FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance

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FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance
Analysis of
financial crime and
how to minimise its
impact on the UK
In association with Barclays,
Refinitiv and a syndicate of
EPA members

                                Sponsored by
FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance
Financial Crime Matters
          inancial crime concerns every company in the               what’s really going on, by whom and at what cost. And
     F    payments industry. Because it affects everyone             we have developed a set of recommendations for action
    involved in moving money, whether consumers,                     that are clear, timely and impactful.
    businesses or governments. And it funds the activities of
    organised crime groups that seriously affect wider               Thank you to Barclays, Refinitiv and the other five syndicate
    society, such as human trafficking, drug trafficking and         members for investing time and resource to make this
    terrorist financing.                                             paper possible. It will enable the emerging payments
                                                                     industry to address the underlying causes of financial crime
    But while there have been several coordinated attempts           and protect everyone from the criminals behind it.
    to decide what should be done about it, none have been
    on behalf of the emerging payments sector.

    So the Emerging Payments Association has assembled
    a syndicate to address this. We have commissioned a                                   Tony Craddock
    specialist in payments and financial crime to carry out                               Director General
    extensive research and analysis. We have identified                                   Emerging Payments Association

                                About the EPA                                                         About Huntswood

                                 The Emerging Payments                                                Huntswood, the commissioned
                                 Association (EPA), established in                                    producer of this white paper, aims
2008, connects the payments ecosystem, encourages innovation         to drive better outcomes - for its clients and their customers.
and drives profitable business growth for payments companies.        Huntswood achieves this by combining people, process and
Its goals are to strengthen and expand the payments industry to      technology to deliver practical solutions that help regulated
the benefit of all stakeholders.                                     firms deliver high quality services in a cost-efficient way, all while
                                                                     effectively mitigating business risk.
It achieves this by delivering a comprehensive programme of
activities for members with help from an independent Advisory        Huntswood is the partner of choice for:
Board, which addresses key issues impacting the industry.
                                                                     • Resourcing - of the quality and level to get the job done
These activities include:                                            • Solutions - where they take responsibility for the outcome created

•   A programme of 70 events annually                                With centres of excellence in Reading and Liverpool, Huntswood
•   Annual Black-Tie award ceremony                                  is able to take on large-scale projects in-house or otherwise
•   Leading industry change projects                                 provide robust and tailored outsourced solutions.
•   Lobbying activities
•   Training and development                                         This support is provided to firms within financial services,
•   Research, reports and white papers                               payments, utilities, travel, pharmaceuticals and gaming.

The EPA has over 130 members and is growing at 30% annually.         Its Payments subject matter experts bring with them a wealth
Its members come from across the payments value chain;               of industry experience and in-depth knowledge of policies and
including payments schemes, banks and issuers, merchant              regulation within the payments and financial services sectors.
acquirers, PSPs, retailers, and more. These companies have come      Huntswood is able to provide advice and support to firms on
together, from across the UK and internationally, to join our        topics as wide-ranging as legislative change, PSD2, Open Banking,
association, collaborate, and speak with a unified voice.            affordability, SM&CR and financial crime.

                                                                     Firms of all sizes choose Huntswood because of its successful
                                                                     track record of balancing regulatory expertise with end-to-
                                                                     end operational support, backed by technology and service
                                                                     innovation. They value Huntswood’s clear view of best practice
                                                                     and execution, drawn from their wide-ranging client exposure.
FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance
Executive Summary
                                  Ref    Theme(s)                              Recommendations for EPA to progress
       he Emerging
 T     Payments Association                                                    Promote training and awareness for financial crime staff across
                                   1     Training and Awareness                EPA membership to strengthen understanding of the importance
has produced this white
                                                                               of their role in tackling serious detriments in society.
paper to explain the nature
of payments-related                                                            Collaborate with other trade associations to promote the adoption
                                                                               of best practice among PSPs for risk management to comply with
financial crime and to             2     Access to Banking
                                                                               financial crime legislation and thereby enable necessary access to
identify actions that should                                                   banking.
be taken, collectively by
                                                                               Engage with the wider payments industry, innovation hubs,
industry players or together       3     Digital Identity                      government and regulators to play a part in creating a world-
with regulators and policy                                                     leading digital identity solution for the UK.

makers, in order to reduce                                                     Support and facilitate approaches within the industry for
the ability of criminals to        4     Transaction Analytics                 transaction monitoring analytics, extended across payment types
                                                                               and using a wider range of data sources and analytic techniques.
exploit payments services
and systems as part of their                                                   Support sector-wide activity to determine the level and extent of
illegal activities.                      Information Sharing & Reporting of    information that can be shared by government, law enforcement,
                                         Financial Crime                       and payments companies for mutual benefit, through the use of a
                                                                               common platform and commercial model.
Sponsored by a syndicate
                                                                               Engage with EPA members to create a shared position on
of EPA members led by              6     Know Your Customer
                                                                               developing the case for a global approach to KYC standards.
Refinitiv and Barclays, the
white paper addresses                                                          Support and facilitate a collaborative member-wide programme to
                                   7     Know Your Customer                    create minimum standards for due diligence on suppliers of data
the ways that payments                                                         services.
services and accounts
are abused in order                                                            Support and facilitate a collaborative member-wide programme
                                   8     Know Your Customer                    to share models and learnings from analysing customer behaviour
to carry out fraud and                                                         that members can use with their own data.
money laundering. From
                                                                               Promote a shared, industry-wide voice, through collaborative
this understanding of              9     Open Banking                          training and education, to ensure the public is receiving coherent
the current situation,                                                         messages on the security of open banking.
the white paper sets out
                                                                               Engage with National Economic Crime Centre and government to
proposed policy positions                                                      facilitate and reward reporting of financial crime by all parties via
                                  10     Reporting of Financial Crime
for the EPA to advocate                                                        appropriate groups and channels, and to educate victims about
                                                                               how reporting helps reduce criminal activity.
for the payments industry
and identifies areas for                                                       Provide education and awareness to align firms’ technology
                                                                               investment programmes with the concentrated programme
collective action by               11    Effective deployment of technology
                                                                               of industry-wide regulatory, infrastructure and standardisation
EPA members and the                                                            changes scheduled for 2019 and the following 3-5 years.
wider industry. These are
                                                                               Provide education and awareness on specialist technology
summarised in Table 1.            12
                                         Effective deployment of technology,
                                                                               areas through showcasing and collaborating with EPA members
                                         KYC & Digital Identity
                                                                               involved in those fields.
Understanding                    The EPA has set up a Financial Crime Working Group which is already addressing some of these
payments-related                 recommendations, and which will track and advocate progress of those identified within this report throughout
                                 2019–2022. The EPA can only do this with the active support and engagement of its existing members, and the
financial crime and              wider industry.
how it’s changing
                                Table 1: Recommended actions for EPA to progress
The white paper analyses in
detail the way that criminals
use payment accounts in         Laundering is carried                   of money laundering                     the UK, and 2.0% of the
the UK for fraud and money      out through payments                    through UK banks and their              financial services industry’s
laundering, explaining how      including bank transfers,               subsidiaries could be “in               total revenues. Methods
payments are compromised        cash and cheques, and                   the hundreds of billions of             of payments fraud include
across different payment        transaction laundering                  pounds” each year.                      push payments by taking
types and channels, leading     via card payments. While                                                        control of another person’s
to a definition of eleven       estimates are difficult to              Fraud in payments costs                 account (£150m), tricking
main clusters of the ways       produce, the National                   the UK economy over                     a genuine payer to send a
criminals exploit payments      Crime Agency (NCA)                      £2.4bn annually. This is £45            payment to a fraudster’s
for crime.                      recognises that the scale               annually for every adult in             account (which could

