled at any form of contact is consistently over 95%. Moreover, in Figure 7: Initiative Tracking - Horizon © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 11
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study delivering these results the city council has unusual for an organization to receive this award in maintained a Standard and Poors AA+ rating. This its first year of entry. However the council has shows its commitment to return an annual operating earned the accolade. It is a highly competent, surplus each year and manage its level of debt. mature organization with many strengths, including sophisticated leadership and a clear focus on Malcolm Baldrige Framework customer interests. The development of As another powerful indicator of the success of the organization-wide competencies, including organization, Christchurch City Council is advanced analysis, integration and learning and recognized as an exemplary user of the Malcolm alignment, indicates organizational ability which is Baldrige Model. Launched in 1987 as a sought after by higher performing organisations methodology with which to improve the performance internationally.” of US companies, the Baldrige model assesses performance to seven performance categories: Business Results Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer and ‘Business Results’ is the seventh and by far the Market Focus, Information and Analysis, Human most important set of criteria in the Malcolm Resource Focus, Process Management and Baldrige framework focusing on service, customer Results. Such has been the model’s success that it and financial results. Working backwards from this has now spawned international awards, for instance point will provide snapshot examples of the Performance Excellence Study Award (PESA) in performance management within Christchurch City New Zealand. Council, and so gain an insight into what the independent assessors saw, as well as an PESA is open to organizations from the public and understanding what drives the organization’s private and there are three categories to the award business results. (health/education, private sector and public sector) with entries being independently audited against the Process Management Baldrige quality criteria. Many entries are posted We start with criteria six, Process Management. A each year by large health, defence, manufacturing primary focus here is managing the organization’s and other organizations. However in 2006 only one key value creation processes. These are the high organization in New Zealand (in any category) was level processes that are essential to delivery of the assessed as meeting the strict criteria of the LTCCP. Key value processes are determined by the Baldrige framework – Christchurch City Council. Executive Team and Business Excellence Team The council participated in the award to gain an (comprising 45 people who lead improvement plans external assessment of how the organization is under the seven Baldrige categories). managed. At the time of announcing the award PESA (the organizers of the award) spokesman Human Resources Errol Slyfield says that Christchurch City Council As an example for criteria five (Human Resources) can be justifiably proud of its achievements: “It is in 2005 the council introduced a new methodology © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 12
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study used internationally to measure staff engagement Balanced Scorecard work well together,” says and satisfaction. This looks at environment, health Ryan. “The first is a macro-level assessment of how and safety, customer focus and communications. As an organization is managed, an overall health check cited, improving staff engagement is an objective that is pretty stringent. If something in our within each organizational Plan on a Page. management is not working well the independent Business Excellence assessment will pick this up Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge and provide feedback, which can then be built into Management the scorecard for action. The two are The Plan on a Page / Balanced Scorecard is itself a complementary if used this way to create a great powerful example of Christchurch City Council’s feedback loop.” delivery to Baldrige criteria four (Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management). As an example of an improvement initative that has come out of the Baldrige assessment process, the Customer and Market Focus council has launched a ‘better financial reporting’ As an example of criteria three, Customer and programme that includes a revamp of budgeting Market Focus, this council has developed a new and forecasting processes. It has become an approach to resident survey methodology in objective in the Corporate Services scorecard. conjunction with international market research company, AC Neilsen. Strategic Planning Baldrige criteria 2 is strategic planning. As stressed The survey tests resident satisfaction across the full throughout this case study, Christchurch City range of services twice each year, probing into the Council has a robust strategic planning process. root cause of very high or very low satisfaction The strategy development and deployment process responses. ensures close alignment between short term operational plans with longer-term strategic Note how ‘delight customers’ is an objective within objectives and outcomes for the city. the executive team’s strategy map and, as cited, instill customer-centric processes is an objective in Leadership every Christchurch City Council Strategy Map. Criteria one of the Baldrige framework is That there is a close alignment between Leadership. It is of course the quality of leadership Christchurch’s performance focus for the Baldrige that transforms any performance management criteria (which is commonly known as Business framework from a nice idea into a practical solution Excellence in New Zealand) and for the scorecard is that delivers change. Ryan says that the leadership not coincidental, as Ryan explains. of the council has been instrumental in driving performance success, and is crucial for succeeding “Unlike a lot of management systems the Malcolm with the Balanced Scorecard. Baldrige business excellence model and the © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 13
