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Q2 | June 2021   News



                                                                                                                          A Message from our
A publication of the
Thome Group
                                                                                                                          Group CEO:
16 Raffles Quay
                                                                                                                          By Olav Nortun, Chief Executive Officer, Thome Group
#43-01 Hong Leong Building
Singapore 048581

Tel:                                                                                                                      Dear Colleagues,
65 6220 7291
                                                                                                                          The theme for this edition of Thome Group News (TGN) is “Seafarers are Key Workers”.
Email:                                                                                                                    While we have always felt this at Thome, the maritime industry has definitely                                                                                               recognised seafarers as such in recent times, particularly during this difficult
                                                                                                                          period as we navigate our way through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Website:                                                                                                         The fact that our colleagues onboard have had to deal with the additional

                                                                                                                          procedures and wearing of PPE to minimise the risk of the virus transferring
Edited By:                                                                                                                onto their vessels and have had to be patient while the world put in place
Anna Marie Soliman
Thome Group
                                                                                                                          varying restrictions and lockdowns which severely disrupted crew changes,
Mary Joie Alinas
                                                                                                                          is testament to their dedication and commitment to ensuring the world did
Thome Group                                                                                                               not run short of vital provisions such as food, medical supplies and fuel.
Angelica Cruz
Thome Group
                                                                                           TGN Q2 | June 2021                  At the outset, Thome put in place a special team that kept seafarers informed
                                                                                                                          with daily updates in what was a dynamically changing situation. The company
Sean Moloney
Elaborate Communications
                                                                                                                          also signed up to the Neptune Declaration which is an industry initiative that
Phil Page                                                                                                                 recognizes that key maritime stakeholders have a shared responsibility to ensure
                                               A Message from our Group
Elaborate Communications                                                                                                  the crew change crisis is resolved as quickly as possible and that seafarers are
                                               CEO                             3
Designed By:
                                                                                                                          recognised as key workers.
Diptesh Chohan                                                                                                                 I am pleased to say that a UN resolution which was passed in December 2020
Elaborate Communications                       THOME WORLD                          VETTING                               to recognise seafarers as key workers has already had 62 countries sign
Clare Parr                                     Seafarers are Key Workers        4   Positive SIRE Inspections is our      up which should help with free movement when crew changes are
Elaborate Communications
                                               Update on Thome Crew Change 5        Ticket to Trade                  14   due. However, we need to redouble our efforts and convince
                                               The New Normal for our Seafarers                                           all other remaining member countries to do the same. This
                                               - How are they coping?           6                                         will also hopefully mean that all key workers will get priority
                                               Seafarers Need to be                                                       vaccinations too, which will help speed up the current
                                               Recognised as Key Workers        7                                         crew change protocols in shipping so that we don’t get
                                               Cultural Diversity in the            Keep Improving by Constant            into a situation again when around 400,000 crew, at the
Tel: +44 (0) 1296 682051
Website:                     Workplace                        8   Change and Revision             15    coronavirus peak, were stuck on vessels and unable to
                                               Virtual Self Service Portal for                                            be repatriated.
                                               Seafarers                        9   SAFETY                                     We also support the IMO’s theme this year which
                                               LNGC Saga Dawn Wins SRS                                                    is “Seafarers: at the core of shipping’s future” which
                                                                                    Trust Improves Safety           16
                                               Green Ship of the Year Award 10                                            seeks to increase the visibility of seafarers by
                                               Thome Vaccination Program       10                                         drawing attention to the invaluable role they play
                                               Thome Crew Repatriation              HEALTH                                now and will continue to play in the future.
                                               Programme Accredited by Global                                                  Thome endorses this sentiment fully and
                                                                                    What You Need to Know About
                                               Task Force                      11                                         will continue to push the industry for better
                                                                                    Uric Acid                   17
                                               Thome’s Participation in Major                                             conditions and recognition
© Copyright – No article may be reproduced
by any means in whole or in part without the   Industry Events                 12
                                                                                    CREW MATTERS                          for our colleagues at sea.
written permission of Thome Group.

                                               PORT STATE CONTROL                   Celebrating Women Empowerment
                                               Remote Inspections and               in Thome Group                  18
                                               Concentrated Inspection              Journey with Thome Group        20
                                               Campaigns                      13    Work with Passion               22

2 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                               JUNE 2021   |3
THOME WORLD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         THOME WORLD

Seafarers are Key Workers –                                                                                                          Update on Thome Crew Change
An Overview                                                                                                                          Developments
By Claes Eek Thorstensen, Executive Vice Chairman, Thome Group
                                                                                                                                     By Rajesh Divakaran, Head of Marine HR / MLC Officer

Seafarers are key workers and must be recognised as such the           Similarly, trust is also vital between colleagues,
world over. The pandemic has brought this into sharper focus       and this is highlighted in an article by Capt. Chandran           It’s been over a year of crew change crisis due to the COVID       seafaring nations like the Philippines, India, Ukraine, and most
due to the disruption caused by various global lockdowns,          Mahalinggam, Senior HSSEQ Superintendent. He explains             pandemic. The crisis was at its peak during the third and          European countries.
making life onboard even more stressful than it normally is.       how safety is built upon the trust between colleagues             fourth quarters of 2020 and it started to ease at the beginning        We are now experiencing an increased number of
    This issue of Thome Group News is dedicated to our             and how they interact as a team. Without trust, there is          of the first quarter of 2021 with more countries allowing crew     positive cases amongst crew ready to join vessels or
onboard colleagues; and we have a variety of articles that look    a lack of transparency, and this can lead to wariness and         changes and removing some restrictions.                            seafarers having to isolate due to their family members
at how they have managed to adapt significant changes to their     the potential for an increase in human error, which is the             The UN resolution to recognize seafarers as key workers       getting infected. This has caused a lot of last-minute
working lives. Thome has recognised an increase in stress that     leading cause of accidents at sea.                                was passed in December of 2020 and since 7th April 2021            backouts of seafarers who were lined up to join vessels.
could lead to issues on mental health and well-being. With this,       We also touch on some digital improvements which we’ve        around 62 countries have designated seafarers as key workers.      Occasionally, this has led to the cancellation of planned
we offered support networks for our seafarers with initiatives     made to make our lives easier. One such improvement is a          The key worker status mainly helps in the movement of              crew changes as not enough relief crew were available to
like free counseling services provided by the International        portal that gives seafarers access to their personal employee     seafarers within a country and internationally for joining and     replace those onboard.
Seafarers Welfare Association Network (ISWAN) which helps          information, including movements, documents, training, and        signing off from the vessels. The industry also hopes that the         The number of seafarers awaiting repatriation
them with motivation by having weekly audio and video calls        certification, intended joining vessels information, contracts,   designation could play a key role in granting seafarers priority   worldwide has declined from 400,000 from October 2020
with vessels and engaging crews with group activities like art     payslips, and much more. This puts them in complete control       access to the COVID-19 vaccination.                                to 200,000 in March 2021 but we expect this number to go
and photographic competitions.                                     of their personal and career information, allowing them to             This has helped the industry to carry out more crew changes   up if the second wave continues its current trend and if we
    This issue also highlights the benefits of having diversity    make corrections or updates without relying on face-to-face       worldwide during Q1-2021, however there are still restrictions     do not prioritize and expedite the vaccination of seafarers.
onboard and working together and understanding each other’s        meetings to implement any changes.                                for seafarers when joining and signing off in certain ports.           We are closely monitoring the situation and keeping our
different perspectives can help with better and faster problem         The seafarers are at the heart of everything we do, and            On April 21, a second wave of pandemic was recorded.          seafarers and all other stakeholders updated with the latest
solving and increase innovative ideas and solutions. This          we will continue to review and evaluate how we can improve        More and more countries are going back into lockdowns and          developments.
benefits employees as treating people with respect will improve    their working lives and conditions, especially during these       the number of positive cases is at a record high in the major
engagement as staff realise that their opinions matter and are     very trying times we are currently experiencing.
taken seriously.

