ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021

Page created by Beatrice Newton
ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021
Issue 93 March 2021
ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021


    the net Zero priZe                                                                                 Winners of the UK roofing AWArds

                                                                                             12                                                                                              24

    4       neWs                                                                                       24 Winners of the UK roofing AWArds
                                                                                                            With project photos & judges comments
    10      roof trAining groUp neWs
                                                                                                       31   A neW Md for KeMper systeM
    12      the net Zero priZe
            Mike Wharton, complete roofing systems
                                                                                                       32 WhAt the neW prodUct inforMAtion
                                                                                            14            code MeAns for roofing                                                             32
    14 Keeping the UK sUpplied                                                                              sarah spink, lrWA
       With nAtUrAl slAte
                                                                                                       34 better dAtA: sAfer bUildings
            steve pearson, cUpA piZArrAs
                                                                                                            Adam turk, siderise & chair of cpA Marketing integrity group
    16      enhAncing roofing MeMbrAne strength And sAfety
                                                                                                       36 AchieVing An AttrActiVe loW pitch looK
            nick King, Klober
                                                                                                            sean Whiteside, onduline
    18 perMeAble pitched roof
                                                                                                       40 heritAge reroof reprodUces
                                                                                                          rAre sWept Welsh VAlley
            John Mercer, roofing consultant
                                                                                                       44 consider the benefits of bespoKe
    20 secUring A perception of trUst to
                                                                                                            brian bell, Marley Alutec
       stAy on trAcK
                                                                                            18                                                                                               46
            Keira proctor, A proctor group                                                             46 Why Use A drone in roofing?
                                                                                                            toby townrow, drone evolution
    22 concrete coMes oUt on top
            Mark parsons, russell roof tiles                                                           48 neWs, prodUcts, proJects & people

    secUring A perception of trUst to stAy on trAcK                                                   heritAge reroof reprodUces rAre sWept Welsh VAlley

                                                                                            20                                                                                               40

        Roofing Today Magazine is published by Construction Media Publishing Ltd                      Editor                          Dr Claire Griffiths
        31 Seymour Terrace, Seymour Street, Liverpool L3 5PE
        Tel. 0151 708 0070 | |
                                                                                                      Senior Media Accounts           Brenda McNally 
                                                                                                      Media Accounts                  Paul Fitzgerald   
                                                                                                      Administration                  Jemma Daly

        © Roofing Today 2021 All rights reserved.                                                     Circulation Manager             Helen Threllfall

        Every effort has been made by the publisher to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this magazine. However, under no circumstances does the publisher accept liability for any loss
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ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021

 Avonside Group Secures £33.5m Sheffield City Council Bid BBA Appointed                                                                                    Flex-R Wins                          CPA Consultation on New Product Information Code
 A    vonside Group has
      successfully bid for the                            as an Approved                                                                                   Outstanding                          T    he Construction Products
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Association (CPA) has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Manufacturers, specifiers and users
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of information now have an
 Sheffield City Council re-roofing
 programme. The company beat five
                                                          Body for UKCA                                                                                    Performance                          launched an industry-wide
                                                                                                                                                                                                consultation into a proposed Code
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               opportunity to comment on the new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Code, its management and policing.
 other bidders to secure the contract,
 which includes repair work for
                                                          Marking                                                                                          Award                                for Construction Product Information
                                                                                                                                                                                                (CCPI).                                                                        CPA Chief Executive Peter
                                                                                                                            he British Board of                                                                                                                                Caplehorn said: “The importance of
 approximately 5,000 properties over
 a 5-year period and is believed to be                                                                                 T    Agrément has been
                                                                                                                       appointed as an Approved Body,
                                                                                                                                                           F    lex-R, is celebrating after
                                                                                                                                                                winning Carlisle Syntec’s
                                                                                                                                                           Outstanding Performance Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                The consultation will gather
                                                                                                                                                                                                industry views on the Code before it                                           this new Code and consultation
 one of the most significant single                                                                                                                                                             is formally launched later this year.                                          process will be obvious to all those
 awards of its type in Europe.                                                                                         Technical Assessment Body and       for EPDM Sales. The                                                                                                 working in the built environment
                                                                                                                       Notified Body (NI).                 waterproofing specialist has         The Code has been developed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               post-Grenfell. It is our responsibility
 Avonside CEO Eddie Stanton said,                                                                                                                          worked with Carlisle SynTec,         following Dame Judith Hackitt’s
 “We are delighted to be chosen to                                                                                     The UK Conformity Assessed                                               report ‘Building A Safer Future’, and                                          as an industry to regain public trust
                                                                                                                                                           innovators of rubber roofing, for
 work with Sheffield City Council on                                                                                   (UKCA) Marking is a new UK                                               the issues facing the construction                                             and credibility in what we do, and
                                                                                                                                                           over 20 years to exclusively
                                                                                                                       product mark to replace the                                              industry following the Grenfell                                                to demonstrate that technical
 this project, and I'd like to pay                                                                                                                         distribute their USA manufactured
                                                                                                                       current CE mark in the UK. An                                            Tower fire. The report confirmed                                               competence can be trusted.
 tribute to the professionalism of all                                                                                                                     EPDM to the UK roofing industry.
                                                                                                                       additional mark, UKNI, will be                                           radical change was needed for
 of our staff and team members who
                                                                                                                       used in Northern Ireland.           This is the first time the awards    construction products, particularly  Over 500 responses were received          “I believe the Code represents both
 worked so diligently to put forward     Avonside Group will use Marley           commitment to the local                                                  have included companies outside      in the areas of testing, information from across the industry to a             a determined attempt on behalf of
 our bid.”                               products during the first year of the    community. Avonside Group’s          As an Assessment Body the BBA
                                                                                                                                                           the USA and Flex-R has been          and marketing.                       survey about construction product         manufacturers to correct
                                         programme, which also includes                                                will support manufacturers with
 The refurbishment work includes                                                  newly appointed Social Housing                                           recognised after achieving the                                            information. The survey confirmed         disingenuous marketing practices
                                         the trial installation of solar PV and                                        conformity assessment tasks for                                          The Code sets out how construction that for product and performance
 the removal of existing coverings,                                               Business Director, Richard                                               largest growth in sales of the                                                                                      and a proactive and collaborative
                                         battery storage to some communal                                              their UKCA and UKNI marking                                              product information is presented and information to be trusted, it must
 checking the structure and carrying                                              Bostock said: “Commitment to the                                         EPDM membranes.
                                         flats that will be contractor                                                 across a range of construction                                           marketed by manufacturers. A new                                               effort to address the issues
 out any required repairs including                                               local community is central to any    products.                                                                                                     be Clear, Accurate, Up-to-date,
                                         designed.                                                                                                                                              microsite dedicated to this                                                    highlighted in Dame Judith
 new underlay, battens, tile/slate                                                bid of this type. Those                                                                                                                            Accessible and Unambiguous.
                                                                                                                                                                                                consultation -                       These five points are the acid            Hackitt’s Report.
 coverings, hips, ridges, valleys,       Avonside Group recognised key            commitments are more important
                                                                                                                                                                                       - explains tests that now stand behind the
 renewal of eaves, fascia, verges,       areas of the successful bid were         than ever given the situation we                                                                                                                                                             The consultation closes on 31
                                                                                                                                                                                                the background for the industry to   new Code.
 gutters and downpipes.                  social responsibility and                all face in the light of the                                                                                  review and respond to.                                                         March.

