Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic Church - Sunday September 27, 2020 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page created by Kelly Padilla
Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic Church - Sunday September 27, 2020 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday September 27, 2020
               Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
    Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic Church
                        155 East Janss Road, Thousand Oaks, California 91360
                                P: (805) 496 - 0222 F: (805) 379 - 2506

       Parish Center Hours                                                 Clergy
           Due to Coronavirus                                         Fr. Michael Rocha
  Open for calls and email request only                                     Pastor
 Monday through Sunday 9AM to 12 noon
                                                                     805-496-0222 ext. 103
              No walk-ins
     Eucharistic Liturgies
      Tickets required at this time                                     Fr. Pedro Valdez
  Daily Mass: 8:15AM (Monday - Saturday)                                Associate Pastor
 Saturday: (Vigil) 5:30PM, 7:00PM (Spanish)                           805-496-0222 Ext. 170
Sundays: 7:30AM, 9:00AM (ASL Interpreted),                 
    10:45AM, 12:30PM (Spanish), 5:30PM
 Holy Days: 8:15AM, 12noon, 5:30 pm and                          Senior Deacon Jim Robinson
             7:00 PM (Bilingual)                                     805-496-0222 Ext: 123

             Sacraments                                               Deacon Mitch Ito
    Confession: Saturday: 3:30—5:00PM                                805-496-0222 Ext: 122
   Marriage: Please Call the Parish Office
                                                                 Deacon Guillermo Rodriguez
   Baptism: Please Call the Parish Office                            805-496-0222 Ext: 133
       Adoration Chapel
   Closed at this time due to Coronavirus

