School Development Plan 2019 2020 - Endeavour Federation

Page created by Judy Becker
School Development Plan 2019 2020 - Endeavour Federation
 2019 - 2020
2019 -
                        School Development Plan

Vision and Values

Our vision
Our aim is to give our students the best possible education in a safe, healthy
and happy school where everyone matters and where learning is at the heart
of everything we do.

Our values

Positivity:       We engage children in learning to allow for all pupils to have a
                  positive experience of education.

                  We recognise pupils’ progress daily. All of our pupils achieve and this
                  is rewarded and celebrated.

                  We promote positive relationships between parents/carers, pupils
                  and staff.

                  Mutual respect and tolerance are central to our ethos.

Understanding:    We use a nurturing approach to meet pupils’ individual needs.

                  We have a good understanding of our learners and when they need

                  We want the best outcomes for our children and share their
                  parents’/carers’ hopes and aspirations.

                  Individuality and diversity are celebrated.

Personalised:     We develop tailored programmes relevant to a pupil’s individual
                  needs and interests.

                  We adapt the learning environment and curriculum to allow young
                  people to feel safe, secure and enable them to achieve.

                  We provide our pupils with a range of strategies to help them to
                  succeed in life.

                  The child is at the heart of everything we do.

2019 -
                     School Development Plan

                2019/2020 Priorities


      Improve pupil progress in the non-core subjects (GC)
      Review the KS4 curriculum to ensure it better meets the needs of all pupils (AH/SG)
      Fully embed the principles of ELKLAN (Communication Development Group)
      Develop strategies to improve the teaching of pupils on the ASD spectrum (AH)
      Further develop our nurture group provision (KB)


      Improve attendance (AH)
      Develop a consistent approach to attachment/trauma through the use of emotion
       coaching and restorative practices (AB/KB)


      Further develop emotional literacy and Mindfulness (KB)
      Improve the quality assurance of safeguarding (AB)


      Expansion of the schools (AB)
      Improve staff wellbeing (AOB)
      Develop a communications strategy (AB)
      Reorganise the school day to better meet the needs of all learners (AB)
      Develop leadership capacity throughout the schools (AB)

1. Quality of Education

Priority 1: Improve pupil progress in the non-core subjects      Success Criteria: 70% of pupils to make at least expected progress in the non-core subjects.

Action                       Milestones              Date           Responsibility       Outcomes                    Resources/ Cost             Status
1.1.1    Review and          To appoint subject      September           HOC             All non-core subjects are   No cost
         develop the         leaders in non-core     2019                                successfully being co-
         Federation          subjects which will                                         ordinated by staff
         Curriculum          be linked to their
         Overview for        appraisal
         non-core subjects
         matched with the    SLT to review          September                            A whole Federation
         National            curriculum             2019                 HOC                                         INSET
                                                                                         Curriculum overview is
         Curriculum          overviews for non-                                          developed for non-core
         Programmes of       core subjects at SLT
         Study to ensure     meetings to ensure
         full coverage and   there is continuity on
         progression in      both KS2/3 sites
         each year group     which then feeds
         in non-core         into KS4
1.1.2    Review and          Newly appointed         October       HOC and Subject       Joint cross Federation      Subject leader non-
         develop schemes     subject leaders to      half term        leaders            meetings to take place      contact time
         of work and         meet and develop                                            with specific subject
         medium term         schemes of work
                                                                                         leaders to develop
         planning to         using the agreed
         ensure full         Federation overview                                         curriculum
         coverage and
         progression in
         each year group
2019 -
                             School Development Plan
        in non-core

1.1.3   Develop a           To update Classroom     December     HOC and Subject   All teachers will be able    Time
        comprehensive       Monitor with            2019            leaders        to use and assess all non-
        assessment          differentiated                                         core subjects using the
        system to           learning outcomes
                                                                                   new objectives on
        monitor pupils’     for non-core subjects
        progress in non-                                                           Classroom Monitor
        core subjects       To use Classroom
                            Monitor as an
                            assessment tool with    January        EH and HOC
                                                                                   All teachers will be able    Classroom Monitor
                            updated objectives      2020
                                                                                   to carry out formative       costs
                            linked to new
                            curriculum                                             assessment in non-core
                            overviews                                              subjects

