DESIGN FEST'21 IS COMING ON! - İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi
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No 9 March 2021 DESIGN FEST’21 IS COMING ON! This year’s theme of the Design Fes- rate their field expertise into social ‘ The Design Team, formed with the tival, which is carried out by the Fa- life.” Lecturer İrem Fulya ÖZKAN self-sacrificing contribution of the culty of Fine Arts with a different the- and Lecturer Nihal EKİCİ DEMİR, festival, contributes not only to the me each year, has been determined as who made their comments, said, “In visual designs of the festival, but “Digitalism”. The event, set out with this way, the festival will provide an also to various special day and soci- the motto of “Digital Evolution in academic perspective to the new di- al responsibility projects. The soci- the Fields of Art and Design” and is al media team including Seray Nisa planned to last for 3 days, will inclu- YAVUZ, Ahmet Taha DEMİRCİ, de interviews, seminars, workshops, İlayda ÇELİK, Buse GÖRAL, Fir- workshops and various social activi- devs GÜLŞAHİN, Berkay GÜLER, ties with the participation of in-house Hilal DENİZ and Murat GARİPOĞ- and external guests. Preparations for LU also takes over the management the festival, which will be held onli- of the social platforms created for the ne under the supervision of İGÜ GSF Festival. Applications for the “Digi- Lecturer İrem Fulya ÖZKAN and talism Themed Illustration Competi- Lecturer Nihal EKİCİ DEMİR, con- gital age and at the same time revi- tion” for high school, associate and tinue at full speed. 25 students and 14 ve the spirit of fine arts and motivate undergraduate students held in the teaching staff actively take part in the students.” He expressed his views. butchery of the festival continues un- preparations for the event. Melek GÜLŞEN, Ayşe AKSU, Meli- til April 20, 2021. About the purpose of the festival, “It ke SÖALP, Fatmanur YÜRÜK, Sude For all the detailed information about aims to enable all students within the Anda GAVRİLOV, Zeynep FIRAT, the Design Festival and Illustration Faculty of Fine Arts to put into pra- Gülben ALKAN, Tuğçe ÇAKIR, Competition, you can visit the “tasa- ctice the theoretical knowledge they İlayda OĞUZ, Yeşim ADAM, Hazal” website and have gained from the programs they GÜNEŞ, Rümeysa Hilal TONBUL, follow the @tasarimfestigu Instag- are affiliated with, and thus to integ- Fatma Gül YILDIRIM and Aysemen ram page.
EXHIBITIONS EXHIBITIONS Research Assistant Zeynep ABACI’s First Solo Exhibition Dr. Lecturer Aysun CANÇAT’s Work Was Included in the Catalog of the Mail Opened at Gallery Kambur! Art Exhibition titled “Harmony - Creativity and Environmental Crisis” Graphic Design Department Dr. Le- This exhibition is concering Zeynep ABACI associates her mixed cturer Member Aysun CANÇAT par- the role of the artist in the technigue works on canvas with the ticipated in the international Mail Art face of environmental crises, concept of pseudo memory in the exhibition called “Editing” which and the artists ability to face light of the relationship between was held between 25 September - 4 these crises; and is one of the space and memory. In parallel with October 2020; her work was included ongoing projects establis- the view which argues that the in the exhibition catalog. hed to combat this issue. In moment we are trying to remember “Adjustıng - Creativity and Environ- the context of creativity and is a distorted photocopy of the mental Crisi” is an international pos- environmental crises; The- previous one. Her works are about tal art exhibition. re are questions such as the familiar but foreign spaces in her processes and results of artis- tic creativity; what the artist as a citizen can do, how he/ she contributes to the wor- ld in times of crisis and the perspe- exhibition also aims to expand be- ctives they can offer. The event was yond Kinvara and Ireland to the who- autobiographical memory and the designed by a group of artists based le world and to connect with physical fictional transformation of these in the village of Kinvara on Ireland’s productions. That’s why the fact that spaces / memories. west coast. This group produces vari- Dr. Lecturer Aysun CANÇAT’s work “... The fiction in my work focuses ous events, exhibitions, performance was included in the catalog is quite exactly on this transformation. The and media projects interactively with meaningful in terms of its contributi- paintings that I create with bright communities and individuals. This on to the world of art and education. and vivid colors reflect the conflict with this feeling of uncanny. They represent the journey of the past to Assistant Professor Melis Boyacı Attended the Exhibition the present ...” ABACI’s first solo exhibition can Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Com- be visited at Galeri Kambur from munication and Design Melis BOYACI, with her work February 22 to March 8, 2021. “Vital Memory XVI”, organized the “2. The artist parti- cipated in the Women Academics National Group Exhi- bition. Assistant Professor Melis Boyacı, expressed the impor- tance of participating in the exhibition with the following words: “8th of March Women’s Day laborers of the republic founded by Ataturk in Turkey there is an even more im- portant meaning. More absence of any European country under the leadership of Ataturk in Turkey selecting wo- men MPs elected in 1934 and given the right to vote, in 1935, Turkey has entered 18 deputies to the National As- sembly. As a result of all these developments, the Interna- tional Women’s Union Congress gathered in Istanbul in 1935. Approaching the 100th anniversary of the Repub- lic, according to the United Nations between Parliament and the Union acquired Surveys According to recent data, Turkey, in terms of the proportion of women deputies in Parliament is ranked 102 of 141 countries. In addition, our country is among the countries with the lowest rate of women working among the European Union member and candidate countries. On the one, while these kinds of data and developments are in question, our women still try to make themselves available in every field. Actually, I wanted to take part in the exhibition with my paintings that take as a starting point that each being is one.’’
