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JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019                           ISSN 2052-9376




       Bringing the plastics industry together
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                                                                                PAGE 4

4 News

                                                                                                                                                PAGE 17
14 Consolidation in capsules
AMI Consulting’s Martyna Fong highlights key developments
analysed in a new report on single-serve capsules

17 Design collaboration is key to material success
Resin manufacturers continue to develop materials that not only
meet performance needs, but also deliver the aesthetic qualities
that product designers are looking for. Mark Holmes reports
                                                                                PAGE 24

24 LFTs in the spotlight in US
With interest in lightweight structural parts on the rise, especially
in automotive, we preview AMI’s first North American Long-Fiber
Thermoplastics conference

27 Thin-wall packaging benefits stack up
Despite the hostile public environment for plastics packaging,
injection moulders can continue to progress in their pursuit of
thin-walled packaging excellence thanks to technology
improvements. Peter Mapleston reports

41 Seeking a bond between plastics and metal
                                                                                         PAGE 41
Polymer-metal hybrid composites are proliferating in automotive
applications. Peter Mapleston surveys the latest developments
in over-moulding and other processes

                                                                                                                                                            PAGE 27
54 Diary

� Medical    Materials � Bioplastics � Materials Preparation

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                                           EDITORIAL                                 ADVERTISING
                                           Editor-in-Chief: Chris Smith              Advertisement manager: Claire Bishop
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 Bristol, BS2 8PE, United Kingdom          Editor: David Eldridge           +44 (0)117 924 9442
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 Fax:+44 (0)117 311 1534                   Technology editor: Peter Mapleston +86 13651 985526                         Events and magazines director: Andy Beevers                                           
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   © Copyright Applied Market Information. No part may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher.                                                                  January/February 2019 | INJECTION WORLD                                  3

RPC in the spotlight as Apollo bids
Private equity firm Apollo                                                                            the financial community due
Global Management has                                                                                 to its high-profile M&A
agreed to buy UK-based                                                                                programme. At the same
RPC Group, the rigid and                                                                              time, media hysteria was rife
flexible packaging com-                                                                               against plastic.”
pany, for £3.3m through a                                                                                RPC had been in negotia-
newly formed subsidiary.                                                                              tions with Apollo and another
The week after the deal was                                                                           potential bidder, Bain
announced, US packaging                                                                               Capital, since 2018. Bain
giant Berry Global said it       RPC agreed a new three-year rigid packaging supply deal with         pulled out ahead of the
was also considering a cash      Norwegian dairy group TINE in January                                December deadline, though
offer for RPC Group to rival                                                                          this had to be extended
the Apollo bid.                  recommend that sharehold-        culmination of the process          three times before Apollo
   The £7.82/share offer         ers accept. Pike reiterated      the board had started to            finally made its offer. Apollo
from Apollo represents a         that in July 2018 he had said    resolve the situation.              previously owned the
15.6% premium on the             that “differing investor views      “It is not all that surprising   US-based Berry Global and
company’s share price on         on the appropriate level of      to see another UK PLC               has had many other invest-
the last day before the offer    gearing was constraining the     disappear from the public           ments in chemicals down the
began. RPC chairman Jamie        group’s ability to pursue        market in this manner,” said        years. In early February, it was
Pike and the board of            opportunities for growth         Nicholas Mockett, head of           reported RPC management
directors said they believed     and, as such, putting            packaging M&A at Moor-              would have talks with Berry
the terms to be “fair and        pressure on RPC’s valuation”.    gate Capital in the UK. “RPC        about its potential offer.
reasonable” and will             This, he added, was the          had fallen out of favour with       �

    Patrimonium                  Hella in car lighting partnerships
    takes stake                  Hella, the German supplier of    communication and lighting          autonomous driving and

    in Hübner                    lighting technology and
                                 electronic products for the
                                                                  features”, according to
                                                                  Laurent Burelle, chairman
                                                                                                      individualisation redefine
                                                                                                      vehicle interiors. The two
    Patrimonium Private          automotive sector, has           and CEO of Plastic Omnium.          companies had already
    Equity, a division of        formed two partnerships with        Faurecia’s and Hella’s           showcased what they called
    Switzerland’s Patrimo-       Tier 1 suppliers: one with       strategic partnership will          “a unique ambient lighting
    nium Asset Management,       Plastic Omnium on integrat-      jointly develop “lighting           experience for a more
    has acquired a majority      ed car body lighting and the     with high-technology                comfortable, dynamic and
    stake in C. Hübner, which    other with Faurecia for the      content in the domain of            versatile environment
    specialises in surface       development of interior          surface-lighting and                integrated into a cockpit of
    technology. Hübner           lighting systems. Terms were     dynamic-lighting for a more         the future” at the Paris Motor
    employs over 200 people      not disclosed in either case.    personalised cockpit                Show in October 2018.
    in tool making, plastic          The collaboration with       environment”, as trends like        �
    injection moulding and       Plastic Omnium will involve
    plastic electroplating at    engineering and design
    three sites in Marktober-    experts from both compa-
    dorf, Bavaria. It mainly     nies, and will be based in
    supplies the sanitary,       Germany. The focus will be
    automotive and consum-       on new systems integrating
    er products markets.         innovative lighting technolo-
        Thomas Hübner, the       gies, and intelligent exterior
    third-generation man-        systems, at the front and at
    ager of the family-owned     the rear of the car, including
    firm, will remain MD.        “smart bumpers and
    �         tailgates, enriched with         Hella and Faurecia are already collaborating on car interiors

4      INJECTION WORLD | January/February 2019                                                  

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Over 200 exhibitors join
Cleveland plastics shows
More than 200 companies have
already booked booths at three
exhibitions focused on plastics
extrusion, recycling and compounding.
The free-to-attend tradeshows and
their associated conferences will take
place at the Huntington Convention
Center in downtown Cleveland, Ohio,
USA on 8-9 May 2019.
    Organised by AMI, the Plastics
Extrusion World, Plastics Recycling
World, and Compounding World                 The Cleveland event will build on the success of AMI’s first free-to-attend exhibitions
Expos will feature a wide range of           held in Essen, Germany last year
processing machinery, auxiliary
equipment, polymer materials,                Buss, BYK, Cabot, Chemours, Clariant,         booths are being filled on a daily basis.
additives and related services.              Cloeren, Colines, Coperion, Cumber-           Prices start at $3,400 for a 100 sqft
    “Visitors to the focused shows will      land, Davis-Standard, Dover Chemi-            booth. To find out more about exhibit-
be able to compare a huge range of           cals, Dr Collin, Entek, Erema, Exxel          ing at any of the expos, visit https://
suppliers and new technologies in one        Polymers, Farrel Pomini, Ferro, Gneuss,
convenient location,” said Andy              Greiner Extrusion, Heritage Plastics,            “The exhibitions will build on the
Beevers, AMI’s events and magazines          JSW, Konica Minolta, KraussMaffei             success of AMI’s first tradeshow for the
director. “In addition, they’ll be able to   Berstorf, Kuhne, Leistritz, Lubrizol,         plastics compounding and recycling
learn from expert speakers in the five       Maag, Maguire, Matsui, Milliken, NFM,         sectors, which took place in Essen,
free conference theatres and network         Nordson, Oden Technologies, Omya,             Germany last year and attracted more
at the after-party at Cleveland’s Rock       Pall, Parkinson Technologies, PSI-Poly-       than 4,000 visitors,” said Rita Andrews,
and Roll Hall of Fame,” he added.            mer Systems, Reifenhauser, SI Group,          adding: “We are confident it will be the
    The 200+ companies that have             Starlinger, Struktol, Vecoplan, Wacker,       biggest plastics industry gathering in
already booked booths include: Alpha         Zoltek, and over 150 more suppliers           the USA this year”.
Marathon, Addex, Advanced Blending           from around the world.                           To book your free ticket visit:
Solutions, BASF, Brabender, Buhler,             The limited number of remaining            �

Freudenberg Medical expands with new HQ
                                              Freudenberg Medical has announced            13485-certified with ISO Class 8
                                              plans to build a new medical manufac-        cleanrooms for medical moulding and
                                              turing facility at Beverly, just north of    assembly. It should be operational in
                                              Boston, in Massachusetts, US, which          the second half of 2019, employing
                                              will also be its global HQ. It will          about 70 people.
                                              relocate operations from nearby                 “Our decision to expand here is a
                                              Gloucester, where it has made                testament to the strong growth of
                                              medical components and devices               Freudenberg Medical in this region
                                              since 1989, and will expand the              and locating our global headquarters
                                              operation.                                   in Beverly demonstrates the global
                                                 The company said that it will invest      role and international orientation of
                                              over $3m at the site, which will cover       the Boston medical device cluster,”
                                              3,350 m2, with potentially 1,860 m2          said Max Kley, President and CEO of
                                              more for future expansions. The facility     Freudenberg Medical.
Freudenberg device development                will be FDA-registered and ISO               �

6    INJECTION WORLD | January/February 2019                                                    
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KraussMaffei gains                                                                                    Sweden’s
                                                                                                      KB buys in
from listing in China                                                                                 Canada
The KraussMaffei Group has                                                                            As a part of the recon-
completed its listing on the                                                                          struction of the Vari-Form
Shanghai stock exchange                                                                               Group, Sweden’s KB
and is moving forward with                                                                            Components has
its plans in China, which                                                                             acquired the assets of PM
include manufacturing                                                                                 Plastics based in Wind-
injection moulding machines                                                                           sor, Canada, and re-
there for the local market.                                                                           named it KB Components
    As part of the share                                                                              Canada. The new entity
listing, KraussMaffei’s                                                                               will have sales of $10m
majority owner ChemChina                                                                              per year from a facility
transferred its stake to a                                                                            with 20 injection mould-
listed subsidiary, Qingdao                                                                            ing machines of up to
Tianhua Institute of Chemis-                                                                          500 tonnes. KB Compo-
try Engineering (THY). This                                                                           nents already serves one
will give KraussMaffei full                                                                           of the site’s major
access to the Chinese             In January, KraussMaffei executives visited the University of       customers, Kautex, in
capital markets. THY has          Duisburg-Essen in Germany for the handover of a PX 120-380          China and Mexico.
taken over ChemChina’s            injection moulding machine to the plastics engineering faculty         “A global presence is a
production site in Sanming.                                                                           necessity for many of our
    “With the additional          launched its Digital Service      district to Parsdorf/Vatter-      customers and through
production site in Sanming,       Solutions business unit for       stetten, just east of the city,   the establishment of KB
we can further expand our         this purpose.                     starting in 2022. Four new        Components Canada, we
presence in China. At the             KraussMaffei will still be    factory halls, a tech centre      will offer production in
same time, we will drive our      based in Munich, with             and two office buildings will     Sweden, Lithuania,
international business from       German co-determination           be built, occupying a total       Slovakia, China, Mexico
Germany,” said Frank Stieler,     rights and no change to its       area of 250,000 m². Krauss-       and Canada,” said
CEO of KraussMaffei. He           legal status or employee          Maffei said it will follow a      company president
added that access to the          and union agreements. The         “smart factory concept”           Stefan Andersson. For PM
Chinese capital market will       rights to technologies also       which it expects will achieve     Plastics’ customers, he
contribute to the company’s       remain bundled in Germany.        “a substantial increase in        added, this will create
‘Compass’ strategy to                 The group also an-            productivity through digitali-    access to increased R&D,
expand its business models,       nounced plans to relocate         sation and state-of-the-art       production capacity and
especially in digital services.   its main plant and corporate      logistics”.                       technological know-how.
In July 2018, KraussMaffei        HQ from Munich’s Allach           �            �

                                  Dri-Air expands US manufacturing
                                  Ancillary equipment group Dri-Air Industries       parts in one facility for faster lead times.
                                  has announced a “significant addition” to its         Dri-Air mainly supplies dryers for custom
                                  main facility at East Windsor, Connecticut,        drying and conveying systems, which are
                                  US. This will increase manufacturing and           used by plastic injection and extrusion
                                  warehousing capacity by about 50% and will         processors. The company’s recent growth
                                  “allow us to stock larger hoppers and              has been driven by the need for manufactur-
                                  components for our fastest growing seg-            ers to reduce energy use, which is offered
                                  ment, our large dryer market,” said president      by its closed-loop temperature-based
                                  Jason Sears. It will also boost the company’s      regeneration process.
                                  ability to integrate manufacturing of all dryer    �

8    INJECTION WORLD | January/February 2019                                                  
May 8 – 9, 2019                                                        REGISTER NOW
Huntington Convention Center,                                              FOR YOUR
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                 200+ EXHIBITORS
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Brought to you by:

                      Bringing the global plastics industry together

 MB buys
                               Total Corbion starts up
 BiPower                       PLA plant in Thailand
 MB Spritzgusstechnik of        Total Corbion announced
                                                                                                 Total Corbion’s PLA plant in
 Marktoberdorf, Germany,        the start-up of its 55,000 tpa
                                                                                                Thailand is now in operation
 has installed a second         PLA bioplastic plant at
 Negri Bossi BiPower            Rayong in Thailand in
 VH2700-56000, a                December. The move makes
 two-platen machine with        the company the world’s
 27,000 kN clamping             second largest player in PLA
 force and injection capac-     after US-based Natureworks.
 ity of 28 kg of HDPE. MB           The facility will produce a
 has been in operation for      full range of PLA resins,
 15 years and has 30            which will be sold under the
 machines. It converts          Luminy name, including
 recycled plastics into         standard and high heat            and the Americas. The         new partnership to offer
 industrial pallets.            resistant grades. It is           subsequent increase in        turnkey plant for production
     The new machine            integrated with a 100,000         global PLA capacity will      of PLA bioplastics. The
 features servo electric        tpa plant producing lactides      enable manufacturers and      PLAnet partnership is
 screw rotation and a           from locally-grown sugar          brand owners to move into     intended to support
 special screw profile for      cane and is located on the        the circular economy and      construction of plant with a
 complex recycled               same site as Total-Corbion’s      produce bio-based products    throughput of up to 100,000
 materials, with complete       1,000 tpa pilot plant, which      with lower carbon foot-       tpa. It brings together
 Sytrama automation and         will provide a product            prints,” said Total Corbion   Futerro’s proprietary
 a Kuka six-axis robot. The     development capability.           CEO Stephane Dion.            technology for production
 injection unit, according          “The start-up of this         �       of lactic acid and raw
 to Negri Bossi, is de-         state-of-the-art plant                                          lactides, Sulzer’s lactide
 signed so that a uniform       establishes Total Corbion as      n In a separate move,         purification and polymerisa-
 melting and homogenis-         a world-scale PLA bioplas-        process equipment produc-     tion know-how, and Tech-
 ing of the recycled            tics producer ideally located     ers Futero, Sulzer and        nipFMC’s plant design and
 material is possible.          to serve growing markets          TechnipFMC have an-           engineering skills.
 �           from Asia Pacific to Europe       nounced the formation of a    �

EuPC survey shows recyclate quality concerns
Converters are   Most European plastics convert-       (29%) as important measures.         converters from 21 countries
looking for      ers (76%) believe that improved          EuPC said an increase in the      completing the online question-
consistency in   collection and sorting of plastic     volumes of recyclate being           naire. It is described as part of
recyclate        waste would be the most suitable      incorporated into new products,      the association’s ongoing work to
                 way to increase the quality of        as envisioned in the Plastics        address the technical issues
                   recycled plastic materials,         Strategy, “is practically impossi-   related to the recycling of
                      according to the second          ble under the current conditions”,   polymers and the use of recyclate
                        survey carried out by the      because the supply is only           by converters.
                         European Plastics             adequate for two of the polymers        A third survey will take place
                          Converters Association       included in the survey. In quality   this year. The EuPC is also
                          (EuPC).                      terms, only PET supplies are         currently working on a project to
                            They also said that        good enough, they added.             develop a single, unified online
                         they saw investments in          The EuPC carried out the          tool to monitor the use of
                        better recycling technolo-     survey in the first nine months of   recycled material in the European
                      gies by recyclers (53%) and      2018 in partnership with Polymer     plastics converting industry.
                   better design for recycling         Comply Europe, with 376              �

10   INJECTION WORLD | January/February 2019                                              
                             Detroit / 2019

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Westfall Technik buys                                                                                US-Swiss
two more firms                                                                                       tie-up
Acquisitive US injection          gate hot runner technology       said Westfall CEO Brian           Accede Mould & Tool in
moulding group Westfall           for precision plastic parts,     Jones. “Keeping ahead of          the US and Kebo, based
Technik has continued its         from the smallest sizes to       critical industry needs, such     in Switzerland, have
buying spree in the past two      shot weights of over 180 kg.     as miniaturisation, is very       agreed to a cooperation
months. In December, it           It recently introduced a new     important in our business.        partnership, providing
acquired Mold Hotrunner           series of injection moulding     Also, the next generation         their respective
Solutions (MHS), the              machines called M3, with         valve gate technology MHS         customers responsive
supplier of high-perfor-          patented technology to           offers for high-cavitation sys-   regional service
mance melt delivery               make micro-sized plastic         tems and other high-end           capabilities in North
systems with operations in        parts without scrap, thus cut-   moulds is in a class of its       America and Europe.
Canada and Germany. In            ting costs when using            own, outperforming                   Accede offers tooling
January, Westfall also            expensive resins in medical      anything that’s out there.”       and turnkey services
acquired Mold Craft, which        device production.               �        mainly for the consumer
makes precision injection             “The M3 really caught our                                      packaging and medical
moulds for micro-moulding         attention at NPE 2018,”                                            and labware markets. Its
and high cavitation applica-                                                                         core competencies are
tions, at its facility in                                                                            high cavitation two-shot,
Willernie, MN, US.                                                                                   stack and SpinStack
   The company said that                                                                             technology. Kebo makes
this “further strengthens the                                                                        moulds for high-output
comprehensive manufactur-                                                                            production in the
ing capabilities” it is putting                                                                      medical, pharmaceutical,
together. Westfall was            Westfall said the                                                  laboratory and cosmetics
formed in 2017 when it            MHS M3                                                             industries, plus thin-wall
bought Fairway Injection          micro-moulding                                                     packaging, in-mould
Molds and Integrity Mold in       machine caught                                                     labelling and closures.
the US.                           its attention at                                                   �
   MHS specialises in valve       NPE 2018                                                           �

Sumitomo (SHI) Demag makes changes
                                  Shoichi Ohira has been named chief                management. His task in Europe, said
                                  operation officer and head of production at       Sumitomo (SHI) Demag CEO Gerd Liebig,
                                  injection moulding machinery maker                will be to “follow through with the already
                                  Sumitomo (SHI) Demag. Chief collaboration         initiated investments in our facilities in
                                  officer Hideki Kuroiwa is returning to Japan      Schwaig, Wiehe and Ningbo”.
                                  to head global planning and coordinating              In November, the company revealed that
                                  future joint projects in the group. This          it had appointed a new member of the
                                  follows on from a strategic alignment of its      management team, Martin Fischer, as
                                  management structure and expansion of its         responsible for operations, including
                                  management team late last year, which             production and purchasing, with effect from
                                  included Kuroiwa’s appointment.                   1 October. At the same time, Paolo Zirondoli
                                     Ohira, a certified production expert, had      was named general manager of sales, Liebig
                                  established himself as an injection moulding      took charge of engineering and quality
                                  machine expert with the Japanese parent           management and Dieter Schuster was
                                  company Sumitomo Heavy Industries, rising         named head of quality management.
                Shoichi Ohira     to be head of production and quality              �

12   INJECTION WORLD | January/February 2019                                                 

Producer alliance to invest
$1.5bn to end plastic waste
Some 30 major companies from the            Suez, SCG Chemicals, Sumitomo            value from them post-use;
plastics and consumer goods value           Chemical, Total, Veolia and Versalis.       Education and engagement with
chain have joined to found a not-for-          David Taylor, CEO of Procter & Gam-   governments, businesses and commu-
profit global alliance “to advance          ble has been named chairman. He          nities to mobilise action; and
solutions that reduce and eliminate         commented that this “is the most            Clean-up of concentrated areas of
plastic waste in the environment,           comprehensive effort to date to end      plastic waste, particularly the ten rivers
especially in the ocean”. The Alliance to   plastic waste in the environment”. The   in Asia and Africa, that carry the
End Plastic Waste (AEPW) has commit-        association aims to develop and scale    majority of it to the ocean.
ted over $1bn and aims to invest            new means to minimise and manage            The AEPW said that it will also work
$1.5bn over the next five years.            plastic waste, including promoting the   with governments, intergovernmental
   The AEPW’s founding members are:         recovery of plastics to help create a    organisations, academia, NGOs and civil
BASF, Berry Global, Braskem, Chevron        circular economy. Four key areas for     society to invest in joint projects to
Phillips Chemical, Clariant, Covestro,      projects will be:                        eliminate plastic waste from the
CP Group, Dow, DSM, ExxonMobil,                Infrastructure development to         environment. However, some NGOs are
Formosa Plastics, Henkel, LyondellBa-       collect and manage waste and             highly sceptical of an alliance dominat-
sell, Mitsubishi Chemical, Mitsui           increase recycling;                      ed by plastics producers and environ-
Chemicals, Nova Chemicals, Oxy-                Advancing and scaling up new          mental group Greenpeace has criticised
Chem, PolyOne, Procter & Gamble,            technologies that make recycling and     the level of investment as inadequate.
Reliance Industries, Sabic, Sasol, Shell,   recovering plastics easier and create    �

50 years of...

