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INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING Please read carefully – new ordering arrangements apply this year. 1. The 2021 Seed List will remain open throughout the year. Temporary closures will be announced on the website. Updates which reflect current stock and any additions will appear periodically on the website or can be requested by email. 2. In order that the Group can be seen to observe the conditions laid down by the Nagoya Treaty, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES), and other laws concerning biodiversity, it should be noted that seed in this list is supplied in good faith that it complies with these laws and on the express understanding that it is for the personal use of the member and must not be used for commercial purposes. All seed in this list has been supplied to us as ‘garden collected’ ie collected ‘in cultivation’. It should also be noted that we offer the seed as named by the collector and therefore we cannot guarantee the produce. As a general rule open- pollinated seed will not come true to type but may produce interesting garden hybrids. 3. The first figure(s) of the list number indicate the year of collection e.g. list numbers prefixed ‘15’ were collected in 2015, ‘20’ in 2020 and so on. This year the printed list is arranged in alphabetical order but will appear in alphabetical or year-by-year order as an Excel file online. 4. Rhododendron seed can be kept stored for 5 years or more if kept at a temperature of around 2°C or less, which ours is. 5. Please use the order form provided and include the item name as well as the List Number, in case of doubt or error. The seeds are stored and numbered according to the year they were harvested† and it is essential that items are entered in LIST NUMBER ORDER. For example, all seeds with a number starting with 15 are listed first, then 16, 17 up to 20 which represents seed collected in 2020. Do not fill out your order form in alphabetical order. Remember that the seed list is available online in LIST NUMBER ORDER to help you do this. Order forms filled in incorrectly will be left until last or returned. Continue your order on the back of the order form where necessary. Additional order forms can be downloaded from our website. Orders may also be placed using a fillable pdf file, available on the website which may be emailed or printed and sent to the address below as required. 6. Any number of packets may be ordered (subject to a limit of one packet of any given seed list number). In an attempt to ensure that precious seed collections are distributed as far and as fairly as possible, the quantity of seed per packet will be determined by the amount available. 7. Please note that up to THREE packets of seed collected before 2017 (ie with 15 and 16 prefixes) will be available free of charge, subject to availability and the limit of one packet per seed list number as above. Please include free seed choices in the normal way on the order form. 8. Orders will be dealt with in strict order of receipt, with preference given to those members who have donated seed in the current year. Please be patient – orders will be processed as quickly as possible but return of post is not possible and after the main distribution period it may be a few weeks before they can be dealt with. 2
9. If the packet of your choice is sold out, we will automatically substitute a packet of the same species if available unless you state that substitutes are not acceptable by ticking the box on the order form. A list of the seed supplied will accompany your order, which will show details of any substitutes enclosed, but you are advised to keep a copy of your order as the original will be kept in case of queries. 10. Send your order by post or email to the address below with your credit/debit card details. Please note that we are no longer able to accept cheque payments. All credit card details are destroyed once the transaction is complete. For security, email card payments should be sent split into three or four separate emails. Please remember to include the card expiry date and security number – credit card payments cannot be processed without this information. Payment may also be made by PayPal, but wait to be emailed with a total amount before sending to 11. Use the order form provided and send it by email to: or by post to Tim Atkinson, 11 Ireland Road, Haydock, ST HELENS WA11 0SH 12. Prices per packet are as follows: 20 code = £2.50 19 code = £2 18 code = £1.50 17 code = £1.00 16 & 15 code = Up to 3 packets free, additional packets 50p Open pollinated rhododendron seed clearly marked (OP) on the list will be charged at the full