Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER

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Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER
SEP 2020 – VOL 21 NO 211

                                       THE WELDER’S

                               Never be
                              out of date
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Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER
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Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER
 SEPTEMBER 2020 – VOL 21 NO 211

12                   14              19                 22             26   29

        Somerville and District Panels on Victoria’s
        Mornington Peninsula is one of the latest repairers to
        join the world’s largest independent repair network,
        Fix Auto.

        AMA Group CEO and Executive Director Andrew
        Hopkins says he is keen to expand the organisation’s
        footprint in Australia and abroad, identifying Malaysia
        as a likely destination for the group’s move into Asia.

        Auto Industry Co-op Chairman Tod Sarina says the
        organisation is building momentum as new members
        join ahead of its insurance product launch, expected
        around October this year.

 07 His Turn                          18 International News
 08 My Turn                           19 Diary
 10 Local News                        46 Products in Focus
Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER
SEP 2020 – VOL 21 NO 211

                                       THE WELDER’S
                                       WELDER                          Pro Spot Australia
                                                                       1800 287 776
                               Never be
                              out of date
                             with the most
                              advanced                                                        To receive a free copy of
                             spot welder
                               available                                                      BodyShop News, simply visit
                                                                                     and complete
                                                                                              the subscription form.

                        BodyShop News US Correspondent Stacey Phillips
                        caught up with Ron Olsson, President of Pro Spot
                        International, to learn about the company’s history
                        and its plans for the future.
                                                                                                               CEO INTERVIEW SERIES

                        Global industry supplier Symach says it has kept in
                        close contact with its customers during COVID-19,
                        sharing their thoughts and what they have done to
                        successfully navigate the situation.

                        The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the
                        importance of management systems and doing
                        business online. BodyShop News Editor Darren
                        House presents some of the best systems in the
                        Australian market.                                                                                FEATURE

                        With aluminium and high strength steels now
                        prevalent in vehicle construction, it’s important to
                        have the right welding equipment. BodyShop News
                        Editor Darren House looks at some of the best
                        equipment in the local market.                                                                    FEATURE

20 From the Desk of Andrew Marsh
22 From the USA with Stacey Phillips
44 From the UK with Heather Grant
                                                                                                               20               22                 44

                                                                                                                               BODYSHOP NEWS AUSTRALIA   5
Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER

Ph: 1300 277 729 Fax: 02 9853 2090 Email:
Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER
                     Like An Episode Of Yes Minister
     ust when we thought things couldn’t         apply to breaches of the Permitted Work         a job is ‘essential and critical’ during Stage
     get any worse in Melbourne, tough new       Premises scheme.                                4 lockdown in Melbourne.”
     Stage 4 ‘Stay at Home’ restrictions,          According to the VACC, the departmental         The DJPR email also referred to the list
thanks to an out-of-control ‘second-wave’        email stated: “We can confirm that only         of permitted activities appearing on the
of COVID-19, were introduced.                    services covering essential and critical        Department of Health and Human Services
  Many automotive businesses that                ‘vehicle repair, servicing and maintenance’     website as part of the Permitted Work
remained open during Stage 3 restrictions        are permitted to open for on-site work          Premises scheme. Under the Transport,
have been forced to shut their doors             with a COVID Safe Plan in place. This does      Postal and Warehousing sector, the
under Stage 4, though a great number of          not include routine servicing, however,         table states: “Vehicle repairs and critical
repairers are unclear about whether they         would include urgent recalls.”                  maintenance       including      disinfection.”
should continue trading.                           In a video, VACC CEO Geoff Gwilym             There’s no mention of “essential”, nor a
  In response to this confusion, the Victorian   reminded members of the importance of           reference to routine/logbook servicing.
Automobile Chamber of Commerce                   the words forming the phrase ‘essential           The VACC’s FAQ page also says repairers
(VACC) published on its website an email         and critical’. “Please be careful here,”        cannot complete non-critical works-in-
from the state government’s Department           warned Gwilym. “It doesn’t say essential        progress. “In this case, the only options
of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR),           or critical. It needs to be both – essential    are to keep the vehicle in the workshop
after the chamber sought clarification on        and critical. On the day, in your workshop,     for the duration of Stage 4 restrictions
government advice regarding business             you need to make the call on the work you       and resume work when restrictions ease,
operation. Noting that the information           do based on the circumstances in front of       invite the customer to collect the vehicle,
within the email had not been published          you, if that vehicle meets that test. Imagine   or return the vehicle to the customer via
on the department’s website, VACC said           a police officer standing next to you and       contactless delivery,” the chamber advises.
it made the communication public in order        making their judgement – what would             To complicate matters a little further, the
to reassure members that the chamber’s           they say? If you think your assessment is       VACC says Licensed Vehicle Testers (LVT)
advice is in line with government guidelines     questionable, don’t do the work.”               can perform roadworthy inspections and
and in the best interest of members.               You might be wondering why members            repairs relating to roadworthy inspections,
  It’s important that members understand         need to exercise such keen judgement.           as LVTs are deemed to be an ancillary
which businesses are classified as               The answer should surprise no one.              service to VicRoads. Mobile repairers can
Permitted Work Premises and the                  The VACC wrote this on its Frequently           work at different sites but only if there is
activities they are allowed to perform.          Asked Questions (FAQ) website page:             no other service provider that can perform
Closing unnecessarily results in lost            “At this point, the state government has        the work.
turnover and wages, while penalties of up        not defined what ‘essential and critical’         What a mess.
to $19,826 for individuals and $99,132 for       means and is unlikely to do so. Therefore,        Despite the VACC’s best efforts, Gwilym
businesses, and on-the-spot fines of $1652       ultimately members will need to use their       said the situation is likely to remain
for individuals and $9913 for businesses,        professional experience to assess whether       uncertain.
                                                                                                   “I need to underscore this message.
                                                                                                 This is what we know to date, and no one
                                                                                                 can guarantee that further changes and
                                                                                                 clarifications won’t be made. As a matter
                                                                                                 of fact, you should expect they will be
                                                                                                 made,” he said.
                                                                                                   “Many members are looking for 100 per
                                                                                                 cent clarity on very specific issues, and
                                                                                                 I’m here to tell you it doesn’t exist and it
                                                                                                 probably won’t over the coming weeks,”
                                                                                                 added Gwilym. “The best test to apply, in
                                                                                                 relation to work through this period, is to
                                                                                                 ask yourself: Am I working within the rules
                                                                                                 and within the intentions of the COVID-19
                                                                                                 Stage 4 lockdown?”
                                                                                                                                Darren House
                                                                                        ©BBC                                              Editor

