Nitrogen Temperatures - Effects of Cooling Rate on Seeds Exposed to Liquid

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Plant Physiol. (1989) 90, 1478-1485                                                            Received for publication September 6, 1988
0032-0889/89/90/1 478/08/$01 .00/0                                                                        and in revised form April 4, 1989

         Effects of Cooling Rate on Seeds Exposed to Liquid
                        Nitrogen Temperatures
                                                       Christina W. Vertucci
          U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, National Seed Storage Laboratory,
                                              Ft. Collins, Colorado 80523

                           ABSTRACT                                     and sunflower (Helianthus annuus, cv No. 452, Sigco Re-
   The effect of cooling rate on seeds was studied by hydrating         search, Inc.) were used in germination and DSC' studies.
pea (Pisum sativum), soybean (Glycine max), and sunflower               Moisture contents in seeds were controlled by either storing
(Hehlanthus annuus) seeds to different levels and then cooling          seeds in various relative humidity chambers or adding known
them to -1900C at rates ranging from 10C/minute to 7000C/               quantities of water to weighed samples ( 15). Moisture contents
minute. When seeds were moist enough to have freezable water            are expressed as g/g, dry weights being determined after seeds
(> 0.25 gram H20/gram dry weight), rapid cooling rates were             had been heated at 95°C for 5 d. Moisture contents studied
optimal for maintaining seed vigor. If the seeds were cooled while      ranged from about 0.02 to 0.4 g/g.
at intermediate moisture levels (0.12 to 0.20 gram H20 per gram
dry weight), there appeared to be no effect of cooling rate on
seedling vigor. When seeds were very dry (< 0.08 gram H20 per           Whole Seed Experiments
gram dry weight), cooling rate had no effect on pea, but rapid             To determine the effects of cooling rate on the viability of
cooling rates had a marked detrimental effect on soybean and            seeds at 15 different moisture levels, seeds, equilibrated to
sunflower germination. Glass transitions, detected by differential      given water contents, were sealed in plastic cryovials and
scanning calorimetry, were observed at all moisture contents in
sunflower and soybean cotyledons that were cooled rapidly. In           cooled to liquid nitrogen temperatures at a variety of rates.
pea, glasses were detectable when cotyledons with high moisture         Six cooling rates were achieved by embedding cryovials in a
levels were cooled rapidly. The nature of the glasses changed           series of insulated materials similar, in principle, to those used
with moisture content. It is suggested that, at high moisture           by Diaper (2): (a) seeds wrapped in Parafilm and immersed
contents, glasses were formed in the aqueous phase, as well as          directly into liquid nitrogen, (b) cryovials immersed in liquid
the lipid phase if tissues had high oil contents, and this had          nitrogen, (c) cryovials immersed in liquid nitrogen vapor, (d)
beneficial effects on the survival of seeds at low temperatures.        cryovials in two padded envelopes and immersed in liquid
At low moisture contents, glasses were observed to form in the          nitrogen vapor, (e) cryovials in five padded envelopes and
lipid phase, and this was associated with detrimental effects on        immersed in liquid nitrogen vapor, and (f cryovials in an
seed viability.                                                         unevacuated dewar flask immersed in liquid nitrogen vapor.
                                                                        To monitor the cooling rate, thermocouples were embedded
                                                                        in seeds treated similarly and the change of temperature with
                                                                        time was measured. Cooling rates were determined as the
                                                                        slope of the cooling curve between -10 and - 140'C.
  The rate at which hydrated biological samples are cooled                 After exposure for 16 h at -190'C, seeds were warmed on
to subfreezing temperatures has a great effect on their subse-          the bench for 2 h. They were then rolled in germination paper,
quent viability (3, 10, 11). Most tissues exhibit a biphasic            watered, and incubated for 96 h at 250C. Seed vigor is ex-
response to cooling rate in which they are severely damaged             pressed as the germination index: radicle length after 96 h x
if cooled too slowly or too rapidly (3, 10, 1). The optimum             percent germination. Each treatment consisted of 25 seeds.
rate is tissue dependent and is perhaps a function of the               Experiments with soybean and pea seeds were repeated twice
permeability of the plasmalemma to water (10, 1). Optimum               and experiments with sunflower were repeated once.
rates range from about 3YC/h for whole plant tissues to about
2000C/min for red blood cells (10, 11).
  In partially hydrated systems such as seeds, cooling rate has         Differential Scanning Calorimetry
dramatic effects on tissue survival during exposure to low                 To determine how the rate of cooling affected the thermal
temperature. Rapid cooling of lettuce seeds, for example, can           behavior of the seed tissue, 20 mg slices of the cotyledons
protect seeds from freezing injury (12), whereas rapid cooling          were loaded into aluminum sample pans and cooled to
of sesame seeds can have detrimental effects ( 14). The purpose         -150C in a Perkin Elmer DSC-4 at a variety of rates. The
of this paper is to explore further the nature of cooling effects       effect of moisture content on the thermal behavior of seeds
on seeds in relation to the level of hydration.                         was studied using soybean and pea cotyledons, hydrated as
                                                                        described above and cooled at 1, 10, and 200'C/min. All
                MATERIALS AND METHODS                                   samples were heated at 10C/min with the warming thermo-
  Seeds from soybean (Glycine max, cv Williams'82, Dewine                 ' Abbreviations: DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; g/g, g
Seed Co.), pea (Pisum sativum, cv. Alaska, Burpee Seed Co.),            H20/g dry weight.
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EFFECTS OF COOLING RATE ON SEED VIABILITY                                                     1 479

