Page created by Dwight Delgado
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District


Annual Benefits Open Enrollment Period                                                                                           JUNE 2021

          ANNUAL ENROLLMENT PERIOD                                                         WHAT’S NEW FOR 2021-22
             July 26 – August 13, 2021                                                      BENEFIT PLAN YEAR?
The CFISD Annual Enrollment Period opens Monday, July 26 and                  • The TRS Board passed an increase of 5.5% on the TRS-
ends Friday, August 13, 2021. This is the one time per year when                ActiveCare Primary+ plan and an increase of 8% on TRS
you can enroll, change or cancel your benefits without a life event.            ActiveCare Primary, HD, and AC2 plans. The monthly
Do not miss this opportunity. All new enrollments and changes made              average increase for employee only coverage on Primary+,
during this Enrollment Period will be effective September 1, 2021,              HD, and Primary is $30.
or the first of the month following insurance company approval (life
                                                                              • Cigna Dental will have an increase of premium on the PPO
insurance, cancer & specified disease), whichever is later. The First
                                                                                Plan only. The increase is a result of high out of network
Financial Benefit Online Enrollment System will be available to all
                                                                                appointments and procedures. Please remember to stay in-
eligible employees via the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
                                                                                network for your dental services.
during the enrollment period. While this enrollment is considered
passive, meaning your coverage will roll forward to the new benefit           • QCD Dental Benefits has added a new hearing benefit for
year if you do nothing, we encourage you to log on to the system                ALL employees. You do not have to be enrolled in QCD to use
and confirm your benefit coverage and life insurance beneficiaries.             this new benefit. Please refer to the reference center on the First
                                                                                Financial Online Enrollment System for additional information.
      FIRST FINANCIAL BENEFITS ONLINE                                         • Voya Life Insurance is offering a one-time open enrollment
            ENROLLMENT SYSTEM                                                   guarantee issue for optional life insurance.
This is our sixth year using the First Financial Benefits Online                 o Employee: Additional $50K up to GI maximum of $250K
Enrollment System. You will use the same login criteria you created              o Spouse: Additional $10K up to GI Maximum of $50K
previously and provide the answer to your security question. If this             o Children: Full GI
is your first time using the system, the registration instructions are
below.                                                                                   KEY CHANGES FOR 2021-2022
To enroll, make changes or cancel your coverage:                             TRS-ActiveCare:
  Go to:       Staff / HR / Insurance
                                                                              • Social Security Numbers for the employee and all dependents are
  Click on: First Financial Benefits Online Enrollment System
                                                                                REQUIRED this year. If you do not provide a valid SSN there
  Click on:
                                                                                will be loss of coverage. Please verify and update all social
First Time Login Instructions:                                                  security numbers in the benefit system.
Step 1: click on “Register” to create your account
                                                                             					HD Plan:
Step 2: enter Company Key: “cfisd” (all lowercase)
Step 3: enter your Social Security Number                                     			 • Individual/Family In-Network
Step 4: enter your Date of Birth                                              				 Deductible $3,000/$6,000
Step 5: enter continue and then create your account
                                                                              			                       • In Network Coinsurance 30%
New User Name: At least 8 characters with no spaces.
New Password: At least 8 characters with a combination of                     			                       • Out of Network Coinsurance 50%
numbers and letters and no spaces.
                                                                              			 • Individual/Family Maximum
Note: Your user name, password, and answer to security phrase are
                                                                              				 Out of Pocket $7,000/$14,000
case sensitive.
Problems Logging In? Contact First Financial Benefits Online
Enrollment System Customer Service at (855) 523-8422 Monday –
Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. for log-in assistance.