4 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               JUNE 2021   |5
THOME WORLD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     THOME WORLD

                                                                                                                                       Seafarers Need to be Recognised as
                                                                                                                                       Key Workers Around
                                                                                                                                       the World
                                                                                                                                       By TGN Editorial Team

                                                                                                                                       The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the human race, impacting
                                                                                                                                       our social and working lives like never before. Global and
                                                                                                                                       domestic trade has been disrupted by various international travel
                                                                                                                                       restrictions to try to contain the contagion, but the virus has still    crew change challenge and building a more resilient maritime
                                                                                                                                       managed to spread from country to country. Different approaches          logistics chain is by working together across the value chain with
                                                                                                                                       have been adopted by governments to minimise infection rates             industry stakeholders, organizations governments to implement
                                                                                                                                       but this has caused uncertainty and disruption in all aspects of life.   solutions that work in practice.
                                                                                                                                       None more so than in the maritime industry, where supply chains               These include:
                                                                                                                                       rely on the continuity of vessels delivering and collecting goods on          •      Establish and implement gold standard health

The New Normal for our Seafarers
                                                                                                                                       a global scale.                                                                      protocols based on existing best industry practices
                                                                                                                                             During the height of the pandemic in the first half of 2020,            •      Increase collaboration between ship operators and
                                                                                                                                       crews were not allowed to leave their vessels when in port and                       charterers to facilitate crew changes

– How are they coping?
                                                                                                                                       many governments banned crew changes in their countries for fear              •      Ensure flight availability for seafarers between key
                                                                                                                                       of importing the virus. The closure of major embassies around the                    maritime hubs
                                                                                                                                       world exacerbated the problem making repatriations impossible to              There have also been industry calls to get seafarers
                                                                                                                                       co-ordinate. This caused a huge crisis in the industry with reports of   recognised as key workers so they can be exempt from specific
                                                                                                                                       over 400,000 seafarers, at the peak of the global virus transmission,    COVID-related travel restrictions, allowing them freedom
By Capt. Priyank Agarwal, Crewing Manager                                                                                              being marooned on vessels after their contracts had expired. Many        of movement between their country of residence and their
                                                                                                                                       were on board for over a year in direct contravention to the MLC.        appointed vessels along with hassle-free repatriation at the
                                                                                                                                       This situation became so serious that in June 2020 the International     end of their contracts. The IMO has called on Member States
We live in an era that has no precedent in living memory. The           We, at Thome, have taken note of these challenges and          Transport Workers Federation (ITF) called on seafarers to ‘down          to recognise seafarers in this way, and to date, 45 have done so
COVID-19 pandemic not only continues to rage but is also            have started several initiatives, which we feel will address the   tools’ in protest at the ongoing lack of crew changes. However, the      along with one Associate Member (Hong Kong).
strengthening in certain parts of the world. Lockdowns and          problem. These initiatives will break this pattern of working in   majority of seafarers continued to work on board even though their            In addition, now that there are several approved vaccines, the
travel restrictions have severely hampered normal crew change       silos and will help seafarers overcome mental health issues:       original contracts had to be extended and it is a testament to their     heads of five UN organisations have called for seafarers and aircrew
operations. With no early end in sight we need to accept that           • Free counselling services for the seafarers provided         tenacity and resilience that they continued to work under very           to be prioritised for vaccinations, given their key role in supporting
this is the New Normal and in terms of air travel/ connectivity,             by the International Seafarers Welfare Association        stressful conditions to ensure that important medicines, fuels and       global trade. The joint statement has been signed by the heads of the
we have in some sense been pushed back. For seafarers, the                   Network (ISWAN) as highlighted in the March 2021          food supplies continued to be delivered around the world to keep         International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International
direct implication is that of the delayed sign-on and unwanted               edition of TGN.                                           the global supply chains open.                                           Labour Organization (ILO), the International Maritime Organization
contract extensions.                                                    • Weekly video/audio calls to the vessels to keep them               To help alleviate the crew change crisis, many ship owners,        (IMO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and
    As an added side effect, the pandemic has also caused                    motivated, discuss any issues they are facing, updating   ship management companies, the IMO and various maritime trade            the World Health Organization (WHO). The statement calls on
almost every port state to clamp down on shore leaves, with                  their relief plans, encouraging them to socialize in      associations have worked tirelessly with the relevant authorities        governments to prioritize seafarers and aircrew in their national
permission for doctor visits being granted only in case of an                groups – watch movies together and talk to each other.    to agree with protocols for the safe transfer of seafarers through       vaccination programmes in accordance with the WHO SAGE
extreme emergency.                                                      • Organising group activities for the vessels to               rigorous testing, quarantining and plane chartering for crew             roadmap for prioritizing the use of COVID-19 vaccines.
    Life at sea requires high levels of mental resilience. Over              participate, one such activity being the recent           repatriation. This has helped to ease the situation, but things are           So, as the world begins to slowly open up again, it is vital that
the years, with the increased availability of internet connection            Christmas photograph competition where all vessels        still very fluid with some nations having to re-impose restrictions as   seafarers are recognised as key workers so that they can continue
onboard and usage of personal smartphones/ laptops, seafarers                participated and shared photographs and videos for the    second and, in some cases, third waves of high virus transmission are    their essential work in keeping the world economy moving. As we
have started to stay confined in their cabins during non-working             Christmas celebrations held on board.                     being experienced.                                                       approach the ‘Day of the Seafarer’ whose theme this year is a ‘Fair
hours. These factors have resulted in an increased case of                                                                                   The industry has tried to collaborate on this very important       Future for Seafarers’, it is hoped that governments around the world
depression/ anxiety and brought to the fore the question of             These initiatives are taken very positively and has helped     issue by forming the Neptune Declaration where stakeholders              will recognise that seafarers need to be recognised not just as key
seafarers’ mental health.                                           the seafarers cope well with the new normal.                       from across all sectors of the maritime industry have pledged to         workers but should also get fair treatment in their daily working,
    Everyday fear for the health of family members and friends          The Thome Group is actively on the lookout for new ways of     work together to try to ease the crew change crisis for the benefit      training and safety conditions as without their tireless dedication
ashore has added to the mental stress of day-to-day work.           engaging our seafarers and keep them motivated and adapt to        of crews’ mental health and well-being. The signatories of this          in delivering vital food, medication, and fuel supplies, global
                                                                    the new normal.                                                    declaration believe that the most effective way of addressing the        populations would soon suffer the consequences.