                                                                                                               BODYSHOP NEWS AUSTRALIA        7
Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER
                                                                         BY MICHEL A MALIK
                                       When Will This End?
     OVID-19 has managed to disrupt the          show. Automechanika Dubai delayed                  Insurance Australia Group confirms it will
     world’s economies and just about            its 2020 edition until October this year           not pay shareholders a final dividend after
     every industry that requires humans         before capitulating to the cancellation            reporting a drop of nearly 60 per cent in
to operate it. Just reading this issue’s         trend, calling it a year and promoting its         net profits compared to 2019 figures,
international news stories is enough to          2021 event in June. Even the big one,              and Auto Industry Co-op Chairman Tod
reveal the disruptions that international        Automechanika        Frankfurt,  accepted          Sarina says the organisation is building
events have suffered – look at the               reality and decided to go against its              momentum as new members join ahead
trade fairs and shows that have had to           own trend of exhibiting every even year,           of its insurance product launch expected
reschedule and sometimes reschedule              suggesting the safe move was to go                 next month. In our new series of interviews
again, before succumbing to the fact that        for September 2021. This manoeuvre                 with company CEOs, we chat with Ron
outright cancellation is the only solution       upset the applecart and forced two of              Olsson, founder and President of Pro Spot
for now.                                         the big European events, Autopromotec              International. Our features for this month
  It started early this year with AMR 2020       and Equip Auto, to forget 2021 and                 are on welding equipment as well as
in Beijing being postponed ‘awaiting a           reschedule for 2022. And last but not              management systems. We have a column
new date’, before becoming cancelled             least, the SEMA Show, blaming the                  courtesy of Ezi-Methods’ Andrew Marsh,
and organisers promoting their 2021              COVID-19 pandemic and concerns that                while correspondents Stacey Phillips from
event instead. INAPA in Jakarta decided          event facilities and services would be             the USA and Heather Grant from the UK
                                                 unavailable, decided to bite the bullet            have filed their reports. As usual, there are
not to delay, instead cancelling the 2020
                                                 and pull the plug.                                 plenty of news stories and products for
edition at an early stage and referring to
2021 as the next show. Automechanika               When will this end?                              you to read about.

Ho Chi Minh City postponed its March                 n this issue, a UK entrepreneur                  Happy reading,
event until August, before deciding to               establishes a new Australian insurance                                       Michel Malik
cancel this year and focus on its 2021               offering aimed at women drivers;                                                Publisher

                                                         BodyShop News Australia is part of the BodyShop News group of magazines
                                                                   Mail: PO Box 505, Casula Mall, NSW 2170 Australia
                                                                        Tel: + 61 2 9826 7777 Email:


Publisher:                                       US Correspondent:                                  Accounts Enquiries:
Michel A. Malik                                  Stacey Phillips                                    Paula Malik
Email:                   Email:                Email:

Managing Editor:                                 UK Correspondent:                                  Art Director:
Albert Malik                                     Heather Grant                                      Sean Turner
Email:                   Email:
                                                                                                    Production Enquiries:
Editor:                                          Webmaster:                                         Point Graphics
Darren House                                     Andrew Malik                                       Email:
Email:                   Email:                     Web:

Technical Editor:                                Advertising Sales:
Lori Lorenz                                      BodyShop News International Pty Ltd
Email:               Email:

BodyShop News Australia is published by: BodyShop News International Pty Ltd | ACN 169 429 592 | 10/2 Ash Road, Prestons, NSW 2170 Australia

Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER

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Never be out of date with the most advanced spot welder available - THE WELDER'S WELDER

 Long-standing member of the Victorian
                                                 Nick Papanastasiou
                                                  said Steve. “He was always keen to learn
 body repair industry, Nick Papanastasiou,        the latest technological advancements
 sadly passed away in June.                       in the panel beating industry to give the
   Nick’s son, Steve Papanastasiou, said          customer perfect service. He will be sadly
 Nick opened his body repair business, N          missed because he was well known for
 & A Papa’s Body Works in the Melbourne           being in the top group of respected panel
 suburb of Yarraville in 1974, where over a       beaters in Melbourne and he left a good
 44-year period he gained a reputation for        mark on the industry.”
 reliable, quality workmanship. He retired          Steve thanked Nick’s customers and
 from the industry in 2018.                       friends for their enduring support of his
  “He was known as a genuine bloke who            father.
 was the perfect mentor in the community           The team at BodyShop News extends its
 and had the personality to go with it,”          condolences to Nick’s family and friends.                  Nick Papanastasiou.

              Fix Auto Somerville Rebranded And
                      Ready For Business
Somerville and District Panels on Victoria’s      “Joining Fix Auto and having a sense of         personal obsession with detail and getting
Mornington Peninsula is one of the latest         purpose and direction, along with the           things right. We focus on the tiniest details
repairers to join the world’s largest             odd nudge now and then to stay focused,         and treat the smallest blemish or ding as
independent repair network, Fix Auto.             made all the difference,” he added.             the biggest priority for every customer. We
Owned by Bill Kubeil, the business joined           Fix Auto says the business has                are relentless in our pursuit of returning a
the brand just before Australia was thrust        established a stellar reputation for quality    car back to a customer pristine.”
into the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.       work performed on everything from heavy           Stuart Faid, Vice President Asia and
  Despite the challenges this presented,          trucks through to PDR. “The work we take        Head of the Australian business said
Fix Auto said Kubeil and his team                 is a reflection of our approach to everything   he was impressed with the business’s
remained focused on their transition              we do,” said Kubeil. “The big and complex       transformation. “It has been a pleasure to
plan and began a significant rebranding           jobs have never intimidated us – we have        get to know Bill and the team during their
exercise. This included the demolition            the skills and the equipment to take these      transition. Everyone has been energised
and reconstruction of several parts of the        on, so we do. The PDR work stems from my        by the re-imagining of the business and
                                                                                                  seeing that come to life in what is now
                                                                                                  Fix Auto Somerville. I was worried that
                                                                                                  the timing would dampen spirits as we
                                                                                                  battle with such uncertainty during the
                                                                                                  pandemic, but I could not have been
                                                                                                  more wrong, if anything it galvanised us
                                                                                                  all to make sure this happened and I am
                                                                                                  delighted with the result.”
                                                                                                    Steve Taylor, State General Manager
                                                                                                  for Fix Auto said the business was a
                                                                                                  welcome addition to the network. “Bill is
                                                                                                  a very well-respected repairer in the area.”
                                                                                                  Customers, suppliers and work providers
                                                                                                  all say the same thing – great guy, great
                                                                                                  business, great repairs. It’s an honour to
                                                                                                  have Bill join our network to build on his
                              Bill Kubeil (left) with Stuart Faid.                                success to date,” said Taylor.
building, new offices and staff areas, and
reconfiguring the workshop to optimise
vehicle flow and efficiency.
  “We always knew we wanted to change
the way the business worked and how it
looked – we knew it could be better, we
just always seemed to be too busy to get it
done,” said Kubeil, who worked with the Fix
Auto team during the site’s transformation.