1.1.4   Monitor and         During QA               April 2020   Subject leaders   Developing the role of
        review quality of   monitoring, specific                                   the middle leaders by        Teacher time
        planning,           time is allocated to                                   supporting them to
        teaching, pupil     focus on assessing
                                                                                   monitor in the non-core
        work and            planning, marking
        progress in non-    and pupil progress in                                  subject they are co-
        core subjects       non-core subjects                                      ordinating

                                                                                   Adding non-core subject
                                                                                   monitoring to Blue Sky       Blue Sky cost
                                                                                   and link to teacher

2019 -
                               School Development Plan

1.1.5    Whole school         To improve the          January          Subject Leaders     The best quality displays   Teacher time
         displays to be       profile of non-core     2020                                 are photographed and
         developed which      subjects across the                                          uploaded onto the           Allocated money in the
         have a non-core      Federation by                                                                            cost centres to purchase
                                                                                           website, Twitter and the
         theme                developing quality                                                                       resources and
                              displays of pupil                                            School Prospectus for       equipment for subject
                              work and progress.                                           parents and carers to see   specific needs

Priority 2: Review the KS4 curriculum to ensure it better       Success Criteria:
meets the needs of all pupils                                        Provide music and drama on the curriculum
                                                                     Operate an options system for year 9 pupils moving into KS4
Action                        Milestones              Date               Responsibility   Outcomes                    Resources/ Cost             Status
1.2.1    To gain a greater    Analyse results of      September             AH/SG          Gain a greater
         understanding of     vocational and GCSE     2019                                 understanding of pupils
         the current needs    Courses in order to                                          emotional and academic
                              identify which                                               strengths and highlight
         of other pupils at
                              provide the most                                             which particular subjects
         KS4                  successful outcomes                                          pupils produce better
                              centre input into       Nov 2019              AH/SG
                              what subjects they
                              feel work better with
                              SEN pupils. Create a
                              Federation staff and
                              vocational staff
                              centre questionnaire
                              to distribute

2019 -
                             School Development Plan

                            Staff consultation of
                            what the 3
                            (Academic, practical    Dec 2019   AH/SG
                            learning,               and
                            vocational/bespoke)     ongoing
                            pathways should
                            look like
1.2.2   To create a         Analyse results of      Dec 2019   AH/SG     To see clear guidelines of
        system for pupils   pathway                                      the most relevant
        in year 9 to        programmes                                   subjects
                             (See 1.2.1)                                 appropriate/relevant
        choose options
        for KS4             Consultations with      Jan 2020   All HOC
                            all vocational                               Provide a teaching pool
                            centres, teachers                            for all subjects
                            and TA’s to identify
                            external and internal                        A viable curriculum
                            expertise in any                             option framework can be
                            subjects                                     offered

                            Create a business                            To consider student
                            plan to consider        Feb 2020   AH/SG     interests and career
                            costs and resources                          aspirations to support
                                                                         post 16 transitions.
                            Create an options
                            choice questionnaire    March        SG      Access to wider choice of
                            for students            2020                 subject’s curriculum for
                                                                         all KS4. To formulise their
                                                                         choices of curriculum.

2019 -
                              School Development Plan
                             Options Choice sheet
                             provided to students                  KS3 HOC
                             in Year 9                June 2020

                             Change the title of
                             enrichment to                         AH/SW
                             options afternoon.       Sep 2020
1.2.3   Free resource        Consult with all         Sep 2019     AH/SG     Provide the details for the
        database to          school staff, external                          free resource pool for
        enhance the          agencies and                                    vocational subjects taking
        teaching of          vocational centres                              into account PHSE.
        vocational           requesting offers of
        subjects including   free delivery of                                Schools can access free
        PHSE                 courses relevant to                             non-vocational subjects

                             Create a non-
                             vocational resource      March          SG
                             database available in    2020
                             the Heads Shared

                             Send to all schools
                                                      April 2020

2019 -
                              School Development Plan
1.2.4    Delivery of Music   Create a business        April 2020          AH/SG           Consider costs and
         and Drama           plan including                                               resources to be able to
                             purchase of                                                  offer music and drama
                                                                                          Enable students to
                             Locate an                April 2020            AB            identify, process and
                             appropriate space in                                         express their emotions
                             the new building                                             through the use of Drama
                             plans                                                        and Music. These
                                                                                          subjects can also help
                             Advertise post           May 2020            AH/SG           stimulate the brain which