 Women in Roofing Look Forward to International                                                                                                                                                 New HSE Chief Inspector of Buildings
 Women’s Day                                                                                                                                                                                    A    NEW Health and Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Executive (HSE) Chief
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               regulators and residents to shape
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and deliver a world-class risk-based
                                                                                  Women in Roofing                                                                                                                                                                             regulatory system for the safety and
                                                                                                                                                                                                Inspector of Buildings has been
                                                                                  Over the past 12 months, Women                                                                                appointed to establish and lead the                                            standards of buildings that
                                                                                  in Roofing has used technology to                                                                             new Building Safety Regulator (BSR).                                           residents can have confidence in
                                                                                  continue supporting roofing                                              Divisional Managing Director,                                                                                       and that we can all be proud of.”
                                                                                                                       John Albon, Chief Scientific        Duncan Winter said; “In a            Peter Baker, HSE’s current Director
                                                                                                                       Officer at the BBA, said: “Things   difficult year Flex-R achieved the   of Building Safety and Construction,                                           Peter has 30 years’ experience with
                                                                                  They presented a series of           are changing on an almost daily     20-year milestone of supplying       took up the post on 15 February,                                               HSE as an inspector, including
                                                                                  webinars in 2020 focusing on the     basis subsequent to the UK’s exit   cold-applied roofing systems. Due    2021.                                                                          HSE’s Chief Inspector of
                                                                                  Construction Leadership Council’s    from the EU. We are fortunate to    to Covid this wasn’t celebrated,                                                                                    Construction. Since 2017 Peter has
                                                                                                                                                                                                The government asked HSE to
                                                                                  Roadmap to Recovery plan, Mental     not only be able to help our        so receiving this award completes                                                                                   led HSE’s involvement in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                establish a new building safety
                                                                                  Health and Wellbeing, and            clients with their UKCA Marking     2020 for us.                                                                                                        Government’s Building Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                regulator in the wake of the Grenfell
                                                                                  Training and Apprenticeships.        requirements, but also support      Commitment and Hard Work             Tower disaster. This follows                                                   Programme.
                                                                                  The group also promoted a platform   them through what has been, and                                          recommendations in the ‘Building a
                                                                                                                       still is, a long and challenging    “Winning this award recognises       Safer Future’ report by Dame Judith                                            Building Safety Regime
                                                                                  where people could share best                                                                                                                         lead the work to provide
                                                                                                                       transitional process.”              the commitment and hard work of      Hackitt.
                                                                                  practice to improve employee                                                                                                                          independent, expert advice to          Sarah Newton, HSE’s Chair said:
                                                                                                                                                           Flex-R’s Technical Director Ben
                                                                                  wellbeing, engagement, motivation                                                                             As the Chief Inspector of Buildings,    industry, government, landlords        “Peter has a long track record of
      his year, on 8 March, Women                                                                                      UKCA Marking became available       Midwinter and Sales Director
 T    in Roofing is supporting
 International Woman’s Day and
                                         is the perfect opportunity to shine
                                         a light on the critical role of
                                         women’s leadership throughout
                                                                                  and resilience while working from
                                                                                  home during lockdown.
                                                                                                                       on 1 January 2021 and there is
                                                                                                                       now a transitional stage where
                                                                                                                                                           Danny Cole in leading their teams
                                                                                                                                                           to continuously deliver high
                                                                                                                                                                                                Peter Baker will lead the Building
                                                                                                                                                                                                Safety Regulator to deliver the new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and residents on building safety.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Peter said: “I am honoured to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               working in partnership with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               industry and other regulators to
                                                                                                                       both UKCA and CE Marking can        quality EPDM projects. The           regime for high risk buildings. He      appointed as the first Chief           bring about behavioural and culture
 celebrating the tremendous efforts      this period in their families,           WiR are now planning new
                                                                                                                       be used. From 1 January 2022,                                            will also oversee work to increase      inspector of Buildings and for the     change that improves people’s
 of women and girls around the           communities, their businesses and        webinars to help support the                                             company started by launching
                                                                                                                                                                                                the competence of all professionals     opportunity to play a lead role in     safety. His deep understanding of
 world in shaping a more equal           in government. Across the globe,         industry, drive best practice and    UKCA will be the only mark          Carlisle’s EPDM, a relatively
                                                                                                                                                                                                working on buildings and ensure         bringing about the biggest change      assessing and managing hazards
 future and recovery from the            women are at the helm of the             support networking opportunities.    recognised to allow access to the   unknown system in the UK at
                                                                                                                                                                                                effective oversight of the entire       in building safety for a generation.   and risk makes him ideally suited
 pandemic.                               institutions carrying our effective                                           UK market. CE Marking will no       that time, and this award is
                                                                                                                                                                                                building safety environment.
                                         and inclusive COVID-19 responses,        They would be pleased to hear        longer be recognised after that     testament to our work in gaining                                                                                    to shape and lead the
 International Women’s Day theme                                                                                                                                                                                                        “I look forward to working with
                                         from the highest levels of decision-     your suggestions to help shape the   date.                               acceptance within the industry.”     Peter will also be the first head of    government, industry, partner          implementation of the new
 this year is #ChoosetoChallenge. It
                                         making to frontline service delivery.    agenda. Email                                                                                the building control profession, and                                           building safety regime”

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ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021


  Roof Tile MD                                        100 Students Complete New Swansea
  Celebrates 30 Year                                  Scaffolding Centre Training
  Long Service Milestone

       he managing director of roof tile
  T    manufacturer, Russell Roof Tiles, (RRT) is
  celebrating a major milestone.
                                                      M       ore than 100 learners have passed
                                                              through the Construction Industry
                                                                                                      programme of development that is due to be
                                                                                                      completed in Wales over the next few years.
                                                      Training Board’s (CITB) new Welsh
                                                                                                      “Despite the lockdown, there have been a lot of
  Andrew Hayward joined RRT 30 years ago as a         scaffolding centre in its first three months.
                                                                                                      applicants to train and plenty of enquiries from
  Sales Executive. During his career, Andrew has      The £1.5 million training facility, at the      people looking to pursue a rewarding career in
  seen the business grow, from a £9m turnover,        Construction Wales Innovation Centre            construction.”
  single plant operation in Scotland to the           (CWIC) in Swansea, has trained students
  opening of the Burton on Trent site which                                                           Since opening in October, some 27 construction
                                                      looking to move into the scaffolding sector.
  produced its first tiles in 1991, to today with a                                                   apprentices have completed their studies at the
  dedicated UPVC site and a turnover of £30m.         Gareth Wyn Evans, CWIC Centre Manager,          centre, along with 36 students looking to further
                                                      said: “CWIC’s activities have already           their training in the field. With many more
  With previous technical and sales experience,       supported hundreds of employers in the          students currently working towards their
  Andrew swiftly moved up the ranks as an             construction industry across Wales. Our         commercial scaffolding qualifications, it is
  Area, then Regional Manager, before becoming        unique partnership is delivering world-class    expected that around 350 students will pass
  National Sales Director in 1996 and then            training and bespoke programmes for this        through the centre in its first year.
  taking over the helm as managing director in        hugely important sector to the Welsh
  2004. Under his leadership the business has                                                         This spring will also see the launch of a “Get
  grown with ongoing investment including,                                                            into Scaffolding” initiative which will support
  most recently, a £1.7m capital investment           CITB’s Gareth Williams, said: “This new         those looking to change careers, including those
  project in Lochmaben.                               centre provides training for the essential      who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic,
                                                      skills needed to fulfil the ambitious           with funded training and work opportunities.
  Andrew has also led the business through
  various ownership, following the sale of the
  business by CEMEX in 2011 to current
  owners, Crown Global Equity Group which has
  interests in roof tiles in the US and Mexico.       SIG Roofing Opens New Slough Branch
                                                                                                      The 10,288sq ft newly refurbished premises are
  Andrew commented: “Over the past 30 years
                                                                                                      located on the Slough Trading Estate close to J6
  Russell Roof Tiles has succeeded despite three
                                                                                                      of the M4 and will stock a range of everyday and
  recessions and now a global pandemic. Much
                                                                                                      specialist roofing products.
  has happened in our industry since 1990, from
  the day-to-day way we work manufacturing, to                                                        Investment
  how products are specified and installed on
  sites. Today we are faster, more efficient and                                                      Opened on 1 February, 2021, the project marked
  have grown capacity innovatively to meet                                                            the continuation of a company-wide drive to
  market demand.                                                                                      improve local services by investing in facilities
                                                                                                      and increasing the number of specialist staff.
  “After a rollercoaster year following the impact                                                    Seven employees are based at the branch with
  of the Covid-19 pandemic, I am pleased to be                                                        more than 60 years’ experience between them in
  celebrating this milestone and proud to be able                                                     the roofing supply sector.
  to lead such a passionate and successful team.          IG UK is continuing to invest in its
  We’re looking forward to the future with the
  ambition of achieving a turnover of £40m
                                                      S   branch and staff structure with the
                                                      opening of a new SIG Roofing site in
                                                                                                      The site includes two new 18ft SIG liveried
                                                                                                      lorries, increasing capacity and speed of
  within the next 5 years.”                           Slough, Berkshire.                              deliveries.

