SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band

Page created by Hector Williamson
SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band

                                                                                 YOO HOO

                                                                                                                                                                Because news isn’t all bad or boring!                                                                                                   Tem qwel oythi:lem - Making music, birds sing (May) 2021

Here’s the Real History of Mother’s Day
Moms didn’t come up with Mother’s                                                public memorial for her mother in her                                              the field during the Civil War, and in
Day as an easy way to get pancakes in                                            hometown of Grafton, West Virginia.                                                its aftermath she organized a “Mothers’
bed. And despite how it seems, card                                                                                                                                 Friendship Day,” the goal of which was
companies didn’t invent it as a way to                                           Over the next few years, Jarvis pushed to                                          to foster reconciliation between former
make a few (billion) bucks.                                                      have the holiday officially recognized, and                                        Union and Confederate soldiers by
                                                                                 it was celebrated increasingly in more and                                         having them come together, along with
There’s more to the history of Mother’s                                          more states around the U.S. Finally, in                                            mothers from both sides. With the
Day than meets the eye. In addition to the                                       1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed                                              senior Jarvis’ lifelong focus on caring for
history of the holiday, there’s a whole lot                                      a proclamation making Mother’s Day an                                              children and promoting peace, it’s no
of controversy. There are debates about                                          official holiday, to take place the second                                         wonder her daughter fought for a day just
who came up with the holiday first and                                           Sunday of May.                                                                     for moms.
lawsuits about who can use the name
“Mother’s Day.” One of the founders                                              Anna Jarvis put Mother’s Day on                                                    At around the same time Ann Reeves
tried to get the holiday scratched from                                          the calendar as a day dedicated to                                                 Jarvis was working with mothers in the
the books, even after fighting to get it                                         expressing love and gratitude to mothers,                                          spirit of peace, Julia Ward Howe, another
recognized as a national day. Besides all                                        acknowledging the sacrifices women                                                 activist—as well as abolitionist and
that, there’s the question of where that                                         make for their children. That’s why she                                            suffragette—worked to have June 2 be
pesky apostrophe goes.                                                           was determined to keep “Mother’s” a                                                celebrated as “Mother’s Peace Day,” and
                                                                                 singular possessive, as marked by the                                              wrote a “Mother’s Day Proclamation”
Here are the secrets of Mother’s Day and                                         apostrophe before “s.” Each family                                                 calling on mothers to work toward world
its history. And, for good measure, a few                                        should celebrate its own mother, so that                                           peace.
ideas on how to celebrate your own mom                                           individual women across the country
on the second Sunday of May.                                                     could feel the love, even in the midst of a                                        These women and others were
                                                                                 broad celebration of motherhood.                                                   responsible for precursors to Mother’s
The Birth of Mother’s Day                                                                                                                                           Day in American culture, but celebrations
                                                                                 Other Mother’s Days                                                                of motherhood go back deeper than that.
The origin of Mother’s Day as we know it
took place in the early 1900s. A woman                                           Before Anna Jarvis worked to get a day                                             Such celebrations sometimes involved
named Anna Jarvis started a campaign                                             just for recognizing mothers, her own                                              worship of a mother deity, such as the
for an official holiday honoring mothers                                         mom played an important role uniting                                               Goddess Isis in Ancient Egypt, or Cybele
in 1905, the year her own mother died.                                           women for good causes. Mama Jarvis—                                                and Rhea in Ancient Greece. In other
The first larger-scale celebration of the                                        also known as Ann Reeves Jarvis—cared                                              cases, celebrations were only tangentially
holiday was in 1908, when Jarvis held a                                          for wounded soldiers on both sides of                                              about mothers: Mothering Sunday in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Continued on pg. 5

   Emergency Preparedness ����������������������������������� pg. 2-3            C&C Meeting Calendars ����������������������������������� pg. 8-9              Classifieds 17
   Post Secondary Deadlines���������������������������������������pg. 4          Calendar 10-11   Comic & Puzzle 18
   Covid Vaccination 5     Art Contests.................................................... pg. 12-13     Letter 19
   Spring Cleaning List 6     Job Postings ................................................... pg. 14-15     Education 20
   Band Quarterly 7   External Job Postings 16
SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band
Emergency Preparedness Week
This year, Emergency                             •   If you must use a phone, keep your        Remember, in an emergency or to save
                                                     conversation brief and convey only        a life, call 9-1-1 for help. You cannot
Preparedness Week (EP                                vital information to emergency            currently text 9-1-1. If you are not
Week) is May 2-8, 2021.                              personnel and/or family. This will        experiencing an emergency, do not call
                                                     also conserve your phone’s battery.       9-1-1. If your area offers 3-1-1 service
Emergency Preparedness Week is a                 •   Unable to complete a call? Wait 10        or another information system, call that
national awareness initiative that has               seconds before redialing to help          number for non-emergencies.
taken place annually since 1996. It is               reduce network congestion. Note,
a collaborative event undertaken by                  cordless phones rely on electricity       Facts About Emergency Preparedness
provincial and territorial emergency                 and will not work during a power          1. Roughly 5,000 earthquakes are
management organizations supporting                  outage. If you have a landline, keep at       recorded in Canada every year.
activities at the local level, in concert with       least one corded phone in your home.
Public Safety Canada and partners. EP                                                          2. The worldwide cost of natural
Week encourages Canadians to take three          •   Keep extra batteries or a charger             disasters has skyrocketed from
simple steps to become better prepared to            for your mobile device in your                $2 billion in the 1980s, to $27 billion
face a range of emergencies:                         emergency kit. Consider getting               over the past decade.
                                                     a solar-powered, crank, or vehicle        3. Canada’s first billion dollar disaster,
    •      Know the risks                            phone charger. If you don’t have a cell       the Saguenay flood of 1996, triggered
    •      Make a plan                               phone, keep a prepaid phone card in           a surge of water, rocks, trees and
    •      Get an emergency kit                      your emergency kit.                           mud that forced 12,000 residents to
                                                 •   Keep your contacts up to date                 evacuate their homes.
Using Technology During a Disaster                   on your phone, email and other            4. Some hailstones are the size of
We rely on technology more and more                  channels. This will make it easier to         peas while others can be as big as
to keep in touch with our family, friends,           reach important contacts, such as             baseballs.
and colleagues with a click of a button.             friends, family, neighbours, child’s
But what happens in the event of a                   school, or insurance agent.               5. Approximately 85% of Canadians
major emergency? Suddenly these tools                                                              agree that having an emergency kit is
                                                 •   If you have a smartphone, save                important in ensuring their and their
can become vital in helping you and                  your safe meeting location(s) on its          family’s safety, yet only 40% have
your family deal get in touch and stay               mapping application.                          prepared or bought an emergency kit.
informed. So here are some tips on the                                                             Complete yours on-line at
use of technology in an emergency:               •   Conserve your smartphone’s battery
                                                     by reducing the screen’s brightness,
•       If possible, use non-voice channels          placing your phone in airplane mode,      6. In 2011, flooding in Manitoba and
        like text messaging, email or social         and closing apps you are not using.           Saskatchewan featured the highest
        media. These use less bandwidth than         You never know how long a power               water levels and flows in modern
        voice communications and may work            outage will last!                             history. Over 11,000 residents were
        even when phone service doesn’t.                                                           displaced from their homes.

SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band
7. Ice, branches or power lines can
    continue to break and fall for several
    hours after the end of an ice storm.
                                              Get an emergency kit!
8. The deadliest heat wave in Canadian        Assemble one...                         ☐ Utensils, plates and cups
    history produced temperatures             Basic emergency kit checklist:          ☐ Household chlorine bleach or water
    exceeding 44ºC in Manitoba and                                                      purifying tablets
    Ontario in 1936. Rail lines and bridge    ☐ Water — two litres of water per
    girders twisted, sidewalks buckled,                                               ☐ Basic tools (hammer, pliers, wrench,
                                                person per day (include small           screwdrivers, work gloves, pocket
    crops wilted and fruit baked on trees.      bottles)                                knife)
9. In 2007, the Prairies experienced          ☐ Food that won't spoil, such as
    410 severe weather events including                                               ☐ Small fuel-operated stove and fuel
                                                canned food, energy bars and dried
    tornadoes, heavy rain, wind and hail,       foods (replace once a year)           ☐ Whistle (to attract attention)
    nearly double the yearly average of                                               ☐ Duct tape
    221 events.                               ☐ Manual can opener
10. The coldest temperature reached in        ☐ Wind-up or battery-powered            Emergency Car Kit
    North America was –63ºC, recorded           flashlight (and extra batteries)
                                                                                      ☐ Food (That won’t spoil, such as
    in 1947 in Snag, Yukon.                   ☐ Wind-up or battery-powered radio        energy bars)
11. The largest landslide in Canada             (and extra batteries)
                                                                                      ☐ Water (In plastic bottles so they
    involved 185 million m3 of material       ☐ First aid kit                           won’t break if frozen [change every
    and created a 40m deep scar that          ☐ Extra keys for your car and house       six months])
    covered the size of 80 city blocks in
    1894 at Saint-Alban, Quebec.              ☐ Cash, travellers' cheques and         ☐ Blanket
                                                change                                ☐ Extra clothing and shoes
12. Hurricanes are bigger and cause more
    widespread damage than tornadoes          ☐ Important family documents such as    ☐ First aid kit (With seatbelt cutter)
    (a very large system can be up to           identification, insurance and bank
                                                records                               ☐ Small shovel, scraper and snow
    1,000 kilometres wide).                                                             brush
13. One of the most destructive and           ☐ Emergency plan — include a
                                                copy in your kit as well as contact   ☐ Candle in a deep can and matches
    disruptive storms in Canadian
    history was the 1998 ice storm in           information                           ☐ Wind-up flashlight
    Eastern Canada causing hardship           Consider these additional               ☐ Whistle (In case you need to attract
    for 4 million people and costing $3       emergency kit supplies:                   attention)
    billion. Power outages lasted for up to
    4 weeks.                                                                          ☐ Road maps
                                              ☐ Two additional litres of water per
14. The June 23, 2010 earthquake in             person per day for cooking and        ☐ Copy of your emergency plan and
    Val-des-Bois, Quebec produced the           cleaning                                personal documents
    strongest shaking ever experienced        ☐ Candles and matches or lighter        Also keep these inside your trunk
    in Ottawa and was felt as far away as       (place in sturdy containers and do
    Kentucky in the United States.              not burn unattended)                  ☐   Sand, salt or cat litter (non clumping)
15. Using non-voice communication             ☐ Change of clothing and footwear for   ☐   Antifreeze/windshield washer fluid
    technology like text messaging, email,      each household member                 ☐   Tow rope
    or social media instead of telephones
    takes up less bandwidth and helps         ☐ Sleeping bag or warm blanket for      ☐   Jumper cables
    reduce network congestion after             each household member
                                                                                      ☐   Fire extinguisher
    an emergency.                             ☐ Toiletries and personal hygiene
                                                items                                 ☐   Warning light or road flares
16. At the end of October 2012,
    Hurricane Sandy devastated parts          ☐ Hand sanitizer, toilet paper and      ...or buy one
    of the Caribbean and the northeast          garbage bags
                                                                                      You can buy an emergency kit on-line
    of the North American continent.          ☐ Prepaid phone card, mobile phone      and in stores across Canada. Canadian
    When the hurricane made landfall            charger                               Red Cross kits can be purchased on its
    in the United States it blended           ☐ Pet food and supplies                 website. The Salvation Army also has a
    with a continental cold front                                                     standard kit as well as a car kit available
    forming a storm described as the          ☐ Infant formula, baby food and
                                                supplies                              for purchase on its website.
    "Monsterstorm" by the media.
                                              ☐ Activities for children like books,        puzzles or toys                       index-en.aspx
                                              ☐ Prescription medications, medical

SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band
Are you ready to take some Upgrading, College or University Courses?

  Post-Secondary Application Deadlines
 Are you a registered Seabird Island Band Member interested in post-secondary studies to obtain a
 Certificate, Diploma or Degree?? Then REMEMBER these important deadlines to apply for
 post-secondary sponsorship…

 Deadlines for completed applications are:
  ► For September (Fall)                                        April 1st                                        ►
  ► For January (Winter/Spring depending on institution)        October 1st                    COLLE
  ► For May (Spring/ Summer depending on institution)           January 1st
                                                        ►   U N IV E R S IT
 Funding of any application is
 dependent upon available budget.                                                           APPRE NTICES HIP ►

 For further information please contact:                                               CE
                                                                          ALL   O WA N
 Cindy Kelly-Student Services Worker at                     ►   L IV IN G
 604-796-2177 or
                                                                                             U P G R A D IN G ►

 Reminder All Grade 7-12 Students Allowances
 1st student allowance payment will be December 15, 2020 September, October and November.

 2nd student allowance payment will be March 15, 2021 December, January and February.

 3rd student allowance payment will be June 30, 2021 March, April, May, June.

 Student Allowances are as follows:
 Grade 7-10     $10.00 per month    = $100.00 per school year.
 Grade 11-12    $20.00 per month    = $200.00 per school year.

 Student allowances will be directly deposited for the students with bank accounts.

 Attention Seabird Island Band Students, there will be no distribution of
 cash in the school, due to Covid 19. Student allowance checks
 grades 7-12 for September October November and December
 will be sent by mail by March 15,2020.

 Student allowances are based on monthly attendance.
 Students must not miss more than 4 school days per month to
 be eligible for allowance.

SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band
Continued on pg. 1
the United Kingdom, for example, was            The commercialization of Mother’s Day,         show your love to your mommy dearest.
originally dedicated to the “Mother             according to Jarvis, defeated the whole        Need inspiration? Use a phrase involving
Church,” but was later broadened to             point of a holiday that was supposed to be     the word “mother” or “mom” or a nice
honor human mothers, too.                       about celebrating the personal, individual     mom-centric quotation. Here’s a good
                                                connection between a mother and her            one:
Around the world, Mother’s Day is               children.
celebrated in a variety of ways and on                                                           There is no way to be a perfect mother,
different dates throughout the year,            From about 1920 onward, Jarvis fought             and a million ways to be a good one.
though many countries observe the               hard to prevent businesses from profiting                    – Jill Churchill
holiday on the same day as the United           by means of Mother’s Day cards, candy,
States—proof of the powerful impact             flowers, and other gifts. Although she had     For some more free alternatives, you can
made by Anna Jarvis.                            fought to be recognized as the one and         pick up the phone (fun fact: Mother’s Day
                                                only “Mother of Mother’s Day,” she later       marks the highest phone traffic of the
The Mother’s Day Controversy                    lobbied to have the holiday removed from       year in the United States), take Mom for
                                                the calendar of national holidays, and         a walk (if you live nearby), or send over
Even after Anna Jarvis was successful in                                                       something sentimental, like pictures of
getting Mother’s Day made an official           spent piles of her own money in lawsuits
                                                against profiteers she saw as using the        animal moms with their cubs, pups, kits,
national holiday, she wasn’t satisfied with                                                    or kids. Irresistible, right?
the way that holiday was celebrated. She        Mother’s Day name in vain.
had teamed up with florists while she was       How to Celebrate Mother’s Day Today            Most importantly, show your mom that
lobbying to get the holiday recognized,                                                        she (and Grammarly) taught you well by
even recommending a white carnation as          For most modern moms, going out to             putting the apostrophe in the right place
the symbolic flower of Mother’s Day.            brunch or getting a Hallmark card and          when you write “Happy Mother’s Day.”
                                                a fat bunch of flowers will do the trick.
However, in the first few years of the          Sure, Anna Jarvis will roll her eyes, but if
holiday’s official existence, Jarvis observed   Mom’s grateful, where’s the real harm?         source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_
as florists, candy-makers and card-                                                            campaign=10273012991&utm_targetid=aud-
makers, and even charities used Mother’s        If you want to go the Anna Jarvis route,       332195722204:dsa-1233402314764&gclid=EAIaIQ
Day as a way to make an extra buck.             make your own card or write a letter to        EgJkR_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band
Breathe new life into your home after a long winter. Our
complete spring cleaning checklist guides you through a deep
cleaning that will leave your house shining from the inside out.
This comprehensive spring               ☐   Dust blinds                         ☐   Vacuum sofa and chairs
                                        ☐   Dust curtain rods                   ☐   Dust blinds
cleaning checklist offers an            ☐   Clean window sills                  ☐   Dust curtain rods
opportunity to get the whole            ☐   Wash windows                        ☐   Clean window sills
                                        ☐   Clean or vacuum curtains            ☐   Wash windows
family involved in tidying up.          ☐   Mop or vacuum floor                 ☐   Clean or vacuum curtains
Running short on time? Try              ☐   Shampoo rugs or carpet              ☐   Clean ceiling fans
tackling one room per week.                                                     ☐   Dust and clean lamp shades
                                        Bathroom                                ☐   Dust electronics
Spring Cleaning Checklist               ☐ Discard expired personal care         ☐   Dust and clean decor
                                           products and makeup, and bring old   ☐   Sanitize remote controls
Entryway                                   medications to a drop-off site       ☐   Mop or vacuum floors
☐ Sweep/mop floors                      ☐ Clean makeup brushes                  ☐   Shampoo rugs or carpets
☐ Wipe walls and baseboards             ☐ Clean vanity
                                        ☐ Wipe mirror                           Kids’ Playroom
☐ Clean door
☐ Clean doormat                         ☐ Clean tub and shower                  ☐ Sanitize plastic toys with soap and
☐ Organize shoes                        ☐ Clean shower head                        water
☐ Hang jackets                          ☐ Replace shower curtain liner          ☐ Wash stuffed animals and soft toys
                                        ☐ Scrub tile grout                      ☐ Donate unused toys
Kitchen                                 ☐ Clean toilet                          ☐ Organize toys and play areas
☐ Clean stove top                       ☐ Clean hardware                        ☐ Mop or vacuum floors
☐ Clean oven                            ☐ Sweep floors                          ☐ Shampoo rugs or carpets
☐ Clean microwave                       ☐ Mop floors
                                        ☐ Wipe walls and baseboards             Office
☐ Clean dishwasher
☐ Clean refrigerator                    Laundry Room                            ☐ Recycle unneeded paperwork
☐ Wipe drawers and shelves in           ☐ Clean washing machine                 ☐ Dust and polish furniture
    refrigerator and freezer            ☐ Clean dryer vent                      ☐ Dust bookshelf
☐ Defrost freezer                       ☐ Clean lint trap                       ☐ Dust electronics
☐ Discard old or expired food in        ☐ Organize laundry supplies             ☐ Sanitize keyboard and mouse
    pantry, fridge and freezer          ☐ Wipe walls
                                        ☐ Wipe baseboards                       Garage
☐ Clear counter tops
☐ Degrease cabinet doors and back       ☐ Mop floors                            ☐ De-clutter tools, sporting equipment
    splash                                                                         and toys
☐ Remove items from cabinets and        Bedrooms                                ☐ Open up garage door to air out the
    thoroughly clean inside             ☐ Wipe baseboards                          space
☐ Clean fridge/freezer seal             ☐ Dust/polish furniture                 ☐ Wipe down walls
☐ Dust top of high surfaces including   ☐ Donate unused clothing                ☐ Sweep floor
    fridge, microwave/range hood,       ☐ Organize closets                      ☐ Clean garage door
    cabinets                            ☐ Wash bedding including sheets,        ☐ Clean garage door frame
☐ Deodorize and degrease the kitchen       pillows, duvets and bed skirts       ☐ Replace batteries in garage door
    drain                               ☐ Vacuum carpets                           openers
☐ Wash dish rags and clean sponges      ☐ Flip mattress                         ☐ Clean windows
☐ Wipe walls and baseboards             ☐ Dust blinds
☐ Mop floors                            ☐ Dust curtain rods                     Throughout the House
☐ Shake out dust or dirt from floor     ☐ Clean window sills                    ☐ Test and replace smoke alarm
    mats                                ☐ Wash windows                             batteries
                                        ☐ Clean or vacuum curtains              ☐ Replace air filters as needed
Dining Room                             ☐ Mop or vacuum floors                  ☐ Clean air vents/registers
☐ Dust china in china cabinet           ☐ Shampoo rugs or carpets               ☐ Clean light fixtures
☐ Launder and press table linens                                                ☐ Replace light bulbs as needed
☐ Dust and polish furniture             Living Room                             ☐ Sanitize door handles
☐ Vacuum or spot clean chair cushions   ☐ Dust/polish furniture                 ☐ Sanitize light switches
☐ Wipe walls and baseboards             ☐ Wash slipcovers
☐ Clean light fixture                   ☐ Wash blankets and pillows

SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band
Seabird Island Band                                                  WEDNESDAY
We look forward to your participation and
hearing your comments at our next Quarterly
Meeting. Mark this date!
                                                                     12      th
                                                                      Starts @ 6pm

     Click on the “CONNECT NOW” button.
     NOTE: The Connect Now button is active if you would like
     to test your connection, you will remain in the meeting lobby
     until the day of the meeting.

     Select how you would like to connect.
     NOTE: If this is your first time using TEAMS, you will be
     prompted to install the application or the browser plugin.

     The TEAMS application will launch, choose your
     mic and video preferences. Click “Join Now”.
     We look forward to your participation!

     Documents and presentations will be available
     to view & download prior to the meeting.

     Or if you prefer to call in by phone (audio only)
     +1 647-794-5571,498721147# Canada, Toronto
     Phone Conference ID: 498 721 147#

            If you require assistance please phone;
           604-796-6888 Seabird IT will be available
            on the day of the Q4 General Meeting.

SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band
                  Chief and Council Calendar - March 2021
            Sunday                  Monday                     Tuesday                   Wednesday                    Thursday                     Friday                 Saturday

                                                    1                           2                         3                            4                          5                   6
                            Chinook Meeting             Executive Mtg                                         SI Logo                      Education Executive
                            Emergency Council                                                                                              Mtg
                            Mtg                                                                               Youth
                            Lands Advisory

                        7   Western Indigenous 8                                9                      10                          11                            12                  13
                            Pipeline Group Mtg &        2021 Eulachon Fishing       Audit Committee           Lands Committee
                            Presentation                Plan
                                                                                    IT Committee
                                                                                    FNMHF Board               FNMHF Board
                                                        Law Making

                       14                          15   Fraser Salish Regional16                       17                          18                            19                  20
                            District of Kent Mtg        Joint Working Group         Addressing Violence       Tiyt Tribe Meeting           QAC Planning
                                                        Chief and Council Mtg       Justice Meeting
                                                                                                              Health Portfolio
                            Round Table Mtg                                         Lets'emot Community
                                                                                                                                           FNHIC Board
                                                                                    to Community Forum

                       21                          22                        23                        24                          25                            26                  27
                                                                                                              SIB Forestry Company
                                                                                                              directors resolution Mtg     STC LEADERSHIP

                            ISC Outreach Mtg                                                                  Housing/Health Mtg           SIB Justice Table
                                                                                                                                           SIB Justice Team
                                                                                                              Education Committee
                                                                                                              Education Jurisdiction

                       28                          29                        30                        31

                                                        Public Works Mtg            Admin portfolio

      LEGEND:                                      Chief and Council Executive                   Chief and Council Meetings                       Chief and Council Quarterly
      Purple = portfolio meetings                  Committee Meetings                            3rd Tuesday of every month.                      January, April, July, October
      Green = committee meetings                   1st Tuesday of every month. This
      Blue = external meetings                     meeting is to set the agenda for Chief
                                                   and Council meetings
      Brown – training
SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band
Chief and Council Calendar - April 2021
        Sunday                   Monday                 Tuesday                  Wednesday                  Thursday                    Friday                  Saturday

                                                                                                                         1                            2                     3
                                                                                                     Youth Program.

                     4   5                                               6                       7                      8                             9                    10
                                                Executive                    Round Table             Elders’ Meeting         Sq’ep                        LEA

                   11                      12                           13                      14                      15                          16                     17
                         LAC                                                                         Health Portfolio        QAC
                         FNMHF                  FNMHF                                                FNMHF                   FNMHF
                         QAC                    AFN – Child & Family                                                         FNHIC

                   18                      19                           20                      21                      22                          23                     24
                                                                             Justice Meeting
                         Stqó:ya Meeting        Fraser Salish Meeting                                Education Committee     STC Leadership
                                                                             Youth Training
                                                Chief and Council            Quarterly                                       Justice

                   25                      26                           27                      28                      29                          30

                                                Public Works, Housing and    Admin Portfolio         MCFD
                                                Custodial Portfolio          MCFD

LEGEND:                                    Chief and Council Executive                   Chief and Council Meetings                    Chief and Council Quarterly
 Purple = portfolio meetings               Committee Meetings                            3rd Tuesday of every month.                   January, April, July, October
 Green = committee meetings                1st Tuesday of every month. This
 Blue = external meetings                  meeting is to set the agenda for Chief
                                           and Council meetings
 Brown – training


FNMHF = First Nation Marketing and Housing Forum
                                                                                                        Quarterly planned for April 28th was
FNHIC = First Nation Housing Infrastructure Council                                                           Postponed to May 12th
QAC   = Quality Assurance Committee
SEABIRD ISLAND - Seabird Island Band
Community Events Calendar – Tem qwel oyth
   (S) Sxexlhat                    (M) Yila:welhát                                  (T) Sthémelts                       (W) Slhí

                  2                                              3                                   4

                                                                                                            Emergency Prepared

                      • Meals on Wheels 5 - 6 p.m.                                                       • Meals on Wheels 5 - 6 p.

                  9                                            10                                   11

                                                                                                         • Meals on Wheels 5 - 6 p.
Mothers Day           • Meals on Wheels 5 - 6 p.m.                   • Early Years Clinician             • Band Quarterly Meetin

              16                                               17                                   18

                      • Meals on Wheels 5 - 6 p.m.                                                       • Meals on Wheels 5 - 6 p.

              23                                               24                                   25
                            Facilities Closed - Stat Holiday
                                      Victoria Day

              30                                               31
                                                                                                         • Meals on Wheels 5 - 6 p.
                      • Meals on Wheels 5 - 6 p.m.                                                       • Income Assistance Day
hi:lem - Making music, birds sing (May) 2021
í:xws                           (T) Sxe’ó:thels                         (F) Sheqá’tses                        (S) T’óqw’tem
                                                               Doctor’s Office is by appointment only.
                                                               Please call ahead for an appointment.                          1
                                                               Dental Office is urgent/emergency
                                                               appointment only. Please call ahead.
                                                               Fire practice is canceled until
                                                               future notice.
                                                               Garbage day, has not changed unless
                                                               notified (2 bags per house hold please).
                                                               Recycle day, No longer accepting blue bags.
                                                               Use blue bins please.

              5                                     6                                                     7                    8

dness Week

                  • Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic,        • Fored BC Artwork Contest for BC
p.m.                Second Dose Maderna                    Indigenous Youth Deadline (pg. 13)

             12                                    13                                                 14                      15

p.m.                                                    • IA Renewals Due
ng 6 p.m.                                               • Utility Bills Due

             19                                    20                                                 21                      22


             26                                    27                                                 28                      29


National Indigenous Council Art Contest

                Indigenous young people are invited to enter an art contest for
                Messenger, the newsletter for the National Indigenous Council
Published On: April 30, 2021                                                                                           Or by email:
                                               Please send your submissions to
We would love to show off your artistic        our Indigenous Youth Programs                                 
talent! Create an image of an eagle that                                                                               For more detailes visit:
we can use either as the main image for
the newsletter, or as artwork within it.       Springwater Hester-Meawassige                                 
                                               Indigenous Ministries and Justice                                       al-indigenous-council-art-contest
To be eligible, you must identify as
                                               The United Church of Canada
Indigenous, be between the ages of
                                               3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 200
15 and 25, and reside in Canada.
                                               Toronto ON M8X 2Y4
All submissions must be original, and
accompanied by a signed consent
form. If you are under 18, you will                                      Messenger Art Contest
need to get the consent form signed                                                            Submission Release Form
by your parent or guardian. (See the
website for a downloadable version of
                                           Thank you for your submission in the Messenger art contest. All contest
the consent form.)                         entries must be accompanied by a signed copy of this release form. If the entrant     Contest Rules and Conditions
                                                                                                                                 ƒ You must identify as Indigenous, be
The Messenger logo contest                 is under 18 years of age, a parent/guardian must also sign the release form.
                                                                                                                                   between the ages of 15 and 25, and
                                                                                                                                   reside in Canada.
winner and 2 runners-up will               In exchange for good and valuable consideration, I consent to the display and/
                                                                                                                                 ƒ Fill in the entry form and submit it with
                                           or use of my original artwork submission or images thereof by the Messenger
receive great prizes:                      newsletter and The United Church of Canada.
                                                                                                                                   your art. To qualify, you must fill in all
                                                                                                                                   the information requested. Please print
Grand Prize: $500 gift card                I hereby release the Messenger newsletter and The United Church of Canada
                                                                                                                                 ƒ Entering the contest signifies your
(your choice of Wal-Mart, Best Buy,        from any and all claims of any kind on account of any such use. I understand
                                                                                                                                   acceptance of the Contest Rules.
                                           that if my artwork is chosen as the 1st place or runner up of the art contest, it
or Amazon)                                 will be displayed in the Messenger newsletter and/or be adapted as the                The contest closes June 14, 2021,
                                                                                                                                 and members of the Elders Council
Two runners up: $200 gift card             newsletter’s main image.
                                                                                                                                 will choose the winning artwork.
(your choice of Wal-Mart, Best Buy,
or Amazon)                                 Entrant Information                                                                   The contest:
                                                                                                                                 ƒ Create your own original* artwork. Use
                                           Name: ________________________________________________________________
The winning artwork will be used                                                                                                   as many colours as you like and your
                                           Address: ______________________________________________________________                 prefered style and medium (paint,
in Messenger as the main image                                                                                                     markers, pencils). Digitally created
with our title. The runners-up may         ______________________________________________________________________                  original designs are also acceptable.
                                                                                                                                   (*We cannot accept tracings, copied
be used in Messenger and other             ______________________________________________________________________                  designs, or licensed characters.)
Indigenous Ministries and Justice          Telephone: ____________________________________________________________               ƒ Mail your original artwork, or send a
publications.                              Email: ________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                   high-resolution photo or scan via email.
                                                                                                                                 ƒ Art should be roughly a 1 to 2 ratio,
Contest closes June 14, 2021,                                                                                                      for example: 5" x 10" or 10" x 20."