grams recorded. After the DSC measurements, the pans were                 0.16 and 0.20 g/g (Table III). In most cases, however, rapid
punctured and dry weights were determined.                                cooling of high moisture seeds was not effective at maintaining
  The thermal behavior of lipids extracted from soybean and               seed vigor at control (uncooled) levels (Tables I-III). Freezing
sunflower seeds was determined by similar methods. The lipid              sunflower seeds at moisture levels higher than 0.21 g/g killed
fraction was extracted with a chloroform:methanol (2:1) so-               seeds regardless of cooling rates (Table III). Moisture levels
lution. The solvent was then evaporated off. Sample sizes for             higher than 0.41 g/g in pea or 0.39 g/g in soybean were not
the lipid experiments ranged between 5 and 9 mg extract.                  studied.
                                                                             At intermediate moisture levels, cooling rates between 1
                             RESULTS                                      and 200C/min had little effect on the viability of pea, soy-
   A series of cooling rates ranging from VC to 700'C/min                 bean, or sunflower seeds (Tables I-III). Germination of pea
were achieved for whole seed experiments as shown in Figure               seeds at moistures of 0.31 g/g or less was not different than
1. These rates varied slightly with species and water content             the untreated controls (Table I). When soybean seeds were
especially when cooling from 22 to -10C. Samples were                     cooled to - 190C at 0.26 g/g moisture, germination was not
warmed at about 12'C/min before running germination tests.                affected by the cooling rate; however, it was lower than
   Cooling rate had a variable effect on seed vigor dependent             uncooled controls (Table II). There was no effect of cooling
upon seed moisture content and species. Fifteen moisture                  observed in soybean seeds at 0.20 and 0.22 g/g or in sunflower
treatments were studied in three different species (Tables I-             seeds at 0.11 and 0.09 g/g (Tables II and III).
III). Cooling of sunflower and soybean seeds at any moisture                 The effect of cooling rate on the germination of seeds at
level at 700'C/min had detrimental effects on seed survival               low moisture levels was species dependent. At low moisture
(Tables II and III). In contrast, pea seeds were notably resistant        levels, pea seeds were nearly unaffected by cooling rate (Table
to damage due to rapid cooling (Table I).                                 I). Cooling soybean and sunflower seeds with moistures be-
   At high moisture contents, all three species were damaged              tween 0.11 and 0.14 g/g and 0.08 and 0.09 g/g, respectively,
when exposed to - 190TC. When pea seeds with moisture                     at 200'C/min resulted in poor germination. An increased
contents between 0.36 and 0.41 g/g were cooled at rates of                sensitivity to rapid cooling rates was observed as the seeds
40'C/min and faster, germination was improved over seeds                  were dried to even lower levels (Tables II and III).
that were cooled at slower rates (Table I). Similarly, rapidly               DSC thermograms were used to determine the effect of
cooled (40-200C/min) soybean seeds with moistures be-                     cooling rate on the thermal behavior of seed tissues. In pea
tween 0.29 and 0.39 g/g germinated better than their slowly               cotyledons with moistures of 0.10 g/g, there were no detect-
cooled counterparts (Table II). The same trend was also                   able thermal transitions whether cooled at a slow or rapid rate
observed for sunflower seeds with moisture contents between               (Fig. 2A). A previous study detected no thermal events be-