                                                         After several weeks of outdoor Masses in front
                                                         of the church it has been decided to move our
                                                         Sunday Masses to our parish school’s covered
                                                         patio. This space has easy access which is better
                                                         for our older parishioners and has built in ceil-
                                                         ing fans. Taking into account the number of
                                                         parishioners who are actually attending in-
                                                         person Masses, and the fact that we are heading
                                                         into some of the hottest months of the summer,
                                                         we will be reducing some of our Masses. All
                                                         Sunday morning Masses will be celebrated as
                                                         usual: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am and 12:30pm
                                                         in Spanish. For the time being there will be no
                                                         Saturday or Sunday evening Masses celebrat-
                                                         ed. We will follow this schedule and location
                                                         until we are able to return to Masses inside our
                                                         church. Our 9:00am English Mass and
                                                         12:30pm Spanish Mass will continue to be live-
                                                         streamed. Our weekday morning 8:15am Mass
                                                         will continue to be celebrated in front of the
Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic Church - Sunday September 27, 2020 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastor’s Corner                                                 Rincón del Pastor
     "What is your opinion? A man had two sons…"                      "¿Cuál es su opinión? Un hombre tenía dos hijos..." Ca-
Whenever disciples heard Jesus say that, they were ready          da vez que los discípulos escuchaban a Jesús decir eso, es-
for a joke that would jolt. Unlike our common shared              taban listos para una broma que los sacudiría. A diferencia
three-men-went-into-a-bar stories, Jesus' parables didn't         de nuestras historias comunes compartidas de tres hombres
                                                                  que entraron en un bar, las parábolas de Jesús no termina-
end with a punch line that resolves the situation. Parables       ban con un chiste que resolviera la situación. Las parábolas
are the gifts that keep on giving, or better said, stories that   son los dones que siguen dando o, mejor dicho, historias
keep questioning us.                                              que nos siguen cuestionando.
    Some cultural context helps make sense of this story.             Algún contexto cultural ayuda a darle sentido a esta his-
Jesus came from a collectivist rather than an individualist       toria. Jesús vino de una cultura colectivista más que indivi-
culture. In collectivist cultures, like that of ancient Israel    dualista. En culturas colectivistas, como la del antiguo Is-
or many of today's Asian, African, and Latin American             rael o muchas de las sociedades asiáticas, africanas y lati-
societies, people seek happiness through peaceful relation-       noamericanas actuales, la gente busca la felicidad a través
ships more than through individual fulfillment. Children          de relaciones pacíficas más que a través de la realización
are brought up to cherish the good of the whole and espe-         individual. Los niños son educados para valorar el bien de
cially their family's reputation. This background helps us        todos y especialmente la reputación de su familia. Este
                                                                  trasfondo nos ayuda a captar los matices de la historia de
to capture the nuances of Jesus' story.                           Jesús.
    Told starkly, here's how the story goes. There was a              Contada con crudeza, así es como va la historia. Había
man whose father asked him to work for the family. This           un hombre cuyo padre le pidió que trabajara para la fami-
brazen young man embarrassed his father and disgraced             lia. Este joven descarado avergonzó a su padre y deshonró
his family by announcing that he would not do it. Then,           a su familia al anunciar que no lo haría. Luego, por alguna
for some reason, he went out and did it anyway. Later, the        razón, salió y lo hizo de todos modos. Más tarde, el papá le
dad asked the same of his courteous son. Number two,              preguntó lo mismo al que era el más cortés de sus hijos. El
with all the manners of a page in the king's court, bowed         segundo hijo, con todos los modales de un paje en la corte
his head and said, "Right away!" and went straight to his         del rey, inclinó la cabeza y dijo: "¡De inmediato!" y se fue
room to daydream.                                                 directo a su habitación a soñar despierto.
    Jesus asked, "Which of these did the will of the fa-              Jesús preguntó: "¿Cuál de estos hizo la voluntad del
                                                                  padre?" La respuesta correcta es "Ambos y ninguno". La
ther?" The correct answer is, "Both and neither." The mo-         voluntad momentánea del padre era obviamente cuidar de
mentary will of the father was obviously to care for the          la viña, y el primero finalmente hizo el trabajo. La priori-
vineyard, and the first ultimately did the labor. The fa-         dad a largo plazo del padre siempre sería salvaguardar la
ther's long-term priority would always be to safeguard the        reputación de la familia, y el segundo la protegía. Desde el
family's reputation, and the second protected that. From          punto de vista colectivista, la paz en la familia dura toda la
the collectivist point of view, peace in the family lasts a       vida y es más importante que un día de trabajo. Desde el
lifetime and is more important than a day's worth of work.        punto de vista individualista, el hijo que hizo el trabajo del
From the individualist point of view, the son who did the         padre pasó por una conversión y se puede contar con que
father's work went through a conversion and might be              respetará sinceramente al padre en el futuro.
counted on to respect the father sincerely in the future.             La parábola que Jesús nos dice hoy se aplica a nosotros
    The parable Jesus tells us today applies to us today.         hoy. La pregunta subyacente que plantea esta historia es:
                                                                  "¿Quién comparte el compromiso del padre con el bienes-
The underlying question this story asks is, "Who shares           tar de la familia?" o, "¿Quién se parece más a Dios?" La
the father's commitment to the family's well-being?" or,          respuesta, la misma respuesta que hizo que la audiencia de
"Who is most like God?" The answer, the same answer               Jesús se ahogara con sus palabras, fue "el primero", el que
that made Jesus' audience choke on their words, was, "the         eventualmente trabajó por el bien de toda la familia. Las
first," the one who eventually labored for the good of the        palabras educadas, los letreros para pegar en las defensas
whole family. Polite words, moral-message bumper stick-           de los autos con mensajes morales y los gestos piadosos
ers and pious gestures prove empty when not backed up             resultan vacíos cuando no están respaldados por activida-
by committed activities.                                          des comprometidas.
    No matter how individualist our culture, it is still a cul-       No importa cuán individualista sea nuestra cultura, si-
ture, a way of organizing our common life. We both inher-         gue siendo una cultura, una forma de organizar nuestra vi-
it and construct our society; we are responsible for it as        da en común. Nosotros heredamos y también construimos
                                                                  nuestra sociedad; somos responsables de ello tanto como
much as the two sons were responsible for their family            los dos hijos eran responsables de la propiedad familiar.
property.                                                             Hoy, voces interiores nos hablan en el nombre de Dios
    Today, inner voices are speaking to us in the name of         Padre. Nos están llamando a todos, pero especialmente a
God the Father. They are calling all of us, but especially        los privilegiados, a asumir la responsabilidad de nuestra
the privileged, to take responsibility for our society.           sociedad.
    Today's reading from Philippians tells us that if we are          La lectura de hoy de Filipenses nos dice que, si estamos
willing, we can take on the attitude of Christ. In our con-       dispuestos, podemos asumir la actitud de Cristo. En nuestro
text, that means that we can grow beyond grasping at priv-        contexto, eso significa que podemos superar los privile-
ilege. Today's Gospel is meant to jolt us as it asks, "What       gios. El evangelio de hoy está destinado a sacudirnos al
is your opinion?"                                                 preguntar: "¿Cuál es su opinión?"
                                                                      Mientras seguimos viviendo esta pandemia, asumamos
    As we continue living through this pandemic let us all        la responsabilidad de seguir orando unos por otros, orando
take on the responsibility to keep praying for each other,        por una cura, orando por todos los infectados y por todos
praying for a cure, praying for all those infected as well as     los que han muerto. Es nuestra responsabilidad cristiana
for all those who have died. It is our Christian responsibil-     cuidarnos unos a otros. Todos ustedes están en mis oracio-
ity to care for each other. You are all in my daily prayers.      nes diarias.
    Father Michael Rocha                                              Padre Michael Rocha
Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic Church - Sunday September 27, 2020 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish InformaƟon
               LOS ANGELES                                      SUNDAY September 27, 2020
July 13, 2020                                                   7:30    Alfredo & Mindango Incencio (D)
Today, Governor Gavin Newsom announced updated Di-              9:00    St. Vincent de Paul Society
rectives for 30 counties in California due to an increase in            Kathleen O’Malley (D)
coronavirus related deaths and hospitalizations. All three      10:45   Kathleen Teresa O’Malley (D), Gerald
counties in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles—Los Ange-
les, Ventura, and Santa Barbara—are included in the Di-                 Kiliszewski (D)
rectives.                                                       12:30   Delia Margarita Guizar (D)
According to the Governor and the Los Angeles, Santa
Barbara, and Ventura County Public Health Offices, our
parishes must discontinue indoor Masses and other litur-
gical services, effective immediately.
Outdoor Masses and other liturgical services such as ado-       MONDAY September 28, 2020
ration and prayer services are allowed and encouraged.
Parishes may continue to celebrate Confessions, First           8:15    Armand Champagne (D)
Communions, Confirmations, Funerals, and Weddings
outdoors on the parish grounds. Parishioners must wear                  Ashley Molineux (D), Kinga Harman (D)
face coverings and practice social distancing, even out-
doors.                                                          TUESDAY September 29, 2020
Additionally, the Governor’s Directives include closures        8:15
of parish offices. Parish offices are to be closed to the               Daniel & Nancy Murillo (L)
public. Pastors may allow a minimal number of essential
parish staff members to continue working in the office
provided that social distancing is observed. For example,       WEDNESDAY September 30, 2020
while the office is closed to the public, parishes are en-
couraged to communicate regularly with parishioners,            8:15    Roslyn Corbett (D)
return calls to answer questions, and reassure individuals
and families that our parishes are still there for them in      THURSDAY October 1, 2020
prayer and to help with any needs they may have.
This is also a good time to remind all of our parishioners      8:15    Vincent Tunzi, Sr. (D)
that the risk of coronavirus is real, and it is dangerous.
While these Orders are discouraging and disappointing,
this is the time to pray for one another, trust in Jesus, and
focus on the care and love he has for each one of us.           FRIDAY October 2, 2020
May Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Queen of           8:15    St. Paschal Baylon School
the Angels, continue to bless our parishes and loved ones
with good health, joy, and peace.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and for the         SATURDAY October 3, 2020
good work you do in your parishes
                                                                8:15 Steven Gonzales (D)
                 Mass Celebrant Schedule
 Saturday, N/A                                                  SUNDAY October 4, 2020