6 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            JUNE 2021   |7
THOME WORLD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    THOME WORLD

Cultural Diversity in the
By Capt. Vinay Singh Chauhan, Marine HR Manager

Cultural Diversity is the existence of a variety of cultural        more innovation and better decision making as everyone’s point
groups with various different characteristics such as religion,     of view is shared and reviewed. Acceptance and tolerance lead
language, ethnicity, age, values, beliefs , geographic location,    to higher employee engagement and reduced staff turnover as
and such, within a society.                                         people are aware that their views matter and are not ignored or

                                                                                                                                              Virtual Self Service Portal for
     We, as a global ship management company, believe in unity      brushed under the carpet.
in diversity and this is what makes our work force impeccable.           Similarly, increased diversity means no over reliance on a
     Thome Group has diverse nationalities of crew                  particular nationality for planning reliefs. It is also an advantage
predominantly Filipinos, followed by Indians, Chinese,              when trading worldwide as different cultures can assist in
Croatians, Latvians, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Russians,
Ukrainians, and more.
     Ashore staff is comprised of multiple nationalities as well
                                                                    knowing how to handle different behaviours and situations
                                                                    when docking at global ports. It can also lead to more timely and
                                                                    optimal solutions which gives greater client satisfaction.
such as Indians, Croatians, Filipino, Singaporeans and more.             The benefits of cultural diversity include inspiring each other,
     We celebrate all festivals onboard with the same               which can result in better understanding and productivity, creating
                                                                                                                                              By Amit Kumar, Senior Project Manager, Strategic Marine HR
enthusiasm, like Christmas Day, Diwali, Easter Sunday, Eid, and     a multi-national pool of talent which helps with the generation and
such. There is tremendous respect for religious values amongst      exchange of innovative ideas. Cultural sensitivity also helps one
all team members across the group.                                  respect, demonstrate, and appreciate other forms of culture leading
     We get to learn from each other about our traditions and       to a cultural exchange which allows people to discuss universal           Today, we live in a hyper-connected, high-speed world. From         physical distancing have made it very challenging to meet face-
share historical achievements and events with each other. This      issues that can have a huge global impact.                                digital cash to real-world, virtual existence, technology plays a   to-face and share information. With a CSS portal, seafarers can
helps give everyone a different perspective and understanding            However, without commitment, cultural diversity can lead             vital part. Self-service is no longer a luxury, but has become an   always feel connected with the company via a continuous and
when learning about the culture, traditions, and beliefs of         to misunderstandings between different groups of people and               expected part of our daily routines. We want answers now, not       timely flow of all the latest information regarding their careers.
different races or creeds. We pay particular attention to the       give rise to awkwardness which can cause an imbalance.                    tomorrow. We want the power and freedom to do things as and         They can proactively take charge of their own data and keep
finer details depending on the occasions. For instance, new              So, it’s important to continue carrying out training and briefings   when we want.                                                       their records up to date to increase the chances for a timely
vessels with Indonesian crew were sent out an informative           for all employees periodically to emphasise its significance.                 Seafarers are at the core of Thome’s business strategy. To      assignment.
message about the ongoing Ramadan season.                                Cultural diversity establishes a better understanding                give them the power and freedom to access their information,            Our plan is to introduce this service to all seafarers
     Diversity brings in new ideas and experiences where people     between people and helps to strengthen society including the              as and when they want, we have partnered with Netvision             from different locations in a phased manner. Thome is
can learn from each other.                                          maritime world.                                                           (COMPAS) to introduce a “Crew Self Service (CSS)” portal for        truly committed to providing world-class services to our
     Bringing in different ideas and perspectives leads to better        The World Day of Cultural Diversity is on the 21st of May            our seafarers.                                                      seafarers and the introduction of CSS portal is a step
problem-solving while working in diverse teams invites open         as declared by the UN General Assembly so let’s help celebrate                Using the COMPAS CSS, seafarers can now access their            forward in that direction.
dialogue and promotes creativity. Different nationalities and       it and support diversity.                                                 own personal employee information, including movements,
cultures working together in a harmonious way can lead to                                                                                     documents, training, and certification, intended joining vessels
                                                                                                                                              information, contracts, pay slips and more. They can
                                                                                                                                              also update their availability records anytime for better
                                                                                                                                              planning of their next contract. Seafarers can receive
                                                                                                                                              company notifications and updates directly on their
                                                                                                                                              phones or a computer and read them at their leisure.
                                                                                                                                                  COMPAS CSS is easy to use and can be accessed from
                                                                                                                                              any device (ideally a desktop / laptop) and on any browser
                                                                                                                                              provided an internet connection is available.
                                                                                                                                                  There cannot be a better time to introduce a self-
                                                                                                                                              service portal than during this present pandemic
                                                                                                                                              situation, where the imposed restraints and need for

8 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           JUNE 2021   |9
THOME WORLD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          THOME WORLD

LNGC Saga Dawn Wins SRS Green
Ship of the Year Award
By TGN Editorial Team

On behalf of the Saga LNG Shipping, Pte. Ltd., Thome Group
CEO Olav Nortun accepts the SRS Green Ship of the Year Award
for the Thome managed vessel, LNGC Saga Dawn, on the 19th
of April at the Singapore International Maritime Awards 2021
organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. The
award was presented by Mr. Chee Hong Tat, Senior Minister of
State for Foreign Affairs and Transport.
     The SRS Green Ship of the Year Award is given to vessels
which passed the evaluations based on the International
Maritime Organization’s Energy Efficiency Design Index and
other additional energy-efficient measures, such as the use of
abatement technologies and alternative fuels. LNGC Saga Dawn          Together with the Saga LNG Shipping, Thome Group is

                                                                                                                                    Thome Crew Repatriation
is the 1st LNG vessel in the world equipped with LNT A-Box       thankful to the MPA for this important award by acknowledging
containment system, in which there is no loading limitation,     the company’s initiatives in providing energy-efficient measures
no sloshing issues, and a very efficient Boil-off- Gas (BOG)     in its vessels while maintaining the highest standard protocols

                                                                                                                                    Programme Accredited by Global
Management system.                                               in its operations.

Thome Vaccination Program                                                                                                           Task Force
By TGN Editorial Team
                                                                                                                                    By Jennifer Santos, Project Manager, Thome Ship Management Pte. Ltd.

