Page created by Roberta Carpenter
The voice of SASBO, The Finance Union, est. 1916                    Vol 43, No 4 Dec/Jan 2022


                 Sasbo delegates are
                   ready for 2022!

                                                   Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022 Sasbo News   1

2   Sasbo News Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022

Sasbo president opens NEC 2021
Sasbo’s president, Moses Lekota, opened the National Executive Congress.
Here is an excerpt of his words:
Since our last National Executive Congress        in exposing corruption. The role of the banks
meeting in May 2021, we have lost 55              and our members in monitoring suspicious
members.                                          banking transactions under the Financial
   I cannot over-stress the importance of this    Intelligence Centre Act is crucial.
meeting.                                          THIRD, the economy is starved of financial
• Workers are facing unprecedented battles.      stimulus. The institutions with which we are
• The economy is facing its deepest recession    associated play a key role in offering credit.
   in one hundred years.                          And our members play a key role in approv-
• Millions of workers have lost jobs, wages      ing credit.
   and benefits.
• Tens of thousands of banking and finan-        Transformation
   cial sector workers are looking to Sasbo       Financial sector transformation needs to be
   for protection and guidance and for            accelerated.
   leadership.                                      Yes, there is progress in many areas, e.g.
                                                  employment equity in many categories.
There are solutions to our problems…                Are we happy with the wage gap in the
COSATU has helped to drive the draft-             sector?                                           Moses Lekota, Sasbo President.
ing of the ERRP – the Economic Recovery             The CEOs of the big five banks earn on
and Reconstruction Plan - at Nedlac with          average more than R15 000 per day yet our         massive challenges.
government and business. It contains many         bank tellers do not even earn 1% of that. The       Can we not as Sasbo initiate a discussion
key progressive areas of interventions. These     wage gap widens when we take gender and           between ourselves, the banks, the UIF and
include:                                          race into account.                                government on how we can assist the UIF
• Implementing the COSATU drafted Eskom            The Companies Amendment Bill before             systems in the 21st century to make sure that
   Social Compact to fix Eskom and ensure         Cabinet will require banks and other large        workers receive their monies timeously and to
   reliable and affordable electricity to drive   companies to disclose their wage gaps in          minimise fraudulent applications?
   the economy                                    their annual reports as the beginning of an         SASSA has spent over R50 billion providing
• Ramping up local procurement by                effort to reduce it.                              the R350 Covid-19 SRD grant to more than
   consumers, workers, businesses and               We need to develop campaigns to over-           8 million unemployed people. Yet we are
   government to save and create local manu-      come this wage gap.                               witnessing endless queues at the Post Office
   facturing jobs                                                                                   by desperate recipients.
• Mobilising financial resources from both       Economic and social relief                          The Loan Guarantee Scheme of R200 billion
   the private and public sector to stimulate     during the pandemic                               was a lynchpin of the R500 billion economic
   economic growth                                We need to help the economy to grow and for       relief package. Yet only R18 billion of it was
• Rebuilding Transnet and Metro Rail to          jobs to be created.                               dispensed to businesses. BASA has informed
   ensure workers and goods can reach their         Workers have faced unprecedented pain           Nedlac that they are working on a new model.
   destinations on time and safely                during this pandemic. COSATU has worked             Let us as Sasbo engage BASA, the Reserve
• Tackling corruption and rebuilding a cap-      closely with government and business at           Bank and National Treasury to ensure that
   able developing state                          Nedlac to provide relief to millions of workers   this model works, that it is affordable and
   We have three key areas where Sasbo is         and their families.                               attractive to companies, that it is an enabler
involved.                                           As a result, more than R60 billion was          for emerging and struggling businesses.
THE FIRST is to help buy locally produced         released from the UIF to more than 5.5 million
goods - locally produced clothes, food, cars      workers helping to ensure that they have food     Covid-19 will remain with us
and furniture.                                    on the table.                                     We cannot control the pandemic. But we can
SECOND, we must play a more active role             The UIF systems have also experienced           control the way we react to it.

                                                                                            Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022 Sasbo News              3

