Page created by Stanley Nunez

CREDITS                                                       OVERVIEW

Head: Corporate Communication
Lt Gen Solomon Makgale

The Component Head:
Corporate Communication
Maj Gen Vuyisile Ngesi

Section Head: Chief Editor
Publications and broadcast
Brig Tummi Masondo

Sub-Section Head: Publications
Col Linda van den Berg
                                                               The SAPS is hosting its second annual National
Sub Editor:                                                    Excellence Awards event this year. The purpose of
Maj Fundiswa Maphanga                                          these awards is to give effect to the achievement of
                                                               the strategic objectives of the South African Police
Lt Col Erica Holtzhausen                                       Service by recognising employees for their excellent/
Lt Keitumetse Mmushi                                           extraordinary performance and special achievements
Lt Vincent Mukhathi                                            towards the enhancement of service delivery.
Capt Karien van der Merwe
WO Stephen Maluleka                                            At the event, employees at all levels, Reservists, as well
WO Percy Sepaela
                                                               as Community Policing Fora throughout the country,
Photographers:                                                 who have excelled and rendered distinguished services
WO Ndanduleni Nyambeni                                         will be rewarded for their excellent performance.
WO Theo van Wyk
Provincial Communication Officers                              These awards are also aimed at motivating other
Layout and Design                                              employees to improve and excel in their performance
Corporate Design                                               as this will in-turn enhance the service delivery and the
Capt Baratang Pelle                                            image of the South African Police Service.
Proofreading:                                                  Acting Divisional Commissioner:
Lt Col Illze Visagie                Maj Gen Lineo Ntshiea
Capt Christelle de Scally            Brig Moses Makhubo        Human Resource Management
Lt Maurene Dampies                        Col Elmarie Tiflin   Maj Gen Lineo Ntshiea


Keeping the inhabitants of the country safe, through operational work and administrative duties in support of our core
function, is a daunting task. It is one that requires hard work, fortitude and a high level of commitment.

Management acknowledges and appreciates the work of every member of the SAPS, moreover the work done by members
who walk the extra mile. The Service Excellence Awards is a platform to showcase members who distinguish themselves by
doing more than what is expected of them. This will hopefully motivate other members to follow suit and perhaps catalyse
the formation of a cadre of police officials who are characterised by dedication to excellence in service delivery.

These awards would not have come into existence were it not for the Minister of Police, the Deputy Minister of Police and
the National Commissioner who advocate the recognition of diligent police officials. I want to thank all the sponsors who
came to the fore to help appreciate an otherwise thankless profession. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the
members of the LOC and their staff, who worked tirelessly on the details of making these awards successful.

I pride myself in the selfless actions that the winners and nominees performed and urge them to continue working hard
for “excellence is not a destination, but a continuous journey”. Being nominated and/or awarded should not be a reason to
relax, but let it rather be motivation to do more.

I believe that there are many more ardent police officials, but unfortunately not everybody can be awarded. I am proud of
every person who dedicates their time and energy toward achieving the SAPS’s goals. Let us adopt the words of Aristotle:
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” as we move toward enhanced service delivery.

Deputy National Commissioner: Corporate Services
Lieutenant General Christabel Nobubele Mbekela


It is very important for every organisation to show its gratitude for the services that its employees render daily. The SAPS
National Excellence Awards is one way of showing this appreciation.

We gather here today to take cognisance of the unrelenting commitment depicted by the winners today. We recognise your
diligence, because you have lived up to the ideals of the South African Police Service. I am always pleased to recognise and
honour excellence.

There is no doubt that each and every police official faces numerous complex challenges on a daily basis. How the nominees
for awards faced and overcame those challenges is what sets them apart. They embody the essence of excellence, to which
we should all strive.

The National Excellence Awards is a motivating event, created to inspire members to want to work even harder and to
provide excellent front-line services. We are one big family in blue and we should continue fighting crime as a team and
ensure that we build a good reputation through the services that we render.

Building a good reputation should start internally with each employee - by being consistent, acting with integrity and being
trustworthy to the communities we serve. Maintaining a good reputation should also be at the top of our list when we
conduct daily operations because it fosters and ensures cooperation and support from our clients.

The main objective of these awards is to make members feel that their work is valued and that appreciation is shown to
employees for a job well done. This is also to illustrate to the general public that this organisation is made up of extraordinary

people who achieve outstanding accomplishments. These awards also motivate members to do even better so that they can
be recognized. Recognition motivates others to strive for excellence and we all benefit from it. Being rewarded for doing well,
is one of the biggest incentives anyone can receive.

It is very important that the SAPS reflects and celebrates members’ achievements, because sharing experiences is a very
powerful means of encouragement. All members of the SAPS from grass roots level to top management are urged to excel in
their duties in 2015 by working respectfully, with pride and dignity, ensuring that the elderly, every woman and child, and all
others feel safe and secure in their community. It is heart-warming to see our members being recognised for the good, hard
work that they do.

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we
rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

Hopefully these awards will inspire and encourage other members to work even harder and be part of the National
Excellence Awards as nominees in the future. We have now entered 2015 and I urge all the employees of the SAPS to work
hard and walk the extra mile in their daily duties as we have a constitutional obligation to improve front-line service delivery
to our communities.

National Commissioner
General Riah Phiyega


                                  The promotion of healthy lifestyles and general wellness of all citizens has received a
                                  special mention in this year’s State of the Nation Address (SONA 2015) by His Excellency,
                                  the President.
                                  This aspect is fundamental to both the performance and morale of every public servant, in
                                  particular to a police officer. As the Ministry of Police, we strongly believe that, only those
                                  South African Police Service (SAPS) personnel who are excellently trained in academy and
                                  in the street, emotionally well and physically healthy, can allow themselves to be motivated
                                  and inspired to put more effort into the organization they serve.
In this instance, the SAPS Employee Health and Wellness Programme will continue to be prioritised throughout this
Governance Term 2014-2019, for all personnel in the SAPS occupy an important mandate in law enforcement, as they are
responsible for maintaining and sustaining law and order in South Africa, first and foremost.
The ability to motivate and inspire people through different programmes, becomes then a big part of the SAPS Management.
Our police officers must always be kept motivated to perform their duties by providing them with direction and
understanding of their constitutional mandate and organisational vision.
It is important that those that are in management or in supervisory positions, should always be able to provide the SAPS
personnel with the specifics and incentive programmes to give them something to strive toward in their career progression.
We will continue to support the Top 1500 Conference, which is annually held and hosted by the National Commissioner of
Police. For, one of the best ways to motivate people is to include them in decisions. This platform is undeniably assisting
in sharpening the SAPS Management’s focus, and is also a reminding platform that the SAPS Leadership do care what the
personnel of the SAPS think and feel.
As the SAPS Leadership, we want to assure all our SAPS personnel, that we have an open door-policy to both console you in
time of grief, and to congratulate you in time of greatness. We understand your value and importance, and your critical role
you play in accomplishing the goals of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

Therefore, we will continue keeping you all engaged, fostering you to desire to excel, and for you to ultimately providing
public service to all inhabitants of South Africa, at its best.