A vaccination programme is being rolled out for
our seafarers worldwide.
    Since the very beginning of the pandemic, the                                                                                   Thome’s commitment to upholding the highest standards when          These include:
Group has been planning a complete, safe, and                                                                                       it comes to implementing safe crew changes around the world           1.    Submission of a crew change application at least 7
free vaccination program for our staff, especially                                                                                  has been offcially recognised after it becomes one of the first              days in advance, instead of the normal 14 days
to the seafarers on the front line in keeping the                                                                                   in the industry to have its repatriation processes and its Dusit      2.    If a sign on crew undergoing the Crew Safe protocol
global economy moving.                                                                                                              Thani facility and Herald Suites – Solana in Manila accredited by           is cancelled, the replacement crew will be allowed
    Thome Group managed tanker vessel M/T                                                                                           the SG Star Fund Taskforce.                                                 if he/she has been undergoing the Crew Safe protocol
Turquoise, was at Corpus Christi terminal,                                                                                               The Taskforce is a global tripartite organisation bringing             for the same required duration
USA on 13th May 2021 for cargo operations.                                                                                          together international partners from the industry, unions and         3.    In Singapore, the sign-on crew who had undergone the
The crew onboard voluntarily got vaccinated                                                                                         government to facilitate safe crew changes. It is led by the                Crew Safe protocol may stay at the designated holding
against the COVID -19 virus with the J&J                                                                                            Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) with members from the                  facility for up to 5 days, (instead of 3 days) if required
single dose JANSSEN vaccine administrated                                                                                           Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Singapore             4.    All non-accredited companies with crew bound for
by the Nueces county health department in                                                                                           Maritime Officers Union (SMOU), Singapore Organisation of                   Singapore are subjected to full MPA requirements and
association with The Corpus Christi Seamen’s                                                                                        Seamen, IMEC, International Chamber of Shipping and the ITF                 will not be given concessions.
Center at the bottom of the gangway.                                                                                                all working to achieve its aims.
    We would like to thank the US Health                                                                                                 As a result of being accredited, the Thome Group and its           Congratulations to Thome Group for being one of the first in
Department, Seamen Centers, NAMMA, port agents who                   Thome Group strongly encourages their seafarers to             crew bound for Singapore will be able to enjoy a number of          the industry to achieve this feat!
have assisted us with the vaccination drive. Several Thome-      vaccinate themselves against the COVID-19 virus as it is one       privileges.
managed vessels will be calling various US ports in the          of the best ways to protect themselves and others against
coming weeks, and the crew will get the opportunity to get       the virus.
vaccinated.                                                          More vaccination initiatives are already underway for the
                                                                 rest of the Thome seafarers in the near future. Stay updated.

10 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              JUNE 2021   | 11
THOME WORLD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PORT STATE CONTROL

Thome’s Participation in Major                                                                                                         Remote Inspections and
Industry Events                                                                                                                        Concentrated Inspection
By Giesel Salon, Corporate Communications and Marketing Executive
Thome’s key executives have been involved as panellists and         took part in a
speakers at some of the most prestigious maritime industry          panel discussion
                                                                                                                                       By Mayuresh Jayade, DPA / Group Marine & Safety Manager
events in 2021. In January Thome Group Vice President of            on the crucial and
Supply Chain, Peter Schellenberger and Head of HSSEQ,               strategic aspects
Jamie Ramsamy, took part in the Smart Maritime Network’s            of maritime HR.                                                    Since the beginning of the last year, the number
discussion on the future of maritime with particular attention      Panellists highlighted key issues including overall HR strategic   of Port State Control (PSC) inspections declined
to digitalisation and standardisation.                              planning, seafarer mental health and wellbeing, recruitment        globally due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new
    In March, Rajiv Malhotra, Technical Manager of Thome Group,     and E-Learning.                                                    normal is still a distant dream as we continue to see
participated at Riviera Maritime Media’s vessel optimisation            In the same month, at the Singapore Maritime Technology        multiple waves of the pandemic infection growing
webinar week where he discussed Thome’s objectives to achieve       Conference, Chief Executive Officer, Olav Nortun, took part        and COVID-19 positive cases affecting the overall
energy efficiency.                                                  in a panel discussion entitled, “Intelligent Ship Operations –     ship-to-shore interphase.
    The Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) holds a regular        What does the future hold?” The live online dialogue discussed         As a Group, we recorded 118 inspections in
event called “Tech Talk Thursdays” where Peter Schellenberger       ship managers’ views on smart management, conditioned-             first quarter of 2021, which is marginally higher for
shared the Group’s initiatives and campaigns in digitalization at   based maintenance, fuel consumption optimisation, route            the same period in first quarter of 2020 with 107
the 18th March session.                                             planning and equipping crews for tech-driven operations.           inspections.
    Another maritime event, Sea Asia was held on April 21 -         Peter Schellenberger chaired the conference and moderated              Due to the prolonged pandemic, many member
22, 2021, where Chief Human Resources Officer Simon Frank,          the Q & A portion on April 21st.                                   states of the ‘Tokyo MoU’ such as Singapore and
                                                                                                                                       China have adopted remote inspection campaigns.
                                                                                                                                           Thome’s vessels were subjected to such remote