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ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021


 Fire at BLM British Lead Welwyn Site Roofing Firm Named Member of the
                                      Guild of Master Craftsmen

       fire broke out at BLM British     injured, and also that the rest of
 A     Lead’s manufacturing facility     the equipment and the remainder
                                                                                       amily firm, Old Plean Roofing          aim of improving industry standards
 on Peartree Lane in Welwyn Garden
 City at lunchtime, on 16 February
                                         of the facility have not been
                                         damaged or impacted. Our                  F   has been admitted to the
                                                                                   Guild of Master Craftsmen.
                                                                                                                              and offering local people an honest,
                                                                                                                              efficient roofing service with a high
 2021.                                   emergency response plan was
                                         immediately activated, and we are                                                    level of competency.
 The facility refines scrap lead for                                               The company, run by Mark and
                                         grateful to the emergency services        Fiona Thornton, is the first               “It’s wonderful to be recognised for
 resale. Over 85 people work at the
                                         for their effective response.             Scottish specialist roofing firm in        the work we are doing and to
 site, (with some currently working
 from home), but no one was hurt.       “While the area of the plant               seven years to be accredited by the        receive this seal of approval from an
                                        serviced by the baghouse will              Guild in recognition of its high           organisation as prestigious as the
 Ten fire engines, police and                                                      standards and expertise.                   Guild of Master Craftsmen.”
                                        remain closed for repairs, our main
 specialist support units attended the
                                        business remains unimpacted by             The team, based in Old Plean,              Mark adds: “I’ve always been
 blaze, asking local people to avoid
                                        the interruption and the plant has         Stirling, say they are honoured to         passionate about roofing and
 the area. A spokesperson for
                                        resumed normal operations today            gain membership of the                     achieving the highest possible
 Hertfordshire Fire Service said over
                                        with all employees returning to            organisation, which represents             standards for our industry.
 50 firefighters worked “incredibly
                                        work.”                                     modern and traditional
 hard to tackle a technically difficult                                                                                       “We pride ourselves on our
                                                                                   craftspeople and promotes
 fire.”                                 The baghouse, where the fire                                                          reputation and so I’m thrilled we’ve
                                                                                   excellence and integrity.
                                        started on the site, is where                                                         been granted this accreditation.”
 BLM British Lead was quick to
                                        emissions are filtered from the lead       Fiona said: “We’re delighted to
 assure the roofing industry that                                                                                             The team at Old Plean Roofing was
                                        casting and rolling process, which         have been awarded this
 production of lead will be unaffected.                                                                                       selected for membership of the
                                        involves smelting at temperatures          accreditation which reflects the
 A spokesperson said, “A fire                                                                                                 Guild, the UK’s oldest trade
                                        up to 4500.                                standards we have always aimed
 occurred and was contained in the                                                                                            association, following a vetting
                                                                                   for and the type of high-quality
 baghouse on the periphery of our       The baghouse was a new facility                                                       procedure which included customer
                                                                                   roofing and customer service we offer.
 facility. We are pleased to report     completed in April 2020.                                                              references and an assessment of
 that all of our employees were         Investigations have started into           “When we launched the business             their workmanship and business
 accounted for and no one was           how the fire began.                        two years ago, we did so with the          practices.

  Charity Offers Support Pack for Workers Suffering a Fall from Height
       he No Falls Foundation is                                                 The free pack covers:                      For those who have experienced the
  T    offering a Support Pack
                                                                                  q What to do immediately;
                                                                                                                            loss of a loved one as a result of a fall
                                                                                                                            from height, the pack also provides
  signposting organisations and
  resources that can provide advice                                                                                         details of those organisations that
                                                                                  q What financial assistance may
                                                                                                                            can offer help and support.
  and assistance following a fall from                                              be available;
  height in the workplace.                                                                                         Charity manager, Hannah Williams
                                                                                  q How to begin a personal injury said: “What should have been a
  The pack includes details of the                                                  claim;                         perfectly normal day has ended in a
  charity’s Ambassadors who have                                                                                   potentially life-shattering accident.
  all faced the aftermath and                                                     q Support with transport and     What do you do now? Who can you
  consequences of a fall themselves.                                                home adaptations;              turn to? What help is available? The
  They are available to provide                                                                                    pack attempts to answer these
                                                                                  q Using the No Falls befriending
  advice and guidance to anyone                                                                                    questions and provides contact
                                         The UK charity is dedicated to             service;
  experiencing the traumatic effects                                                                               details for the Foundation."
                                         preventing falls from height and
  of a fall and wondering what to do     helping people affected by the           q Organisations that can help             The Support Packs are available from
  next.                                  life-changing consequences of a fall.      with issues of mental health. 