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FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance
be over £1bn per annum,       the points of attack. This     alongside a payment which
                                    allowing for current under-   fragmentation is also          will assist institutions in a
                                    reporting), and card-not-     occurring in the card          number of areas including
                                    present fraud for remote      acquiring and issuing          fighting financial crime.
“The payments                       purchases (£310m) in 2017.    market. Criminals will
industry needs to                                                 attempt to exploit any         The EPA sees it has
use technology                      Criminals continue to         perceived weakness,            an important role in
                                    evolve their techniques       so industry must find          providing know-how
collaboratively to                  in the fast-changing          limitations in systems         on these changes to
strengthen its fight                payments landscape,           before they do.                emerging payments service
against financial                   targeting the areas which                                    providers to ensure they
crime, including                    are perceived to be           Payments industry              are involved in these
                                    weakest. In some cases,       structural changes             initiatives. The EPA views
a common digital                    these weak links may be                                      that all payment providers
                                                                  and recommended
identity solution,                  technologies, procedures,                                    have an obligation to
                                                                  industry response
and large-                          new businesses, outsourced                                   maintain the integrity
scale analytics                     services, or simply the       Based on the analysis,         of the payment industry
                                    customers. Financial          the white paper makes a        through compliance
of payments                         crime as a whole changes      set of proposals across        with relevant financial
transactions”                       slowly and tactics which      areas the EPA considers        crime legislation, and this
Tony Craddock,                      are successful continue to    vital for strengthening        compliance is critical for
Director General,                   be used and optimised;        the payments industry’s        payments providers to
Emerging Payments                   completely new methods        approach to tackling fraud     continue to have full access
Association                         appear rarely.                and money laundering, and      to banking facilities (see
                                                                  the important role that the    recommendation 2). The
                                    Many current trends           EPA can play in this.          EPA also considers that
                                    use social engineering.                                      payment providers and
                                    Deceiving customers into      The UK payments industry       operators need to deploy
                                    making seemingly valid        is moving through a period     up-to-date technology
                                    payments or tricking          of structural change as        more extensively and
                                    them into disclosing          a result of PSD2 which         collaboratively in defence
                                    card or security details      came into effect in January    of their services and
                                    account for two thirds        2018. Open banking             customers, aligned with the
                                    of payment fraud. To          presents opportunity for       judgment and knowledge
                                    conceal proceeds of crime,    further innovation through     of skilled staff. The EPA is
                                    money is laundered using      the introduction of new        going to be an advocate
                                    multiple instruments for      market entrants, but also      for members through this
                                    concealment including         presents challenges as         period of unprecedented
                                    by mobile app, card and       market participants assess     change.
                                    alternative payments. To      changing financial crime
                                    further hide transactions,    risks associated with          Digital Identity: Managing
                                    increasingly complicated      the new environment.           the authentication of
                                    company structures are        Furthermore, the Bank of       users’ identity is critical
                                    set up using professional     England has announced its      for electronic and digital
                                    enabler and unverified        timeframes for adoption        payments, exploiting
                                    persons, both in the UK and   of international payment       developments in biometrics
                                    abroad.                       standard ISO20022 as part      and behavioural analytics.
                                                                  of its renewal of the UK       A digital identity in the
                                    The short-term outlook        Real Time Gross Settlement     UK is a core enabler
                                    is unclear. On one hand       service (RTGS). RTGS           for ongoing take-up of
                                    the EU’s revised Payment      renewal and the adoption       digital services, facilitating
                                    Services Directive (PSD2)     of the ISO standard across     both convenience and
                                    brings in stronger systems    the UK payment schemes         security for users. The EPA
                                    of authentication for         represent a significant        advocates that the financial
                                    customers at the point        opportunity to ensure the      services industry could
 1   National Strategic             of payment and account        UK is adhering to latest       work collaboratively to
     Assessment of Serious and      access. On the other, the     global standards, offering     drive a broad consortium of
     Organised Crime 2018 -
     [NCA] 2018                     opening up of payment         enhanced interoperability      banks, payments providers
 2   Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of    services will introduce a     which will assist in more      and operators, innovation
     the European Parliament and    number of other parties       efficient payment transfers,   hubs, government and
     of the Council – [European
     Parliament and Council] 2015   to the payments supply        as well as increased           regulators to create a
                                    chain, thereby increasing     capacity to transfer data      world-leading digital

