Self-supervised Keypoint Correspondences for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking in Videos

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Self-supervised Keypoint Correspondences for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking in Videos
arXiv:2004.12652v3 [cs.CV] 15 Mar 2021
                                             Self-supervised Keypoint Correspondences for
                                             Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking in

                                                Umer Rafi1? , Andreas Doering1? , Bastian Leibe2 , and Juergen Gall1
                                                                         University of Bonn, Germany
                                                                          RWTH Aachen, Germany

                                                 Abstract. Video annotation is expensive and time consuming. Conse-
                                                 quently, datasets for multi-person pose estimation and tracking are less
                                                 diverse and have more sparse annotations compared to large scale image
                                                 datasets for human pose estimation. This makes it challenging to learn
                                                 deep learning based models for associating keypoints across frames that
                                                 are robust to nuisance factors such as motion blur and occlusions for the
                                                 task of multi-person pose tracking. To address this issue, we propose an
                                                 approach that relies on keypoint correspondences for associating persons
                                                 in videos. Instead of training the network for estimating keypoint cor-
                                                 respondences on video data, it is trained on a large scale image dataset
                                                 for human pose estimation using self-supervision. Combined with a top-
                                                 down framework for human pose estimation, we use keypoint correspon-
                                                 dences to (i) recover missed pose detections and to (ii) associate pose
                                                 detections across video frames. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art
                                                 results for multi-frame pose estimation and multi-person pose tracking
                                                 on the PoseTrack 2017 and 2018 datasets.

                                 1             Introduction

                                 Human pose estimation is a very active research field in computer vision that
                                 is relevant for many applications like computer games, security, sports, and au-
                                 tonomous driving. Over the years, the human pose estimation models have been
                                 greatly improved [12, 32, 7, 23, 42, 4, 25] due to the availability of large scale
                                 image datasets for human pose estimation [27, 2, 41]. More recently, researchers
                                 started to tackle the more challenging problem of multi-person pose tracking
                                 [20, 19, 42, 38, 46].
                                     In multi-person pose tracking, the goal is to estimate human poses in all
                                 frames of a video and associate them over time. However, video annotations are
                                 costly and time consuming. Consequently, recently proposed video datasets [1]
                                 are less diverse and are sparsely annotated as compared to large scale image
                                 datasets for human pose estimation [27, 41]. This makes it challenging to learn
                                 deep networks for associating human keypoints across frames that are robust to
                                             equal contribution
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Fig. 1. Our contributions: (Left) We use keypoint correspondences to recover missed
pose detections by using the temporal context of the previous frame. (Right) We use
keypoint correspondences to associate detected and recovered pose detections for the
task of multi-person pose tracking.

nuisance factors such as motion blur, fast motions, and occlusions as they occur
in videos.
    State-of-the-art approaches [42, 38, 14] rely on optical flow or person re-
identification [46] in order to track the persons. Both approaches, however, have
disadvantages. Optical flow fails if a person becomes occluded which results in a
lost track. While person re-identification allows to associate persons even if they
disappeared for a long time, it remains difficult to associate partially occluded
persons with person re-identification models that operate on bounding boxes
of the full person. Moreover, the limited annotations in pose tracking datasets
require to train the models on additional datasets for person re-identification.
    We therefore propose to learn a network that infers keypoint correspondences
for multiple persons. The correspondence network comprises a Siamese matching
module that takes a frame with estimated human poses as input and estimates
the corresponding poses for a second frame. Such an approach has the advan-
tage that it is not limited to a fixed temporal frame distance, and it allows to
track persons when they are partially occluded. Our goal is to utilize keypoint
correspondences to recover missed poses of a top-down human pose estimator,
e.g., due to partial occlusion, and to utilize keypoint correspondences for multi-
person tracking. The challenge, however, is to train such a network due to the
sparsely annotated video datasets. In fact, in this work we consider the extreme
case where the network is not trained on any video data or a dataset where
identities of persons are annotated. Instead we show that such a network can
be trained on an image dataset for multi-person pose estimation [27]. Besides of
the human pose annotations, which are anyway needed to train the human pose
estimator, the approach does not require any additional supervision. In order to
improve the keypoint associations, we propose an additional refinement module
that refines the affinity maps of the Siamese matching module.
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         Table 1. Overview of related works on multi-person pose tracking.