Digitalization for Seafarers
                                                                                                                                       inspections which typically involves notification by
                                                                                                                                       the PSC office to the vessel’s agent on intentions to
                                                                                                                                       conduct remote PSC and the PSC officer is assigned
                                                                                                                                       to directly contact the vessel through email.                      hazardous cargo deck areas to record tasks advised by the
                                                                                                                                           Copies of SOLAS certificates, crew lists, and class status     appointed PSC officer. If there are any concerns, the DPA
By Claire Columna, Assistant Marine HR Manager/ Alternate MLC Officer                                                                  reports are requested in the initial exchange, followed by more    should be informed to discuss alternative methods to meet
                                                                                                                                       specific requirements to submit photos of lifeboats, the garbage   the PSC officer’s expectations.
                                                                                                                                       collection area, fire station, engine room spaces etc. Depending       From March 15 to June 15, 2021, Maritime Safety
Disruptions arising from the emergence and spread of                eSignature is the solution way                                     on the internet capabilities of the vessel, the PSC officer may    Administration (MSA), MSA China is conducting a
COVID-19 and consequential measures such as social                  forward                                                            ask for videos of the emergency drill, crew demonstrating          Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on operation and
distancing and the mass shift to work from home has resulted        It was observed on various occasions that the original signed      donning of the Breathing Apparatus (BA) sets, and fireman’s        maintenance of the main engine (ME), auxiliary engine, and
in various situations where obtaining a traditional “wet ink”       Seafarers Employment Agreement (SEA) is not available onboard      outfits, Oily Water Separator (OWS). Once the vessel arrives in    emergency generators. This is of particular importance for
signature is not feasible or almost impossible.                     the vessel for crew members. Some of the flag and port state       port, the PSCO may wish to have a video conference with the        the vessels transiting the Yangtze river as MSA has zero
    Ever since the E-SIGN Act (Electronic Signatures in Global      authorities do not accept scanned copies of SEA onboard and        Master and crew representatives for a short duration to verify     tolerance for loss of propulsion in the river under pilotage.
and National Commerce Act) was passed in the United States          this has led to PSC findings. These pre-existing challenges has    knowledge about ISM / SMS and DPA details. A report of the         Vessel engineers must ensure compliance with preventive
in 2000, eSignature adoption has been on the rise.                  worsened due to the pandemic since most of our seafarers are       inspection is then issued through the agent or directly to the     maintenance as per the maker’s guidance and pre-arrival,
    Arguably the greatest eSignature advantage is its ease.         travelling to the vessels directly from home.                      vessel through email.                                              pre-departure operational tests of the main engine must be
Users can sign documents online with the click of a mouse,              As the industry embraces digitalization, the majority of           United States Coast Guard has also conducted similar           conducted and recorded. Any defects should be immediately
or they can trace their handwritten signature using a finger        the flag state authorities are now recognizing the electronic      remote inspections for a few vessels, however, the majority        reported to the pilot to avoid detention.
or a stylus. In addition, eSignatures allow businesses and          signature as original and valid for employment contracts.          of the inspections are still conducted by physical boarding of         Recently, Malaysian maritime authorities have intensified
individuals to process paperwork exponentially faster,                  Thome Group has also adopted the use of electronic             the vessel.                                                        their enforcement actions on vessels anchoring off the east
eliminating the need for snail mail, printing, scanning, and        signatures for Seafarers Employment Agreements (SEA), using            Remote inspections must be treated with the same level         coast near the port of Johor, and PSC officers may impose
hard-copy filing.                                                   Adobe Acrobat, for the entire fleet whenever our seafarers are     of seriousness as physical inspections and Masters need            fines and detain vessels if they are anchoring illegally
    Currently, the prevalence of working from home has              unable to physically report to the local manning offices.          to verify preparedness for every port by complying with            without proper cargo operation orders in Johor.
further reinforced the importance of eSignature versus the              Indeed, digitalization is radically transforming business      the company’s SMS and pre-arrival PSC checklists. Tanker               Masters shall carefully read and comply with the company’s
wet signature.                                                      landscapes and the nature of work. Digitalization allows more      vessels should observe additional requirements pertaining          circulars and disseminate such critical information to all crew
                                                                    flexibility in the case of working remotely and communicating      to the use of approved intrinsically safe cameras in               for awareness and compliance.
                                                                    with our seafarers digitally wherever they may be.

12 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              JUNE 2021   | 13
VETTING                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

                                                                                                                                         Keep Improving by Constant
                                                                                                                                         Change and Revision
                                                                                                                                         By Amit Sharma, Sr. Principal Compliance Auditor, Environment Compliance Dept.

                                                                                                                                         The environmental procedures of the company recently
                                                                                                                                         underwent a revision exercise based on its present relevance
                                                                                                                                         and applicability post Environmental Compliance Plan (ECP).
                                                                                                                                         This article aims to highlight these changes and the ethos

Positive SIRE Inspections is our                                                                                                         behind them.
                                                                                                                                             The Engine and Deck environmental procedures as
                                                                                                                                         encapsulated in Thome Group Management System were

Ticket to Trade                                                                                                                          revised to cater for evolving regulatory changes and
                                                                                                                                         further align to its current relevance. It now includes deck
                                                                                                                                         environmental operations. There was also a revamp done
                                                                                                                                         to Garbage Management plan to include enhanced clarity
By Capt. Prashant Sankpal, Senior Marine Manager, Tanker Division                                                                        on Food Waste Management, Expired Medicine, Expired
                                                                                                                                         Narcotics, Plastic Management and Incineration. New
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed working patterns              than the usual 8 hours to cross reference each document and          inclusions were COVID-related PPE & mask disposal and
and standard operating practices across industries. It has in a     look for inconsistencies.                                            management while plastic categorisations were enhanced
very short timeframe radically altered forecasts by industry            The SIRE observation below, under VIQ 5.29, during a             to segregate between PVC-PBC-PS (prohibited for
pundits and driven home the fact that flexibility in operations     remote SIRE inspection indicates the thorough study of these         incineration) and other softer grades.                           session was conducted on 30/March/2021 and the feedback
without compromising quality is key to survival.                    documents by an inspector and why we must be more careful in             As a strong measure for safe incineration in the             received has been truly encouraging. In fact, it would be
    The shipping industry by its very nature is a technically       the review of documents prior to presenting them.                    aftermath of recent garbage incineration inflicted injuries, a   pertinent to state that Thome has been a pioneer on such
driven and hands on type of business. It requires direct                While records indicate both lifeboats were lowered to the        specific poster was designed to illustrate the various stage     training sessions for ORB and continues to march ahead with
and scrupulous involvement by not just the ships’ staff             water and maneuvered on January 18, 2021, at the interview           of performing a safe incineration for crews to follow. This      more of the same.
& managers, but also by all stake holders e.g. oil majors,          on March 15, 2021 the Second Officer confirmed he had not            poster should be placed on a bulkhead near the incinerator.          In the current COVID-restricted travel times, the ECD
terminal managers, charterers etc.                                  gone down in any of the two lifeboats on that day even though        The poster provides concise guidance on which PPE should         is continuing with the remote environmental audits which
    One important way of evaluating vessels tradability             he was listed as one of the four persons going down in the           be worn and the care to be taken while operating the             is to assess as well as assist the Master/CE and crew on the
(assigning risk) is via SIRE inspections, which is essentially      Starboard lifeboat.                                                  incinerator.                                                     seamless implementation of environmental procedures. This
how the quality of onboard management is assessed. Due                  The focus of SIRE inspections over the years has changed             Increasing ballast related concerns conceived alerts         engagement also includes an animated 1 hour and 30-minute
to the pandemic and subsequent travel restrictions, the             towards gauging the competence of officers and many                  for Ballast Water Management systems and Ballast record          video of environmental compliance training. Vessels calling
availability of SIRE inspectors in large parts of the world         questions in the Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (VIQ) are           books. An illustrated and easy to understand guide was           at Singapore are visited as much as possible to impart such
has been severely impacted; with certain regions and most           “competence” related questions-i.e. “are officers aware of…”,        included as a flow chart to guide Masters on BWTS/               learnings in person.
terminals not allowing any visitors during the vessels stay         “are personnel familiar with…. and, “are... crew familiar with…..”   BWMS aspects and failure reporting. Further company                  The NAU program for recording ER waste transfers and
in port.                                                                This allows SIRE inspectors to assess ship staff’s knowledge     communications were released on Thome specific ballast           disposals as well as garbage disposals, has been continually
    In light of the above, Oil Companies International Marine       applicable to their individual duties and responsibilities.          water record book procedures in Q1 / 2021.                       improved to become a power tool to measure, monitor and
Forum (OCIMF) had introduced Remote SIRE inspections in                 Thome desires that its vessels have consistently good                On the office side, the ECD is conducting regular            mandate compliance. New alerts added in daily alerts aim
2020 permitting appointed SIRE inspectors to carry out SIRE         results in SIRE/ CDI/ PSC inspections so as to be seen as an         sessions with the fleet groups, Crewing/ Marine HR               to caution the respective shore team on the deviations of
inspections without physical attendance. The process requires       attractive business partner by all our customers.                    departments and for new employee inductions. These               waste status, thereby prompting an engagement with the
the inspector to review more than 350 individual documents,             We have to ensure that our ships get viewed positively by        sessions are a forum to discuss the latest issues related to     vessel for clarification/ guidance. New features such as
closeup photographs of the ship/ equipment/ fittings and video      Oil Majors as a good business partner on the basis of good SIRE      the environment and to familiarise staff with the company’s      OWS operation, garbage incineration data, Incinerator-
interviews of selected personnel.                                   reports, strong qualification matrix of our officers on board,       environmental policies. The shore ECP sessions by the            OWS efficiency alerts, Incineration/Evaporation/OWS non
    While we on our own, only request remote inspections as a       spotless PSC records, robust                                         Training Dept. with various seafarers also had the pleasant      -operation over 30 days alerts, Individual IOPP tank ROB
last resort, in some cases its purely unavoidable else we run the       Tanker Management and Self Assessment (TMSA)                     addition of the ECD Dept. participation in the last 30-45        >75% of capacity alerts etc., are some of the additions done
risk of exceeding the SIRE limit of 6 months.                       submissions and periodic positive TMSA reviews by Oil Majors.        Minutes of the Q&A session to explore the latest incidents,      to equip the shore teams with a ready analysis.
    The above-mentioned documents are required to be                    Remember successful “vetting” is a vessel’s “ticket to trade”.   learnings and procedural changes.                                    Remember, Environmental Compliance is not a
uploaded a minimum of 48 hours prior to the inspection date (at                                                                              The ECD has also started web-based sessions for Oil          destination but an ongoing journey!
the selected discharge port) giving the inspector far more time                                                                          Record Book (ORB) training for sea staff. The first remote