2                                                                                                   emergingpayments.org
FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance
identity solution. The EPA      providers to ensure a level    education, to ensure the       strategic advice that
will look to engage its         playing field. The EPA can     public is receiving coherent   companies require. The
members in developing a         engage its members in          messages on the security       EPA can also provide
standardised approach that      advising on requirements,      of open banking. (See          training and awareness on
is pragmatic for all players.   and on practical               recommendation 9)              the capabilities of specialist
(See recommendations 3,         operating principles and                                      anti-crime technologies
12)                             business models. (See          Improved Reporting of          through showcasing
                                recommendation 5)              Financial Crime: The           and collaborating with
Transaction Analytics:                                         reporting of cases of          EPA members involved
Machine learning and            Really knowing your            payment fraud is uneven        in those fields. (See
artificial intelligence         customer: To really know       and poorly enforced,           recommendations 11,12)
techniques are increasingly     your customer, companies       resulting in a reduced
being applied to payments       need to go beyond              and distorted picture          Enhanced technology
systems to identify             document checking and          of the impact on UK            capabilities need to be
networks of criminals           analyse their behaviour.       citizens, businesses and       complemented by human
and suspicious payments         By preventing bad actors       government. The newly          experience and judgement
or account behaviour.           at account opening and         formed National Economic       to have the greatest
Initiatives are under           performing ongoing             Crime Centre will require      impact on crime. In this
way for analytics across        monitoring of customers,       good case information,         way, payments companies
central clearing systems,       payment companies              data and statistics to fight   have a vital role in society
for example with Pay.UK         will be better placed to       financial crime effectively    in tackling financial
targeting money-mule            prevent payments financial     and the EPA believes this      crime and the organised
accounts for laundering.        crime. Machine learning &      is critical to the correct     crime it funds. The EPA
The EPA is supportive           behavioural analytics build    focus and allocation           should engage with the
of the Pay.UK initiative        up a model of expected         of resources. It should        industry to promote
and will engage with            patterns of legitimate         be the responsibility of       training and awareness for
industry in developing          payment behaviours             every PSP to encourage         financial crime teams to
opportunities where the         and can uncover the            their customers to             strengthen understanding
analytical capability could     increasingly complex           report fraud back to           of the importance of their
be extended and diversified     networks where criminals       them and the correct           role in tackling serious
across payments types and       hide. The EPA can help         authorities. Removal           detriments in society. (See
analytical methods. (See        promote the appropriate        of the disincentives           recommendation 1). n
recommendation 4)               use of their members’          from reporting financial
                                specialised technologies,      crime is also strongly
Financial crime                 and their members could        recommended. This will           Call to Action
information sharing:            collaborate to create a        ensure a comprehensive
                                                                                                In recognition of the
Enhanced information            network of trusted data        view of the problem
                                                                                                work already under way
sharing on known and            sources, shared behaviour      and enable a swift               across the industry, the
suspected financial crime       models and broadcast           response to changes in           EPA, through its Financial
across the industry, and        events. A drive to develop     criminal behaviour. (See         Crime working group,
                                                                                                with Refinitiv as the
with law enforcement,           the case for a global          recommendations 5,10)
                                                                                                benefactor, will prioritise
would deliver benefits in       approach to KYC standards                                       the recommendations that
enabling greater detection,     is also encouraged. (See       Effective deployment             need EPA leadership to
prevention and prosecution      recommendations 6,7,8,11)      of technology to fight           progress, and collaborate
                                                                                                and engage with other
of financial crime. The                                        financial crime: In
                                                                                                initiatives which benefit the
EPA supports initiatives to     Addressing the threats         emphasising the role of          industry and customers
share information to tackle     in open banking: The           technology, the report           by addressing challenges
financial crime, where          new environment of open        considers aspects of             identified in this paper.
the sharing is inclusive of     banking offers potential       how technology can be
                                                                                                To find out more
all regulated payments          targets for criminals. We      effectively deployed.            information on the
companies. The EPA also         highlight social engineering   Companies need to invest         EPA Financial Crime
encourages its members          against consumers              smartly in technology, fully     Working Group and
                                                                                                how to get involved,
to engage in the public/        unfamiliar with 3rd-party      understanding the busy
                                                                                                contact Thomas Connelly
private partnership initiated   providers (TPPs), and          schedule of regulatory,          (thomas.connelly@
by the Home Office with         targeting of TPPs as           legislative and industry-        emergingpayments.org)
the industry as part of         aggregators of payments        programme changes
the SARs (suspicious            services, for hacking or       flowing over the next
activity reports) reform        mule accounts. The EPA’s       3-5 years. The EPA could
programme under way.            policy approach is to          work with its members
Shared information services     promote a shared, industry-    to provide training and
need to be cost-effective       wide voice through             support to promote that
for smaller payments            collaborative training and     longer-term vision and

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FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance
2. Contents

1 Executive Summary.............................................................1

2 Table of Contents................................................................ 4

3 Syndicate Leads...................................................................5

4 Syndicate Associates.........................................................6

5 Introduction............................................................................8

6 Understanding payments-related financial
  crime and how it’s changing....................................... 10

     6.1 Analysis: “Follow the Money”............................. 10

     6.2 Counting the Cost of Financial Crime..............11

     6.3 Scale of Payments-related
          Financial Crime.......................................................13

     6.4 Comparison with global rates of losses
          to financial crime...................................................14

     6.5 The changing nature of payment-related
          financial crime.........................................................14

7 Payments industry policies /
  recommendations to tackle financial crime.........20

     7.1 Introduction................................................................20

     7.2 Digital Identity: an industry approach........... 22

     7.3 Transaction Analytics.............................................24

     7.4 Financial Crime Information Sharing.............. 25

     7.5 Really knowing who the customer is.............. 27

     7.6 Addressing Threats in the Open
         Banking environment............................................30

     7.7 Improved Reporting of Financial Crime.........31

     7.8 Effective deployment of technology to fight
     financial crime.................................................................... 33

8 Conclusions............................................................................ 35

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FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance
3. Syndicate Leads

Barclays - Syndicate Lead                                               Refinitiv - Syndicate Lead

It has never been more important for industry bodies such               Welcome to this pivotal whitepaper on the changing nature of
as the EPA to assist their members in navigating this period            financial crime, delivered at a critical time of significant structural
of unprecedented regulatory and structural change for the               and regulatory change in the European payments market. In a
payments industry. I am encouraged to see the EPA’s focus               global economy where less than 1% of the proceeds of financial
on delivery of education, collaboration, and adoption of best           crime are being identified and seized by law enforcement, it is
practice for its members; all of which help to detect and prevent       very clear that the current approach to tackling financial crime
financial crime and to promote access to banking and the good           needs to be more effective.
functioning of the market.

                                                                        While banks and payment players continue to invest in
The EPA’s call for targeted investment in technology, supported
                                                                        technology to deliver groundbreaking digital products, services
by collaborative, member-wide, programmes that will share
                                                                        and channels, so are the criminals. They circumvent controls,
analytical models and will provide members with awareness
                                                                        defeat siloed defenses, and exploit vulnerabilities at an
of specialist technology areas is to be welcomed. Technology,
                                                                        unprecedented scale. The problem is that the criminals don’t sit
supported and delivered through effective public-private
                                                                        through committees, governance processes, regulatory reviews
partnership, is increasingly important in the fight against
financial crime. More broadly the Home Office’s review of the           and compliance reviews before they move. They innovate, adapt,
SAR regime, for example, will harness analytical technology             replicate and scale at pace, behind (digital) masks, and profit
to enhance the quality of financial intelligence available to           from their actions very quickly, across borders and at massive
competent authorities and the private sector. The launch of Pay.        scale. The aim of this paper is to highlight some of the traits of
UK’s Mule Insights Tactical Solution brings together payments           these digital criminals, and identify opportunities for the industry
data from multiple banks and overlays it with cutting-edge              to work together to take meaningful action to tackle these
proprietary analytics and algorithms to build networks of               changing patterns of behavior in an effort to tackle financial
suspected illegal activities, whilst the Bank of England’s initiative   crime.
to adopt international payment standard ISO20022 will deliver
new opportunities to assess financial crime risk through by             Refinitiv is leading the way in delivering solutions which help
providing PSPs with improved structured payment data.                   financial institutions to tackle money laundering, and financial
                                                                        crime, and we are passionate and vocal about the need for
Barclays believes that Government and regulators should create          the industry to work together to tackle this abhorrent crime.
a policy framework that incentivises all those in the economic          Through global forums like the Coalition to Fight Financial
crime ecosystem to work together, incentivising firms in the            Crime, launched with WEF and Europol at Davos in 2018,
economic crime ecosystem to invest in solutions that protect            Refinitiv will continue to raise awareness of this issue, and will
their consumers from fraud by stopping the fraud occurring
                                                                        partner with the industry to solve it.
in the first place. Industry bodies such as the EPA will play a
critical role in this policy effort, by firstly providing clear and
                                                                        We hope you find value in reading this whitepaper and remain
consistent communications on the threat of financial crime to
                                                                        here to support you in your efforts to address this issue.
PSPs and consumers, and secondly by engaging their members
in the successful delivery of initiatives such as the Contingent
                                                                        James Mirfin
Reimbursement Model which will further incentivise Payment
                                                                        Global Head of Digital Identity & Financial Crime Propositions
Service Providers to better protect consumers from Authorised
Push Payment Scams. These strategic changes present
significant opportunities for industry bodies to collaboratively        Che Sidanius
drive effectiveness and to strengthen the UK’s defences against         Global Head of Financial Crime & Industry Affairs
economic crime. Barclays is, therefore, pleased to support this
paper and the EPA’s policy recommendations.                             www.refinitiv.com/en