UK Entrepreneur
    ‘Insurance For
  Women, By Women’
UK entrepreneur Sam White has established a new Australian
insurance offering aimed at women drivers. Known as Stella
Insurance, the venture is underwritten by QBE.
  Stella is a collaboration between White’s Freedom Group,
investment firm Envest, Bauer Media and Viper Capital. Envest
provided private equity funds, staff support, local insurance
knowledge and access to its Envest Ecosystem, which the
company says leverages industry relationships to connect
agencies with brokers and niche audiences.

                                                                                                        MADE IN
                             Gen Fricker.

  Billed as “Insurance for women, by women”, Stella says it aims
to challenge some of the male dominated industries in Australia
and “send conventional thinking into a spin, starting with car
  White says she established her first insurance company at
24 years of age and over 20 years built several UK businesses,
turning over more than £18 million ($33 million) and employing
over 200 people.
  “I believe in building businesses that work for everyone – the
people they employ, the communities they operate in and the
customers they serve,” said White. “I passionately believe that we
need more women in this environment, in the financial services
sector and in politics. Whoever controls the money makes the
rules, which leads me to Stella – a brand that’s rewriting the rules.”
  Comedian and former Triple J radio host Gen Fricker will be
the spokesperson for the Stella brand. The campaign includes a
video series and editorial content running across Bauer Media’s
portfolio of brands and print, digital display and social media
 Stella will also support female-focused business, with a
percentage of premiums used to help fund the next generation
of entrepreneurs. The company aims to back 10 new start-ups
by 2025.                                                                               AUTHORISED
                                                                                       DISTRIBUTOR OF

                                                                         FOR ENQUIRIES CALL (02) 9772 9000

 AMA Signals Local And International Expansion
 AMA Group CEO and Executive Director                repairs and therefore for AMA, as we’re
 Andrew Hopkins says he is keen to expand            growing, I think there’s a big opportunity
 the organisation’s footprint in Australia           for us to pick up more market share over
 and into other countries after COVID-19.            the next three to five years.”
   Speaking on a recent ‘Eureka Report’               According to Hopkins, greater volume
 podcast, Hopkins said he believes he can            may also result from an increasing car
 substantially build on AMA’s current $1             parc and greater vehicle complexity.
 billion per year turnover and has identified          “What the thought is in Australia is [that]
 Malaysia as a likely destination for the            because we’ve got population growth in
 group’s move into Asia. Hopkins said he             Australia… we’ve got positive immigration
 is also considering a potential expansion           – well we did have before COVID – the car
 into the UK market, where he entered the            parc would actually grow in Australia as
 body shop industry in 1990.                         well. So, there would be more vehicles on
   “[Australia] is a $7 billion industry and         the road and although they are safer, they
 we’re $1 billion,” said Hopkins. “The UK            still crash, but they are more expensive
 is consolidated up over 50 per cent, the            to repair… AMA’s unique benefit is that
 US is consolidated up over 50 per cent, so          we’ve got the ability for the training and
 there’s a good opportunity for us to carry          the tooling to gear up for these new
 on consolidating in Australia, but I’ve got         motor vehicles and the new technology,
 a vision of taking the company on a bit of          where probably your average panel shop
 a global march now because we have got              wouldn’t be able to spend 300 grand on a
                                                                                                                   Andrew Hopkins.
 such great people and great processes               calibration tool and the training for candy
 with Gemini and Capital S.M.A.R.T. I’d love         apple red paints and three-stage pearls,        revenue begin to recover, but Hopkins said
 to take it into Asia and Malaysia, and even         and the equipment and the spray booths,         future earnings are difficult to predict.
 back to the UK… once we get through this            so we see more opportunity for us in the
                                                                                                       “We’re pretty confident with the business
 COVID so we can travel and get things               future.”
                                                                                                     and the volumes that we’re seeing, and
 sorted, I think there’s a lot more expansion          Hopkins also anticipates greater road         we haven’t wasted any time to cut out
 in Australia, but I do think there is a lot         congestion as Australia reopens, leading        unnecessary cost in the business through
 more expansion on our doorstep as well.”            to a higher accident rate.                      this COVID, so we’ve got reduced costs,”
   Hopkins told podcast host Alan Kohler               “The thought of our industry, and not just    said Hopkins. “We’ve had favourable
 that an aging workforce could play a role           from me – from insurers and governments,        results from the insurers that have helped
 in AMA’s expansion.                                 and we are seeing it overseas from China,       us with the extra cost in technology…
   “I think there will be lots and lots of           the TomTom numbers and the toll numbers         so we’ve got a little bit of increase in the
 repairers fall by the wayside for many              – [is] that more people are opting for their    repair cost [and] quite a bit of reduction in
 reasons, but mainly because the average             vehicles as opposed to public transport,        the business from cutting out projects that
 age of a panel beater in Australia is about         so we think we’ll see more volume in the        were unnecessary, which happens when
 65, so there’ll be a lot of retirees and            future, for sure.”                              you get to a billion dollars.
 they’re all [sitting] on three or five million        AMA has hibernated 22 of its 186                “With reduced costs and more revenue
 dollars’ worth of real estate. [That’s] a lot       locations during the COVID-19 pandemic,         for the same business, I think it will
 of panel shops retiring, so there’ll be less        an outcome Hopkins described as an              perform really well providing there’s no
 and less panel shops available to do the            “excellent result”. The group has also seen     lockdown.”


