Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021

Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Scouting Stars
 Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
                  Welcome & Ways to Participate

                        Scouting Star Awards

                   Troop Watch Party Check-In

                     Gold Award Presentations

                       Raffle & Bingo Drawing


                   Special Thanks
    Hosts: Carissa M. & Jessica Cafferty | Videographer: Stephanie Cullen
  Business Interiors of Idaho | Nancy Ward | Miracle & Banbury Hot Springs
AWOL Adventure Sports | Silver Sage Board & Staff | All our generous sponsors
Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Play Bingo for your chance to win a $100 Gift Card!

Read the girl bios in this digital yearbook and
listen for clues during the broadcast. You can
also earn a clue by participating in our raffle,
tribute stars, or posting on social media.

Click on this link to generate your own unique
bingo card.

Mark off 5 clues in a row (horizontal, vertical, or              Bingo sponsored by
diagonal) to get Bingo. When you get Bingo, share               Horizon Credit Union
it in the chat box!

At the end of the broadcast, the grand prize
winner will be drawn. Listen for your 6-digit card
number (found in the menu at the bottom right
of screen or in your URL. For example:

                                          Enter the raffle for one of three
                                         highly coveted items listed below
            Airline Tickets
            2 coach roundtrip tickets on Alaska Airlines anywhere they fly $2,500 value!

            Magic Valley Activity Package
            Fun experiences to have on your next trip to the Magic Valley including a dip in
            Miracle Hot Springs and a zipline tour from AWOL Adventure Sports $150 value!

            Silver Sage Swag Basket
            A basket filled with plenty of cookies and your favorite goodies from our retail
            store $100 value!
                                                                        Sponsored by
                                                              Elam & Burke Attorneys at Law
Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25
Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Scouting Stars 2021
                                  What It Takes
Scouting Stars recognizes Girl Scouts who have demonstrated extraordinary vision,
 achievement, and leadership. Honorees are community-centered individuals who
                   exemplify the key qualities of Girl Scouting:

      Courage                        Confidence                       Character
  Nominees show courage by        Nominees conduct themselves         Nominees demonstrate
pioneering in a non-traditional   with self-assurance, strength,    moral and ethical strength,
 field, beating extraordinary      grace, and tact without ever      show leadership through
   odds, taking up a special          crossing the line into             example, and are
 cause, or speaking the truth               arrogance.             consistently known for doing
  even when it’s unpopular.                                               the right thing.

 Current Girl Scouts must also be a Cadette level or higher and have completed a
 Take Action Project as a leader, and earned Bronze Award or higher, Presidential
           Service Award, or Prudential Spirit of Community Award.

                      Congratulations to the following Girl Scouts:

                                         Katelyn G.
                                           Ivy H.
                                          Lillie H.
                                         Isabella J.
                                          Grace K.
                                          Keeley L.
                                        Savannah W.
Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Katelyn G.
                                           Three words that describe me:

                                           “Through Girl Scouts, I have learned so many life skills including
                                           leadership, teamwork, and constant enthusiasm. I think that
                                           being a Girl Scout means stepping outside of your comfort zone
                                           and going out of your way to help others. It means to build your
                                           and other girl’s confidence, skills, and doing good in the world.
                                           I am so glad that I decided to join Girl Scouts all those years ago
                                           because it has taught me how important it is to be kind and help
                                           others, besides, it has shaped me into the person I am today.”

                                                         I look up to:
                11th Grade at                            My Math teacher                           Proud
                Century High School                      because of her great                      Girl Scout
                                                         teaching ability and is                   10 years
                                                         entertaining to listen to.

   Katelyn has been inducted into the National Honor Society and was recently selected as a drum major for
  Century High Schools 2021 fall marching band. Katelyn enjoys marching band, baking, and playing with her
 dogs. Her greatest achievement so far has been rehabilitating a feral dog from the Bannock Humane Society. In
                 the future she would like to do something related to either music or computers.

Highest Awards

Katelyn earned her Silver Award by hosting a STEM
 workshop for girls in elementary school. She and
her troop taught the younger girls about science, art,
  and drama and showed them how cool STEM is.
Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Ivy H.
                                          Three words that describe me:

                                          The best piece of advice Ivy has received is “Always be polite and
                                          kind.” Her message to the world is “Be who you want to be and
                                          be kind to others.”

                                                      I look up to:
               9th Grade at                                                                       Proud
                                                      My mom. She is
               Gem Prep: Pocatello                                                                Girl Scout
                                                      always trying to do
                                                                                                  4 years
                                                      the right thing and be
                                                      nice to people.

Ivy loves space, science, reading, origami, drawing, and is learning astrophysics in her spare time. She is working
  on getting an annual science fair started at her school as well as a debate team for the upper grades. Ivy would
              like to major in engineering and get a job working on the rovers at NASA or Space X.