                          5:30 PM      Fr. n/a                  7:30    The Parishioners of St. Pascha Baylon
                          7:00 PM      Fr. n/a                  9:00    Thomas Senger (D), Albert Basnick (D)
 Sunday October 4, 2020
                                                                10:45   Ann Dessler (D) Joe O’ Brien (D)
                          7:30 AM Fr. Pedro                             Ann Marie Grudele (D)
                          9:00 AM Fr. Michael                   12:30   Arturo Nava (D), Maria Teresa Gonzalez (D)
                          10:45 AM Fr. Michael
                          12:30 PM Fr. Pedro
                          5:30 PM Fr. n/a

                   Repose of The Soul                                     Weekly Prayer Intentions
                     Aurora Avila                               Dr. John Neumayr, Bridget Neumayr & Dave Lavendier
         All who have died from the Coronavirus                 The Stine Family and All suffering from the Coronavirus
Parish InformaƟon
Parish Center:                      805-496-0222                         OFFERTORY GIVING - DONATIONS
 Bookkeeper                     MaryPat Davoren
 Ext. 102                                       Faith Direct - Text to Give
 Bulletin Editor                   To securely make a gift to St. Paschal Baylon
                                                                 Church, text a dollar amount to (805) 429-
 Business Manager               JoAnn Zullo                      6005. You will be asked to complete a one-
 Ext. 104             
                                                                 time registration page with your billing and
                                                                 contact information. After this registration,
 Confirmation/Youth Ministry    Frank Williams, II
 Ext. 169                           you can give any time by texting a dollar
                                                                 amount to our phone number.
 Hispanic Ministry              Irma Diaz
 Ext. 116             
                                                                                     Adorers Needed
                                                                               Cancelled Until Further Notice
 Music Ministry                 Dr. Kevin Stoller
 Ext. 111             
                                                                 Contact: Dan Gregoire at 805 539-8213 or Linda
                                                                 Gregoire at 805 539-8214 or
 RCIA                         Sr. Marie Paul Grech, SND
 (805) 917-3775/(805)279-4045

 Religious Education Ministry   Jennifer Mc Carthy
 Ext. 115                                  Hope for Troubled Marriages
                                                                 Marriage Help – Retrouvaille has helped tens of thousands of
 St. Vincent de Paul Society    Ext. 109                         couples at all stages of disillusionment or misery in their mar-
                                                                 riage. This program can help you too. For confidential infor-
 SPB School Principal           Ryan Bushore                     mation or to register for upcoming program weekend call: (805)
 (805) 495-9340                 279-8071 or email: or visit the
                                                                 website at:
 University Series    
 Ext. 119
                                                                 CENTERING PRAYER AND LECTIO DIVINA