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                      IAG Profit Down 59.6 Per Cent
Insurance Australia Group (IAG) has            underlying insurance margin of 16.5 per
confirmed it will not pay shareholders a       cent, compared to 16.6 in FY19.
final dividend after reporting a net profit      “Our FY20 reported margin of 10.1 per
after tax of $435 million for the 2020         cent fell outside our guidance of 12.5
financial year, a drop of 59.6 per cent on     to 14.5 per cent due to the higher than
2019’s figure.                                 expected levels of natural peril events,
  IAG’s insurance profit was down by 39.5      a strengthening of our reserves mainly
per cent to $741 million, impacted by          in the liability, professional risks, and
claims payouts following bushfires and         workers’ compensation areas, and credit
hailstorms in NSW, Victoria and the ACT,       spread effects. COVID-19 impacts on
along with higher re-insurance costs. The      our underwriting profit likely offset each
group said lower motor claims frequency,       other,” said Harmer.
                                                                                                             Peter Harmer.
particularly in April and May, was partially     “Our underlying margin was 16.5 per
offset from claims in other COVID-19           cent, impacted by a soft second half owing       Harmer said IAG will continue to simplify
affected classes such as landlords’            to high re-insurance costs, lower interest      and optimise the group’s core insurance
insurance and travel insurance.                rates continuing to impact investment           business while creating future growth
  Gross Written Premium (GWP) grew             income, and a poor performance from our         opportunities.
1.1 per cent to $12.135 billion, which         commercial longtail classes in Australia.”        “We will continue to shift our focus
Managing Director and CEO of IAG Peter           IAG said exiting from its India investment,   towards customer-led growth – leveraging
Harmer said was “in line with our guidance,    which realised a post-tax profit of $326        our data, customer reach and brands to
despite incurring a slight negative effect     million, was partially offset by a customer     enhance their core insurance business.
from COVID-19 in the second half from          refunds provision of $141 million relating      The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated
lower new business volumes”.                   to a number of multi-year pricing issues        customers’ adoption of digital channels
  The group announced a reported               where some customers did not always             and we are assessing the opportunities
insurance margin of 10.1 per cent,             receive the discounts they were entitled        this presents to build on our existing
down from 16.9 per cent in FY19 and an         to.                                             strategy.”



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       Auto Industry Co-op Prepares To Launch
                 Insurance Product
Auto Industry Co-op Chairman Tod                are in the final negotiations with the          insurers got too involved in them,” said
Sarina says the organisation is building        insurer regarding claims processing and         Sarina.
momentum as new members join ahead              assessing. We will probably be ready to           “The end game with our OTM guide is to
of its insurance product launch, expected       start selling policies in four to six weeks.    support our insurance company and have
around October this year.                       New Zealand is locked in, so it’s all           a universal guide for the co-op. The quotes
 Sarina told BodyShop News that                 happening.”                                     will all be laid out the same way, have the
membership interest has exceeded                 Sarina said COVID-19 will likely rule          same terminology and the same times,
expectation, despite the complexities of        out a traditional launch, leaving the           which makes life simpler for everyone.
COVID-19.                                       organisation to announce the insurance          There won’t be avenues to ad-lib and put
 “The co-op is operational and taking           commencement virtually.                         your own spin on things because we’ve
members’ calls every day,” said Sarina.           “Once we’ve got the insurance product         listed everything in the manual, even
Everyone is keen as mustard – they’re           operational, we’ll probably have to             down to our loadings which self-calculate.
excited and want to be involved. COVID          do a virtual launch that’s filmed and           The repairer doesn’t have to get involved
has stopped us from getting out there and       livestreamed. It’s disappointing but we         in trying to work out how much to charge.
spreading the word the way we normally
                                                can only do what we can do,” he explained.      It’s going to come up with a figure for you.
would, so that slowed us up a little bit, but
                                                 In preparing the OTM, Sarina said the          The only variable will be your rate.
we’re still getting heaps of calls so that’s
good.                                           co-op is attempting to address the things         “We are the only organisation to have
                                                he says are missing from current times          a labour rate calculator attached to
  “Car dealers are still in conversation
                                                manuals.                                        our times manual. You have to use our
with us, the Online Times Manual (OTM)
is in its final stages of testing, and we         “The current times manuals are totally        calculator to come up with the dollar
                                                skewered towards the insurers who               figure because our times are real, so
                                                control them. Insurers are not going to         you have to have a real rate, not another
                                                have any input into the times manual            version of funny times, funny money. It’s a
                                                unless they do a field report. If they think    simple calculator, and repairers just have it
                                                a time is not right, they can put in a field    ticked off by their company accountant to
                                                report and we’ll research it, but they’re not   say they have checked the data going in is
                                                going to be involved. That’s what mucked        correct, which eliminates any arguments
                                                up all the other times manuals – the            and improves efficiencies.”

Axalta Appointed Coatings Supplier To Bustech
Axalta has announced a strategic                all parts and components used in the              “Axalta’s experience in the commercial
partnership with Bustech, an Australian         production process are sourced from local       vehicle industry gives us great confidence
supplier of government and private sector       Australian suppliers, delivering economic       that they will be able to provide the
passenger vehicles. Axalta says the two         development and sustainability for              necessary products and support as we
companies will work closely together to         Australia.                                      continue to build on the strong platform
develop an innovative product portfolio          Based in Burleigh Heads, Queensland,           we have, positioning ourselves for
and paint processes to “ensure exceptional      Bustech is owned by the Australian Bus          future product development with our
quality and timely delivery.”                   Corporation, which also owns Precision          strategic partners,” said Thinus Steyn,
  “As a market leader in Australia, Axalta      Buses based in Edinburgh Parks, South           CEO of Bustech. “We are confident this
fits well with the requirements of Bustech,     Australia. Axalta will also work with           partnership will help us continue to be a
to be a partner that is tuned into delivering   Precision Buses, replicating the model it       leading supplier of government and private
quality products and solutions to meet          has with Bustech.                               sector passenger vehicles in Australia.”
customer requirements,” said Steven
Brett, Managing Director, Axalta Australia
and New Zealand. “With more than
150 years of expertise in the paint and
coatings industry, we can leverage our
global experience to deliver local solutions
to the Bustech team and its customers in
  Axalta said Bustech designs, engineers,
and manufactures chassis and bodies
for mass passenger vehicles and is
Australia’s largest privately-owned bus
manufacturer. Ninety-five per cent of