               Method        Detection Improvement         Tracking
                 Ours           Correspondences    Keypoint Correspondences
              HRNet [38]         Temporal OKS            Optical Flow
             POINet [36]                -             Ovonic Insight Net
              MDPN [14]             Ensemble            Optical FLow
            LightTrack [33] Ensemble / BBox Prop.           GCN
            ProTracker [13]             -                    IoU
              STAF [35]                 -                 ST Fields
          ST Embeddings [21]            -              ST Embeddings
            JointFlow [11]              -                Flow Fields

    To summarize, the contributions of the paper are:

 – We propose an approach for multi-frame pose estimation and multi-person
   pose tracking that relies on self-supervised keypoint correspondences which
   are learned from a large scale image dataset with human pose annotations.
 – Combined with a top-down pose estimation framework, we use keypoint
   correspondences in two ways as illustrated in Figure 1: We use keypoint
   correspondences to (i) recover pose detections that have been missed by
   the top-down pose estimation framework and to (ii) associate detected and
   recovered poses in different frames of a video.
 – We evaluate the approach on the PoseTrack 2017 and 2018 datasets for
   the tasks of multi-frame pose estimation and multi-person pose tracking.
   Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results without using any additional
   training data except of [27] for the proposed correspondence network.

2    Related Work

Multi-Person Pose Estimation. Multi-person pose estimation can be categorized
into top-down and bottom-up approaches. Bottom-up based methods [23, 7, 30,
16, 32] first detect all person keypoints simultaneously and then associate them
to their corresponding person instances. For example, Chao et al. [7] predict part
affinity fields which provide information about the location and orientation of
the limbs. For the association, a greedy approach is used. More recently, Kocabas
et al. [23] propose to detect bounding boxes and pose keypoints within the same
neural network. In the first stage, bounding box predictions are used to crop
from predicted keypoint heatmaps. As a second stage, a pose residual module
is proposed, which regresses the respective keypoint locations of each person
    Top-down methods [44, 25, 8, 29, 42, 44, 31] utilize person detectors and
estimate the pose on each image crop individually. In contrast to bottom-up
methods, top-down approaches do not suffer from scale variations.
    For example, Xiao et al. [42] propose a simple yet strong model based on a
ResNet152 [17] and achieve state-of-the-art performance by replacing the last
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fully connected layer by three transposed convolutions. Li et al. [25] propose an
information propagation procedure within a multi-stage architecture based on
four ResNet50 networks [17] with coarse-to-fine supervision.

Multi-Frame Pose Estimation. In video data, such as PoseTrack [1], related
works [43, 14, 4] leverage temporal information of neighboring frames to increase
robustness against fast motions, occlusion, and motion blur. Xiu et al. [43] and
Guo et al. [14] utilize optical flow to warp preceding frames into the current
frame. Recently, Bertasius et al. [4] propose a feature warping method based on
deformable convolutions to warp pose heatmaps from preceding and subsequent
frames into the current frame. While they show that they are able to learn from
sparse video annotations, they do not address multi-person pose tracking.

Multi-Person Pose Tracking. Early works for multi-person pose tracking [20, 19]
build spatio-temporal graphs which are solved by integer linear programming.
Since such approaches are computationally expensive, researchers reduced the
task to bipartite graphs which are solved in a greedy fashion [38, 36, 14, 33, 13,
11, 35, 43, 21]. Girdhar et al. [13] propose a 3D Mask R-CNN [16] to generate
person tubelets for tracking which are associated greedily.
    More recent works [42, 38, 14, 46] incorporate temporal information by us-
ing optical flow. Xiao et al. [42] rely on optical flow to recover missed person
detections and propose an optical-flow based similarity metric for tracking. In
contrast, Zhang et al. [46] builds on [13] and propose an adapted Mask R-CNN
[16] with a greedy bounding box generation strategy. Furthermore, optical flow
and a person re-identification module are combined for tracking. Jin et al. [21]
perform multi-person pose estimation and tracking within a unified framework
based on human pose embeddings. Table 1 provides a summary of the contribu-
tions of the recent related works.

Correspondences. In recent years, deep learning has been successfully applied
to the task of correspondence matching [9, 22, 15], including the task of visual
object tracking (VOT) [5, 24, 47, 48]. All of the above approaches establish
correspondences at object level. In contrast, our approach establishes correspon-
dences at instance level. Moreover, VOT tasks assume a ground truth object
location for the first frame, which is in contrast to the task of pose tracking.

Self-Supervised Learning. Self-supervised learning approaches [40, 26] have been
proposed for establishing correspondences at patch and keypoints level from
videos. However, these approaches use videos for learning and process a sin-
gle set of keypoints or patch at a time. In contrast, our approach establishes
correspondences for multiple instances and is trained on single images.