and members of the Elders Council          Entrant Signature: _______________________________________________________            ƒ The United Church cannot accept
                                                                                                                                   responsibility for lost or damaged art.
will choose the winning artwork.                                                                                                 ƒ All original artwork will be returned to
Send us your original artwork or a          Check here if this entrant is a child under 18.
                                                                                                                                 ƒ We will notify you if we wish to use your
high-resolution photo or scan.                                                                                                     art in any other way.
(If you send a scan or photo, we
may need to contact you to get a                Parent / Guardian Printed Name                    Parent / Guardian Signature    ƒ Grand Prize: Choice of $500 gift card
better-quality copy.) All original                        (if under 18)                                                            from Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or Amazon

artwork will be returned to you.                                                                                                 ƒ Two runners up: Choice of $200 gift card
                                                                                                                                   from Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or Amazon
                                                     Relationship to Entrant                                 Date


◄12►                                                               Feel free to make copies of this form to share with friends and community.
March 8, 2021 - To celebrate the rich cultural and heritage traditions of Indigenous people of BC, FORED is
sponsoring an annual artwork contest with cash prizes for Indigenous youth.

Theme: Traditional Knowledge & Medicine
Prize: 3 winners each collect a $100 prize. Group work is eligible with shared prize.
             This contest is a wonderful opportunity to find a mentor in the Elder community
                      to pass down this important knowledge to Indigenous youth.
Contest Details:
• Deadline: May 7, 2021
• Open to all youths ages 5-18 with First Nations, Inuit, Metis, or any self-declared ancestry. Participants must note
  their name, band affiliation or ancestry, home mailing address, phone & email address and grade, teacher,
  school, & school postal on the back of all posters or in covering emails.
• Don’t forget to include a brief description of how your artwork relates to traditional knowledge and medicine.
• Artwork can be on any size paper up to 11x17. Any artistic medium may be used, i.e. pencil, crayon, paint, mural,
  collage, computer graphics etc. You may glue or tape any natural textures, including seeds, sweetgrass, flowers, leaves,
  fur, feathers etc. to the poster.
• All entries must be submitted electronically as a photo or scanned (.jpg, .pdf, .png). Minimum 2MB.
• By participating, winners agree that their names and posters can be published in local media, be displayed in Ministry of
  Education offices in Victoria on Aboriginal Day, June 21, and viewed on our website.
• All entrants qualify for complimentary honourary youth membership. Entrants’ names are NOT shared with third parties.
• Due to the large volume of entries received, all artwork becomes the property of FORED BC and can’t be
  returned. Only winners will be notified.
• See how Indigenous volunteer mentors integrate traditional knowledge into natural resources practices on our YouTube.

Please email posters by May 7, 2021 to
Traditional Knowledge/Medicine Example: tul’mn
Ochre was used for pictographs since time immemorial. It was crushed to a powder and mixed with water
to make a paint mixture. Our people painted it on rocks or their faces. They would also mix sq’wuct which
means grease. Tul’mn was in many stories/legends for example, stories about women going down to the
lake and painting their faces.
                                   – submitted by Omarah (Okanagan Indian Band), West Kelowna

    FORED BC, short for FOR EDucation about our environment & its natural Resources, is a
    charitable non-profit association established in 1925. We work with aligned groups and volunteers such as the Aboriginal Institute
    for Management Excellence, on community-based sustainability projects. This artwork contest is a component of our AHEAD
    (Aboriginal Heritage Education and Dialogue) program. We thank our generous donors; the Province of BC & the Vancouver
                                               FORED BC     Phone: (604) 737-8555
JOB POSTINGS                                                                                                             View more detailed information about these and other opportunities or
                                                                                                                            to apply for current opportunities:

    Call out for Committee Members -SIB                           Trauma Treatment Centre - Cook                                       Teacher On Call (TOC)                                Summer Placement Program - Post
       Governance Policy Committee                                                                                                                                                                    Secondary
                                                           Reporting to the Child and Family Services Manager,           The provision of instruction to students of Seabird
Seabird Island Band is looking for dedicated Committee     the cook will be responsible for providing healthy,           Island Community School and includes instruction,            The Seabird Island Band is excited to once again be
Members to sit on our newly formed Governance and          culturally appropriate meals and snacks to the clients        preparation, assessment, classroom management,               providing Summer Placement Programs for Post-
Policy Committee (SIBGPC). The purpose of the SIBGPC       of the Seabird Island Trauma Treatment Center. The            professional development and school meetings,                Secondary students. We will be providing a fully
will be to focus on Governance and Policy related          cook prepares the menu for six week stay cohorts              community and parental relations and adherence to all        licensed program for age group 6-12. The program will
items as mandated by SIB Chief and Council. The initial    of ten clients, ensures ingredients are available, and        Seabird Island Community School and BC Ministry of           include a variety of activities targeted at enriching the
tasks will be reviewing and updating the Seabird Island    cooks breakfast and lunch. The cook also does the             Education policies and procedures. Individual contracts      lives of kids in a fun, active, and culturally sensitive
Election, Governance and Membership Codes, with the        preparation work for the evening meals and ensures            will govern the specific teaching assignment and             manner. We are looking for Post-Secondary students
Election Code as a priority. This work will include:       the kitchen is clean and organized.                           number of hours.                                             to serve as role models and leaders for children
                                                                                                                                                                                      participating in the program. Successful candidates can
     •       Frame key areas of development for                 Trauma Treatment Centre - Cultural                                       Community Liaison                            expect to have a summer packed full of fun activities
             the content of the Codes.                                  Trauma Therapist                                                                                              including field trips, cultural learning, fun in nature,
                                                                                                                         Provides support to communities to enhance culturally
     •       Assist in the draft of any new Codes.         Under the direction of the Child and Family Services          safe COVID-19 mitigation measures, community                 professional development and making new friends.
                                                           Manager, the Cultural Trauma Therapist will operate           preparedness and response capacity. The Community                       Youth Initiatives Supervisor
     •       Review drafts to ensure they are              efficiently in accordance with the philosophies, policies,    Liaison role assists the leadership of the Sub-Region,
             reflective of the key areas; and              and objectives established by Seabird Island Band.            Family, Nation, Community or Agency to which they            The Youth Initiatives Supervisor will be responsible for
     •       Ensure Codes are written clearly and                                                                        are assigned to through effective engagement with            engaging and advocating for Seabird Island community
                                                           The Cultural Trauma Therapist takes a lead role in            community member, and health partners such as the            members to ensure equitable access to the youth
             concisely so all community members            delivering programming for trauma recovery using
             can understand.                                                                                             First Nations Health Authority and Regional Health           initiatives funding. This role includes developing and
                                                           land-based methodology and First Nations culture,             Authority (RHA). In addition, they use their local           overseeing programs associated with this funding
For more information, including a further scope of work    with an emphasis on cultural attachment, identity             knowledge and context about the community, family            such as the youth camps and the youth council. The
and duties and responsibilities of committee members,      and seasonally appropriate activities on the land. The        units, structures and processes in the region to ensure      Youth Initiative Supervisor will solicit and case manage
please request the Terms of Reference.                     Cultural Trauma Therapist will work with individuals          that needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic are            individuals and families involved with this initiative to
                                                           and groups during their short stay (six weeks) at the         being addressed in a manner that is relevant to the          promote individual and family wellbeing. The Youth
If you are interested, please submit a cover letter        Trauma Centre to facilitate cultural awareness and            community context.                                           Initiatives Supervisor will also connect their clients with
outlining your intent, and include your most current       attachment, using cultural attachment and identity as                                                                      other programs and services such as driver’s education,
resume. All submissions must be received by the end of     a means to heal trauma, approach addictions, family/                   Early Childhood Educator I/T                        health services, mentorships, and social supports. The
day on May 15, 2021.                                       parenting/marital concerns, stress management,                                (Infant/Toddler)                             Youth Initiatives Supervisor will be expected to develop
                                                           aging, etc.                                                                                                                strong and healthy relationships with youth and their
              Tutor - Math/English                                                                                       Under the direction of the Daycare Supervisor,
                                                                Trauma Treatment Centre - Program                        the Infant/Toddler Educator will provide hands-on            families so that they can advocate on their behalf.
We are looking for an experienced and reliable Tutor to                   Coordinator                                    childcare to children in Seabird Island Band’s early         As part of the Health Team, you may be expected to
join our educational team. You will work with students
                                                                                                                         childhood education programs, in accordance with all         work up to 12 hours per day, not exceeding 80 hours
of various ages, either one-on-one or in groups, to        Under the direction of the Health and Social                  childcare licensing requirements and the philosophies,       per pay period at straight time.
provide help on a particular assignment or with basics     Development Director and Child and Family Services            policies, and objectives established by Seabird Island
in a specific subject. Our ideal candidate has worked      Manager, the Program Coordinator will operate                                                                                  Supported Child Development Support
                                                                                                                         Band Management.
professionally with school-age students for at least one   efficiently in accordance with the philosophies,                                                                                             Worker
year and is comfortable tutoring in at least two of the    policies, and objectives established by Seabird Island         Recovery Home Support Worker - On Call
four core subjects.                                        Band Management and within the specifications and                                                                          Under the supervision of the Supported Child
                                                           regulations set by the Child and Family                       The role of the Recovery Support Worker is to support        Development Supervisor for the Supported Child
     Information Technology (IT) Teacher                   Services Manager.                                             clients in residence struggling with substance use issues    Development Program, the Support Worker is to
                                                                                                                         possible to facilitate personal growth and relationship      provide front line support to children with extra
This position involves the provision of instruction
                                                           The primary goal of the Program Coordinator is to             building, as well as other duties associated with the        support needs to assist them to fully participate in a
to students of Seabird Island Community School/
                                                           ensure that the Trauma Treatment Center is run like           recovery home such as cooking, cleaning, charting,           child care setting.
High School and includes instruction, preparation,
                                                           an efficient treatment center, and that all clients are       participating in group sessions, driving and shopping.
assessment, classroom management, professional                                                                                                                                                             Bus Monitor
                                                           provided with a caring and learning environment in
development and school meetings, community and
                                                           which to address their trauma. Through ensuring the            Project Officer - Term until March 31, 2022
parental relations and adherence to all Seabird Island                                                                                                                                Assist school bus driver in maintaining discipline
                                                           Trauma center runs efficiently and cooperatively, the         This is term position to March 31, 2022. The Project
Community School and BC Ministry of Education                                                                                                                                         while bus is in operation; maintain proper records and
                                                           Program Coordinator will ensure that residents’ are           Officer will assist research leads on a number of
policies and procedures.                                                                                                                                                              documentation as required by COVID-19 protocols;
                                                           able to participate in activities which facilitate their      Natural Resources Canada funded projects, including
                                                           healing from trauma.                                                                                                       assist student loading, unloading and seating
Information Technology or IT Teachers must prepare                                                                       traditional land use research; cumulative effects of         arrangements as required. Take temperatures and
lessons and activities that help students develop               Trauma Treatment Centre - Trauma                         corporate infrastructure, development, and climate           collect screening forms daily.
knowledge and understanding in concepts of                                 Counsellor                                    on Seabird Island Band reserve; terrestrial and aquatic
computing, software use, troubleshooting, etc. The IT                                                                    habitat restoration frameworks.                                       Recovery Home Support Worker
Teacher’s daily tasks will depend mostly on the age and    The Trauma Counselor is responsible for providing
ability level of the students. Younger classrooms will     counseling to clients towards resolution of their                        Driving Instructor - on call                      The role of the Recovery Support Worker is to support
focus on keyboarding and understanding basic word          trauma. Counseling will be provided in a culturally                                                                        clients in residence struggling with substance use issues
                                                                                                                         The Driving Instructor is responsible for teaching           possible to facilitate personal growth and relationship
processing and other typical office programs, as well as   sensitive manner on a one-to-one basis, in groups,            students the rules of the road and the safe way to
Internet basics. With older students, more advanced        and using circles to help clients process trauma during                                                                    building, as well as other duties associated with the
                                                                                                                         handle an automobile. This position will entail providing    recovery home such as cooking, cleaning, charting,
classes in software use, data processing, hardware, and    their intensive short stay (six weeks) at the Trauma          full service drivers training for students of varying ages
even web design.                                           Centre. The counselor must be able to work from a                                                                          participating in group sessions, driving and shopping.
                                                                                                                         and experiences who are looking to acquire their BC
                                                           trauma informed perspective, using several trauma             Driver’s License or to acquire a higher class of license.                   Halq’eméylem Teacher
The IT Teacher is often expected to solve minor            therapy modalities. The Trauma Counselor will facilitate
technical problems that happen within their                                                                              Students will range in age from teenagers through
                                                           daytime and evening individual and group sessions,            to elders. Training will include practical sessions and      The Halq’emeylem Language Teacher is responsible
classrooms, so computer troubleshooting experience         3 days each week.                                                                                                          for teaching students (K-7) how to speak, write, and
is important.                                                                                                            should fully prepare the student for their knowledge
                                                                                                                         and driven tests.                                            understand Seabird Islands’ traditional language –
                                                                   Education Assistant (EA) - On call                                                                                 Halq’eméylem.
   Math/English Adult Dogwood Instructor
                                                           Under the supervision of school administration, the               Elder’s Mobility Program Coordinator
Instruct a variety of education courses including                                                                                                                                                      Membership Clerk
                                                           EA will work with students individually or in small           The Elders Mobility Program Coordinator is a role
English, math to adult learners working to improve their                                                                                                                              Reporting to the Director of Lands and Government
                                                           groups to deliver activities that reinforce and advance       model for health and wellness, who is passionate about
competency in literacy and numeracy, as preparation                                                                                                                                   Affairs, the Membership Clerk is responsible for
                                                           the educational program and make the educational              helping elders to pursue overall improvements in health
for vocational training and employment.                                                                                                                                               maintaining the integrity of information contained
                                                           experiences of the children more rewarding.                   through engagement in activity. This position will
                Daycare Supervisor                                                                                       design, instruct, schedule and coordinate recreation         with the Indian Registrar, while providing membership
                                                                        Special Education Teacher                                                                                     duties for the purpose of issuing Certificates of Indian
                                                                                                                         programming for the elders. Working closely with the
The Daycare Supervisor assumes responsibility for the                                                                                                                                 Status (CIS) Cards to SIB and Community Members.
                                                           Work with Students who have a wide range of                   Fraser Health’s Elders Day Program Coordinator, the
day to day operations of the Early Childhood Education     learning, mental, emotional, physical and learning            Mobility Coordinator will implement impactful mobility                    (Youth) Elder Apprentice
Department. The Supervisor is responsible for program      disabilities. Special Ed. Assistant’s adapt general           programs that will engage elders, in all our partner                      Term Ends June 30, 2021
planning, working effectively with staff, families and     education lessons and teach various subjects, such as         communities, to participate in activities that benefit
children, connecting with the community and ensuring       reading, writing, and math, to students with mild and                                                                      The Elders Apprentice will be responsible for actively
                                                                                                                         their mobility and social interactions.
adherence with licensing requirements. The Supervisor      moderate disabilities. Teach basic skills, such as literacy                                                                engaging and building a relationship with Elder(s).
is responsible for providing leadership in keeping with    and communication techniques, to students with                           Youth Worker - Term until                         The purpose of the position is to create a symbiotic
the philosophy of the Early Learning and Child Care        severe disabilities.                                                        September 31, 2021                             relationship between Youth and Elder where both are
Program at Seabird Island.                                                                                                                                                            benefitting. The Elders apprentice will assist in reducing
                                                                      Custodial Worker - On Call                         The Youth Worker is directly responsible for engaging
We promote/organize many activities that help create                                                                     Seabird Island Band youths (age 10 – 19) in youth-led        risk of social isolation for Seabird Island Elders.
awareness, understanding and respect of our culture.       The Custodian is responsible for performing custodial         programming. The core of this work will be done              This position will help future generations have an
Speaking in the Halq’émeylēm language is one of many       duties, minor maintenance and other miscellaneous             through the drop-in program but may also include             understanding of the past so that it can be transitioned
cultural activities that happens at the Daycare Center.    duties in order to ensure that buildings and facilities are   secondary programs such as gender specific groups,           into the future. This is a temporary position that will
                                                           maintained in a healthy, safe and sanitary manner.            recreational activities groups and outreach programs         end June 30, 2021