  We are fortunate to have two major               These are victories that have improved the    approved and ratified the ILO Convention
weapons which have proven to be highly          lives of workers, including our members.         190 on violence and harassment.
successful in fighting the pandemic.                                                               Convention 190 and Recommendation 206
  The first are the non-pharmaceutical          So, what are we doing to use                     are the first international legal standards that
measures, e.g. wearing masks, sanitising        these gains to recruit more                      specifically recognise the right for every-
and social distancing. We have done well        finance workers into Sasbo?                      one to work in a world of work free from
as banking workers.                             What I have just told you is evidence that       violence and harassment, including gender-
  The second is vaccinating. There has          Sasbo does not only make a positive dif-         based violence.
been great progress since the beginning of      ference to the lives of its members, but that      Can we please have active campaigns
the year.                                       it also plays a key role in influencing the      against sexual harassment in the workplace?
  We need to engage and encourage               finance sector and the society at large.
our branches and every single member               The Financial Sector Amendment Bill is        Another important matter
on the need to vaccinate, our families          currently before Parliament. It will help        At our last Congress in May, I announced the
included.                                       protect workers and depositors from reckless     formation of Sasbo’s Youth Forum later that
                                                and sometimes criminal behaviour. It will        month.
We need to help rebuild                         require that depositor insurance funds be           According to the best-informed futurists,
government                                      established to ensure workers and deposit-       OUR problems are peanuts compared to
The President, Cyril Ramaphosa, is doing        ors receive protection from the collapse of a    the challenges that today’s young finance
well on many fronts. He has taken bold          bank.                                            workers will experience before they reach
steps to tackle corruption, including              We are waiting for the Conduct of             retirement age.
removing compromised Ministers and              Financial Institutions (COFI) Bill at Nedlac     Theirs is likely to be a future with:
the Secretary General of the ANC. Billions      which will provide for further protection        • More pandemics
are being returned to Eskom. Officials are      for workers and depositors from reckless         • Increased automation
being charged.                                  behaviour.                                       • Financial collapses
   Let us as Sasbo help accelerate this            COSATU has tabled proposals at Nedlac         • Internet-fuelled social revolutions
campaign. We have engaged government            on how to further strengthen our labour          • Global warming and other environmental
at Nedlac to demand that:                       laws. These include:                                hazards
• The ban on doing business with the           • Increased retrenchments payments              • The tensions resulting from an over-
   State be extended to the leadership          • Making retrenchments a point of last resort      crowded, underfed planet
   of political parties and to the spouses      • Ensuring that atypical workers are            Were that not enough, they are likely to have
   and children of politically influential         registered with and protected by the UIF      to:
   persons.                                        and the Compensation of Injury on Duty        • Support parents who live to be 100
• A single, transparent online public             Fund.                                         • Support themselves for about 30 years after
   procurement system be established for           Once implemented, these labour laws will         their own retirement age, craving social sup-
   the entire state and provided for in the     help protect our members.                           port that the country can no longer afford.
   long-delayed Public Procurement Bill.                                                            Facing a future as grave as that, were you a
• SARS be further resourced to undertake       An evolving labour market                        young finance worker, what would you prefer:
   compulsory lifestyle audits of politi-       Covid-19 has accelerated the evolution of the    • To be represented by people like us who
   cians, senior management and supply          labour market. Many workers have moved to        are not going to be around to suffer the con-
   chain officials across the State.            virtual work, especially in our sector.          sequences of our actions, or
• The NPA, SAPS and Courts be capacit-            Automation will replace many of our           • To band together to use Sasbo’s muscle to
   ated to tackle corruption.                   members’ jobs. But equally making financial      help shape our future?
                                                services accessible to people living in places      The answer to that question is a no brainer.
Advancing workers’ rights in law                like Kondeni or Prieska will also open IT           Comrades, this is the message that we must
Comrades we have won many victories             opportunities.                                   get across to our younger colleagues.
for workers in Parliament over the years.          Our Deputy General Secretary, Comrade
These include our progressive labour laws       Ben Venter, represents us on the Presidential    Concluding…
that protect collective bargaining and the      Commission on the 4IR.                           Comrades allow me to conclude here.
right to unionise and strike; they include         We need to engage the employers to            • The challenges facing our members and
the limit on working hours or what we           re-skill and re-deploy those whose jobs are         their families are immense.
term the right to disconnect and paid time      at risk.                                         • Their expectations of the collective leader-
off; they include the right to a fair hearing                                                       ship of Sasbo are daunting. They correctly
and protection from discrimination.             Workers need a fit for purpose Sasbo                expect us to rise to the occasion, to come
  More recently we have been able to            Recruitment                                         with clear solutions and to action them.
increase maternity leave benefits, to           We have more than 150 000 workers in our            If we were to simply fold our arms, we
provide paid parental and adoption leave,       sector, yet our membership remains in the        would be complicit when their wages are
to extend collective agreements, to crim-       mid-70 000s.                                     suppressed, their job security is threatened or
inalise exploitation of migrant labour, to        I therefore challenge every paid official,     they are retrenched.
increase unemployment benefits by 50%,          and every member of Sasbo to make the               I believe that we are up to the task.
to provide for a national minimum wage          membership a daily topic for discussion,            But meeting these challenges requires
and for worker representation on the PIC        including the Branch Executive Committee         decisive and collective leadership, clear
Board and a clear pro-worker investment         meetings and make our targets a reality.         integrated programmes, hard work and joint
guideline for its investments.                                                                   accountability.
  Both farm workers and domestic work-          Ratification of ILO Convention 190                  In short, it requires us to be more UNITED
ers benefited from the National Minimum         Comrades, let us express our deep appre-         and DETERMINED.
Wage Regulations.                               ciation to our government for having                                          Thank you. Ke a leboga.

4   Sasbo News Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022                                                                       

Louise reports on                                                                                   members participated.
                                                                                                      Education – NOBs attended these meet-
                                                                                                    ings with members from Branch Executive

union’s Cosatu activities                                                                           Meetings
                                                                                                      Organising – NOBs attended these
                    Louisa Nett                     Gender: A Gender webinar was held in
                                                 August 2021 – Women’s month with the UN            Labour Law amendments
                    As usual, it was Louisa      and the ILO. The following themes were             • Unemployment Insurance Benefit (UIF)
                    Nett who updated the         covered:                                             amendments to the Act, paternity leave as
                    National Executive           • Gender Based Violence (ratification of ILO        per the Basic Conditions of Employment Act
                    Congress delegates on           Convention)                                        (BCEA) and Financial Intelligence Centre
                    Sasbo’s activities at        • Economic Justice and Rights                        Act (FICA) amendments have been passed
                    Cosatu. She began her        • Bodily Autonomy and sexual reproductive         • Tax Reform Bill was put on hold until March
                    report by detailing the         health rights                                      2022
                    communication prob-          • Feminist action for Climate Change              • Market Conduct Committee – research was
                    lems caused by the           • Technology and innovation for Gender               done on the future of work and scarce skills
Covid lockdown.                                     Equality                                           linked to the 4th Industrial Revolution
  “Cosatu has a Provincial and National year     • Feminist movement and innovation for            • Social Security – the Youth Employment Bill
planner, but this being such an abnormal year,      gender equality                                    is still under discussion
most of our meetings had to held virtually       • Technology innovation                           • Comprehensive Social Security is still being
due to Covid. Another challenge that mem-        • Women peace and security                           debated
bers face is obtaining data to connect to the       Just Transition Workshop: This work-            • Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA) is
meetings.”                                       shop was held in August 2021 virtually and            under review
  These problems notwithstanding, Louisa         covered: 4IR and the future of work, climate       • Compensation for Occupational Injuries and
had a fair amount to report on.                  change. agriculture, coal energy and transport,       Diseases Act (COIDA) is also under review
  May Day 2021 celebrations were held            economic recovery and development.                 • National Health Insurance is under discus-
under the theme: “Deepen the back-to-basics         All Provincial activities were attended            sion in parliament with clear targets and
campaign, consolidate the struggle for the       virtually.                                            time frames
NDR and advance the struggle for socialism.”-       Meetings: Gender, PEC and Fincom                • National Credit Amendment Bill, when pro-
Due to the disruptions created by the Covid-19   meetings were held in all provinces and our           mulgated, will have an impact on the banks.
pandemic, May Day Celebrations comprised
of a virtual message by the President of
  Central Executive Committee (CEC)–
Constitutional Structure: Participation: Three
National Office Bearers (NOBs) attended these
meetings. Three CECs were planned for the
year and all meetings were attended by three
NOBs. From this CEC Joe Kokela, our general
secretary, was nominated to be part of the
Human Resources Committee that looks after
the staff at Cosatu Central Committee (CC):