Geraldine Lawlor
Global Head of Financial Crime


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FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance
4. Syndicate Associates


AimBrain is an award-winning Biometric Identity as-a-Service (BIDaaS) platform comprising five invisible and visible
user authentication modules; 100% biometric, 100% proprietary. Our authentication engine is server-side and based
on deep learning, which means that in just a few weeks, we capture 60% more manual fraud at the onboarding stage
than an organisation can alone, all with zero changes to the user interface. Our multi-modal approach allows for unique
configurations of our passive modules (AimAnomaly Detection and AimBehaviour) and active modules (AimFace, AimVoice
and AimFace//LipSync) across any device and any channel. Authenticate the user, not the device.


Banking Circle – Global Banking Services

Banking Circle is a next-generation provider of mission-critical financial services infrastructure leading the rise of a super-
correspondent banking network. Banking Circle empowers financial institutions to support customers’ trading ambitions
– domestic and global - whilst reducing risk and the operational cost of transactions. By becoming a member of the
Banking Circle, financial institutions can offer their customers banking services – from payments to loans – to help them
trade domestically and globally, efficiently and at low cost. Importantly they can help their customers improve cash flow
through enhanced speed of settlement whilst remaining fully compliant with financial regulation.



Entersekt is an innovator of mobile-first fintech solutions. Its goal is two-fold. Firstly, to help financial institutions and
other large enterprises secure their customers’ digital identities, so that end-users can make the most of the service
channels available to them. Secondly, to confer on its customers a competitive edge as their industries transform. With
Entersekt’s platform in place, organizations can respond to change with agility by confidently launching exciting new
digital experiences.


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FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance

We are specialists in building Intelligent Compliance Solutions that make it easier and more cost effective for organisations
to meet their regulatory requirements. Our cutting-edge solutions for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Trade Compliance
are used by both financial services firms, and the broader industry sectors. We use AI and Machine Learning (ML) developed
in conjunction with academic research that focuses solely on the compliance problems that our applications solve. Using
ML in conjunction with user definable rules give the best of both worlds in detection rates, whilst satisfying regulatory
requirements. Using both AI and rule based system means that we can significantly reduce false positives whilst increasing
the detection rates of false negatives, all in a way that is fully auditable and transparent to the regulator. We provide an Out
of the Box end-to-end AML Solution that can be used to augment or completely replace legacy systems.



Paysafe is a leading global provider of end-to-end payment solutions. Its core purpose is to enable businesses
and consumers to connect and transact seamlessly through industry-leading capabilities in payment processing,
digital wallet and online cash solutions. Delivered through an integrated platform, Paysafe solutions are geared
toward mobile-initiated transactions, real-time analytics and the convergence between brick-and-mortar and online
payments. With over 20 years of online payment experience, a combined transactional volume of US $56 billion
in 2017 and approximately 3,000 employees located in 12+ global locations. Paysafe connects businesses and
consumers across 200 payment types in over 40 currencies around the world.


PXP Financial

PXP Financial is a complete, omni-channel payment provider that helps businesses to accept payments online and on-premise
globally. It offers an online and POS solution, alternative payments, collection services, card acquiring, risk management as well as
variety of value-added services: payment pages, reporting, conversion improvement, tokenisation, dynamic currency conversion,
instalments and recurring payments across multiple channels.

PXP Financial has many years of experience in the payment business and holds an FCA license in the UK, passported to all EU
countries, a Money Transmitter license in the US as well as Mastercard and Visa acquiring licenses. The company processes
transactions worth €16bn for more than 1000 merchants annually. PXP Financial has offices in the UK, Austria, Bulgaria, India,
Australia and in the US with 250 employees from 25 nations


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FACING UP TO FINANCIAL CRIME - Analysis of payments-related financial crime and how to minimise its impact on the UK - Midas Alliance
5. Introduction
The Emerging Payments               trillion is the estimated       for criminals by stealing     are targeted by criminals
Association has produced            aggregate lost turnover         money from the victim.        and the current scale and
this white paper to set out         as a result of financial        Money laundering across       level of impact. The analysis
the nature of payments-             crimes, according to the        the payment systems,          highlights particular areas
related financial crime in          organizations surveyed          together with breaches of     where the nature of criminal
the UK and to identify              around the world,               sanctions or ignoring the     threats to payment services
actions that should be              representing 3.5% of their      risks of PEPs (Politically    is changing in the current
taken, collectively by              global turnover.”3              Exposed Persons), enables     timeframe.
industry players or together                                        the movement of illicit
with regulators and policy          According to the                funds. The report also        The impacts and
makers, to reduce criminals’        International Compliance        addresses customer due        implications for tackling
ability to exploit payments         Association4, financial crime   diligence activities that     these threats are addressed
services and systems as             can be divided into two         should give companies         for providers and operators
part of their illegal activities.   distinct, though related,       high confidence they          of payments services and
                                    areas of activity. Firstly,     understand the nature of      payments accounts, firms
Definition of                       there are activities that       their customers’ activities   who provide services to
financial crime                     dishonestly generate wealth     and payments.                 payments institutions to
                                    for those engaged in the                                      combat financial crime,
Why are we addressing               financial crime. Secondly,      Section 6 of the report       and for the end users of
financial crime and what            there are the crimes that       addresses how payment         payments.
do we mean by financial             protect illegal wealth          services and operations
crime overall? Financial            once it has been acquired,                                    Section 7 presents the
crime over the last two to          for example through                                           key findings of the white
three decades has become            laundering.                                                   paper, across seven key
a significant concern to                                                                          areas of activity vital for
governments across world.           Aims and scope                                                strengthening the payments
This stems from the direct          for the report                                                industry’s approach
losses incurred, the serious                                                                      approach to tackling
detriments for individuals          Addressing the payments                                       payments financial crime.
and society for example             environment, this report
                                                                    “The serious types            In these findings the white
through human trafficking           focuses in on the ways that     of detriment                  paper sets out proposed
or terrorist financing, and         payments services and           include terrorist             policy positions for the
the impact on economic              systems can be abused in        financing                     EPA to advocate for the
development of societies            order to carry out fraud                                      payments industry and
and on the rule of law.             and money laundering.
                                                                    and drug, sex                 identifies areas for collective
According to a survey in            Payments fraud enables          and human                     action by EPA members and
2018 by Refinitiv, “$1.45           the generation of wealth        trafficking.”                 the wider industry.

