Safety Plan for Indoor Fitness and Dance Programs Saanich Recreation

Page created by Darren Tate
Safety Plan for Indoor Fitness and Dance Programs
Saanich Recreation
This Safety Plan follows the Coronavirus COVID-19 BC Centre for Disease Control Indoor Exercise Requirements
– June 15, 2021, the PHO Gathering and Events Order – June 17, 2021 and the BC RESTART Plan – May 25,

Fitness and dance programs are essential to active, healthy and connected communities and citizens. This
document will be used to support fitness program staff in reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 among
participants and staff. Programs will also follow Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) requirements.

 Public Health Measures

                                   All employees must complete a mandatory employee health check and
 Health                             active screening before coming to work or entering a Saanich workplace.
                                    Staff do not come to work if sick.
                                   In order to mitigate the risk of transmission, Saanich fitness programs will
 Case Finding and Contact           be delivered in a registered or reserved only format. Instructors and
 Tracing                            participants must not attend fitness programs if they are sick.
                                   Instructors and participants must have clean hands by washing or sanitizing
                                    hands prior to teaching or participating.
                                   Instructors or staff will take attendance prior to a fitness class.
                                   Participants must not participate when exhibiting potential COVID-19
                                    symptoms. Symptoms may include: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath,
                                    sore throat or painful swallowing, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache,
                                    loss of sense of smell or taste, muscles aches, fatigue, loss of appetite,
                                    diarrhea, fatigue, nausea and vomiting or muscle aches. BC Self
                                    Assessment Tool (
                                   Communication regarding health requirements (lack of symptoms) will be
                                    available at time of registration or reservation and through visible signage at
                                    facility entrances.
                                   Saanich will keep ActiveNet records for 30 days of anyone including a name
                                    and phone number or e-mail attending a fitness program. Records must be
                                    kept up-to-date and available to facilitate contact tracing in the event of an
                                    outbreak. Facilities must have staff lists available for contact tracing.
                                   Any program connected to a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 will
                                    report the incident to health authorities, and follow Saanich Patient Zero
                                    protocol including following the direction of Occupational Health and Safety
                                    and the Provincial Health Authority.
                                   Facilities have staff on site while patrons are exercising to support
                                    enforcement of mask use and physical distancing.
Environmental Measures

                          Outer doors and windows left open or partially open if possible.
                          Discontinue use of floor and wall fans.
                          All mechanical heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
                           are working properly. Fresh air intake on ventilation systems increased as
                           much as possible.

                              Fitness participants will be asked to enter the building no more than 5
Floor Markings and             minutes prior to a program start. Participants in pool based fitness
Reducing Group                 programs (Waterfit and Swim Fit) will be permitted to enter the building
Congregating                   no more than 20 minutes before the start of their program. Line ups will
                               be marked with markings at a distance of 2 metres apart.

                          When not engaged in their registered activity, participants must adhere to
                           physical distancing (2 metres) at all times. Signage for not congregating and
                           keeping physically distanced will be posted as reminders.
                          Separate entrances and exits designated if possible. Participants will not
                           enter and enter at the same time. All classes have a 30 minute transition
                          Signage will be posted to remind participants of physical distancing and
                           provincial directives for hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
                          Each program space will have markings on the floor to ensure physical
                           distancing of 2.5 metres is kept at all times between participants.
                          A marked/defined zone for instructors will ensure physical distancing from
                          Changerooms and showers are closed (exception Waterfit class
                           participants). Customers must come changed and ready to exercise as
                           there are no change facilities. Changeroom signage indicates that the
                           facility is for washrooms only. Each washroom has a maximum capacity
                           limit and allows for 2 metres distancing between patrons.

                          Instructors who use the headset/microphone must use their own wind
Cleaning and               screen and sweat guard and ensure the headset is properly cleaned after
Disinfection               teaching.
                          Participants will bring their own mats to class.
                          Limited equipment will be provided to participants ie. dumbbells
                          Fitness programs will be scheduled to allow for sufficient time for cleaning
                           of equipment by participants and transition time between classes.
                          High Touch surfaces ie. door handles and water fill stations will be cleaned
                           and disinfected every 4 hours.
Administrative Measures