EXHIBITIONS ACADEMIC SUCCESS “8 March International Women’s Day Mixed Digital Student Exhibition” was Research Assistant Emel ÇİRİŞOĞLU participated in Scientific opened under the coordination of Lecturer İrem Fulya ÖZKAN Research Methods Workshop in the Field of Tourism Under the coordination of Graphic the exhibition reflects the spirit of In- Design Department Lecturer İrem ternational Women’s Day in the best Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Univer- Fulya ÖZKAN, the works produced way. The multicolored and polypho- sity in a workshop organized within by the students of the department nic exhibition invites the audience to different universities in the area of within the scope of 8 March Interna- share this variegation. Turkey’s expert faculty with inter- national tourism; historical, natural, which is an important destination on the cultural heritage of Turkey ow- ned to manifest with the correct met- hods in scientific studies of tourism infrastructure and research methods ckage for the Social Sciences) statis- hop in the Field of Tourism, conduc- used in tourism to improve the qua- tical program university gave trainin- ted by IDEB, was held on Microsoft lity of scientific studies in the field gs including the analysis used. The Teams on February 18-20. of tourism and SPSS (Statistical Pa- Scientific Research Methods Works- New International Publication from Assistant Professor Murat DOĞAN! IGU, Faculty of Fine Arts, Vice Dean, Expanded (SCIE). ch design, was used in the study and Faculty of Gastronomy and Culinary Assistant Professor Murat DOĞAN: was carried out with a total of ten par- Arts Department Assistant Professor “Thinking of bringing a new breath ticipants. The data obtained from the Murat DOĞAN’s article titled “A to the field of gastronomy; “The out- focus group interview were analyzed tional Women’s Day met with the au- New Trend in Gastronomy: Culinary puts of our study, which we started a using content analysis based on gast- dience on the ArtSteps digital exhibi- Medicine Chef” was published in the year ago, have been transformed into ronomy, nutrition and food science. tion platform. With the participation International Journal of Gastronomy a research article and published in the As a result of the study, the multi- of 12 students and a total of 14 works, and Food Science in the Q1 category International Journal of Gastronomy disciplinary study affecting the con- scanned in Science Citation Index and Food Science with the title” A ceptual framework of the medical New Trend in Gastronomy: Culinary kitchen chef helped determine vari- Medicine Chef “ he said. ous formal, semantic and technical With this study, it is aimed to deter- dimensions under the headings of the mine the theoretical, practical and contribution of gastronomy to the he- March 8 International conceptual framework of the medical cuisine, which is a niche trend in gast- ronomy. The focus group interview alth sector, applied culinary trainings and public health promotion. You can access the article on our Working Women’s Day method, which is a qualitative resear- website. Research Assistant Gökçe UZGÖREN’s Article Published in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Faculty of Architecture Magazine Design + Theory Interior Architecture and Environmen- markets, public spaces that are neg- tal Design Department Research Assis- lected in the daily practices of urban tant Gökçe UZGÖREN’s article titled life, and the potentials these spaces “The Role of District Markets in the carry in the context of sociality-based Development of Sociality-Based Pub- publicity are not discussed much in licity in Urban Life” was published in the literature. However, these places The history of humanity is full of ne- of power, establishing domination, the March 2021 issue of the Journal of have an important place in terms of gativities. On the one hand, the wo- destroying nature, and acts of vio- Architecture Faculty of Mimar Sinan socialization in the daily urban life of men’s part of humanity symbolized lence. It could not happen in the past. Fine Arts University, Design + Theory. Istanbul residents. For this reason, I by love, patience, fortitude, compas- But from now on, how nice it would In this study, which aims to investigate think it is important to include unique sion, beauty and intelligence and all be to live in a future and the world the potentials of traditional neighbor- ren states that she uses the observa- spatial patterns such as the neighbor- other decent virtues. On the other where women shape its color, texture hood markets as an alternative shop- tion and semi-structured question- hood markets that have existed in hand, the other part that is responsib- and scent. Hoping that every day will ping place in the contemporary capi- naire technique in the neighborhood Istanbul for many years into the city le for the history of these adversities, be women’s day. talist system in terms of developing market that she has determined as her and spatial studies.” identified with wars, demonstrations Doç. Dr. Metin KUŞ sociability-based publicity in urban field of study and adopts an inductive You can access the entire article on life, Research Assistant Gökçe Uzgö- approach. “Traditional neighborhood our website.
CAUSERIE CAUSERIE Interview On “The Future Of Fine Arts Department After The The Future of the Graphic Design Department After the Pandemic Pandemic” that, freelance work opportunities An interview titled “The Future of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of opened in museums. Therefore, the have also increased. “ used the exp- Fine Arts Departments After Pande- Fine Arts, Professor Doctor Şükran dimension of art has shifted to online ressions. mic” was held by Istanbul Gelişim Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp. platforms. Subsequently, the concept Assoc. Prof. Metin KUŞ said, “In University Continuous Education Aydınalp said, “People discovered of “Digital Art” emerged. In fact, most this process we live in, there are pa- Center (SEM). The event, modera- their creativity and abilities during artists have started to produce works radigm changes in every field and ted by Assistant Professor Emel Toz- their stay at home. Culture, art and de- that are completely digital-oriented. there are advantages and disadvanta- lu Öztay, Director of the Continuing sign emerged as a unifying effect be- In the field of Fine Arts, departments ges of every change. If we evaluate Education Center (SEM), and atten- cause it provides spiritual motivation. will be very popular and active after this change in the field of Graphic ded by faculty members and students When we look at fine arts, art conti- the pandemic, and students will be Design, the home office working cul- of Faculty of Fine Arts, started at nued, but this continuity evolved. Ex- more active. “ and she left the saying ture will become widespread. This 13:30. After mentioning the topic of hibitions, auctions, art galleries and to the heads of department. situation has always been in the field the conversation held on behalf of the fairs started to be held online. Online of Graphic Design, but it was not so SEM center, the saying was given to tours and movie archives began to be much in the general flow of life. With the pandemic, agencies directed their employees to work from home. Spa- The Future of Communication and Design Department After Pandemic ces were no longer needed and made more freelance work possible. “Whi- Assistant Professor Melis BOYACI, le there was a more local restriction Head of Communication and De- before the pandemic, this process sign Department: “… Social media Head of Graphic Design Department for the Graphic Department. Agencies brought to the fore the universality of channels have entered our lives, but Assoc. Prof. Metin KUŞ: “Home Of- have already guided their employees a person who was able to keep up to with the pandemic period, they star- fice working concept, which is not to this concept. Nowadays, when you date, and brought the competition in ted to be used much more. The use of very common in our country after the start working from home, the places the market from local to a universal channels such as Youtube, Instagram, pandemic, will become widespread are no longer important. Apart from level. Netflix ranks first in the last evaluati- on surveys. Product marketing, con- The Future of Interior Architecture Department After Pandemic tent production, online courses