CY-FAIR ISD OFFERS MEDICAL INSURANCE                                                       ENROLLMENT DEADLINE
 TO ELIGIBLE SUBS, TEMPS, AND PART-TIME                                      All new enrollments, changes and cancellations must be made no
    EMPLOYEES AND TO ALL FULL-TIME                                           later than Friday, August 13, 2021. There will be no exceptions
               EMPLOYEES                                                     to this hard deadline. The Evidence of Insurability form for Cancer
All full-time employees, regardless of number of hours worked, and           and Specified Disease policy application MUST BE MAILED
all substitute, temporary, seasonal and part-time Cypress-Fairbanks          OR FAXED to the appropriate underwriting office no later than
ISD employees working 10 or more hours per week are eligible                 Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Please review your September 15,
to enroll in the 2021-2022 TRS-ActiveCare Health Insurance                   2021 paycheck to ensure all deductions are correct.
plans during the up-coming open enrollment period. Substitutes
and temporary employees can enroll by submitting an enrollment                    VISIT THE INSURANCE DEPT WEBSITE
form to the insurance office by end of the open enrollment period.                       
Substitutes and temporary workers should contact the insurance                    Staff / HR / Insurance / Your Benefits Station
department for the medical enrollment form. TRS retirees are
prohibited from enrolling per TRS regulations.                               Go to - “Your Benefit Station” website for plan designs, premium
                                                                             rates, agent contact information, and links to insurance companies
REQUIRED: EMPLOYEES CHOOSING NOT TO                                          and their provider networks. Complete TRS-ActiveCare plan
ENROLL IN TRS-ACTIVE CARE MUST “WAIVE”                                       information is available on the 2021-2022 TRS-ActiveCare
   (DECLINE) COVERAGE EVERY YEAR                                             Enrollment Guide which can be found at:
In compliance with Affordable Care Act regulations, all CFISD
employees eligible for medical insurance are required to enroll in one                     MID-YEAR PLAN CHANGES
of the TRS-ActiveCare health plans or waive (decline) the coverage
in the First Financial Online Enrollment System. The waiver must             Employees enrolling or making changes in their elections during
be submitted each year even if the coverage was waived previously.           the annual open enrollment period should be aware that they cannot
                                                                             make changes during the benefit plan year, September 1, 2021
   GET ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS AND                                         through August 31, 2022 unless they have a “Special Enrollment
     OBTAIN ENROLLMENT ASSISTANCE                                            Event”. Some examples of special enrollment events are below.
                                                                             Change in Marital Status: Marriage or divorce

                                                                             Newly Eligible Dependents: Birth, adoption, foster care placement

                                                                             Loss or Gain of Other Coverage: Change in your spouse’s
                                                                             employment status that results in a loss or gain of coverage or loss
                                                                             or gain of Medicaid coverage.

                                                                             Acquiring Other Coverage: Change in your spouse’s employment
                                                                             status that results in your gaining coverage, or a spouse’s Annual
                                                                             Enrollment Period.

                                                                             A change in your dependent’s eligibility status due to age:
                                                                             Coverage ends on a child’s 26th birthday.
                                                                             SPECIAL NOTE: Any changes outlined above must be made
The Insurance Department will post a video presentation of the               within thirty (30) days of the change of status event date and
benefits along with a Power Point slide. Your Benefit Station and the        must be evidenced at the time of the change with documented
reference center on the benefit system also have a wealth of detailed        proof of the change. If in doubt as to whether an event qualifies for
information.                                                                 a change in elections or what is accepted as documentation of the
                                                                             status change, please call the Insurance Department for assistance
You may contact the Insurance Department, Benefit Agents, or Blue            well in advance of the thirty-one (31) day deadline. New coverage
Cross Blue Shield for any questions you may have. All contact                will be effective retroactively to the first day of the month following
information is on page 10 of this bulletin.                                  the qualifying event date or cancellation date of the former
                                                                             coverage, whichever is later. Any termination of your coverage
      USEFUL INFORMATION TO ENROLL ONLINE:                                   will be effective the last day of the month in which you submit the
Your social security number, the dates of birth and social security          cancellation request. To terminate a former spouse or stepchildren’s
numbers of all eligible dependents you plan to enroll for coverage,          coverage, please make sure it is documented in the divorce decree.
the primary care physicians’ names and identification numbers, and
the names and contact information for the beneficiaries you name
for your life insurance benefits.