     When this pandemic is over please con-                                    Cancelled Until Further Notice
              sider joining the
 Eucharistic Ministry for the Sick and Elderly
                                                                 The Sound Loop has been installed and activated in our
Those of you who are actively supporting this loving min-        church to help those with hearing aids. The sound loop
istry are aware in your hearts, how spiritually rewarding it             will directly send our church’s sound system into
is to bring Holy Communion to our Parishioners who are                   the hearing aid of those in attendance.
unable to come to the Church.                                                An audiologist must first turn on the “T-Coil”
                                                                         that is part of the internal workings of the hearing
Your voluntary work as Eucharistic Ministers fills the                   aid. Once activated the listener will simply turn
gaps in the spiritual needs of patients in Hospitals, Senior     on the T-Coil option on their hearing aid every time they
Centers, Home Care Facilities and Private Homes.                 enter our church. The listener will then be able to hear all
Contact: Jan Wennink -3449 Radcliffe Road                        the amplified voices and music directly through their
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 -805-493-1939                            hearing aids. Please share this good news with others.

        Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                Good News for Sound Loop Users

The Gospel today is a great example of saying, “actions          “Harmony Hearing Center” in Simi Valley is offering to
                                                                 turn on the “T-Coil” in our parishioner’s hearing aids for
speak louder than words.”                                        no charge! If you are interested please contact:
    This month, through the generosity of St. Paschal                                 Nancy Bozarth
    Baylon parishioners, the Society of St. Vincent de                          Harmony Hearing Center
    Paul enabled the poor to experience Jesus’ pres-                               2650- Jones Way #5
                                                                                     Simi Valley, Ca
    ence by assisting families by providing drive-by                                   805-581-4327
    food pickup. Thank You!
Parish Ministry InformaƟon
            SPBS School 2020                                                         Faith Formation
                                                                                  Religious Education
Dear SPB Parishioners,
                                                                          This year has been unlike any we have
Our first official day of Distance Learning began
August 27th. The faculty and staff have worked                            ever experienced. & this year's Religious
hard over the last several weeks to make Distance                         Education will be different, too, but I can
Learning as smooth a start as possible, which was a          also promise that it will be a wonderful experience
pivot from our intent to begin the year in-person            for your family. 1st year of sacrament prep. 2nd
after Gov. Newsom’s mandate in late July. While a
great majority of us would like to return to in-person       year. Continuing formation, after 1st communion.
instruction as soon as possible, the reality is that we      Junior high Youth Group. We have an exciting plan
are unsure of exactly how long that will take. As a          for all ages & stages.
result, the administration and faculty have created a
robust distance learning plan, enabling us to ensure         Registration can be found on the parish web-
our students receive a high-quality education while          site:,
we need to sustain this model, including live                in a box at the parish office door, or by emailing Jen-
instruction from our teachers for multiple hours each        nifer at
day, as well as small group work sessions. While
Distance Learning can never take the place of in-            Please email if you have any questions about the
person instruction, know that all of us at SPBS are          program. We look forward to sharing faith with your
committed to striving for continued excellence in our        family this year!
high quality and well-rounded faith education,
synonymous with what we have always achieved at
Saint Paschal Baylon School.
We truly appreciate your patience, understanding,
and flexibility as we work through this challenging              We will continue in with Distance-learning
situation together as a community and throughout
the world. May the Providence of Jesus Christ and                Please see our website for more information
the Holy Spirit watch over our communities, heal the        
sick and protect our health care providers, to bring
this pandemic to an end.                                                         Youth Ministry
Together in faith,
Ryan Bushore                                                 Youth group has moved to Sunday nights at 5pm
Principal                                                     And will be livestreaming in the largest youth
                                                              gathering ever at
Saint Paschal Baylon School
                                                                          Frank Williams, Ext. 169
                                                                    Confirmation Direct & Youth Minister