Deputy Minister of Police
Honourable Makhotso Maggie Sotyu


                           It is my honour to add my best wishes to the recipients of the various awards that they will
                           receive. I am pleased to note that recognition is also given to those who have given of their time
                           willingly to serve their communities.

During these challenging times for the women and men in blue it is correct that we validate those that go beyond the
ordinary, that strive not only for success but for excellence. I specially commend those women and men who do so in spite of
facing severe challenges.

These awards are an acknowledgement that we have to celebrate exceptional performance not to make others feel lesser
but to encourage everyone that excellence should be the rule rather than the exception.

Today we enjoy the freedom of our democracy because there are those who stood above the ordinary. People who knew
that excellence often meant sacrifice.

While we celebrate this excellence I wish to encourage all nominees to continue in your constant quest to excel. Being
nominated should be encouragement and ask that this propels you onward in your quest to set high standards and to give
only your best.

I salute and honour all our winners. These are the heroes of our service. At an individual level, station, cluster, we make a
difference. We will never do it all but we win not because we have done it all but because there is more to do.

Minister of Police
Honourable Nkosinathi Nhleko


The dimensions of this criteria are listed below:

»»       The employee’s achievement towards the strategic objectives of the Organization linked to the KPA’s in terms ofquality,
         quantity, time and cost efficiency.

»»       The employee’s dedication to duty (e.g. the extend the employee go the extra mile beyond the call of duties)

»»       The creativity, initiative, innovation and resourcefulness displayed by the employee to contribute positively towards
         service delivery. Further motivation can be linked to programs/projects (if applicable) related to general management.

»»       The employee’s impact / value added on service delivery.

»»       The employee’s attributes (compliance to Code of Conduct, Discipline, professionalism and/or any other extra-ordinary
         circumstance(s) that are observed.


Administration Employee of the Year Level 1-7                         Minister Award
Administration Employee of the Year Level 8-12                        National Commissioner Award
Administration Group of the Year
                                                                      Best Police Station of the year
Visible Policing Employee of the Year Level 5-7                       Women of the Year
Visible Policing Employee of the Year Level 8-12
Visible Policing Group of the Year

Detective Employee of the Year Level 5-7
Detective Employee of the Year Level 8-12
Detective Group of the Year

Crime Intelligence Employee of the Year Level 5-7
Crime Intelligence Employee of the Year Level 8-12

Protection and Security Services Group of the Year

Senior Manager of the Year Level 13-15 (Operational)

Senior Manager of the Year Level 13-15 (Administration)

Sports Star of the Year (Woman, Man, Person living with disability)
Women of the Year
Man of the Year

CPF of the Year
Reservist of the year

Personality of the year: Person living with disability
Audience Award


The following aspect are considered:

»»        The employee’s achievement towards the strategic objectives of the Organization linked to the KPA’s in terms of
          quality, quantity, time and cost efficiency.

»»        The employee’s dedication to duty (e.g. the extend the employee go the extra mile beyond the call of duties)

»»        The creativity, initiative, innovation and resourcefulness displayed by the employee to contribute positively towards
          service delivery. Further motivation can be linked to programs/projects (if applicable) related to general management.

»»        The employee’s impact / value added on service delivery.

»»        The employee’s attributes (compliance to Code of Conduct, Discipline, professionalism and/or any other extra-ordinary
          circumstance(s) that are observed.


Please note that all the categories listed below have individual criteria and some include the General Criterion. All categories
that include the General Criterion are marked with an asterisk (*).

SPECIAL CATEGORIES CRITERIA                •   Front line service delivery             •   Contribution to the strategic
                                           •   Corporate image                             objectives of the Service.
*    Minister’s Award                      •   Neatness / appearance                   •   Leadership skills (Is the nominee
                                           •   Clients satisfaction (survey)               a capable role model who has
The winner is selected from the Gold       •   Partnerships and effectiveness of           influenced others to join her in her
and Silver Cross for Bravery Awards            CPF                                         efforts to make a difference.
that the Minister of Police has awarded                                                •   Problem-solving capabilities (Has
throughout the financial year.             *   Woman/Man of the Year                       the nominee been able to overcome
                                                                                           obstacles and at the same time
*    National Commissioner’s Award         •   The achievement, performance/               shown creativity and drive.
                                               contributions that have had a           •   Perseverance (Is the nominee
The winner is selected at the discretion       significant impact on and/or added          results-oriented and did her efforts
of the National Commissioner from              value to service delivery, the              go beyond the call of duty).
all Monetary Awards by the National            organization and the community.         •   Impact of activities/efforts on
Commissioner                               •   Knowledge and development/                  service delivery.
                                               empowerment of self, others and         •   Advocate for gender representation.
*    Senior Manager of the Year Level          women in the community.
     13-15 (Operational)                   •   Commendations and achievements.         *   Sports Personality of the Year
                                           •   Voluntary involvement in                    Man/Woman/ Person Living with a
As per General Criterion                       organizational activities.                  Disability
                                           •   Community involvement.                  *
*    Senior Manager of the Year Level      •   Initiatives and/or proposals to         •   the member’s achievement in a
     13-15 (Administration)                    improve service delivery through            prestigious achievement/ sport.
                                               the activities of the Women’s           •   the member’s dedication to that
As per General Criterion                       Network, the operational and                particular sport.
                                               support environment and or              •   the members sportsmanship and
*    Best Police Station of the year           through commendations.                      standing among other sportsperson.

