Candidates for Election 2020 Board of Trustees - Sully Station

Page created by Sidney Gutierrez
Candidates for Election
                                      2020 Board of Trustees

               Biographies ..................................................................................................1
                    Cindy Gilbride .......................................................................................1
                    Sheila McCoy.........................................................................................2
                    Ted Moore ..............................................................................................2
                    Christopher Nelson ................................................................................3
                    Ed Pouncey ............................................................................................3
                    Diane Powers .........................................................................................3
                    Mike Reda ..............................................................................................3
               Candidates' Views ........................................................................................5


                                                            Cindy Gilbride
                                                 I have lived in Centreville since January 1981 and have been a resident of
                                                 Sully Station since 1992. I have seen Centreville transform from a small
                                                 community to a large urban community. My husband, Paul and our three
                                                 children (now grown) have enjoyed living in Sully Station and all its
                                                 Since 2006, I have served on the Sully Station’s Board of Trustees in both
                                                 secretary and vice chairman roles. I have also served on the Sully Station
                                                 Community as a volunteer for the swim team, the Neighborhood Watch
                                                 Program and special events such as Taste of Sully, National Night Out, and
                                                 Midnight Swim.
                                    The Board of Trustees responsibility is to represent all the residents of Sully
                                    Station by making sound decisions that ensure Sully Station remains a
desirable community to reside in and a place you are proud to call home. During my tenure on the Board of
Trustees, I have sought to keep Sully Station a desirable place to live while at the same time keeping the
homeowners fees reasonable.
I have recently retired from the Department of Defense in the Human Resources Directorate. I am currently
serving my 6th term on the Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) on the Board of Directors which
currently has a membership of over 173,000. This is my second year serving as the NOVEC Board of Directors
Treasurer. I also serve on a board for the Virginia, Maryland and Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives
(VMDAEC) Educational Services and the Scholarship Foundation. The Education Scholarship Foundation
provides scholarships for post-secondary education for deserving financially challenged students in cooperative
territories. The Educational Services supports members and the VMDAEC staff through educational opportunities
and administrative services.
I believe my experience on various boards as well as my work experience has allowed me to be a valuable member
of the Board of Trustees. It would be an honor to continue to represent the citizens of Sully Station in the
successful path that current Board members have bestowed on the community. I would appreciate your continued
support and vote for me to remain on the Sully Station Board of Trustees.
Sheila McCoy
                                      After a 30-year career in the Navy, I retired as a Captain. My background
                                      has provided education and experience which are helpful in analyzing
                                      community issues, formulating options and following through to ensure
                                      solutions are implemented in a practical and fiscally responsible manner.
                                      Graduate education resulting in a master’s degree in management and
                                      supervision and another in information technology helped me further
                                      appreciate many aspects of management. My Navy career also provided
                                      me with extensive experience in researching and complying with laws and
                                      regulations and in managing major programs with large budgets. As
                                      commanding officer of a naval base, my responsibilities included the
                                      operational mission of the anti-submarine warfare facility as well as the
                                      entire physical plant. This included base housing, the barracks, on base
                                      services, galley, recreation facilities, and support contracts. Since retiring
from the Navy, I have worked as an industry consultant and with a non-profit professional association. For several
years I also served on the Board of Navy Federal Credit Union.
Since purchasing my townhome in the Winding Woods Neighborhood in 1988 I have supported the Sully Station
community by serving on many committees and projects including:
       Carrying out duties as a member of the architectural review board.
       Reviewing pool management proposals and providing recommendations for safe and efficient opening of
       the pool in its first season.
       Surveying the community as a member of the Tree Committee and preparing recommendations for
       replacements of storm damaged trees.
       Marking sidewalks to identify trip hazards so the Board could plan for sidewalk repairs.
       Drafting the policy for advertising in the newsletter and on the website.
       Chairing the election committee and providing a report recommending updates to our election processes.
Currently I am involved by:
       Attending board meetings so I can keep up with community issues.
       Managing our website.
I welcome the opportunity to work together to help improve our community by tackling tough challenges ahead
of us, by using our resources responsibly, and maintaining Sully Station in a way which helps preserve property
values and keeps the community a pleasant place in which to live.
Thank you.