                             Interviews and           July 2020           AH/SG

Priority 3: Fully embed the principles of ELKLAN              Success Criteria:
                                                                   70% of lesson observations/ marking scrutinises to have good or outstanding as a grade
                                                                      for ELKLAN criteria.
                                                                   Increase in the number of staff who have completed ELKLAN training. On each site 2 x L4
                                                                      trained staff and 4 level 3 trained staff.
                                                                   Budget year of 2020/2021 for the federation to have a speech therapist.
Action                       Milestones               Date              Responsibility      Outcomes                 Resources/ Cost           Status
1.3.1 Develop CPD            CPD training plan for    18/7/19         Communication         CPD plan completed.      N/A
    training in ELKLAN       next year.                             Development team
    strategies throughout
    the Federation.          Staff audit of current   18/7/19        Communication        Needs identified audit      N/A
                             ELKLAN need.                           Development team      completed.

                             Half termly meetings
                             of the                                                                                   N/A

2019 -
                              School Development Plan
                             communication            18/7/19        Communication      CDT to meet 6 times a
                             development team.        then half     Development team    year. Needs identified
                                                      termly                            and train planned.
                             development team                                                                        £600 x 3
                             to meet termly with                     Communication      Support in progression of
                             Faith Cross.             26/9/19       Development team    ELKLAN across the
                                                      Spring term                       federation.
                             Develop induction        Summer
                             programme for new        term.                                                          N/A
                             staff.                                  Communication      New staff to have a good
                                                      18/7/19       Development team    understanding of ELKLAN
                                                                                        in a short period of time.
1.3.2 The development        For joint                Sept 2019      Communication      Joint observation/           N/A internal cover
    of joint observations    observations                           Development team    learning walks to happen
    across the federation.   /learning walk to be                                       at least once a term.
                             built into the new
                             timetable to share
                             good practise.
1.3.3 For the                Communication            TBC            Communication      New build will be a          TBC
    communication team       team will be                           Development team    communication friendly
    to have input into       consulted on                                  SLT          environment
    new builds.              adaptations needed
                             to make new build
1.3.4                                                                                                                ~£23,000 plus
    For the federation to    For the Budget to        May 2020       Communication      Budgeting agreed             depending on pay
    have its own             plan in the costing of                 Development team.                                banding
    designated speech        a speech and                                               Recruitment in 2020/21
                             language therapist.

2019 -
                            School Development Plan
    and language

    Develop Tier 2         Staff to monitor        Sept 2019      Communication        Pupils progress in Tier 2
    vocabulary into        pupils progress with    weekly        Development team.     vocabulary will be          NA
    designated form/       tier 2 words in                                             monitored
    literacy sessions.     weekly sessions.

1.3.6 To continue the      SLT to monitor          Termly                SLT           70% of staff to get good/    NA
    monitoring of ELKLAN   ELKLAN in termly                                            outstanding in lesson
    strategies.            lesson observation,                                         observation/ planning
                           planning and                                                and marking scrutiny
                           marking scrutiny.                                           based around ELKLAN
                                                                                       and differentiation.
                              Targeted ELKLAN        Half termly
                              learning walks
                              focusing on form
Priority 4: Develop strategies to improve the teaching of     Success Criteria:
pupils on the ASD spectrum                                         A 30% reduction of behaviour incidents for ASD pupils
                                                                   A 30% reduction in the exclusion of ASD pupils
                                                                   A 10% improvement in attendance of ASD pupils
Action                        Milestones             Date              Responsibility    Outcomes                   Resources/ Cost   Status
1.4.1 Create an            Analyse the Iris data                    JW, AH & JMc               To reduce the
    informed training      for all ASD pupils to                                                number of
    programme to           ascertain where and                                                  behaviour
    support staff in       why incidents are                                                    incidents of
    understanding          occurring to

2019 -
                              School Development Plan
    challenging behaviour    determine if there                             pupils with a
    presented by pupils      are key areas across                           diagnosis of ASD
    with an ASD              the Federation
    diagnosis/profile        where more
                             effective and
                             targeted support
                             could be offered

