Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...

Page created by Jeremy Blair
Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...
Second Sunday of Lent
                                       “Fasting makes sense if it really chips away at our security, and as a
                                    consequence, benefits someone else, if it helps us cultivate the style of the
                                   good Samaritan who bent down to his brother in need and took care of him.”
                                                                   P O PE F RA NC IS
© 2013 Bon Venture Services, LLC

                                                       Saint Pius X Church
                                                       Montville, New Jersey
Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...
FEBRUARY 28, 2021                                                                             SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT

  7:30 am       People of the Parish                          Fr. Mark
  7:30 am Robert moore                                        Fr. Mark
                                                                           The Rite of Chrisan Iniaon for Adults is the process the
  7:30 am       Regina Accaria                                Fr. Martin   Roman Catholic Church has for the introducon of the faith
                                                                           and the formaon of new adult members. The candidates
                                                                           will learn about their spiritual path in Christ culminang at
  7:30 am       Robert Alois                                  Fr. Martin
                                                                           the Easter Vigil.
  5:00 pm       Muratore Family and                           Fr. Mark          If you are an adult seeking Bapsm, Confirmaon
                Mongiovetto Family                                               or Eucharist, please contact the Ministry House.
  7:30 am Romarvi Luke Gabriana,                              Fr. Mark
          Rosita Gabriana,
          Romulo Gabriana,
          Trisha Jhaae Vicencio,
          Joseph Dabulis
  9:00 am Frank Zena                                          Fr. Mark
 10:30 am Giuseppe Roberto Sarra                              Fr. Martin   Praying for fellow parishioners who are sick is an important
 12:00 pm Alfred Rozanski                                     Fr. Martin   component to our Faith. Due to privacy issues, however,
                                                                           people do not always appreciate their names being
          WELCOME NEW MEMBER BORN                                          published. Requests for published names will only be taken
         OF WATER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!                                     from family members.
                     Harper James Trematore,                                    Lilliana Elyse Mahan, Dawn Pandorf, Leslie Kondek,
                   Daughter of Justin and Brianna                                 Corey Forlenza, Frank J. Somsky, Marie Cavallero,
                                                                                 Eileen Scharwath, Victor Marmo, Marilyn Geffken,
                   SHARING OF OUR TREASURE                                       Barbara Capsouras, Christine Paglia, Ragan Kilkell,
                                                                              Adrian Simone, Paul Perrone, Janet Babbitt, Bruno Stillo,
             Thank you for your support and generosity!                        Michael Mascari, Marjorie McArthur, Charlie Auskings,
   February 21, 2021 ----------------------------------- $9,675.00               Eileen Kapotes, Annarita Gardinella, Linda Bitetto,
   February 23, 2020 --------------------------------- $13,643.00               David Tafe, Gregory Sugra, Jose Nunez, Kevin Deege,
              This week, there is no second collecon.                      Jason Fass, Terry Cox, Giovanna Mele, Pasquale Mastriani,
                                                                               Christina Adamski, John Wagener, Brooklyn Auskings,
                   Christmas 2020 Collecon                                      David Douglas, Joseph Horvath, Sr., Gayle Sullivan,
   December 2020------------------------------------- $63,542.00           Nicky Miller, Peter Henschel, Richard Dickau, Zachary Miller,
   December 2019------------------------------------- $71,195.00           Lauren Grace Jarman, Kathy Campitiello, Anthony Zegarell,
                                                                              Catherine Lendino, Nico Amadio, Walter Kamienski, Sr.,
                          Auto Contribuon                                           Patricia McCarthy, Kyle Cooney, John Inglese,
         Please sign up for automac giving, visit our website
          at, click on DONATE. Thank you!
                                                                                  Jocelyn Mozak, Tobias Duran, Maryann Halleran,
                                                                                 Elizabeth Schenk, Catherine Mitchell, Art Marinoni,
                        AUTOMATED GIVING                                   Carole Bamert, Ted Walter, John Sessa, Maryanne Arthurs,
   Given the current situaon all of our parishes are facing, now                 John Trufelos, Makayla Bennett, Patty Bonazzoli,
   is the me to consider automated giving. It is an ideal way for                  Patrick Rodgers, Penny Butkus, Darrell Arthur,
   all parishioners to connue their weekly contribuons without             Carolyn D’Amico, Lois & Mahew Bednar, Gracie Ferluge,
   leaving their homes. All you need to do is to log into the                              Elena Giordano, Mildred Schmidt,
   website at and sign up. If you don’t have a                    John Machuga, Chrisne Dobson, Peter Toole,
   computer you can fill out the form in the back of the bullen &
                                                                                           Kyle Gauweiler, and Barbara Huff
   mail it into St. Pius X Church, An: Lisa Kardell and she will set
   up an account for you. If you have any quesons please                          Please remember to nofy the office when
   contact the Ministry House at 973-335-2894.                                        your family member has recovered.