Automechanika Dubai Rescheduled To June 2021
Messe Frankfurt Middle East has               for Automechanika Dubai. “We’ve been              Organisers say Automechanika Dubai
announced that Automechanika Dubai’s          in regular contact with our customers,          will continue to host its popular free
18th edition, previously rescheduled for      partners and supporting associations,           webinar series. Six have been held so far,
October 2020, will now take place from 7      and given the current situation, moving         with more than 2200 attendees logging
to 9 June 2021 at the Dubai World Trade       Automechanika Dubai to June 2021 is the         on to keep abreast of the latest vehicle
Centre.                                       logical decision.                               aftermarket trends and opportunities.
 “We did our very best to hold Auto-           “We’re responding to our stakeholders’           “While they cannot replace the benefits
mechanika Dubai in October, however           best interests, and we’re committed to          of meeting face-to-face that a physical
we now have our sights set on 2021,           delivering another successful exhibition        event provides, our webinars allow us to
when the show will take place just a few      next year. All existing exhibitors’ contracts   stay connected with our customers and
months ahead of the Dubai Expo,” said         are still valid and can be transferred to       to offer them some means of business
Mahmut Gazi Bilikozen, Show Director          2021.”                                          networking and knowledge sharing,”
                                                                                              said Bilikozen. “We can also address any
                                                                                              customer concerns and to plan ahead for
                                                                                                Organisers say next year’s event
                                                                                              will showcase a number of exciting
                                                                                              elements such as the Innovation Zone,
                                                                                              the Automechanika Academy, and the
                                                                                              Modern Workshop.
                                                                                                The Innovation Zone is a dedicated area
                                                                                              at the centre of the show floor, featuring
                                                                                              presentations and product showcases
                                                                                              from exhibitors that are steering the course
                                                                                              for the regional and global automotive
                                                                                                The Automechanika Academy will
                                                                                              feature key presentations such as Dubai’s
                                                                                              vehicle parts and accessories trade
                                                                                              in 2020 by Dubai Customs, as well as
                                                                                              AfriConnections, which explores rising
                                                                                              opportunities in the African aftermarket.

The    Specialty
                        SEMA Show 2020 Cancelled
                    Equipment       Market    of face masks or shields, frequent hand         work and innovation our industry puts into
Association (SEMA) has announced that         washing, social distancing, and the             the SEMA Show each year. While we are
the SEMA Show 2020 has been cancelled,        installation of sanitising stations through     disappointed circumstances prevent us
blaming the COVID-19 pandemic and             the show floor.                                 from hosting the show in November, we
concerns that event facilities and services     “The SEMA Show is committed to                look forward to getting everyone together
would be unavailable.                         furthering businesses in the automotive         in 2021 for another outstanding event.”
  The cancellation comes after a collision    specialty equipment market, and to                With a recent SEMA Show survey
industry survey showed more than half of      providing manufacturers and buyers with         indicating interest in a possible virtual
potential participants were uncomfortable     the best opportunity to connect, promote        trade show with related live elements,
about attending the show in November.         new products and discover new trends,”          SEMA will work with industry members
SEMA said it will issue full refunds for      said Chris Kersting, President and CEO          to determine interest levels on “specific
show exhibitor booth deposits and             of SEMA. “We appreciate the spirit, hard        alternatives”.
attendee registration fees.
 SEMA added that it and industry
members had worked tirelessly to deliver
an “outstanding” event in November,
but mounting uncertainty had rendered
continuing with the event “inadvisable”.
The association added that it hoped the
decision to cancel will bring clarity to an
uncertain picture and help exhibitors,
attendees and partners plan accordingly.
  SEMA had hoped to keep the show
running with stringent health and safety
requirements including mandatory use

Equip Auto Adopts New Schedule
The Comexposium Group, its major              released, the exhibition will maintain its       2019. In addition to the new timeline, a
shareholder French Vehicle Equipment          two-year frequency, meaning it will now          new logo and a broader positioning have
Industries (FIEV) and partner French          be held in the European autumn of even-          been adopted, giving the exhibition “fresh
Bodywork     Federation   (FFC)    have       number years at the Paris Expo Porte de          impetus”.
announced that the Equip Auto exhibition      Versailles.                                        “Equip Auto has a duty to reinvent itself
scheduled for 2021 will now take place         The exhibition’s organisers said the            to remain in step with its ecosystem and
in 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.         new timeline is part of a review which           continue to grow, while staying true to its
Although new dates have not been              has been underway since the end of               DNA,” the organisers said. “To both meet
                                                                                               this goal and maintain the solid ties with
                                                                                               its traditional audience, the show is today
                                                                                               entering a new phase by immediately and
                                                                                               wholeheartedly embracing the sphere of
                                                                                               connected mobility and broadening its
                                                                                               market scope to new entrants.”
                                                                                                 “As a result, Equip Auto today vigorously
                                                                                               sets out its ambition and stance: to be the
                                                                                               international reference event in the EMEA
                                                                                               zone for innovation in aftersales and
                                                                                               services relating to connected mobility.
                                                                                                 “Deciphering key issues, supporting
                                                                                               professionals and facilitating dialogue are
                                                                                               all the foundations upon which the show
                                                                                               builds to create conditions conducive to
                                                                                               the business development of all of Equip
                                                                                               Auto’s audiences.”
                                                                                                 The organisers say the new dates will be
                                                                                               released “in due course.”

                     Rex Crowther Awarded ONZM
Former Executive Chairman of the New            After selling his business, he enjoyed
Zealand Collision Repair Association          almost two years of retirement, playing
(CRA), Derek Rex Crowther, was named          golf, boating and traveling until the position
as a recipient in the New Zealand Queen’s     of PanelTalk magazine editor became
Birthday Honours and awarded Officer of       available, which he has held ever since.
the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM)           Apart from owning his own business,
for services to the motor industry.           Crowther was Executive Chairman of the
  Crowther has been involved in New           NZ CRA from 1999 to 2004, and served
Zealand’s collision repair industry in        on the board of I-CAR New Zealand for 10
numerous forms since 1967 when he             years, including two as Chairman. He was
began his career as an apprentice panel       also on the board of the Motor Industry
beater. He ended up owning Auckland           Training Organisation (MITO) for 10 years.
Panel & Paint Group, one of New Zealand’s       The    team     at     BodyShop       News
largest collision repair facilities, for 28   congratulates Crowther on this remarkable
years before selling it in 2008.              achievement.                                                   Rex Crowther.