                                               Job postings are also available at the Band Office and the Employment Office.
         Please ensure you have received confirmation for your on-line submission. If you have not received confirmation, email:
 Pursuant to the Aboriginal Employment Preference Program, preference may be given to applicants of Aboriginal Ancestry. Interested candidates are invited to
               submit a cover letter, resume and three references. We regret that we will only respond to those applicants chosen for an interview.
                                                             We thank all applicants for their interest.
Community Events Assistant                                Home Support Worker - on call                                   School Bus Driver - On Call                              Building Maintenance Worker
            Targeted Wage Subsidy
                                                           The role of the Health Care Aide is to support residents      The School Bus Driver is responsible for the safe          The primary function of the Building Maintenance
The Community Events team plans and executes a             in general care duties, support in self care and              transportation of students on the assigned route to and    Worker is to assist the most complex and skilled
wide variety of meetings, events, and programs at or       medication management.                                        from school.                                               building maintenance work and provide technical
for the Band. These events include the Seabird Island                                                                                                                               maintenance as required. The Building Maintenance
Festival, Christmas Dinner, Open House, Staff Pamper         Recovery Home Support Worker- Targeted                      Early Childhood Education Assistant - Post                 Worker will support the Lead-Hand to repair buildings
Day, and many others. The team is also responsible for                   Wage Subsidy                                                Secondary Student                              and facilities; and install and repair various electronic
taking facility bookings for sports fields, gymnasiums,    The role of the Recovery Support Worker is to support         Under the direction of the ECD Director(or Delegate)       and mechanical equipment. This position is responsible
and meeting rooms. As well as arranging caterers           clients in residence struggling with substance use issues     , the Early Childhood Education Assistant will assist in   for the effective and safe use of available materials and
when needed. The CE Assistant will play a vital role       possible to facilitate personal growth and relationship       providing hands-on child care to children in Seabird       equipment. The employee is required to operate and
in assisting the Community Events Coordinator in all       building, as well as other duties associated with the         Island Band’s early childhood education programs, in       maintain power tools, drive vehicles, climb ladders and
aspects of their job.                                      recovery home such as cooking, cleaning, charting,            accordance with all child care licensing requirements      perform physical activity. This position may require
                                                           participating in group sessions, driving and shopping.        and the philosophies, policies, and objectives             sufficient physical ability and mobility to work; stand
          Family Development Worker                                                                                                                                                 and sit for prolonged periods of time. Worker must
                                                           This is a 52 week term position                               established by Seabird Island Band Management.
This is a one year term contract. The Family                                                                             Possible programs include Seabird Island Daycare,          operate with minimal direct supervision. Regular
Development Worker’s primary goal is to support                            Check Point Security                          Summer programs, administrative duties, cooking/           attendance is required for this position.
and connect families on their journey to wellness.         The Checkpoint Security position aims to bolster the          clean-up of meals.                                                      Recreation Coordinator
Support and connection are provided to families who        COVID-19 efforts Seabird Island Band has already taken.
are experiencing mental health and child welfare                                                                             Grade 4 Teacher - Maternity Coverage                   The Recreation Coordinator is responsible for creating
                                                           The position will assist with the overall safety of Seabird               Ending June 30, 2022
challenges through one-on-one coaching, individual,        Island Band’s checkpoints and property. A person                                                                         and leading fitness and recreation activities for the
family, and community education and awareness              in this position will instill a strong sense of safety        The start date of this position is August 30, 2021         community. The Recreation Coordinator will consult
activities, and referral to other health and social        to all community members and employees within                 and will end June 30, 2022. This position involves         with staff and community members to determine their
services agencies. This position provides service to       Seabird Island Band. The Checkpoint Security position         the provision of instruction to students of Seabird        needs and interests and establish activities in response
families.                                                  understands their role as an ambassador for Seabird           Island Community School/High School and includes           to those needs. The Recreation Coordinator will report
                                                           Island Band and aims to provide a positive experience         instruction, preparation, assessment, classroom            to the Director of Community Development. This is a
        Medical Office Assistant (MOA)                                                                                                                                              part-time position of 15 hours per week.
                                                           to all community members. The Checkpoint Security             management, professional development and school
The Medical Office Assistant (MOA) will be responsible     position functions within legislative requirements,           meetings, community and parental relations and
for providing front line support to employees and          regulations, policies, and procedures. The position           adherence to all Seabird Island Community School and
patients of the Medical Office. Support will be required   contributes to the mission, vision, and beliefs of the        BC Ministry of Education policies and procedures.
primarily at mobile medical offices, but also at the       Seabird Island Band.
Seabird Doctors Office.

    Membership Clerk
    Government Affairs · Agassiz, British Columbia
    Position Summary:
    Reporting to the Director of Lands and Government Affairs, the Membership Clerk is responsible for maintaining the integrity of information
    contained with the Indian Registrar, while providing membership duties for the purpose of issuing Certificates of Indian Status (CIS) Cards to SIB
    and Community Members.