•    the member’s diligence and               •   effective utilization of resources.
     perseverance in participating in that    •   sharing of information with relevant
     sport.                                       role players.
•    the extent to which the member
     projects a positive image of the         *   Personality of the Year: Person
     Police Service by his/her sports             Living with a Disability
•    the member’s personality.                In addition to the General Criterion
•    the member’s conduct in general.         the following needs to be taken into
•    the member’s dedication and zeal in      consideration:
     performing his/her daily duties as a
     member of the Police Service.            •   personal image and attitude
                                                  towards life
*    Reservist of the Year                    •   self development
                                              •   working ability
In addition to the General Criterion          •   adaptability
the following needs to be taken into          •   communication
consideration:                                •   interpersonal relationships/
                                                  community service
•    availability/ hours worked/
     successes to ensure the                  CPF of the Year
     achievements of output.
•    contribution to improve service          This award is determined through
     delivery.                                assessment of the contribution of each
•    successes in terms of Crime              Community Policing Forum on the
     Prevention and service delivery.         following:
•    Initiatives or contributions to social
     crime prevention.                        •   Building sound relations between
•    Impact made on service or the                the SAPS and the community
     safety of the community.                 •   Relations built with Stakeholders to
                                                  assist the Police in fighting crime.


                PPO C Kika-Bham,                                                 SAC EG Manning,                                               Sgt MC Mophiring,
                    Limpopo                                                       KwaZulu-Natal                                                     Free Sate
PPO C Kika–Bham works at the Provincial Personnel                SAC EG Manning works at the Domestic Violence Unit in          Sgt MC Mophiring is a communication official at the
Management Component in Limpopo.                                 KwaZulu-Natal.                                                 Phuthaditjhaba Cluster in the Free Sate.
He led three Head Office initiated projects namely,              Her love for people led to many initiatives aimed at           He voluntarily extended his services to the Bethlehem
personnel qualifications verification, marital status            community upliftment. She has delivered many talks and         and Mafube Clusters. The member conducted 201 live
updating, and Identity Document(ID) updating. He changed         conducted workshops on domestic violence at schools and        radio interviews, wrote 229 articles for the media and
108 marital statuses, updated 42 IDs, 172 transactions on        community events which she sometimes helped arrange.           solicited television coverage from various channels seven
Persap and Persal for approved employee personal details,        The member forged relationships with victims of domestic       times. He also compiled a quarterly Cluster newsletter and
and managed 42 applications for remunerative work which          violence and avails herself after hours and during weekends    pamphlets on crime awareness. He was part of 14 JOCs
is 100% of the update that were pending.                         when they need help. She started a victim support group        on Premier Soccer League competitions political activities
                                                                 that meets twice a month which offers skills enhancement       such as rallies and the national elections at Charles Mopeli
The member designed a template to monitor the vacancy            courses and helps the women find employment. SAC               and Goble Park Stadiums. The sergeant also arranged
rate that is linked to vacancies as a result of service          Manning also helped the Mehlomnyama Police Station set         numerous interdepartmental operations such as the Stock
terminations and is populated monthly. Vacancies are then        up a Victim Friendly Facility and obtained a sponsored four-   Theft operation with the Department of Police Roads and
matched to personnel skill sets and filled accordingly. He       seater couch.                                                  Transport, POLMED Health Weeks, medal parades, and
also created a template that records personnel strength at                                                                      provincial excellence awards.
police stations which helps with strategic entry-level trainee   The member is the Secretary of her Cluster’s Women’s
placement to capacitate understaffed stations. PPO Kika-         Network and is very active in charity work. She adopted two    Sgt Mophiring is available 24/7 and works many hours
Bham also designed a duty list that enforces the use of RAG      crèches helped get sponsors for food and clothing which        without overtime remuneration or a danger allowance.
in personnel placement.                                          was donated to crèches and needy families. She was also        He travels long distances to attend crime scenes,
                                                                 able to solicit donations towards renovating the home of a     respond to the media, coordinate provincial activities,
PPO Kika-Bham’s exceptional skills and unwavering                disadvantaged child-headed family.                             address complaints by the community and take part
commitment saved the SAPS a lot of money on acting                                                                              in communication forums. The member often used his
allowances and reduced the rate, in critical posts, from         She arranged many internal events including Heritage Day       personal cell phone to issue media statements and upload
11 to two. The verification project facilitated disciplinary     and Women’s Day celebrations and developed the ‘Buddy          information on social networks.
processes against members with fraudulent qualifications         System’ to boost employee morale.
and the vacancy template increased upward mobility in the                                                                       The member’s hard work and dedication to his job
organisation. Over and above his normal duties, the              SAC Manning’s hard work earned her the Station                 promoted police service delivery initiatives which depicted
member initiated in-service training for Station Support         Commander’s ‘Best Worker in the Domestic Violence              the SAPS as trustworthy and resulted in increased tip-offs
Commanders, on the management of data integrity and              Unit’ award and improved police-community relations            that led to many arrests.
donated blankets for destitute families.                         immensely.