           CL     -100



                           0                  20                  40                   60                  80                  100
                                                                        TIME (min)
Figure 1. Effect of various insulating materials on the rate at which whole seeds of soybean at 0.12 g/g were cooled to -1900C. The treatments
are as described in "Materials and Methods." Rates of cooling are 700, 200, 42, 8, 6, and 1 °C/min.
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1480                                                                      VERTUCCI                                       Plant Physiol. Vol. 90, 1989

Table I. Effect of Cooling Rate on the Vigor of Pea Seeds Exposed               Table II. Effect of Cooling Rate on the Vigor of Soybean Seeds
to -1900C at Various Moisture Levels                                            Exposed to -1900C at Various Moisture Levels
   Vigor is expressed as the germination index, radicle length x                   Vigor is expressed as the germination index, radicle length x
percent germination. Values represent the mean and SE (in parenthe-             percent germination. Values represent the mean and SE (in parenthe-
ses) of 75 seeds.                                                               ses) of 75 seeds.
                   Germination Index at Rate of Cooling (OC/min):                                  Germination Index at Rate of Cooling (OC/min):
 Moisture                                                                        Moisture
              0       1        6         8        42       200      700                       0        1        6        8        42       200    700
   g9g                                                                               g/g
   0.41     74.64    2.08     3.06      1.83      8.09 2.06
                                                          15.18                      0.39    73.92    0.00    0.00    4.00     5.83      8.36      5.17
             (3.91) (0.59)   (0.43)    (0.45)   (3.13)     (6.63)
                                                      (0.32)                                 (8.90) (-)a      (-)    (2.35) (3.72) (2.21) (3.42)
   0.39     79.00 6.50       23.85    20.92     29.67     32.64
                                                      37.29                          0.37   101.50    2.83    8.23 14.08 30.20 46.31              14.77
            (4.90) (5.58)    (6.71)    (8.43)    (7.33)    (6.69)
                                                      (8.85)                                (12.80) (0.22) (3.45) (7.43) (6.27) (7.88) (5.69)
   0.36     69.27 45.92      43.70    44.00     64.50 63.00
                                                          66.11                      0.34 116.83      12.42 19.15 26.31       31.31     46.64     27.54
            (5.24) (7.51)    (2.54)    (6.13)   (8.69)     (5.93)
                                                      (7.53)                              (16.80)      (7.96) (6.01) (6.26)    (7.65)    (6.59)    (4.14)
   0.31     79.36 62.91   60.10 63.00 77.45 70.40 65.20                              0.29 89.33       34.36 28.43 44.31       48.38     48.05     17.83
            (4.44) (7.07) (8.27) (4.54) (8.07) (2.64) (7.22)                                (8.70)   (10.05) (4.80) (9.78)     (8.12)    (9.28)    (4.13)
   0.28     70.80 72.08 75.53 72.09 85.10 87.00 71.24                                0.26 83.08       52.14 57.92 59.69       68.46     63.33     47.62
            (4.87) (5.20) (4.09) (6.29) (7.06) (5.85) (7.70)                                (10.27) (8.69) (10.02) (9.26) (7.80) (10.19) (9.61)
   0.24     66.23 73.00 72.64 82.25 85.00 81.38 69.18                                0.22   81.79 77.92 71.85 72.62 80.77 64.17 53.31
             (6.20) (6.03) (7.53) (5.10) (2.15) (6.05) (5.89)                               (11.20) (10.41) (7.57) (10.11) (9.24) (10.36) (9.96)
   0.22     77.69 73.73 74.67 86.69 85.17 83.08 84.27                                0.20   77.85 86.83 80.15 83.14 74.42 91.15 53.64
            (4.53) (6.59) (7.34) (5.80) (6.58) (3.89) (5.73)                                 (6.83) (10.23) (7.26) (10.92) (12.90) (7.46) (11.94)
   0.18     82.46 75.64 83.36 82.43 90.23 72.36 71.06                                0.16   75.54 70.77 82.57 79.20 65.54 44.85 38.46
            (4.53) (5.94) (5.23) (6.44) (6.41) (3.75) (5.64)                                 (4.86) (7.10) (10.34) (9.94) (9.10) (9.89) (11.06)