                                                 Ted Moore
                                       My family and I have lived in Sully Station for the past 12+ years. My wife,
                                       Kathy, and I have three children: Payton (19), Adison (17) and Jarrett (14).
                                       The pool and the swim team were the two major reasons that we made the
                                       move into Sully Station. I currently Chair the Sully Station Events
                                       Committee. I believe that these neighborhood events create a strong sense
                                       of community. I also sit on the Comprehensive Planning Committee. This
                                       committee’s charter is to determine possible capital improvements and
                                       amenity upgrades to ensure our community remains an attractive place to
                                       live in the Centreville/Chantilly area. I firmly believe that Sully Station
                                       needs to continually improve and maintain itself to remain an attractive
                                       community to live in. I would like to continue to serve on the board of
                                       trustees and continue to move this community towards being one of the top
                                       communities in the area.

Christopher Nelson
                                     I have lived in our community for the past 28 years, enjoying the quality of
                                     life that Sully Station offers. I would like to continue to serve you as a
                                     Trustee. I am currently completing my 15th year on the Board of Trustees
                                     and I am currently serving as the Treasurer of the Association.
                                     I have a degree in Chemical Engineering and an MBA from the Wharton
                                     School. I have worked in Engineering, Sales, Internet-related ventures and
                                     financial/management consulting. I plan to continue to use my experience
                                     in financial management to properly steward your homeowner’s dues,
                                     community property and capital investments.
                                     I intend to work with the fellow Trustees to maintain this community as a
                                     great place to live while also ensuring your monthly dues payment remains
                                     reasonable. I believe Sully Station is one of the finest communities in
Northern Virginia and I look forward to continuing to serve you as a Trustee. I appreciate your support.
Thank you.

                                              Ed Pouncey
                                     Ed, a member of the Board of Trustees, desires to retain his position as a
                                     Trustee At-Large to serve and support the Sully Station Community and
                                     represent the best interests of all Sully Station residents.
                                     Ed is the original owner of his town home and has been a member of the
                                     Sully Station community since the spring of 1989. He was a member of the
                                     Architectural Review Board from 1994-1996. He has served on the Board
                                     of Trustees for all but two years since 1996 and has held the positions of
                                     Secretary and President.
                                     Ed holds a Masters of Business Administration and a Bachelors degree with
                                     a major in Accounting. He has many years of professional experience in
                                     the fields of Budgeting, Facilities Management, Support Services Security
                                     and other related areas of Management.
With his solid management background and his proactive approach, Ed’s continuing objective as a Board member
is to assure that Sully Station remains one of Fairfax County’s most desirable communities in which to live.

                                             Diane Powers
                                     My family and I moved to Sully Station fifteen years ago in support of my
                                     husband's career with the Department of Defense. As a member of our
                                     Architectural Review Board, I have become familiar not only with policies
                                     and procedures, but with the physical landscape of the entire community.
                                     I, along with the other ARB members, have spent extra time and effort on
                                     issues that are important to the community. I will do the same as a member
                                     of the Board of Trustees. I am very experienced dealing with the public
                                     having worked for a major airline,hotel chain and as a licensed real estate
                                     agent. I will be available to the Board , not only once a month, but whenever
                                     necessary. I also would volunteer to be a liaison between the ARB (for
                                     which I would resign) and the Board of Trustees. I am a native of Chicago
                                     and hold a B.S. in Journalism from Northern Illinois University.

                                               Mike Reda
                                     My wife Leslie and I, along with our two children, have lived in Centreville
                                     for the past 30 years, 20 of these years in Sully Station. Over the past 20
                                     years, I have seen tremendous change and growth in and around our
                                     community and I would work diligently to protect our community’s
                                     integrity and the promotion of needed enhancement.
                                     Although my efforts serving our community were mainly dedicated to our
                                     beloved swim team (4 years as Team Rep), I have been an active participant
                                     and volunteer for a variety of events sponsored by our community. Having
                                     lived in our neighboring community, Sully Station II prior to moving here
                                     in 1999, I was fortunate to have served on the Board of Trustees for 7 years,
                                     4 of which as Treasurer. Having been in the residential financial industry
                                     for the past 31 years, working alongside community management
companies and HOA Boards, I feel my expertise and knowledge of HOA Budgets and community initiatives
would serve as a seamless fit to the existing Board.
It would be a privilege and an honor, if elected, to serve as a Board of Trustee member and look forward to that