3   Method Overview
In this work, we propose a multi-person pose tracking framework that is robust
to motion blur and severe occlusions, even though it does not need any video
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Fig. 2. Given a sequence of frames, we detect a set of person bounding boxes and per-
form top-down pose estimation. Our proposed method uses keypoint correspondences
to (i) recover missed detections and (ii) to associate detected and recovered poses to
perform tracking. The entire framework does not require any video data for training
since the network for estimating keypoint correspondences is trained on single images
using self-supervision.

data for training. As it is illustrated in Figure 2, we first estimate for each frame
the human poses and then track them.
    For multi-person human pose estimation, we utilize an off-the-shelf object
detector [6] to obtain a set of bounding boxes for the persons in each frame. For
each bounding box, we then perform multi-person pose estimation in a top-down
fashion by training an adapted GoogleNet [39], which we will discuss in Section
    In order to be robust to motion blur and severe occlusions, we do not use
optical flow in contrast to previous works like [42]. Instead we propose a network
that estimates for a given frame with estimated keypoints the locations of the
keypoints in another frame. We use this network for recovering human poses
that have been missed by the top-down pose estimation framework as described
in Section 5.1 and for associating detected and recovered poses across the video
as described in Section 5.2.
    The main challenge for the keypoint correspondence network is the handling
of occluded keypoints and the limited amount of densely annotated video data.
In order to address these issues, we do not train the network on video data, but
on single images using self-supervision. In this way, we can simulate disappearing
keypoints by truncation and leverage large scale image dataset like MS-COCO
[27] for tracking. We will first describe the keypoint correspondence network in
Section 4 and then discuss the tracking framework in Section 5.

4    Keypoint Correspondence Network

Given two images I1 and I2 with keypoints {j p }1:Np for all persons p in image I1 ,
our goal is to find the corresponding keypoints in I2 . Towards this end, we use
a Siamese network as shown in Figure 3 which estimates for each keypoint an
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Fig. 3. Keypoint correspondence network. The Siamese network takes images I1 and
I2 and keypoints {j p }1:Np for all persons p in image I1 as input and generates the
feature maps F1 and F2 , respectively. The keypoints of the different persons are shown
in green and yellow, respectively. For each keypoint, a descriptor dpj is extracted from
F1 and convolved with the feature map F2 to generate an affinity map Sjp . In order
to improve the affinity maps for each person, the refinement network takes F1 , F2 and
the affinity maps Sjp for person p as input and generates refined affinity maps Cjp .

affinity map. The affinity maps are further improved by the refinement module,
which is described in Section 4.2.

4.1   Siamese Matching Module

The keypoint correspondence network consists of a Siamese network. Each branch
in the Siamese network is a batch normalized GoogleNet up to layer 17 with
shared parameters [39]. The Siamese network takes an image pair (I1 , I2 ) and
keypoints {j p }1:Np for persons p ∈ {1, . . . , P } in the image I1 as input. During
training, I2 is generated by applying a randomly sampled affine warp to I1 . In
this way, we do not need any annotated correspondences during training or pairs
of images, but train the network on single images with annotated poses. We use
an image resolution of 256 × 256 for both images.
    The Siamese network generates features F1 ∈ R32×64×64 and F2 ∈ R32×64×64
for images I1 and I2 , respectively. The features are then pixel-wise l2 normalized
and local descriptors dpj ∈ R32×3×3 are generated for each keypoint j p by ex-
tracting squared patches around the spatial position of a keypoint in the feature
maps F1 .
    Given a local descriptor dpj , we compute its affinity map Apj over all pixels
x = {1, . . . , 64} and y = {1, . . . , 64} in F2 as:

                                    Apj = dpj ~ F2                                  (1)
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where ~ denotes the convolution operation. Finally, a softmax operation is ap-
plied to the affinity map Apj , i.e.,

                                             exp(Apj (x, y))
                         Sjp (x, y) = P                 p 0 0 .                    (2)
                                           x0 ,y 0 exp(Aj (x , y ))

We refine the affinity maps Sjp further using a refinement module.

4.2   Refinement Module

Similar to related multi-stage approaches [7, 10, 23], we append a second module
to the keypoint correspondence network to improve the affinity maps generated
by the Siamese matching module. For the refinement module, we use a batch
normalized GoogleNet from layer 3 till layer 17. The refinement module concate-
nates F1 , F2 , and the affinity maps {Sjp }1:Np for a single person p and refines
the affinity maps, which we denote by Cjp ∈ R64×64 . The refinement module
is therefore applied to the affinity maps for all persons p ∈ {1, . . . , P }. Before
we describe in Section 5 how we will use the affinity maps for tracking Cjp , we
describe how the keypoint correspondence network is trained.