   0.16     80.85 75.71 92.83 84.38 92.40 78.54 86.00                                0.14   75.08 75.33 75.50 70.62 73.38 41.69 17.93
            (3.58) (5.84) (2.49) (2.71) (3.38) (3.64) (4.50)                                 (8.65) (9.56) (10.76) (11.91) (10.00) (11.91) (6.98)
   0.13     74.15 80.43 81.92 83.64 82.62 73.86 80.23                                0.11   79.54 74.77 85.00 72.31 86.64 42.23 13.07
            (6.65) (2.74) (3.92) (6.15) (4.37) (3.65) (8.57)                                 (7.15) (7.17) (10.93) (11.53) (7.53) (10.73) (6.10)
   0.10     80.87 81.00 76.00 86.38 83.87 79.93 87.07                                0.09   75.07 74.50 52.69 41.93 42.54 29.64 24.92
            (6.17) (5.86) (3.75) (2.67) (7.56) (4.90) (4.28)                                (13.56) (9.95) (11.38) (5.74) (9.35) (8.19) (6.91)
   0.08     73.08 77.23 86.92 74.29 80.00 72.92 86.50                                0.07    61.73 61.47 42.93 38.15 20.93 21.36 25.22
            (3.64) (3.37) (4.46) (4.92) (6.78) (3.19) (3.19)                                  (9.01) (10.67) (10.91) (9.13) (6.24) (10.00) (6.41)
   0.06     63.79 64.93 63.31 70.46 77.64 77.92 73.00                                0.06    63.69 56.00 43.71 35.69 25.75 27.81 22.41
            (7.86) (7.26) (4.97) (4.38) (5.26) (8.23) (5.06)                                 (9.34) (9.77) (9.30) (8.60) (8.71) (7.93) (7.73)
   0.05     56.85 72.07 65.54         66.79 72.86 80.45 80.79                        0.05    68.83 64.80 51.13 47.07 22.06 23.93 14.92
            (6.63) (5.82) (4.59)      (7.27) (7.07) (7.50) (5.24)                            (7.51) (6.80) (11.08) (10.46) (8.71) (8.59) (5.65)
   0.04     57.86 59.07 68.42         65.67 63.07 58.75 60.10                        0.04      65.36 58.88 57.86 53.25 36.64 28.88 19.73
            (8.43) (5.71) (6.19)      (8.20) (4.97) (5.15) (6.31)                             (10.60) (9.74) (11.01) (9.08) (9.51) (8.26) (9.70)
                                                                                       Calculations not valid.
tween 0.06 and 0.26 g/g (15). Heating runs of pea seeds at
higher moisture contents exhibited an endothermic peak at                       (Fig. 2B). This apparent shift in the base line could be elimi-
-20°C, presumably from the melting of ice (Fig. 3). Heating                     nated if the sample was annealed at -35°C and then recooled
scans after rapid cooling at high moisture contents (< 0.26 g/                  to -150°C at 200°C/min (data not shown). A similar effect
g) resulted in a series of small endo- and exothermic events                    was observed in sunflower cotyledons, except that cooling
prior to the main endotherm as well as power shifts indicative                  rates of 1°C/min or slower were necessary to eliminate the
of second order transitions (Fig. 3). These events could be                     power shifts at -92°C (Fig. 2C).
eliminated by annealing the tissue at -25°C and recooling                          Moisture content affected the nature of the power shifts
rapidly (data not shown). The temperature at which the                          observed in soybean cotyledons cooled at 200°C/min (Fig. 4).
thermal events occurred increased slightly as moisture content                  As shown previously, a major endotherm is present at about
decreased (Table IV).                                                           -40°C at all moistrue contents. When cotyldeons were cooled
   When soybean cotyledons (0.08 g/g) were cooled at 5°C/                       at 200°C/min, discontinuities in the base line were also ob-
min or slower, there was, during warming, an endothermic                        served at about -1 00°C at all moisture levels. An exothermic
event at -40°C that had a large peak followed by a shoulder                     transition at -90°C was more pronounced as the moisture
(Fig. 2B). If the cotyledons were cooled at faster rates (50°C/                 content was increased from 0.02 to 0.21 g/g (Fig. 4). At 0.27
min is shown), the endotherm was present, although it was                       g/g moisture level, one large and two small exotherms were
broader. There was also a shift in the power at about -100°C                    observed prior to the main endotherm. These "pretransitions"
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EFFECTS OF COOLING RATE ON SEED VIABILITY                                                   1481