                                    Sasbo membership
                   Stephne Anders                        TOTAL MEMBERSHIP NOVEMBER 2020 – AUGUST 2021
                                                 71000    70613
                     Because of the lock-
                                                 70500             70315
                     down and the inability
                     of Sasbo organisers to      70000                               69719
                     conduct normal visits,      69500                                          69300
                     the union’s membership
                     recruitment has been        69000                                                           68618
                     severely affected.          68500                                                  68887                      68171
                       Fortunately, new          68000                                                                    68433
members are still able to join via the Sasbo
                                                 67500                                                                                      67879
website. This link and a new recruitment
telephone number (08612-SASBO) has been          67000
shared with all members in newsflashes.
  It has become clear that the union needs to            NOV 20   DEC 20   JAN 21    FEB 21    MAR 21 APR 21 MAY 21      JUN 21   JUL 21   AUG 21
rely on the members serving on its structures
to assist union officials to recruit new mem-
bers into the union. Fortunately, our website    the link is communicated to members in all           Members are reminded of the handsome
remains a trusted source of new recruits and     newsflashes.                                       prizes awaiting lucky recruiters.

                                                                                              Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022 Sasbo News             5

Cosatu DP’s searching study of
4IR problems and opportunities
COSATU First Deputy President, Comrade Mike Shingange, was loudly
applauded by Congress 2021 for his searching study of our contemporary
challenges. Here is a summary of his address.
                                                    wage freezes in local government, Transnet and        when they are retrenched.
                                                    Eskom.                                                   In addition to the jobs and professions that
                                                      Employers in the private sector have taken          we are already losing, we are likely to lose the
                                                    inspiration from these attempts to collapse col-      following additional professions:
                                                    lective bargaining and to follow suit.                • Construction and mining;
                                                      How have workers been able to resist and            • Maintenance;
                                                    even block these naked attempts to collapse col-      • Drivers;
                                                    lective bargaining? Workers have been victori-        • Manufacturing;
                                                    ous where unions are strong, active and united.       • Administration and telemarketers;
                                                                                                          • Accountants and auditors, and
                                                    The 4th Industrial Revolution                         • Postmen.
                                                    The reality is that the 4th industrial revolution is     Consider this:
                                                    here, comrades.                                       • 56% of the workers at risk to the 4th
                                                    • It will create and cost millions of jobs globally.    industrial revolution are women;
                                                    • It will have massive socio-economic benefits. • 35% of jobs at risk to automation;
                                                    • It will threaten social cohesion and stability;    • 16% of workers have no alternative work
                                                       and                                                   opportunities.
                                                    • Developing economies need to plan to ensure
                                                       that they become internationally competitive Previous Areas of Socio-
                                                       to survive it.                                     Economic Development
Mike Shingange , COSATU First Deputy President         How to deal with it? We have two options,          There are also positive developments.
                                                    comrades:                                             Previous areas of jobs and socio-economic
Much has been said about the 4th industrial            The first is denialism. In other words, a failure development that grew under the third indus-
revolution, in particular the risks that it         to plan is equal to planning to fail.                 trial revolution include:
poses to our jobs and livelihoods. For many            Or we can plan for a just transition. If we plan • Clothing (e.g. quality, affordability, style,
years this has been seen as a theoretica;           properly, we can then ensure that:                       durability);
Covid-19 has shattered that illusion.               • Workers can then reap the technological and • Health and medicines (affordability, quality,
   When the lockdown commenced, call                   socio-economic rewards.                               accessibility, life expectancy);
centres and many banking workers were shif-         • We protect jobs, workers and their families;       • Transport (mass based, speed, safety);
ted to work from home. This has expanded to            and                                                • Housing (quality, comfortability);
the retail sector, to schools, universities, many   • Industry is geared towards sustainable             • Communications (affordability, accessibil-
government departments and even us as the              development.                                          ity); and
trade union movement. Many of these shifts             This is not the first industrial revolution. The • Education.
are permanent.                                      previous three also decimated workers’ jobs.             Part of our challenge as unions is to push
   Home Affairs, SARS and many other gov-           Unions then also battled to protect workers’          government and industry to invest in sectors,
ernment services will increasingly go digital.      livelihoods. Millions of workers lost their till-     some new, where we can create and sustain
This will help extend service delivery to           then-secure jobs.                                     jobs and a better life for our members, work-
those who can access such services via digital         Professions under threat today include:            ers, and in particular the youth. Areas that
platforms.                                          • Cashiers, ticket conductors and tellers;            can be rich in jobs and bring socio-economic
   But we must also not leave behind those          • Watch makers;                                       benefits include renewable energy.
who do not have a smart phone or only feels         • Receptionists;                                         Thousands of coal mine and energy work-
comfortable talking to a friendly face.             • Human resources;                                    ers’ jobs and communities in Mpumalanga
   Our challenges as unions are to fight to         • Mine workers;                                       and Limpopo are at risk simply because
make sure workers’ jobs are protected.              • Agriculture;                                        government and industry are not planning for
   We have seen in the public service govern-       • Petrol station attendants;                          a just transition.
ment unilaterally reneging on a signed wage         • Car washers; and                                    • There are also positive opportunities here
agreement in 2020. We have been forced to           • Printing.                                              too for workers. One is to require that all
take the state to court. Treasury attempted but        This is not theoretical. Pick ’n Pay is conduct-      renewable energy generation sites use loc-
failed to impose a wage freeze in 2021. They        ing a trial of replacing cashiers today in Cape          ally produced materials.
will try to impose a wage freeze in the next        Town. Farms are replacing thousands of work- • Second is for the workers hired for such
budget cycle.                                       ers with machines. These are largely blue-collar         construction and related activities to be
   Treasury tried but failed to impose similar      workers with few alternative jobs to look for            South African workers.