                             Saanich Recreation Centre room occupancy based on 7 square
Occupancy                     metres of unencumbered usable floor space being available for
                              each participant and staff present. Maximum in any exercise class
                              or room is 25 regardless of the room size.
                                 Cedar Hill Recreation Centre
                                 Gymnasium – 372m2 (capacity – 53) Max 25.
                                 Multi-Purpose Room – 115m2 (capacity – 16)
                                 Dance Studio – 75m2 ( capacity – 10)
                                 Gordon Head Recreation Centre
                                 Dance Studio – 124m2 (capacity – 17)
                                 Multi-Purpose Room – 97m2 (capacity – 10)
                                 Feltham Room – 81m2 (capacity –11)
                                 Wellness Annex – 86m2 (capacity – 12)
                                 Bert Richman Auditorium – 189.5m2 (capacity – 27) Max 25
                                 Mt Doug Auditorium – 186m2 (capacity – 26) Max 25
                                 G.R. Pearkes Recreation Centre
                                 Ross Room – 224m2 (capacity – 32) Max 25
                                 Saanich Commonwealth Place
                                 Dance Studio – 154m2 (capacity – 22)
                                 Multi-Purpose Room – 164m2 (capacity – 23)
                                 Garry Oak Gym – 836m2 (capacity – 119) Max 25.
                             Occupancy limits for each room are posted to ensure capacity is
                              not exceeded.
                             Actual capacity for participants is based on 2.5 metres between
                              participants exercising. These numbers are posted on signs
                              outside each room. The maximum numbers for each group low
                              intensity program are programmed into the Active Net registration
                             Instructors will remind participants at the end of each class that
                              they need to leave the facility promptly to eliminate social
                              gathering and congestion.

                             Physical distance of 2.5 metres between each patron in all directions at
Physical Distancing and       all times must be maintained while exercising.
Minimizing Physical
Contact                      Floor markings used to identify exercise space.
                             Instructor must remain in a designated “instructor area” throughout the
                              class where they can maintain a 2 meter physical distance.
                             Physical distancing of 2 metres must be maintained when not exercising
                              and at all other times in the facility.
 All participants register in advance by registering for set sessions
Booking and                or single reserved drop-ins.
                          Participants are informed through the registration process to not
                           come if they are feeling sick and must cancel if they are feeling
                          All participants must agree to safety protocols. The registration
                           process has a read and agree requirement.
                          A minimum transition time of 10 minutes to allow for cleaning and
                           no cross over between participants. 5 minutes of time between
                           classes is reserved for no participants in the space. Waterfit and
                           Swim Fit have a 15 minute transition.
                          Fitness participants will be asked to enter the building no more
                           than 5-10 minutes prior to a program start. Waterfit participants
                           are permitted to enter the facility 20 minutes prior to a program

                          Instructors for exercise classes that need to raise their voices beyond
Audio                      normal speaking volume must use a microphone (headset) to keep their
                           voices from being raised. Microphones/headsets have a windscreen for
                           each instructor. Each instructor must clean the headset prior to use.
                          Music must be kept below speaking volume to reduce singing or

                          Participants must bring a personal water bottle. Water filling stations are
Food and Beverages         available but water fountains are closed.
                            Saanich Recreation will not sell food or beverages to fitness

                          All employees must complete a mandatory employee health check and
Staying Home When Sick     active screening before coming to work or entering a Saanich workplace.
and When New               Staff do not come to work if sick.
Symptoms Develop
                          Employees will stay home when they have symptoms of COVID-19.
                          If a participant or staff member develops symptoms while at a program,
                           they will be isolated at least 2m away in a pre-determined space at each
                          All items used by a person with COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated,
                           cleaned and disinfected.
                          If a staff person develops illness while at work, they will immediately
                           remove themselves from any contact with others, notify their supervisor
                           and call 8-1-1- or take the BC Self-Assessment tool to determine the
                           safest response. Depending on the symptoms, the staff person may
                           need to immediately seek medical care. Additionally the staff member
                           should self-isolate. 8-1-1 will provide instructions to the staff member
                           regarding what they are to do to accomplish this based on their
                           individual circumstance.
                          If a staff person develops symptoms while not at work, they will be
                           advised to contact Health Link BC at 8-1-1, and to contact their
                           supervisor. They will not report to work until they are symptom free and it
                           is safe to do so.
Personal Measures

                            Employees must complete daily entry requirements before entering the
COVID – 19 Health Check      facility as per the WorkSafeBC employer requirement.
                            Participants must complete a daily entry requirement before entering the

                            Participants must be dressed and ready to exercise. Changerooms are
Exercise Attire/Personal     closed (exception is for waterfit and swimfit participants).
                            Participants must bring their own mat.

                            Participants are required to wash or sanitize hands prior to a fitness
Hand Hygiene                 class. Sanitizing and hand washing facilities are available at each
                             Saanich Recreation Centre.
                            The Building Service Worker team will dispose of any waste bins daily.

PPE Requirements

                            Staff will be provided masks, gloves and eye glasses in each first aid kit
Masks                        if they need to attend to a participant who is injured or ill.
                            As per Ministerial Order M012, masks must be worn at all times in
                             exercise facilities including when exercising.
                            Instructors must wear masks at all times.
                            People who are unable to wear a mask due to a health condition or a
                             physical, cognitive or mental impairment, and people who are unable to
                             put on or remove a mask without the assistance of another person are
                             exempt from mask requirements. People who are unable to wear a mask
                             must maintain at least 3 metres distance at all times when in the facility.
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