Table Ill. Effect of Cooling Rate on the Vigor of Sunflower Seeds
Exposed to -190°C at Various Moisture Levels
  Vigor is expressed as the germination index, radicle length x
percent germination. Values represent the mean and SE (in parenthe-
ses) of 50 seeds.
                    Germination Index at Rate of Cooling (OC/min):
               0         1        6         8        42       200      700
   0.33     60.36      0.00      0.00      0.00 0.00          0.00    0.67
            (6.95) (-)a          (-)       ( () )             (-)     (0.15)
   0.30     99.54      0.00      1.28      0.00 0.00          1.19    6.89
            (4.85) (-) (0.38) (-)                   (-)      (1.40) (1.26)
   0.28     91.23      0.05      1.47      0.50     1.79      1.33    0.79
            (6.12) (-) (0.51) (0.38) (0.94) (1.25) (0.91)
   0.21     78.57      0.00      1.00      0.31     1.29      3.05    2.27
            (6.37) (-)          (0.24) (-)         (0.92) (2.33) (1.86)
   0.20     61.83      0.18      0.00      0.00     0.00      6.63    1.59
            (6.19) (-)           (-)       (-)      (-)      (4.94) (0.88)
   0.17     57.15 1.13 1.69 4.79 1.71 19.64 9.75
            (5.41) (0.94) (2.13) (5.96) (0.92) (8.27) (3.87)
   0.16     65.50 0.72 19.73 21.00 36.88 38.20 17.91
             (5.94)    (0.62)   (7.78) (4.41) (7.13)          (5.73) (3.32)
   0.11     60.93     48.12     55.33 64.71 47.27            47.93 48.24
            (7.04)     (7.70)   (6.57) (4.81) (7.22)          (6.64) (5.61)
   0.09     64.60     83.71     66.44 72.47 51.29            52.60 45.71
             (6.22)    (6.03)    (5.45) (4.97) (5.12)        (7.01) (4.75)
   0.08     65.79     65.84     61.38 69.33 51.00            34.92 39.50
            (5.39) (6.06) (6.53) (4.97) (5.22) (6.72) (5.03)
   0.06     63.85 62.00 61.59 74.08 44.07 37.46 42.00
             (4.38) (3.90) (5.90) (6.75) (7.16) (5.98) (5.17)
   0.04     70.83 79.89 60.47 57.85 54.00 42.00 43.33
            (5.62) (6.99) (5.22) (5.21) (6.41) (5.94) (2.37)
   0.04    68.10 74.07          52.56     60.05    53.46     38.93   43.24
            (4.82) (5.25)       (4.79)    (4.97)    (4.98)   (6.33)   (5.98)
   0.03 70.09 74.62             71.63     63.06    53.46     43.60   42.38
            (4.71) (4.57)       (6.14)    (6.63)    (5.07)   (7.89)   (4.64)
   0.02 65.77 69.79             64.25     68.53    47.75     41.17 44.36
            (5.89) (7.11)        (6.13)   (5.63)    (6.41)    (6.11) (5.72)
  a Calculations not valid.