                   Col M Houben,                                                   Lt Col IJ Stassen,                                                  Col V Visser,
                     Free Sate                                                      Western Cape                                                       North West
Col M Houben is the Section Head for HRU in the Free State.      Lt Col IJ Stassen is a Supply Chain Commander in the Western Col V Visser is the pride and joy of the SAPS management in
The officer spearheaded 17 career shows when only nine           Cape.                                                        the North West.
were required. The largest of these were the Bloem Show
and the Sasol Techno X Show.                                     The incumbent effected supplier account payments at an           He created an ‘Accountability’ template for commanders.
                                                                 average of 3,44 days, less than the prescribed five. He also     It aligns performance indicators on the National and
The Bloem Show is the largest show in Bloemfontein and is        processed 21 disposals of government property, five more         Provincial APPs and respective performance agreements.
attended by up to 100 000 people. The SAPS’s display was         than required. Lt Col Stassen’s office received 100% for         It is populated monthly to help managers achieve their
constructed in a hall that was 40 m x 12 m big. Different        their PC assessment in line with acquisition and moveable        objectives and remedy poor performance areas.
provincial and national units formed part of the display. The    government property management and 92% for the national          He also analysed cases that were under investigation,
SAPS has won a trophy for the best exhibition inside a hall      SHE audit inspection.                                            pending for decision at the SPP, outstanding in court, not
six consecutive times under his leadership. The exhibition                                                                        ready for court, and cases with expired court dates monthly.
was judged on overall presentation and impression,               His office managed 558 procurement applications and 397          He then developed proformas to assist in monitoring these
construction quality, marketing and originality.                 applications for procedural procurement authorisation were       cases.
                                                                 processed. Lt Col Stassen managed 205 vehicles; oversaw
The Sasol Techno X show is the largest career show in South      the certification of 13 145 fuel transactions; the renewal       The officer paid numerous visits to 15 police stations to
Africa. It is attended by over 20 000 students from all over     of 205 vehicle licences; the certification of 226 vehicles;      assist with, among other duties, PEP compliance, personnel
the country and mainly focuses on science-related careers.       the completion of 15 vehicle board surveys; 418 vehicle          placement, rectifying and updating the CAS, and the
The SAPS’s display was constructed in a 15 m x 33 m framed       appointments; the management of 619 firearms; 4053 PAS           improving their response rate. He worked with personnel
tent. At this display, 19 different science-related provincial   transactions; and certification for 658 bullet-resistant vests   on shifts, sometimes at night, to help members understand
and national units/sections participated. The SAPS has won       within the prescribed timelines.                                 procedures better. He also dedicated countless hours to
the Best Government Department Exhibition award nine                                                                              training MIC members improve data integrity on mainframe
times consecutively.                                             The member boasts a course on acquisition that was               functions.
                                                                 presented by the Public Administration Leadership and
Col Houben also displays social crime awareness material         Management Academy of South Africa. The officer ensured          Col Visser’s knowledge, personal involvement, and
at his exhibitions. His creativity was commended by              that members from the Lentegeur and Strandfontein                creativity helped improve the Detection, Cases to Court,
community members and featured on the OFM radio                  Police Stations were trained in acquisitions management          and Conviction and Trial Ready rates. He helped move the
station and Ons Stad newspaper.                                  procedures.                                                      province from position eight to one, crime prevention from
                                                                                                                                  position seven to five, and Detective Services from position
                                                                 Much of Lt Col Stassen’s work was done after hours in order      five to one on the provincial Efficiency Index. He kept the
                                                                 for him to achieve these astounding statistics, especially       province at 1st position on the national Efficiency Index in
                                                                 since his section was extremely understaffed                     respect of data integrity.


             Lt Col JCJ Nel,                                               Lt MW Nyambi,                                                      Col CAJ Oliver,
     KwaZulu-Natal: HRM Subsection                                  Mpumalanga: Tonga Police Station                                   Western Cape: Finance Section
             in Plessislaer
The HRM Subsection in Plessislaer, KwaZulu-Natal, led by Lt      Lt MW Nyambi is part of a group that works in the Tonga        This group is led by Col CAJ Oliver and is responsible for the
Col JCJ Nel, has 4 members.                                      Police Stations’ Corporate Communication and Social Crime      management and administration of the budget of the entire
                                                                 Prevention Unit.                                               SAPS in the Western Cape.
The group implemented and held monthly cluster HR
forum meetings which are in line with directives. The                                                                           They deal with approving and processing itineraries, section
                                                                 They conducted several awareness campaigns and                 204 applications, journals, hospital accounts and meal
forum was used to engage HR officials, redress imbalances
and discrepancies, promote synergy, align practices with         exhibitions informing the community about prevalent            applications for detainees and interim accommodation.
national and provincial directives, and train officials in new   crime. They also initiated a newsletter called “Siyalu” with   They also manage the travel centre, the administration and
HR developments.                                                 the tagline “The eyes and ears of Tonga”, and designed         approval of supplier payments. The team used 99,99% of
                                                                 pamphlets and other informative material addressing the        their allocated funds, keeping within the PFMA Act. They also
They put the cluster in the Top Ten on the province’s                                                                           attained a payment period of 2,2% - far exceeding the “…no
                                                                 nature of criminal offences when these offences increased.     later than 30 days..” National Treasury instruction.
Efficiency Index in relation to absenteeism management,
capturing leave, sick leave rate, PEP compliance and             These became their prime mechanisms of reaching out to
manpower distribution for seven months.                          the Tonga Cluster community.                                   To ensure cost-effectiveness, the group monitored
                                                                                                                                commanders’ expenditure weekly on Polfin, and forewarned
The group filled three vacant posts, audited 812 leave           The team undertook door-to-door campaigns, secured             them on the status of their budgets. The group continuously
files for the cluster and the ports of entry and stock theft     a regular slot on Nkomazi FM, and effectively used             advised commanders and improved their skills regarding new
units, dealt with 42 alleged misconduct files and effected       community newspapers, other external media and the             financial legislation and proper budget management.
corrective measures timeously.                                                                                                  The group’s work ethic is exemplary. More than half of them
                                                                 “Journal Online” to reach out to the broader community.        arrive for work between 06:00 and 06:30. This gives them an
They achieved a 98,68% rating for PEP audits for the                                                                            opportunity to double check their work, as there is no room
previous financial year and familiarised commanders              The group helped a destitute family of 11 from the             for error when handling finances.
with setting standards and ratings. They also                    Sikhwahlane village. The Mahlalela’s breadwinner is
nominated members for relevant courses and ensured               disabled but does not receive a social grant. The officials    This group is truly committed to service delivery and their
a 98% attendance rate which is attributed to constant            helped the family start a vegetable garden, repaired broken    constant display of a sense of duty, is unparalleled.
engagements with members. The Inspectorate Component             windows, built a ramp, donated food and clothes, and used
commended them for skills development practices and
administration.                                                  their own money to have a new door installed.

The team arranged the Disability Care project that               They also gifted Jan Nkuna, an eleven-year-old pupil at
benefited 30 people and the Station Prayer Day that              Ekwenzeni Primary School in Steenbok, with uniform and
provincial office delegates attended.                            blankets.

                                                                 The group’s resolve to educate and uplift the community
                                                                 impacted positively towards the image of the SAPS.