are organized through these channels in Head of Interior Architecture De- lutions. In this way, we are trying to and new technologies and we are tr- the internet environment, and there partment Assistant Professor Yaprak direct them towards different studies ying to adapt very quickly.” has been a serious digital marketpla- ÖZEL continued her words by talking ce in social media. This situation has about what kind of new solutions the changed the way we communicate pandemic process will bring in the fu- with products. With 5G, artificial in- ture of interior architecture and what telligence and digital marketing, the emerged in the field of communicati- in order to progress in these areas and kind of a process they went through way we process advertising has trans- on. Our students need to be interested to improve themselves. “ she expres- with the department of Interior Archi- formed. Alternative business sectors in coding, animation and group work sed her thoughts. tecture and Environmental Design in the online education process. “As soon as we begin to look towards The Future of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department After Pandemic the future of interior architecture, the organizations of distances and new Departments related to gastronomy However, we anticipate that both the material technologies that can be cal- were the most affected by the pande- gastronomy department and the food led new normals appear before us. In mic process. Businesses of all sizes, and beverage industry will recover the past, materials with anti-bacterial such as individual restaurants and in a short time, as people cannot live properties were sufficient, nowadays, hotel restaurants, were affected from without eating and drinking. materials that can clean themselves this process. But of course the “Ser- Apart from these, the “Take away” against viruses are used indoors and vice sector and Food and Beverage system, which we are not accustomed preferred on surfaces. We organized Sector” is the first and most affec- to as a culture and which we do not our courses such as ‘Materials of the ted sector from all kinds of adverse use much, became widespread in our Future’ for our students, where deve- events such as war, political turmoil, country during this period. “Althou- lopments such as the organization of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı Albayrak, Head epidemic disease. However, this sec- gh there were economic losses and it such materials will be discussed. As of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts De- tor is also one of the sectors that can will take a few years to recover, the the Department of Interior Archite- partment, explained what awaits the recover the fastest. For this reason, sector continued to continue its servi- cture, we continue to work to train gastronomy department after the pan- the Gastronomy Department is also ces in this way” she said. students who can quickly adapt to the demic with the following words: one of the most affected departments. process and produce improvable so-
CAUSERIE CAUSERIE The Future of the Department of Interior Architecture and The First of the Stars in the Vision Series Was Held with the Title of Environmental Design after the Pandemic “Movie and Series Music” Zerrin Funda Ürük, Assistant Profes- The talk was who joined by the sound steps are taken in the creation process sor and Head of Interior Architecture engineer, mix, mastering, scoring expert, of a composition, what kind of path is and Environmental Design Depart- composer and arranger Doruk SOMUN- followed in the field of music fiction, ment: “The fact that we moved many KIRAN, composer and songwriter Jale the definition of arranging and the sco- of our lessons to digital environment KİBRİTÇİOĞLU, and pianist, composer, pe was spoken. The cinema, television before the pandemic had great advan- arranger, music producer Ali AKAÇÇA and music sectors, which are a sector tages for us in this process.” she con- from the AJ Music Production team and affected by the pandemic, were mentio- tinued: “We have already revised our the talk was moderated by Assistant Pro- ned, and the projects planned in the next entire system and curriculum in line fessor Önder Paker. In the event, which is period were mentioned. The meaning of with the digital age with the accredi- open to the participation of all students, the music in a movie or TV series for the tation process in 2018. Our students stage at which the musical processes begin audience and the effect of the director start computer-aided design lessons for a movie or TV series, what kind of in- and the music producer on this meaning from the first year. In the past, we teraction requires working with more than were discussed. The conversation ended used to draw with T-rulers and rapi- one person in the creative process, what with a question and answer event. dos in our undergraduate courses. But The Second of the Stars in the Vision Series was Held with the Title “On Project Development, Ministry Applications, Pitching” The second of the “Talks on the Stars KAYALI, who received support from in Vision” series organized by the the Ministry of Culture and various in our first year, our students started gh this transition was a bit difficult Department of Radio, Television and forums with his many projects, gave to work with AutoCad and other at first, our adaptation with our pro- Cinema was realized with the title advice to the students based on his drawing programs. Of course, these fessors and students took place very of “Project Development, Ministry successful progress and experien- have had many advantages. Althou- quickly.” Applications, On Pitching” with the ce in this field. The first project that participation of the producer, director received the support of the Ministry The Future of Radio, Television and Cinema Department After Pandemic and screenwriter Ahmet KÜÇÜK- of Culture for the last four days of a KAYALI. Ahmet KÜÇÜKKAYALI, suicide bomber and directed by Ser- who had the opportunity to work with dar AKAR, The Wings of the Night, important directors such as Yavuz the project of the Atlas of Lost Souls, ÖZKAN, Tunç BAŞARAN, Ali ÖZ- which was awarded the script deve- GENTÜRK, Semih KAPLANOĞLU lopment support the following year, 2018 and the production support he re- in addition to his short and feature and the project ‘Bensiz’ which he ceived from the Ministry of Culture in projects, started his speech by saying directed and realized with the sup- 2019, Küçükkayalı also talked about that he entered the sector without a port of his first director. talked about. how he carried out his projects and the cinema education, but he thinks that Talking about the TRT Award he re- preparation processes. You can reach cinema education is a must. KÜÇÜK- ceived at the Antalya Film Forum in the full news on our website. The Third of the Interview Series of the Stars in the Vision Was Held with the Title of “Film and Series Acting” The third of the “Talks for the Stars teachers. Answering questions from in the Vision” series organized by students, AKIN gave advice for those the Radio, Television and Cinema who want to be presenters. She stated department was moderated by Assis- that they need to read a lot and impro- tant Professor Önder PAKER under ve their improvisation skills. On the the title of “Film and Series Acting”. question of whether there is an age There was great interest in the con- limit to become an actor, Assistant versation, where the actress and pre- Professor Önder PAKER stated that senter Evrim AKIN was the guest. there is no age limit and that acting Assistant Professor Önder PAKER, Head of Radio, Television and Cinema Department: “The cinema sector has been Starting the conversation by expla- but was not selected, and then applied training can be taken at any age. Ev- the most adversely affected by the pandemic. In order for the art of cinema to exist, human beings are required. It is a ining how she started acting, AKIN to the announcement of a municipal rim AKIN also agreed with the same job that emerges with emotions in a set environment by people coming together. If this does not happen, only animation stated that she participated in the audi- theater, where she met PAKER and opinion, adding that the experience is and cartoons remain, and the art of cinema cannot exist. “ he said. tions for a theater play in high school, received training from many valuable an acquisition for acting.