                             Ensure that there are
                             termly sessions built      JW & JMc           Staff confidently
                             in to the CPD                                  identify ASD
                             calendar for ASD                               anxiety and can
                             focused training “the                          put support
                             emotions behind the                            measures in place
1.4.2 To consider how        All centres to have        JW & JMc           To ensure that
    best to support pupils   an ASD friendly base                           pupils with an
    with an ASD              room for use during                            ASD diagnosis can
    diagnosis/profile        unstructured times                             feel secure during
    during unstructured      including form time                            unstructured
    times                    and eating.(This                               times which in
                             should be                                      turn will result in
                             moderated by JMc                               them being able
                             and JW)                                        to focus when it’s
                                                                            lesson times.
                             Identify a list of
                             activities/rewards         JW & JMc           All centres to
                             most likely to enable                          offer ASD friendly
                             pupils with an ASD                             activities and
                             diagnosis to be                                rewards based on
                                                                            what we know

2019 -
                                School Development Plan
                               successful during                                        typically works
                               unstructured times                                       for a pupil with
                                                                                        an ASD profile.
1.4.3 To consider how          Create a good                             JW            Improve the
    best to support pupils     practice checklist to                                    participation of
    on off-site visits/ D of   be used by all                                           ASD pupils in
    E                          leaders of off-site                                      extra-curricular
                               visits/D of E                                            activities
                                                                         JW            Reduce the
                               Offer training and                                       number of
                               exemplar resources/                                      behaviour
                               templates to support                                     incidents
                               with the                                                 occurring off-site
                               implementation of
                               the checklist
1.4.4 To effectively           Create a library in                       JW            Pupils are more
    prepare pupils with        the Head’s shared                                        likely to cope
    an ASD                     area of social stories                                   with
    diagnosis/profile for                                                               unfamiliar/stressf
    new experiences/                                                                    ul circumstances
1.4.5 To enable staff to       Create a                                  SLT           Even the most
    independently              library/reading list of                                  experienced staff
    develop their              recommended                                              continue to
    knowledge of ASD           reading                                                  develop their
    strategies                                                                          ability range to
                                                                                        support and
                                                                                        teach pupils with
Priority 5: Further develop our nurture group provision   Success Criteria:

2019 -
                            School Development Plan
                                                                Pupils working in nurture groups have increased attendance (10%) and fewer exclusions
                                                               Reduction in PI’s for pupils within the nurture group (10%)
Action                     Milestones               Date          Responsibility       Outcomes                    Resources/ Cost         Status
1.5.1 Nurture group        Current cohort of        July 19            HOC             Staff working in the
    teachers are trained   staff complete their                                        nurture groups are all
    in the Theory and      training – AA (SX) JM                                       trained and are
    Practice of Nurture    (CC). Teachers to set                                       implementing the nurture
    Groups.                up classroom in line                   Nurture Group        group ethos and values
                           with principles -                    Teachers with HOC within the classrooms.

                           Staff from each site
                           identified for the       June 19               HOC

                           Trained staff lead
                           CPD for other staff in   June 20               HOC
                           the main principles
                           and practices of
                           Nurture Groups.
                                                              2. Behaviour and Attitudes

Priority 1: Improve attendance                                    Success Criteria:
                                                                                                 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20
                                                                                           SX     78%   88%   82%   75%   88%   90%
                                                                                           MH     77%   85%   83%   82%   77%   85%
                                                                                           CC     60%   67%   75%   67%   76%   80%
                                                                                           WC     45%   60%   75%   70%   45%   55%

2019 -
                              School Development Plan
Action                       Milestones              Date          Responsibility      Outcomes                    Resources/ Cost   Status
2.1.1    Ensure that         The office to make      Sept 2019   HOC and DSL, office   Pupils can focus for
         pupils are on the   termly calls to check   and               staff           longer
         right medication    that our medication     ongoing                           Less impulsive behaviour
         to suit their       records are correct                                       reducing damage, violent
         needs                                                                         incidents and days lost
                             GN to inform school
                                                                                       through exclusions
                             of pending CAMHs
                             appointments in
                             order for us to
                             remind pupils and
                             parents and ensure
                             that they attend.
                             School to offer
                             support with
                             transport if needed.