rate as above but will include a greater quantity of seed. Please remember that open pollinated seed may not come true to its seed parent and is offered on the understanding that the buyer is aware of this. 13. An additional charge will be added for postage and packing as follows: UK – £2.50 EU – £3.50 Elsewhere – £4.50 (Airmail) 14. SEED IMPORTATION REGULATIONS: Overseas Members requesting seed are responsible for obtaining the necessary documentation to cover their order and for ensuring they do not apply for seed contravening current import legislation in their own countries. Any relevant paperwork should be submitted with the order and the instructions made clear. The Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group, acting in good faith, cannot be held liable for seeds impounded, confiscated or otherwise lost. EU & NORTHERN IRELAND MEMBERS ONLY: The UK has submitted an application for third country equivalence and continues to engage with the EU to progress this application. We will not process EU or Northern Ireland members’ orders until this has been granted but in the meantime we will make every effort to ensure seed is still available. US MEMBERS ONLY: Full details of the USDA requirements are to be found at under ‘Plant Imports/Small Lots of Seed’. You will need to provide us with two sets of order forms – one in List Number Order for the convenience of the Seed Convenor and a second one in alphabetical order for the USDA requirements. _____________________________________________________________________________________ NOTES 1. (HP) = Hand pollinated (CP) = Controlled pollination (WC) = Wild collected (Selfed) = Hand pollination where one plant is both seed and pollen parent (OP) = Open pollinated ie naturally, without human intervention and the male (pollen) parentage cannot be established definitively. 2. To avoid confusion at a later date, if seed has a Collection Number, grow under that name rather than (or as well as) the RCM Group List Number. 3. Propagation and cultivation notes can be found on the Group website – 3
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 19063 Abies koreana (Alastair Stevenson) 16031 Acanthopanax sessiliflorus (Charles Williams) 19066 Acer capillipes (Sally Hayward) 20098 Acer capillipes (Alastair Stevenson) 20100 Acer carpinifolium (Alastair Stevenson) 18020 Acer ginnala (Alastair Stevenson) 20099 Acer griseum (Alastair Stevenson) 20135 Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' (Liz O'Neill) 20101 Acer rufinerve (Alastair Stevenson) 20151 Aconitum napellus (Liz O'Neill) 20140 Actea racemosa (Liz O'Neill) 18004 Aesculus californica (Jane Anderson) 20104 Aesculus pavia var. splendens (John Marston) 20139 Agapanthus (white/pale to dark blue) (Liz O'Neill) 20158 Alonsoa meridionalis (Liz O'Neill) 19064 Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (ex wc Sichuan) (Erland Ejder) 20150 Anemone apennina var. albiflora (Liz O'Neill) 18076 Arisaema candidissimum (Robert Wallace) 17096 Aronia arbutifolia (Alastair Stevenson) 20155 Arthropodium cirratum (Liz O'Neill) 16045 Asclepias incarnata (pink) (Peter Norris) 19067 Berberis amurensis var. latifolia (Sally Hayward) ex Savill Gardens 17047 Betula albosinensis (Barry Starling) 19024 Betula papyrifera (Barry Starling) 20159 Calceolaria mexicana (Liz O'Neill) 20107 Camellia parvilimba (Richard Baines) 20147 Camellia sp? (Liz O'Neill) 20123 Camellia x williamsii 'Mary Jobson' (Caroline Bell) 20138 Cardiocrinum giganteum (Liz O'Neill) 16086 Carpinus fangiana (Maurice Foster) 20148 Cautleya spicata (Liz O'Neill) 19025 Cladothamnus pyroliflorus (Barry Starling) 20128 Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii (Caroline Bell) 17062 Clethra arborea (Barry Starling) 17063 Clethra barbinervis (Barry Starling) 17083 Codonopsis forrestii (Russell Beeson) 18005 Colutea arborescens (Jane Anderson) 20129 Colutea x media (Caroline Bell) 18015 Cornus kousa var. chinensis Michael Roberts 19068 Cotoneaster conspicuus Sherriff 1330 (Sally Hayward) ex Savill Gardens 4