14 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           JUNE 2021   | 15
SAFETY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           HEALTH

Trust Improves Safety
By Capt. Chandran Mahalinggam, Senior HSSEQ Superintendent

Shipping is one of the most critical and high-risk industries. Safety      within different nationalities
onboard is influenced by a trust. It can be a missing link in ensuring     and cultural backgrounds
safety. Trust amongst seafarers is one of the keys to maintaining          may lead people to
safety in the maritime industry.                                           understand better each
     In this time of the pandemic, most industries faced gloomy days       other’s needs and
but not the maritime industry. The busier it is, the more challenges       expectations, encouraging
and risks are encountered by seafarers. To work at a high-intensity        valuable contributions. Trust
level, trust among peers and colleagues is of the utmost importance.       and care about each other
     Though the importance of leadership and cultural background           contribute to trust-building.
are vital in shaping seafarers’ safety attitudes and behaviours, trust     Communicating in a common

                                                                                                                                                    What You Need to Know About
among the crew members must not be neglected.                              language is also important in
     First, shipping is a multicultural business. National culture is      promoting cognitive trust.
one of the critical factors affecting seafarers’ safety behaviours              Communication and

                                                                                                                                                    Uric Acid
regarding trust. It sets various dimensions of culture with different      cooperation are also
levels of influence on safety behaviours and safety attitudes.             important for maritime safety. Most of the accidents in the shipping
Seafarers’ perceptions of transformational leadership are predictive       industry happen due to human errors.
of safety behaviours when trust is built.                                       It can be due to incorrect decisions, improper or lack of action.
     Interpersonal trust from managers to employees and among              Typical improper or lack of action is due to no coordination and not     By TGN Editorial Team
seafarers influences the safety-related organisation. Trust among          seeking advice. Lack of knowledge sharing and not seeking advice
colleagues and managers is the first step in improving safety, thus,       may be seen as minor errors, but minor errors may lead to serious
reduce human errors. The physical distance between seafarers               casualties. Interpersonal trust is considered essential in the sharing   Did you know that a high level of uric acid can cause multiple       (at least eight glasses a day), and eating a consistent balanced
and management, human behaviour, requirement and competency                of knowledge in a reciprocal way.                                        diseases when left untreated and monitored? According to             diet.
levels, frequent reorganization of the crew, and multiculturalism               The company managers are the most significant predictive            Mayo Clinic, a high uric acid level occurs when your kidneys              Monitoring your weight is also important as high uric acid is
can be considered the main obstacles to trust within the shipping          factor for promoting a safety culture that induces safe behaviours.      don’t eliminate uric acid efficiently.                               commonly observed in people who are suffering from obesity.
industry.                                                                  Sea staff seminars can be one of the highlight sessions which                Uric acids are natural waste that we digest when we intake
     Respondents may have been reluctant to report their safety            discuss seafarer concerns and challenges within the industry. A          food that contains purines which are found in meat such as           Foods that cause high uric acid are as follows:
behaviours because of trust issues, potential personal repercussions,      robust management system that highlights every transparency              animal meat, beans, and alcoholic drinks.                               -    Seafood: salmon, sardines, tuna, lobster, shrimp
and any interests against the company. Trust and transparency              angle, such as a non-retaliation policy, will not be the immediate           Aside from food, other causes of uric acid are genetics,            -    Red meat: beef, pork, lamb
are important items to tackle within the management. Because of            solution. Managers’ soft skill approach - trust, belief, and concern     obesity, and people who have psoriasis.                                 -    Alcoholic drinks
the high-risk environment, this level of trust and transparency is         about crews’ safety will be the immediate action in encouraging safe                                                                             -    Organ meat: liver, kidneys, gizzard
expected to be relatively high.                                            behaviours, thus contributing to increased safety onboard. Trust         What happens when one person has high uric acid?                        -    Dried beans
     Most of the global fleet has multicultural crews. Team play is        enhances care for the safety of employees if employees trust the         The most common effect of high uric acid is gout. People who
built on trust. Most of the time, the absence of trust exists due to       management.                                                              have gout experience pain, swelling, and redness particularly        Foods that has low acid:
a lack of transparency, different cultural backgrounds, and fear of             Crew members are more likely to share the manager’s opinion         in the joint behind the big toe. It affects their mobility and          -    Low-fat milk
conflict.                                                                  about the importance of safety. A simple example of enquiring about      performance.                                                            -    Fiber enriched food such as wheat and oats
     Healthy interaction is a process towards strong and trusting          family wellbeing and having an effective interaction session during          According to Healthline, chronic gout causes hard swellings         -    Brown rice
relationships. However, situations arise when an individual is unable      shipboard visits will increase trust towards the management. Trust       known as tophi that can form on the joints. These tophi are             -    Cherries
to engage in a healthy debate. A lack of such debate leads                 in management has a significant impact on safety at the industry         made of uric acid and can grow very large, even to the point of         -    Vegetables
     to a lack of commitment. Thus, people will not commit to              level and in organizations. Employees can report errors and near         breaking through the skin.
decisions which they personally may disagree with them, while at           misses without fear of being blamed for them. Trust is also found to         Other diseases that are attributed to uric acids are diabetes,
the same time, they refrain from disclosing their own feelings.            promote a safe culture.                                                  kidney stones, kidney failure, and heart diseases.
     Finally, failure to be accountable leads to inattention to results,        An interpersonal trust may be the missing piece in the
where employees prioritize their individual goals rather than the          safety puzzle. The practical implications in acknowledgment of           Can high uric acid be treated?
team’s goals. Take the example of an organisation leader who               interpersonal trust towards safety enhance both management and           There are medications that help treat uric acid attacks,
says that safety is his top priority, while in reality, he encourages      employee relationships.                                                  especially for gout. These medications reduce inflammation,
the employees to cut corners. As this is gradually discovered by                Remember, seafarers are the key and backbone to the maritime        swelling, and pain.
employees, a general distrust, conflicts, and lack of coordination and     society. Both management and seafarers must forego their cultural        How to avoid high uric acid?
cooperation may well arise.                                                differences and start trusting each other by holding hands together      Choosing a healthy lifestyle is number one. These include
     Trust-building is normally a slow process. Frequent interactions      in striving towards excellence. Nothing is more important than           exercising, monitoring food intake, drinking plenty of water
                                                                           seafarer safety onboard.
16 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                JUNE 2021   | 17
CREW MATTERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CREW MATTERS