                                                                                                             TEMPERATURE (C)
were less obvious when seeds at 0.35 g/g were cooled at                        Figure 2. Effect of cooling rate on the thermal behavior of dry
200°C/min and eliminated if the seeds were cooled at 1°C/                      (moisture contents 5 0.10 g/g) (A) pea, (B) soybean, and (C) sunflower
min (Fig. 4). The intensities of the power shifts were dimin-                  cotyledons. Samples were cooled to -1 500C at indicated rates then
                                                                               warmed at 10°C/min. Heating thermograms were recorded using
ished if cotyledons were cooled at slower rates (Table V).                     DSC. Vertical arrows indicate a shift in power indicative of a glass
   As a demonstration that the apparent shifts in the baseline                 transition. The endothermic events at about -400C represent the
observed in soybean and sunflower seeds at low moisture                        onset of the lipid transitions. Samples of about 20 mg were used.
contents (Fig. 2, B and C) may be due to glass transitions in
the lipid component of the tissues, DSC thermograms were                                                DISCUSSION
produced for the extracted lipid fractions (Fig. 5). For the                      This report establishes that the moisture content of the seed
lipid fractions from both soybean and sunflower seeds, heating                 is a critical variable when determining the effect of cooling
thermograms after lipids were cooled at 200°C/min showed                       rate for cryopreservation (Tables I-III). Rapid cooling rates
discontinuities at about -90°C (Fig. 5, A and B). These                        enhance the germination of hydrated seeds, but lower the
discontinuities could be reduced or diminished by cooling the                  germination of some (soybean and sunflower) dry seeds. The
lipids at 1°C/min (Fig. 5, A and B) or by annealing rapidly                    sensitivity of dry seeds to rapid cooling rates was noticed in
cooled tissue at -65°C (Fig. SC).                                              the two species with high lipid contents. The lipid component
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1 482                                                            VERTUCCI                                        Plant Physiol. Vol. 90, 1989

                                                                                    Figure 3. DSC thermograms of pea cotyledons heated
                                                                                    at 1 0°C/min after cooling to -1 500C at 200°C/min and
                                                                                    1 0°C/min. Rates of cooling are as indicated. The 25 mg
                                                                                    (dry weight) sample had a moisture content of 0.295 g/
                                                                                    g. The a, b, and c are indicative of the onset of the glass
                                                                                    transition, a devitrification event, and the onset of the
                                                                                    melting of water, respectively.

                                    TEMPERATURE (C)

Table IV. Temperatures at Which Glass Formation Is Indicated by         between 42 and 200°C/min (Table II). Hydrated sunflower
DSC in Pea Cotyledons of Different Moisture Contents Cooled at          seeds showed a similar biphasic response to cooling rate (Table
2000C/min                                                               III). However, high moisture pea seeds were mostly damaged
   Data are taken from thermograms similar to those given in Figure     by slow cooling rates (Table I).
3.                                                                         The biphasic response to cooling rate in fully hydrated cells
                                    Temperature of Onset                and tissues has been attributed to the plasmalemma permea-
           Water Content                                                bility to water (3, 5, 10, 11). Supraoptimal cooling rates
                                     of Antemelting Peak
                                                                        encourage intracellular ice formation because there is insuf-
               0.28                    Not detected                     ficient time for cellular water to diffuse to the apoplast (3, 5,
               0.30                    -75                               10, 1 1). Suboptimal cooling rates result in 'solution effects'
               0.31                    -81.5                            injuries such as salt toxicity and desiccation damage (3, 1 1).
               0.38                    -84                              Evidence is accumulating which suggests that slow cooling
               0.42                    Not detected                     (which encourages extracellular ice growth) may also produce
                                                                        mechanical forces which can deform cells or induce mem-
in these seeds underwent glass transitions when cooled rapidly          brane structural changes (6-8, 1 1). Hypotheses regarding in-
(Figs. 2 and 5). It is suggested that lipid vitrification, induced      juries incurred by suboptimal cooling rates generally pertain
by rapid cooling, may impart damage to the seed.                        to systems that are not desiccation tolerant. This latter type
   Cooling rate has been shown to affect survival in hydrated           of damage would probably not occur in seeds since they are
biological systems (3, 5, 10, 11). Experiments with seed tissues        tolerant to severe dehydration (16). Thus, it seems unlikely
have previously demonstrated that rapid cooling rates resulted          that the optimal rate of cooling in partially hydrated seeds
in superior germination in lettuce seeds with moistures be-             resulted from the diffusion of water to extracellular spaces.
tween 0.22 and 0.26 g/g, but were detrimental to sesame seeds           Hence, even though partially hydrated seeds show a biphasic
with moisture contents less than 0.06 g/g (12, 14).                     response to cooling rates, explanations for damage which have
   As with other hydrated tissues and cells, there is a biphasic        been derived from previously studied hydrated samples, may
response to cooling rates in soybean seed tissues with mois-            not be pertinent.
tures high enough to contain freezable water. Soybean seeds                A biphasic response to cooling rate for sunflower and
contain freezable water at moisture contents as low as 0.22 g/          soybean seeds with moisture contents lower than 0.01 and
g; however, zero germination was observed only at moisture              0.14 g/g, respectively, is not indicated by the data (Tables II
contents greater than 0.36 (15). Within the moisture range of           and III). In these tissues, cooling at about 1°C/min was the
0.29 and 0.39 g/g, soybean seeds were damaged by either very            most favorable of the rates tested. The damage incurred by
rapid cooling (700°C/min) or very slow cooling (1°C/min)                soybean and sunflower seeds at these low moisture contents
(Table II). Optimum rates of cooling for these tissues were             is probably not a result of intracellular ice formation, since
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EFFECTS OF COOLING RATE ON SEED VIABILITY                                                              1 483

