Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - CASE STUDY BPS M5: Makes a smooth transition from legacy BPS 1000 - Giesecke & Devrient

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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - CASE STUDY BPS M5: Makes a smooth transition from legacy BPS 1000 - Giesecke & Devrient

Seminole Hard Rock
Hotel & Casino
BPS® M5: Makes a smooth
transition from legacy BPS® 1000
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - CASE STUDY BPS M5: Makes a smooth transition from legacy BPS 1000 - Giesecke & Devrient
Large feeding
                                                                                                             compartment with a
                                                                                                             continuous feeding
                                                                                                             capacity of up to 4,000


  Efficiency + Security
High-speed cash processing is the heart of the casino count
room. The right system makes the difference in ensuring
currency is processed quickly, accurately, and within the
established time requirements.                                                                    Up To
Efficiency is top of mind for count      in Florida, with approximately 5,000                  items per hour
room managers, which is why              slot machines. The Seminole Tribe has                    throughput
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in     long been recognized for innovation
Tampa has been a loyal G+D customer      in its gaming. In 2007 it acquired
for over ten years.                      Hard Rock International (HRI), the
                                         first transaction of its kind by a Native
The parent entity of Seminole Hard       American tribe.
Rock Tampa is the Seminole Tribe of                                                  brand. The casino initially started with
Florida. The Tampa location is the       Seminole Hard Rock Tampa is a               a BPS® 500 and ultimately migrated
largest of the six Seminole properties   flagship property of the Hard Rock          to three BPS® 1000s. After ten years
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - CASE STUDY BPS M5: Makes a smooth transition from legacy BPS 1000 - Giesecke & Devrient

                                             “We chose G+D                                 15%
                                               because we                                Minimum
                                                                                        increase in
of reliable performance and service, it     appreciated their                            efficiency
began replacing the older systems with
BPS® M5s. In total, Seminole Hard          service excellence.
Rock Tampa has had three generations
of G+D solutions in its count room
                                             Our count room
operations.                                  runs smoothly,
MOVING BEYOND THE BPS@ 1000                 and that helps us
When the BPS® 1000 approaches the          stay within budget
end of its service life-which can extend
to more than 20 years-customers have          and keep our
the option of replacing the machine
with a new BPS® M5, a BPS® M3,
                                           employees happy."
or upgrading to a new front end                      L ARRY LIZANICH
combined with refurbished BPS® 1000                DIRECTOR OF OPER ATIONS
stacker modules.

                                               which processed 65,000 items per   The BPS® M5 is the perfect
                                               hour                               solution for efficiently
Some of the key advantages of the                                                 processing large volumes
                                           •   Automatic continuous loading       of banknotes. The modular
newer equipment include:
                                               with singler capacity of up to     system features best-in-
                                               4,000 banknotes and no gap         class productivity, extremely
•   Highest nominal throughput
                                               between successive fillings;
    from 76,000 items per hour to                                                 robust, user-friendly design,
                                               2,000 more banknotes than the
    up to 120,000 items per hour, an                                              and reliability in demanding
                                               capacity of the BPS® 1000 feed
    improvement over the BPS® 1000,                                               continuous operation.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - CASE STUDY BPS M5: Makes a smooth transition from legacy BPS 1000 - Giesecke & Devrient
Upgrading to the high-speed BPS® M5 will ensure you have a highly efficient, future-proof
solution as well as offering benefits to your operation.

          BPS® 1000                                    BPS® M5                                      BENEFITS

    ›››    Nominal Speed: Up to 65,000                ›››   Nominal Speed: Up to 120,000            ›››   Up to 60% increase in singler
           items/hour                                       items/hours (config. dependent)               speed

           Continuous Feed System: Not                ›››   Continuous Feed System:                       Additional 10%+ increase in
    ›››                                                                                             ›››


           Feeder Capacity: Up to 2,000 items
                                                ›››   ›››

                                                            Feeder Capacity: Up to 4,000
                                                                                              ›››   ›››
                                                                                                          effective throughput

                                                                                                          2x feed capacity
                                                            Sensors: NotaScan 2 (image +
    ›››    Sensors: NotaScan CCD                      ›››                                           ›››   Higher resolution, lower rejects
                                                            other functions) M10 (Magnetic)