Celebrating Women Empowerment                                                                                                                    #ChooseToChallenge
in Thome Group
                                                                                                                                                far above rubies or pearls. Challenges will mould you into the           to be better. Someday soon, you
                                                                                                                                                               best version of who you are. When you fall, get           will be surprised to see that you
By TGN Editorial Team                                                                                                                                                up! When you discover you are on the wrong          have surpassed even your own
                                                                                                                                                                        road, turn back!”                                expectations. The world awaits you!”
                                                                                                                                                                              3rd Officer Maribel Villar Singian, MT         Saroja Karkera, Assistant Marine
On International Women’s Day, Thome Group takes the                        Promoting fair opportunities to women is also being                                            Bluebird                                       HR Manager, Thome India
opportunity to show appreciation to all women, most especially         practiced in Thome’s global offices. The company employs                                                  “I am deeply grateful to my                 “Always believe in yourself,
to the female workforce of the Group, who embody excellence            women in the workforce in various fields from engineering,                                           company, Thome Ship Management               even in the darkest moments. Be                      Saroja Karkera
and passion in their careers and personal lives.                       information technology, human resources, safety,                                                     Pte. Ltd., to our Ship-owners, Larine        an independent woman so you can
     International Women’s Day was created over a century              communications, and more. They are treated as key workers                                            Tankers Pte. Ltd for giving me the           achieve your dreams & goals!”
ago to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political         that help daily operations run smoothly.                                                             opportunity to realize my dreams and             Sanja Bjelanovic, Marine HR Executive, Thome Croatia
achievements of women, and the day also acts as a call to action           Thome female staff were also behind some                            Maribel Villar Singian       aspirations in life. To all the women                                “I would just like to share my support
for further improvements with regard to gender parity. Every           of the company’s successful campaigns                                                                and to all aspiring female seafarers I                                  to all women, whether they work
year, a specific theme is chosen and this year, it is: “Choose to      in health, wellbeing, charity, and                                                    would encourage you to follow your dreams, believe                                        in Corporate, in a small town, or
Challenge” where women of the world are being asked to make            environment.                                                                                 in yourself, and don’t ever give up.”                                                traveling across the world or
a difference by taking up the challenge to call out gender bias            Balancing and managing work                                                                      Marija Valecic, Senior Executive,                                              being moms – I believe women
and inequality, while at the same time celebrating women’s             during the pandemic has been a                                                                     Thome Croatia                                                                    should be allowed to decide for
achievements to help create an inclusive world.                        challenge for all workers. Thome’s                                                                      “Investing in your own development                                          her own and what she wants and
     Although great strides have been taken since the first            Senior Human Resources and                                                                          always pays off, because it brings you                                         not be pressured to fill mould of
meeting in 1911, there is still a lot more work to do especially in    Administration Manager in Manila,                                                                   independence and freedom to make                                             others expectations. This should
traditionally male-dominated industries like shipping.                 Liza Vinoya said, “I am very hands-on                                                                 choices. You determine the direction                                          be referred to all gender – to
                        The Thome Group has always aimed to            with everything. I try to be in control               Liza Vinoya                                     of your life. Choose an area that                                             everyone, as we all are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sanja Bjelanovic
                        create an inclusive atmosphere and break       of our operations and provide support                                                                 expands you and that feels right,                                             under pressure
                          down gender stereotypes by employing         to our employees as much as I can, no matter the limited                     Marija Valecic           even if it is a bit scary, and invest       and expectations, and we are thorn either
                           women in what has been traditionally        resources. The show must go on! We are working as a team like                                         time, money, attention to it. You don’t     to comply with expectations or do what
                            thought of as masculine roles. The         no pandemic has happened as if we are all in the office. I try to        have to fit the expectations set by other people or society, be          we feel is the best for ourselves.”
                            company has sought to promote                             encourage, more so influence others as I acquire          authentic and whoever loves you, will                          support       3rd Officer Anggi Mawarsari,
                             women based purely on their ability                               energy from them – and this is what keeps        you and follow you.”                                                     Navigator Global
                             to do the job. This was demonstrated                                 me going. #ChooseToChallenge”                      Namrata Joshi, Assistant                                                “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
                             by exemplary seafarers such as 2/O                                         “You never know until you               Crewing Manager, Thome India                                             because you’ll learn how to be better
                             Ellaine Apostol of Golden Cirrus, 3/O                                   try. There will be challenges and               “The most important lesson I                                        from it. Don’t be afraid to hear
  Ellaine Apostol
                             Maribel Singian of MT Bluebird, 3/O                                      barriers along the way. Whenever          learned is to keep an open mind                                          rejections because it will be made
                             Janine Ellican of KSL Santos, and                                        you’re discouraged, focus on the          and never give up no matter                                              you become mature and stronger                    Anggi Mawarsari
                             3/O Anggi Mawarsari of Navigator                                          things that matter, i.e. family. Life    what life throws at you, just take                                       than before. We grow by learning
                             Global.                                                                   is never a bed of roses but as you       it as a challenge and try to give                                        something new. We grow by letting go of the flow and nature
                                  3rd Officer Singian recalled, “Not                                   fall, you learn and get better.”         your best shot. The best part                                            has its own way to heal us. Don’t give up and just focus on what
                             a day did I feel like quitting because                                    Madelyn Tan, Assistant HSSEQ             about Thome was that we had                       Namrata Joshi                               you do and aim for.”
                                                                               Madelyn Tan
                             I’ve always wanted to prove that                                          Manager, added.                          the opportunity to express our                                                                         Odeyemi Abidemi, Technical
                             gender isn’t something that will                                               Here are some comments              views and had the liberty to take decisions, of course, being                                         Coordinator, Thome Nigeria
                             tell you what you can and can’t do.       from some of the female members of staff outlining their                 responsible for same, but always knew that there is an entire                                              “I would like to encourage
                             There’s no such thing as a world only     thoughts on what it is like to be a woman working for the Thome                       team to support me.”                                                                       an aspiring female not to allow
for Janine Ellican           men.”                                     Group and their inspiring message to women:                                                       Bernice Mecha, Finance and HR Manager,                                         family or gender to make her lose
                                  She added, “Now that I’m Third           Rose Ann Abando, Business Systems                                                             Thome Nigeria                                                                  dreams of becoming who she
Officer onboard an International Sea Going Tanker Vessel,              Analyst, Thome ROHQ                                                                                     “I have been with Thome for two                                           wants to be. All you must do is
I’ve mastered the courage enough to say that I’m ready to                  “Choose to love yourself every                                                                  years, and I learned that Teamwork                                            always set your limits and have
take on whatever stands in between me, and the stripes of              day. Embracing your flaws, knowing,                                                                  always works. I have also learned                                            open communication with your
responsibility that my shoulders have long sought for! To all the      and loving yourself will make you                                                                    that despite our cultural diversities,             Odeyemi Abidemi           colleagues and line managers
women and to all aspiring female seafarers I say: Follow your          go the extra mile. Never doubt your                                                                     we can always come together and                                           for support.”
dreams, believe in yourself, and don’t ever give up.”                  capability. You may find others ahead                                                                   achieve every set goal if we always
     Over the years, Thome has continued to increase gender            of you, may find others better than                                                                     work together and put in our best.
diversity in its roles both ashore and at sea.                         you but remember your value is                                             Bernice Mecha                If you dream it, you can achieve
                                                                                                                          Rose Ann Abando
                                                                       more than jewels and your worth is                                                                      it. Keep dreaming and work hard