                              DSL & GN to keep a
                              record of all
                              entions so that we
                              can track impact
2.1.2    Ensure that a       Form                    Sept 2019     HOC and Form        Pupils know that we offer
         discussion with     Tutor/Identified                         Tutors           them support
         the pupil takes     close member of                                           immediately improving
         place within a      staff to arrange a                                        motivation
         few days of a dip   discussion with the
         in attendance or    pupil to offer early                                      Staff are aware of any
         after a long        intervention support                                      personal factors
         period of absence   e.g change in groups,                                     impacting on their

2019 -
                      School Development Plan
                     timetable, transport                                     attendance and can offer
                     etc.                                                     support. This should
                                                                              reduce the number of
                     Form tutor to refer                                      pupils refusing school.
                     to SLT and DSL         Sept 2019
                     where applicable
                     (Early Help/Mash
                     referrals, therapy)
2.1.3   Weekly       HOC to meet with       Sept 2019   HOC and DSL, office   Consistent liaison with
        attendance   office member                            staff           parents
        meeting      responsible for
                     attendance admin.                                        Sanctions for parents
                     Identify any pupils                                      who don’t engage in line
                     with 80% attendance                                      with legal requirements
                     or less/more than 10
                     sessions missed                                          Supportive and
                                                                              appropriate approach to
                     Follow attendance                                        offer the opportunity to
                     procedures                                               build positive
                                                                              relationships with our
                     Refer to Early Help                                      parents
                     attendance team
                     from the point of
                     letter 3
2.1.4   Attendance   School council to      Oct 2019     HOC and school       Pupils feel like they are
        Rewards      meet annually to                       council           taking ownership of the
                     review attendance                                        scheme
                     rewards systems and
                     feedback to SLT                                          Pupils are motivated by
                                                                              appropriate rewards

2019 -
                            School Development Plan
                              SLT to agree         Oct 2019                           which in turn improves
                              attendance reward                                       attendance and school
                              schemes across the                                      engagement
                              Federation in line
                              with budget planning
Priority 2: Develop a consistent approach to               Success Criteria
attachment/trauma through the use of emotion coaching           10% reduction in fixed term exclusions
and restorative practices                                       0.3% improvement in staff attendance
                                                                20% reduction in damage due to pupils in crisis
Action                        Milestones           Date             Responsibility    Outcomes                     Resources/ Cost   Status
2.2.1   Improve the        Daily circle time for     Sept 2019           AB            Standard school             Ed Psych time
        mental health      all pupils and staff at                                     timetable to be used at
        and wellbeing of   the start and end of                                        each site
        all pupils         the day.
                                                                                       All staff able to deliver
                           Ed Psych to train         June 2019           AB            circle time
                           staff in the use of
                           circle time                                                 PSHEC curriculum clearly
                                                                                       highlights emotional
                           Daily PSHEC lessons       Sept 2019           AB            literacy curriculum
                           with a particular
                           focus on emotional
                           literacy once per

                           Introduce daily           Sept 2019           AB

2019 -
                             School Development Plan
2.2.2   Improve the         Provide regular           June 2019     AB     Improved staff well-being   See 4.2.1 and 4.2.2
        capacity of staff   counselling for key
        to influence how    staff who deal with
        they react and      pupils in crisis and
        respond to          SLT
        emotions in
        others.             Half termly reflective    October
                            sessions for all staff    2019          AB

                            Mindfulness training
                            available for all staff   Jan 2020
                            through an annual                       KB
                            10 week course in

                            Stress management
                            training available for
                            all staff twice yearly.   Sept 2019
                                                      and          AOB
2.2.3   All staff have      Changing Minds to         Sept 2019     AB     Emotion coaching is being
        improved            train all staff                                used with pupils to good
        understanding of                                                   effect.
        dealing with        Key staff trained as      April 2019   AB/KB
        attachment/         Emotion Coaching
        trauma              Trainers

                            All staff trained in      July 2019    AB/KB
                            the principles and

2019 -
                             School Development Plan
                            use of Emotion

2.2.4   Helping children    Trained Emotional        June 2019            AB           Improved pupil well-
        and staff to        Coaching Mentors                                           being
        understand the      who are also trained
        different           in Restorative
        emotions they       Approaches at each       Nov 2019 &           AB
        experience, why     site                     Feb 2020
        they occur and
        how to handle       Creation of Safe
        them                Havens                   Dec 2019             KB

                            Consistent approach
                            to reflective practice   Dec 2019             KB
                            after a crisis
2.2.5   Replace the         SLT to co-create the     May 2019             AB           All staff aware of the new
        Behaviour Policy    template for the new                                       policy.
        with a Behaviour    policy working with
        Regulation Policy   Changing Minds