                                                                                 DID YOU KNOW?
  RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the      Words can be warning signs of abuse
process by which adults can become full, active, partici-    Many children will be learning in their own homes this
pating members of the Catholic Church. The process is        fall, but that does not mean they will be fully protected
intended for Christians who feel drawn to the Catholic       from abuse. Sadly, most children are abused by someone
tradition, persons who have not grown up in a specific       considered to be a “known and trusted” person – that per-
faith tradition but would like to develop a relationship     son may be a family member – even someone living in
with God within a faith community, and any seeker who        the same house as the child. Pay attention to the conversa-
is interested in knowing more about the Catholic             tions your children are having, as words can be indicators
faith. Adult baptized Catholics who would like to contin-    that a child is being groomed or harmed. If your child or
                                                             their friend(s) seem to “know” more about sexual topics
ue sacramental preparation (Eucharist and Confirmation)
                                                             than would be expected for their age, or seems unusually
have a separate program. Essentially, RCIA is a journey
                                                             focused on such topics, it could be an indicator that some-
of faith for those seeking Jesus. In the light of the pan-
                                                             thing inappropriate and harmful is happening. Talk to
demic, initial interviews and meetings are held by           your child about it, reassuring them that it is both im-
ZOOM. Regular meetings are held on Thursdays, 7:00-          portant and safe to tell you what is happening. For more
8:00 pm. Please contact Sister Marie Paul at                 information on this topic, visit for further information.                    you-know/.
Together in Mission 2020                                         Called to Renew
               Report as of May 18, 2020                                  Report as of April/31/2020
                Parish Goal:          $114,117
                Amount Pledged        $ 91,342                      Archdiocese Goal:               $ 1,425,000
                Amount Paid           $ 80,427                      Parish Enhanced Goal:           $ 1,547,000
Please pledge with the information that was mailed to your          Amount Pledged:                 $ 1,534,153
home, a pledge card found at the parish, or online at               Amount Paid                     $ 364,692 Thank you for your generosity.
                                                             If you bring in a pledge payment to the Parish of-
                                                             fice, please write the check to Called to Renew.
                  Parish Bible Studies
“A Journey Toward Freedom – men and woman are in-
vited to join us every Monday morning via Zoom for a
Study on The Bible and the Church Fathers. This is a
twelve-week course that will be studied on line starting                         Please Join Us!
September 14, from 10:00 am through 12:00
noon. Please contact Rita via email                          Please go to the Parish website and connect to Men’s
at for how to Zoom and info on         Club webpage for latest updates to current news and
the study material so you can join our Zoom class pre-       events.
pared for our first session. Deacon Gary Mallaley from
St.Max will be a supporting voice in our sessions.”

Cancelled Until Further Notice                                          The “That Man is You” program is
WEDNESDAY EVENING                                                          Cancelled Until Further Notice
Wednesday night Bible study is starting up again on
Wednesday nights, 7:30-9:00 on Zoom. Everyone is wel-
come. For more information contact Sherry at sher-              SERRA CLUB SUPPORTS & ENCOURAGES
ryr2256 or 805 –427-6461
                                                                         THE PRIESTHOOD
                                                                CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
  Opus Dei Men’s Evening of Recollection
                                                             For more information call one of our parishioners, Joe &
Men are invited to an Evening of Recollection spon-          Pilar 818-707-1773, Don or Pat O’Rourke 805-492-8585.
sored by Opus Dei. This event is cancelled until
further notice. For more details please call Bob Jen-
sen at 805-492-8953.

  Women’s Opus Dei Evening of Recollection

All women are invited to an Evening of Recollection                 Boy Scout and Cub Scout News
sponsored by Opus Dei. This event is cancelled un-           Calling all Boys - Kindergarten through High School
til further notice. If you have any questions please         St. Paschal's Boy Scout Troop 799 and Cub Scout Pack
contact Marisa Schoeffer 818-517-0951                        3799 are cancelled until further notice. For more info:
                                                             Dan Gregoire, 805-539-8213, or
                                            Bulletin Submission Deadline

                     NOTE: Effective immediately, all bulletin submissions are to be e-mailed to
 by end of business day on the Thursday the week before the Sunday Bulletin.
Weekly Scripture Readings
                               TODAY’S READINGS                                                                    READINGS FOR THE WEEK

First Reading — When the wicked turn away from their                                                   Monday:       Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50
wickedness they have committed and do what is right,                                                   Tuesday:      Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a;
they shall surely live (Ezekiel 18:25-28).                                                                           Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51
                                                                                                       Wednesday:    Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-15;
Psalm — Remember your mercies, O Lord (Psalm 25).                                                                    Lk 9:57-62
                                                                                                       Thursday:     Jb 19:21-27; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14;
Second Reading — Consider others as better than your-                                                                Lk 10:1-12
selves; look not to your own interests, but to the interests                                           Friday:       Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10,
of others (Philippians 2:1-11 [1-5]).                                                                                13-14ab; Mt 18:1-5
                                                                                                       Saturday:     Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75,
Gospel — Tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the                                                             91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24
kingdom of God ahead of you (Matthew 21:28-32).                                                        Sunday:       Is 5:1-7; Ps 80:9, 12-16, 19-20; Phil 4:6-
                                                                                                                     9;Mt 21:33-43
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna-
tional Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

                                                   FAMILIAR INSIGHTS
    Spiritual teachers tend to repeat themselves, and to repeat other teachers. Maybe there really aren’t that many dif-
ferent truths to tell. Just a lot of slow, sleepy human beings—like us—who need to hear the basics over and over. Con-
sider today’s readings.
    People complain God isn’t “fair,” and Ezekiel answers that God is more than fair. People choose their own fates,
and people can change. Even evildoers can turn, do right, and live. “Actions speak louder than words.” A fresh new
insight? Hardly.
    Paul tells the Philippians that he would truly be encouraged if those who claimed to be believers would, in fact,
look to others’ interests and not their own. “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” A novel idea? I don’t think so.
    In Jesus’ story of the farmer and his sons, everyone knows that the one who said he wouldn’t work—but did—is
way ahead of the one who said he would work—but didn’t. “Talk is cheap.” Heard that before?
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