TRS-ActiveCare Primary and Primary+ are statewide plans and
                                                                                   HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR
both plans REQUIRE you to select a PCP. If you need to make                              PRESCRIPTIONS
changes to your PCP, you will need to contact BCBS. You also                   • TRS-ActiveCare members with diabetes may qualify for a
will need a referral from your PCP to see a specialist. This plan is             OneTouch blood glucose meter at no cost. Contact CVS
beneficial for employees who prefer a plan with co-pays and who                  Caremark Member Services Diabetic Meter Team at
have dependents who live within the state of Texas. There is no out-             (800) 588-4456 for details.
of-network coverage on this plan.
                                                                               • Even though the HD plan normally requires members
                                                                                 pay their deductibles before the plan pays for any
                   MEDICAL ID CARDS
                                                                                 prescription drugs, participants are not required to pay
You will only receive a new card if you are changing plans. If you are           anything for certain preventive generic drugs when they fill
enrolled in the HD or AC2 Plans, you will receive one card with the              a short term 31-day supply. Many of the drugs on the High
employee’s name on it which will cover all family members. If you                Deductible Health Plan Generics Only Preventive Drug List
enroll in the Primary or Primary+ Plans, you will receive a card for             are common maintenance medications. The drug list can be
each participant with their PCP on the card.                                     found on the Caremark website at:
 DETERMINE IF YOUR MEDICAL PROVIDER                                              The Primary Plan also has certain drugs covered at no cost
                                                                                 on the drug list.
           ARE CONSIDERING                                                     • Primary+, and AC2 participants can also save money by
                                                                                 filling their 90-day supply generic or preferred brand
Before enrolling in a TRS-ActiveCare Health Plan, employees                      prescriptions through Caremark Mail Order Pharmacy or a
should determine whether their preferred providers accept the plan               Retail-Plus pharmacy. A list of Retail-Plus pharmacies can
they are considering. The BlueCross BlueShield of Texas website at               be found at : enables employees to “Find a Doctor       
or Facility” that accepts the various plans. Employees should also
confirm their findings by contacting their providers directly.                        MEDICAL TIPS AND REMINDERS
                                                                               • Please remember to get your annual well-visit checkup.
                      MOBILE ACCESS
                                                                                 Preventative care is covered at 100% and only 18% of
The Blue Cross Blue Shield app will allow you to view claims,                    participants in Texas are taking advantage of this benefit.
explanation of benefits (EOBs), live chat, and view your card.
                                                                               • Always try and stay in network for medical services;
To download the app, text BCBSTXAPP to 33633 or search for
                                                                                 this can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars
BCBSTX in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
                                                                                 in medical care. Stand alone Emergency Rooms (ERs)
                                                                                 are typically out of network, so please be cautious.
The My Choice Mobile App will allow you to view and make
benefit changes in leu of signing into the First Financial Benefit             • It is best to go an Urgent Care or Ready Clinic unless it is
Online Enrollment System. To gain initial access, log into the First             truly a life-threatening emergency that requires an ER visit.
Financial Benefit System and choose “Get Access Code” under the
                                                                               • CAT Scans and MRIs are cheaper at imaging centers than
My Choice Mobile App section.
                                                                                 hospitals. Always research the price of your medical needs.
                     VIRTUAL HEALTH                                          403(b) and 457 TAX SHELTERED SAVINGS PLANS
Teladoc along with RediMD are available for virtual health needs.            All CFISD employees, including substitutes and temporary workers
Teladoc can provide medical and mental health needs inclusive of             are eligible to enroll in a Tax Sheltered Saving Plan to supplement
cold, flu, allergies, bronchitis, respiratory infections, depressive         their retirement. Contact TCG Administrators at 1-800-943-9179
and anxiety disorders, and alcohol and addition substance-related            for 403(b) and 457 enrollment information or visit the retirement
disorders. RediMD can provide medical needs for back strains,                website at under Staff / HR / Retirement.
shoulder strains, ankle injuries, pulled muscles, asthma, infections,
and allergies.                                                               Employees can enroll in the 457 plan during open enrollment
                                                                             through the First Financial Benefits On-Line Enrollment System.
                                                                             There are six levels of portfolios for employees to choose from
                                                                             ranging from a Preservation Portfolio with the least amount of risk
                                                                             to the Aggressive Growth Portfolio which has the highest level of
                                                                             risk. The Signature Portfolio is the default investment for the 457
                                                                             Plan with a moderate level of risk.

                                                                             Financial consultants recommend employees start saving as early as
                                                                             possible. You may start with a contribution as low as $10 per check
                                                                             and gradually increase or cancel as you choose.

CYPRESS- FAIRBANKS ISD Employee Monthly Premium Rates 2021-2022
                                  TRS-ACTIVECARE PLANS *
                                     TRS              TRS                TRS                  TRS                   SCOTT &
   MONTHLY PREMIUMS               ActiveCare       ActiveCare         ActiveCare           ActiveCare                WHITE
                                   Primary             HD             Primary+                 2**                    HMO

  Employee Only                       $192             $204                $311                $775                  $317
  Employee & Child(ren)               $462             $483                $579               $1,197                 $647
  Employee & Spouse                   $740             $773                $885               $1,941                 $927
  Employee & Family                   $925             $965               $1,188              $2,347                 $1,122

EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION            PART-TIME EMPLOYEE RATES                              ( 15 - 34 HOURS PER WEEK )
  Employee Only                       $192             $204                $311                $775                  $317
  Employee & Child(ren)               $525             $546                $642               $1,260                 $647
  Employee & Spouse                   $803             $836                $948               $2,004                 $987
  Employee & Family                  $1,028           $1,068              $1,291              $2,450                 $1,225