Candidates' Views
                                Cindy                                Sheila                              Ted                                Christopher                         Ed                                 Diane                               Mike
                                Gilbride                             McCoy                               Moore                              Nelson                              Pouncey                            Powers                              Reda
                                (Bio)                                (Bio)                               (Bio)                              (Bio)                               (Bio)                              (Bio)                               (Bio)
What do you think   My neighbors throughout the          Sully Station’s natural setting is   I feel the community center and    The best thing about our Sully      The best feature of Sully         Sully Station offers many           Sully Station encompasses a
is the best thing   community are the best thing         pleasant, and the location is        pool are the best thing about      Station Community is the            Station is our green spaces in    amenities for our homeowners.       variety of amenities offered to
about our Sully     about living in Sully Station.       very convenient with respect to      Sully Station. With these two      people. Almost everyone I meet      the common area. As an            We have a beautiful pool,           our residents, including pool,
Station             People move here and make            stores, restaurants, and major       locations being the focal point    is helpful and positive about the   original owner one of the items   tennis courts, playgrounds for      tennis courts, walking trails,
Community?          connections. It is a close-knit      transportation.                      of many events and activities, I   community. My neighbors are         that drew me to our community     the children and social events      close to retail shopping and
                    neighborhood in which people                                              believe it creates the great       all willing to help each other      is the large of amount of green   we all can attend. Sully Station    local restaurants. Sully Station
                    take care of each other in good                                           community feel that Sully          when needed. We have many           space and trails throughout the   is located in close proximity to    has always maintained a sense
                    and bad times. Once people                                                Station has to offer.              volunteers in the community         community.                        many businesses and services        a tradition by giving back to
                    move here, they generally stay.                                                                              who host events which allow                                           that everyone uses. It is a short   our community through social
                    The schools are excellent,                                                                                   people from different parts of                                        driving distance to Dulles          events held throughout the
                    shopping is close, the                                                                                       the community to meet. The                                            airport, I-66 as well as the        year, swim team support and
                    community has a good                                                                                         Swim Team is backed by a                                              DMV and post office.                overall maintenance of our
                    reputation, and it is a safe place                                                                           great group of volunteers who                                         Wegmans is a wonderful              common areas. Are there areas
                    to live and raise a family.                                                                                  put on two big swim meets a                                           addition to our area. Having        of improvement? Of course,
                                                                                                                                 week during the swim season                                           necessary services convenient       but I do believe that Sully
                                                                                                                                 as well as hold cookouts for the                                      to Sully Station is a great         Station has taken great pride in
                                                                                                                                 community and raise money for                                         selling point which adds to the     its curb appeal and is proactive
                                                                                                                                 charity. Living with so many                                          value of our homes.                 in making this a safe and
                                                                                                                                 nice caring people has been a                                                                             beautiful place to live.
                                                                                                                                 great experience for me and my
                                                                                                                                 family. Sully Station always
                                                                                                                                 has been and remains a great
                                                                                                                                 place to raise a family because
                                                                                                                                 of the people who live here.

What would you      Our community is surrounded          I would like to see the              I would like to preserve the       Two important things we need        As mentioned above, the green     Trees and walking trails            We all chose Sully Station for
like to see         by mature trees in the common        community amenities such as          community events, our green        to preserve in our community        spaces is an important part of    enhance our community. They         one reason or another and
preserved in our    areas and along the trails. I        the community center, pool, tot      spaces and amenities. That will    are the pool/community center       our community and should be       should be maintained and            understanding and preserving
community?          think it is important to maintain    lots, trails, tennis courts and      preserve the feeling of            complex and the green spaces        preserved. We should limit tree   preserved as much as possible       those reasons should be the
                    the trails in and around Sully       basketball courts as well as the     community within Sully             in our community.                   removal in all areas. In the      while using our financial           primary focus of any governing
                    Station. I think it is also          open common areas maintained         Station.                                                               areas that the Association        resources wisely. Having and        Board. If elected to the Board,
                                                                                                                                 The pool/community center is
                    important to remove trees and        in a manner which helps keep                                                                                maintains, trees that are         HOA has helped tremendously         my commitment would be
                                                                                                                                 the geographic and spiritual
                    limbs that pose a threat to the      them available and in good                                                                                  removed should be promptly        in maintaining the integrity of     maintaining the appeal and
                                                                                                                                 center of our neighborhood. We
                    community and plant new trees        condition for the use of owners                                                                             replaced.                         our neighborhood.                   ‘reason’ of each homeowner.
                                                                                                                                 have recently remodeled the
                    and shrubs as necessary. The         and tenants.
                                                                                                                                 community center and are