8                                                                                                    emergingpayments.org
Other important                     society that run opposite to                Within the wider financial       providers and system
considerations in respect of        anyone’s idea of a just world               services industry, payments      operators, payment scheme,
scope for the white                 for all people. These include               providers and operators can      regulators, government and
paper are:                          terrorist financing, drug                   play a vital role in making      law enforcement. Ongoing
                                    trafficking, sex trafficking,               financial crime harder to        training and awareness-
• It addresses retail               and human trafficking. (In                  carry out. This mission          raising of the impact of
  and small-to-medium               a worst kind of example,                    should be set out clearly        this activity, done well,
  business payment                  children are being separated                and reinforced frequently        is essential across these
  services, meaning all             from their families and sold to             within payments companies.       players. n
  transactions involving            other parties who carry out                 Hard work to prevent
  consumers or SMEs and             persistent abuse of them).                  financial crime is not driven
  the corporates that they                                                      primarily by regulatory
  transact with                                                                 compliance or by managing
• The analysis includes                                                         to a commercially-driven
  card-based payments,                                                          ‘fraud loss’ budget. It should
  bank transfer payments,                                                       be driven by payments
  and electronic money                                                          providers’ responsibility to
  (e-money) services. In            “Payments                                   disrupt, reduce or prevent
  these we consider the             providers and                               the fraud and laundering
  roles for criminals acting                                                    activity that funds serious       Footnotes:
  either as end-users or
                                    operators can                               and organised crime. In           3   The true cost of financial
  as intermediaries (for            play a vital role in                        the payments industry, this           crime - a global report
                                                                                                                      [Refinitiv] 2018
  example as merchants) in          making financial                            mission can be achieved
                                                                                                                  4   What is financial crime? -
  the payments journey              crime harder to                             by co-ordinated activity              [International Compliance
• We approach this from                                                         across payment service                Association]

  the perspective of
                                    carry out.”
  UK payments service
  providers, primarily
  addressing payments
  which start and/or end in
  the UK. Nevertheless, as
  organised crime activity
                                      ICA (International Compliance
  spans countries, we
  consider where actions              Association) definition of
  on some issues need to              ‘Financial Crime’
  be co-ordinated with
  other jurisdictions                 “First, there are those activities that
• This report focuses                 dishonestly generate wealth for those
  only on fiat currency,              engaged in the conduct in question.
  not crypto-currencies               For example, the exploitation of insider
  or other unregulated                information or the acquisition of
  electronic funds (such              another person’s property by deceit will
  as Linden dollars or ISK            invariably be done with the intention of
  in Eve Online). We note             securing a material benefit. Alternatively,
  that further work on                a person may engage in deceit to secure
  payments financial crime            material benefit for another.
  could address these
  stores of value which               Second, there are also financial crimes
  are not related to fiat             that do not involve the dishonest taking of
  currency.                           a benefit, but that protect a benefit that
                                      has already been obtained or to facilitate
Importance to society                 the taking of such benefit. An example of
of tackling financial                 such conduct is where someone attempts
crime                                 to launder criminal proceeds of another
                                      offence in order to place the proceeds
Organised crime groups use            beyond the reach of the law.”
fraud and money laundering
                                      Source: ‘What is financial crime?’ International
to fund and facilitate activities     Compliance Association
which create the most
serious types of detriment for

emergingpayments.org                                                                                                                               9
Broadly, financial fraud         of payments by exploiting
                               generates proceeds               one of the elements of trust
                               of crime, and money              about a given transaction.

6. Understanding
                               laundering conceals, moves       These assumptions are that
                               and manages them. This           a payment is:
                               report focusses on the

        payments-              financial crimes where
                               payments services are
                                                                a) authorised by the payer
                                                                b) initiated from the correct

 related financial
                               abused in order to carry out        payer to the correct
                               fraud and money laundering.         recipient
                                                                c) for a legal purpose

   crime and how               Conceptually there are
                               three processes of financial
                                                                d) not modified after

     it’s changing
                               crime related to payments:       e) not subject to an
                               generation and capture              incorrect refund or return
                               of the proceeds of crime,           request and in addition,
                               management of criminal              that systems are secure
                               funds, and extraction or            and operate reliably.
                               re-investment. Figure 1
                               below shows that, just like      Criminals can attack
                               many businesses, cash            payment accounts across
                               management is important          multiple payment initiation
                               for criminal organisations       channels, some which are
                                                                not in the control of any

                               6.1 Analysis:                    payment provider such as
                                                                retailer websites and apps.
                               “Follow the                      By analysing payment
                               Money”                           initiation channels, payment
                                                                instruments and types
                               Using the investigative          of attack (see Table 2),
                               principle of tracing money       it is then possible to see
                               movements, the analysis          patterns of common
                               here focusses on obtaining       attacks across channels
                               or moving money in support       and similar attacks across
                               of financial crime, with         payment instruments.
                               transactions which start         Grouping these
                               and/or ends in the UK, in a      combinations by similarity
                               recognised fiat currency.        results in eleven clusters
                               Criminals take advantage         shown in (see Table 3). For

                          Money Laundering

        Generate               Manage                             Extract

        Payment-               Disperse                          Cash-out
          Crime                                               Obtain assets

                                                              Obtain services
       Other Crime
                     Conceal              Launder                Re-invest

                               Figure 1: The cycle of financial crime

10                                                                 emergingpayments.org
example, money laundering        Attack                          When                               Examples
by credit transfers, cheques
and cash is broadly similar      The identity associated with                                       Fake account, synthetic identities,
                                                                 Before authorisation
across all channels. We          the payment account is false                                       fraudulent account opening

have therefore grouped
these together as “money
                                 The payment account has                                            Hacking online banking, phishing via
laundering”, whereas illegal                                     Before authorisation
                                 been taken over                                                    email and SMS
payments by payment
card is classified as
“transaction laundering” as      The payment instrument has                                         Online card fraud, counterfeit cards,
                                                                 At authorisation
it uses a different method.      been abused                                                        direct debit fraud, subscription fraud
These eleven clusters of
payments-related financial
crime are unrelated to any       The payment is intentionally                                       Invoice or supplier fraud, director or
                                                                 At authorisation
technical considerations.        misdirected                                                        CEO fraud