CAUSERIE CAUSERIE Moral Visit to Healthcare Professionals; With Special Cookie Catering Interview with Prof.Dr. Ayşe YÜKSEL on March 8, International Women’s Day Arranged by the GastroArt Club, or- ganized by Radiotherapy Program Lecturer Selim ÖĞÜT “A Moral Visit with Cookie Catering for Healthcare Professionals” was held. On behalf of Istanbul Gelişim University; Gastro- Art Club consultant and lecturer Elif Zeynep ÖZER visited the hospitals where she presented the healthca- re staff sugar coated cookies which were prepared by the GastroArt Club members . The following hospitals were visited in this context; İstanbul Başakşehir, Çam and Sakura City Hospital, Health Sciences Univer- okies prepared with great care by the sity Sultan Abdülhamid Han Training GastroArt Club members; Prof. Dr. and Research Hospital, Başakşehir ÖZER, who paid the following visits State Hospital and Murat Dilmener thanked our healthcare professionals, Emergency Hospital. Following the who did not beheld any sacrifices du- presentation of the sugar coated co- ring the pandemic process. A Conversation on Advertising and Directing was Held with Fatih Sinan President of Association for Sup- the president of Association for Sup- ŞİMŞEK under the Coordination of Graphic Design Department porting Contemporary Life Prof. Dr. porting Contemporary Life; Prof. Dr. Ayşe YÜKSEL was our main guest in Ayşe YÜKSEL on March 4, 2021; remained, but the real breaking po- to learn about your art practices. March 8, International Women’s Day Beginning with Dr. Lecturer Esra int was when a book from MediaCat He mentioned that he made museum Interview. TUNÇAY introducing Prof. Dr. Ayşe; Publications fell into his hands and visits to various countries of the wor- Organized by the Faculty of Eco- Dr. Yüksel gave a speech about her he was impressed by the courage of a ld and these visits were very impor- nomics, Administrative and Soci- education life continued with her aca- young advertiser from that book and tant for everyone interested in art al Sciences and the Faculty of Fine demic career and the adventure of jo- decided to do this profession. and design. Fatih Sinan Şimşek, who Arts, 8 March International Women’s ining the Association for Supporting As a versatile artist / designer, Şimşek prefers vivid and bright colors both in Day Interview, was held on the on- Contemporary Life. The meeting en- expressed his admiration for Picasso his artistic works and in the advertise- line platform with the attendance of ded with a questionnaire event. and Basquiat, answering the question ment shoots he directed, said that the of how you can evaluate the reflec- colors inspired him. tions of these names on your works, You can access the entire interview “Living Kitchen Trend” Interview with Hüseyin Bölük inspiring artists, designers, and for us on our website. With the organization of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department and the participation of Chef and Food A talk titled “Fatih Sinan ŞİMŞEK on & Beverage Director Hüseyin Bölük, Advertising and Directing” was held “Living Kitchen Trend” interview on Google Meet, moderated by Re- was withheld. search Assistant Zeynep ABACI, on Having evaluated the Living Kitc- March 5 at 14:00. In the conversation hen practices as trends, Bölük gave held with the participation of related brief information about the Gastro- students, ŞİMŞEK shared art practi- nomy trends in the history of the wor- ces and industry experiences. ld when it was realized. He told the The conversation continued with the story of “Living Kitchen Movement”, questions asked by Research Assis- which is described as a local cuisine tant Zeynep ABACI to Şimşek. trend, which focuses on being able “What is the source of your interest to make customers a part of the food in the field of advertising and did you they eat and appealing to five senses. experience a breaking point where You can access the content of the in- you say” yes, I want to do this pro- terview moderated by Assoc. Dr. Aslı fession “?” He replied that this idea ALBAYRAK on our website.