                                                                             Table V. Power of the Apparent Shifts in Baseline in Soybean
                                                                             Cotyledons with Different Moisture Contents Cooled at 1, 10, and
                                                                                Data are taken from thermograms similar to those given in Figure
                                                                             4. The changes in power are indicated by "p" in the thermograms.
                                                                             To normalize data, values are corrected for by the dry weight of the
                                                                                                                Power of Baseline Shifts
                                                                                                                   (mcal/s/g dry wt)
                                                                                   Water Content                 with Cooling Rate at:
                                                                                                     1 °C/min         1 0°C/min          200°C/min
                                                                                       0.015         0                0.0062              0.0085
                                                                                       0.115         0                0.0019              0.0066
                                                                                       0.161         0                0.0077              0.0129
                                                                                       0.208         0.0053           0.0066              0.0117
                                                                                       0.275         0                0.0053              0.0090
                                                                                       0.355                          0.0025              0.0045

                                                                             water is not freezable at these water contents (Figs. 2 and 4).
                                                                            In pea seeds with moisture contents less than 0.23 g/g, rate of
                                                                            cooling had no effect on the viability of seed tissues cooled to
                                                                            -196°C (Table I).
                                                                               DSC thermograms of seed tissues with various moisture
                                                                            contents cooled at various rates were used to compare viability
                                                                            data with the thermal behavior of the seed tissue. In all cases
                         cooled ILICkni7
                                   I                                        where cooling rate was important to seed survival, DSC data
                                                                   0        indicated that vitrification events had occurred. Vitrification
                                                                   z        is the solidification of a liquid by increases in viscosity, not
                                                                            by crystallization (3). It is a second order phase transition that
                                                                            is detectable as an apparent shift in the baseline in DSC (4, 5,
                                                                            9). Vitrified solutions, or glasses, are formed by reducing the
                                                                            concentration of a solvent relative to the solute or by cooling
                                                                            rapidly enough to avoid nucleation and crystal growth (4, 5).
                                                                            The temperature at which a glass occurs is strongly dependent
                                                                            on the solvent concentration (1, 4, 13, 18).
       .U 150      C                   7r
                                                                               Literature dealing with vitrification as a means for cryopres-
                                                                            ervation usually reports glass formation in aqueous solutions
                                                                            (3, 5, 9, 13), and it has been suggested that water in partially
                                                                            hydrated seeds exists as a glass (1, 18). Since moisture content
                          coled   cftlCAmin                                 influences the temperature at which glasses are observed in
                                                                            pea seeds between 0.31 and 0.38 g/g (Table IV), it is likely
                                                                            that the vitrification events observed are due to aqueous
                                                                            glasses. Williams and Leopold (18) reported similar trends of
                                                                            aqueous glass formation in defatted corn embryos. Like the
                                                                            corn embryos, glasses were not detectable in pea if moisture
                                                                            content exceeded a critical value (0.42 g/g in pea, Table IV).
         .150                0-30
                                                                               Glasses were observable in soybean tissues at all moisture
                                                                            contents studied (Fig. 4, Table V). Unlike in peas, the tem-
                                                                            perature that the glass melted in soybeans did not change with
Figure 4. DSC thermograms of soybean cotyledons with different              moisture content (Fig. 4). This is an indication that the glass
moisture contents heated at 10°C/min after cooling to -1500C at             detected was not aqueous, and it is suggested that the apparent
200°C/min. The a represents the onset of the glass transition; b
represents a devitrification event in the lipid (b,) and aqueous (b2)       shift in the base line observed at -100°C in soybean and at
phases; c and d are the onset of the lipid and water melt, respectively;    -92°C in sunflower is due to glass formation in the lipid
p is the shift in power observed upon a glass transition. Sample size       component of the seeds. Lipids extracted from these seeds are
ranged from 20 to 30 mg dw. Moisture contents are as indicated.             capable of forming glasses, and these occur within similar
The full size of the melting endotherms for cotyledons with 0.275 and       temperature ranges (Fig. 5).
0.355 g/g moisture are not given. The thermogram of the cotyledon              It is suggested that the effect of cooling rate on the viability
sample with 0.355 g/g moisture cooled at 1 °C/min is given in the           ofseeds is associated with the formation of glasses. In hydrated
bottom curve.                                                               samples where freezable water is present, but ice formation is
                                     Downloaded on March 11, 2021. - Published by
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1484                                                               VERTUCCI                                        Plant Physiol. Vol. 90, 1989