6.2 Counting                     The payment is illegal          At authorisation
                                                                                                    Money laundering, terrorist financing,
                                                                                                    sanctions-breaches, sales of illegal

the Cost of                                                                                         goods

Financial                        The payment details have
                                                                 After authorisation                Cheque interception or modification

                                 been modified

                                                                                                    Re-charge fraud, direct debit
With many types of crime,        The payment account
                                                                 After authorisation                indemnity fraud, cash withdrawal
                                 facilities have been abused
it is difficult to estimate                                                                         fraud
the impact, however with
payment-related crime           Table 2: Examining seven potential routes for attack
there is always a value
associated with each
payment. This analysis          And if only two of those           for bribes and making other
focusses on totalling these     transactions are identified        corrupt payments, and
transaction values.             as money laundering, the           breaching sanctions.
                                reported figure might be
While it is worth noting        £200.                              These groups are subject
that fraud is not generally                                        to a requirement on PSPs
disclosed, nor extensively      Better and more consistent         at least to report any
reported to the police,         reporting will make statistics     suspicious activity, however
                                                                                                               “There is no
some estimates do exist.        like these more reliable and       it is unclear how the total           reliable estimate
This subsection uses data       ensure that any changes            value of suspicious activity          of the total value
from a number of sources,       year-on-year are not               reports (SARs) raised relates       of laundered funds
subsequently verified with      merely consequences of             to the total value of illegal
financial crime prevention      improvement in the process         payments. The National
                                                                                                           that impacts on
and payment practitioners. In   of capturing data.                 Crime Agency recognises               the UK. However,
some cases, data sources are                                       the problem of estimating            given the volume
unavailable, incomplete or      Money laundering and               money laundering:                            of financial
are known to be inaccurate.     illegal payments
                                                                   “There is no reliable
In addition, where funds are    The category of illegal            estimate of the total                transiting the UK,
transferred through multiple    payments covers two                value of laundered funds             there is a realistic
transactions, as happens        distinct clusters: transaction     that impacts on the UK.                   possibility the
in money laundering and         laundering (which uses a card      However, given the volume
especially money mule           payment to clean money             of financial transactions
                                                                                                            scale of money
networks, it is difficult       paid from a card account           transiting the UK, there is                   laundering
to understand the figure        to a merchant, both under          a realistic possibility the               impacting the
reported. For example, if       criminal control) and other        scale of money laundering                 UK annually is
£100 is laundered through       money laundering. These            impacting the UK annually is
six sequential payment          clusters will include payments     in the hundreds of billions of
                                                                                                           in the hundreds
transactions, is that £100 or   made from the proceeds of          pounds” - National Strategic                of billions of
£600 of money laundering?       crime to support terrorists,       Assessment, NCA, 2018                           pounds.”

emergingpayments.org                                                                                                                         11
Cluster                        Method                          NCA recognised in 2017          always clear. An example
                                                               that its previous estimate      is merchant fraud, where
                                                               from 2016 of up to £90          an individual sets up a
                               Illegal dealing with
                               the proceeds of crime           billion is a “significant       merchant account to
                               including making payments       underestimate”5.                receive payment for goods
Money Laundering                                                                               and services they do not
                               using credit transfer, cash,
                               direct debit, cheques and       Transaction laundering6 7 8,    deliver. In these cases, the
                               transaction laundering          the use of card payments        merchant acquirer may be
                                                               to handle payments for a        left with a debt10. These
                                                               third party or to transfer      figures are generally not
                               Abuse payment card, card        and wash the proceeds of        published by the merchant
Abuse of payment card          data or counterfeit cards to    crime, is estimated9 to have    acquirers and are invisible
                               make payments
                                                               been $159 billion in the US     to card schemes.
                                                               in 2016 of total card spend
                                                               of $3,340billion.               Furthermore, some
                               Convince payer to pay an                                        disputes are brought by
Push payment fraud             account under criminal
                                                               Assuming that proportion        cardholders fraudulently
                                                               is also correct for the UK,     and in some cases may
                                                               that would relate to almost     be successful in obtaining
                               Criminal merchant and           £46 billion of transaction      refunds to which they are
                               cardholder transactions to      laundering; this is likely to   not entitled. This is known
Transaction laundering
                               wash proceeds of crime or       be a high estimate for the      as first-party card fraud.
                               conceal seller                  real figure but is the only
                                                               estimate available.             Push Payment Fraud
                               Takeover account to make                                        Generally, there are two
                               a credit transfer (e.g.         Card Payments                   types of crime related to
Takeover of bank account
                               Direct Credit/SEPA Credit       In addition to general          push payments:
                                                               improvements, payment           • Hacking into or taking
                               Dispute payment                 cards have broadly been           control of an account,
                               fraudulently (aka ‘friendly     the focus of industry effort      then initiating payments
First-party payment fraud
                               fraud’) via card, credit
                                                               for over 25 years. The          • Using social engineering
                               transfer, direct debit
                                                               Chip and PIN programme            or other mechanisms to
                                                               was introduced to stem            persuade a real payer to
                               Abuse a 3rd party account       counterfeit card and some         make a payment to an
Direct debit fraud             to make a direct debit          lost/stolen card crime,           account in the control of
                               payment                         the cards industry has            the fraudster
                                                               progressively introduced
                                                               security measures such
                               Accept card payments            as the code printed on
Merchant fraud                 fraudulently (merchant          the reverse of the card
                               fraud)                          to crack down on online
                                                               card fraud. However, since
                                                               payment cards can be used
                               ATM skimming, intercept         globally, these initiatives
Cash                           cash in post, dispute ATM
                                                               are partially dependent on
                                                               the speed of the slowest
                                                               region. For this reason
                                                               counterfeit card crime
                               Abuse e-Wallet (stored                                          Counterfeit Goods.........................48%
                                                               against UK-issued cards was
e-Wallet payment fraud         value, not card) for criminal
                                                               still being undertaken ten      Illegal Pharmaceutical Sales....32%
                                                               years after the Chip and PIN    Illegal Tobacco.....................................1%
                                                               programme had successfully      Offensive Adult..................................9%
                               Modify cheque, intercept        completed in the UK.
                               cheque, issue cheque,                                           Gambling................................................6%
Cheque fraud
                               takeover account to issue       Whilst the card schemes         Other.........................................................4%
                               chequebook, kite cheque         record disputes
                                                                                               Figure 3: Breakdown of
                                                               about transactions              goods sold via transaction
Table 3: Eleven clusters of payments-related financial crime   as “chargebacks”, the           laundering [Mastercard] 2015
                                                               underlying cause is not