4.3   Training

Since we train our network using self-supervision, we train it using a single image
I1 with annotated poses. We generate a second image I2 by applying a randomly
sampled affine warp to I1 . We then generate the ground-truth affinity map Gpj
for a keypoint j p belonging to person p as:
                        p          1 if x = x̂pj and y = ŷjp ,
                      Gj (x, y) =                                               (3)
                                   0 otherwise,

where (x̂pj , ŷjp ) is the spatial position of the ground-truth correspondence for
keypoint j p in image I2 , which we know from the affine transformation. As
illustrated in Figure 3, not all corresponding keypoints are present in image I2 .
In this case, the ground-truth affinity map is zero and predicting a corresponding
keypoint is therefore penalized.
    During training, we minimize the binary cross entropy loss between the pre-
dicted affinity maps Sjp and Cjp and the ground-truth affinity map Gpj :
                             − Gpj log(Sjp ) + (1 − Gpj )(1 − log(Sjp ) ,
                 min                                                               (4)
                             − Gpj log(Cjp ) + (1 − Gpj )(1 − log(Cjp ) ,
                 min                                                               (5)

where θ are the parameters of the keypoint correspondence framework.
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Fig. 4. Recovering missed detections. (a) Person detected by the top-down pose esti-
mation framework in frame f −1. (b) Person missed by the top down pose estimation
framework in frame f due to occlusion. (c) Keypoint affinity maps of the missed person
from frame f −1 to frame f . (d) Corresponding keypoints in frame f . (e) Estimated
bounding box from the corresponding keypoints and the recovered pose.

5     Multi-Person Pose Tracking
We use the keypoint correspondence network in two ways. First, we use it to
recover human poses that have been missed by the frame-wise top-down multi-
person pose estimation step, which will be described in Section 5.1. Second, we
use keypoint correspondences for tracking poses across frames of the video as
described in Section 5.2.

5.1   Recover Missed Detections
For a given frame f , we first detect the human poses in the frame using the top-
down multi-person pose estimator described in Section 6.1. While the person
detector [6] performs well, it fails in situations with overlapping persons and
motion blur. Consequently, the human pose is not estimated in these cases.
Examples are shown in Figure 4(b).
    Given the detected human poses Jfp−1 = {jfp−1 } for persons p ∈ {1, . . . , P }
in frame f −1, we compute the corresponding refined affinity maps C p = {Cjp }
by using the keypoint correspondence network. For each keypoint jfp−1 , we then
get the corresponding keypoint j̄fp in frame f by taking the argmax of Cjp and
mapping it to the image resolution. Since the resolution of the affinity maps is
lower than the image resolution and since the frame f might contain a keypoint
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Fig. 5. Pose to track association. (a) A tracked human pose till frame f −1. (b) Key-
point affinity maps of the track to frame f . (c) A pose instance of frame f. The dashed
lines indicate the position of each detected joint of the pose instance in the correspon-
dence affinity maps of the tracked pose in frame f − 1.

that was occluded in the previous frame, we reestimate the propagated poses.
This is done by computing for each person p a bounding box that encloses all
keypoints J¯fp = {j̄fp } and using the human pose estimation network described
in Section 6.1 to get a new pose for this bounding box. We denote the newly
estimated poses by Jˆfp . The overall procedure is shown in Figure 4. We apply
OKS based non-maximum suppression [42] to discard redundant poses.

5.2   Tracking

Given detected and recovered poses, we need to link them across video frames
to obtain tracks of human poses. Tracking can be seen as a data association
problem over estimated poses. Previously, the problem has been approached
using bipartite graph matching [13] or greedy approaches [42, 38, 11]. In this
work, we greedily associate estimated poses over time by using the keypoint
correspondences. We initialize tracks on the first frame and then associate new
candidate poses to intial tracks one frame at a time.
    Formally, our goal is to assign pose instances {Bfp } = {Jfp } ∪ {Jˆfp } in frame
f for persons p ∈ {1, . . . P } to tracks {Tfq−1 } till frame f −1 for persons q ∈
{1, . . . Q}. Towards this end, we measure the similarity between a pose instance
Bfp and a track Tfq−1 as:
                                             Cjq (jfp ) · ICjq (jfp )>τcorr
                    S(Tfq−1 , Bfp )   =     PNq                             ,               (6)
                                                 j=1 ICj (jf )>τcorr
                                                       q   p

where Cjq is the affinity map of the keypoint j in track Tfq−1 for frame f . The
affinity map is computed by the network described in Section 4. Cjq (jfp ) is the
confidence value in the affinity map Cjq at the location of the joint jfp for person p
in frame f . Nq is the number of detected joints. An example is shown in Figure 5.
We only consider jfp if its affinity is above τcorr . If a pose Bfp cannot be matched
to a track Tfq−1 , a new track is initiated.
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6     Experiments and Results
We evaluate our approach on the Posetrack 2017 and 2018 datasets [1]. The
datasets have 292 and 593 videos for training and 214 and 375 videos for evalua-
tion, respectively. We evaluate multi-frame pose estimation and tracking results
using the mAP and MOTA evaluation metrics.

