Schedule of Fees 2022 - Effective January 2022 - Learning Today Leading Tomorrow - Ambrose Treacy College

Page created by Roberta Taylor
Schedule of Fees 2022 - Effective January 2022 - Learning Today Leading Tomorrow - Ambrose Treacy College
  of Fees 2022
  Effective January 2022

Learning Today Leading Tomorrow
Schedule of Fees 2022 - Effective January 2022 - Learning Today Leading Tomorrow - Ambrose Treacy College
Effective January 2022

The Ambrose Treacy College mission is to develop courageous young men of character and integrity, engaging them in dynamic and
relevant experiences and pathways that promote learning, personal growth, achievement and service. Ambrose Treacy College achieves
this by delivering a rigorous academic program, diverse co-curricular activities and a strong pastoral care system. Our programs support
the holistic pursuit of each student’s potential, offering a rich, balanced and engaging experience while recognising that each boy has
innate gifts and unique strengths. The fee structure has been developed to ensure that an Ambrose Treacy College education is
accessible to as many young men as possible and that each boy can take advantage of a variety of activities offered at the College. Our
fees offer value for money with a significant number of co-curricular activities included in the tuition fee.

   NEW ENROLMENTS                                   INCLUSIONS                                EXCLUSIONS

                                                    Included in the College tuition fees      Tuition fees and levies do not cover
   Administration fee                     $165
                                                    and levies are the following*:            external VET courses, stationery,
   Paid on application for enrolment. Includes                                                uniforms and similar personal expenses.
   GST. Non-refundable.                                 Years 4 - 12 School camps and         Some excursions and activities may
                                                        associated activities                 attract additional charges. Separate
   Enrolment Fee                        $1,075          Curriculum based excursions           charges (which are mostly nominal
   Non-refundable. This fee confirms                    Certificate I & II in Hospitality     charges to cover costs) are payable for,
   enrolment and is payable on receiving                Student ID and College Yearbook       but not limited to, participation in:
   notification that your application has been          AFL / AFL9’s
   accepted. Payment is to accompany the                Athletic Development                     Actors Studio
   signed Acceptance Form.                              Basketball                               AFL School of Excellence
                                                        Choir                                    Art Club
                                                        Cricket                                  AV Club
                                                        Cross Country                            Chess Club
                                                        Football (Soccer)                        Cooking Club
   Per annum                                            iCentre Clubs                            Dungeons and Dragons
                                                        Indoor Cricket                           Film and Media
   Tuition Fee                        $12,172           Rugby Union                              Fishing Club
   Technology Levy                        $972          Swimming (Term 1 and Term 4)             Golf
                                                        Tennis                                   Hey Startup
   Cairns Excursion Levy                                Touch Football                           Hip Hop Dance
   (Year 6 only)                        $1,100          Track and Field                          Instrumental Music
                                                        Volleyball                               Mountain Biking
                                                        Water Polo                               Robotics
   COMPULSORY CHARGES YEARS 7-12                                                                 Secret League of Gamers
                                                    *Note that the above activities may          Taiko Drumming
   Per annum
                                                    be subject to ancillary charges where        Theatre Sports
   Tuition Fee                        $14,068       the activity falls outside basic             VET Courses (exceptions apply)
                                                    participation. Activities that may be
   Technology Levy (Years 7-12)          $972       subject to additional charges include     TOURS AND TOURNAMENTS
   TECHNOLOGY LEVY - LAPTOP PROGRAM                 (but are not limited to) training         The College conducts and competes in
   The technology levy includes the cost of the     camps, off-site trips and tours, non-     numerous tours and tournaments
   laptop program. This program provides all        school competition entry fees, holiday    throughout the year. These are not
   students from Years 4-12 with their own          programs, training and programs           compulsory and are charged separately.
   personal laptop.                                 where external providers are utilised     Please refer to the tours and tournament
                                                    etc.                                      schedule available on the College App.