                                              AUTOMECHANIKA SHANGHAI                           AUTOMECHANIKA DUBAI
                                              2 to 5 December 2020                             7 to 9 June 2021
                                              NECC                                             Dubai World Trade Centre
                                              Shanghai, China                                  Dubai, UAE          NEW DATE
  IBIS GLOBAL SUMMIT 2020                     COLLISION REPAIR EXPO                            AUTOMECHANIKA FRANKFURT
  19 to 20 November 2020                      29 April to 1 May 2021                           14 to 18 September 2021
  Le Méridien, Monte Carlo                    MCEC                                             Frankfurt Messe
                              S                                                                Frankfurt, Germany NEW DATES
  Monaco             NEW DATE                 Melbourne, Australia

      For up-to-date information on trade shows and events, visit

                                                                                                            BODYSHOP NEWS AUSTRALIA 19
    automotive industry shines in
      the depths of depression
     uring the early 1980s the first active           to the body, instead of springs/dampers              achieve higher cross-country speeds than
     suspension prototype mules were                  which allow the wheels to flop about                 was possible with conventional springs/
     unveiled by Lotus. I did not one, but            gracefully relative to the body. Lotus,              dampers. The British Army donated
two stints in the mountainous region of               ever resourceful, used brilliant minds to            a standard Scorpion tank complete
Norfolk – a totally flat county with a peak           make devices that were not much more                 with alcoholic carburetted Jaguar 4.2
height of 105 metres above sea level – and            powerful than 1990 home computers, do                litre engine, and the ‘hush-hush’ team
most of it well below this level.                     what they had not been designed to do,               replaced the standard springs with active
  On my first stint in 1990 I had the honour          and powered the whole system with an oil             suspension struts. Jeremy Bliss was the
of meeting the brilliant group of engineers           pump driven by a variable speed drive. This          engineer, a gentleman who later played
who worked on active suspension. This                 way the engine could do what it needed               his part in the Thrust SSC land speed
was the Lotus ‘hush-hush’ department                  to, and the pump could be driven at a fairly         record car.
that created nearly 100 active suspension             constant speed. Did I mention where the                The tank was prone to either not working,
prototypes for vehicle manufacturers,                 pump came from? A Rolls-Royce Pegasus                or apparently working only to then break
ranging from Volvo (cars, a truck, and                jet engine, still in active service at the time      down. Frequently it was a competition
a gas turbine powered bus) to Cadillac                with the RAF and USAF in the Harrier.                between the active suspension system
via Kia before they found Hyundai. The                  The performance was legendary. The                 and the utterly analogue Jaguar engine,
system was utterly mind bending – roll                vehicles were legendary (check out the               with the transmission coming out in
during cornering? Why yes, but does one               1986 CERV III with a bi-turbo LT5 V8                 sympathy from time to time.
want to roll into the corner, out of the              engine, active steering, active suspension,            One day Jeremy was in the turret
corner or remain flat? Ride? A step change            active torque split 4WD) – and so was the
                                                                                                           command position (hatch) out on the
from anything Citroen had created. Ladies             noise from the oil pump that just wanted
                                                                                                           Hethel test track, which was literally half
and gentlemen, the magic carpet ride had              everyone for some distance around to
                                                                                                           a World War 2 air base. The tank had
arrived!                                              know it was working quite hard. A bit
                                                                                                           decided to break down yet again, having
  The promise was great – to allow infinitely         British.
                                                                                                           done so several times that day – at which
variable suspension characteristics and                 One engineer spent some time                       point Jeremy leapt from the turret and
very positive benefit by using hydraulic              developing a 7.5 tonne light tank with               was seen to be bashing his head on the
actuators which placed the wheel relative             active suspension – the target being to              tarmac. Only Jeremy had not noticed
                                                                                                           some VIPs being shown around, or that
                                                                                                           they had arrived just as he decided to
                                                                                                           melt down. The Lotus PR ‘smoothies’ had
                                                                                                           some fun explaining in English, which was
                                                                                                           then translated into another language,
                                                                                                           what this procedure was for.
                                                                                                                        HERE IT COMES…
                                                                                                           What happened to the Lotus system since
                                                                                                           it first shocked the world 40 years ago?
                                                                                                           Well, they sold off key rights to one of
                                                                                                           their technology partners, and the vehicle
                                                                                                           manufacturers sat around looking at each
                                                                                                           other. Not one of the manufacturers was
                                                                                                           brave enough to commit to developing the
                                                                                                           prototype system into a production reality.
                                                                                                             Over the same period there have been
                                                                                                           many claims by select vehicle manu-
                                                                                                           facturers that they had ‘active’ suspension,
                                                                                                           but this is emphatically wrong – all were
Picture 1: A device that has been around for a few years – here an epicyclic stack is driven by an         adaptive reactive systems. Until now.
electric motor to alter the position of each half of the anti-roll bar, thus increasing the spring rate.     With messages coming in the past few
Versions of this concept also allow each half to be decoupled for off-roading, where anti roll bars        months about new models yet to arrive
                                  get in the way of axle articulation.                                     from Mercedes-Benz (W223 S-Class),

indifference means that we just might be
                                                                                                     seeing a ‘golden age’ play out, and the
                                                                                                     very best and most advanced cars of this
                                                                                                     era will eventually be cherished as much
                                                                                                     as a 50-year-old classic today.
                                                                                                       The automotive business produces
                                                                                                     circa 80 million vehicles a year. Without a
                                                                                                     massive over-reaction from governments
                                                                                                     around the world in the face of a pandemic,
                                                                                                     it is a major economic activity and
                                                                                                     provides the route to yet more economic
                                                                                                     activity. Just deleting this sector is not an
                                                                                                     option by 2025 or any other made-up date,
                                                                                                     whereas allowing it to change – as it has
                                                                                                     always done – will deliver results more
                                                                                                     acceptable to those who protest about
                                                                                                     ‘cars killing the planet’.

Picture 2: Working in concert with variable rate air suspension, these red actuators can raise or
lower the ride height. This allows the vehicle platform to remain free from side-to-side or front-
                                          to-rear pitch.