6.1   Implementation Details
We provide additional implementation details for our top-down pose estimation
and keypoint correspondence network below.

Top-down Pose Estimation. We use a top-down framework for frame level pose
estimation. We use cascade R-CNN [6] for person detection and extract crops of
size 384×288 around detected persons as input to our pose estimation framework,
which consists of two stages. Each stage is a batch normalized GoogleNet [39].
The backbone in the first stage consists of layer 1 to layer 17 while the second
backbone consists of layer 3 to layer 17 only. Both stages predict pose heatmaps
and joint offset maps for the cropped person as in [46]. We use the pose heatmaps
in combination with the joint offsets from the second stage as our pose detections.
The number of parameters (39.5 M) of our model is significantly lower compared
to related works such as FlowTrack [42] (63.6 M) or EOGN [46] (60.3 M).
    We train the pose estimation framework on the MS-COCO dataset [27] for
260 epochs with a base learning rate of 1e−3 . The learning rate is reduced to
1e−4 after 200 epochs. During training we apply random flippings and rotations
to input crops. We finetune the pose estimation framework on the PoseTrack
2017 dataset [1] for 12 epochs. The learning rate is further reduced to 1e−5 after
epoch 7.

Keypoint Correspondence Network. We perform module-wise training. We first
train the Siamese module. We then fix the Siamese module and train the refine-
ment module. Both modules are trained for 100 epochs with base learning rate of
1e−4 reduced to 1e−5 after 50 epochs. We generate a second image for each train-
ing image by applying random translations, rotations, and flippings to the first
image. The keypoint correspondence network is trained only on the MS-COCO
dataset [27]. We did not observe any improvements in our tracking results by
finetuning the correspondence model on the PoseTrack dataset. Training only
on the PoseTrack dataset yielded sub-optimal tracking results since PoseTrack
is sparsely annotated and contains far less person instances than MS-COCO.

6.2   Baselines
We compare our keypoint correspondence tracking to different standard tracking
baselines for multi-person pose tracking as reported in Table 2. To measure the
performance of each baseline, we report the number of identity switches and the
MOTA score. For a fair comparison, we replace the keypoint correspondences
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Table 2. Comparison with tracking baselines on the PoseTrack 2017 validation set.
For the comparison, the detected poses based on ground-truth bounding boxes (GT
Boxes) or detected bounding boxes are the same for each approach. Correspondence
based tracking consistently improves MOTA compared to the baselines and significantly
reduces the number of identity switches (IDSW).

                     Tracking Method GT Boxes IDSW MOTA
                     OKS                  X      6582   65.9
                     Optical Flow         X      4419   68.4
                     Re-ID                X      4164   67.1
                     Correspondences      X      3583   70.5
                     OKS                  7      7207   60.4
                     Optical Flow         7      5611   66.7
                     Re-ID                7      4589   64.1
                     Correspondences      7      3632   67.9

in our framework by different baselines. For all experiments, we use the same
detected poses using either ground truth or detected bounding boxes.
    OKS. OKS without taking the motion of the poses into account has been
proposed in [42]. OKS measures the similarity between two poses and is inde-
pendent of their appearance. It is not robust to large motion, occlusion, and
large temporal offsets. This is reflected in Table 2 as this baseline achieves the
lowest performance.
    Optical Flow. Optical flow is a temporal baseline that has been proposed in
[42]. We use optical flow to warp the poses from the previous frame to the current
frame. We then apply OKS for associating the warped poses with candidate poses
in the current frame. We use the pre-trained PWC-net [37] as done in [37] for
a fair comparison. Optical flow clearly outperforms OKS and achieves superior
MOTA of 68.4 and 66.7 for GT and detected bounding boxes, respectively.
    Person Re-id. Compared to optical flow and OKS, person re-identification is
more robust to larger temporal offsets and large motion. However, the achieved
results indicate that person re-identification operating on the bounding boxes
performs sub-optimally under the frequent partial occlusions in the PoseTrack
datasets. For our experiments, we use the pre-trained re-identification model
from [28]. Re-identification based tracking achieves MOTA scores of 67.1 and
64.1 for GT and detected bounding boxes, respectively.
    The results show that correspondence based tracking (1) achieves a consistent
improvement over the baselines for ground-truth and detected bounding boxes
with MOTA scores of 70.5 and 67.9, respectively, and (2) significantly reduces
the number of identity switches. Compared to optical flow, correspondences are
more robust to partial occlusions, motion blur, and large motions. A qualitative
comparison is provided in Section 6.5.