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ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021

  Roofing Training Group News

  WNRTG Launches Built Up Felt Upskilling Course with Langley Waterproofing
        elivery of a 10-day CITB                                                                                            been requesting training for the past
  D     module Upskilling
  Programme has begun by Langley
                                                                                                                            three years to encourage our
                                                                                                                            younger generation to train to
  Waterproofing Systems Ltd, in                                                                                             become flat roofers. As all who
  partnership with Wales National                                                                                           currently work in the industry
  Roof Training Group (WNRTG).                                                                                              understand, this is what we can
                                                                                                                            only regard as a dying trade.
  Langley Training Manager, Craig
  Haddon who is delivering the                                                                                              “It’s amazing to think about the
  program, explained that it has                                                                                            apprentice guidance and job
  taken a lot of work to get the                                                                                            opportunities that will become
  courses up and running in Wales                                                                                           available should this course become
  due to the ongoing pandemic                                                                                               a success.
  crisis government guidelines.                                                                                             “It’s also excellent to finally see
                                                                                                                            upskilling a success in Wales. The
  Commitment from employers
                                                                                                                            WNRTG and Langley teams have
                                          CITB Approved Training                        assessment to gain their Blue
  Craig said, “The first cohort of six                                                                                      worked extremely hard to finalise
                                          Organisation                                  Skilled Worker CSCS card.
  learners is an example of                                                                                                 the course and we wish them every
  commitment from employers in            As a CITB-approved training                   J Randall Roofing Contractors Ltd   success.”
                                          organization, Langley                         are excited by the new launch of
  Wales that if roof training is made                                                                                       Each course can be fully funded by
                                          Waterproofing wrote these Built Up            the Built up Roofing Course
  available then they are committed                                                                                         completing the Skills and Training
                                          Felt roofing courses on behalf of             becoming available at the
  to upskilling their workforce.”                                                       WNRTG Training centre in            Fund application form.
                                          CITB for employers and is able to
  The 10-day program, run over 2          deliver them in Wales as individual           Caerphilly.                         For further information on any of the
  months consists of 10 CITB short        courses or as a block program.                                                    RBM training courses and help with
                                                                                        Monique Jones, Operations &
  duration modules that are               On completion of the modules,                 Business Development Manager        funding please contact Lesley
  currently available on the CITB         successful candidates will go on to           at J Randall Roofing said, “South   Hughes, WNRTG on 07817 641 984
  website.                                complete a Level 2 NVQ via on site            Wales roofing companies have        or Email:

   North West Roof Training Group Looks Forward to Spring Developments
          nce again, in the run-up to                                                                                       that the Training Group Model of
   O      spring, the North West Roof
   Training Group (NWRTG) starts
                                                                                                                            support and network is highly
                                                                                                                            valued by employers, so a newly
   on the theme of apprenticeships.                                                                                         developed and updated funding
   The national lockdown caused a                                                                                           model has been developed. Roof
   delay in the start of the new Flat                                                                                       Training Groups along with
   Roofing Trailblazer. However, if all                                                                                     groups from other specialist
   goes as predicted, the 12                                                                                                sectors, however, have to wait a
   apprentices will start their journey                                                                                     little longer for specific details to
   in late March, with Langley                                                                                              be agreed and announced. The
   Waterproofing, and Simian,                                                                                               North West group has an active
   Warrington, sharing the training                                                                                         core of members, with
   provision.                                                                                                               opportunities and membership
                                          Keane Walton of Complete Roofing Systems spoke confidently about his roofing
   National Apprenticeship                apprenticeship and earning whilst learning.                                       open to all, the group says.
   Week                                                                                                                     Most members are SMEs who
                                          of Complete Roofing Systems                   with around nine months
   The NWRTG’s seven day                  speaking confidently about the                experience of RBM, training will    value the services NWRTG
   involvement with National                                                            take place over two separate        provides, which include sourcing
                                          benefits of being an apprentice and
   Apprenticeship Week, (#NAW2021                                                       weeks and could lead to NVQ2        and arranging training, be it
                                          how he “loves earning whilst
   on social media), brought more                                                       via the On-Site Assessment &        health and safety, upskilling, or
   than a 300% increase in the                                                          Training (OSAT) route.              apprenticeships, etc. However,
   training group’s profile visits, so    Upskilling                                                                        with a CITB annual grant of
   their efforts at increasing the                                                      CITB Consultation                   £28,000, to cover the running
   profile of the roofing sector were a   Upskilling for ‘improvers’ in flat            As the CITB consultation on         costs, there’s little room, and
   success. Culminating in                roofing will take place in                    training groups draws to a close,   indeed, employer time, to include
   #LOVEAPPRENTICESHIPS,                  Warrington, to meet group                     the organization advises that the   much training of a technical
   NWRTG showcased Keane Walton           members’ demand. Aimed at those               majority of respondents believe     nature, NWRTG states.

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ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021
Retrofit Roofing

                               The Net Zero Prize:                                                                                                              To achieve real change needs more
                                                                                                                                                                than a government grant, it needs a
                                                                                                                                                                change in behaviour; a real desire
                                                                                                                                                                                                          heat pumps (compared to boilers),
                                                                                                                                                                                                          can provide similar heat to houses,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          roof measures must be in place by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In a joint foreword to the study,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Construction Leadership Council
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    co-chair Andy Mitchell and Trade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and innovation – then a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               healthier, more sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               balance now needs to be

                                          the biggest retrofit opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                to reduce emissions.                      around 2032, less than 11 years           Union Congress president Gail              restored.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                          away. In 2018, roofing industry net       Cartmail write:
                                                                                                                                                                In roofing, we need to improve                                                                                               This is an admirable, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                          output was £3.8bn, of which £1.5bn
                                                                                                                                                                insulation, which is in much of the                                                   “The report acknowledges that          breathtakingly naïve aim in the

                                              the industry will ever have?
                                                                                                                                                                                                          was RMI. We can safely assume
                                                                                                                                                                old UK housing stock and is either                                                    subcontracting and self-               current and immediate future
                                                                                                                                                                                                          that we are talking several billion a
                                                                                                                                                                inadequate or missing. Even the                                                       employment remain essential            construction climate. We are facing
                                                                                                                                                                                                          year in roof work for replacement,
                                                                                                                                                                many thousands of new ‘red box’                                                       features of electrical                 the perfect storm of reverse charge
                                                                                                                                                                                                          insulation etc., to meet these goals.
                                                                                                                                                                type houses are still being built                                                     contracting and other parts of         VAT, the skills gap and a failing
                                                                                                                                                                with gas boilers, in a race for           The skills gap has been well-               construction. Over recent              industry training body which has
                                                                                                                                                                margin to increase shareholder            documented, and in this regard the          decades, however, the balance          just undergone yet another major
                                                                                                                                                                value rather than applying joined-up      Construction Industry Training              has been allowed to tip too far        restructure. There is no movement
                                                                                                                                                                thinking to truly address the net         Board (CITB) appears to be at sea.          away from direct employment. If        on retention removal and
                                                                                                                                                                zero target.                              Add to this the press reports               the industry’s and the                 legislation, due to a familiar “lack
                                                                                                                                                                                                          regarding the recently released             government’s priorities for this       of consensus between main
                                                                                                                                                                But the issue is a lack of any kind
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Direct Employment study (based on           and future decades are to be           contractors and specialists” (who
                                                                                                                                                                of true collaboration across the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the electrical sector but with many         achieved – for example, in             knew?!). Yet, on the other side, we
                                                                                                                                                                roofing sector and government, or
                                                                                                                                                                                                          parallels to other specialist sectors).     safety, quality, skills, efficiency,   have quite possibly the biggest
                                                                                                                                                                an agreed single path of travel to
                                                                                                                                                                achieving emissions targets. It is all                                                                                       opportunity the industry will ever
                                                                                                                                                                too disparate. Post Grenfell, we                                                                                             have in terms of retrofit to achieve
                                                                                                                                                                know that there will be a new body                                                                                           net zero. BEIS has put the figure at
                                                                                                                                                                for high risk (high rise) buildings.                                                                                         £70bn per year as the cost to
      Even as the Green Homes Grant is throwing up various obstacles, roofing contractors
                                                                                                                                                                There is strong suspicion that this                                                                                          achieve net zero, yet GHG is
      are set to struggle with numerous other issues this year. Yet, Mike Wharton, CEO of                                                                                                                                                                                                    capped at £2bn for the next year
                                                                                                                                                                body will eventually widen to all of
      Complete Roofing Systems argues, the roofing sector should keep its eye on the                                                                            construction. Will it replace                                                                                                and will then (almost certainly) end.
      bigger prize and look to the opportunities of Net Zero 2050.                                                                                              Building Control? Let’s hope so, if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             For the UK to achieve net zero
                                                                                                                                                                the make-up of it is appropriate and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2050, roofing must be at the
                                                                                                                                                                the correct expertise is employed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             forefront of, not coffee and biscuits
       t’s been well documented in        wider economic gloom and strained