INTERVIEWS INTERVIEWS Aysun Cançat, Faculty Member Of Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty Of hiye Erbay I owe a lot to my teacher. vital traces on this surface. Therefore, I learned a lot from him. Afterwards, sometimes I cannot go for multi-colo- Fine Arts, Answered Our Questions About Her Art Life And Academic Career I completed my doctorate at Marma- red applications. ra University. Likewise, my doctoral So who are the artists that impres- Can we get to know you a little bit? thesis advisor, Prof. Dr. I am grateful sed you the most? When and how did your interest in to Tayfun Akkaya for her contributi- Of course, there is an artist that I am art begin? on to me. This is my education life very impressed with. I find the exp- I was born in Istanbul. My passion for and my process of becoming an aca- ressive attitude of Jean Basquiat, painting has always been there since demician. Of course, I am grateful to Jean Fautrier, the collages of Romare my childhood. I always drew somet- my family who always supported me Burden, the performances of the con- hing in my own way; I used to draw on this path. ceptual artists Joseph Beuys, Yoko various objects and clothes. I would Let’s talk a little bit about your ar- Ono, Chris Burden and indeed many look forward to painting lessons in tistic works. How would you desc- others, impressive. I also find and fol- primary school years; however, this ribe your style of painting? low the productions of Turkish artists enthusiasm would have been a little First of all, my atelier lecturer Prof. such as Nezaket Ekici, Ayşe Erkmen interrupted. Because our painting les- Dr. It was a great chance for me to and Füsun Onur very successful. In sons were either empty or other bran- meet Mehmet Summary. My teacher addition to these, I find the new and ch teachers would attend our lessons. had an expressionist style. I also wor- advanced possibilities offered by te- Therefore, until the end of my high ked in this direction at the beginning, chnology, the current structure of the school years, I continued to draw and but my recent paintings have become field that reveals its own secret and examine the paintings in my own quite different. In my undergradua- overlaps with the messages they con- way. I even have a memory like this. te education; My main branch of art vey, in the production of artists who I was going straight to high school in was painting, and my side art branch use new media tools. We are now in Bakırköy. Every day, there was a sale was sculpture. I also loved to work on the digital age and I think such pre- of landscape paintings on the road I sculptures. I wanted to continue this sentations will meet with the audien- passed, and I was constantly exami- for a bit. That’s why I started to work ce even more intensely in the future. ning the paintings one by one, pau- with relief effects on the canvas sur- As a very important academician sing every day. After I finished high face. of our Faculty of Fine Arts, what school, I won the “Fashion Design” I care about the content dimension is the place of art in our lives and know and perceive them as the cour- department with the aptitude test I of a work. Painting is no longer just your view of today’s art education? ses taken by students studying in re- took without drawing education at the an aesthetic object. While I am pro- Art education has a very important lated fields. However, why shouldn’t Beyoğlu Girls’ Technical Maturation ducing something, I cannot feel inde- place in the general education of the other field students take art classes Institute. After graduating from here, pendent of what is happening in the individual. Art education should be too? For example, I think that a me- I worked in the design department of world. I combine my materials with given seriously by expert trainers dical, engineering or law student a textile company for three years. I social issues such as humanity’s end- from kindergarten to higher educa- should also take an art course as an was doing all the drawing work for feeling intensified, I decided to enroll on, I completed the school first. less physical or psychological wars, tion. This is a personality training, elective course. Art education has a the company, but on the other hand, in a hobby painting course in Yesil- As an artist, how did your path various global crises, consumer cul- a sensitivity training. Creativity and vital feature that complements other I wanted to freely paint myself. So, yurt on weekends. I found myself in cross with the academy, how did ture, and gender discrimination. I use aesthetic perception, intellectual and fields. This can also be achieved th- something was missing. When this every attempt at this course. My po- you decide to become an academic? a canvas surface; but I also want some cultural perspective are developed rough post-pandemic online training. int of view changed completely when After the school was over, I started through fine arts education; individu- Besides all this, as I just said; Deve- my course teacher told me that my to give painting lessons to adults in als with established personality grow loping aesthetic perception and cre- drawings were good and that I could the courses opened by the Istanbul up. Because the child; painting, mu- ativity, seeing competencies, artistic study painting at a university. I con- Metropolitan Municipality. While sic, theater, sculpture etc. they do the application skills, gaining sensitivity tinued my education as the student working here, I also wanted to study activities, they relax. A healthy indi- are important and necessary for all preparing for the only talent exam for a master’s degree. Since I wan- vidual means a healthy society. This individuals. of the course. After three months of ted to learn about art from different is really important. I do not want any Finally, what would you like to say preparation, I thought that there could angles, I started to study in the “Art student to live in my student years. to Istanbul Gelişim University stu- only be a university in the Marmara Management” program of Istanbul Unfortunately, today, in some scho- dents? region because I was working, and I Kültür University with full scholar- ols, art lessons are still empty or other Let them always aim to be the best only took the talent exam of the Mar- ship. When I was a student here, I branch teachers attend these lessons. in their field. Let them always follow mara University’s “Painting” depart- opened my first personal exhibition. Education should be flexible and dy- what is happening in the world and ment. When I passed the talent exam My path to becoming an academic namic to open the door to all types of current developments. Their passion at the first entrance, I couldn’t believe actually started here. Because while intelligence in the classroom. for the profession should never fade, it. I immediately resigned and started I was studying here, a research assis- Most fields now understand the im- they should take advantage of every school. Think of the psychology this tant was offered. I left my job on the portance of acting with a multidis- opportunity for their development, school created for me after the pain- course and became both a student and ciplinary approach. Actually, this they should not let go of them and ting lessons I could never take in my a research assistant here. In the mean- also applies to art education. When they should remember that the basis primary school years. With this passi- time, my thesis advisor, Prof. Dr. Fet- we hear about art classes, we always of everything is working.