                   Const AK Gibbs                                               Const PM Mgogodlana
                     Limpopo                                                          Free State
Const AK Gibbs is part of a Polokwane-based operational            Const PM Mgogodlana is currently a Crime Prevention
group that works flexitime from Tuesdays to Saturdays.             Officer (CPO) of Mangaung SAPS in the Free State.
The member made 297 arrests, exceeding the required 120            Due to crime problems in Sector 4, she voluntarily took
arrests per annum in the 2013/2014 financial year. Arrests         over the duties of a Sector Manager. She worked tirelessly
generated from police action constituted 77 of these and           after hours, weekends and holidays to curb crime in the
110 were B crimes. The arrests were for crimes ranging from        area.
loitering to the possession of illegal items and hijackings. The
constable recovered three stolen vehicles, seized 24 illegal
weapons and 877 illegal rounds of live ammunition.                 The police official countered the high rate of business
                                                                   robberies and burglaries in Hamilton’s industrial area
For one to be charged for possession, he or she must be            with the formation of a forum with business owners and
arrested with the item in their possession. Suspects in            security companies. She established a sector forum and
possession of illegal articles usually drop or hide them when      two sub forums which met twice a month. She also started
they spot police officers or are informed of their impending       a neighbourhood watch and enlisted the help of domestic
arrival by spotters. Taking this into account, Const Gibbs         workers to conduct community patrols in Vista Park.
should be commended for the 96 arrests he made in this
regard. They clearly required exceptional camouflaging skills,     Together with the business community, she implemented
stealthy observation and tremendous patience.                      the profiling of all workers which led to the arrest of one
                                                                   of them. She regularly met with residents and initiated
Const Gibbs’s result-orientated approach to policing,              numerous crime-awareness and women empowerment
willingness to work beyond working hours, without pay, and         projects. When the Station CPO, who was a Warrant Officer,
discipline should be adopted by other police officers.             was transferred, Const Mgogodlana volunteered to take
                                                                   over those duties in addition to her duties as a Sector
                                                                   Manager. She extended her services to other sectors,
                                                                   successfully soliciting blankets, clothes and other goods
                                                                   that were donated to the needy families and crèches. She
                                                                   also implemented the “Safer Schools Project” and helped a
                                                                   disadvantaged girl who later became the Mangaung Junior
                                                                   Station Commander. The constable also conducted garden
                                                                   and moral regeneration projects in Erlich Park to promote
                                                                   environmental cleanliness.

                                                                   Const Mgogodlana’s efforts decreased crime by 27% in
                                                                   Sector 4 compared to the statistics in 2012/2013 and
                                                                   contributed to the increase of the police station’s rating
                                                                   from three to four stars within the Financial Year.


                     Sgt SH Ubisi                                               Sgt MWR Ratsoma
                     Mpumalanga                                                     North West
Sgt SH Ubisi wears his dignified blue uniform and               Sgt MWR Ratsoma works as a relief commander in
performs his duties as a crime-prevention officer with          the North West. While posted on the “E” shift of the
pride in Mpumalanga. He performs a multitude of tasks,          Rustenburg Flying Squad, he contributed to various
ranging from patrolling flashpoints, visiting liquor outlets,   successes and the arrest of suspects in cases related to
conducting roadblocks, attending accident and crime             armed robbery, public violence, murder, the possession of
scenes, and interviewing complainants and witnesses.            stolen property, fraud and unlicensed firearms.
The member arrested more than 100 suspects for crimes           Two cases of fraud gained notable successes. In one case,
dependent on police action (the possession of illegal           three suspects, who had used fake identity documents and
substances/firearms/stolen goods) during operations             payslips to open cellular phone contracts worth
conducted in the 2013/2014 financial year. He also visited      R17 000, were arrested. They were linked to four other
farms in his policing area in an effort to improve community    cases. In another case, eight suspects, who had made
relations.                                                      fraudulent banking transactions worth R500 000 at a bank
                                                                in Barongwa, were arrested.
Sgt Ubisi always kept his pocketbook up to date, conducted
regular vehicle inspections, and handled all administrative     The member, in partnership with Tracker, recovered
duties timeously. He walked the extra mile by assisting in      countless stolen and hijacked vehicles. He performed these
the investigation of various cases and used his personal        duties after hours without being paid overtime. He also
vehicle and cellular phone to gather information. He            assisted with route security and escorts for VIPs visiting the
recruited six informants; five more than required. The          North West.
dedicated sergeant also willingly worked after hours,
without remuneration.                                           Sgt Ratsoma’s team spirit, professionalism and dedication
                                                                earned him commendations, such as the SAPS/Tracker
                                                                North West Overall Winner Award.


              Lt Col JG Gelderblom                                                Lt Col R Roberts                                                    Maj A Vinqi
                    Free State                                                        Gauteng                                                        Eastern Cape
Lt Col JG Gelderblom is based in the Free State at the          Lt Col R Roberts is the Head of Vispol at the Edenvale Police   Maj A Vinqi is the Company Commander of the POP in Port
Proactive Policing and Crime Reduction Unit.                    Station in Gauteng.                                             Elizabeth, Eastern Cape. The officer was instrumental in
The officer initiated the launch of a stock theft project                                                                       calming the widely televised 2013 Sterkspruit service delivery
in the Phuthaditjhaba Cluster and organised the official        The officer made 58 arrests in the 2013/2014 financial year.    protests that had escalated into extreme violence. Maj Vinqi
launches in Harrismith and Phuthaditjhaba. He ensured           He seized nine unlicensed firearms; 310 illegal live rounds     expertly took charge of the situation and tactically deployed
that the project was cost-efficient and of a high quality.      of ammunition; and illegal drugs with an estimated street       his platoon, which was supplemented by five additional
The entire cluster benefitted from this project, and a          value of R2,5 million. He also shut down an illegal drug        platoons from other towns, and locked-down the town.
steady decline in stock theft was noted after it had been       laboratory estimated to be worth R1 million.
implemented.                                                                                                                    Incidents where people destroying property and intimidating
                                                                The member started a project to rid Edenvale of drugs.          non-rioters were dealt with professionally and in accordance
The project also improved relations between the SAPS            He educated the youth at all schools about the negative         with the law. Maj Vinqi devised a strategy whereby he
and the community. Lt Col Gelderblom helped calm a              impact that drugs have on the user and the community. The       claimed back the mountains by posting members early
tense situation between the police in Ladybrand and the         project, dubbed ‘Tiles for a Change’, has been running for      before the rioters went there. He further developed a
farming community. He then helped them plan and carry           two years. This year, Lt Col Roberts incorporated domestic      strategy to build relations with the leadership of the rioters,
out interventions to address the famers’ complaints, which      violence and education on human trafficking in the project.     which led to the resolution of the conflict. He then started
resulted in the prevention of a farm attack and the arrest of                                                                   cleaning roads barricaded by strikers and conducted patrols
three suspects.                                                 This officer’s ethics are commendable. He refused a R50         in the community as normal policing was not possible. He
                                                                000 bribe to “make a case disappear”. Instead, he added a       further initiated social projects whereby he protected the
The member ensured road safety for people who attended          bribery charge to the ones of possession of false travelling    community from poisoned water through negotiating for the
the funeral of the late former President Nelson Mandela.        documentation, illegal drugs, and unlicensed firearm that       opening of the water-processing installation and re-opening
He also drafted a communication plan for Rural Safety and       the suspect already had against him.                            water for the residents. Together with the Womens Networks
conducted workshops relating to this in three clusters.                                                                         in his Unit, he identified poor families and asked members
                                                                Lt Col Roberts regularly works after hours and during           to donate money towards buying the basic necessities, like
The officer suggested that OPAM training be streamlined,        weekends without remuneration, has a strong relationship        food and blankets, for these families. This strengthened the
and it was approved for national roll-out. He was then put      with the community, and he is motivational to his               relationship, and built lasting peace.
in charge of its implementation in the Free State.              colleagues.
                                                                                                                                Sterkspruit was declared a high-risk area during the 2014
This officer’s innovative thinking is exemplary.                                                                                National Elections, due to these previous riots and a large
                                                                                                                                team of law enforcement personnel was deployed in
                                                                                                                                anticipation of unrest. However, nothing happened due to
                                                                                                                                the lasting peace attributed to Maj Vinqi’s conduct.