18 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 JUNE 2021   | 19
CREW MATTERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CREW MATTERS

Journey with Thome Group
                                                                                                                                          Moving up the ranks                                                       As for skills and traits, inexperienced seafarers must
                                                                                                                                          “My career journey has been fantastic,” Sanat says, pointing          learn to adapt to life onboard, develop new skills and be open
By TGN Editorial Team
                                                                                                                                          to the knowledge, skills and confidence he has gained. “As a          to constructive criticism. They should also strive to establish
                                                                                                                                          cadet, I used to be shy and timid. And when growing up, I’d ask       harmonious working relationships.
                                                                                                                                          my mom for help with things, but life at sea has taught me to be          When asked what he was most
In this latest issue of Seafarer’s Corner, four of our colleagues      Challenges for industry novices                                    independent and tough.”                                               thankful to Thome Group for,
share their career stories and offer advice to young people            Having left his close-knit family to become a seafarer, Second         Nikola says the job has taught him about responsibility           Sanat said, “For believing
thinking of working at sea.                                            Officer, Jai Chandel remembers feeling homesick in the early       and ambition. “If you want to achieve success, you have to            in me and getting me
                                                                       days of his shipping career. Not seeing or communicating with      work to get it. Looking back, I think all aspects of my life          onboard after all
                 Becoming a seafarer                                   his                     loved ones was particularly challenging    have improved and not just my career.                                 those job rejections.
                           Starting a career is always hard – just                                   – a hurdle that Jai overcame             Being a cadet on an oil tanker was the perfect vessel for Jai     The recognition of
                               ask Chief Officer Sanat Sawhney,                                           by focusing on fitness and      to develop attributes that have served him well throughout his        my dedication and
                                   who struggled to find work                                               exercise.                     career. “After a few years on an oil tanker, I joined product and     hard work with
                                     after unsuccessfully                                                         Dealing with personal   LPG carriers and I’m now on an ethylene vessel – experiences          timely promotions is
                                      applying for 50 roles.                                                   and family problems        that have elevated my knowledge to where I’m now,” Jai said.          something I’m extremely
                                           Sanat was                                                            while aboard a vessel                                                                           grateful for. ”
                                       understandably                                                           was the biggest           Message to aspiring seafarers                                             Nikola is thankful for
                                       delighted when he                                                        challenge for Tomescu.    “Put a time frame on every goal,” Sanat advises, insisting that       being given the opportunity
                                       eventually secured                                                       “When at sea, the lack    setting deadlines pushes you to achieve your goals.                   to become a seafarer soon
                                      a Cadetship with the                                                     of a stable internet           Nikola cautions against getting too comfortable or                after finishing his education.             Nikola Nikolic
                                     Thome Group, although he                                                 connection and phone        complacent. “Over time, you have opportunities to gain new            “It’s great to be in a company              Second Officer
                                    admits to feeling overwhelmed                                           signal can be frustrating,”                          skills and knowledge, which you should         that is well-known in the
                                  soon after joining. “I realised                                          he says. “As much as you                                     take,” he says.                         industry and where anyone can advance their careers with
                                  that the job was not even close                                          want to reach out to your                                            Tomescu believes new            hard work and commitment.”
                                  to what I thought it would be,” he              Jai Chandel              family back home, your                                             recruits should understand            Jai appreciates having the opportunity to build and enhance
     Sanat Sawhney                                                               Second Officer
                                  says. “A couple of colleagues told                                     resources are limited.”                                                that life at sea isn’t always   his career, while Tomescu is grateful for working in a stable
      Chief Officer
                              me to rethink my decision and look                                            Nikola found the language                                            easy. “There are many          company that has helped him improve his skills set more
                              for an alternative career – but I’m      barrier when working with different nationalities tricky at                                                sacrifices that one           through training and courses.
glad to say I didn’t take their advice.”                               first. But the experience exposed him to varying cultures,                                                 makes to follow this

                                                                       which he relished.                                                                                         career. But the feeling
    For Nikola Nikolic, Second Officer, seafaring runs in the                                                                                                                     of accomplishment can
family. He was inspired to become a seafarer by his father,                                                                                                                      be gratifying once you

who had enjoyed a successful career at sea. He says, “As a                                                                                                                     overcome all the challenges,”      If you want to achieve success, you have
child, I used to look at photos of my father onboard ships and                                                                                                              he says. “The most important          to work to get it. Looking back, I think all
in different places. I was drawn to that life, which was full of                                                                                                           advice I can give is to have an        aspects of my life have improved and not just
adventure.”                                                                The most important advice I can give is to                                                      open mind especially once              my career
    Similarly, Tomescu Marinel, Second Mate, signed up to                  have an open mind especially once onboard                            Tomescu Marinel            onboard.”
become a seafarer after hearing tales as a child from family
                                                                                                                                                   Second Mate                                                    Nikola Nikolic
members who had worked at sea.                                             Tomescu Marinel

20 |JUNE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    JUNE 2021   | 21
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