                                           Treasures From Our Tradition
   SAINT THÉRÈSE OF THE CHILD JESUS (1873-1897) - October 1

        “The cornerstone’s dated 1872, but the stained glass is much later,” explained the pastor, astonished when his visi-
   tor accurately dated it to just before the Great Depression, explaining, “The window for the Little Flower”—Thérèse’s
   nickname—“gives it away.” From her canonization in 1925, her statues and windows adorn most churches where Eu-
   ropean immigrants worshiped. Entering Carmel at fifteen, victim of tuberculosis at twenty-four, Thérèse proposed her
   “Little Way” to sanctity: doing ordinary tasks with extraordinary love. Thus ordinary Catholics, many of whom had
   lost loved ones to tuberculosis, embraced her. Though she never left her cloister, this Carmelite’s spiritual communion
   and devoted correspondence with missionaries earned her the title Patroness of Missions. Her autobiography, Story of
   a Soul, continuously in print since her death, chronicles her prayerful perseverance through doubt and caused her to be
   the youngest person ever named a Doctor of the Church. Countless physical healings and spiritual conversions testify
   to her fulfillment of her deathbed promise: “After my death, I will let fall a shower of roses. I will spend my heaven
   doing good upon earth!”
   —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

                                                               Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                         September 27, 2020
                                                        Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus.
                                                                          — Philippians 2:5
Join St. Paschal Baylon                                  St. Paschal Traditional Choir
             Church Children’s Choir!
                                                              invites anyone that loves singing to join the choir.
“Calling All Children” - St. Paschal Baylon Church            The choir rehearses Thursday evenings from 7:15-
Children’s Choir is open to all Children grades 1-8 in        9:00 in the choir loft and sings at the 10:45 Mass. No
our Community. It is for children who would like to sing      auditions are necessary and it isn’t necessary to read
or play an instrument at our Sunday Masses. We re-            music. If you are interested in joining the St. Paschal
hearse every Thursday from 3:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.             Traditional Choir, contact the Director, Dr. Kevin
inside the Church, and we sing once a month at the 9:00       Stoller at
TICE                                                                            Cancelled Until Further Notice
For more information contact Parish Children’s Choir
Director, Caroline Esposito @, or at
Looking forward to seeing you soon!                                      St. Paschal's Respect Life
                 He who sings, prays twice                    Another 40 Days for Life Campaign is underway in
            -St. Augustine                                    Thousand Oaks! The current campaign began on
                                                              Wednesday, September 23rd, and will last until Sunday,
                                                              November 1st. Details on how to sign up for hours can
                                                              be found at this website:
                ICF Branch 380 News                 
While we have not been able to meet in person, our Ital-
ian Catholic Federation branch is still “meeting” via                  Catholic Engaged Encounter
Zoom and other online services. We are actively support-
ing our local and national charities, including St. Vincent   Is the Holy Spirit Calling you?
de Paul, seminarians, Thalassemia (Cooley’s Anemia)
and Gifts of Love.                                            Catholic Engaged Encounter need MARRIED
We are open to new members, and always available to           “not perfect” couples to help prepare engaged cou-
chat. Call Maria Di Battista at (818) 599-6917 if you need    ples for marriage. Whether you’ve been married 2
any information.                                              months or 40+ years, we need your help. Call Joe &
Gifts of Love is a program supporting people with special     Kathie Schneider @ 805-687-4338 we’d love to talk
needs and is open to all. You do not need to be an ICF        with you or visit our website at
member or Italian. For more information on this program,      and email us at
please contact Pat Mages at (805) 428-4623.
                                                                        SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN

           St. Vincent de Paul Pantry                         The Archdiocese fingerprinting team will be onsite the
                                                              2nd Saturday and the 4th Tuesday of the month. To sign
Due to the coronavirus the Society of St. Vincent de Paul     up for a fingerprinting appointment or information about
had to close its doors on March 13, 2020. It was an ex-       attending a VIRTUS class, please see our website or call
tremely difficult decision. We are now open on every Sat-     Kristina at the Parish Center (805) 496-0222.
urday with a Drive Through Pantry. There is no contact
with our parishioners and friends who pop their trunks           
and we put in a box of dry goods and fresh produce. For       The Archdiocese mandates VIRTUS training and
the last 2 weeks we have helped over 100 cars serving         fingerprinting for all adults including volunteers working
                                                              with children. Sign up at our website or call Kristina at
400 family members. In the past we relied on the gener-       (805) 496-0222 to reserve your place.
osity of food and financial donations from our parishion-
ers to donate to Project Response and food drives from
the Men’s Club, the ICF and the school. Due to the con-
straints of this pandemic, we are changing how we will
continue to give out food to the hungry. Using the model                 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS!
of the Pentecostal food drive, we are planning on having       St. Paschal’s is launching a brand new youth group,
monthly food drives where the food is dropped off to us
on the first Saturday of each month from 1 pm to 3 pm.                 CANELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
The first time will be Baby Saturday, our annual baby
and food drive, on August 15th. We are so grateful for
your support in the past and hope you will continue to be                             Pray The Rosary
as generous with this new endeavor. Please check the
parish websites for St. Vincent de Paul and Project Re-                  Cancelled Until Further Notice - Join the com-
sponse for further information. Thank you!                                munity in praying the Rosary everyday after
                                                                                   the 8:15 mass.
Weekly Word Find
TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND                                                  St. Paschal Baylon Parish
     KDOC channels 56 and/or 29 at 9:00 a.m.                                 Thanks for your enthusiastic support of our sum-
                                                                           mer blood drive.
 The Heart of the Nation Sunday TV Mass brings                    The results are in! St. Paschal parishioners generously con-
spiritual comfort and the blessings of joy-filled hope         tributed 111 pints of blood on Sunday. What an inspiring testa-
in our Risen Savior. Please invite anyone you know             ment to the spirit of our Faith Community.
who cannot get out to church to tune in Catholic                  Thank you for your critical support, we did it again!
Mass on TV or watch online anytime on Sundays at                                      Bill Howard

                   Funeral Notices                                                  Offertory Giving
A reminder that Funeral Announcements are now listed           If you haven't already, I prayerfully request that you
on our parish webpage ( as they are         consider joining the many families who use Faith
scheduled. Please look under “Special Masses, Events
and Celebrations”.                                             Direct to fulfill their very generous stewardship
                                                               commitments to our parish and the wider
      The Society of St. Vincent de Paul                       church. Faith Direct provides our families with the
                                                               ability to give to our parish via electronic donation
On Sunday, September 20 our Parish is having a Bundle          and I remain most pleased with the service they have
Sunday for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul thrift           provided St. Paschal Baylon. I hope you will set
stores. Please bring your useable clothing and useable         aside a few minutes to visit or
household items on this day. Their truck will be here at       text “Enroll” to (Text-to-Give Number) and enroll
our church parking lot from 8:00am – 2:00pm. Please            securely online. With online enrollment, you will be
help them in their endless efforts to assist the needy.        able to access your account any time to view and
                                                               make changes to your account information and gifts.
They are in great need of furniture and large applianc-        For those already enrolled, I want to thank you for
es. Please phone (323) 224-6280 or (800) 974-3571 for          your participation in the Faith Direct electronic giv-
free pick up of large items.                                   ing program! eGiving has proven to be the most
                                                               cost-effective way for St. Paschal Baylon to receive
Come join us! The rewards are great! We are in need of         your generous donations.
volunteers to assist us in our works of mercy. Time com-
mitment is one shift at the pantry every other week and if
possible bi-monthly meetings. Please call Cathy Hines
(805-341-3026) or Sandy Elias (805-405-2586) if you
have any questions.

 Eucharistic Ministry for the Sick and Elderly
      Please consider joining this Ministry
Those of you who are actively supporting this loving
ministry are aware in your hearts, how spiritually reward-
ing it is to bring Holy Communion to our Parishioners
who are unable to come to the Church.
Your voluntary work as Eucharistic Ministers fills the
gaps in the spiritual needs of patients in Hospitals, Senior
Centers, Home Care Facilities and Private Homes.
Jan Wennink
3449 Radcliffe Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
OR fill in the following section and mail this letter to
Jan Wennink;
Name of Volunteer__________________________
Address ___________________________________
Phone Number______________________________
Email Address_______________________________
Jan Wennink will contact you and discuss the details with
you. Thank You.
Hispanic Ministry
MISAS EN ESPAÑOL                                                       EDUCACION RELIGIOSA
Sábados a las 7:00pm                                                   Sábados de 10 a 11:30 A.M.
Domingo a las 12:30pm                                                  En la escuela Ext. 116
CONFESIONES                                                            MATRIMONIOS
Sábado de 3:30 a 5:00pm                                                Registrarse con 6 meses de anticipación.
GRUPO DE JOVENES                                                       Hacer cita con algunos de los sacerdotes
Viernes: de 15 años en adelante                                        BAUTIZOS
                                                                       Llamar al 496-0222 Ext. 116 &117
7:30pm en el Salón Multiusos
Lunes y Viernes 7:00pm
                                                                       Registrarse con 6 meses de anticipación