6.3   Effect of Joint Detection Threshold and Pose Recovery
We evaluate the impact of different joint detection thresholds on mAP and
MOTA for the PoseTrack 2018 dataset as shown in Table 3. Since mAP does
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Table 3. Effect of joint detection threshold and pose recovery on mAP and MOTA for
the PoseTrack 2018 validation set. The results are shown for (left) detected poses only
and (right) detected and recovered poses. As expected, recovering missed detections
improves both MOTA and mAP. A good trade-off between mAP and MOTA is achieved
by the joint detection threshold 0.3.

          Joint Threshold mAP MOTA                           Joint Threshold mAP MOTA
                Detected Poses Only                          Detected and Recovered Poses.
          0.0              80.1 48.1                         0               82.0 48.1
          0.1              79.7 63.3                         0.1             81.4 64.1
          0.2              78.9 66.1                         0.2             80.5 67.2
          0.3              77.7 67.6                         0.3             79.2 68.8
          0.4              75.9 68.0                         0.4             77.2 69.2
          0.5              73.1 67.1                         0.5             74.2 68.2

Table 4. Comparison to the state-of-the-art on the PoseTrack 2017 and 2018 validation
set for multi-frame pose estimation.

      Dataset              Method              Head Shoulder Elbow Wrist Hip      Knee Ankle mAP
      PoseTrack 17 Val Set DetectNTrack [13]   72.8   75.6   65.3   54.3   63.5   60.9   51.8   64.1
                           PoseFlow [43]       66.7   73.3   68.3   61.1   67.5   67.0   61.3   66.5
                           FlowTrack [42]      81.7   83.4   80.0   72.4   75.3   74.8   67.1   76.7
                           HRNet [38]          82.1   83.6   80.4   73.3   75.5   75.3   68.5   77.3
                           MDPN [14]           85.2   88.5   83.9   78.0   82.4   80.5   73.6   80.7
                           PoseWarper [4]      81.4   88.3   83.9   78.0   82.4   80.5   73.6   81.2
                           Ours                86.1   87.0   83.4   76.4   77.3   79.2   73.3   80.8
      PoseTrack 18 Val Set PoseFlow [43]       63.9   78.7   77.4   71.0   73.7   73.0   69.7   71.9
                           MDPN [14]           75.4   81.2   79.0   74.1   72.4   73.0   69.9   75.0
                           PoseWarper [4]      79.9   86.3   82.4   77.5   79.8   78.8   73.2   79.7
                           Ours                86.0   87.3   84.8   78.3   79.1   81.1   75.6   82.0

not penalize false-positive keypoints, thresholding decreases the pose estimation
performance by discarding low confident joints. Vice versa, joint thresholding
results in cleaner tracks and improves the tracking performance, as MOTA pe-
nalizes false-positive keypoint detections. A good trade-off between mAP and
MOTA is achieved for the joint detection threshold 0.3 resulting in mAP and
MOTA of 77.7 and 67.6, respectively.
    While on the left hand side of Table 3 we report the results without recovering
missed detections as described in Section 5.1, the table on the right hand side
shows the impact on mAP and MOTA if missed detections are recovered. The
recovering of missed detections improves the accuracy for all thresholds. For the
joint detection threshold 0.3, mAP and MOTA are further improved to 79.2 and
68.8, respectively.

6.4     Comparison with State-of-the-art Methods
We compare to the state-of-the-art for multi-frame pose estimation and multi-
person pose tracking on the PoseTrack 2017 and 2018 datasets.