  I                                                                                                                                                             We have several chefs stirring the                                                                                           discussion, but action to a tight
       the press that the Green           relations with the EU. It’s easy to                                                                                   pot: we have the recommendations                                                                                             timeline. Roofing is both a large
       Homes Grant (GHG) system is        see why many firms are                                                                                                from the Each Home Counts report;                                                                                            enough industry to achieve, but a
  not running to plan. There have         concentrating on weathering the                                                                                       we have the British Board of                                                                                                 compact enough industry to
  been myriad articles about the level    current storms rather than                                                                                            Agremont, the Construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                            We have the manufacturers, the distributors                                      collaborate right through the supply
  of applicants, low voucher numbers,     concerning themselves about                                                                                           Products Association, The                                                                                                    chain. We have the manufacturers,
  lack of settled claims, and other
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and the contractors, together with strong
                                          matters, such as gaining                                                                                              Department for Business, Energy                                                                                              the distributors and the contractors,
  issues concerning the US-based          accreditation for PAS2030, the base                                                                                   and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and          relationships across all these areas. There is no                                together with strong relationships
  administrator. There has much talk      line requirement to be part of the                                                                                    industry. If each of these areas                                                                                             across all these areas. There is no
  in the industry about the apparent      GHG. If immediate change is not                                                                                       aligned, we could have a truly              reason why roofing cannot lead on retrofit,                                      reason why roofing cannot lead on
  complexity and required                 made, GHG is likely to fail, and fail                                                                                 exciting future for the sector in                                                                                            retrofit, and the prize is one never
  accreditations of the scheme. And       spectacularly. The basis is there to                                                                                  terms of the benefits to roofing            and the prize is one never likely to be repeated.                                likely to be repeated. |||
  that’s not to mention the fact that     make it work, but the lack of                                                                                         through retrofit. But it must all be
  many contractors which carry out        consultation with industry has                                                                                        simplified, or else we will end up in
  domestic work are already working       meant that the process to become                                                                                      a Carillion-esque world where Tier
  at capacity, and will be for some       an installer is far too complex and        If immediate change is not made, the Green                                 1’s end up controlling the whole
  time. The Treasury has committed        expensive.                                                                                                            process and subcontract work to
  £2 billion to the scheme which is                                                  Homes Grant is likely to fail, and fail                                    the specialist sectors, with all the
  due to end in March 2022.               The Bigger Prize                                                                                                      negativity which will come hand in
                                          If we look further out, at the UK          spectacularly. The basis is there to make it                               hand with that. We cannot allow
  At the time of writing, via a letter
                                          Net Zero target of 2050, this could                                                                                   this to happen.
  from Jesse Norman, Financial                                                       work, but the lack of consultation with
  Secretary to the Treasury, the          well be the much bigger prize for                                                                                     The roof is such a key element of
  government has confirmed the go         the industry. The four highest-            industry has meant that the process to become                              any building; it protects the overall
  ahead for another initiative, that of   emitting sectors are transport,                                                                                       asset and everything within. It
  reverse charge VAT. The negative        energy supply (generating                  an installer is far too complex and expensive.                             retains heat, prevents condensation,
  cashflow effect from this has the       electricity from burning fuels such                                                                                   diverts (or if desired, retains) water.
  potential to decimate the industry      as coal, oil and natural gas),                                                  emissions remain largely              At present our voice is simply not
                                                                                   Since 1990, the energy-supply
  and cause an economic stop to the       business (commercial use of                                                                                           loud enough. Especially so since,
                                                                                   sector has significantly reduced its   unchanged and history tells us from
  very industry which kickstarted the     electricity), and residential (heating                                                                                according to the Climate Change
                                          homes). Together these account for       emissions as a result of phasing       failed initiatives (Green Deal        Committee, to realistically see
  economy during the pandemic. Add
  in to this, sharp materials price       around 78% of current emissions,         out coal and increasing the use of     anyone?) that decarbonising these     emissions from housing on the
  increases (with more to come), a        according to the Institute for           renewables, such as wind and           areas will represent far more of a    down slope to net zero for 2050, and
  significant drop in exports causing     Government.                              solar. In the residential market,      challenge.                            to ensure the weaker output from          Picture: Viridian Solar

12 | ROOFING     today   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | ROOFING          today   | 13
ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021

  Slate Roofing

  Keeping the UK Supplied with Natural
  Slate                      A combination of factors has meant that the UK roofing industry continues
                             to face issues with the supply of key materials. Here, Steve Pearson, Country
                             Director at Cupa Pizarras UK looks at the current situation and how the
                             company has responded to the challenges of recent months.

        n the November 2020 edition of     lead times on many of our ranges                                                Despite all this, our supply of

  I     Roofing Today, the significant
        shortages of materials
  contractors were facing was
                                           are now close to normal.
                                           However, these potential issues
                                           were complicated by the global
                                                                                   Undeniably, the UK
                                                                                   transitioning from the
                                                                                                                           natural slate in the UK has
                                                                                                                           remained largely resilient,
                                                                                                                           especially compared to other roofing
  reported, with roofing products such     nature of supply and the fact that      EU has had an impact                    materials. We do not rely on the
  as tiles, insulation and timber under    other countries saw the same                                                    import of materials from Asia – a
  particular pressure. This was the        increase in demand for materials.       on the industry.                        supply line that has experienced
  first of several reports and while       As an example, the US is a                                                      serious disruption – and most of the
  post-Brexit requirements may be          significant consumer of timber, so                                              import issues are now resolved. It is
  contributing to issues that have                                                 quarry is a significant achievement     also worth noting that the delays at
                                           the global shortages and price rises
  made headlines since Roofing             are in part due to the sharp            in the slate industry as the number     major ports that made headline
  Today’s investigation, the situation     increase in demand there. Similarly,    of quarries has declined                news have not been seen on the
  is yet more complicated.                 France is the biggest purchaser of      dramatically over the past 10 to 15     same scale at all ports, with most