  Employee Only                       $417             $429                $542               $1,013                 $542
  Employee & Child(ren)               $751             $772                $879               $1,507                 $872
  Employee & Spouse                  $1,176           $1,209              $1,334              $2,402                 $1,363
  Employee & Family                  $1,405           $1,445              $1,675              $2,841                 $1,568

                                                                     QCD of America        MSofA Dent-All Discount Plan
    DENTAL INSURANCE             Cigna       PPO Cigna      DHMO     Dental Discount       ( See Website for Plan Details)
Employee Only                    $        37.72   $           9.48       No Charge            Plan A            $           10.00
Employee & 1 Dependent           $        80.12   $          14.88   $         6.00           Plan B            $            5.00
Employee & 2 Dependent or more   $       113.28   $          23.50   $         9.00           Plan C            $            5.00

                                 Guardian VSP     Guardian VSP                                                    Assurant
     VISION INSURANCE                                                 DISABILITY INSURANCE
                                 Vision Plan A    Vision Plan B                                                Employee Benefits
Employee Only                    $        10.36       $13.80                       PLAN A
                                                                                                                $5.56 - $316.26
Employee & Child(ren)            $        17.80       $23.70         (see website for plan details / rates)
Employee & Spouse                $        17.44       $23.22                       PLAN B
                                                                                                                $4.98 - $281.90
Employee & Family                $        28.18       $37.50         (see website for plan details / rates)

                                     iLock 360       iLock 360        CANCER AND SPECIFIED
      Identity Protection                                                                                           Insurance
                                     Plus Plan     Premium Plan        DISEASE INSURANCE
Employee Only                    $         8.00   $          15.00
                                                                                 Monthly Rates
Employee & Child(ren)            $        13.00   $          20.00   (Depending on Coverage Selections - See    $9.47 - $118.39
Employee & Spouse                $        15.00   $          22.00          website for Plan Details)
Employee & Family                $        20.00   $          27.00

OPTIONAL LIFE INSURANCE                  Optional Employee                     Optional Spouse                  Optional Child

        Voya Financial                     $.59 - $875.50                       $.30 - $218.88                       $0.42


2021-22 TRS-ActiveCare Plan Highlights Sept. 1, 2021 – Aug. 31, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This plan is closed and not accepting new enrollees. If you’re
    How to Calculate Your                                        All TRS-ActiveCare participants have three plan options. Each includes a wide range of wellness benefits.                                                                                                             currently enrolled in TRS-ActiveCare 2, you can remain in this plan.

    Monthly Premium
                                                                                                          TRS-ActiveCare Primary                                   TRS-ActiveCare Primary+                                          TRS-ActiveCare HD                                                          TRS-ActiveCare 2
         Total Monthly Premium                                                               • Lowest premium of the plans                            • Lower deductible than the HD and Primary plans          • Compatible with a health savings account (HSA)                        • Closed to new enrollees
                                                                                             • Copays for doctor visits before you meet deductible    • Copays for many services and drugs                      • Nationwide network with out-of-network coverage                       • Current enrollees can choose to stay in this plan
         Your District and State                                                             • Statewide network                                      • Higher premium than the other plans                     • No requirement for PCPs or referrals                                  • Lower deductible
                                                             Plan summary                    • PCP referrals required to see specialists              • Statewide network                                       • Must meet your deductible before plan pays for non-preventive care    • Copays for many drugs and services
         Contributions                                                                       • Not compatible with a health savings account (HSA)     • PCP referrals required to see specialists                                                                                       • Nationwide network with out-of-network coverage
         Your Premium                                                                        • No out-of-network coverage                             • Not compatible with a health savings account (HSA)                                                                              • No requirement for PCPs or referrals
                                                                                                                                                      • No out-of-network coverage
    Ask your Benefits Administrator for your
    district’s premiums.

                                                  Monthly Premiums                                  Total Premium                      Your Premium            Total Premium                     Your Premium            Total Premium                       Your Premium                        Total Premium                          Your Premium
                                                                           Employee Only                 $417                $                                    $542                 $                                     $429                  $                                                 $1,013                $
                                                                    Employee and Spouse                 $1,176               $                                   $1,334                $                                    $1,209                 $                                                 $2,402                $
    Wellness Benefits at                                           Employee and Children                 $751                $                                    $879                 $                                     $772                  $                                                 $1,507                $
    No Extra Cost                                                    Employee and Family                $1,405               $                                   $1,675                $                                    $1,445                 $                                                 $2,841                $