BMW (keeping their hand in via the                            IS THIS THE END?
next generation Rolls-Royce Ghost) and            We have looked at just one aspect of
Volkswagen Group (via Audi), we finally           automotive technology – body roll and
see an adaptive reactive system that              pitch control. This revolution is going on
comes achingly close to the Lotus active          like an enormous fireworks show.
suspension concept. What changed?
                                                    However, there are much more
  Two important aspects. Mercedes-Benz            expensive technologies which rely on
led some time ago with the first active road      taxpayer subsidies for their viability, such
surveillance system, while Volvo Truck            as pure electric vehicles and even plug-
led with GPS linked predictive gearbox            in electric hybrid vehicles. The public
changes. The advent of mass market ADAS           have been bombarded with ‘important
combined with improvement/expansion of            messages’ about how tail-pipe emissions
the first two technologies allows the entire      from specific cars are responsible for
vehicle to be interconnected – dynamically        most of the ills in modern society. In the
(picture 1).                                      main these messages have come from
  While adaptive roll stiffness takes care of     those who like to spend other people’s
limiting body roll and use of air suspension      cash and not take responsibility for their
can – as Mercedes-Benz showed more                actions.
than five years ago – reduce roll to zero, the      The automotive industry, notorious
tricky problem of controlling side-to-side        for not working together, had been out-
as well as front-to-rear pitch remained.          manoeuvred on emissions. Lobbyists                    Here we can see the new W223 when
Enter an additional actuator (picture 2).         managed to change the strategic direction          someone dares to attempt a side impact. The
  The tools have been in development              by giving ambitious but inept governments           W223 ADAS detects the event, tracks the
for years, and some of them have been             ‘solutions’ to a problem which remains             event and close to point of inevitable impact,
in production for nearly a decade. What           poorly defined and laid firmly at the door            raises the ride height by up to 80mm.
transforms a group of discreet systems            of the vehicle manufacturer. The result is
into one living beast is access to the            the vehicle manufacturers have thrown                Where does that leave the collision
ever-decreasing cost of computer power,           everything they have and more into                 repair business? On the front row, poised
inexpensive sensors and vastly improved           reducing tail-pipe emissions and to hell           to exploit the capabilities your shops
performance on all counts. Fear not –             with economics. It is entertaining to have         must carry to support these magnificent
the entry point for this will be expensive        a vehicle with a carbon footprint the size         machines of the next generation past
vehicles, but it will find its way down-          of a small country, but apparently does            their first decade of existence. Vehicle
market in less than half a decade. The first      not emit anything from the exhaust pipe            manufacturers have less money than ever
applications are merely pilot runs for what       because it doesn’t have one. Plug-in,              before to ensure consumers only come to
is to come.                                       anyone?                                            their agents for repairs, which opens up
  Fusion of these technologies allows               The result is an industry running so hard        yet more opportunity.
a vehicle manufacturer to sense a side            to stand still it is producing truly amazing        Rarely has the sector been more exciting,
impact, for example, raise the vehicle            engineering that is effectively eclipsed by
                                                                                                     and you are all part of it.
ride height by up to 80mm, and allow the          the higher profile issue. The public seem
impact energy to enter via the sill instead       to have lost their appetite for falling in love
                                                                                                      Andrew Marsh is the co-owner and founder of
of the door anti-intrusion beams. Who did         with machines that have beauty which
                                                                                                      vehicle repair methods provider Ezi-Methods. For
that? Mercedes-Benz, as you will see on           is more than skin deep. Debasing truly
                                                                                                      more information, go to
the W223.                                         amazing advances through confusion and

                                                                                                                    BODYSHOP NEWS AUSTRALIA 21
                WITH STACEY PHILLIPS
                data security and new
              technologies expected to
               impact collision repair
        ith    the    automotive     industry                                                   • Never misappropriate the users’ data
        currently going through a massive                                                       or knowingly allow any third parties to
        transformation,      data    security                                                   covertly, dishonestly, or unfairly access or
and new technologies are expected to                                                            take data generated by the end user for
significantly impact the collision repair                                                       their own use.
sector.                                                                                         • Give end users the choice to determine
  About a year ago, those who attended CIC                                                      what data is or isn’t shared and the
meetings in Palm Springs, California and                                                        opportunity to opt out of data collection
Indianapolis, Indiana, were asked about                                                         outside of the primary purpose.
their concerns regarding data security and                                                      • Provide end users with a clearly
personally identifiable information being                                                       published, straightforward process to
shared outside of their businesses. These                                                       inquire about data that has been acquired
concerns were addressed at the CIC’s                                                            from their business and the immediate
Vehicle Data Access, Private and Security                                                       chain of custody that the data has been
Committee virtual meeting in July 2020.
  “The security and legal protection of
                                                                                                  “You may have access to data and have
repair facility and customer data, especially                Aaron Schulenburg.                 been given permission to use it for a
personally identifiable information, is
                                                                                                business purpose but is there anyone else
paramount,” said Dan Risley, VP of Quality      Specialists, confirmed that data sharing is
                                                                                                who has access to that data?” said Tinsley.
Repair and Market Development for CCC           problematic for the industry. “There isn’t a
                                                                                                “It’s important to understand what the
Information Services and co-chair of the        day that goes by that we don’t hear about
committee. “In addition, there is a moral       a member or non-member in the industry
obligation that comes with protecting           who is experiencing this type of issue,”
repair facility information.”                   he said. “It’s not just concerning for
  Risley said education helps the industry      collision repairers or the consumers we
gain a better understanding of the              serve; it should be concerning for every
elements that are within its control and        single company that is doing electronic
what can be done at shop level to protect       commerce.”
customer data that is shared electronically.      As a result, committee members
  Aaron Schulenburg, Executive Director         presented the “Golden Rules of Data for
of the Society of Collision Repair              the Collision Industry”, a proposed set of
                                                guidelines and best practices for repairers
                                                to consider adopting. Trent Tinsley, Director                  Trent Tinsley.
                                                of Business Development at Entegral and
                                                co-chair of the committee, said the hope        chain of custody is and what else is being
                                                is that companies will ultimately endorse       done with the data beyond the intended
                                                the guidelines and then advocate their use      point of business.”
                                                in their businesses.                            PREPARING FOR FUTURE DISRUPTIONS
                                                  The guidelines include:                       Another highlight during the CIC virtual
                                                • Only use end users’ data for the              meeting was an update from the Future
                                                service(s) they intended for it to be used;     Disruptions Committee. Formed last year,
                                                never collect or use their data against         the committee’s mission is to identify,
                                                them, or for business purposes other than       share and drive discussions regarding
                                                those expressly intended and permitted.         future trends and technologies that are
                                                • Always provide the end user clarity,          expected to disrupt all industry segments
                                                transparency, and continuing education          within the next five to 10 years.
                                                on the data you collect and the business          “Our industry is going through a dramatic
                 Dan Risley.                    purpose for which it is being used.             digital transformation and there are a lot