6   Sasbo News Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022                                                                              

•T  hird, we need as organised labour to invest     workers in general. Critical aspects include:     Critical Tasks
   in and own these economic opportunities.          • Research and design investment;                • Back to basics: recruiting, organising, wages,
   Examples of socio-economic benefits for           • Linkage between industry needs and educa-         conditions, job security and training;
workers and the youth include:                          tion curricula;                                • Pushing for constant skills development and
• Distance and online education;                     • Investments in computer and science educa-        education of workers;
• Access to health care (drone medicine                tion at schools, colleges and universities;    • Demanding just transition plans from
   delivery);                                        • Worker training programmes and lifelong           government and industry, in particular jobs
• Improved agricultural capacity and food              learning; and                                     skilling and absorption plans; and
   security;                                         • Online and distance learning.                   • Pushing for sustainable development prac-
• Renewable energy (pollution, climate                                                                   tices by industry.
   change and health improvements); and              Intellectual Property and Equality                   If we sleep on the job, comrades, as
• Transport and communication (accessible           One of the success stories that South Africa      unions, the real dangers of not planning
   and more affordable).                             has championed has been challenging patent        include mass unemployment, homelessness,
                                                     and intellectual laws to produce generic med-     poverty, rising crime; and social chaos and
Sustainable Development                              ication. This enabled the mass role of now        conflict.
Industry is only interested in profit, not           affordable medicines saving millions of lives        It is also critical that we as Sasbo and
society’s development. It is critical for us as      of persons living with HIV and Aids               COSATU put pressure on employers to
unions, and especially young workers, to                Critical areas for further campaigns           provide the necessary tools of trade. We must
campaign for industry to be based upon the           include:                                          put pressure on government and industry
principles of sustainable development.               • Medicines, education, information techno-      to make data accessible and affordable. We
   Key aspects include:                                 logy, renewable energy, water conservation     should not leave workers behind.
• Renewable energy, climate challenge and              and recycling, and transport.                     Government and business need to be forced
   pollution;                                        • Supporting government’s campaign for the       to address network and administrative block-
• Water conservation;                                   waiving of intellectual property for Covid-    ages to grow that inhibits job creation.
• Printing, deforestation and desertification;          19 vaccines.
• Food security, healthier foods and sustain-          Critical Challenges for Trade Unions           Conclusion
   able agriculture; and                             • Recruiting workers in evolving sectors, e.g.   We need Sasbo to lead us in proposals and
• Medical developments, accessible and                 outsourced, labour brokers, sub-contract-      resolutions on how we can ensure a 4IR that
   affordable.                                          ors, satellites, etc.                          benefits and empowers workers, that creates
                                                     • Defending and expanding collective             jobs and not unemployment, that unites and
Education                                               bargaining;                                    does not divide.
Key to ensuring a just transition is to invest-      • Conditions of service e.g. leave, wages,         I know that Sasbo will not disappoint us.
ing in education, especially for the youth and          benefits, job security, etc.                                                       Thank you.

 Report-back from Mancom
 Detailed hereunder are the decisions taken             In this regard, I can confirm that the             the 2021 National Executive Congress on
 by Sasbo’s Management Committee since               Management Committee of the Union has                 virtual platform due to ongoing Covid-19
 the 2020 National Executive Congress                at its bi-monthly meetings perused and                restrictions.
 as presented to Congress by Sasbo                   interrogated the management accounts of the       •   Accepted all new members who joined
 Management Committee member, David                  Union, considered, reviewed and agreed not             the Union in 2021, and request the con-
 Cedras.                                             to change and or amend Sasbo’s investments.            gress to ratify Management Committee’s
                                                        Another study was conducted to evaluate             acceptance.
 Constitutional Requirement                          all Sasbo buildings nationally and a decision     •    Sasbo staff retention scheme, and
 Clause 13.5 of the Sasbo Constitution               was taken to keep all the buildings. It was             Sasbo Shares scheme are still under review
 states that:                                        noted that in some instances the values of              and Management Committee committed to
 “The management committee shall meet every          the buildings have doubled since the time of            finalize the matter by end December 2021.
 second month, or as and when required, on dates     purchase.                                         •     Clause 12.6 (Congress meetings) and
 set by the General Secretary”.                                                                               13.4 (Mancom composition) were dis-
    In this regard, I can confirm that the           Financial Matters dealt with and                         cussed. A decision was taken to find a legal
 Management Committee of the Union has,              approved by the Management                               expert to help clarify different interpret-
 since the 2020 National Executive Congress,         Committee                                                ations. The response was received and
 which was held in May 2021, held five               • The Audited Financial statements as at                agreed upon.
 Management Committee meetings and two                  31 December 2020, as well as 2021 salary       •      Management Committee, in con-
 Management Committee Strategic Offsite                 ranges were approved. Sasbo has, once                  sultation with the General Secretary,
 meetings. Management Committee has fur-                again, received an unqualified audit for the           drafted, reviewed and approved the
 ther held seven In-Committee meetings.                 2020 financial year.                                   Transformation Policy and Plan, and
                                                     • The Sasbo 2021 budget and 2021 member-                 hereby request the congress to ratify
 Clause 13.8 of the Sasbo Constitution                  ship subscription increase of 3,65% were               Management Committee’s approval.
 states that:                                           approved.                                      •       Management Committee reviewed and
 “It shall be the duty of the management committee                                                              approved the Sasbo Gender Policy and
 to safeguard the financial interests of the union   Other Matters dealt with                                   hereby request the congress to ratify.
 and to attend to all headquarters’ staff matters    and approved by the                               •        Management Committee tasked the presid-
 from the post of Assistant General Secretary        Management Committee                                        ent to oversee the launch of the Youth Desk
 upwards”                                            • Management Committee agreed to hold                      which took place in May 2021.

                                                                                                Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022 Sasbo News                         7