    Being healthy is easy with:
                                                  Plan Features
    • $0 preventive care                                                 Type of Coverage                       In-Network Coverage Only                                  In-Network Coverage Only                        In-Network                         Out-of-Network                        In-Network                          Out-of-Network
                                                              Individual/Family Deductible                           $2,500/$5,000                                             $1,200/$3,600                            $3,000/$6,000                        $5,500/$11,000                      $1,000/$3,000                         $2,000/$6,000
    • 24/7 customer service

                                                                              Coinsurance                    You pay 30% after deductible                              You pay 20% after deductible              You pay 30% after deductible          You pay 50% after deductible       You pay 20% after deductible         You pay 40% after deductible
    • One-on-one health coaches                   Individual/Family Maximum Out-of-Pocket                           $8,150/$16,300                                             $6,900/$13,800                          $7,000/$14,000                       $20,250/$40,500                     $7,900/$15,800                      $23,700/$47,400
                                                                                 Network                           Statewide Network                                         Statewide Network                                          Nationwide Network                                                       Nationwide Network
    • Weight loss programs                            Primary Care Provider (PCP) Required                                Yes                                                       Yes                                                         No                                                                       No

    • Nutrition programs
    • Ovia® pregnancy support                     Doctor Visits
                                                                             Primary Care                              $30 copay                                                 $30 copay                       You pay 30% after deductible          You pay 50% after deductible                $30 copay                   You pay 40% after deductible
    • TRS Virtual Health
                                                                                Specialist                             $70 copay                                                 $70 copay                       You pay 30% after deductible          You pay 50% after deductible                $70 copay                   You pay 40% after deductible
    • Mental health support                                             TRS Virtual Health                         $0 per consultation                                       $0 per consultation                                        $30 per consultation                                                     $0 per consultation

    • And much more!
    Available for all plans.                      Immediate Care
    See your Benefits Booklet for more details.                               Urgent Care                              $50 copay                                                 $50 copay                       You pay 30% after deductible          You pay 50% after deductible                $50 copay                   You pay 40% after deductible
                                                                          Emergency Care                     You pay 30% after deductible                              You pay 20% after deductible                                 You pay 30% after deductible                                  You pay a $250 copay plus 20% after deductible
                                                                        TRS Virtual Health                         $0 per consultation                                       $0 per consultation                                        $30 per consultation                                                     $0 per consultation

    Things to Know                                Prescription Drugs
                                                                          Drug Deductible                        Integrated with medical                                   $200 brand deductible                                      Integrated with medical                                                   $200 brand deductible
    • TRS’s Texas-sized purchasing power
                                                   Generics (30-Day Supply/90-Day Supply)               $15/$45 copay; $0 for certain generics                                 $15/$45 copay                          You pay 20% after deductible; $0 for certain generics                                        $20/$45 copay
      creates broad networks without
                                                                          Preferred Brand                    You pay 30% after deductible                              You pay 25% after deductible                                 You pay 25% after deductible                                  You pay 25% after deductible ($40 min/$80 max)/
      county boundaries.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          You pay 25% after deductible ($105 min/$210 max)
                                                                      Non-preferred Brand                    You pay 50% after deductible                              You pay 50% after deductible                                 You pay 50% after deductible
    • Specialty drug insurance means                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             You pay 50% after deductible ($100 min/$200 max)/
                                                                                 Specialty                   You pay 30% after deductible                              You pay 20% after deductible                                 You pay 20% after deductible                                 You pay 50% after deductible ($215 min/$430 max)
      you’re covered, no matter what life
      throws at you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             You pay 20% after deductible ($200 min/$900 max)
What’s New and What’s Changing                                                                                                                Effective: Sept. 1, 2021

    This year, we have the same popular plan features that make TRS-ActiveCare plans standout, including broad
    networks, low copays for primary care and TRS Virtual Health, and specialty drug coverage.
                                                               2020-21                   New 2021-22     Change in Dollar
                                                                                                                                                 Key Plan Changes
                                                            Total Premium                Total Premium      Amount
                            Employee Only                       $386                         $417                  $31
                                                                                                                                   No benefits changes!
    TRS-ActiveCare          Employee and Spouse                $1,089                       $1,176                 $87             This plan still has the lowest monthly costs and copays.
    Primary                                                                                                                        Your Primary Care Provider copay is $30 and TRS Virtual
                            Employee and Children               $695                         $751                  $56             Health is $0.
                            Employee and Family                $1,301                       $1,405              $104
                            Employee Only                       $397                         $429                  $32      • In-network deductible rose by $200 for individuals and $400 for families
                                                                                                                            • In-network coinsurance rate rose from 20% to 30%
                            Employee and Spouse                $1,120                       $1,209                 $89      • Out of network coinsurance rate rose from 40% to 50%
    TRS-ActiveCare HD                                                                                                       • In-network maximum out-of-pocket rose by $100 for individuals and
                            Employee and Children               $715                         $772                  $57        $200 for families
                                                                                                                            *All changes are for medical only. There are no changes to prescription drug

                            Employee and Family                $1,338                       $1,445              $107         coinsurance rates.