  Many of the material shortages           slate in the world, followed closely    years. Overall, we are producing        functioning close to normal. At
  began to be felt before we ended the     by the UK, so increases in              slates at a higher rate than ever       Cupa Pizarras, the lead time on our
  EU transition period and were in         construction activity here and in       and in a greater variety of different   slate is around two to three weeks.
  part due to the crisis year that was     France put pressure on supply           types, selections and sizes.            We are seeing just a one to two day
  2020. During the initial stages of the   globally. In some cases, distributors                                           increase in travel times from the
                                                                                   Undeniably, the UK transitioning
  pandemic many production facilities      had to make a decision on how to                                                point of production to merchants,
                                                                                   from the EU has had an impact on
  were forced to suspend operations,       allocate the slate provided to them,                                            due to the new import rules.
                                                                                   the industry, especially during
  including those of Cupa Pizarras in      with the result that certain            January as everyone in the supply       Finally, our advice to contractors is
  Spain, which were closed for around      products became unavailable.            chain got to grips with the new         that there is no cause for serious
  eight weeks. This meant that the                                                 processes and documentation. It
                                           At Cupa Pizarras, we control every                                              concern. They should contact their
  quantity of materials produced was                                               has also added some further
                                           part of the supply chain from the                                               local merchant about future
  reduced compared to a normal year.                                               requirements that did not exist
                                           quarry onwards, enabling us to                                                  requirements and plan ahead as far
  The demand for materials then            ensure a reliable supply of the         before. For example, we needed to       as possible. By doing this they can
  surged in the second half of the year    products to our merchant                replace our wooden packaging            ensure any increased lead time does
  as sites reopened. As factories          customers. We have also opened an       crates with ones that are made
                                                                                                                           not cause delays and affect the
  began operating again with new                                                   from certified heat-treated wood as
                                           additional quarry dedicated to                                                  timeframe of projects. Cupa Pizarras
                                                                                   part of the bio-security measures in
  safety measures in place, some           producing CUPA 22 slate for sale                                                area managers are working closely
                                                                                   place for products exported out of
  manufacturers were able to respond       exclusively in the UK. The decision                                             with both the production facility
                                                                                   the EU. As Cupa Pizarras has
  by increasing production. For            to make this investment was made                                                and merchants to coordinate orders
                                                                                   experience trading across all five
  example, we introduced a two-shift       around 18 months ago and
                                                                                   continents we had the skills and        and minimise any issues. |||
  system in our facilities to replace      thankfully we are now seeing the                                                Find out more about the Cupa Pizarras
                                                                                   expertise to handle these new
  lost production time. As a result, the   benefits. The opening of a new                                                  range:
                                                                                   requirements effectively.
14 | ROOFING     today   |
ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021

  Underlays in Roofing

  Enhancing Roofing Membrane Strength
  and Safety
        When selecting a breathable roofing membrane, the quality, performance and installation
        benefits need to be carefully considered. Nick King, Portfolio Manager at Klober, discusses the
        value of four-layer breathable membranes, which include reinforced grids, to offer increased
        strength and durability during the installation process, in addition to excellent performance.

               ith a variety of roofing                                                                                    membrane’s primary purpose is to

  W            membranes on the
               market, selecting the
  best solution needs careful
                                                                                                                           support the roof covering in
                                                                                                                           withstanding wind load and stop
                                                                                                                           any water ingress into the roof
  consideration. Excellent quality,                                                                                        space. It also has an important
  performance and meeting the                                                                                              function in controlling
  required specification are all, of                                                                                       condensation in the roofspace and
  course, important. However, the                                                                                          roofers will need to select the air
  strength and added-value assurance                                                                                       and vapour permeable properties of
  of stronger membranes, which are
                                                                                                                           the membranes used with careful
  designed to provide a secondary
                                                                                                                           reference to manufacturer’s
  safety support measure during
                                                                                                                           specification information.
  installation, also offer valuable
  benefits. Breathable four-layer                                                                                          For roof spaces that are required to
  membranes offer excellent                                                                                                be air tight, underlays with integral
  performance and increased                                                                                                tapes should be considered to
  strength, both priorities for certain                                                                                    minimise air leakage. Fitted self-
  projects.                                                                                                                adhesive strips also provide
  What is a four-layer                                                                                                     exceptional water tightness as well
  membrane?                                                                                                                as protection against wind loads.
                                                                                                                           Roofers are now used to checking
  The vast majority of breathable                                                                                          the zonal performance of
  membranes consist of three layers
                                                                                                                           membranes. Under BS 5534 different
  — a fleece top layer, a membrane
                                                                                                                           regions, depending on the weather
  middle, and a bottom fleece layer.       Selecting a membrane with a reinforced grid                                     and wind conditions of the roof’s
  There are options however that
                                           helps to provide superior strength and added                                    particular location, will require
  include an additional fourth layer,
  in the form of a reinforced grid,                                                                                        different zonal performance criteria,
  which is introduced to enhance the       safety benefits.                                                                with one being the minimum and
  strength of the underlay and                                                                                             five the maximum rating. Our Permo
                                          penetrating the membrane with          of both worlds, by retaining the          Forte with integral tape, for
  supports installation.
                                          their foot or dropping tools through   strength of a more substantial            example, is certified for wind zones
  What are the benefits?                  the membrane. This may only            membrane but avoiding the bulk.           one-five, which makes it suitable
                                          happen rarely but when it does, the                                              for use nationwide. It means roofers
  Selecting a membrane with a                                                    It must be remembered that while a
                                          time taken to patch repair and                                                   can keep it in stock knowing that it
  reinforced grid helps to provide                                               strong membrane with a reinforced
  superior strength and added safety      recover tools adds time to the         grid can be extremely beneficial to       will be ideal for all projects.
  benefits. This has advantages           project, not to mention the            maximising safety, it is not a
                                          potential safety hazards.              replacement for primary on-site
                                                                                                                           Staying safe
  across all project types, but is
  especially pertinent for re-roofing     It is a common misconception that      safety procedures. It is vital that all   Paying close attention to strength
  projects, where there may be access     the thicker the membrane, the          guidance and regulations, such as         and safety are both vital
  and space limitations due to the                                               HSE’s free download, Health and           considerations when selecting any
                                          better the strength. In fact, a very
  nature of particular refurbishment                                             Safety in Roof Work                       building construction product, and
                                          thick membrane on its own may
  projects. In these scenarios, having                                           [            in terms of the roofing membrane
                                          not be as strong as a thinner
  the grid helps to provide extra grip                                           books/hsg33.htm] is followed when
                                          membrane combined with a                                                         this is no exception. Not only can a
  for roofing operatives and safety                                              working at height.
                                          reinforced grid. Also, thicker                                                   four-layer membrane help to support
  reassurance during the installation                                                                                      safe installation, these types of
                                          membranes can be more rigid and        As well as providing peace of mind
                                          so less manoeuvrable making them       during the installation process, it is    membranes can also offer peak
  Having a reinforced grid combined       harder to work with. Selecting a       important that any breathable             performance advantages to ensure
  with a membrane can help to             membrane with a built-in grid          membrane chosen provides                  top quality results each and every
  minimise the risk of a roofer           allows contractors to have the best    excellent performance. The                time.                    |||

16 | ROOFING    today   |
ROOFING TODAY Issue 93 March 2021
Underlays in Roofing

  Permeable Pitched Roof
                                                                                                                                                              resulting in dislodgement of the                                                           Vapour-permeable underlays
                                                                                                                                                              tiles. The underlay must be of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         For a vapour-permeable underlay
                                                                                                                                                              sufficient strength to resist these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         installed in a cold roof, the level of

                                                                                                                                                              uplift forces; therefore, it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ventilation depends on the type of
                                                                                                                                                              important use a type appropriate for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ceiling, that is, less ventilation is
                                                                                                                                                              the design of building and,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         required if the ceiling is well-
                                                                                                                                                              importantly, its location.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sealed. BS 5250 recommends a
                                                                                    John Mercer, Roofing Consultant                                           Manufacturers classify their                                                               minimum eaves ventilation of only
                                                                                                                                                              underlays by their geographic                                                              3mm, though, in practice, this
                  nderlays that allow the    stage, before tiles are laid, and   Underlay laid unsupported, that is    tape between the counter battens

       U          passage of water vapour
                  through them are
       commonly referred to as
                                             when the roof is tiled.