                                                                         not lethal (15), glasses probably form in the aqueous compo-
                                                                         nent of the seed. Rapid cooling, which promotes glass for-
                                                                         mation, enhances seed survival. In pea, the size of the water-
                                                                         melting endotherm varies inversely with the cooling rate (Fig.
                                                                         3), which may indicate that less ice was formed upon rapid
                                                                         cooling. In soybeans, endotherms formed after cotyledons
                                                                         had been cooled at various rates were of similar size (data not
                                                                         shown); however, separation of the melting endotherms of
                                                                         the water and lipid was better when samples were cooled
                                                                         slowly (i.e. bottom 2 curves in Fig. 4). This suggests that there
                                                                         is a greater lipid-water interaction when samples are cooled
                                                                            In dry tissues, glass formation of the lipid component
                                                                         corresponded with detrimental effects. Both dry soybean and
                                                                         sunflower form glasses (Fig. 2) and are affected by rate of
                                                                         cooling at -190°C (Tables II and III); pea does not exhibit
                                                                         glass formation at low moisture contents (Fig. 2) and its
                                                                         survival at - 190C is independent of cooling rate (Table I).
 cJ                                                                      Why glasses in the lipid component may be damaging to
                                                                         seeds, and why the damaging effect is only observed at low
                                                                         moisture contents is not understood. It has been suggested
                                                                         that glasses can crack if cooled rapidly below their transition
                                                                         temperatures (17). Perhaps the rapid cooling treatments given
                                                                         to seeds at various hydration levels produced cracks causing
 I-                                                                      mechanical damage to seed components.
                                                                            This paper reports that the survival of seeds exposed to
                                                                         liquid nitrogen temperatures is influenced by an interaction
                                                                         between cooling rate and moisture content. Rapid cooling of
                                                                         seeds with high moisture contents (where freezable water is
                                                                         present) has beneficial effects, while rapid cooling ofdry seeds
                                                                         with high lipid contents is detrimental. It is suggested that
                                                                         glass transitions in the water and/or lipid components of the
                                                                         seed are associated with the two effects.
                                                                            Appreciation is expressed to Jennifer Rochon and Wister Miller
                                                                         for their technical assistance; Drs. R. J. Williams and A. G. Hirsh for
                                                                         their enthusiasm and advice when the glass transition work was first
                                                                         presented to them; Dr. A. C. Leopold for his helpful comments on
                                                                         the manuscript; Sigco Research, Inc., for generously supplying sun-
                                                                         flower seeds.

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