                            Employee Only                       $514                         $542                  $28
                                                                                                                                   No benefits changes!
    TRS-ActiveCare          Employee and Spouse                $1,264                       $1,334                 $70             This plan still has copays and the lowest deductibles, maximum
    Primary+                                                                                                                       out-of-pockets, and coinsurance rates. Your Primary Care
                            Employee and Children               $834                         $879                  $45
                                                                                                                                   Provider copay is $30 and TRS Virtual Health is $0.
                            Employee and Family                $1,588                       $1,675                 $87
                            Employee Only                       $937                        $1,013                 $76
    TRS-ActiveCare 2        Employee and Spouse                $2,222                       $2,402              $180               No benefits changes!
    (closed to new                                                                                                                 This plan is still closed to new enrollees.
                            Employee and Children              $1,393                       $1,507              $114
                            Employee and Family                $2,627                       $2,841              $214

                                                            At a Glance
                                              Primary                              HD                     Primary+
                        Premiums               Lowest                             Lower                     Higher
                       Deductible            Mid-range                            High                       Low
                          Copays                  Yes                              No                        Yes
                         Network            Texas network                   Nationwide network           Texas network
                 PCP Required?                    Yes                              No                        Yes
                     HSA-eligible?                No                               Yes                        No

    Benefit Plans                                           Features                                           Monthly Rates

                           Health Plan Administrator – Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)
Medical Insurance                                                                                         Please see page 4 for rates.
                           Pharmacy Benefit Manager – CVS Caremark

Health Savings Account     Participants must be enrolled in the qualifying high deductible TRS-            2021 Annual Pre-Tax Allowable
(HSA)                      ActiveCare HD medical plan and NOT enrolled in Medicare.                               Contributions:
                                                                                                                Emp Only     $3,600
                           Tax-Deferred Health Savings Account allowing you to make pre-tax                     Emp + Dep $7,200
HSA Bank
                           contributions into a savings account set up with HSA Bank to pay for
                           eligible medical expenses.                                                     Individuals age 55 or over may
                           HSA Bank monthly administrative fee: $2.50                                     make an additional $1,000 per year
                                                                                                          catch-up contribution.
                           HSA funds may be used to pay for out of pocket eligible medical expenses
                           incurred by anyone you claim as a dependent on your income tax return.
                           Unspent funds remain yours to spend in the future for eligible expenses.

                                                                                                            District Paid Benefit for all
                                                                                                              part-time and full-time
                           Basic life benefit is $30,000; AD&D benefit is $30,000                         employees working a minimum
Basic Life / AD&D
                                                                                                              of 15 hours per week.
(Accidental Death and
                           Benefit reduces to $19,500 at age 65 and to $15,000 at age 70
                                                                                                                Have you named your
                           Additional Benefits:                                                                    beneficiary?
                             Accelerated Death Benefit
Voya Financial                   • 75% coverage for life Expectancy less than 12 months                         Name or change your
                             Everest Funeral Planning                                                           life beneficiary on the
                             Travel Assistance                                                                First Financial Benefits
                                                                                                              Online Enrollment System
                                                                                                                      at any time.

                                                                                                                    Monthly Rates
Optional Life / AD&D       Employee - Coverage amounts up to $500,000; $10,000 minimum.
                           Spouse - Coverage up to 100% of employee’s coverage; $125,000                   Optional Employee: $.59-875.50
                                      maximum; $5,000 minimum.                                              Optional Spouse: $.30-218.88
                           Child - Coverage of $10,000 available for each dependent child.                      Optional Child: $.42

                           GUARANTEED ISSUE AMOUNTS                                             
                               •   Employee - $250,000 as a new hire; $10,000 each year                   voya-financial-life-insurance.html
(Group Policy # 69486-0)           thereafter up to $500,000 maximum
                               •   Spouse - $50,000 as a spouse of a new hire; $5,000 each year
                                   thereafter to a $125,000 maximum
                               •   Child(ren) - $10,000
Voya Financial             **CFISD spouses cannot cover each other under spouse life.

                           All coverage requests that exceed the Guaranteed Issue amounts require an
                           Evidence of Insurability form (EOI), a health questionnaire, and will
                           require approval from Voya Financial.