                                                                                                                                Major Vinqi is a trainer who dedicates his time to teach new
                                                                                                                                members and impart knowledge, building a second layer of
                                                                                                                                leadership. To show his consistency, Major Vinqi’s Unit has
                                                                                                                                always been number one in the Province, but when he was
                                                                                                                                deployed to Aliwal North, this Unit of collective deployees
                                                                                                                                became number one!


        Capt PA Bambeni and others                                           WO F Pretorius                                                        WO LE Tlhasie
          Head Office: Durban NIU                                    KwaZulu Natal: Search-and-Rescue                                        North West: Tracking Team
Information gathering is the name of the game when                The high-risk work done by the KwaZulu-Natal Search-and-          This team, under the leadership of WO LE Tlhasie,
it comes to the NIU Information Subsection situated in            Rescue Unit is not for the faint-hearted. They assisted with      established themselves as the best tracking team and
Durban. The team, led by Capt PA Bambeni, focused on              Tracker operations, crime prevention, missing persons,            Detective Services unit countrywide.
establishing reliable networks, gathering information on          recovering bodies in inaccessible terrain and evidence
wanted suspects, seizing illegal firearms, eliminating taxi       recovery in addition to their primary function. They are on       They made 634 arrests for crimes such as murder, rape,
violence, resolving inter-group conflict and eradicating          standby 24/7 and their specialised skills are often enlisted      the possession of explosives and unlicensed firearms,
criminal hotspots.                                                at accidents and fire scenes. The team worked 166 overtime        trio crimes, escape from custody, farm attacks, and house
                                                                  hours, 58 of which were call-outs and 123 unpaid.                 robberies.
The team, led by Capt PA Bambeni, focused on
establishing reliable networks, gathering information on          The team, led by WO F Pretorius, voluntarily conducted first      When suspects escape, the team uses their unspoken
wanted suspects, seizing illegal firearms, eliminating taxi       aid and water/fire safety awareness campaigns. Working            policy: “We do not rest until they are rearrested”. They
violence, resolving inter-group conflict and eradicating          closely with other emergency service organisations, they          rearrested George Selebalo and Buti Tau for three different
criminal hotspots. The team worked in remote, rural areas         are committed to offering closure and assisting and               escapes, which accounted for two of the 44 suspects that
for weeks at a time, they sometimes walked through                comforting traumatised families. They try their best to           the team rearrested.
mountainous areas and infiltrated notoriously dangerous           accommodate cultural practices when carrying out their
“no-go” zones. They planned and coordinated 117                   duties, for example Muslim burial requirements. Their             The members formed contacts and followed up on all
operations. Sometimes having to follow suspects into other        professionalism under difficult situations, for example when      tip-offs provided by informers. They worked long and tiring
provinces, they effected 46 arrests on charges ranging from       working in flood-stricken areas, has made a positive impact       hours, sometimes undercover, to ensure that criminals in
the possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition,             on the overall image of the SAPS.                                 the North West were tracked and arrested.
hijackings, murder (including police killings) and attempted
murder, to the possession of narcotics.                           They aspire to provide the highest quality of service             Rape is a major problem in the province and the unit
                                                                  delivery possible to the point that they train further at their   assisted in arresting 130 suspects for rape, 18 for gang
They also facilitated meetings between opposing factions          own expense and even buy equipment to use while                   rape and one serial rapist who was caught through an
to resolve conflict. Arresting the suspects and seizing illegal   executing duties.                                                 office initiative. The team also arrested many repeat
firearms and ammunition prevented them from becoming                                                                                offenders. The team’s commitment to the SAPS and healthy
further involved in crime and inter-group violence.               The team received the following awards: The Ugu Mayoral           competitive nature contributed positively to the provinces
                                                                  Community Award for Service Excellence, the Provincial            SAP 6 and resulted in a large number of arrests and
The team seized, among other things, 38 handguns, 12              Tracker Contribution Excellence Award and the 2013                finalised cases.
rifles, 55 magazines, 369 rounds of ammunition, R73 074           Provincial Commissioner’s Award for Best Diving Unit.
of illegally obtained cash, 4 026 Mandrax tablets, and 3 400
straws of heroine.

The Unit’s dedication to delivering high quality work and
their professional behaviour was commended by the
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Commissioner and the Minister
of Police.