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 16008 Crinodendron 'Ada Hoffman' (Russell Beeson) 16007 Crinodendron hookerianum (Russell Beeson) 17026 Crinodendron patagua (Brian Holt) 20146 Dactylicapnos (Dicentra) scandens (Liz O'Neill) 17021 Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana (Glynne Jones) 20122 Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana (Nigel Edwards) 19133 Decaisnea fargesii (Pam Hayward) 20002 Decaisnea fargesii (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20106 Decaisnea fargesii (Richard Baines) 20176 Decaisnea fargesii (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 20143 Dierama igneum (Liz O'Neill) 20142 Dierama pulcherrimum (Liz O'Neill) 17025 Dierama pulcherrimum (OP) (Brian Holt) 19127 Digitalis (Isoplexis) canariensis (Russell Beeson) 16006 Digitalis (Isoplexis) sceptrum (Russell Beeson) 20097 Drimys winteri (Alastair Stevenson) 19126 Echium wildpretii (Russell Beeson) 19107 Elliottia racemosa (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 16118 Embothrium coccineum (OP) (Glynne Jones) 16106 Enkianthus campanulatus (Tony Schilling) Garden collected, NW Scotland 20177 Enkianthus campanulatus (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 17041 Enkianthus deflexus (Barry Starling) 19026 Enkianthus pauciflorus (Barry Starling) 19069 Eryngium giganteum (Sally Hayward) ex Savill Gardens 19031 Erythronium revolutum 'God's Valley' (Barry Starling) 20073 Eucryphia moorei (Roderick White) 18007 Euonymus grandiflorus f. salicifolius (Jane Anderson) 20105 Euonymus hamiltonianus ssp. sieboldianus (Richard Baines) 16038 Franklinia alatamaha (Peter Norris) 16058 Fraxinus ornus (John Weagle) 19147 Gaultheria cuneata (Tony Schilling) 16105 Gaultheria miqueliana (Tony Schilling) Garden collected, NW Scotland 16057 Gaylussacia baccata (John Weagle) 20145 Gentiana asclepiadea (Liz O'Neill) 20149 Hedychium densiflorum (Liz O'Neill) 18008 Hedychium flavescens (Jane Anderson) 18041 Hibiscus syriacus (pink spot) (Caroline Bell) 20160 Hoheria angustifolia (Liz O'Neill) 20102 Hoheria populnea (John Marston) 20156 Holboellia latifolia (Liz O'Neill) 5
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 17075 Hosta sieboldiana 'Frances Williams' (OP) (Erhard Moser) 15016 Hypericum forrestii (Ivor Stokes) 20003 Ilex aquifolium 'Bacciflava' (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20178 Ilex aquifolium 'Bacciflava' (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 19070 Ilex dimorphylla ex FMIL95016 (Sally Hayward) ex Savill Gardens 19071 Ilex fargesii (Sally Hayward) ex Savill Gardens 20004 Illicium anisatum (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20153 Kirengeshoma palmata (Liz O'Neill) 19027 Larix griffithii (Barry Starling) 19028 Larix kongboensis (Barry Starling) 17046 Larix potaninii (Barry Starling) 19029 Leucothoe keiskei (Barry Starling) 20137 Lilium mackliniae (Liz O'Neill) 20134 Luculia gratissima ex ACVG5622 (Isolated plant) (Pam Hayward) 20157 Lychnis armoraria (Liz O'Neill) 17066 Lyonia villosa (Barry Starling) 18016 Magnolia acuminata Michael Roberts 19152 Magnolia 'Big Dude' (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 19054 Magnolia biondii (Caroline Bell) 19044 Magnolia campbellii var. alba 'Maharanee' (Peter Shotter) 19046 Magnolia denudata 'Forrest's Pink' (Peter Shotter) 20005 Magnolia doltsopa (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20121 Magnolia doltsopa (Nigel Edwards) 20006 Magnolia doltsopa 'Silver Cloud' (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 19153 Magnolia 'F J Williams' (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20007 Magnolia 'Felicity' (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 19154 Magnolia globosa (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20074 Magnolia grandiflora (Roderick White) 19058 Magnolia hypoleuca (Charles Roberts) 19155 Magnolia 'J C Williams' (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 19043 Magnolia 'Lanarth' (OP) (Peter Shotter) 18042 Magnolia liliiflora 'Nigra' (Caroline Bell) 18009 Magnolia 'Manchu Fan' Seedling (OP) (Jane Anderson) 19156 Magnolia 'Mr Julian' (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 19157 Magnolia nitida (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 19137 Magnolia 'Paul Cook' (Pam Hayward) 18019 Magnolia 'Pink Surprise' x 'Coral Reef' (John Weagle) 18040 Magnolia rostrata (Grace Morris) (Grace Morris) Garden collected from a 1989 collection in Yunnan, near 19148 Magnolia rostrata the Tibetan border. 19162 Magnolia rostrata (from Champion Tree) (Sue Thornley) 6
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 19059 Magnolia sieboldii (Alastair Stevenson) Magnolia sieboldii ex WC highest altitude Korea 20109 (John Weagle) (OP but isolated, likely Selfed) 19040 Magnolia sprengeri var. diva (Steve Lyus) Collected at Ness Botanic Gardens 19045 Magnolia sprengeri var. diva 'Burncoose' (Peter Shotter) 19072 Magnolia tripetala (Sally Hayward) 19158 Magnolia virginiana (Caerhays Castle Gardens) (Mario Bartolini) Garden Collected from Campitello Woodland Garden, 18043 Magnolia x soulangeana 'Rustica Rubra' (OP) Tuscany 19052 Magnolia x soulangeana 'Verbanica' (Brian Holt) 20124 Magnolia 'Yellow Lantern' (Caroline Bell) 18070 Magnolia zenii (Chollipo Arboretum) Parent from Arnold Arboretum 1984 19073 Malus 'Indian Magic' (Sally Hayward) 17038 Meconopis paniculata (Barry Starling) 16005 Melanoselinum decipiens (Russell Beeson) 19074 Melicytus crassifolius (Sally Hayward) 17042 Menziesia 'Spring Morning' hybrids (Barry Starling) 17076 Meum athamanticum (Erhard Moser) 17084 Musschia aurea (Russell Beeson) 17085 Musschia wollastonii (Russell Beeson) 20126 Paeonia delavayi x lutea (Caroline Bell) 20125 Paeonia ludlowii (Caroline Bell) 17101 Paeonia mlokosewitschii (Maurice Foster) 19042 Paeonia rockii (Peter Shotter) 20144 Papaver rupifragum (Liz O'Neill) 20127 Paulownia tomentosa (Caroline Bell) 17091 Philadelphus delavayi var. calvescens (Peter Furneaux) 16025 Photinia villosa var. coreana (Charles Williams) 16024 Photinia villosa var. laevis (Charles Williams) 17065 Phyllodoce aleutica x caerulea (Barry Starling) 17064 Phyllodoce empetriformis (Barry Starling) 18023 Pinus radiata (Alastair Stevenson) 18012 Piptanthus nepalensis (Jane Anderson) 20008 Platycarya strobilacea (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 19038 Poliothyrsis sinensis (Frederick Bertin) 20136 Pterostyrax hispida (Liz O'Neill) 20009 Pterostyrax psilophyllus var. leveillei (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20075 R. aberconwayi (OP) (Roderick White) 19077 R. albrechtii (Laycock) x sibling (HP/CP) (John Weagle) 19110 R. albrechtii (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 19159 R. albrechtii (OP) (Barry Starling) 7
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 19091 R. amagianum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 17049 R. ambiguum (OP) (Barry Starling) 20017 R. araiophyllum ex F27775 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19093 R. argyrophyllum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20076 R. argyrophyllum ssp. hypoglaucum (OP) (Roderick White) 19010 R. arizelum (OP) (Barry Starling) 20018 R. arizelum ex F25627 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20019 R. asterochnoum ex AC5090 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 17048 R. aureum (OP) (Barry Starling) 15097 R. auriculatum (OP) (David Pope) 16001 R. auritum (ex Muncaster) (OP) (Russell Beeson) 19011 R. auritum (OP) (Barry Starling) 19120 R. auritum (OP) (Russell Beeson) 20090 R. auritum ex Muncaster (OP) (Russell Beeson) 19049 R. austrinum (isolated plant ex Georgia) (Erhard Moser) 19121 R. baihuaense ex JN11050 (HP Selfed) (Russell Beeson) 19094 R. barbatum (OP) (from Hooker plant) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20020 R. barbatum ex Hooker plant (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 16117 R. boothii (Selfed) (Pam Hayward) 19047 R. boothii 'Tagen's Gold' (Peter Shotter) 19048 R. brachycarpum (Dwarf form) (HP) (Erhard Moser) 19012 R. bureavii (OP) (Barry Starling) 19122 R. calophytum (OP) (Russell Beeson) 20163 R. calophytum (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) R. calostrotum ssp. keleticum (Compact form) 20164 (Svein Erik Tonnesen) (OP) 20021 R. campanulatum (white) ex SS&W9106 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20165 R. campylocarpum (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 19111 R. campylocarpum ssp. caloxanthum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens R. campylocarpum ssp. caloxanthum 20022 (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) ex Farrer 937 (OP) 20166 R. campylogynum var. myrtilloides (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 17077 R. camtschaticum (OP) (Russell Beeson) 20167 R. camtschaticum (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 20119 R. camtschaticum (purple flower) (OP) (John Weagle) 20110 R. camtschaticum (white flower) (OP) (John Weagle) 19095 R. canadense (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 16047 R. canadense 'Album' (John Weagle) R. canadense ex Prospect Bay N.S. (OP) 20112 (John Weagle) (Very good compact form) 20023 R. canescens (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 15037 R. carneum (Selfed) (Pam Hayward) 8
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected R. carolinianum ex Chamagne garden (Soft pink, 20113 (John Weagle) compact) (HP) R. carolinianum ex Hopgood garden (Dark pink, 20114 (John Weagle) compact) (HP) 20024 R. catacosmum ex F21727 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19013 R. cephalanthum (OP) (Barry Starling) R. 