Multi-Frame Pose Estimation. For the task of multi-frame pose estimation, we
compare to the state-of-the-art on the PoseTrack 2017 and 2018 validation sets,
CorrTrack                 13

Table 5. Comparison to the state-of-the-art on the PoseTrack 2017 and 2018 valida-
tion and test sets. Approaches marked with + use additional external training data.
Approaches marked with ∗ do not report results on the official test set

                       Approach           mAP    MOTA                        Approach          mAP    MOTA
 PoseTrack 17 val set STEmbedding [21]∗   77.0   71.8   PoseTrack 18 val set Ours + Merge      79.2   69.1
                       EOGN [46]          76.7   70.1                        Ours              79.2   68.8
                       PGPT [3]           77.2   68.4                        MIPAL [18]        74.6   65.7
                       Ours + Merge       78.0   68.3                        LightTrack [33]   71.2   64.9
                       Ours               78.0   67.9                        Miracle+ [45]     80.9   64.0
                       POINet [36]        -      65.9                        OpenSVAI [34]     69.7   62.4
                       HRNet [38]         77.3   -                           STAF [35]         70.4   60.9
                       FlowTrack [42]     76.7   65.4
 PoseTrack 17 test set EOGN [46]          74.8   61.1   PoseTrack 18 test set MSRA+            74.0   61.4
                       PGPT [3]           72.6   60.2                         ALG+             74.9   60.8
                       Ours + Merge       74.2   60.0                         Ours + Merge     74.4   60.7
                       POINet [36]        72.5   58.4                         Miracle+ [45]    70.9   57.4
                       LightTrack [33]    66.8   58.0                         MIPAL [18]       67.8   54.9
                       HRNet [38]         75.0   58.0                         CV-Human         64.7   54.5
                       FlowTrack          74.6   57.8

respectively. Although our correspondences are trained without using any video
data, our approach outperforms the recently proposed PoseWrapper [4] approach
on the PoseTrack 2018 validation set with mAP of 82.0 and achieves very com-
petitive mAP on the PoseTrack 2017 validation set with mAP of 80.8 as shown
in Table 4.

Multi-Person Pose Tracking. We compare our tracking approach with the state-
of-the-art for multi-person pose tracking on the PoseTrack 2017 and 2018 val-
idation sets and leaderboards. In addition, we perform a post-processing step
in which we merge broken tracks similar to the recovery of missed detections
described in Section 5.1. This further improves the tracking performance. For
further details we refer to the supplementary material.
    We submitted our results to the PoseTrack 2017 and 2018 test servers, respec-
tively. Our approach achieves top scoring MOTA of 60.0 on the PoseTrack 2017
leaderboard without any bells and whistles as shown in Table 5. Our tracking
performance is on-par with state-of-the-art approaches on the PoseTrack 2017
validation set.
    Similarly, we achieve top scoring MOTA of 69.1 on the PoseTrack 2018 vali-
dation set as shown in Table 5. Our tracking results are very competitive to the
winning entries on the PoseTrack 2018 leaderboard although the winning entries
use additional training data.

6.5    Qualitative Results

We qualitatively compare optical flow and correspondences for the task of pose
warping under motion blur, occlusions, and large motion in Figure 6. While the
column on the left hand side shows the query pose in frame f . The columns in the
middle and on the right hand side show the warped poses generated by optical
flow or correspondences, respectively. In contrast to optical flow, our approach is
robust to occlusion and fast human or camera motion. Our approach, however,
14      U. Rafi et al.

Fig. 6. Qualitative comparison between optical flow and correspondences for the task
of pose warping under occlusion, motion blur, and large motion. (a) Query pose in
frame f . (b) Warped pose using optical flow. (c) Warped pose using correspondences.
In contrast to optical flow, the correspondences warp the poses correctly despite of
occlusions, motion blur, or large motion.

has also some limitations. For instance, we observe that we obtain sometimes two
tracks for the same person if the person detector provides two or more bounding
boxes for a person like one bounding box for the upper body and one bounding
box for the full body. Examples of failure cases are shown in the supplementary

7    Conclusion
In this work, we have proposed a self-supervised keypoint correspondence frame-
work for the tasks of multi-frame pose estimation and multi-person pose tracking.
The proposed keypoint correspondence framework solves two tasks: (1) recover-
ing missed detections and (2) associating human poses across video frames for the
task of multi-person pose tracking. The proposed approach based on keypoint
correspondences outperforms the state-of-the-art for the tasks of multi-frame
pose estimation and multi-person pose tracking on the PoseTrack 2017 and 2018

The work has been funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Ger-
man Research Foundation) GA 1927/8-1 and the ERC Starting Grant ARCA
CorrTrack       15

A     Supplementary Material
A.1    Pose Estimation Framework

Fig. 7. Our two-stage pose estimation framework. Each stage uses GoogleNet [39] as
the backbone. The features extracted by the backbone in the first stage are fed into
a deconvolution layer block to produce pose and joint offsets maps. The backbone
features, pose heatmaps and joint offsets maps from the first stage are fed into the
second stage to produce refined pose and joint offsets maps.