                            Changing Minds to
                            lead staff training at   Sept 2019            AB
                            the start of the
                            academic year to
                            introduce the new
                                                                  3. Personal Development

2019 -
                               School Development Plan
Priority 1: Further develop emotional literacy and              Success Criteria:
Mindfulness                                                          Increase number of pupils making the top weekly reward (20%)
                                                                     Reduction in PI’s (10%), Fixed term exclusions (30%) and increased attendance (5%)

Action                        Milestones              Date             Responsibility      Outcomes                         Resources/ Cost      Status
3.1.1 Improve daily           Ed Psych to             May 19                 AB            All staff able to deliver a
    check in for all pupils   complete training to                                         quality circle time session
                              staff at all sites on                                        and pupils have an
                              circle time.                                                 improved start to the day.

                              SLT to agree non-       June 19               SLT            Learning walks will give
                              negotiables that                                             actions on how to improve
                              should take place                                            these sessions if necessary.
                              during the daily
                              check in.
                                                      Septembe              HOC
                              To timetable daily
                                                      r 19
                              check in and check
                              out sessions into the

                              HOC/PSHEC lead to
                              monitor check in        Autumn
                                                      term 2019           HOC/ GH
                              sessions as part of
                              learning walks

3.1.2 To develop the          To include a weekly     June 19             KB / GH          All staff will begin to have a
    emotional literacy        emotional literacy                                           mindful approach to

2019 -
                            School Development Plan
   curriculum across the   sessions with a                               learning, and will develop
   school.                 specific focus across                         confidence with regular
                           the federation                                practice and training.

                           To build the weekly
                           emotional literacy
                           session into the
                           timetable at each                    HOC

                           To review the
                           emotional literacy
                           curriculum across                   KB / GH
                           the Federation

3.1.3 To develop a         Each site to have at     Septembe    HOC
    mindfulness            least 1 daily            r 19
    curriculum             mindfulness session
                           timetabled in.

                           Each site have a
                           mindfulness              July 19
                           activities training by              AB / KB

                           Each site to identify
                           a member of staff to
                                                    July 19
                           oversee mindfulness                  HOC

2019 -
                              School Development Plan
                             session (preferably a
                             staff member who
                             have completed .b
                             course or equivalent)

                             To embed
                             mindfulness practice
                             into staff training (3-
                             5 minutes to start or
                                                       July 19       Mindfulness staff
                             finish the training)

Priority 2: Improve the quality assurance of                Success Criteria:
safeguarding                                                     Safeguarding Lead appointed
                                                                 3 QA reports presented to SLT
                                                                 All Safeguarding Champions receive up to date training
Action                       Milestones                Date              Responsibility Outcomes                       Resources/ Cost   Status
3.2.1 Employ a               Governors to              May 2019              AB           Safeguarding and Welfare    C£6000
    Federation               approve the                                                  Lead appointed
    Safeguarding Lead        appointment of a
                             safeguarding and
                             welfare lead for the

                             The new position to
                             be in the new             June 2019             AOB
                             budgets for 2019/20.

2019 -
                             School Development Plan
                            Position to be
                            advertised and            June 2019                AB
                            appointment made
                            to start Sept 2019.

3.2.2 Safeguarding lead     This role to have the                                           The SLT are well informed    £1500 training costs
    to have oversight of    responsibility for:                                             about any safeguarding
    all safeguarding                                                                        matters.
    matters across the          Annual
                                                      Sept 2019                AB           The annual safeguarding
    Federation                   Safeguarding
                                 audit                                                      audit is sent to the LA on
                                                                                            time and shared with
                                Reporting to
                                 Federation SLT       Nov 2019                 AB           Safeguarding champions
                                 termly on the        and then half                         are up to date with
                                 QA outcomes          termly                                training.
                                Ensuring that
                                 champions are
                                 up to date with                               AB
                                 training and
                                 that their role is
                                 widely known

                                                                  4. Leadership and Management

Priority 1: Manage the expansion of the schools (over 18 –        Success Criteria (over two years):
30 months)                                                             Increase pupil numbers to 335 across all schools
                                                                       Ensure that budget surplus never falls below 3% due to the costs of expansion
                                                                       Zero appeals from staff about the process