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study Scorecard Success Factors put another way, where it is difficult to fail it is “There’s no point even thinking about putting a equally difficult to succeed, which often leads to scorecard in place if you do not have the CEO on inertia and an embracement of the status quo.” board,” he comments. “Having a committed CFO Overcoming these performance barriers, he says, is and head of HR is also critical as they have a usually through the appointment of a new CEO with hugely important role in creating an environment a clear performance agenda. “In this scenario those where people are encouraged to look at strategy inert managers who favour the stays quo should using non-financial as well as financial information. realize that they are probably standing on a burning These individuals, plus the executive team, must be platform.” actively looking for a game plan and a means to implement it, if the scorecard is to succeed.” Complexity With regard to complexity he says that local He continues that it is also important that an authorities have to successfully deliver a lot of organization has reached a stage of maturity where services that often conflict, such as protecting the it is ready for the scorecard. “For instance the environment while needing to grow the economy by finance function must be ready to look at more than encouraging development, which makes it difficult to the financials and the HR department must be ready prioritize performance. “It’s not like a company to think about more than administrative or personnel where you’re pitching for profit, which has a hard functions,” he says. edge to it but is easy enough to understand as a prime directive,” he comments. “Some public sector Key Performance Management Challenges organizations – local government being a notable More broadly, and looking across his work for example - have so many things that they’re seeking Christchurch, Brisbane and other public sector to deliver that they end up not knowing what they’re organizations, Ryan states that there are a number supposed to do first.” of key challenges in putting in place effective public sector performance management and measurement This ‘not knowing’ often leads to the creation of frameworks. He categorizes these as tradition and enormously complex Balanced Scorecards. “Too complexity. often in the public sector we see ‘spaghetti and meatballs’ Strategy Maps that try to capture Tradition everything the organization has to do,” says Ryan. “Tradition can be a barrier because many in senior “Such maps and accompanying scorecards become positions might not see the point of expending the difficult to manage, confuse the organization and effort to significantly improve performance,” he invariably run out steam.” says. “Few public sector organizations fail in the commercial sense so there is not always a Ryan states that a successful public sector compelling requirement to figure out how to scorecard should not have too many objectives significantly improve performance,” he says. “To (Christchurch averages 12 or less for each of Plan © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 14
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study on a Page). Moreover, in creating the scorecard and effect arrows all over them when we managers should not be too focused on excessively communicate the maps.” documenting cause and effect relationships. “There is usually a many-to-many relationship in our Ryan concludes that there is a point in strategy strategies, which makes the documenting of cause development where a balance must be struck and effect problematic,” he says. between the academic correctness of the game plan and the ability to communicate that plan. He provides the relationship between staff ”Finding that point – where the strategy has integrity engagement and service delivery as one example. but is also appealing and comprehensible to staff – “This relationship alone could generate twenty is what makes for a good implementation,” he says. cause and effect arrows on the Strategy Map, which would be confusing,” he says. “So we test for these For more case studies, reports and cause and effect relationships when building the articles visit scorecards, but we don’t plaster dozens of cause Endnotes, References & Further Reading Marr, Bernard (2010), “The Intelligent Company: Five Steps to Success with Evidence-Based Management”, Wiley, Oxford. Marr, Bernard (2009), Managing and Delivering Performance: How Government, Public Sector and Not-for-profit Organizations can Measure and Manage what Really Matters, Butterworth- Heinemann, Oxford. Marr, Bernard (2006), “Strategic Performance Management”, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford The API resources library: Our Resource and Research Library offers a selection of relevant downloads and links to books, articles and case studies. These have been selected as useful information sources for further reading and to illustrate best practice and leading thinking. To read more just click: © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 15
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study Appendix: Illustrative Example of Scorecard © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 16
Outcome-Based Performance Management: Christchurch City Council API Case Study © 2008 Advanced Performance Institute, BWMC Ltd. (All rights reserved) Page 17
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