                                                                                                             F O L L OW U S AT

Consolidation in capsules
AMI Consulting’s Martyna Fong highlights developments               Figure 1: Penetration          with mono-layer PP and PBT
analysed in a new report on single-serve capsules, and                 of compatibles              are now being re-specified.
opposite PTI reviews technical requirements                                                        High barrier technologies
                                                                                                   include: co-extrusion
Single-serve capsules are a       overall profit pool and the                                      thermoforming, co-injection,
dynamic market segment            way consumers make their                          Compatible       barrier IML, barrier
with a complex value chain.       choices.                                                            coatings and barrier
The rigid capsules (metal             Market reach, new                                                 compression moulding.
and plastic) market is            channels and increased                                                   Thermoformed
estimated at 60 billion units     efficiencies have led to                                              single-serve capsules
in 2018. While rigid              heightened M&A activity               Original                       account for nearly 70%
capsules are conventionally       in the segment. In this                (77%)                       of global plastic capsules
associated with metal             context, Douwe Egberts                                           demand. The bias towards
formats, the popularity of        merged with Jacobs (JDE),                                        thermoformed formats has
plastic alternatives means        JAB took over both JDE and                                       been created with the
they have largely overtaken       Keurig, Keurig merged with       designs, but only 10% of        interlinked success of such
the metal ones.                   Dr. Pepper Snapple Group,        them are said to be able to     systems as Keurig K-Cups in
   There are several coffee       Nestlé struck a deal with        deliver on quality.             North America and Nescafé
brewing systems available         Starbucks and Blue Bottle        Nespresso is changing           Dolce Gusto in Europe. The
with proprietary capsule          coffee, Coca-Cola took over      elements in the machine         share of injection moulded
designs. Nespresso and            Costa Coffee, Lavazza            design cyclically, and the      capsules has grown versus
Keurig are brands that            bought Carte Noire from          compatibles suppliers are       thermoformed capsules,
pioneered the segment and         JDE and now there are            forced to play catch-up.        driven by “value” capsules
have the highest machine          rumours of their potential       Anti-trust rules dictate that   (low oxygen barrier) that are
instalment rates globally.        merger. The industry is likely   Nestlé makes design             compatible with Nespresso
Nevertheless, the expiration      to consolidate further, which    adjustments public with a       machines. This type of
of their design patents in        will lead to withdrawal of       lead time of six months to      capsule is relatively easy to
2012 brought about                some capsule systems in          allow fair competition.         produce and the investment
disruptive changes in the         favour of others.                    Compatible single-serve     in the injection mould can
supply chain. The changes             AMI Consulting estimates     capsules have now become        be easily amortised with
created new opportunities         the volume of all compatible     fully embraced by               quick returns. Barriers for
for both end-users and            capsules (both plastic and       consumers. They are             market entry for moulders
converters to tap into this       aluminium variants) in 2018      accepted as good-quality        are much lower than for
growing market segment.           is equivalent to 23% of the      alternatives. Mainstream        producers of thermoformed
   In addition, the supply        single serve capsules market     commercialisation of            capsules with integrated
chain of capsules is rapidly      worldwide, driven by             compatible brands has           extrusion. Additionally,
losing its oligopolistic nature   Nespresso, K-Cup and             leveraged their need to         compression moulding
and the former dominance          Nescafé Dolce Gusto              differentiate and add value.    technology was recently
of major suppliers is chal-       machine penetration in           Quality and shelf impact        commercialised for the
lenged as the market              households. There are            dictate high barrier            production of capsules and
expands. A more fragment-         around 200 Nespresso-            specification for capsules.     is gaining strong supporters
ed supply chain affects the       compatible plastic capsule       Compatibles formerly made       in the industry.
                                                                                                       There is an urgent need to

 Single-Serve Capsules report and events                                                           review the materials used for
                                                                                                   capsules production in search
 A new report from AMI Consulting, in cooperation with Plastic Technologies Inc, is an             of more sustainable options.
 authoritative and comprehensive deep-dive analysis of the global Single Serve Capsules                Compostable capsules
 market. It analyses the global market opportunity and maps out the complex supply chain           are gaining market
 structure. Order the report here.                                                                 presence following
    AMI is also organising two conferences for the single serve capsules industry in 2019:         development of materials
 in Atlanta, USA (5-6 March), and Berlin, Germany (24-25 September).                               and technologies.