2019 -
                                School Development Plan
Action                  Milestones                       Date        Responsibility      Outcomes                      Resources/ Cost   Status
4.1.1 Engage with all   Ensure all stakeholders          Ongoing            AB           All staff are engaged with
    stakeholders to     receive timely                                                   the process.
    ensure they         communications
                                                                                         Any complaints/concerns
    understand our
                        Staff:                                                           from the local community
    vision                                                                               are effectively dealt with.
                                                         February           AB
                                Notify all staff
                                                         2019                            Governors report being
                                 about the
                                                                                         well informed of the
                                 expansion and
                                 discuss changes and
                                 opportunities           June 2019
                                Engage with design      onwards
                                                         June 2019
                                Carry out
                                                         onwards            AB
                                 consultations with
                                 staff/unions over all
                                 items related to the


                               Meet with members        July 2019          AB
                                of the local
                                community around
                                the new Southern

2019 -
    School Development Plan
   Hold some               Autumn
    community               Term
                            2019            AB
    meetings at Southern
   Hold some open                          AB
    evenings at Southern
    Cross for potential
    new staff
Governors                   meeting

   Keep Governors                          AB
    informed at each
    stage of the planning
    and implementation
                           June 2019
   Governors to agree                      AB
    staffing structure and
    accountability model

Pupils/parents              Summer
                            2019 and
   Use the community                       AB
    newsletter and social
    media to engage
    with parents about

2019 -
                              School Development Plan
                              the expansion           Spring
                              process                 2020
                             Consult with all
                              parents who will be
                              affected and address
                              any concerns                              KB
                             Engage parents and
                              pupils in the design

                          Other agencies
                             Ensure all agencies     2020              KB
                              and services are
                              aware of the changes
                              and any families that
                              might require
                              additional support

4.1.2 Develop a           Work with the LA to         March             AB      Staffing structure and
    staffing structure    agree a model for the       2019                      transition plan agreed by
    for the new schools   expansion which meets                                 Governors and LA.
                          the needs of the LA for
                          place planning

                                                      April 2019

2019 -
                        School Development Plan
                      Create a costed staffing
                      model for the new
                      schools                                        AB

                      Develop a transition         April 2019
                      model to ensure staffing
                      is in place at the right
                      time to meet need and
                      can be afforded.
                      Agree with the LA the
                      timescale for increasing
                      pupil numbers and the
                      funding mechanism.

4.1.3 Centralise HR   Create a costed plan for     April 2019        AB      All centralised services are
    and Finance       how central services will                              in place and operating in
                      operate                                                September 2020

                      Consult with SLT about       May 2019          AB
                      how this will fit with the
                      new accountability
                      framework and how it
                      will work operationally

                      Ensure the design of the
                                                   Sept 2020         AB
                      new buildings create a

2019 -
                            School Development Plan
                          space for the centralised

4.1.4 Agree scheme        Agree the scope and         Sept 2020         AB      Senior Leaders are well
    of delegation and     range of the delegated                                informed about the limits
    accountability        authority for each school                             of their authority in the
                                                                                new schools.
    structure             that takes account of the
                          new staffing structure
                          and centralised services

4.1.5 Develop a           Update all pupils           April 2020        KB      The transport system is in
    transport plan        transport plans based on                              place and fit for purpose
                          the new locations of                                  from September 2020
                          Southern Cross

                          Develop a school            May 2020      AOB
                          transport plan and
                          commission new services
                          to meet the needs of

                          Commission new
                          transport for the           June 2020     AOB
                          additional pupils at
                          Castlefield Campus

4.1.6 Plan the move       Finance                                               All finance and resources
    to the new building                                                         are in place for September

2019 -
    School Development Plan
   Audit all contracts at   April 2020    AOB
    Mersey Valley and
    ensure that they are
    closed, transferred
    or passed to the PRU
   Agree a budget for       April 2020    AOB
    new resources for
    the new buildings

Furniture, equipment
and other resources

   Ensure that the          Mar 2020      AOB
    Southern Cross asset
    register is up to date
   Transfer appropriate
                             July 2020     AOB
    and usable resources
    to the new site
   Dispose of all
    resources not            July 2020     AOB

Ensure that no               July 2020     AOB
records/resources are
left at Mersey Valley and
that the site is left in a
good state of repair

2019 -
                              School Development Plan
Priority 2: Improve staff wellbeing                         Success Criteria:
                                                                 Improve staff attendance by 0.3%

Action                        Milestones             Date              Responsibility   Outcomes                     Resources/ Cost              Status
4.2.1    To establish a              Contact        April 2019            AOB          Reflective workshop          Cost to be confirmed.
         staff counselling            identified                                        dates arranged from
         support &                    service                                           Sept’19 to July’20 (8 each
         wellbeing service.           providers to
                                                                                        half term).
                                      develop a
                                      costed                                            1 day contract required      G8 Pt32 (new scale)
                                      programme.                                                                     permanent TTO
                                                                                        to offer SLT & DSL
                                                                                                                     contract & the salary
                                                                                        supervision sessions.        would be £6,098 (on
                                                                                                                     cost to be confirmed).