                  D\WO E Naidoo                                                    D\WO RC Nel                                                   D\WO PA Totse
WO E Naidoo investigates all trio crimes and murder that       WO Nel has brought three serial rapists to book, securing       WO PA Totse is a dedicated investigator who doesn’t
occur in the Montclair policing precinct. He ensures that      a collective 431 years’ imprisonment. She has won awards        mind to work extra hours without remuneration. He is
he attends to every crime scene and gathers evidence in        for ‘Best Provincial FCS Investigator’ and ‘Best National FCS   hardworking police officer who does not rest until suspects
order to solve the case and bring the perpetrator/s to book.   Investigator’. The member’s high standard of work received      are arrested. This attitude translated into him securing a
He uses every resource available and enlists the assistance    appreciation from the Director of Public Prosecutions’ office   collective 12 life sentences and 285 years of imprisonment
of the Crime Intelligence Unit, as well as informers, in his   and from Judge Jakes Moloi of the High Court. WO RC Nel         for criminals in the 2013/2014 financial year! Quite an
investigations.                                                performs all her investigations in a court-driven manner, and   achievement – not only for himself, but also for the SAPS.
                                                               she effectively uses all resources at her disposal.
One of the member’s cases was an investigation into the                                                                        In order to ensure successful prosecution, he personally
death of a former policeman. WO Naidoo solved the case         The detective’s investigations are always completed             traced victims and witnesses who had since relocated to
speedily and arrested the deceased’s family members            before the deadlines and arrests are always effected within     inform them of court dates. He then prepared them for
for the murder. He secured two convictions of 20 years’        the given timeframe.                                            court and secured their attendance in court by fetching
imprisonment each. Further investigations led to the arrest                                                                    witnesses who had no transport and took them to and from
of the deceased’s wife and nephew, who are set to appear       The member is always positive and works unpaid overtime         court. His passion came out when one of his colleagues
in the Durban High Court.                                      over weekends and after hours to profile suspects and           was raped and there was no leads. He merticulously
                                                               complete investigations. The detective took witnesses to and    deployed his network of informers and followed every
WO Naidoo does not stop investigating a case until it is       from court and even bought them food after trials, using her    bit of information received. When the suspect was finally
solved and the suspects are apprehended. Even his Cluster      own money. She used all resources at her disposal,              identified, he ensured that he was linked to the crime and
Commander noticed his excellent work and enlisted his          including the media, during investigations. She also did DNA    prosecuted.
services in the investigation of sensitive and serious crime   comparisons in old cases, which bore fruit.
cases.                                                                                                                         His ability to engage stake-holders in combatting crime
                                                               The member motivated her colleagues by setting a good           became evident when he worked with psychologists to
The member’s hard work and persistence have gained him         example. The community has confidence in the SAPS as a          resolve a case of a mentally challenged Victim. He ensured
many successes, which have been publicised in the media.       result of the success that WO Nel has had in tracing and        that the victim was taken to the relevant service providers,
This has portrayed the SAPS positively.                        convicting suspects for sexual offences.                        to assess the victim appropriately, provide reports and give
                                                                                                                               evidence about the victims in court.

                                                                                                                               WO Totse’s successes and work ethic depicts his high level
                                                                                                                               of professionalism, discipline, loyalty to the organisation
                                                                                                                               and dedication as an investigating officer.


                D\Capt PF Nodlabi                                             D\Capt AM Pretorius                                     D\ Capt M van der Westhuizen
                  Eastern Cape                                                   Western Cape                                                  North West
Capt PF Nodlabi is an extraordinary officer who                 When Capt AM Pretorius starts something, he makes sure          Capt M van der Westhuizen works for the North West
continuously goes out of his way to ensure that all tasks       he finishes it.                                                 Provincial Detective Branch of the FCS Unit. One of her
relating to the investigation of cases are completed                                                                            highlights is the successful solving of a child-abuse and rape
timeously.                                                      He was given a double-murder case docket ten years after        case whereby parents abused their own children.
                                                                it had been opened and investigated without success. As
He played a pivotal role in the increased number of arrests     he started his investigations, Capt Pretorius was transferred   She was instrumental in bringing both the parents of these
which contributed positively to the Madeira policing            from Kleinvlei to Kuilsrivier. However, he felt the need to     three, sexually abused children to justice. Here greatest
precinct in the Eastern Cape. Capt Nodlabi formed a Trio        continue with the investigation to ensure that justice was      challenge was the fact that the oldest girl suffered from
Crime Task Team for his police station between December         served to the Klaaste siblings. He then decided to take the     cerebral palsy, and as a result could not communicate.
2013 and June 2014. His leadership resulted in the swift        docket with him.                                                Capt M van der Westhuizen worked with psychologists to
arrest of most of the team’s target suspects. The team also                                                                     gain the victims’ trust and to help the her communicate, so
helped neighbouring police stations Libode, Ngangelizwe,        Capt Pretorius worked tirelessly until he arrested the          she could help with the investigation. The member worked
and Mthatha with case investigations and honing police          suspect. He encountered difficulty in tracing some State        nights and over weekends to collect sufficient evidence. She
officials’ investigation skills. He also formed part of the     witnesses as they had relocated. However, he was able           always put the needs of victims before her own. She even
provincial task team.                                           to trace all of them through informers and by thoroughly        went to court during her maternity leave using her own
                                                                studying their profiles. He also prepared all of them for       means of transport. She also bought food for victims, with
Capt Nodlabi was instrumental in solving cases of, among        court. The accused was sentenced to two life sentences for      her own money, on court days. She secured convictions for
others, house breaking, armed robbery, rape, vehicle            both murders at the Cape High Court.                            both the accused who were sentenced to 12 life sentences
hijackings, and attempted murder which saw the arrest of                                                                        and 20 years’ imprisonment. When the case was finalised,
more than 60 perpetrators.                                      The member also led a triple murder investigation, believed     she adopted the child due to her attachment and the bond
                                                                to be gang-related, in Kuilsrivier. He managed to arrest        that had developed over the three years of dealing with
He always ensures the security of the community and             two suspects in less than two weeks and seized the vehicle      the case. This case is heralded as the FIRST of its kind in
that reported cases are attended to immediately. His            believed to have been used during the murders.                  the country and it is currently a subject of a research on
professionalism, positive attitude and constant feedback left                                                                   “compelled rape” where the victim cannot communicate.
many complainants and victims satisfied with the services       Since his arrival at Kuilsrivier, the captain has reduced       In another similarly difficult case she also got justice for a
that the Madeira Detective Branch renders so efficiently.       dockets in Column seven of the SAP 6 from 89 to 78. Capt        group of young boys who were assaulted in public, while
                                                                Pretorius’s hard work and relentlessness has boosted            naked, by their teacher. She finalised the case speedily and
                                                                service delivery in his Detective Unit.                         the accused was found guilty.

                                                                                                                                Capt van der Westhuizen tenacity and strong relationships
                                                                                                                                with external stakeholders such as the NPA, improved the
                                                                                                                                provinces SAP 6. She arranged training sessions to upskill
                                                                                                                                members and mentored female colleagues who now see
                                                                                                                                her as a role model in both criminal and social incidents.