                                                        MINISTRY HOUSE HOURS
 The Ministry House will be open during the following hours: Mondays & Wednesdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm; Fridays from 8:00
                          am to 1:00 pm. Please stop in, call 973-335-2894, or email
Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...
                     Lent is a forty-day period devoted to prayer, fasng, and almsgiving, which helps us focus on the mystery of
                         redempon. We are called to live joyfully because of the knowledge of God’s love. Yes, we fast and do
                                                 penance, but we do so in order to follow the path to joy.
                    Think of Lent as a musical prelude to the jubilant symphony of Easter, which lasts for fiy days beyond Easter
Sunday to Pentecost Sunday. During this me, we joyfully ancipate, then celebrate, the Resurrecon of Jesus, and, finally, the gi
                                                  of the Holy Spirit coming upon us.
                  I will sing praise with the spirit, but I will sing praise with the mind also. 1 Corinthians 14:15
                                   WHERE DOES THE WORD LENT COME FROM?
The word Lent is from the Old English for spring. It refers to the springme of the soul, when the life of grace streams abundantly
                                                     into the hearts of believers.
Think of the soul as a garden: to enjoy beauful flowers in the summer, you have to plant seeds in spring—and pull some weeds
                                                            along the way.
                       The flowers appear on the earth; the me of singing has come. Song of Solomon 2:12
                                                                                                                    Peace & Blessings,
                                                                                                                             Fr. Mark

     Our Holy Father Pope Francis                                           MUSIC MINISTRY
 has composed the aached prayer.          Each week, Director of Music Paul Carroll is sharing a Music Meditaon on our St. Pius
  It seeks the powerful intercession       X YouTube channel. To learn more about our Music Ministry, sacred music and our
     of our Blessed Mother during          new organ, as well as staying in touch with our parish, please visit our website.
      this me of the coronavirus.                 Contact Paul Carroll at for more informaon.
      Prayer of Pope Francis
     for Protection and Help
                                                                       RELIGIOUS FORMATION
                                                                          ~ Upcoming Schedule ~
                  O Mary,
     you always shine on our path as       Glory                                          Praise
     a sign of salvaon and of hope.       Grades Kindergarten - 9th Grade                Grades Kindergarten - 9th Grade
 We entrust ourselves to you, Health       February 28—At Home Family Lesson              February 28— Virtual Livestream
of the Sick, who at the cross took part    March 7– Virtual Livestream                    March 7—At Home Family Livestream
in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm.    March 14—At Home Family Lesson                 March 14—Virtual Livestream
 You, Salvaon of the Roman People,         Registraon for the 2021-2022 school year will run from February 7th—March 17th.
know what we need, and we are sure                        Please see the church website for details and to register.
you will provide so that, as in Cana of                                   Informaon for 2nd Grade:
   Galilee, we may return to joy and          Tuesday Aernoons with Fr. Mark—Speak with your catechist for more details.
    to feasng aer this me of trial.                  Reconciliaon—March 6th: 10 am Glory 2A; 12 noon Glory 2B
     Help us, Mother of Divine Love,                           March 13th: 10 am Praise 2A; 12 noon Praise 2B
  to conform to the will of the Father                             Jesus Day Retreat — April 25th (Virtual)
   and to do as we are told by Jesus,             First Holy Communion—May 1st: 10 am Praise 2B A-J; 12 noon Glory 2A;
    who has taken upon himself our                                2 pm Marchea/Mansour/Tadduni A - K
   sufferings and carried our sorrows                                   (Rehearsal on April 30th at 4 pm)
      to lead us, through the cross,                       May 8th: 10 am Praise 2B L-Z; 12 noon Holzmann/Sena;
 to the joy of the resurrecon. Amen.                              2 pm Marchea/Mansour/Tadduni L - Z
   Under your protecon, we seek                                        (Rehearsal on May 7th at 4 pm)
     refuge, Holy Mother of God.                                      Informaon for 8th and 9th Grades:
Do not disdain the entreaes of those       Confirmaon Interviews will take place in April, May, and June. We will contact you
 of us who are in trial, but deliver us                              to schedule your interview day/me.
         from every danger,                                         Retreat and Confirmaon Details TBA
    O glorious and blessed Virgin.                     Contact Kurt Kilanowski at with any quesons.

                                                                          YOUTH MINISTRY.
                                                 Please email Ante Rogic at should you have any
       DEACON’S CORNER                                     quesons, comments, or concerns. Stay well and safe!