'Charme-La' (carolinianum x pemakoense Patulum Group) This is a good seed parent and 20111 has successfully been crossed with cinnabarinum (John Weagle) and Concatenans by Jens Birck; it passed along the pollen parent’s colour. (OP) R. chrysodoron ex KW20878 (thought to be a 20094 (Russell Beeson) natural hybrid) (OP) 19014 R. ciliatum good form (OP) (Barry Starling) R. cinnabarinum ssp. tamaense ex KW21003 20025 (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) (OP) 20168 R. cinnabarinum ssp. xanthocodon (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 20026 R. coeloneuron ex AC1174 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19096 R. concinnum Pseudoyanthinum Group (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 17050 R. concinnum 'Tower Court Form' (OP) (Barry Starling) 15038 R. crenulatum (OP) (Pam Hayward) 19006 R. dalhousiae var. rhabdotum (OP) (Ted Brabin) 19035 R. dauricum 'Ruth Wainwright' (OP) R. dauricum var. album (Best form the donor has 20115 seen; good upright stiff habit, vigorous very large (John Weagle) white handsome flowers) (OP but likely selfed) 20027 R. davidii ex EN4213 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19123 R. decorum ssp. cordatum ex CH7132 (OP) (Russell Beeson) 17052 R. decorum ssp. diaprepes (OP) (Barry Starling) R. degronianum ssp. heptamerum var. brevifolium 17051 (Barry Starling) (OP) 16078 R. degronianum ssp. yakushimanum (OP) (Barry Starling) 16063 R. dichroanthum ssp. scyphocalyx 'Böhmen' (OP) (Erhard Moser) 20028 R. diphrocalyx ex F15665 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 17069 R. eclecteum (yellow) (Selfed) (Erhard Moser) 15010 R. edgeworthii (Ivor Stokes) 16011 R. edgeworthii (ex John Jemmett) WC (HP) (Russell Beeson) 16003 R. edgeworthii (ex KR7722) (OP) (Russell Beeson) 18072 R. edgeworthii (OP) (Ivor Stokes) 20091 R. fletcherianum ex Larsen (OP) (Russell Beeson) 20092 R. formosum v. formosum (OP) (Russell Beeson) 17053 R. fortunei (OP) (Barry Starling) R. fortunei ssp. discolor ex Houlstonii Group 20029 (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 'John R. Elcock' (OP) 20130 R. fortunei ssp. discolor Houlstonii Group (OP) (Peter Furneaux) 16070 R. fortunei ssp. fortunei (HP from siblings) (AJ de Boer) 9
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 16075 R. fortunei ssp. fortunei Lu Shan (OP) (Barry Starling) 20030 R. fulgens (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 18071 R. fuyuanense (OP) (Ivor Stokes) 18031 R. galactinum (OP) (Erhard Moser) 19115 R. genestierianum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Abbotsbury Sub-tropical Gardens 19132 R. glanduliferum (OP) (Peter Furneaux) 20031 R. glanduliferum ex AC2020 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 15028 R. glaucophyllum (OP) (Barry Starling) 20032 R. glischroides (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 17054 R. griersonianum (OP) (Barry Starling) 17055 R. griffithianum (OP) (Barry Starling) 19144 R. griffithianum ex AC5397 (HP) (Pam Hayward) 20033 R. griffithianum ex Bodnant (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20169 R. haematodes (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 20095 R. hanceanum Nanum Group (OP) (Russell Beeson) 19097 R. hemitrichotum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 16116 R. horlickianum (Selfed) (Pam Hayward) 20077 R. huianum (OP) (Roderick White) 20034 R. huianum ex C&H7073 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19098 R. hunnewellianum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens R. hybrid (‘Dexter’s Pink’ X ‘Glory’ x yuefengense) 18046 (Peter Norris) (HP) R. hybrid (‘Janet Blair’ X yuefengense x ‘Sally 18049 (Peter Norris) Fuller’) (HP) R. hybrid (‘Midsummer’ x red maximum X 18044 (Peter Norris) yuefengense) (HP) R. hybrid (‘Peggy’s Freckle’ X yuefengense x 18048 (Peter Norris) ‘Sally Fuller’) (HP) R. hybrid (‘Sagamore Bayside’ X yuefengense x 18045 (Peter Norris) ‘Sally Fuller’) (HP) R. hybrid (‘Scintillation’ X (hemsleyanum X 18047 (Peter Norris) yuefengense x ‘Sally Fuller’)) (HP) 18030 R. hybrid (aureum x forrestii (orange dwarf)) (Erhard Moser) R. hybrid (brachycarpum 'Roseum Pink' x 17094 (John Weagle) didymum X yuefengense) (HP) R. hybrid (brachycarpum 'Roseum Pink' x 17093 (John Weagle) yuefengense) (HP) R. hybrid (brachycarpum 'Tony Law' x 19078 (John Weagle) fictolacteum X platypodum (Larsen)) R. hybrid (brachycarpum 'Tony Law' x 19079 (John Weagle) fictolacteum X strigillosum (Briggs)[Anitras]) R. hybrid (brachycarpum 'Tony Law' x rex ssp. 18018 fictolacteum (ex Sinclair) X R. brachycarpum (John Weagle) Tigerstedtii x macabeanum (Earl of Stair)) (CP) R. hybrid (brachycarpum x proteoides X 16049 (John Weagle) yuefengense) (HP) R. hybrid (brachycarpum x rex ssp. fictolacteum X 16053 (John Weagle) 'Babylon') (HP) 10