INTERVIEWS OUR STUDENTS An Interview Was Held With Lecturer Yağız YAKIN About His Career Our student Suat AKYEL’s book “Kaçış” is just released! And The Effects Of Pandemic On Interior Design Interior Architecture and Environ- can say that we are entering a period Working remotely is an application mental Design Department’s first year in which people will become consci- that is as difficult as possible. We are student Suat AKYEL’s book “Kaçış” ous and live more carefully. people who work face to face, exc- published by Direct Publishing has In a world where social distance is hange ideas and produce. Even if we been released for sale in bookstores. necessary and people cannot use pub- have some difficulty, I think we will AKYEL, who gave an interview on lic spaces as before; What do you get through the process successfully. his first book “Kaçış”; answered qu- think will be the main determinants • What were the factors that affected estions such as how he decided to be- of design? you as you made your career plan- come a writer, the authors he was ac- Most epidemic diseases are transmit- ning in this way? tive in, and how he reinforced it with • If we could get to know you briefly, the chapter he read. You can find the can you tell us about your career pro- ted by particles, these will be success- My passion and effort for the art of ful in terms of filtering them well and architecture enabled me to reach the entire interview on our website. cess in the academy and in the sector? I am Yağız YAKIN, I have been ac- taking precautions and mitigating the desire to transfer my knowledge after tively operating in the sector for 16 damage to keep the spaces clean. It is learning more and more every day. Communication and Design Department Social Responsibility Project “SOZOP” years. I have a design office that par- Communication and Design Department takes in many domestic and internati- students started to work on a social media onal architectural and interior design project with the main theme of digital ad- projects. I have completed 13 years in diction and book reading habits under the the education sector and entered the name of “Social Imperative Project”. The 8th year in university. goal of the project is to inform young ge- after interning in many talented arc- nerations about technology addiction. Fun hitechts offices during my collage ye- and informative posts and videos are being ars, I began setting up my own office. designed and shared on the social media As a result of my studies and higher platform Instagram. These posts include the education with the academic commu- kind of contents which are aimed to raise nity and my professors, I managed to awareness through studies such as podcasts, transfer my experiences in the univer- promotional posters, online interviews, rea- sity to the working environment. ction videos, debate, behind the scenes, and • If we talk about spatial design, in surveys. You can follow @sozoproject Ins- general terms, how will the spaces be tagram page to review all the works of our shaped after the pandemic? obvious that we have entered a period students and their project. Unfortunately, human beings are in which space design will be handled known for forgetting the disasters with more sustainable methods and they have experienced quickly and innovative and technological materi- Here Are The Fruits of March! GastroArt- Raw Food / Raw Nutrition returning to their normal life after als will be designed in excess. After Raw food is of English origin Returns to your natural we- they have recovered. I don’t think the this period, sustainable spaces in de- and its Turkish equivalent me- ight. pandemic will affect the space design sign will be the main determinant of ans raw nutrition. Raw nutri- It allows you to have a radi- much, except for cleanliness and dis- design. tion has been in existence ant skin. tance. My opinion on the subject is During the pandemic process, due to since the 1800s and has gai- It strengthens your hair and that the mechanical systems that tech- restrictions it has become possible to ned popularity in recent times nails. nically equip the art of space arrange- work remotely. What are your positi- when plant foods are at the fo- It cleanses the metabolism ment will develop, and the breathing ve / negative opinions about this on- refront. Raw food is a diet ba- from toxins. air and the life awareness of the en- line education process that you also sed on consuming the foods, vironment will change as in quality. I continue remotely? During the pandemic process, due to vegetables and fruits offered restrictions it has become possible to When the human body is not supported with the nut- by nature in their purest form. work remotely. What are your positi- rients it needs according to changing conditions, the Benefits of RAW Food nutri- ve / negative opinions about this on- immune system weakens. It is important to consume tion: line education process that you also fruit for our health. It is an indispensable vitamin store It allows you to be energetic continue remotely? for a balanced and healthy diet and living a quality life. and sleep better. Working remotely is an application The best choice is seasonal fruits; Because the fruits The cell renews and structu- that is as difficult as possible. We are and vegetables consumed in the season are both he- res. people who work face to face, exc- althier and more delicious. As the fruits consumed in It strengthens the immune hange ideas and produce. Even if we the season do not contain artificial production supple- system. have some difficulty, I think we will ments, they are both delicious and healthier in terms of It has anti-aging properties. get through the process successfully. human health. GastroArt Club Provides ease of digestion.
OUR STUDENTS OUR STUDENTS Radio, Television And Cinema Department Student Selin Sakman GastroArt Club- Lasagna Recipe Evaluated The Effects Of The Pandemic On The Television Industry Prepare your plates, we came up with Preparation of: added in finely chopped parsley. The We asked Selin Sakman, who con- all this, I enjoy my work very much. not strange, even if it is not related to a beautiful lasagna recipe! First of all, a mortar with minced borcam to be cooked lasagna is gre- tinues to work actively in the sector If you leave home and go to work your department, it is very important Lasagna, which has its roots in me- meat is prepared to spread in the la- ased. You start by lining the lasagna while continuing to study in the field happily and happily, the difficulties of to know the equipment. Because ever- dieval Italy, is a dish that is identi- sagna. Cut the onion finely and fry it dough on the bottom floor. Pour the of radio, Television and Cinema, how your job are not a problem at all. ything done in a broadcast is interlin- fied with the city of Naples, which with oil. When the onions turn pink, egg and cheese sauce on it and add she entered the sector and in which “The media industry is always a sector ked. It would be very useful to know has a rich cuisine, especially one of add the ground meat. After mixing, the minced meat mixture. Cover with department she works: that people need. I believe it can be the work done by all departments. But the most beautiful cities of Southern grate the tomato and add it to the lasagna dough again and pour cheese I’ve been in the television industry the biggest weapon in the media in- the most important thing is experien- Italy. It is made with lasagna, cheese, minced meat along with the tomato sauce. In this way, 5 layers are made. since the end of high school. I first dustry if used properly and morally. “ ce. My advice is to try to gain expe- tomato sauce or ragù. Although the paste. Salt and spices are added and Sprinkle grated cheese on the top and started with an internship as a voice Did you have difficulty in evaluating rience without wasting any time. word lasagna was originally the name cooked thoroughly. Meanwhile, 3 put it in the oven. It is baked in 180 operator. My 1 year passed like this your time while