 The second Sunday of Lent gives us the story of the Transfiguraon of Jesus. In his Transfiguraon, we see an ancipaon of the
 glory of Jesus’ Resurrecon. We too are called to a transfiguraon. This Lenten season calls us to transform our lives. We seek to
 change our lives for the beer, looking for ways we can be more faithful to Jesus and His Church. Life is full of ups and downs.
 We must endure things if we want to experience the glory of what is to come. There cannot be a resurrecon without the
 crucifixion, and that is what the season of Lent teaches us. I pray we can take the lesson of this gospel and apply it to our lives.
 Let us pray for one another as we strive to transform our lives to be more like Christ. - Rev. Mr. Frank Lennie
Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...
                  All Saints Academy is an exciting and vibrant School community that is based on Catholic faith and
                      tradition and offers state-of-the-art STEM education in all grade levels, PreSchool - Grade 8.
                      We invite you to visit us to see all of the great things happening at ASA! Please contact us at
                 973-334-4704 to learn more about the spiritual, academic and personal opportunities for your child at
                                                              All Saints Academy.

We are grateful for God’s many blessings, and are reminded of our
       commitment to care for our brothers and sisters in need.             ROSARY SOCIETY
       St. Pius X continues to sell Shop Rite Gift Certificates. Gift       Rosarians meet for Rosary in the Narthex
certificates can be purchased in increments of $20.00. To purchase          every Monday at 10:00 am. All are welcome!
  a gift certificate for your family or to donate, please visit, call, or   For more informaon, please call Marie Driscoll,
    email the Ministry House. The certificates will be donated to           973-476-7610 or Anne Kveglis, 973-227-4814.
Montville Food Pantry and Straight & Narrow. Thank you in advance
                           for your generosity!
                                                                            KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
          WEEKLY READINGS FOR SUNDAY MASS                                   First and Third Mondays of Each Month
 We have begun a new email series at St. Pius X. You are invited to         The next meeng is on March 1st in the Parish
 subscribe to our new weekly email to receive the readings for Mass         Center. SAVE the DATE – The Knights will be
in your inbox. This new series comes with an invitation to find a quiet     hosng a Fish & Chips Dinner on Friday March
 moment before Sunday to spend time with the readings before you            26th. Tickets go on sale aer all Masses starng
  go to Mass. Sign up on under “Subscribe to receive          3/6. Visit us at: hp:// Anyone
           updates from St. Pius X” or email Paul Carroll at                interested in joining the Knights, please call
    for more information.                   Dave Arthurs at 973-334-3028.
                  ATTENTION! SCAM EMAILS
  It has come to our attention that some parishioners have received         CARING CRAFTERS
emails from people claiming to be Fr. Mark. Please do NOT respond           Third Wednesday of Each Month
to these messages. Any communication coming from Fr. Mark or the            Next meeng is on March 17th at 10 am.
      St. Pius X staff will come from a email address.        For more informaon, call Barbara Sanders at
 Specifically, these scam emails, pretending to be from Fr. Mark, ask       973-334-6884.
 unsuspecting parishioners to purchase gift cards and send the card
                   numbers to meet an "urgent" need.                        SENIOR SINGLES
 If you have any questions or if you receive an email that appears to       Anyone interested in any of our social
     be a scam, please reach us at the Ministry House. Thank you!           gatherings, cards, mahjong, game night,
 For more information, visit the FTC Consumer Information page on           dinners out, movies, plays, etc., please call Rae
   Phishing and Scams here:          at 973-479-1185. Please advise if you can aend
                                                                            our meengs or call to get on our mailing list.
                 ST. PAUL INSIDE THE WALLS
Catholicism from Scratch consists of six, self-contained sessions           AFTERNOON PRAYER GROUP
 on specific topics, focusing on the basics of Catholicism, for those       Second and Fourth Wednesdays of Each Month
 who need a brush-up, those who missed it the first time around, or         St. Pius X Spirit of Love Prayer Group meets
   those who never heard it before. Our next session will be on             semi-monthly at 12:45 pm in the Ministry
  Saturday, February 27th, from 10 am to 12 noon. Register in               House. Next meeng is on March 10th.
              advance to receive the secure Zoom link:

                                                  GOLD ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR 2020
                          Did you celebrate your 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2020? If you were married in 1970, the
                          Diocese of Paterson invites you to celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary during a special
                      Mass to be offered at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson, NJ. Bishop Sweeney will
                                          serve as main celebrant on this joyful occasion to be held:
                                                    Sunday, April 25th, 2021, at 3:30 p.m.
                        Arrangements can be made by contacting the parish office. The deadline to register with your
                      parish office is Thursday, April 8th, 2021. You will receive additional information from the Office
                         of Family Life once your registration is processed. Congratulations on this joyous occasion!
Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...
                                                                                        CRS RICE BOWLS
                                                                                CRS Rice Bowl is Catholic Relief Ser-
                                                                               vices’ Lenten program for families and
                                                                               faith communities in the United States
                                                                                who want to put their faith into action.
                                                                             Through CRS Rice Bowl, participants are
                                                                             invited to hear stories about their brothers
                                                                             and sisters in need around the world, and
                                                                              devote their Lenten prayers, fasting and
                                                                                alms to change the lives of those who
                                                                                            suffer in poverty.
                                                                              Participants journey through the 40 days
                                                                             of Lent with a collection of daily reflections
                                                                               and activities included in the CRS Rice
                                                                             Bowl calendar. CRS Rice Bowls are avail-
                                                                                  able in the vestibule of the church.