Convincing vaccine advice
                      Dr Lesego Rametsi, Absa           How is immunity developed?                         and put them into a harmless virus to
                      Group head of Health              Immunity is developed in two ways:                 make a vaccine.
                      and Wellness, presented           • Prior infection gives natural immunity        • This is injected into the patient.
                      a convincing case for             • Vaccination                                   • The vaccine enters the cells, which then
                      vaccinating to delegates             Vaccines create new antibodies. A vaccine       start to produce the coronavirus spike
                      attending Sasbo’s virtual         is a tiny, weakened, non-dangerous frag-           protein.
                      National Executive                ment of the organism and includes parts of      • This prompts the immune system to pro-
                      Congress. Here is a               the antigen. It is enough that our body can        duce antibodies and activate killer T-cells
                      summary of her clear and          learn to build the specific antibody. Then if      to destroy infected cells.
Dr Lesego Rametsi     detailed address.                 the body encounters the real antigen later,        Newer vaccines contain the blueprint for
                                                        as part of the real organism it already knows   producing antigens: Pfizer and Moderna.
What is a vaccine?                                      how to defeat it.                               They work as follows:
It is a substance used to stimulate the pro-               When a new pathogen or disease enters        • Understanding the virus that causes
duction of antibodies and provide immunity              our body, it introduces a new antigen. For         Covid: Coronavirus like the one that
against one or several diseases.                        every antigen, our body needs to build a spe-      causes Covid-19, are named for the crown-
   Vaccines have been part of the primary               cific antibody that can grab onto the antigen      like spikes on their surface, called spike
health care for centuries – the cowpox vac-             and defeat the pathogen.                           proteins. These spike proteins are ideal
cine was released in 1796 already.                                                                         targets for the vaccines.
   Vaccines are credited with the eradication           Personal vs population                          • What is mRNA? Messenger RNA or
of life-threatening diseases (e.g. polio, small-        (herd) immunity                                    mRNA is genetic material that tells your
pox, mumps and measles).                                Personal immunity – a vaccine protects an          body how to make protein.
• Pathogen – bacterium, virus, parasite or             individual.                                     • What is in the vaccine? The vaccine is
   fungus that can cause a disease within the           Population immunity – community vaccin-            made of mRNA wrapped in a coating that
   body                                                 ation protects the whole community even            makes delivery easy and keeps the body
• Antigen – subpart of a pathogen that                 those who cannot vaccinate.                        from damaging it.
   causes the formation of antibodies.                                                                  • How does the vaccine work? The mRNA
• Antibody – a protective protein produced             How vaccines work                                  in the vaccine teaches your cells how to
   by the immune system in response to the              Vaccines contain weakened or inactive parts        make copies of the spike protein if you
   presence of a foreign substance.                     of a particular organism (antigen) that trig-      are exposed to the real virus later, your
   To be vaccinated for travel is not new               gers an immune response within the body:           body will recognize it and know how to
– you’ve always had to get vaccinated for               J&J and AstraZeneca                                fight it off.
yellow fever when you travel to certain des-            • Scientists have taken genes for the spike      Data unequivocally support efficacy of
tinations in Africa.                                       protein on the surface of the coronavirus,   vaccination against Covid-19. The vaccin-
                                                                                                        ation reduces the risk of mortality relate
                                                                                                        to influenza. The vaccine is more than 90%
                                                                                                        effective in reducing death.

                                                                                                        Adverse side effects
                                                                                                        A graph shown by Dr Rametsi revealed these
                                                                                                        startling comparisons:
                                                                                                        Relative risk of severe adverse effects per million
                                                                                                        Severe vaccine adverse event  .  .  .  .  1,0-2,0
                                                                                                        Struck by lightning  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1,0
                                                                                                        Death in a car accident (SA) .  .  .  .  .  . 233,3
                                                                                                        Death as result of murder (SA) .  .  .  .  383,3
                                                                                                        Death as result of Covid-19 (SA) .  .  .  1 810,0

                                                                                                        Common myths
                                                                                                        • The safety of the vaccines is not yet
                                                                                                        • Accelerated development with short cuts
                                                                                                        • 5G Technology is implanted
                                                                                                        • Depopulation strategy
                                                                                                        • Infertility and congenital abnormalities in
                                                                                                        • Alter human DNA

                                                                                                        THESE ARE FALSE!
                                                                                                           Dr Rametsi concluded, “Get your vaccina-
Scenes from the mass vaccination site in Sandton that Sasbo officials attended.                         tion and be part of the solution.”

8   Sasbo News Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022                                                                               

 Sasbo and Absa renew their agreement
 Sasbo and Absa have signed an up-dated
 recognition agreement that has secured the
 union’s organisational rights at the bank
 for years to come.
    “The agreement needed fine-tuning
 because the last agreement dated from
 when Absa was formed,” says Sasbo assist-
 ant general secretary, Philip Landman, who
 played a leading role in shaping the new
    Central to the new deal is Sasbo’s
 ongoing right to represent its members at         select shop stewards from among the bank’s          Deborah Mitchell of Absa, and Joe Kokela,
 disciplinary and grievance inquiries; nego-       employees.                                          Ben Venter,  Francina Peteke and Philip
 tiate salaries and working conditions and           Seen at the signing are Tshego Cossa and          Landman from Sasbo.

Sasbo achieves significant
improvements to Absa’s leave policy
Following considerable constructive feed-             percentage of the encashed leave lump sum
back from its members, Sasbo has negotiated           that can be made pensionable is the same as
a range of improvements to Absa’s leave               your current monthly contribution percent-
policy. Complimenting the members on their            age. This is a good opportunity to boost
efforts, assistant general secretary, Advocate        your pension fund!
Philip Landman, said:                              • An automatic encashment of 4 days of accu-
   “We received hundreds of comments. I               mulated leave will take effect if a person
thank everyone who took the trouble to write          reaches the 32-day cap. There will therefore
to me. The diversity of the comments made             be no “accidental forfeiture “of accumulated      Sasbo’s
it impossible to put a consolidated position
to the bank that reflected the views of every
                                                   • Members will be allowed to book leave
                                                                                                        Financial update
member. However, I’m pleased to announce              in advance (12-month limitation) and the                             Samantha Anthony,
that the main issues brought to our attention         booked leave will not be encashed when                               Head of Finance.
have been addressed.                                  the bank pays out excess leave balances in
   “The new leave conditions agreed are:              July 2021. Members will therefore be able to                           As per usual, the
• Annual leave will increase from 15 days            reduce their leave balances instead of having                          auditors that checked
   to 17 days for all BA 1 to BA 4 employees.         to encash all leave in excess of the new cap.”                         Sasbo’s finances and
   Accumulated leave will remain at 8 days            Philip Landman added: “There are changes                               accounting, had the
   per year which means that the total number      to the annual leave system which are very                                 following to say:
   of leave days per year for employees on BA      important to understand. These changes                 “In our opinion, the financial state-
   1 to BA 4 levels will increase from 23 to 25    are in line with the provisions of the Basic         ments present fairly, in all material
   days per year.                                  Conditions of Employment Act. Therefore,             respects, the financial position of Sasbo
• The proposed maximum accumulated leave          the Union did not submit any proposals to the        – The Finance Union as at 31 December
   cap of 24 days has been increased to 32 days.   bank in this regard.                                 2020, and its financial performance
• Members will in future be able to encash 12        “The bank will run a proper information           and cash flows for the year then ended
   leave days per annum instead of the current     campaign in order to ensure that the details         in accordance with the International
   8 leave days.                                   of the proposed changes are properly under-          Financial Reporting Standard and the
• Members will be able to elect on a once-        stood. Members are encouraged to make                requirements of the Labour Relations Act,
   off basis to make a portion of their            themselves aware of all the details pertaining       1995.
   encashed leave lump sum pensionable. The        to the proposed changes.”                              “Further, in our opinion the trade
                                                                                                        union has complied with the provisions
                                                                                                        of its constitution relating to financial
                                                                                                        statement matters as at 31 December
         We received hundreds of comments. I thank everyone                                             2020.”
            who took the trouble to write to me...                                                        This means that Sasbo has received an
                                                                                                        unqualified audit.