working in the sector “I want to see myself as the owner of a of the cooking vessel, today it is only eggs are mixed in another bowl and degree oven for 20 minutes. and when my internship was over, I and continuing your undergraduate television channel in the future. If you called the name of the dish. cheese varieties are grated in it. It is said “I should definitely continue in education? Do you have any advice are interested in cinema, continue to LASAGNA this sector. Working in the director, for people who both work and conti- write scripts and film. If you want to Materials: being behind the scenes of a broad- nue their education in this way? progress in television, write and draw 1000 grams of ground beef cast is incredibly enjoyable. The ima- 1 pack of lasagna dough ge that many people watch on the sc- 2 cloves of garlic reen first passes through you. I think 24 grams of tomato paste this is a very valuable thing. It means 1 tomato being excited, active and concentra- 5 grams of salt ted at any moment. It is also one of 5 grams of ground red pepper the places where teamwork is best 3 eggs handled. Since these are the things 15 grams of fresh parsley that reflect me, I wanted to continue 100 grams of cheddar cheese in this area. Then I switched to KJ 50 grams of parmesan cheese operator. KJ means “character gene- 50 grams of mozzarella cheese rator”. Usually there is a monitor and 1 medium onion a keyboard reserved for the regide Because of the pandemic, I was ta- again. But be sure to see the direction king my lessons by distance educati- of a channel or in front of the camera, KJ. In a program or news broadcast, on when I was active. Occasionally, I take part. “ Cooking Technique In Salt we can say the person responsible for all the articles that appear on the sc- took exams and classes at the workp- What do you think has been the im- lace. I asked my teammates for leave pact of the pandemic period on the te- There are many ways to cook. A meal world’s food resources. Apart from reen. Of course, it works as a team, changes with the ingredients as well using salt as a food source, it is used according to the editor’s wishes. Wri- on exam days. Frankly, this did not levision world? What do you predict pose much of a problem for me. I al- will change in the television industry as the cooking techniques. Cooking by including methods such as storing tes what the editor asks the editor to techniques are a set of methods and food, canning, freezing and refrigera- write, such as the guests’ names, tit- ready talked about this when I was after the pandemic? hired. My teammates also welcomed The pandemic affected the television procedures for preparing, cooking ting. les, and descriptions. It is necessary and serving food. Knowledge of co- It is also known to be rock-like as a to know the spelling rules well. Beca- them. My advice for friends who are industry, like every other industry. thinking of working like me is to state Most of the people who worked on oking techniques allows you to work result of the moistened / wetted salt use the slightest mistake to be made with a variety of ingredients and kitc- interacting with heat. In other wor- is unacceptable, especially during this situation before starting a job. I the production team started working believe that both teachers and team- from home. There have been layoffs. hen equipment to achieve consistent, ds, salt prepared as a layer acts like live broadcast. If you want to work in delicious results in your cooking. a tandoori cooking technique. Thus, this field, you need to be prepared for mates will understand. I think both It is not possible for people working studying and working give people in the technical team to work from Many cooks argue that learning co- all meats or fish are cooked in salt, a stressful environment. Everything oking techniques is more important completely in its own water, using a must be within seconds and is usually more enthusiasm. At the same time, home. That’s why the people in the you get into business life early and teams have been reduced to a mini- than learning to follow recipes, beca- healthy method. Since salt absorbs irreversible. I don’t want these to be use knowing a technique can improve moisture, it ensures that the product intimidating because I think it’s such you start ahead 1-0, inevitably. mum. As the number of people dec- Can you observe the equivalent of the reased, so did the workforce. Produ- a recipe or save a recipe that has gone you cook is soft. a fun job. The same goes for not only wrong. There are many cooking tech- What we need to pay attention to KJ, but also for every episode in the education you received in the field of ctivity has decreased. New programs, Radio, Television and Cinema in the content became harder to serve. In ad- niques: roasting, baking, deep frying, will be to wet the salt with light wa- production. As the broadcast begins, broiling, stewing, cooking in salt ... ter and egg white to make it so that it you prepare. During the broadcast, sector? dition, due to people staying at home, So what does sauté mean, what does can take shape, that is, it can stick to In addition, contrary to what is belie- you should concentrate only on what Of course, I saw the benefits of the the demand for these new programs braise mean, or what is the technique each other. After reaching this consis- ved in salt cooking method; After the you are doing and when you exit the chapter I read. In the Radio, Tele- has also increased. I think people got of cooking in salt? Excellent questi- tency, we will be able to easily cover cooking action has taken place, meat drama, you will be listened to until vision and Cinema section, you are more used to spending time in front ons! the meat or fish. And in this way, we or fish will not be a salty product, ex- the next broadcast. Sometimes your allowed to recognize and use many of the television during this period. Now I want to talk about cooking in will completely cut off contact with cept for the salt poured on the meat day and night can be confused. You equipment that you can see on a tele- After the pandemic, I think the tele- salt, which is a great technique for the outside. when the salt is broken. may need to adjust your life accor- vision channel. This provides a lot of vision industry will be more popular fish and meats. Cooking in salt is an increasingly po- Şevval Evin Alacan- Gastronomy and ding to the broadcast times. Despite advantages in business life. You are than before. Salt has an important place in the pular form of cooking. Culinary Arts 3rd Year Student
OUR GRADUATES OUR GRADUATES Our Interior Architecture And Environmental Design Graduate Selen if I were. The education I received Ünlü Tells His Professional Life at Istanbul Gelişim University hel- ped us ask these questions and find Design and that you think will give their answers. you a great advantage? We know that all professions are af- Of course there is. Every school fected by the pandemic process. As brings small or big advantages to a professional interior designer and every student. My biggest advan- designer, what kind of changes will tage was what my teachers told you foresee in the field of professi- and showed us. In the department, on with the pandemic process? they always told us that the areas Yes, the pandemic really affected we designed should have a concept, the pandemic, but what I see is ac- they should be in integrity. When tually that our profession was posi- we were at school, we used to think tively affected in this period. I can these were just project-based. Af- explain this situation as follows: terwards, what you see in your when people closed down, people business life is the following: You want to use a small detail you use on a cabinet door in other parts of the house and achieve integrity. Be- cause a piece of a design only looks Hello Selen. First of all, we would rent culture, a completely different aesthetic and gains meaning when it like to state that we are happy to city and a different language. Even creates integrity. While