                                                                                                                    Monthly Rates
                                                                                                          Basic Employee Only: District Paid
                           Comprehensive Identity Protection at your fingertips.                               Plus/Premium Plan Rates
iLock 360                     •    Complete CyberAlert protection
                              •    Credit bureau monitoring                                               Emp                  $8.00/$15.00
Identity Protection           •    Lost wallet protection                                                 Emp+ Children        $13.00/$20.00
                              •    $1M insurance                                                          Emp + Spouse         $15.00/$22.00
                                                                                                          Emp + Fam            $20.00/$27.00
                           CyberAlert Internet Surveillance scours websites, chat rooms, and bulletin
                           boards 24/7/365 to identify trading or selling of your personal information.

2021 – 2022 BENEFIT PLAN OPTIONS (continued)

                     A dental insurance plan allowing employees to choose your own dental
                     provider and specialists.
 PPO Dental Plan
 Cigna Dental        Coinsurance Percentages:
                      Type I (Preventive Services) = 100%; No waiting period for services.
                      Type II (Basic Restorative Services) = 80%; No waiting period for               Emp Only          $ 37.72
                      Services.                                                                       Emp + 1 Dep       $ 80.12
                      Type III (Major Services) = 50%; No waiting period for services.                Emp + 2 or more   $113.28
                      Type IV (Orthodontia) = 50%; 12 month waiting period.                            Dependents

                     Annual maximum benefit per member = $2,000

                     Orthodontia lifetime maximum = $1200
                     Vision Discount Services offered by Cigna Vision Network.

                     A Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) offering a Copayment
DHMO Dental Plan     schedule for services received from their network dental providers.
Cigna Dental         Members MUST indicate their selected provider’s network ID number in the         Emp Only          $ 9.48
                     online enrollment system at the time of their enrollment.                        Emp + 1 Dep       $ 14.88
                     No deductibles, waiting periods, or annual maximums.                             Emp + 2 or more   $ 23.50
                     Vision Discount Services offered by Cigna Vision Network.
                     Additional Benefits: Identity Theft Program, Healthy Rewards

Dental & Vision      Receive discounts on dental services, orthodontics, cosmetic, oral surgery,
Discount Plan        prosthodontics and more.
MSofA Dent-All       Members pay a monthly membership fee to receive services at discounted prices
                     that are 20% to 80% off the usual and customary fees.                             Plan A     $10.00
                     Members must use plan providers.                                                  Plan B     $ 5.00
                                                                                                       Plan C     $ 5.00
                     Vision Discount Services offered by U.S. Vision Plan.
                     Neighborhood Pharmacy Discounts available to members.
                        Plan A: Employee + Dependents (Dental, Vision & Prescription)
                        Plan B: Employee + Dependents (Dental & Vision)
                        Plan C: Employee + Dependents (Vision & Prescription Discounts)

                     A managed cost plan in which subscribers pay for dental services received from
Dental & Vision      a provider in the QCD Affiliated Dentist Network.
Discount Plan                                                                                         Emp Only          $ 0.00
QCD of America       The subscriber pays for services at a discounted rate based upon the QCD fee     Emp + 1 Dep       $ 6.00
                     schedule.                                                                        Emp + 2 or more   $ 9.00
                     Vision Discount Services offered by Davis Vision through their Clear Vision
                     Discount Program.

                     Wellness program provides discount on prescriptions for family and pets.

2021 – 2022 BENEFIT PLAN OPTIONS (continued)

       Benefit Plans                                           Features                                                Monthly Rates

                            Provides a maximum benefit of 66 2/3% of your monthly earnings up to
Disability Insurance        $7,500 if you are disabled and unable to work. Treats pregnancy as any
Plan                        other illness. You do not have to use your leave days prior to filing a claim.
                            Elimination Period options (in days) for injury/sickness: 0 days for
Sun Life                    injury/7days for sickness; 14 days/14 days, 30 days/30 days.                       Plan A Rates:
(acquired by Assurant)                                                                                                $5.56 - $316.26
                            Elimination periods are waived on first day of hospital confinement.
                            Plan A pays for disabling injury or illness to the age of 65.                      Plan B Rates:
                            Plan B pays for disabling illness up to 5 years; injury to age 65.                        $4.98 - $281.90
                            (Benefit available over age 65 – reduced benefit schedule applies)

                            GUARANTEED ISSUE – NO health questions to answer.                                    Employees should
                            A 3 month / 12 month Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion Limitation exists              re-evaluate their monthly
                            for the first 12 months after the effective date of coverage. Pre-existing           disability benefit at least
                            condition means a condition for which you received medical treatment,                every two years to keep
                            consultation, care or services including diagnostic measures, or took                their benefit in pace with
                            prescribed drugs in the 3 months prior to your effective date of coverage; and       their salary.
                            the disability begins in first 12 months of coverage.