        Sgt JP Aslett and others                                       Col EF Mills and others                                    Lt Col MA Phetla and others
  Free Sate: Clarens Detective Branch                             Northern Cape: Specific crimes Unit                         Limpopo: Bela-Bela Detective Branch
The Detective Unit in Clarens have, through their tenacity      The Provincial Commander of the Northern Cape Specific       The Bela-Bela Detective Unit performed exceptionally well
and hard-work, successfully increased the turnaround time       Crimes Unit, Col EF Mills, leads a team of four very         in the 2013/2014 financial year. They received a five-star
of their investigation process, without compromising the        dedicated detectives. They investigated community            performance rating at 85,27% and were ranked number one
quality of their work.                                          protests, election-related crimes and any other ad hoc       in Limpopo.
                                                                serious crimes as determined by the Deputy Provincial
In one of their most high profile case, the team arrested       Commissioner: Crime Detection in eight clusters. They        The team was proactive and diligent in the execution
the suspects involved in a murder, robbery and theft of a       also performed SARPCCO duties and conducted Operation        of their duties. They were also able to adapt to varied
motor vehicle within 10 days of the crime being reported.       Mbata and Operation Usalama.                                 situations swiftly, which helped them successfully render
They worked tirelessly gathering evidence, and left no stone                                                                 efficient services every time.
unturned. The stolen vehicle was found burnt and had been       The Unit achieved the strategic objectives linked to their
sold as scrap metal.                                            KPAs in terms of fighting serious crime, service delivery    The team’s performance restored the community’s trust
                                                                investigations and mining unrests. They regularly            in the SAPS. Crime reporting increased because the
Sgt JP Aslett and Const TE Maphisa worked on the case           reported to Head Office, the Department of Safety and        community started believing that they were being served
after hours, during weekends and even while on leave,           Liaison and municipalities regarding crime detection.        by an effective law-enforcement agency.
sometimes using their own funds and sleeping in the police
car while tracing the suspects.                                 They timeously processed cases against 278 suspects and      The group used all the resources at their disposal to
                                                                all the case dockets according to specified procedures.      ensured that arrests were made correctly and swiftly.
The team made great efforts to summon 30 witnesses,             The quality of their investigations was praised by the       Donating time to the organisation’s crime investigations was
although they had limited resources. Even though the            Magistrates’ Courts and the High Court. They also worked     never a problem for these members. They regularly worked
subpoenas were provided only a week prior to the start of       109 hours of overtime, during weekends and night, which      after hours and over weekends without any prospects of
the court proceedings, the team did not let this deter them.    they were not remunerated for. The team’s professional and   being remunerated for these extra hours.
The high standard of their investigation made it possible for   disciplined approach is exemplary.
the case to go on trial within six months of its occurrence.                                                                 The detective team’s high level of professionalism,
The trial was concluded after only a month in court and the     This Unit contributes positively to service delivery in      discipline, and dedication contributed positively to
two accused were sentenced to life imprisonment.                the Northern Cape as a result of their expertise and         the enhancement of service delivery and regained the
The prosecutor in this case was very impressed with the         commitment to effectively deal with service delivery         communities trust in the police.
thoroughness of the detectives’ preparation and work.           protests and maintaining positive community partnerships.
The case received a lot of media coverage from the
beginning to the end, and this had a positive impact on the
community’s perception of the SAPS.


                      Free State                                                      Gauteng                                                     Mpumalanga
The operative contributed positively to the strategic          The operative’s work was always of a high standard, carried    The operative is a dedicated, disciplined and determined
objectives of the SAPS by fulfilling all the required KPAs     out swiftly and performed cost effectively. The sergeant       member of the Crime Intelligence Unit in Acornhoek,
during the 2013/2014 financial year. He did so by collecting   assisted and participated in 202 operations, of which150       Mpumalanga. The incumbent performs assigned duties
relevant information that resulted in the apprehension of      were successful and intelligence-led, that led to 143          exceedingly well, without complaining. One of the official’s
numerous offenders and the recovery of property involved       arrests for an array of crimes, and the recovery of stolen     KPAs is developing and administering informer networks
in the commission of various crimes.                           goods valued at R2 826 158. The sergeant submitted 253         to investigate identified OCTA priorities in the designated
                                                               intelligence/operational reports, exceeding the mandatory      policing area.
The member is available for duty 24/7 and executes duties      192.
such as meeting with informers and holding identification                                                                     The member surpassed the mandated registration of three
parades at night.                                              The incumbent managed four registered informers,               informers by four and doubled the mandatory formation
                                                               timeously managing their CAPFIN, and 17 contacts who           of five contacts. He also compiled 11 comprehensive
He is a mastermind at solving complex cases and bringing       supplied information that enriched investigations and led to   intelligence reports in addition to the four required
the perpetrators to book.                                      innumerable successes. The member investigated a criminal      monthly, and conducted eight monthly cluster/station
                                                               network on drugs (compiling 3 profiles on suspects weekly),    operations where intelligence was provided.
He arrested 23 suspects for business robberies, which are      forwarded 37 intelligence dockets monthly, compiled five
rife in the Phuthaditjhaba Cluster that has a population of    profiles of suspects weekly, compiled one Highflyer docket     The tenacious police officer worked without a State vehicle
about 45 000. He items worth R330 000, 11 cell phones          quarterly, and forwarded two progress reports monthly.         from 2013 until May 2014, but managed to hold meetings
worth R16 000, grocery worth R11 000, six unlicensed           Being a team player, the operative continuously assisted       with his informers regularly.
firearms, and two State firearms. The member also              detectives with dockets that required the tracing of
recovered five vehicles worth R570 000 and arrested five       suspects.                                                      The operative achieved numerous successes with his
suspects, two of whom were sentenced to eight years’                                                                          outstanding investigations, which resulted in his cases being
imprisonment.                                                  The operative is disciplined, trustworthy, motivated and       successfully prosecuted in court. A notable one was the
                                                               pays attention to detail. This public servant’s achievements   destruction of a rhino poaching syndicate, the recovery of
The philanthropic operative helped a destitute family          are a good example of the kind of dedication necessary to      R3 million in cash that had been illegally obtained and the
of 13 at the Thaba Bosiu village in QwaQwa by getting          make a positive impact on service delivery.                    apprehension of 37 suspects.
sponsorships for clothes and grocery worth R13 500.
                                                                                                                              The Unit has been rated No1 in the province since the
The constable’s hard work, discipline, and street-smarts                                                                      member’s move to Acornhoek.
have made him an indispensable member of the Crime
Intelligence Unit in the Free State.

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