Highest Awards

  Ivy earned her Silver Award with her sister and a
    fellow Cadette Girl Scout by helping plan and
    execute a Foster Family Appreciation Day for
 families who have foster children. They organized
     games, donations from the local community,
  dinner, and a DJ to come to the event. They also
helped write a manual to give to Health and Welfare
   so they could replicate the event on their own.
Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Lillie H.
                                          Three words that describe me:

                                          The best piece of advice Lillie has received is “Life is not a
                                          problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” Her
                                          message to the world is “Never Give Up!”

                                                       I look up to:
               10th Grade at                                                                        Proud
                                                       My mom because she’s
               Gem Prep: Pocatello                                                                  Girl Scout
                                                       always there for me. She
                                                                                                    4 years
                                                       builds me up and shows
                                                       me to build up others too

  Lillie plays on the Lady Bandits Lacrosse team with the Pocatello Bandits Lacrosse Club. Lillie also enjoys
camping, hiking, learning survival skills, supporting the LGBTQA+ community, and pet sitting. She plans to go
                                           to school to become a welder.

Highest Awards

 Lillie earned her Silver Award with her sister and
  another Cadette Girl Scout. They put together a
Foster Family Appreciation Picnic for local families
  who foster children in their area. They secured
   prizes to give to families at the event, planned
  games, asked for volunteers, and helped write a
manual for Health and Welfare so they can put the
          event on themselves in the future.
Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Isabella J.
                                         Three words that describe me:

                                         “To be a Girl Scout you can do anything. We love everyone. We
                                         don’t disgrace anyone. As a Girl Scout we also do a lot of outdoor
                                         activities. Camping, hiking, swimming, art, etc. As a Girl Scout I
                                         have learned many things throughout my life. Being a Girl Scout
                                         for ten years has been the best part of my life, and I think more
                                         people should have that experience.”

                                                      I look up to:
               10th Grade at                          Wonder Woman. She                          Proud
               Compass Academy                        started as a small,                        Girl Scout
                                                      ordinary child and turned                  10 years
                                                      into a strong, independent
                                                      warrior woman.

                Isabella enjoys reading, drawing, painting, and writing out anything else creative.
  She plans to get her nursing degree and become an ER or pediatrics nurse. Her greatest achievement so far is
                           being a good person and being there for people who need it.

Highest Awards

 For her Bronze Award, Isabella’s troop built new
 bookshelves for the school library. For her Silver
Award, she sewed masks and included directions for
     people who wanted to make their own.
Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Grace K.
                                           Three words that describe me:

                                           “Over my years in Girl Scouts, I have had a lot of amazing and
                                           different experiences. When I started, I had no idea how much it
                                           would educate me and push me to do my best. It has shaped me
                                           by surrounding me with female leader figures from a young age.
                                           To me, being a Girl Scout means being the best version of myself
                                           and helping others to be the best version of themselves too.”

                                                         I look up to:
                12th Grade at                            Taylor Swift. I love how she           Proud
                Highland High School                     has overcome a lot of                  Girl Scout
                                                         obstacles and been brave               11 years
                                                         enough to share her story
                                                         and opinions with the world
                                                         even in the face of adversity.

 Grace is a member of the National Honor Society. She has been on her school’s varsity cross country and track
  teams. Her greatest achievement so far has been keeping a 4.0 GPA while playing multiple sports. Keeping a
 positive mindset has helped her overcome challenges. Grace also enjoys skiing, hiking, camping, and playing
     piano. She plans to attend college after she graduates, following a pre-med track and minor in Spanish.

Highest Awards

 Grace earned her Bronze Award with her troop by
     making and delivering activity bags for the
childrens’ unit in the hospital. She earned her Silver
Award by setting up a bike workshop at a local event
 in Pocatello and teaching kids bike safety. Grace is
       currently working on her Gold Award.
Scouting Stars Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 2021
Keeley L.
                                         Three words that describe me:

                                         “The projects that I have participated in have taught me a lot about
                                         the needs in my community and how I can help. These children
                                         may never remember us personally but will hopefully always
                                         remember that Girl Scouts cared about them. Girl Scouting has
                                         shaped my life and my future. Competitive fields will be more open
                                         to me because I am a Girl Scout and have proven that I can stay the
                                         course even when it is difficult. I have learned life skills, outdoor
                                         skills, and made lifelong sisters within my troop. I am really happy
                                         that I chose to stay in Girl Scouts.”