                            CURRENT ENROLLEES – NO health questions to change your benefit.
                            Pre-existing will apply only to the increased benefits.

                            I’ve got a major medical plan; why do I need a cancer plan?
Cancer & Specified
Disease Insurance           The plan pays cash benefits directly to the covered member when services are
                                                                                                               Monthly Rates:
                            received for the treatment of cancer or other diseases specifically named in the
                                                                                                                     $9.47 - $118.39
Humana                      policy. Includes an Annual Wellness Benefit of up to $100 for cancer
                            screening. Employees having a family history of cancer or a personal life-
                                                                                                               Depending on coverage
                            style risk (smoking or other exposure) might want to consider the policy.
                            A health questionnaire must be answered to pass eligibility. Bay Bridge
                            Administrators will mail all employees that enroll an application.
                            Applications must be mailed back or faxed to Bay Bridge Administrators by
                            August 31, 2021.

       Return Applications to: Bay Bridge Administrators, Attn: Underwriting, PO Box 161630, Austin, TX 78716
                                            or FAX TO: (512) 275-9352

 Guardian VSP Vision        Provides vision coverage for regular eye exams, lenses and                         Plan A Rates:
 Insurance                  frames. Includes coverage for single vision, bifocal, trifocal, and                   Emp Only             $ 10.36
                            lenticular, and medically necessary contact lenses. Provides a contact lens           Emp + Child(ren)     $ 17.80
                            discount program.                                                                     Emp + Spouse         $ 17.44
                                                                                                                  Emp + Family         $ 28.18
                            Plan A – Frame allowance every other year.
                            Plan B – Frame allowance yearly.                                                   Plan B Rates:
                                                                                                                 Emp Only              $ 13.80
                                                                                                                 Emp + Child(ren)      $ 23.70
                                                                                                                 Emp + Spouse          $ 23.22
                                                                                                                 Emp + Family          $ 37.50

The district's Insurance Department staff is always available to assist you with your benefits questions and concerns. We
are located in the Instructional Support Center (North), 10300 Jones Rd., Suite 335, phone, (281) 897-3882. Additional
assistance with your plan selections may be received by contacting the following companies directly or by visiting the
Insurance Department website. The website has links to each benefit plan administrator and their provider networks.

                                                         FOR ASSISTANCE
      Benefit                  Provider                    Contact           Phone Number                      Website or Email
CFISD                  EE’s Last Name A – K         Laura Unger              (281) 897-4138
Insurance Dept.        EE’s Last Name L – Z         Robin Rubalcava          (281) 897-4747   Go to: Staff / HR / Insurance
                       TRS-ActiveCare Plans
                       BlueCross BlueShield
                                                    Customer Service         (866) 355-5999
Prescription Drug      CVS Caremark

Medical HMO            Scott & White HMO            Customer Service         (800) 321-7947
(must reside in the
service area)                                                                       

HSA                                                                                           For HSA information:
                       Only available to those enrolling in:
(Health Savings                                                              (800) 357-6246
                       TRS-ActiveCare HD (all tiers of coverage)                              For enrollment procedures:

Dental Insurance       Cigna PPO & DHMO             Audrey Ayers
                                                                             (281) 333-9792
                                                    (Station & Ayers)

                       MSofA Dent-All               Wes Ryan                 (281) 894-5080
                                                    Customer Service         (866)362-1517
Discount Dental
                                                                             (800) 229-0304
                       QCD of America               Member Services                 
                                                                             ext. 170

                                                    Audrey Ayers             (281) 333-9792
Disability Insurance   Sun Life                                                     
                                                    Customer Service         (800) 877-2701

Cancer & Specified                                  Lou Moore                (281) 380-1488
Disease Insurance                                   Customer Service         (800) 845-7519
Basic Life & AD&D                                   Tammy Southivorarat      (281) 810-4943
and (Optional) Life    Voya Financial               (Kainos Partners)               
Insurance                                           Customer Service         (877) 886-5050

Guardian Vision                                     Reginald Lillie          (281) 213-9663
                       Guardian Life Insurance                                      
Insurance                                           Customer Service         (888) 600-1600

Identity Protection    iLock 360                    Customer Service         (855) 287-888

                       403(b) and 457 Plan          TCG Administrators       (800) 943-9179

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