Our two-stage pose estimation framework is shown in Figure 7. Each stage uses
a GoogleNet [39] as the backbone. We use layer 1 to layer 17 for the backbone
of the first stage while for the second stage we use layer 3 to layer 17 only. The
features extracted by the backbone in the first stage are fed into a deconvolution
layer block to produce pose and joint offset maps. The backbone features, pose
heatmaps and joint offset maps from the first stage are fed into the second stage
to produce refined pose and joint offset maps.
    Due to pooling used in the backbone, the resolution of the pose heatmaps
is reduced by a factor of 4 in height and width dimensions. Consequently, the
up-sampled predicted pose is slightly away from the actual pose. Towards this
end, we append a joint offset head to predict the deltas, i.e., ∆x and ∆y for each
keypoint. The position of the jth keypoint (x̂j , ŷj ) at inference is computed as
                        (x̂j , ŷj ) = (xj + ∆xj , yj + ∆yj ).                  (7)
where (xj , yj ) is the up-sampled position from the pose heatmaps. During train-
ing, we minimize the L1 loss between the predicted and ground-truth deltas for
the joint offset maps and use the binary cross entropy loss for the pose heatmaps.

A.2    Impact of τcorr
We evaluate the impact of τcorr on the pose estimation and tracking performance.
As shown in Table 6, the threshold has a low impact. We use τcorr = 0.3 for all
our experiments.
16       U. Rafi et al.

Table 6. Impact of τcorr on mAP and MOTA on the PoseTrack 2017 validation set.

      τcorr                            MOTA                                mAP
      0.1                              67.9                                77.9
      0.2                              67.9                                77.9
      0.3                              67.9                                78.0
      0.4                              67.9                                78.0
      0.5                              67.8                                78.0

Table 7. Comparison of mAP and MOTA for different design choices on the PoseTrack
2017 validation set.

       Design Choices                                   MOTA mAP IDSW
       Correspondence Tracking                       67.9        78.0   3632
       Correspondence Tracking w/o refinement module 66.9        77.7   4304
       Correspondence Tracking w/o duplicate removal 64.5        77.9   8288

A.3     Effect of Refinement Module and Duplicate Removal
We evaluate the effect of the refinement module and duplicate removal on the
pose estimation and tracking performance. As shown in Table 7, omitting any of
the introduced design choices results in a significant drop in MOTA of at least
1%, and increases the number of identity switches (IDSW). Our proposed cor-
respondence refinement module improves the generated correspondence affinity
maps which results in stronger tracking results. This is reflected by the MOTA
and mAP scores that drop to 66.9 and 77.7, respectively, if we disable the re-
finement module. If duplicates are not removed, the MOTA and the mAP scores
drop to 64.5 and 77.9, respectively.

A.4     Track Merging
We propose a post-processing step in which we merge tracks of the same pose
instance at different time steps by utilizing keypoint correspondences from mul-
tiple frames. Given two tracks T q and T p as illustrated in Figure 8, we select
three pose instances {Bfq } with f ∈ {fsq , fcq , feq } at the start, center and end
frames of track T q . For each of the pose instances Bfq , we compute the pose
B̄fq for the starting frame fsp of track T p using correspondences, as described in
Section 5 of the paper. We then employ OKS as similarity metric and calculate
the average similarity between tracks T q and T p as
                                     P                         q    p
                           q    p       f ∈{fs ,fc ,fe } OKS(B̄f , Bfsp )
                  Smatch (T , T ) =                                       .       (8)

B      Failure Cases
Existing person detectors sometimes output duplicate detections for the same
person. Such duplicate detections are hard to remove using non-maximum sup-
CorrTrack       17

Fig. 8. Tack merging: For the start frame fsq , the center frame fcq and the last frame
feq of track T q , we estimate poses from keypoint correspondences in the start frame
fsp of T p , as illustrated by the colored dashed lines. We use an OKS-based similarity
metric to measure the average pose similarity between the poses from correspondences
and the pose in the starting frame fsp of track T p .

pression. In our experiments, they increase the number of false-positives (FP)
and lead to identity-switches. This impacts the overall tracking performance, as
the MOTA metric used in PoseTrack heavily penalizes FPs and IDSWs as shown
in Table 7. Figure 9 illustrates such failure cases.
18      U. Rafi et al.

Fig. 9. Failure cases. Duplicates by the person detector lead to multiple tracks of the
same person and negatively impact the tracking performance.
CorrTrack       19

B.1    Qualitative Results

Fig. 10. Qualitative results for recovering missed detections. Best seen using the zoom
function of the PDF viewer.

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