                                             Not only may rainwater and snow
                                                                                 laid directly over rafters, must be
                                                                                 draped between the rafters to
                                                                                 allow water to flow between the
                                                                                                                       and underlay.

                                                                                                                       It is important to ensure the
                                                                                                                                                              location and wind zone in the form
                                                                                                                                                              of a UK Zonal Classification Table
                                                                                                                                                              on the packaging. The UK is
                                                                                                                                                              divided into 5 wind zones, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         would be 10mm due to the ready
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         availability of 10mm eaves vents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (see illustration fig1). Alternatively,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         5mm ridge ventilation can be
       ‘breathable’ underlays. However,      penetrate the tiling during                                               underlay is watertight at roof
                                             extreme weather conditions, but     tile battens and underlay, and        junctions. At hips, the underlay       lowest wind speed, Zone 1, being                                                           installed. If the ceiling is unsealed,
       there are different types of
                                                                                 drain to the gutters. At low roof                                            centred around London and the                                                              then ridge ventilation should be
       ‘breather’ membranes, so it is        water can also be present in the                                          on one side of the hip should be
                                                                                 pitches, or long rafter lengths, or                                          south of England, up to Zone 5                                                             installed in conjunction with eaves
       rather confusing to simply refer to   batten cavity in the form of                                              lapped over the hip and over the
                                                                                                                                                              covering the north of Scotland.                                                            ventilation.
       an underlay as breathable; some       condensation, as water vapour       exposed locations, it is advisable    underlay on the other side. At
       are vapour-permeable, and some        passes through the underlay from    to consider installing counter        valleys, the underlay should be        Thirdly, though equally relevant, the                                                      For a warm roof with a
       are air and vapour-permeable.         inside the building.                battens with a bituminous nail        lapped over the sides of the valley    underlay and ceiling construction                                                          well-sealed ceiling, roof space
                                                                                                                                                              play important roles in controlling                                                        ventilation is not required (figure 2).
                                                                                                                                                              condensation in the roof space,                                                            If the ceiling is unsealed, then
                                                                                                                        Underlay, regardless                  directly influencing the amount and                                                        25mm ventilation at eaves and
                                                                                                                                                              position of roof space ventilation.                                                        5mm at ridge is required, with a
                                                                                                                        of its type, should                                                                                                              clear air path from eaves to ridge
                                                                                                                        provide a completely                  How the underlay influences                                 Figure2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         between the underlay and
                                                                                                                                                              ventilation requirements                                                                   insulation.
                                                                                                                        waterproof barrier to
                                                                                                                                                              BS 5250: the British Standard Code                                                         Air and vapour-permeable
                                                                                                                        prevent water from                    of practice for control of              BS 5250: the British Standard Code of practice     underlay
                                                                                                                                                              condensation in buildings, gives                                                           Air-permeable underlay
                                                                                                                        entering the                          practical recommendations for the       for control of condensation in buildings, gives    constructions are currently not
                                                                                                                        building. This is                     installation of ventilation, taking                                                        defined in BS 5250; therefore, it is
                                                                                                                                                              account of underlay and ceiling
                                                                                                                                                                                                      practical recommendations for the installation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         important to refer to their Agrément
                                                                                                                        important both at                     types.                                  of ventilation, taking account of underlay and     Certificates and manufacturer’s
                                                                                                                                                              Domestic ceiling construction                                                              installation instructions. They
                                                                                                                        construction stage,                                                           ceiling types.                                     generally require less, or no
                                                                                                                                                              generally falls into two categories:
                                                                                                                        before tiles are laid,                                                                                                           additional roof space ventilation.
                                                                                                                                                               1) Well-sealed (continuous): means
                                                                                                                        and when the roof is                      there is an efficient air and
                                                                                                                                                                  vapour control layer (AVCL) and                                                         q When choosing an underlay,
                                                                                                                        tiled.                                    all joints, junctions and                                                                 make sure its wind uplift
                                                                                                                                                                  penetrations through the ceiling                                                          resistance is adequate for the
       For a technical distinction, BS                                                                                                                            are sealed to prevent as much                                                             location and building.
                                                                                                                       lining to drain any water into the
       5534 defines an underlay with a                                                                                                                            air and water vapour from
                                                                                                                       valley. At top and side                                                                                                            q Identify the type of ceiling, ie
       low resistance to the passage of                                                                                                                           passing through the ceiling as
                                                                                                                       abutments, the underlay should                                                                                                       well sealed or unsealed, as
       water vapour (LR) as one with a                                                                                                                            possible. BS 9250 gives
                                                                                                                       be turned up the abutment by at                                                                                                      this has an influence on the
       water vapour resistance of not                                                                                                                             practical advice on how to
                                                                                                                       least 50 mm; and at eaves, the                                                                                                       roof space ventilation
       more than 0.25 MN s/g. An air                                                                                                                              design and construct a well-
                                                                                                                       underlay should be fully                                                                                                             requirements.
       permeable underlay is defined as                                                                                                                           sealed ceiling, defined as
                                                                                                                       supported behind the fascia or tilt        having an air-permeability of
       one having an air permeability of                                                                                                                                                                                                                  q Carefully follow the underlay
                                                                                                                       fillet to prevent water ponding

  Perceptions of Roofing

  Securing a Perception of Trust to
  Stay on Track
               Assessing the current state of affairs for the industry, here Keira Proctor, MD of A Proctor
               Group argues that it’s not just resolving the cladding crisis that’s important. It’s also vital
               to address the challenge of the public’s perception of the industry as a whole.

           fter a tumultuous 2020, the     trust deficit is a challenge that      While the leaky condos’ technical      construction industry lacks ethics