                                                       I look up to:
               11th Grade at                           Laura Ingalls Wilder. In                 Proud
               Century High School                     a time when there were                   Girl Scout
                                                       gender discrimination and                5 years
                                                       depressions, She told the
                                                       world how she saw

 Keeley enjoys rafting, snowmobiling, photography, camping, spending time with friends and family, and being
 outdoors. She is also a member of the National Honor Society. Keeley can see herself working outdoors, as well
                      as working in interior design. She plans to be a Girl Scout Leader, also.

Highest Awards

 For her Bronze Award, Keeley and her troop made
 care packages for children in the hospital. For her
  Silver Award, she put together art backpacks for
children staying at the Women and Children’s home.
  Keeley is currently working on her Gold Award.
Savannah W.
                                           Three words that describe me:

                                           Savannah has served as a national delegate for the Silver Sage
                                           Council and has organized several Rake Up Boise events. Her
                                           greatest achievement so far is earning her second-degree black
                                           belt in Taekwondo. She credits persistence for helping her
                                           overcome obstacles during her achievement. “I always kept
                                           moving forward-looking to a better day. If you don’t give up, you
                                           can start to grow.”

                                                         I look up to:
                10th Grade at                            Sally Ride had a robust                  Proud
                Virtual School House                     career first as an astronaut             Girl Scout
                                                         then as a leader of                      10 years
                                                         nonprofits to teach kids
                                                         about space.

 Savannah enjoys learning science and math, reading comics and books, volunteering, hiking, paddle boarding,
and design. In the future, she hopes to combine her passions for helping people, especially those in marginalized
                                         communities, and space sciences.

Highest Awards

  For Savannah’s Silver Award, she decided to help
   people of the LGBTQ+ community in her area.
 She spent numerous hours researching, compiling
resources, and developing a virtual safe space for the
                LGBTQ+ community.
Girl Scout
                      Gold Award
                        the mark of the truly remarkable

The prestigious Girl Scout Gold Award represents the highest achievement in Girl Scouting and
challenges girls ages 14-17 to initiate meaningful, sustainable change locally, nationally, and/or
              globally through unique Take Action projects of their own creation.

 A minimum of 80 hours of work is required and all hours must be completed by the Girl Scout.
Girls are encouraged to use others as resources from the community to help her, and plans must
    be developed with the aid of an advisor, a proposal must be approved, and a final report
                      submitted and approved before the award is earned.

But Gold Award Girl Scouts aren’t just creating positive change for others: they are also realizing
  incredible outcomes for themselves. Learn more about this years’ Gold Award Girl Scouts…

                                                    in her own words!
Anna C.
                                   “Earning the Gold Award was one of the most rewarding
                                   feelings that I have ever had, finally seeing all of my hard
                                   work and dedication pay off felt amazing. It is an honor to
                                   receive the recognition of this award because it validates
                                   and encourages the investment of debate and critical
                                   thinking within childhood education, and I am so glad that
                                   the committee recognizes the importance of these skills.”

Roadmap to Success

Anna created a debate club for middle school students aimed at increasing youth civic
engagement. She coached weekly meetings and created a toolkit for other middle schools to
use. Students in the club gained knowledge, skills and confidence in public speaking, civics, and
global and national issues.

           Anna graduated from Eagle High School in 2020 and is currently attending
                         Cal Poly University in San Luis Obispo, CA.
McKinley K.
                                   “To me, earning the Gold Award means I have made efforts
                                   to better my community. It feels empowering to have led
                                   a project that will have a lasting impact. The Gold Award
                                   symbolizes change, leadership, teamwork, and dedication.”

Improving Mental Health Awareness

McKinley saw the need for mental health resources for girls. She created a Mental Health
Awareness Patch for all Girl Scout levels. By completing the Discover, Connect, and Take Action
activities of the patch, girls learn about relaxation techniques, healthy coping mechanisms,
positive expression and self-affirmation.

McKinley recently graduated from Boise High
      School and is working as a camp
counselor at Camp Echo in Boise this summer.
Carissa M.
                                   “Earning my Gold Award has allowed me to use all the skills
                                   the Girl Scout program has given me over the last 10 years
                                   and to be able to create a project that will have real change
                                   in both my local and outside communities for many years
                                   to come.”

Save Idaho’s Bull Trout

Carissa discovered that people in the community were not aware that the Bull Trout is a
threatened species, causing it to be overharvested. To address the issue, she created posters,
flyers, a website, and a learning curriculum to help educate the community, including hanging
posters on the Greenbelt along the Boise River.

Carissa recently graduated high school and is
       working as a camp counselor at
      Camp Echo in Boise this summer.
Tribute Star
   Honor someone special in your life by purchasing a Tribute Star. Show
gratitude for others while supporting the organization you love. For $5 each,
you may give a virtual Tribute Star in appreciation of your Girl Scout Sisters
                 or loved ones who have impacted your life.

          Thank you to our sponsors:
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