“It’s important to understand what the chain of
                                               custody is and what else is being done with the
                                                data beyond the intended point of business.”
                                               technology is now available in vehicles        of customers. The capabilities included
                                               and predicted to continue growing in           telematics and predictive services,
                                               usage over the next decade. According          customer engagement, car productivity,
                                               to a video shown during the presentation,      advanced driver assistance systems, and
                                               the use of this technology will enable         advanced navigation.
               Frank Terlep.                   insurance companies to obtain information        The Internet of Things (IoT): Terlep said
                                               automatically.     Rather     than    asking   that IoT and Big Data are already being
of disruptions occurring before our eyes,”     questions about the damage, vehicle            implemented in the collision repair industry
said Frank Terlep, co-chair of the committee   sensors will tell the story. As a result,      and their usage is forecast to increase. As
and co-founder of Auto Techcelerators. “By     this will lead to a faster, more transparent   an example, GM currently has about 10
identifying and sharing the information,       process for customers.                         million connected vehicles, regardless of
the committee hopes to help all segments         Connected car: Industry experts              whether or not customers choose to pay
prepare for and find common ground             say we’re likely to see an increase in         for the OnStar telematics system.
to deliver solutions that ensure the           connected and autonomous vehicles, as            Artificial intelligence (AI): The use of AI,
consumers’ experience and safety meets         well as smart mobility services like Uber,     according to Terlep, is often a controversial
or exceeds their expectations.”                playing an important role in the future.       topic. However, he said whether we like it
  Committee co-chair Jake Rodenroth,           Terlep and Rodenroth shared a video            or not, it’s going to be incorporated in some
Director of OEM and Industry Technical         featuring Microsoft’s connected vehicle        aspect of collision repair. He predicted that
Relations for asTech, agreed and advised       platform, which demonstrated how               total loss and estimating are likely to be the
businesses to be open to the changes           vehicles can integrate with the digital life   first areas where AI is used.
ahead. “As a technician, you should                                                             Augmented reality: In a video shown
be focused on the things that aren’t                                                          during       the     presentation,    Bosch’s
necessarily in your comfort zone,” said                                                       augmented reality capabilities were
Rodenroth. “You can’t be afraid to change                                                     highlighted. These include the ability to
things and look at other business models.”                                                    identify fault sources and allow repairs to
Otherwise, he said businesses will                                                            be performed more quickly and efficiently.
continue to operate the way they always                                                       Many people predict that augmented
have and be unprepared for the future.                                                        reality glasses will be the central user
  The co-chairs shared information                                                            interface in the near future.
and videos about new technological                                                              Both committees will continue their work
developments on the horizon.                                                                  in these areas and report on their findings
  Claims     disruption:       Terlep   said                                                  during the next CIC event, scheduled for
touchless/remote claims estimating is                                                         3 November. For more information about
really accelerating due to COVID-19. The                     Jake Rodenroth.                  the CIC, visit

                 Collision Repair
            3D Measurement Technology

                                                 The Matrix Wand.
                          Delivering efficient estimating, blueprinting, documentation and
                                         repair verification to the body shop.
                                      1300 178 616
                               CMC INTERNATIONAL GROUP PTY LTD

                                   CEO SERIES
                                 RON OLSSON
More than 35 years ago, Ron Olsson relocated from Sweden to the United States, chasing his
dream to live and work in America and California. That dream came to fruition when Olsson had
the opportunity to join the motorcycle circuit (speedway) throughout Southern California with a
friend. Olsson designed and built motorcycle frame straightening and laser measuring systems
in the mid-1980s.
With a background in electrical engineering, he had an interest in developing innovative equipment
and became involved in the automotive industry. Eventually, the entrepreneur founded Pro Spot
International. Based in Carlsbad, California, the company manufactures resistance spot welding
equipment and other welding products for the collision repair industry.
BodyShop News US Correspondent Stacey Phillips caught up with Olsson to learn about Pro
Spot’s history and its plans for the future.
BODYSHOP NEWS: Can you share the             time, I invented a wheel straightener for       In addition, a lot of OEMs were using old
history of Pro Spot International and the    the industry. One day while I was driving     repair procedures and didn’t recommend
development of your first spot welder?       home, I thought that there were a lot more    using spot welders. As a result, I spent
RON OLSSON: When I came to the               cars on the road than motorcycles and         a lot of time educating the industry.
United States in the early 1980s, I worked   that maybe I should shift my focus.           I travelled throughout the industry to
briefly for a Swedish company called           I developed my first spot welder shortly    demonstrate the benefits and value of the
Nicator/Dataliner in Novato, California,     after. There was nothing else like it on      welder. Then, I would go home and try to
which cooperated with KLM/Mitchell           the market. As a pioneer, I felt like I was   sell the welders to make a living. My wife
in San Diego. The company produced           the only one pushing spot welding for         Wendy and I were the only two employees
alignment and measuring books for            the collision industry. I quickly found out   and built the welders in a small shop in
the collision industry. That’s what          why: the average body shop just didn’t        Escondido, California. My wife is very wise
brought me to Southern California and I      have enough electrical infrastructure in      and realised we needed help. We hired
eventually opened my own company in          their shops to handle spot welders that       our first employee, Alex, who still works
1986 called C.L.A.S.S. – California Laser    demanded a more rigid supply of input         for us today almost 30 years later.
Alignment and Straightening Systems.         voltage. My first spot welder, the PR-10,       Over time, the industry became more
I specialised in producing motorcycle        was designed with that in mind. It worked     aware of the benefits of a spot welder. It’s
frame straightening and laser measuring      perfectly on average power and body           a completely different type of application
systems for the bike repair industry and     shops were happy and started purchasing       than a MIG welder and offers a better
had a small manufacturing facility. At the   it.                                           quality repair. I always wondered why the

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