                         SASBOsure – Clients enjoy free AA road and home emergency assistance
                         Contact firstEquity at or 0860 744 447 for a quote.

                                                                                               Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022 Sasbo News                9

                                                  Stop sexual harassment
                                                  Sasbo wholeheartedly supports the ratifica-
                                                  tion of Convention 190 on the elimination of
                                                  violence and harassment and gender-based                    Making a positive
                                                  violence in the workplace.
                                                                                                      difference to the lives of our
                                                  What is sexual harassment?                                  members.
                                                  Sexual harassment is conduct of a sexual
                                                  nature that the victim does not like or want. If
SA adopts ILO 190                                 the perpetrator refuses to stop giving someone     What can I do if this happens to me?
                                                  attention of a sexual nature; or harasses the
Convention against                                person after being told that such attention
                                                                                                     DO NOT KEEP QUIET! Your silence or
                                                                                                     inaction unfortunately tells the perpetrator
violence and harassment                           is not welcome, the perpetrator is guilty of       that you are welcoming or tolerating his/her
                                                  sexual harassment                                  unseemly behaviour.
Now is the time for us to stand together
to ensure everyone’s right to live and
                                                  What types of sexual                               1. The Informal route
operate in a world free from violence and
                                                  harassment are there?                              To combat unwanted attention you can go the
                                                  Physical – Ranges from touching your body          informal route whereby you tell the perpet-
   South Africa is moving in the right
                                                  to sexual assault and rape and includes strip      rator straight out that he/she must stop with
direction. It is in the process of adopting
                                                  searching you by or in the presence of a mem-      that behaviour because it is unwanted, you
the International Labour Organisation
                                                  ber of the opposite sex.                           feel uncomfortable, and it interferes with your
Convention No. 190 which, read with
                                                  Verbal – Making sexual suggestions, jokes,         work.
Recommendation 206, recognises the right
                                                  remarks, asking you questions about your sex
of everyone in a world of work free from
                                                  life, whistling at you, sending sexual graphics    2. The Formal route
violence and harassment.
                                                  about your body                                    2.1 Grievance – If the perpetrator continues
   Will we now see the end of workplace
                                                  Non-verbal – Unwelcome signs, undressing           with the bad behaviour, you can lodge a griev-
bullies, harassers, sexists, ethnic critics,
                                                  in front of you or showing his/her private         ance You must contact Sasbo immediately who
school children picking on innocent
                                                  parts to you (indecent exposure), he/she sends     will advise you on how to lodge a grievance.
learners in ways that result in their suicide?
                                                  you photos, pictures or messages of a sexual       2.2 Disciplinary Enquiry (D.E.) – DEs will be
   International Labour Organisation
                                                  nature using any communication channel             for very serious offences like when the perpet-
Convention No. 190 defines violence and
                                                  including social media.                            rator repeatedly ignores your request to stop,
harassment as “a range of unacceptable
                                                  Quid pro quo harassment – The perpet-              or where sexual assault, rape, a strip search
behaviours and practices” that “aim at,
                                                  rator tries to use the process of employment,      and quid pro quo harassment has transpired.
result in, or are likely to result in physical,
                                                  promotion, training, discipline, dismissal,        2.3 CCMA or Labour Court – You can also
psychological, sexual or economic harm”.
                                                  salary increases or other benefits to favour       refer a dispute to the CCMA or the Labour
   This same Convention also addresses
                                                  you in exchange for “sexual favours” for the       Court if you are the victim.
physical abuse, verbal abuse, bullying
                                                  perpetrator. If you do give in to the perpet-
(especially in the cyber space) and mobbing,
                                                  rator’s demand, the perpetrator will  grant        What is the Employer expected to do?
sexual harassment, threats and stalking,
                                                  you many favours; but if you refuse to give        Maintain confidentiality of your identity as a
among other things. Along with its supple-
                                                  in, then the perpetrator  threatens or makes       victim, give you trauma counselling, possibly
menting Recommendation (No. 206), it sets
                                                  life at work very difficult for you by unfairly    grant additional sick leave; provide regular
out a common framework for action to pre-
                                                  prejudicing you in the workplace  due to           information and education on the matter to
vent and address violence and harassment
                                                  your refusal to give in to the demands of the      raise awareness and foster a safe working
in the world of work through collective
                                                  perpetrator.                                       environment.
   The Convention also makes special pro-
vision for people with disabilities and for
those travelling on public transport.
   Welcoming the adoption of the
                                                  Sasbo’s Moses Lekota elected
Convention, which is now going through
parliament in Bill format, Sasbo general
                                                  president of UNI-Africa
secretary, Joe Kokela, said: “Working from        Sasbo president, Moses Lekota, has been            for their contributions to growing UNI-
home and the rising retrenchments statist-        unanimously elected to serve a four-year           Africa and giving it a strong foundation.
ics have increased the number of reported         term as president of UNI-Africa. The vot-            “Our challenge now is to build on that
violence cases to alarming levels.                ing took place during a virtual conference         foundation to make UNI-Africa a force to be
   “Nobody is above the law; every human          of the regional body that unites 168 unions        reckoned with.
being is equal in the eyes of the law. Now is     from 36 African countries.                           “Keeping the human factor relevant in a
the time for us to stand together to ensure         Moses told Sasbo News: “I feel deeply            world of work bedevilled by a pandemic
everyone’s right to live and operate in a         honoured. My election is as much a credit to       and by largely unknown technological
world free from violence and harassment.          Sasbo as it is to me.”                             advances that favour automation is not
   “Hopefully, SA’s acceptance of                   In his inaugural address to the Congress,        going to be easy. I therefore pledge myself
Convention 190 is the first step towards a        Moses paid tribute to his predecessor, Founé       to work closely with our general secretary
new harmonious, peaceful and non-discrim-         Niang Ndèye of Senegal, and to UNI Global          and with all UNI-Africa affiliates.”
inating society.”                                 Union general secretary, Christie Hoffman,                                Continued on page 14 …