For further information, refer to the ATC Fees Policy here.
Schedule of Fees 2022 - Effective January 2022 - Learning Today Leading Tomorrow - Ambrose Treacy College
BUILDING FUND                               The College offers a number of             Parents who are experiencing financial
The Ambrose Treacy College Building         different payment options to enable        difficulty should contact the College
Fund contribution of $800 per annum is      parents to select an option that best      Finance Office as soon as they become
a voluntary, tax-deductible donation        suits their budget. Parents and            aware that that they will be unable to
that allows the College to invest in        caregivers of students are jointly and     pay on time. Fees that have not been
more and better facilities to enhance       severally liable for payment of tuition    paid and where parents have failed to
and enrich your son’s learning              fees and any other costs associated        contact the Finance Office and
experiences and learning outcomes. If       with the students’ enrolment at the        satisfactorily negotiate an outcome for
you have been around the College at all     College.                                   the payment of these fees may be
in the last five years, you would have                                                 subject to recovery action and may
seen that a significant amount of           Our preferred payment method is via        place the student’s continued
building has taken place. These             direct debit from an Australian bank       enrolment at risk.
facilities and future improvements are      account or credit card (Visa or
greatly assisted by your donations, and     MasterCard only). A School Fees            Participation by students in the
we encourage all parents to donate to       Payment Authority (i.e., direct debit)     College’s co-curricular activities is
the Building Fund where possible.           will need to be completed and signed in    contingent on school fees for that
                                            order to utilise this method. This form    student being up to date or with an
EDMUND RICE FOUNDATION LEVY                 is available to be downloaded from the     agreed payment plan to settle any
The optional levy of $132 per annum         College website.                           outstanding debts in place.
assists in supporting Edmund Rice
Foundation projects. This levy is not tax   Please note that no discount will apply    OTHER CHARGES
deductible.                                 should you choose to pay the fees          Over the year, other charges may be
                                            annually in advance.                       applied to your account. These can
SIBLING DISCOUNTS                                                                      include (but are not limited to) any
Ambrose Treacy offers a discount on         DIRECT DEBIT                               charges for co-curricular activities,
tuition fees to parents with more than      Direct debits will be processed on one     music lessons, lost, damaged or
one boy attending the College at the        of the following cycles of your choice:    overdue library or hire books, credit
same time. The discounts include:               Annually – first day of term 1.        for printing and photocopying etc.
    10% discount for the second child           Quarterly – first day of each term     These charges are due and payable at
    50% discount for the third or               Monthly – 10 monthly instalments       the time that they are added to your
  subsequent children                           from February to November, on          account.
Note that children must be siblings and         either the 10th or 20th of the month
the discount applies in years where the         Fortnightly – 20 instalments from      REFUND POLICY
boys are all attending the College in           3 February to 27 October inclusive     Notice of withdrawal of a student must
that year. The sibling discount is only         Weekly – 40 instalments from           be given in writing to the Principal with
on the tuition fees and is not applied to       2 February to 2 November inclusive     at least a full term’s notice (3 months).
any levies, donations, or co-curricular                                                Verbal notification, or notification to
expenses. Discounts apply to the            EDSTART                                    staff members other than the
youngest siblings.                          Families wishing to spread school fee      Principal, is not considered due notice.
                                            payments can apply for an Edstart          Failure to provide such advice to the
FEES                                        payment plan. You can reduce your          College in writing will result in a
It is essential for the effective           repayment amount with an extended          payment of fees of at least one term’s
operation of the College, as well as its    plan over multiple years, up to five       tuition fees in lieu of the required
continued efficient financial               years after graduation. As well as         notice.
management, that fee accounts are           tuition fees, levies, VET courses, club
paid on time.                               fees, tours and tournaments, voluntary     GOODS AND SERVICES TAX
                                            building fund contributions, uniforms,     The College is required to comply with
Accordingly, parent support in making       private music tuition and any amounts      the Goods and Services Tax (GST)
the payment of school fees a priority is    outstanding may be included. Click here    introduced from 1 July 2000. The basis
appreciated. Fees will be raised at the     to apply online or visit                   on which GST is charged to parents
beginning of each term and statements                         may vary with changes to the GST
issued one week prior to the beginning                                                 legislation or its interpretation by the
of each term.                               Other payment options available to         Australian Taxation Office. GST may be
                                            parents include BPAY and EFTPOS.           charged to fee accounts for the GST
                                            BPAY details are included on all fee       component of taxable activities which
                                            statements.                                occur during the school year.
                                            Each term’s fees are due and payable
                                            on the first day of term unless payment
                                            is being affected via the School Fees
                                            Payment Authority (i.e., Direct Debit).
                                            All outstanding balances must be
                                            finalised prior to the last week of Term
One-off fees
Administration Fee                         $165 Payable on application
Enrolment Fee                             $1,075 Payable on acceptance of enrolment

Fees per student                                              Years 4-6                         Years 7-12
                                                      Annual             Term          Annual              Term
Tuition*                                              $12,172           $3,043         $14,068            $3,517
Technology Levy                                         $972             $243            $972              $243
Cairns Excursion Levy (Year 6 only)                    $1,100       (due and payable in Term 2)

*Sibling discount of 10% for second child and 50% for third and subsequent children applies to the tuition fee

The College offers several VET courses to students and costs vary depending on the number and type of courses
undertaken. Please refer to the ‘Year 10,11 and 12 Subject Selection’ booklet for information on courses and costs

Building Fund Levy (optional – tax deductible)         $800            $200            $800                 $200
Edmund Rice Foundation Levy (optional)                 $132             $33            $132                 $33


          Term 1                         Term 2                   Term 3                            Term 4
     24 January 2022                  19 April 2022            11 July 2022                     4 October 2022

Unless payment will be made in full by these due dates, a School Fees Payment Authority Form (i.e., Direct Debit) must
be completed for payments by instalments. An administration fee of $50 may apply to late payments unless prior
arrangements have been made. Please note that once a valid School Fees Payment Authority is held by the College, it
will be rolled over for use in subsequent years unless cancellation of the Authority is made in writing to
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