board has continued to make                                                                              currently planning a major
                      landscape improvements to                                                                                redesign of the pool area. In the
                      maintain the beauty of the                                                                               summer the pool is an integral
                      community and make Sully                                                                                 part of our community and we
                      Station a desirable place to live.                                                                       should maintain and modernize
                      The swim team is an integral
                      part of Sully Station that allows                                                                        Our community has about 20%
                      our youth to feel a part of the                                                                          green space in the common
                      community. The swim team has                                                                             areas, some landscaped and
                      a good reputation and                                                                                    some of it left to nature. Our
                      neighboring youth seek                                                                                   community trails seamlessly
                      summer pool memberships in                                                                               integrate with trails in and
                      order to join the team.                                                                                  around the Flatlick Branch. I
                                                                                                                               am currently working with the
                      We need to continue to host
                                                                                                                               Fairfax County Park Authority
                      social events to bring
                                                                                                                               to get trail maintenance and the
                      community members together.
                                                                                                                               trail bridge replaced. We
                      Social events are a good
                                                                                                                               generally limit tree removal to
                      opportunity for people in the
                                                                                                                               trees threatening people or
                      community to volunteer and get
                                                                                                                               property and this must continue
                      to know their neighbors.
                      The board of trustees should
                                                                                                                               with tree replacement where
                      identify and provide services
                                                                                                                               indicated. We should continue
                      and amenities that the residents
                                                                                                                               to respect and maintain our
                      desire, maintain the facilities,
                                                                                                                               common areas.
                      all while maintaining a strong
                      financial position and operating
                      in a cost-effective manner to
                      keep the home owners fees low.

What do you see as    With the aging community, we         Critical issues facing the        Proactively maintaining our       Each part of the neighborhood       The most critical issue facing     Sully Station is maturing as a      I feel the most critical issues
the critical issues   need to protect and preserve the     community include using our       amenities would help them last    has its own critical issues to      Sully Station is increased         community. There will be            facing our community is the
facing our
                      value of the residential and         resources responsibility while    longer and look nicer. Parking    deal with: Exterior maintenance     spending on things that are nice   upgrades that the trustees, as      outlying growth and infra-
community?            common areas within the              maintaining the community in a    is an issue in the condo &        for the condos; parking for the     to have but unnecessary. I don’t   well as the ARB, will have to       structure in and around
                      community including the              way which helps preserve          townhome sections of the          townhomes; and maintenance          believe we should turn the pool    address. One of my priorities as    Centreville. With road
                      amenities. With the upkeep of        property values and keeps the     community. Finally I feel it is   of neighboring homes for the        into a resort or commit to large   a trustee will be to reach out to   construction surrounding our
                      an aging community, it will          community a pleasant place in     critical to keep our community    single-family homeowners. The       new capital projects unless the    our community and encourage         community, this has caused a
                      cost more to maintain the            which to live. I believe it is    competitive with surrounding      Board must remain aware of          whole community is behind the      our homeowners to attend the        stress to commuting and overall
                      property. Striking a balance         important for the board to seek   communities. This can be          and supportive of solutions to      project. It is too easy to         monthly board meetings. I will      appearance in the outlying
                      between maintaining                  and consider homeowner            accomplished by maintaining       each part of the community and      increase the assessments to        welcome the opportunity to          areas of Sully Station. Having
                      reasonable monthly dues,             feedback when reviewing           and improving our existing        their unique issues. I think one    grab your hard-earned cash for     listen to their questions and       worked with local zoning and
                      maintaining a strong financial       contracts for provided services   amenities as well as consider     of the biggest critical issues      indulgent spending projects.       concerns moving forward.            development committees, I
                      position, and upkeep of the          and in preparing and updating     new ones through capital          facing the community as a                                              Feedback to the community and       would be eager to work with
                      community will require tough                                           improvements.                     whole is striking the balance                                                                              local officials to protect the
decisions. The board of trustees   long term plans for the         between the demand for                from the community is most   integrity and preservation of
is the steward of your             community and annual budgets.   improvements in the                   important.                   Sully Station. Another critical
association’s money. It is your                                    community and keeping the                                          issue is parking for our
community and your decision                                        community assessments as low                                       townhome sections and to
on how you want the home                                           as possible.                                                       maintain a continued focus on a
owner dues spent. It is an open                                                                                                       remedy for all residences.
                                                                   The Board traditionally has
forum, please attend and                                           been fiscally conservative but
provide input.                                                     in the last few years has been
                                                                   petitioned to dramatically
                                                                   increase spending as part of
                                                                   modernizing and improving the
                                                                   common areas. The Board
                                                                   needs to work together to find a
                                                                   way to develop a middle road
                                                                   between these two opposing
                                                                   goals. Our size (964 homes)
                                                                   [compare to Sully II (1,300
                                                                   homes), Virginia Run (1,400
                                                                   homes), and Little Rocky Run
                                                                   (2,700 homes)] makes it
                                                                   difficult to finance the full level
                                                                   of services we provide
                                                                   throughout the year and
                                                                   requested improvements
                                                                   because there are just not as
                                                                   many people to divide the cost
                                                                   between. What is your vision
                                                                   for Sully Station? Let the Board

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