everything contact you again. Could you brief- though it is very difficult to speak is beautiful and useful on its own, ly tell us about your professional and communicate in English when when we try to solve this in a field, life after graduating from Istanbul a large part of the society is spea- we come to the subject of “con- Gelişim University? What have you king Arabic, I taught at a school in cept-harmony” that we learned at started to see flaws in their homes. done, what are you doing now? Casablanca for 1 and a half months. school. When we won the interior They found that the furniture they Hello. I am really happy to be on We had the opportunity to explore architecture and environmental were sitting / using was actually a platform for my school years la- the beautiful texture and historical design department at the univer- very uncomfortable and uncom- ter. Coming to the starting story streets of Morocco on weekends or sity, none of us were designers, but fortable. This resulted in an incre- of my professional life ... I went to in our free time. In the year I gra- we all graduated as well-equipped ase in furniture sales in the period Casablanca city of Morocco as part duated from school, I worked at a interior architects and designers. in question. People have started of a social responsibility project, few construction sites in Istanbul These designs can be a home or a to be more critical of their homes thinking that it will contribute to and gained field experience. For a furniture. Also, the university tau- and tend towards detached / garde- my business life the year I gradu- while, we were interested in the ar- ght us to be able to look at everyt- ned houses and nature rather than ate from university. Social respon- chitectural project he was carrying hing critically. In the spaces I enter, apartments. In this process, they sibility projects, as we all know, are out with a friend of mine. But with I first examine the space; I question looked for people who could pre- projects that aim to enable indivi- the arrival of the pandemic, I had what and how they did it, why they sent their requests. For this reason, duals to leave their comfort areas to return to the city where my fa- did it. Then I think what I would do I think the need and demand for and adapt to the new environments mily lived, to Muğla. After I came interior designers has increased. In can do for himself is to always add they have entered, and to bring here, I observed that there was a the face of this situation brought new things to himself. I can say that this harmony together with people need and demand for interior ar- about by the pandemic, social are- if they want to become well-equip- in need. The project that I was in- chitecture services in Muğla, and as, hospitals and public institutions ped interior architects when they volved in was a program based on I started my business life here by will now be designed by paying at- graduate, they need to read a lot, teaching English to children and taking a few projects. Currently, I tention to completely different cri- criticize a lot and see as many pro- spending time with them at a scho- continue to work to open an office, teria. I think that everything that jects as they can. If they can, they ol in Casablanca. Thus, I would and I provide interior architecture is experienced in this period will be should go to different countries in improve my English by practicing and design services as a freelancer. taken into consideration in future social responsibility projects, this and add an important competence designs. will add a lot to them. Finally, let to my CV, and of course I would While doing your interior archite- Finally, what kind of advice would them travel as much as they can also contribute to students from cture profession, do you have any you give to fellow students studying and always ask the following ques- different geographies while do- achievements that you have gained at the department you graduated tion where they go: “If I were, how ing this. Although the project was during your education at Istan- from? would I do / design?”. Who knows, challenging for me in many ways, bul Gelişim University, Faculty of The most important thing a person maybe one day they will. it definitely contributed greatly in Fine Arts, Department of Interior terms of gaining a completely diffe- Architecture and Environmental
NEW PROFESSIONAL BRANCHES OPINION-REVIEW Research Assistant Büşra KAMACIOĞLU Arter Interprets the “Voice Virtual Reality Sequence” Series Based on the Concepts of “Sound and Silence” our minds and hearts much better in silence. Colors and objects accom- pany us in this exploration. In this sense, the exhibitions “For Listening Eyes” and Rainforest V (variation Designer 3), which are in close dialogue with each other, offer us a nice environ- ment for exploration. The avant-gar- de composer Jhon Cage, known for his creative compositions and un- conventional ideas, took a similar Communication and Design Depart- Virtual reality designers; Uses 3D tical teaching tool for use in surgical munication design, computer techno- ment Research Assistant Büşra KA- (3D) design skills to create immersi- operations, or you can help new pilots logies, telecommunications, software MACIOĞLU expressed her thoughts ve digital worlds used for education, by copying real-world scenarios in a development, digital game design, by linking the “For Listening Eyes” training and entertainment. Its main flight simulator. film industry and many branches of and “Rain Forest V (variation 3)” purpose is to simulate user experien- The three main jobs that virtual rea- engineering are professions that are exhibitions of the “Voice Sequence” ces and complex object interactions lity designers do are: thought to provide valuable skills for series, which took place simultane- or services with each other and with ● Designing concepts and ideas for the virtual reality profession.Kaynak- ously, on the basis that the concepts the user. Virtual reality design can the virtual reality world lar: of sound and silence are an integral be used in many areas. New soluti- ● Using computer-aided design Strate School of Design. (2021). part of art: In Arter’s exhibition ex- ons under investigation in the fields (CAD) to transform drawings into 3D “Virtual Reality Designer: Job Desc- periences within the scope of “silent of aviation, automotive, high tech- models ription”. https://www.strate.educati- series”, music emerges as a form of nology, luxury, banking services, ● Designing interactive VR (Virtual on/vr-designer Erişim Tarihi: 23 Mart the universal language covered by all healthcare, hospital systems are very Reality) features that attract and edu- 2021. arts transformed into sounds. Althou- complex in terms of interaction, in- cate users Digital World. (2021). “Virtual Re- gh the concepts of sound and silen- attitude towards sound, starting from imagine the “sounds” evoked by the tegration or concept. So they need to Virtual reality designers work in a ality Designer”. https://www.digi- ce seem to be opposite to each other, both Zen philosophy and Marcel Du- works in the prevailing general silen- be imagined, thought out, designed wide variety of industries and have they are actually two concepts that champ’s tendency to define common ce. Listening Eyes exhibition can be and simulated virtually before they a similarly wide range of skills and Erişim Tarihi: 23 Mart 2021 contain and affect each other. A deep objects as works of art. Based on Ar- visited until January 2, 2022, and the can be implemented. With its virtual qualifications. Especially augmented Hazırlayan: Arş. Gör. Gökçe Uzgören silence is the state of being the grea- ter’s experimental approach in which Rainforest V (variation 3) exhibition reality design, you can design a prac- reality design, graphic design, com- test vowel. Sound is a discovery, and silence is blended with natural music until January 30, 2022. sometimes we perceive the sounds in and works, it allows to discover and
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