10 Sasbo News Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022                                                                          
tiMe to applY FoR a
2022 SaSbo StudY GRant
Times are tough and education is more                 good standing.                                      2021 or applications may be faxed to:
important than ever. Sasbo cares, therefore         • If the required grant is for a child, at least      011 388 6066.
the union is yet again offering 50 study              one parent should be a Sasbo member in                Recipients of the previous round of Study
grants of up to R4 000 each to help mem-              good standing.                                      Grants and who have hopefully almost com-
bers (and/or their children) to further their       • No other relatives (i.e. sisters, brothers,         pleted their study year with success, were:
tertiary educational ambitions. The names             in-laws, etc.) will be considered.                    Johannesburg: Boniwe Lucia Khumalo,
of the recipients are drawn from all the            • The student has to be in his/her second             Hlayisani Ntsanwisi, Keith Chandler,
qualifying applications received.                     year of study – or beyond – at a recognized         Mampa Maloka, Matshidiso Munyai,
  Please note the following:                          tertiary educational institution.                   Natasha Ramdin, Pauline Phoshoko, Sylvia
• There is no age ceiling to the grant              • The grants are not available to cover school        Ntisa, Thurunaigee Nadar, Charity Mudua,
  qualifications.                                     fees or other forms of education.                   Lennet Komane, Nokuthula Masondo,
• The grants are solely for students under-         Each application needs to be accompanied              Mildred More, Irend MIntamu.
  going approved forms of tertiary educa-           by:                                                     Pretoria: Lucy Vilikazi, Nkono Ramonyai,
  tion. The grants do not apply to any other        • Proof of successful completion of your 2021         Precious Shubane, Motsoko Phuti Ronell
  branch of education.                                studies.                                            Abersalie, Christina Mabhena.
• We receive many applications for the              • Proof of your 2022 registration/enrolment,            Durban: Krishnie Govender, Natasha
  grants. Only 50 of the applicants whose             and tuition fees paid, or payable.                  Swart, Nompumelelo Gumede, Noresh
  names will be drawn in April or May next             To ensure that their applications are              Mahdoo, Phelokazi Nongcaula, Pravia
  year will be fortunate enough to receive          considered, applicants should answer all the          Prawlall, Shameeta Maharaj, Wandile
  Sasbo’s help.                                     questions on the application form on this             Mbuthu, Kenereis Paige Pillay.
• Do not submit more than one application.          page. Please write clearly. The closing date            Gqeberha: Montobeko Lucia Gqeke,
  Additional applications are discarded.            for applications is 28 February 2022.                 Pontso Sauli, Tania van Niekerk, Donné
• Complete applications in full with all sup-          Successful applicants will be contacted            Hoek, Joey Meyer.
  porting documents attached.                       telephonically in April or May 2022 after the           Cape Town: Magdalene Petro Hartnick,
                                                    final draw has taken place and the names of           Bernan Losper, Joey Ushela Meyers, Pamela
The rules                                           the successful applicants will be published in        Booise, Thembisile Nkumane, Venesia
The rules governing the allocation of Sasbo         Sasbo News.                                           Trantaal.
study grants are:                                      Completed forms can be mailed to: Sasbo              Bloemfontein: Edith Terblance, Leana
• Applicants have to be Sasbo members in            2022 Study Grant Private Bag X84 Bryanston            Chamberlain.

  Application for a 2022 Sasbo Study Grant
 Sasbo membership number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Institution where Sasbo member is employed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Sasbo member’s name & surname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Closest centre to member (please tick):

                                Johannesburg         Pretoria      Durban       Gqeberha        Cape Town         Bloemfontein
 Applicant’s name & surname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Relationship of applicant to member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Applicant’s year of study (eg: 2nd year) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Postal address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Tel (H). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (W). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Bank deposit details
 Name of account holder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bank name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Account number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Branch (compulsary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Branch number (compulsary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Type of account (eg. Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                        NOTE: INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED

                                                                                                Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022 Sasbo News                  11

Current Add-On Benefits
Please note that these benefits are only available to paid-up Sasbo members.

Sasbo Benevolent Fund                                    • A child of a member or staff member, and are                             SASBOsure Personal Insurance
The Sasbo Benevolent Fund, which draws its resources        under the age of 25.                                                     We will match or beat your current premiums*
from union funds and member donations, renders           • A grandchild or other child blood relation of the                        SASBOsure: car, home and contents insurance for
financial assistance to members who are suffering           member or staff member, and are under the age                            over 30 years. firstEquity* has offered SASBOsure
extreme financial hardship.                                 of 25, and are solely financially dependent on the                       an exciting insurance offering designed exclusively
                                                            member.                                                                  for Sasbo members. SASBOsure has always had the
Sasbo Legal Line – 0860 111 000                                                                                                      following principles at its core: competitive costs,
This is the union’s free 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-     Old Mutual Group Schemes                                                    exclusive benefits and unmatched service levels
year legal advice line available to members, through     During their 20-year association with Old Mutual,                           through a dedicated relationship manager. A few of
Europ Assistance. Sasbo callers receive unlimited        Sasbo members have invested in a wide range                                 SASBOsure’s exclusive benefits include:
general telephonic legal advice, which has saved         of financial plans (investment, education, capital                          • free AA road and home emergency assistance;
members millions of rands in legal costs. The other      accumulation and funeral plans) made available                              • free 7-day car hire;
services include free tax and financial support for      to members at competitive rates. Their collective                           • an excess shield; and
education. Effective from 1 October 2020 members will    stake in Old Mutual qualified the 11 000 members                            • a unique retrenchment benefit.
have access to Covid-19 support, such as tele-doctors    with Old Mutual investments for shares worth an                             SASBOsure promises to match or beat your
and professional nurses.                                 estimated R40 million when the company privatised                           current premium or quote (Ts&Cs will apply). For
                                                         its operation in 1999. Old Mutual continues to offer                        a quote, contact us on or
Sasbo Study Grants                                       an expanding range of investment opportunities                              011 510 1300. * firstEquity Risk Management
Each year the union offers study grants (on a rand-      which members would be wise to investigate.                                 Services (Pty) Ltd is a registered FSP.
forrand basis) to members or their children undergoing
second-year tertiary education or beyond.                Sasbo Member Funeral Cover                                                  Sasbo News
                                                         Effective from 1 September 2020, the Sasbo member                           Members are kept up-to-date about Sasbo
Old Mutual Educational                                   funeral benefit, which is included in your union                            personalities and activities through its own
Trust Scholarships                                       membership and underwritten by Old Mutual, has                              newspaper, Sasbo News. Sasbo News keeps
Sasbo has been admitted to the Old Mutual                increased from R10 000 to R15 000 for all members                           them abreast of developments in the local and
educational trust that promotes tertiary education       under 63 years of age. An additional R15 000 will                           international finance industry, international socio-
by providing scholarships for worthy individuals. The    be paid out in the case of unnatural death in the                           economic trends and developments in the labour
scholarship provides funding to study on a full-time,    line of duty. This means a potential total cover of                         movement.
part-time or on a distance basis, for a first-time       R30 000 per member. Claims should be directed to
undergraduate degree or diploma (including BTech) at     your nearest Old Mutual Servicing branch or contact                         Sasbo Smalls
an accredited Higher Education Institution. You may      the Old Mutual Call Centre on 0860 607 000 for                              This ‘shop window’ in Sasbo News enables members
apply only if you are:                                   assistance or visit the Sasbo website for details of                        to advertise – free of charge for a prescribed period
• A member or staff member of one of the                the claims procedure. Please relay this information to                      and at a modest cost thereafter – their goods,
   participating trade unions.                           your family members.                                                        services, properties for sale or rent and other items.