                                                ›››         DSC (Thickness)
    ››› Security: Smartcard, PIN based                ››› Security: Smartcard, PIN-based            ››› Firewall protected network
          access                                            access                                        isolation, SFTP file transfer

                                                        “Upgrading our equipment now
                                                       makes perfect sense, with business
•     15” full-color touch-screen
                                                       bouncing back higher than it has
                                                         ever been," enthuses Lizanich.
•     State-of-the-art technology
      with enhanced high-resolution
      sensors with LED illumination
                                                                                               service seven days a week.
      for sophisticated counterfeit
                                                 INSTALLATION AND SERVICE                      “If I have an issue, I know a field
                                                 EXCELLENCE TO KEEP CASINOS                    engineer will be there within our
                                                 ON THE FAST TRACK                             SLA response time window,"said
•     Ergonomic design
                                                                                               Lizanich. "The engineers of
                                                 Installing new high-speed                     G+D Field Operations have been
•     Simplified cleaning of sensors
                                                 equipment can be a daunting                   servicing our equipment for more
                                                 experience, but it is one where G+D           than ten years and are essential
•     Enhanced adaptability and
                                                 shines. Upgrading a BPS® 1000 to              members of our team. I highly
      scalability to changing
                                                 a BPS® M5 can be accomplished                 recommend G+D to any casino—
      environment and the flexibility to
                                                 in about three days. Seminole Hard            they are experts who are always
      accommodate future growth
                                                 Rock Tampa was able to schedule               willing to help you!”
•    Robust design with long life                the upgrade during off-peak times
     expectancy designed for 24/7                and was in production with its
     operation, with an expected                 upgraded BPS® M5 system in
     service life of 10+ years                   just a few short days. Operators
Security is a key benefit of the                 got up to speed quickly on
BPS® M5. Cutting-edge sensors offer              the new equipment thanks
reliable detection of authenticity,              to a modernized user-friendly
                                                 interface based on the tried and
denomination (no cross-overs) and
                                                 tested BPS® 1000 GUI along
                                                 with on-site training by G+D
The timing of the install was ideal.
“Upgrading our equipment now
makes perfect sense, with business               Seminole Hard Rock Tampa has
bouncing back higher than it has ever            a Classic Care maintenance
been,” enthuses Lizanich.                        agreement for ongoing service,
                                                 which means there is on-call
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - CASE STUDY BPS M5: Makes a smooth transition from legacy BPS 1000 - Giesecke & Devrient
  at the client
                                    I N P U T A N D O P E R AT I O N
                                    A large touchscreen, large continuous          L A R G E D E L I V E RY M O D U L E
                                    feeder (input capacity of up to 4,000          Two stackers each with a capacity
                                    banknotes) a reject compartment and            of 2,000 loose banknotes or
                                    the highest resolution sensors in the          tickets.

B PS ® M 5 achieves speeds of
up to 33 banknotes per second
(around 120,000 banknotes
per hour) – even in continuous
operation: 24 hours a day, seven
days a week.

                                                                                            S TA N DA R D D E L I V E RY
                                                                                            Four stackers each with online


         Seminole Hard Rock Tampa has          some of the greatest pieces of
         245,000 square feet of gaming         Hard Rock music memorabilia
         space. The newly expanded             lining the casino walls and
         gaming paradise features an array     throughout the floor. Sounds of
         of slot machines and a variety of     classic and modern music videos
         table games including live action     infuse a high energy vibe perfect
         poker, blackjack, baccarat and        for getting lucky. Get ready to
         more. The property also showcases     dive into the excitement!
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - CASE STUDY BPS M5: Makes a smooth transition from legacy BPS 1000 - Giesecke & Devrient
                                                      Currency Technology GmbH
                                                      Prinzregentenstrasse 159
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                                                      Postfach 80 07 29
                                                      81607 Munich, Germany
                                                      Phone: +49 (0) 89 41190
                    CT5371CaseStudy_BPS M5_Jul21_en

                                                      © Giesecke+Devrient
                                                      Currency Technology GmbH
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - CASE STUDY BPS M5: Makes a smooth transition from legacy BPS 1000 - Giesecke & Devrient
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