    •       High School Diploma or GED.                                                  (computer, photocopier, fax, scanner, etc.)                                    member of a multi-disciplinary team.
    •       Office Administration Certificate or                                 •       Experience in creating and maintaining                                 •       Excellent verbal and written
            Diploma. Business Administration Degree is                                   filing systems.                                                                communication skills.
            considered an asset.                                                 •       Ability to draft correspondences for third                             •       Ability to adhere to Oath of Confidentiality
    •       2-3 years’ of office management and                                          party / external proponents                                                    and Seabird Island Band Policies
            clerical experience required.                                                                                                                               and Procedures.
                                                                                 •       Excellent attention to detail and ability to
    •       Must possess AANDC IRA training, or                                          multi-task, set priorities and problem solve.                          •       Knowledge of Seabird Island Traditional
            demonstrate a willing to learn.                                                                                                                             Territory and Land Codes, history and
                                                                                 •       Time Management Skills – ability to                                            culture is considered an asset.
    •       Knowledge of legislative authorities (Indian                                 organize and prioritize to efficiently
            Act, Privacy Legislation, etc.)                                              accomplish tasks and meet                                              •       Knowledge, respect and understanding of
                                                                                         departmental objectives.                                                       Stó:lō and Nklakpamux culture, traditions
    •       Proficient Computer skills to complete on-                                                                                                                  and language is considered an asset.
            line forms, create database, track progress                          •       High professional and ethical standards
            of referrals, and generate reports using MS                                  with a commitment to the principles and                                •       Valid BC Driver’s License, Class 5 and access
            Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.                                         values of the First Nations communities.                                       to a reliable vehicle.
                                                                                         Experience working with First Nations
    •       Satisfactory Criminal Record Check.                                          community is considered an asset.
    •       Working knowledge of office equipment                                •       Ability to work both independently and as a

    Program Management:
    •       Administer the SIB Membership Program as                             •       Manage, maintain and update the                                        •       Provide a monthly newsletter and annual
            outlined by the SIB Membership Code.                                         Membership List and Registry.                                                  report submissions.
    •       Receive, review and record all membership                            •       Develop and maintain accurate and                                      •       Draft responses to outside agencies and
            applications, changes, etc.                                                  detailed filing systems. (ie: band                                             industry proponents.
                                                                                         membership records)
    •       Assist SIB Membership with applications for                                                                                                         •       Work with other internal SIB departments
            birth documents.                                                     •       Attend Committee meetings pertaining to                                        to provide Membership Registry
                                                                                         membership and elections. Draft notes or                                       information, as required
    •       Process/Update Certificates of Indian                                        minutes of meetings and distribute to the
            Status/Status, transfers, new applicants,                                                                                                           •       Other duties or responsibilities as assigned
                                                                                         relevant groups, as required.
            population stats, etc.                                                                                                                                      by your supervisor, Director, or the CAO.
                                                                                 •       Liaise with the electoral officer/elections
    •       Administer the IRA Program as per AANDC                                                                                                             •       Draft reports as required.
                                                                                         for band membership voting records.

    Core Competencies:
    •        Client Focus                                                        •        Team Work                                                             •        Work Ethic and Values
    •        Initiative                                                          •        Valuing Cultural Diversity

EXTERNAL JOB POSTINGS                                                                                                           View more detailed information about these and other
                                                                                                                                     opportunities or to apply for current opportunities:

Indigenous Voices Matter! Grow your Career with us!
Cleaning Services Officer (CASUAL                           Cleaning Services Officer (CASUAL                              Building Services Worker, come pursue a
CONTRACT (90 DAYS PER YEAR))                                CONTRACT (90 DAYS PER YEAR))                                   stimulating career at CORCAN
Closing date: 2021-06-23                                    Closing date: 2021-11-18                                       Closing date: 2021-11-20
Correctional Service Canada                                 Correctional Service Canada - Technical Services               CORCAN - Correctional Service of Canada
Duties: Conducts a variety of cleaning/housekeeping/        Duties: Provides general maintenance (corrective               Intent of the process: This inventory is intended
maintenance services.                                       and preventive), minor construction and, in some               to staff positions with various linguistic profiles,
                                                            institutions, minor service of vehicles and/or grounds
Maintains and repairs cleaning equipment; replenishes                                                                      various security profiles, and at various locations
                                                            keeping services for clients within facilities of the
cleaning supplies and services.                                                                                            across the Pacific Region. This includes various
                                                            Correctional Service of Canada (CSC).
Work environment: May involve working in a                                                                                 tenures such as (indeterminate, term and casual
                                                            Work environment: The Correctional Service of                  position). Consequently, we encourage you to
correctional institutional environment with offenders
                                                            Canada (CSC), as part of the criminal justice system
and staff members.                                                                                                         apply as soon as possible.
                                                            and respecting the rule of law, contributes to public
Intent of the process: This inventory is for casual         safety by actively encouraging and assisting offenders         NOTE: This inventory may be used to staff similar
employment only, which is temporary employment of           to become law-abiding citizens, while exercising               positions in the Correctional Services of Canada
90 workings days or less in a calendar year.                reasonable, safe, secure and humane control. Staff may         in other locations.
Positions to be filled: Number to be determined             be working in an environment where there could be
                                                            offender contact.                                              Positions to be filled: Number to be determined
Please submit: Your résumé and contact information                                                                         Please submit: Résumé
for 2 references.                                           Follow us on:
                                                            Twitter:                        Conditions of employment:
Abbotsford, Agassiz, Mission, Victoria and Harrison
Mills (British Columbia)                                    Facebook:                            •      Reliability Status security clearance
English essential                                           CorrectionalServices
                                                                                                                           •      Possession of a valid driver’s license.
$22.90 to $24.90 per hour (plus applicable allowances)      Intent of the process: A pool of candidates may be
                                                            created and may be used to staff similar positions             •      Willingness to work with offenders in a
Apply on-line                                               of permanent or temporary tenures within the                          correctional environment.
        ____________________________                        Correctional Service of Canada in the Pacific Region.          Victoria, Abbotsford, Agassiz, Mission, Vancouver
                                                            Positions to be filled: Number to be determined                English or French essential
Carpenters, have you considered a job helping
offenders learn the trade? CORCAN has a job                 Please submit: Résumé
                                                                                                                           $26.05 to $28.33 per hour
for you!                                                    Victoria, Abbotsford, Agassiz, Harrison Mills and
                                                            Mission (British Columbia)
                                                                                                                           Apply on-line
Closing date: 2021-08-08
CORCAN Construction Carpenter - Correctional Service        English essential
of Canada                                                   $26.05 to $28.33 per hour (Plus 6% Inmate Training   
In order to be considered, your application must            Differential Allowance and Correctional Service Specific       srfp/applicant/page2440?locationsFilter=
clearly explain how you meet the following (essential       Duty Allowance of $2,000 per year - allowances may be          &selectionProcessNumber=&officialLang
qualifications)                                             subject to change)                                             uage=1&title=&virtualLocation=1&tab=
OCCUPATIONAL CERTIFICATION:                                 Apply on-line                                                  1&search=Search%20jobs&variousLocati
                                                                    ____________________________                           on=1&addedLocation=W854&addedLocat
Possession of a valid Provincial or Inter-provincial                                                                       ion=W467&addedLocation=W468&depart
Journeyman Certificate as a Carpenter, which is valid
in the designated province of work, or journeyman
                                                            Detachment Services Assistant - Inventory for                  ments=&log=false
certification accepted by the provincial governing body     BC Highway Patrol
as equivalent to practice carpentry in the designated       Closing date: 2021-12-31
province of work.
                                                            Royal Canadian Mounted Police - BC Highway
Please submit: Résumé                                       Patrol
Victoria , Abbotsford, Agassiz, Mission and Vancouver       Work environment: RCMP, BC Highway Patrol
(British Columbia)                                          offices are located in various communities around
$28.22 to $30.68 per hour (in addition to the basic rate    our beautiful vast province. Our positions involve
of pay, additional compensation could be provided to        supporting all aspects of operations for BCHP. In some
persons appointed to a position, as it relates to working   units you may be part of a larger team of Public Service
with offenders and/or training of inmates.)                 Employees (PSEs), in some units you may be the only
                                                            PSE. Tasks are often varied, while working in a fast
Apply on-line                                               paced, ever changing environment. As an employee
                                                            of the RCMP, you may be exposed to various types of
                                                            multi-media that some may find upsetting.
                                                            Please submit: Résumé
                                                            Burnaby, Chilliwack, Langley, Surrey
                                                            $55,543 to $60,130
                                                            Apply on-line

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