                                                                                     VIVIENDO NUESTRA FE
               De Palabra y de Obra: “Sí, Señor”
                                                                       El Compendio de la doctrina social de la Iglesia recuerda
          Quienes hemos trabajado con adolescentes hemos to-
                                                                       que el Evangelio hay que escucharlo y ponerlo en prácti-
pado con estos modos de su proceder frente al deber: dicen sí
                                                                       ca. No hay esfera de la vida que haya que sustraer a su
pero no cuándo, o dicen no pero terminan cumpliendo. ¿Cierto?
Pero el Evangelio no habla de una conducta adolescente o pro-
                                                                       influencia. Dios exige coherencia total. A la iglesia le
pia de la rebeldía, sino de una actitud de los que viven confor-       compete “hacer resonar la palabra liberadora del Evange-
me a la apariencia, en una doble plataforma entre lo que saben         lio en el complejo mundo de la producción, del trabajo, de
que hay que hacer, pero descuidan su cumplimiento.                     la empresa, de la finanza, del comercio, de la política, de
          El ejemplo de Jesús va directo a sus oyentes: los guías      la jurisprudencia, de la cultura, de las comunicaciones
religiosos y maestros de la ley deberían ser los primeros en           sociales, en el que el hombre vive” (CDSI, no. 70)
discernir el mensaje profético de Juan Bautista y convertirse al
Señor. No fue así; sucedió lo contrario. Fue la gente ignorante y
pecadora, que vivía ajena a los preceptos, la que había rechaza-                             ¿SABÍA QUE?
do la oferta de Dios, pero que cuando escuchó a Juan se motivó
                                                                       Las palabras pueden ser señales de alerta de abuso
                                                                       Muchos niños estarán aprendiendo desde sus propios ho-
y se convirtió. En este sentido, los pecadores se “adelantaron” a      gares este otoño, pero eso no significa que estarán com-
los demás.                                                             pletamente protegidos de abuso. Lamentablemente, la
          Decir sí por la conveniencia de crearnos una imagen          mayoría de los niños son abusados por alguien que se
de gente confiable, aunque nuestra voluntad esté lejos de cum-         considera una persona “conocida y de confianza”, que
plir ese sí, es lo contrario a Jesús, según el texto de Filipenses.    pudiera ser un miembro de la familia, y que hasta puede
          El cristo anunciado a las primeras comunidades está          vivir en la misma casa que el niño o niña. Preste atención
fundamentado en la reflexión de que Jesús fue el Hijo que se           a las conversaciones de sus hijos, ya que las palabras
entregó absolutamente a la voluntad del Padre. Es hijo obedien-        pueden ser indicadores de que un niño está siendo
te no solo en venir a la historia humana y tomar parte de ella,        abusado o dañado sexualmente. Si su hijo/a o sus amigos
sino que dentro de esta historia, venir a jugar el rol más humil-      parecen “saber” más sobre temas sexuales de lo que se
de y hasta un abajamiento radical al dar el gran si de la entrega      espera para su edad, o parecen inusualmente enfocados en
de su vida. Dijo sí y lo cumplió. La comunidad creyente vio en         esos temas, esto puede ser indicador de que algo inaprop-
esa determinación para “hacerse nada” de Jesús, el sí perfecto:        iado o dañino está sucediendo. Hable con sus hijos sobre
la entrega de la vida en obediencia absoluta al Padre, Sí defini-      estos temas, asegurándoles que es importante y seguro
                                                                       que ellos le digan lo que está sucediendo. Para obtener
tivo, sin asegunes, A esto nos llama.
                                                                       más información sobre este tema, visite https://
          La parábola de los dos hijos debió tener tremendo im-
pacto en sus oyentes. Los personajes importantes de aquel tiem-
po, alimentados por el sistema religioso, amparados en el frio
cumplimiento, siempre lejanos a la compasión y a la misericor-                                   AVISO
dia, reciben la comparación que los deja inferiores antes quie-        Ya estamos registrando para las clases de Educación religiosa
nes ellos más despreciaban, los publicanos y las prostitutas, que      en español. Las formas las pueden recoger en la mesa que se
se les adelantan en su sí a Dios. Si el Padre nos invita a trabajar,   encuentra al salir de la oficina, una vez que completa la infor-
no bastan las palabras ni expresar disponibilidad ante el llama-       mación requerida, las puede depositar en el cajón de la misma
                                                                       mesa. Si necesita más información no dude en comunicarse con
do. Lo que importa es el trabajo que realicemos, las acciones          Irma en la oficina.
que llevamos a cabo hablarán de nuestra obediencia a la volun-
tad de Dios. (P.A.)
¿Alguna vez ha dicho “sí” o “no” solo por apariencia?                     Lecturas para el domingo del 4 de octubre, 2020
Recuerde a las personas coherentes con el Evangelio que usted                         Primera Lectura: Isaías 5:1-7
haya encontrado.                                                                   Segunda Lectura: Filipenses 4:6-9
                                                                                  Evangelio: Mateo 21:33-43
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