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected R. hybrid ('Creme de Menthe' x 'Hardy Giant') 16035 (Peter Norris) (CP) 16034 R. hybrid ('Eruption' x yuefengense) (CP) (Peter Norris) 17079 R. hybrid (excellens x megacalyx) (OP) (Russell Beeson) 17070 R. hybrid (forrestii x aureum) (orange/red) (Erhard Moser) R. hybrid (fortunei ssp. discolor x yuefengense) 16033 (Peter Norris) (CP) R. hybrid (fortunei ssp. discolor x yuefengense) 16052 (John Weagle) (HP) R. hybrid ('Furnivall's Daughter' x 'Sally Fuller') 16039 (Peter Norris) (CP) 16042 R. hybrid ('Gloxineum' x yuefengense) (CP) (Peter Norris) R. hybrid (griffithianum x brachycarpum var. 17056 (Barry Starling) tigerstedtii) (HP) R. hybrid (hunnewellianum x sperabile var. 16061 (Tim Atkinson) weihsiense) (HP) 19080 R. hybrid (kaempferi f. latisepalum (HP) x sibling) (John Weagle) 16041 R. hybrid ('Magnificat' x yuefengense) (CP) (Peter Norris) R. hybrid (makinoi (Tysk) x makinoi (Kew) X 19081 (John Weagle) sibling) 16040 R. hybrid ('Mary Belle' x 'Hardy Giant') (CP) (Peter Norris) (Peter Norris) Peach on Northerly Path is a Dexter Hybrid from the R. hybrid (Peach on Northerly Path X Heritage Plantation on Cape Cod, MA. Collected and preserved by the 18050 yuefengense x ‘Sally Fuller’) (HP) 'Sandwich Club' dedicated to the preservation of the Dexter rhododendrons (Peter Norris) Peach on Northerly Path is a Dexter Hybrid from the R. hybrid (Peach on Northerly Path x Heritage Plantation on Cape Cod, MA. Collected and preserved by the 18051 yuefengense) (HP) 'Sandwich Club' dedicated to the preservation of the Dexter rhododendrons 19082 R. hybrid ('Sundust' x 'Flautando') (John Weagle) 19083 R. hybrid ('Sundust' x insigne (Windsor)) (John Weagle) 16043 R. hybrid ('Vulcan's Flame x yuefengense) (CP) (Peter Norris) 17074 R. hybrid (yakushimanum x smirnowii) (Erhard Moser) 19141 R. hybrid 'Anne Teese' (OP) (Pam Hayward) 19139 R. hybrid 'Else Frye' (OP) (Pam Hayward) 19140 R. hybrid 'Exbury Cornish Cross' (OP but isolated) (Pam Hayward) 19161 R. hybrid 'Lamellen' OP (Pam Hayward) 20132 R. hybrid 'Lincil' (OP) (Pam Hayward) 16115 R. hybrid 'Lovelock' (Selfed) (Pam Hayward) 20035 R. hybrid 'Rosevallon' (neriiflorum hybrid) (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 16048 R. hybrid 'Watchet' (HP) (John Weagle) 19099 R. hyperythrum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20036 R. irroratum ex AC1225 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20037 R. irroratum ssp. pogonostylum ex Borde Hill (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20038 R. irroratum ssp. yiliangense ex AC1175 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20039 R. johnstoneanum ex KW7732 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 16054 R. kaempferi f. latisepalum (HP) (John Weagle) 11
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 20096 R. kawakamii (OP) (Russell Beeson) 19018 R. keiskei var. ozawae 'Yaku Fairy' (OP) (Barry Starling) 20040 R. kendrickii ex KW11378 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 16055 R. kiusianum (mixed colours) (OP) (John Weagle) 20041 R. kwangfuense ex AC4271 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20042 R. kwangfuense ex AC4278 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20043 R. lacteum ex Tower Court Form (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20044 R. lanatoides ex KR6385 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20078 R. latoucheae ex TJH2242 (OP) (Roderick White) 20093 R. leptocladon ex Glendoick (OP) (Russell Beeson) 20045 R. leptothrium (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20116 R. leucaspis (Selfed) (John Weagle) 16071 R. lindleyi (HP) (AJ de Boer) 17080 R. lindleyi (OP) (Russell Beeson) 20046 R. lukiangense ex AC1852 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19019 R. luteiflorum (OP) (Barry Starling) 19125 R. luteiflorum (OP) (Russell Beeson) 20170 R. luteum (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 19116 R. lyi (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Abbotsbury Sub-tropical Gardens 20047 R. maculiferum (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19008 R. maddenii (OP) (Ted Brabin) 16010 R. maddenii ssp. crassum, compact form (OP) (Russell Beeson) R. maddenii ssp. crassum, hardy, free-flowering 19143 (Pam Hayward) form (HP) 15009 R. makinoi (Ivor Stokes) 20048 R. makinoi (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20049 R. mallotum (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20050 R. maoerense ex AC4207 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19109 R. mariesii (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20171 R. maximum (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) R. meddianum var. atrokermesinum ex F26495 20051 (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) (OP) 17081 R. megeratum ex AC5307 (OP) (Russell Beeson) 20079 R. micranthum (OP) (Roderick White) 19051 R. minus Carolinianum Group (OP) (Erhard Moser) 19100 R. morii (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20010 R. moulmainense (OP) (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20080 R. moulmainense (OP) (Roderick White) 18067 R. mucronulatum (Chollipo Arboretum) R. mucronulatum ('Cornell Pink' x 'Woodland 16076 (Barry Starling) Pink') (OP) 19102 R. mucronulatum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 12