4.2.2    Implement                   Identify       June 2019             AOB          2 half day sessions (AM &    Costs under
         annual training              suitable                                          PM) on understanding         negotiation.
         sessions that                suppliers to                                      work-life balance to be
         promote staff                delivered                                         delivered by Mark
         wellbeing.                   February                                          Clayton.
4.2.3    To establish a              Work with      June 2019             AOB          To educate selected          2 day training course
         Mental Health                Health                                            employees on the             booked for 8 staff for
         First Aid                    Assured to                                        common signs and             the 9th & 10th of July’19.
         programme.                   deliver on-                                       symptoms of mental           Cost £
                                      site MHFA                                         health issues.

2019 -
                             School Development Plan
Priority 3: Develop a communications strategy             Success Criteria:
                                                               20 families from the new Southern Cross locality engage with the process
                                                               20 potential staff members attend an engagement event
Action                      Milestones               Date              Responsibility  Outcomes                     Resources/ Cost        Status
4.3.1    Improve            Rebrand the              July 2019              AB           Community and staff         £3000
         communications     Federation                                                   newsletters are published
         with parents and                                                                and circulated.
         other              Produce 3                Nov 2019               AB
         stakeholders       community                Feb 2020                            Social Media channels are
                            newsletters per year     June 2020                           updated by each school
                                                                                         every week.
                            Produce 3 staff
                            newsletters per year     Sept 2019              AB
                                                     Jan 2020
                            Set up social media      May 2020
                            channels for each
                            school and train staff   Sept 2019           AB/HOC
                            on their use
4.3.2    Market the         Promote the schools      Sept 2019              AB           Engagement events are       £3000
         schools to         through positive PR      ongoing                             well attended.
         support            in the local press
                            Build relationships
                            with the local           Nov 2019               AB
                            community by
                            organising two
                            community events

                            Improve staff
                            recruitment by           Jan 2020               AB

2019 -
                             School Development Plan
                            arranging two staff
                            recruitment events
Priority 4: Reorganise the school day to better meet the Success Criteria:
needs of all learners                                         New school day agreed by governors
                                                              All parental concerns addressed
Action                      Milestones              Date              Responsibility   Outcomes                   Resources/ Cost            Status
4.4.1    SLT agree plans    SLT meet to discuss     April 2019             AB
         for changing the   the pros and cons
         school day         and look at possible
4.4.2    School consults    Parents/carers are      April 2019             AB
         on the proposals   consulted on the
                            proposals for a new
                            school day.

                            Governors consider                          Governors
                            all responses to the    May 2019

                            Governors decide
                            whether to go ahead
                            with the proposed       June 2019           Governors
Priority 5: Develop leadership capacity throughout the     Success Criteria:
schools                                                         11 staff provided with relevant leadership training
                                                                Training programme evaluations show improved confidence of school leaders
                                                                Training programme evaluations show impact on leaders’ practice
                                                                All leadership courses successfully completed

2019 -
                             School Development Plan
Action                      Milestones               Date         Responsibility   Outcomes                   Resources/ Cost       Status
4.5.1    Improve the        Each site SLT to carry   Nov 2019          AB          Leaders report being       £ Cost of changing
         quality of         out the spotlight                                      better able to carry out   minds
         leadership at      profile                                                their role.
         each site
                            Training events for      April 2020        AB
                            each member of SLT
                            to improve

                            Leadership coaching      April 2020        AB
                            provided to senior
                            staff at each site
4.5.2    Build middle       A range of courses to    Sept 2019         AB          All leadership courses     £15,500 + Level 3 @
         leadership         be provided for key                                    successfully completed.    £455 each
         capacity at each   middle leaders:
         site                    NPQML
                                 NPQSL
                                 NPQH
                                 NPQEL
                                 Level 3

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