       LENTEN ORGAN RECITAL SERIES                                       THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK
This Lent you are invited to tune in each Friday at noon        As you exit Mass today, we encourage you to please
for a 30 minute virtual Lenten Organ Recital. St. Pius X is         take a Little Black Book. It’s an old-fashioned
participating in this series of six                           “vade mecum.” That’s Latin for “travel with me” and was
recitals throughout Lent which                                used to describe a book that was a constant companion.
will feature a different organist
each week from different parts
of the US and the world. Visit
the St. Pius X website,, or watch directly on
our parish YouTube channel.

                        Stations of the Cross will be held
                            every Friday during Lent.
                     Please join us!
March 5th 3:00 pm               March 12th 3:00 pm
March 19th 3:00 pm              March 26th 3:00 pm
April 2nd Good Friday Stations of the Cross 7:30 pm

The Knights will host their annual Fish & Chips Dinner on
 Friday, March 26th. This will be a take-out event only.
                  Please save the date!

  To receive customized email notifications and updates
  from St. Pius X, sign up on or email Paul
  Carroll at for more information.

                                                                          WATCH LIVE STREAM MASS FROM
                                                                          ST. PIUS X / SUNDAY, 12:00 NOON
                                                                            CHECK US OUT ON
                                                                       FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM
                       VISIT US ON THE WEB
                       hps://                           DIOCESE OF PATERSON
Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...
Sharing My Treasure: The Gift of Automated Giving
                                        What is Automated Giving?
        Automated Giving is a direct debit program whereby your “gi” is debited automacally from
         your bank account or charged to your credit card. It costs you nothing and saves you me.

                                  How do I sign up for automated giving?
           Complete and sign the authorizaon form aached and return it to the Ministry House.
    A voided check or a savings deposit slip will also be required if you have selected the banking opons.

                             Complete the form or go to

                                          Envelope. #: __________

   Name: _________________________________________________________________________

   Street Address: ______________________________ City, State, Zip:______________________

   Home or Cell#: ___________________________ Work Tele #: ___________________________

   Weekly and Holy Day Sharing of ____________ X 4.7 =                                     $_________
   (Weekly gi mes 4.7 is your monthly gi for Sundays/Holy Days)

   Monthly Sharing for a Mission or Charity outreach:                                      $_________
   (10 monthly collecons will be spread over 12 months)

   Monthly Sharing for St. Pius X Project Faith:                                           $_________
   (10 monthly collecons will be spread over 12 months)

   Total Monthly debit to credit card or bank account for above:                           $_________
   Easter, Christmas and Holy Days are NOT included. You will be nofied at holiday mes.

                      If you choose Credit Card Processing complete the following:

   Name on card ___________________________________________________________________

   Address if different from above _____________________________________________________

   Credit Card #: _________________________________________ Exp. Date:_________________

                    If you choose Bank Account Processing complete the following:

                          Type of Bank Account: _____Checking         _____ Savings

    Roung #: ____________________________ Account#: ________________________________

                        Include a copy of a voided check or a savings deposit slip.

I authorize St. Pius X and their delegates to process debit entries from my bank account or to charge my credit
card as indicated above. I understand that such authorizaon will remain in effect unl I have cancelled.
If I wish to cancel or change my authorizaon, I promise to nofy St. Pius X within a reasonable length of me.

   Authorized Signature __________________________________               Date ______________________
Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...
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                                                                                                          Stephen J. Priola • Manager / Parishioner
                                                                                                                       N.J. Lic. No. 4071

          Welcome to         Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us! We thank God for you. If you
                             are not registered or are moving along, please fill out this form and drop it in the
       St. Pius X Parish     collection basket or send it to the Ministry House. Thank you!
                                        New Parishioner. Please send a welcome package.
                  Change of address and/or telephone number.        Moving, please remove from Parish registry.
018B (MV) - St. Pius X, Montville               FOR ADS CALL: (800) 364-0684 BONVENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, NJ 07836 Inside
Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...
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   Par-Troy Funeral Home
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 RONALD DI MAGGIO ~ President-Manager                                                            N.J. Lic. No. 2989                                                                        (973) 887-3235
018B (MV) - St. Pius X, Montville                                      FOR ADS CALL: (800) 364-0684 BONVENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, NJ 07836 Outside
Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ... Second Sunday of Lent - Bon Venture ...
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