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected R. mucronulatum ('Woodland Pink' x 'Cornell 17092 (John Weagle) Pink') (OP) 19034 R. mucronulatum 'Cheju' (OP) 19033 R. mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink' (OP) 18032 R. mucronulatum ex Korea (Erhard Moser) R. mucronulatum var. chejuense (comes about 20117 (John Weagle) 30% true) (OP) R. mucronulatum var. taquettii (syn var. 17095 (John Weagle) chejuense) (OP) R. mucronulatum 'Woodland Pink' x 'Cornell's Pink' (comes about 30% true - a hand-pollinated 20118 (John Weagle) cross by Les Hancock of Woodland Nurseries in the 1970s. A good clear pink) (OP) 20052 R. neriiflorum ssp. phaedropum ex KW6854 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20053 R. neriiflorum var. appropinquans (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19020 R. nipponicum (OP) (Barry Starling) 19021 R. niveum (OP) (Barry Starling) 17082 R. nuttallii (HP) (Russell Beeson) 18078 R. occidentale (Mike McCullough) California 15095 R. occidentale (SM189 x Leonard Frisbie) X OP (Dick Cavender, Oregon) R. occidentale (SM28-3 x SM28-2) X ‘Big Frilly’ 15005 (Dick Cavender, Oregon) (HP) R. occidentale [(SM189 x Leonard Frisbie) X 28-2 15002 (Dick Cavender, Oregon) = ‘Crescent City Double’] (OP) R. occidentale [(SM189 x Leonard Frisbie) X 28-2 15001 (Dick Cavender, Oregon) = ‘Crescent City Double’] (Selfed) 15004 R. occidentale ‘Humboldt Picotee’ (OP) (Dick Cavender, Oregon) R. occidentale ‘Tatum’s Yellow Standard’ x ‘Big 15003 (Dick Cavender, Oregon) Frilly’ (HP) 18033 R. oligocarpum (OP) (Erhard Moser) 20054 R. onii ex KR7345 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19022 R. oreotrephes (OP) (Barry Starling) 20081 R. ovatum (Best form) (OP) (Roderick White) 20082 R. ovatum (Second best form) (Roderick White) 18034 R. pachysanthum (CP) (Erhard Moser) 17071 R. pachysanthum (OP but isolated) (Erhard Moser) 20055 R. pachysanthum (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) R. pachytrichum var. monosematum ex CNW952 20056 (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) (OP) 19023 R. pemakoense (OP) (Barry Starling) 19103 R. pentaphyllum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20057 R. pentaphyllum (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20058 R. praestans (as coryphaeum) (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19113 R. prinophyllum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 15026 R. proteoides R151 x R. proteoides KGB700 (HP) (Jens Birck) Denmark 20059 R. protistum var. giganteum (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 13
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 17058 R. pseudochrysanthum (OP) (Barry Starling) 19015 R. pumilum (OP) (Barry Starling) 15032 R. pumilum, dwarf form (OP) (Barry Starling) 20060 R. quinquefolium (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20162 R. racemosum (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 20061 R. ramsdenianum ex KW6284 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19112 R. reticulatum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20062 R. ririei ex W1808 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20083 R. roxieanum var. parvum (OP) (Roderick White) 20063 R. rude ex LS&T6569 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20089 R. scabrifolium var. pauciflorum (OP) (Sir Harold Hillier Gardens) 20084 R. scabrifolium var. spiciferum (OP) (Roderick White) 19016 R. schlippenbachii (OP) (Barry Starling) 20172 R. schlippenbachii (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 17035 R. schlippenbachii 'Album' (OP) (Barry Starling) 20131 R. searsiae (OP) (Peter Furneaux) 20133 R. seinghkuense (OP) (Pam Hayward) 17090 R. selense (OP) (Peter Furneaux) 20064 R. semnoides ex F25639 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19118 R. serotinum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Abbotsbury Sub-tropical Gardens 20065 R. sidereum ex F20838 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 17089 R. siderophyllum (OP) (Peter Furneaux) 20066 R. sinofalconeri (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 19119 R. sinogrande (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Abbotsbury Sub-tropical Gardens 16013 R. sinonuttallii (ex Pam Hayward) (HP) (Russell Beeson) 16072 R. sinonuttallii (HP) (AJ de Boer) 19050 R. smirnowii (OP) (Erhard Moser) 20173 