                             Financial Institutions          BPS Enrolment and Information update form
                             Pensioners                      PO Box 1871, Saxonwold, 2132 • 159 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, 2193
                             Society (BPS)                   Tel: 011 442 0030 • Fax: 011 442 0034 or 011 447 3498

  Bankmed: Dedicated pensioner option                        E-mail:
  to assist with claims and queries. Phone                   Please enrol me as a member of the BPS and debit my account annually with the
  the toll free helpline on 0800 22605633.
  There is also a dedicated pensioner tab on                 amount of R66*.
                                                             Account no: .................................................. at ............................................................. (bank)
  Funeral cover: A competitive premium is
  available from AVBOB for pensioners up to                  Branch name: .............................................................. Branch code no: ...................................
  the age of 84 years. Call 011 442 0030 (BPS                Full names: ...............................................................................................................................
  Office) or 021 851 0402 or 082 453 5789, fax
  0866 162 281 (Kobus Bruwer of Be Wise).                    ID number: ................................................................................................................................
  Benevolent fund: Apply via your BPS                        Address: ....................................................................................................................................
  branch to the National Council for
  financial assistance (only in deserving and                .................................................................... Postal code: .........................................................
  exceptional cases).
                                                             Home tel: ..................................................... Fax: .....................................................................
  Insurance: Pensure from firstEquity is
  especially for BPS members and includes AA                 Email: .......................................................... Cell: ....................................................................
  Road Assist. Call 011 510 1300.                            Date: ............................................................ Signature: ............................................................
  Heart2Care: Caring is what we do and
  love. For all your health needs and care                   Enrolled by: ............................................................. Membership no: .........................................
  in the comfort of your home, contact us                    * This amount may be adjusted annually                                                                
  at 011 675 2716 or 082 920 2538, or visit                                      A free copy of SASBO News will be posted to each BPS member

12    Sasbo News Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022                                                                                                                    

for the reCord
 What with Covid, load-shedding and the political mayhem, these are difficult
 times. But for every negative there is a positive.
   Never has this tenet been truer than it is now.
   On the jobs front, thank heavens we have a union and industry capable of
 steering us through the turmoil.
   The shake-up provided by the recent elections is bound to result in
 better governance.
   On the work front, many individuals are managing to turn their
 new circumstance into a blessing. Colleagues who have hankered for
 the freedom to create their own work/life balance have gained that right
 in large measure.
   Parents are spending more time with their children. Husbands and wives
 are spending more quality time together. Families are becoming closer.
   Dreams of country living without sacrificing big city opportunities are being
 realized. Gardeners, runners, hobbyists and others are able to indulge their pas-
 times more generously.
   We are hearing of family budgets benefitting as imbibers adopt healthier habits
 and families rely less on artificial entertainment.
   We need to remain hyper-alert, though. Promising though the statistics are, we
 are not yet out of the Covid woods. Looking at what is happening in the more
 developed nations, there might be worse to come.
   Let’s play our role in helping to get everyone vaccinated.
   Dare we say it, or think it - could it be that dreaded Covid and its equally fright-
 ening pal, the 4IR, will turn out to be the gear-change to better all-round lifestyles?

 COffEE BREAK SUDOKU                                                                       Keep Sasbo updated
Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and each of the 3 x 3         All Sasbo members need to keep their contact details
squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9. Solution on page 10.                          updated to ensure that they receive all communication.
                                                                                           Ask yourself these questions:
                                                                                           • Do you receive Sasbo News regularly?
   3                 2                                    5                                • Do you receive emails from Sasbo?
                                                                                           • Do you receive SMSs with news updates?
                                                                                           • Does your branch/department receive faxes from Sasbo?
   9                                             2                  7        8             If you answer “no” to any of the above questions, then
                                                                                           you need to complete the form below and email or fax it
                                                                                           to Sasbo on or 011 467 0188 as soon as
            5        8         1                          4                                possible.
                                                                                           If you retire you can no longer be a Sasbo member but you
                                                                                           can become a member of the Bank Pensioners’ Society (BPS).
   8                                    1        3        2                                See page 12 for their contact details.
                                                                                           If you make yourself a part of the communication chain, you
                                                                                           will never again have to wonder what your union is doing
                     4                  7                                                  for you!
                                                                                           Name: __________________________________________________
                                                                                           Sasbo membership no: ___________________________________
   7                                                                         1             Managerial/General staff: ________________________________
                                                                                           Bank and department/branch: ____________________________

                     9                                    1         6
                                                                                           Postal address: __________________________________________

   1                                                      7                                _________________________________________________________
                                                                                           Email: __________________________________________________
                                                                                           Cell: ____________________________________________________

   4                 7         9                          8         2        5             Tel: _____________________________________________________
                                                                                           Fax: ____________________________________________________

                                We will match or beat your current premiums*
                       Contact, firstEquity**at or 0860 744 447 for a quote.
                                                         *T&C’S apply. ** firstEquity is a regsitered fSP.

                                                                                               Vol 43, No 4 – Dec/Jan 2022 Sasbo News                13
You can also read