12                                                                                                    emergingpayments.org
                                                                                                                                                  In addition, the point of
 1.                                     2.                                          Illegal/                                                      transfer from electronic
                                                                                  fake goods                                                      payment systems to
                                                                                                                                                  physical notes is critical.
                                                                                                                                                  This area is targeted
                                                                                                                                                  by criminals who use
                                                                                                                                                  technology to copy or
                                                                                                                                                  intercept card information
                                        Customer                                                               Criminal
                                                                                                                                                  at ATMs. This is also the
                                                                                                                                                  point where physical
                                                                                                                                                  attacks on the ATM itself
                                                                                                                                                  are increasing, such as
      Criminal            Money                                              “Front”                                                              violent attacks on the
                        Launderer                                            Merchant                                                             machine using explosives or
                                                                                                                                                  cutting torches11.
Figure 2: The two main types of transaction laundering

                                                                                                                                                  6.3 Scale of
Whether the payment
is authorised by the
                                The most recent research
                                was a survey conducted
                                                                                   due to its anonymity. There
                                                                                   are a number of cash-
account-holder or someone       back in 2010 by CEBR                               payment-related crimes                                         related
purporting to be them, the      which estimated the annual                         including ATM skimming,
account-holder is the victim    losses at £40m. With better                        false claims of notes not                                      Financial
and may be unwilling to
report the fraud, especially
                                reporting, as required of
                                PSPs by PSD2 from January
                                                                                   dispensed, recording of a
                                                                                   PIN followed by retention
if it is a business.            2019, the industry could                           or acquisition of the related
                                soon know the actual                               card, and interception                                         Financial crime is widely
For this reason, the scale of   losses.                                            of cash payments made                                          unreported and undetected;
this type of attack has gone                                                       in the post. Cash is still                                     as such, metrics for loss
unrecognised for many           Cash                                               used frequently for                                            and incidence are generally
years                           Despite the move of                                money laundering despite                                       inaccurate and unreliable. The
                                consumers to electronic                            being bulky, and large-                                        following Table 4 summarises
Direct Debit Fraud              payments, cash remains                             denomination notes                                             estimates based on the
The strengths of the Bacs       important in financial crime                       facilitate this.                                               financial crime clusters.
Direct Debit scheme are
that it’s both easy to use
and protects payers in
the case of error or fraud.
A typical fraud would be
for a criminal to obtain a
new smartphone handset
contract backed by a                0.08%

direct debit for which the          0.07%
fraudster gives a victim’s                                                                                                        Fraud share from a card issuer’s perspective
account number and                  0.06%
                                                                                                                                  Fraud share from an acquirer’s perspective
possibly name.                      0.05%

Losses for this fraud
are not counted by the              0.03%
industry and the Direct
Debit scheme does not
measure the volume or               0.01%
value of losses. In financial
institutions these claims

under the direct debit
indemnity are, in general,
not handled or reviewed by
                                Figure 4: The UK has one of the highest loss rates to card fraud in the EU, driven by online
the financial crime or fraud    fraud. Source: Fifth report on card fraud – [European Central Bank] 2018

emergingpayments.org                                                                                                                                                                                    13
Cluster                        Estimated size £million     Growth indications12     Refinitiv global estimates,
              Money laundering (including
                                                                                                  see Table 5 suggests the UK
                                             90,000-200,00013                                     may be doing a little better
              transaction laundering)
Laundering                                                                                        (as much as 20% smaller
              Transaction laundering         up to 44,10014                                       losses). However, tackling
                                                                                                  incompleteness and
              Push payment fraud             1,200-1,50015                                        inconsistency of detection
                                                                                                  and reporting is required
              Payment card abuse             63016                                                for better and more robust
              First-party payment fraud      c16317

              Takeover of payment account    15018
                                                                                                  6.5 The
Fraud         Merchant fraud                 7419
                                                                                                  nature of
              Direct debit fraud             c4020                                                payment-
              Cash                           1921                                                 related
              e-Wallet payment fraud         n/a22                                     n/a
                                                                                                  financial crime
                                                                                                  Criminals are strongly
              Cheque fraud                   9.623                                                motivated to adapt their
                                                                                                  methods and targets
Table 4: Estimated scale of payments financial crime                                              for fraud and money
                                                                                                  laundering. This section
                                                                                                  considers these changes in
Type of                                                                                           addition to the impact of
                 Refinitiv Global Estimate      UK estimated loss as                              payment industry initiatives,
Financial                                                                UK estimates £ billion
                 for Loss as % of turnover      % of turnover
Crime                                                                                             with further analysis and
                                                                                                  recommended actions
Fraud            2.5%                           1.9%                     8727                     outlined in section 7.

Bribery and                                                                                       Industry experts and
Corruption                                                                                        practitioners are clear
                                                2.9 - 5.3%               136 - 24628              on two points: criminals
                 3%                                                                               exploit what is perceived
                                                                                                  as the easiest to exploit
Table 5: Losses due to financial crime extrapolated from Refinitiv’s report                       - the “path of least
‘The True Cost of Financial Crime’                                                                resistance” - and never
                                                                                                  stop creating new ways to
                                                                                                  develop current methods.
6.4                                survey establishes general                                     Social engineering, one
                                   loss rates as a percentage of                                  of the techniques used
Comparison                         turnover globally for fraud,                                   to circumvent security,

with global                        bribery/corruption and
                                   money laundering which are
                                                                       “The total turnover        is used to bypass
                                                                                                  technological measures,
                                                                       for businesses in
rates of losses                    given below.
                                                                       the UK is £3,861
                                                                                                  educating customers and
                                                                                                  staff on whom to trust is
to financial                       The total turnover for              billion and public         therefore vital. Regulation

                                   businesses in the UK is                                        has a role to play in
                                   £3,861 billion25 and public
                                                                       sector spending            driving up standards and
                                   sector spending is estimated        is estimated at            mandating good practice,
Payments-related financial         at £800.4 billion26, giving         £800.4 billion,            but industry-originated
crime is a proportion of all       an estimate of £4,661 billion       giving an estimate         initiatives are important,
financial crime and there          total UK turnover.                                             built on consensus and
are variable estimates. In
                                                                       of £4,661 billion          collaboration. The EPA can
Refinitiv’s study24 “The True      Comparing these UK                  total UK turnover.”        play a vital role in lobbying
Cost of Financial Crime”, the      estimates of loss with the                                     for, shaping and delivering