R. souliei (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) R. sutchuenense ex 'Seventh Heaven' W1232 20067 (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) (OP) 19009 R. taggianum (OP) (Ted Brabin) 20068 R. taiwanalpinum (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 18068 R. tamurae (Chollipo Arboretum) 19114 R. tashiroi (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 19017 R. tephropeplum (OP) (Barry Starling) 19105 R. thayerianum (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20085 R. thayerianum (OP) (Roderick White) 20174 R. thomsonii (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 20069 R. traillianum var. dictyotum ex AC4101 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 17060 R. tricanthum (OP) (Barry Starling) 20175 R. triflorum (OP) (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 14
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 19007 R. valentinianum (OP) (Ted Brabin) R. valentinioides (R. valentinianum var. (Pam Hayward) No registered hybrid of this species to date. In close 15036 oblongilobatum) ex C&H7186 (OP) proximity to other flowering maddenias, so could be interesting. 19106 R. vaseyi (OP) (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20120 R. vaseyi (white flower) (Selfed) (John Weagle) 20161 R. veitchianum Cubitii Group (OP) (Peter Furneaux) R. veitchianum Cubittii Group 'Ashcombe' (OP but 19142 (Pam Hayward) isolated) 20070 R. vernicosum f. euanthum ex AC2015 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 20086 R. vesiculiferum ex KW9485 (OP) (Roderick White) 18035 R. wadanum (CP) (Erhard Moser) 20071 R. watsonii ex W1872 (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 18069 R. weyrichii (Chollipo Arboretum) 20087 R. williamsianum (OP) (Roderick White) R. x geraldii (Natural hybrid: praevernum x 16064 (Erhard Moser) sutchuenense) (HP) R. x pallescens (Natural hybrid: racemosum x 19160 (Erhard Moser) davidsonianum) (HP) R. x planetum (Probably a hybrid of decorum) 17072 (Erhard Moser) (OP) 20088 R. yuefengense (OP) (Roderick White) 17061 R. yunnanense (OP) (Barry Starling) 20072 R. ziyuanense (OP) (Mrs S. McQuire, Deer Dell) 15017 Rosa brunonii (Ivor Stokes) 18014 Rosa moyesii 'Highdownensis' (Jane Anderson) 18013 Rosa moyesii var. fargesii (Jane Anderson) 16023 Rosa roxburghii (Charles Williams) 15013 Roscoea scillifolia (pink form) (Ivor Stokes) 17024 Rudbeckia 'Prairie Gold' (OP) (Brian Holt) 20154 Salvia patens (Liz O'Neill) 20001 Schefflera macrophylla SOLD OUT (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20152 Solanum laciniatum (Liz O'Neill) 19075 Sorbus commixta var. rufoferruginea BSWJ6078 (Sally Hayward) ex Sandling Park 19136 Sorbus eburnea ex HS12799 Kanding (Pam Hayward) 19065 Sorbus tenuis (Ex Harry Smith collection) (Erland Ejder) Apomictic shrub with large white fruits tinged rose pink. 17102 Staphylea bumalda (Maurice Foster) Stewartia gemmata (ex Norfields and not like S. 19134 (Pam Hayward) sinensis) 19041 Stewartia malacodendron (Hale Booth) 19135 Stewartia monadelpha (Pam Hayward) 18075 Stewartia ovata (Hale Booth) Rabun County, Georgia. 16036 Stewartia rostrata (Peter Norris) 20108 Stranvaesia davidiana (Richard Baines) 20011 Styrax formosanus var. formosanus (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 15
List No Species/Variety (Collector if no collection number)/Description/Location Collected 20012 Styrax formosanus var. hayatiana (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20013 Styrax hookeri (Caerhays Castle Gardens) (Grace Morris) Garden collected from a tree grown from a 1988 collection 19149 Styrax japonicus in China. 20014 Styrax japonicus 'Emerald Pagoda' (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 19150 Styrax japonicus 'Pink Chimes' (Grace Morris) 20015 Styrax japonicus 'Sohuksan' (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 20016 Styrax obassia (Caerhays Castle Gardens) 18017 Styrax sp. Michael Roberts 20179 Syneilesis palmata (Svein Erik Tonnesen) 16056 Tetradium daniellii (John Weagle) 20141 Tigidia pavonia (Liz O'Neill) 17067 Trillium kurabayashii (Barry Starling) 19108 Tripetaleia (Elliottia) bracteata (Russell Beeson) ex Sir Harold Hillier Gardens 20103 Tripterygium regelii (John Marston) 17040 Vaccinium arctostaphylos (Barry Starling) 19030 Vaccinium cylindricum (Barry Starling) 19146 Vaccinium delavayi (Tony Schilling) 19145 Vaccinium glaucoalbum (ex Schilling 2881) (Tony Schilling) 17039 Vaccinium padifolium (Barry Starling) 19138 Vaccinium 'Spring Surprise' (Pam Hayward) 19076 Xanthoxylum armatum HG60 (Sally Hayward) ex Savill Gardens © Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group 2020 16
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