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W HITE PAPE R Internet usage and the return to travel in the time of vaccines and eased restrictions Even as the internet kept us connected with family and friends during the pandemic, people remain understandably eager to reconnect in person as vaccines roll out and restrictions ease. In fact, people are making travel plans accordingly. In the U.S., 68% of people said that they’re planning to travel for leisure this year, slightly higher than the international average of 64%. And, as always, they’re bringing their devices with them. These are a few of the top-line findings internet, 61% reported implementing from our 2021 Consumer Security Mindset more protection for their devices, Report: Travel Edition, which garnered connected homes, and online activities responses from more than 11,000 people in general. This was particularly the case aged 18 to 75 in eleven countries across in nations like India (86%), Mexico (79%), North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Brazil (68%). However, other nations Nearly two-thirds and the South Pacific. More broadly, this trended much lower than the average, (64%) of people survey provides insight into people’s plans such as the UK (47%) and France (34%). worldwide said and preferences for travel and how they In the U.S., that figure was lower than the that they’re view online security while traveling— international trend with roughly half of planning to particularly after relying heavily on the people implementing more protection. internet at home during the pandemic for travel for leisure more than a year. The return to travel, internationally this year. and domestically People are more connected As called out earlier, people are taking and more protected the first steps toward leisure travel Indeed, people feel more connected by once again. Only 12% of people in the the internet today than they did prior to U.S. said that they were planning on the onset of COVID-19 with a significant traveling internationally compared to 76% of respondents stating as much. In a global average of 16%, while nations light of that increasing reliance on the like Singapore (30%), the UK (25%), and Increased Internet Protection 100 80 60 40 20 0 Percentage of people implementing new protection in 2021 Globally India Mexico Brazil UK France 2 Seeking Reconnection | © 2021 McAfee LLC
W HITE PAPE R Germany (24%) trending well above Current attitudes on connecting the average. In contrast, the outlook to networks outside the Home for domestic leisure travel appears Yet how have attitudes changed toward exceptionally strong, particularly for connecting to networks outside of the respondents in Australia (88%), India home, particularly after the past year (79%) and the U.S. (77%) who plan to saw the majority of people improve travel as such. their security at home? The pandemic has shaped people’s views For a baseline, we found that 80% of on where they’d like to stay, with 62% respondents said that they’ve connected stating that their preference for lodging a device when visiting a home or place has changed this year. Well over one-third that is not their own. The devices of respondents in the U.S., Australia, they mentioned most include laptops, Indonesia, and Canada said that staying streaming devices, Bluetooth speakers, with family and friends as their preferred and gaming devices as well. To connect option. Globally speaking, hotel and motel those devices, they’ll use the home accommodations topped the list at 41%. network of the friend’s or rental home Vacation home rentals entered the mix where they’re staying (48%), or the The outlook for as well with roughly 25% of respondents network provided by the hotel where domestic leisure saying a rental was part of their plan. they’re staying (48%). And while in travel appears between places, public Wi-Fi remains a exceptionally popular means of network connection at strong … 50%, along with airport Wi-Fi (41%) plus transit Wi-Fi (31%). Wi-Fi Connections While Traveling 60 Only 47% people 40 said they take the same online 20 security measures that they take 0 Percentage of Connection at home when Rental/Friends Hotel Public Airport Transit they’re on holiday or vacation. 3 Seeking Reconnection | © 2021 McAfee LLC
W HITE PAPE R As to how secure people feel on those Conclusion: security, you can take networks, the answer varies greatly. it with you While people expect low risk or no risk As travel becomes an actual possibility at all on their home network (85%) or a for people once again, it’s an opportunity friend’s home (73%), they’re far less apt to remember just how important security to trust other networks. In general, they is outside the home. Whether people are see Wi-Fi networks as most vulnerable at home or away, there will be banking to cyber threats than any other network to do, chances to shop online, and or device at 68% and feel most at risk moments to stream a few shows while connecting to networks in hotels (25%) at the airport or on the road. Protecting and rentals (21%). laptops and mobile devices for travel become extra important when using Despite these findings, only 47% people public, airport, and public Wi-Fi, as those said they take the same online security networks can expose people to more measures that they take at home when threats than their home networks. they’re on holiday or vacation. Similarly, As people return to travel, holistic just 52% of people check if the network security software and the use of a virtual they are joining is secure before they private network (VPN) can provide them 80% of connect. Of that, 22% say they don’t with the protection they seek. respondents check because they feel the network said that they’ve poses no threat and another 26% connected a say that they simply don’t know how device when to check. visiting a home or place that is not their own. 4 Seeking Reconnection | © 2021 McAfee LLC
About McAfee McAfee is the device-to-cloud cybersecurity company. Inspired by the power of working together, McAfee creates business and consumer solutions that make our world a safer place. By building solutions that work with other companies’ products, McAfee helps businesses orchestrate cyber environments that are truly integrated, where protection, detection and correction of threats happen simultaneously and collaboratively. By protecting consumers across all their devices, McAfee secures their digital lifestyle at home and away. By working with other security players McAfee is leading the effort to unite against cybercriminals for the benefit of all. 2821 Mission College Blvd. McAfee, the McAfee logo, and MVISION are trademarks or registered trademarks of Santa Clara, CA 95054 McAfee LLC or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other names and 888.847.8766 brands may be claimed as the property of others. McAfee technologies’ features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software, or service activation. No computer system can be absolutely secure. Copyright © 2021 McAfee LLC
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