14                                                                                                   emergingpayments.org
some of these proposals,                                            Authorised push                  at £236 million per annum         Debit, Pay.UK is developing
which are described and                                             payment scams                    in 2017, the first year for       a new Confirmation of
listed in section 7.                                                One disturbing trend is          which a figure was reported.      Payee service to tackle the
                                                                    the growth of fraud by           Because banking providers         problem. This is intended
A number of significant                                             persuading consumers or          typically report only fraud       for launch in mid-2019 and
trends are explored in the                                          businesses to make payments      which is compensated, these       should have an almost
rest of the section.                                                directly to criminal accounts.   figures are widely believed       immediate effect on this
                                                                    This has existed for at least    to be an underestimate            type of fraud. However,
• Authorised push                                                   ten years, certainly since a     and may not contain               some industry professionals
  payment scams                                                     fraudster convinced Condé        unreported fraud affecting        believe that the protection
                                                                    Nast to pay bills of $8m from    some consumers, SME and           the new service offers
• Mobile app-based                                                  their printer to an unrelated    corporate customers. It is        may be only short-lived
                                                                    account in 201129. This set      widely believed that the          as criminals could work
                                                                    of scams may be known as         true figure is over £1 billion,   out how to avoid being
• Social engineering
                                                                    invoice fraud, CEO fraud,        with a sizeable proportion        detected and further
• Threats in the Open                                               supplier fraud and many          lost in the corporate or          measures may need to
  Banking environment                                               others, and is frequently        government sector.                be taken. In a further
                                                                    enabled by social engineering                                      measure to tackle push
• PSD2 Strong Customer                                              across mainstream digital        Indications are that this         payment fraud, the FCA
  Authentication                                                    communications platforms         crime is increasing, but the      and industry have been
                                                                    and financial services           industry is taking action.        working via the PSR’s
• Ultimate Beneficial                                               channels (see social             An operational code of            ‘Authorised Push Payment
  Owner Concealment                                                 engineering section, below).     practice31 which has been         (APP) Scams Steering
                                                                    The problem was becoming         developed has stopped at          Group’ to introduce a
• Fragmentation in the
                                                                    sufficiently acute that the      least £25m of fraud losses        contingent reimbursement
  payment card value
  chain                                                             consumer association Which?      according to the City of          model to aid in resolving
                                                                    raised a super-complaint         London Police, but there          cases where customers
                                                                    with the Payment Systems         is a way to go yet. Similar       have been victims of push
                                                                    Regulator (PSR) in 2016.         to commercial solutions32         payment scams, which will
                                                                                                     launched over eleven years        exist alongside the dispute
                                                                    Industry reports30 put losses    ago to tackle an almost           resolution approach set up
                                                                    to this second type of crime     identical problem in Direct       for open banking.

Breakdown of losses
to payments financial
crime not related to
money laundering

Push payment fraud.....................59%
Payment card adbuse.................25%
Takeover of payment account.. 7%
Merchant fraud...................................3%
First-party payment fraud..........2%
Direct debit fraud..............................2%

emergingpayments.org                                                                                                                                           15
push payment scams,               includes major technology
Increasingly sophisticated attacks on PSPs                        the technique is also             providers. The industry
                                                                  being used in increasingly        along with government and
• A digital bank described a recent fraud attack it had           sophisticated ways                regulators could explore
  suffered, demonstrating the high level of organisation          to take over payment              further how technology
  and capability of the financial crime group.                    accounts, obtain bank             providers might be included
                                                                  account credentials and           in activities and regulatory
• The fraudsters set up a copy of the bank’s website              abuse payment cards.              requirements for tackling
  and online banking login screen, using a website                Paradoxically, the increase       payments crime.
  name very similar to the bank’s genuine name. This              of payment card security
  required them to set up a web site with an Internet             in the US, which has meant        Threats in the Open
  Service Provider with a domain name from a registrar.           the decrease in counterfeit       Banking environment
                                                                  card fraud, has resulted in
• A user’s login credentials were recorded on their site,         increased online card fraud       The UK’s open banking
  before the user was redirected seamlessly to the                in both the US and the UK.        environment35 has a
  genuine bank website.                                                                             central aim to open up the
                                                                  Social engineering is             market for new payment
• The fraudsters could then login to the user’s account           also increasingly used            services and a wider
  minutes or hours later, and initiate payments to                to compromise security            range of providers. New
  accounts in their control. For security, these payments         measures introduced to            categories of regulated
  triggered a one-time password to the user’s phone;              keep payment accounts             payment providers (AISP
  the criminals phoned the user and duped them into               safe. One-Time Passwords          & PISP36) allow fintechs,
  revealing the password on the pretext of verifying              sent via mobile devices           established banks and other
  their identity.                                                 are a major target and it is      players to create new value
                                                                  not just payment providers        propositions for customers.
• To drive traffic to their site, the criminal group paid for     that criminals attack. Social     They do this by combining
  key-word search results for the bank’s name, which              engineering is used with          their own technology with
  required the group to operate an AdWords account                mobile operators’ customer        customer data and payment
  with Google.                                                    support systems online, in-       services from existing
                                                                  store and over the telephone      current account providers.
• Sophisticated criminal projects, such as this one               to perform a “SIM swap”34
  utilising multiple service providers to deliver                 or account takeover in order      It is up to the payments
  seemingly genuine services, are on the rise.                    to intercept SMS messages         industry to ensure that
                                                                  sent by banks. This is forecast   criminals do not exploit
                                                                  to increase even further as       the open nature of the
                                                                  these security measures           platform, by considering
                                                                  become more prevalent.            both regulatory and
                                                                  One aggravating factor is         technology aspects.
                                                                  that consumers are poorly         Even if open banking
                                                                  educated on security and          and its rails may have
                                                                  tend to trust without thinking.   the necessary protection,
Mobile app-based
                                 from users of genuine            A number of social                external vulnerabilities
                                 apps. The weak link is           engineering methods               may move across to open
Transaction laundering,          the ability to obtain a          require the credibility or        banking as it provides
used to launder the              merchant facility, directly      access that large-scale           access to existing services.
proceeds of crime or             or indirectly, which calls for   social media firms, search        Consumers may also be
conceal the seller, has          good implementation of           firms, and telecoms               more easily exploited
been in existence for many       merchant due diligence33         providers can provide. This       because the facility is new
years. The emerging trend        which is addressed in            enables fraudsters to make        and unfamiliar.
is for this to be done via       section 7.5.                     their scam convincing
criminally developed apps                                         enough that it will dupe          One potential example of
on mobile devices where in-      Social engineering               a majority of customers.          this is social engineering
app purchases, purporting        Persuading people to             This might include setting        consumers’ account
to be additional content,        bypass processes or              up close copies of a bank’s       credentials. Consumers
options or functionality,        disclose information is          website, accessing data           who have been conditioned
are used instead of goods.       not new but the term             via social media accounts,        to share sensitive account
The increased difficulty for     social engineering is            or diverting online search        information only with their
fraud prevention is that the     recent. In addition to the       results to a fraudulent           bank, are now being allowed
criminal behaviour may be        social engineering used          website. The ecosystem for        to disclose it to some third
almost indistinguishable         to facilitate authorised         payments financial crime          parties.

16                                                                                                     emergingpayments.org
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