  A        construction industry has
           cause for optimism once
  again. Not only are the number of
                                           every sector must address.
                                           One needs only to remember the
                                           ‘leaky condos’ in British Columbia,
                                                                                  problems could be resolved
                                                                                  relatively quickly, it was the
                                                                                  personal disruption and passing on
                                                                                                                         can hardly be a surprise.
                                                                                                                         The UK’s construction industry is
                                                                                                                         on the brink of transformation, but
  UK housing starts and completions
                                           Canada to understand why               of refurbishment costs to 50,000       in allowing public trust to wane,
  bouncing back to pre-lockdown
                                           preserving a positive public image     homeowners and tenants that still      whether over the industry’s
  levels, but so-called ‘new’
  technologies like SIPs and CLT           is important. The biggest point of     persists as a grudge in the Canadian   direction, competence or moral
  constructions are now becoming           learning from the almost 20-year       public’s mind today.                   compass, we risk stifling the
  commonplace in the market.               affair was not contained in the                                               momentum we have built up.
                                                                                  Compare this to the situation in the
                                           technical inquiry that followed.                                              Nurturing public support will go a
  High performing membranes have                                                  UK today, of owners and occupiers      long way to properly bringing
                                           Interestingly, the then-new external
  been key to making modern                                                       living in blocks of flats covered in   innovative construction materials
                                           insulation panel technology was
  methods of construction (MMC) a                                                 highly combustible cladding. These     and modern methods of
                                           not found to be responsible. Rather,
  success. Membranes are intricately                                              residents live in fear, and face the
                                           “building processes and poor                                                  construction into the mainstream.
  linked to a building’s energy                                                   impossible demand of being asked
  efficiency and hygrothermal              application of building science”                                              Digital Era
                                           were deemed to be the culprits.        to front the costs of refurbishments
  performance. As such, they will
                                           However, in reality, it was the        themselves, which few can afford.      For a sector that is often accused of
  continue to play a leading role in
  the industry’s ability to move           consequent long term public            At the same time, they are unable to   moving too slowly, the disruption
  forward towards more sustainable         skepticism about the wider             sell their property to move their      of Covid-19 has catapulted
  and energy efficient models of           construction industry that can be      families somewhere safer. The          construction into the digital era,
  construction.                            considered more significant.           YouGov poll’s finding that the         and I believe for the better.
                                                                                                                         Significantly, we are witnessing
  While the momentum of the MMC                                                                                          the industry moving away from the
  sector is high, the industry needs to      While the momentum of the MMC sector is
                                                                                                                         labour-intensive techniques of the
  first successfully negotiate the           high, the industry needs to first successfully                              past and embracing the efficiency
  current public relations mess to                                                                                       and quality control of modern
  keep it on track.                          negotiate the current public relations mess to                              methods. The adaptation and
  Public Perception                                                                                                      uptake of digital support services
                                             keep it on track.
                                                                                                                         and communications platforms
  The post-Grenfell world has turned                                                                                     between manufacturers and
  the spotlight on our industry. While                                                                                   specifiers has also been impressive.
  the result has been an arguably
  much-needed re-examination of the                                                                                      With a strong salesforce presence
  procurement and construction                                                                                           in the UK, the A. Proctor Group
  process, the tragedy’s ongoing                                                                                         was required to modify our face-to-
  inquiry is understandably impacting                                                                                    face strategy into a comprehensive
  the public’s perception of                                                                                             digital support system in 2020 to be
  construction professionals and                                                                                         there for our customers whether in
  material manufacturers in a negative                                                                                   their home offices or on site. An
  way.                                                                                                                   education vs. sales-pitch approach
  In an August 2020 YouGov poll,                                                                                         allowed us to connect, not just
  1,600 people were asked: “To what                                                                                      with our customers but the wider
  extent are building and construction                                                                                   public, through a vast library of on
  companies behaving in an ethical                                                                                       demand technical resources
  way?” The majority of respondents                                                                                      including educational webinars
  said either ‘not very ethical’ or ‘not                                                                                 and virtual toolbox talks. Easily
  ethical at all’. Importantly, the                                                                                      accessible educational tools
  question does not differentiate                                                                                        designed to help our customers
  specific construction sectors (such                                                                                    navigate an uncertain post-Covid
  as commercial vs. residential) or                                                                                      landscape will go some way to
  roles (such as contractors vs.                                                                                         reassuring them and securing their
  suppliers), which indicates today’s                                                                                    trust in the future. |||

20 | ROOFING     today   |

  Pitched Roofing

  Concrete Comes Out On Top
        Whilst clay tiles have been used on roofs for centuries, concrete tiles have become more widespread
        over the last half century. Concrete tiles now account for around 70 per cent of the market and are
        used widely as a standard material across the UK. Mark Parsons, Technical Director at Russell Roof
        Tiles explores the benefits of concrete tiles in an industry where it is sometimes overlooked.

            oncrete roof tiles are a long                                                                                      compressive strength. The

                                              Social housing, extra care and commercial
            life, durable product that                                                                                         versatility of concrete allows for an
            require minimal                   projects are investing in concrete roof tiles –                                  authentic slate or clay effect roof tile
  maintenance once installed. The                                                                                              combined with offering greater
  size, shape and weight of concrete
                                              as they combine weather resistance, low                                          strength. Using modern techniques
  tiles are controlled using modern                                                                                            now enables manufacturers like us
                                              maintenance, sustainable credentials and                                         to replicate the traditional character
  methods of manufacturing.
                                              cost savings.                                                                    of regional clay colours and profiles,
  As concrete has become a standard                                                                                            but with all the long term added
  material on roofing across the UK,                                                                                           benefits of concrete.
  Russell Roof Tiles is seeing the
  increase across a wide range of                                                                                              Dry Fix
  different sectors. Social housing,                                                                                           Dry fix is particularly compatible
  extra care and commercial projects                                                                                           with using concrete roof tiles. Dry
  are investing in concrete roof tiles –                                                                                       fix systems must fully comply with
  as they combine weather resistance,                                                                                          BS 8612: the British Standard for dry
  low maintenance, sustainable                                                                                                 fixed ridge, hip and verge systems.
  credentials and cost savings. It is                                                                                          This means ridge, hip and dry verge
  clear that when using concrete roof                                                                                          systems are durable and
  tiles, re-roofing is less frequent due                                                                                       weathertight and will resist wind
  to the performance aspects of the                                                                                            loads forecast to be exceeded only
  manufactured product.                                                                                                        once in any 50-year period.
  Sustainable Credentials                                                                                                      Looking ahead to 2021
  Concrete roof tiles are not just                                                                                             Covid-19 has placed an immense
  strong and durable, they can lay                                                                                             pressure on the construction supply
  claim to sustainable credentials too.                                                                                        chain in the UK. As the 12 month
  The manufacturing process uses                                                                                               mark approaches since all
  considerably less energy when                                                                                                manufacturing halted overnight –
  compared with clay counterparts                                                                                              producers are still playing catch up
  because extensive power is required                                                                                          to generate stocks to meet
  for firing clay in a 1,000+ºC kiln for                                                                                       increasing demand. Despite ceasing
  up to 48 hours. Concrete tiles are                                                                                           manufacture, Russell Roof Tiles was
  cured at a much lower temperature                                                                                            quickly able to restart which has
  – in the region of 55ºC – and for a                                                                                          meant that we have been able to
  shorter period of time, of around 24                                                                                         maintain good lead times and fulfil
  hours. By comparison, this equates                                                                                           a growing order book.
  to an energy saving of up to 30 per                                                                                          At Russell Roof Tiles delivery times
  cent of that required for clay tiles                                                                                         are around four to six weeks
  production.                                                                                                                  depending on the product, while
  Moreover, a thinner leading-edge          Fixtures and Fittings                      Roofing guidelines and standards        many others in the market are
  tile uses 15 per cent less raw                                                       are continually evolving to meet the    looking at longer lead times. The
                                            Concrete roof tiles and fittings are
  materials than a standard concrete                                                   evolving weather conditions and         roof tile industry is catching up after
                                            manufactured in accordance with
                                                                                       need for sustainability. It is          a significant period of disrupted
  roof tile, and the product has less       BS EN 490, the European Standard
                                                                                       important that fixtures and fittings    production – but the capacity is
  depth. This also means that around        for concrete roof tiles and fittings. It
                                                                                       are catered for in these guidelines –   strong and normal supply will soon
  20 per cent more tiles can be packed      sets out criteria for the
                                                                                       giving assurance that concrete roof     be resumed. |||
  onto a pallet, which results in a         manufacturing process and BS EN
  much lower carbon footprint for           491 provides the required test             tiles and accessories provide a         Russell Roof tiles is an independent
                                                                                                                               pitched roof tile manufacturer providing
  transportation. As product                methods. Product Standards are             robust and reliable roofing solution.
                                                                                                                               UK house builders and high-profile social
  development has evolved, the              generally performance-based rather                                                 housing and commercial projects, where
  evidence suggests that concrete roof      than being prescriptive, to allow for                                              sustainability and eco-credentials are of
                                                                                                                               the utmost priority. It is committed to
  tiles are a far more sustainable          innovation of products and                 Concrete is the most attractive
                                                                                                                               sourcing responsibly throughout the
  option.                                   materials.                                 construction material in terms of       supply chain.

22 | ROOFING     today   |
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