14   INJECTION WORLD | January/February 2019                                                

PTI reviews single-serve capsule
technical requirements
The consumer demands continue to             with every new system created for            challenging. We are talking about a
grow for single-serve capsules. The          different applications over the years.       package dimension of 12-55 cm³. The
complexity of the capsule may not be            We get excited about all these            ratio of volume to surface is critical and
easily apparent and should not be            possibilities of the next state-of-the-art   the material/barrier used for the
considered a “simple” package. PTI’s         system. However, reality sets in and we      capsule should be at a 3-4 times lower
recent research base lined the               must focus on the primary function of        permeation rate, to overcome the poor
materials being used, the structures         the package, which is to dispense and        area to volume ratio.
they were assembled into, the resulting      protect the contents. Since the                 The other significant finding from
barrier (oxygen, water vapour                contents are a food product,                 the research is that the way in which
transmission rates) attributes and the       protection is the primary factor and if      the capsule’s individual structural
impact on taste to produce                   we fail at this there is no need to talk     components are assembled to create
comprehensive analysis on the                about sustainability benefits or cost.       the final container also impacts barrier
package type.                                   PTI’s research found that that the        characteristics. The PTI’s research also
   The data reviews requirements,            Barrier Improvement Factor (BIF)             details oxygen and water vapour
which may start with an iconic design        varied as much as 380 times across the       permeation, overall dimensions,
to build brand equity. This iconic shape     18 capsule samples tested (the               minimum wall thickness, 3D scan to
will be directly interacting with the        capsules selected represent most of          determine active barrier surface,
dispensing appliance, so this design         the major commercially available             manufacturing process, layer-structure
must be intuitive enough to make the         systems). This is significant since, due     analysis and summary mapping were
consumer experience as simple and            to the small size of the package, the        characteristics reviewed for each
pleasurable as possible.                     barrier requirements are more                coffee capsule type.
   Once in the appliance this

                                              About PTI
“package” becomes an integral
element of the appliance itself. Even in
the less sophisticated systems the
capsule will have at least one or two         Plastic Technologies, Inc. (PTI) is
functions like filtration, opening,           recognised worldwide as the
dispensing. In more advanced systems,         preferred source for preform and
the capsule will trigger the opening          package design, package
process, create the right amount of           development, rapid prototyping,
foam or crema, communicate with the           pre-production prototyping, and
appliance about the contents, adapt to        material evaluation engineering for
pressure and temperature, provide             the plastic packaging industry.
proper dissolution or mixing. This list of       For further information, contact Thierry Fabozzi, President and CEO,
functions and requirements has grown          tel: +1 419 867 5403, email:

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Programme preview
New generation in high tenacity PP fibres for lightweight             Development of PP building blocks to serve technical
geotextile                                                            compounders in the automotive industry
Mr. Tim Vromman, Technology Manager,                                  Dr. Michele Grazzi, Senior Scientist,
BEAULIEU FIBRES INTERNATIONAL, Belgium                                LYONDELLBASELL, Italy

Innovative polypropylene solutions based on non-phthalate             Hybrid, graphene-reinforced multifunctional polypropylene
Ziegler-Natta catalysts                                               nanocomposites
Dr. Cornelia Tranninger, Group Leader “Flexible Polymers”,            Dr. Dimitrios G. Papageorgiou, Research Associate
                                                                      United Kingdom
Making appliances more sustainable
Ms. Gisela Lehner, Senior Application Marketing Manager,              Distracted drivers, rapid industry change & PP parts for great car
BOREALIS POLYOLEFINE GmbH, Austria                                    interiors
                                                                      Mr. Matt Defosse, Market Development Manager
PP and PE, used as engineering plastics                               POLYONE, Luxembourg
Mr. Oscar Brocades Zaalberg, Managing Director,
BPO nv, Netherlands                                                   Novel antioxidant solutions for polypropylene with enhanced
                                                                      colour performance
A recent solution for halogen-free flame-retardant PP                 Dr. Warren Ebenezer, Research Manager for Polymer Applications
Dr. Camillo Cardelli, Materials Division                              SI GROUP, United Kingdom
IPOOL, Italy

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                     Bringing the plastics industry together                                                       @Contact_AMI #AMIPPP

Design collaboration is
key to material success
Resin manufacturers continue to develop materials that not only
meet performance needs, but also deliver the aesthetic qualities
that product designers are looking for. Mark Holmes reports
Material suppliers for the injection moulding          Eastman’s copolyester and cellulosic resins.”            Main image:
industry are increasingly required to work closely         Eastman and DW Designs tested each of the            Embr Labs
with product designers to achieve the aims of the      polymers for both cumulative spectral decay (CSD)        chose Coves-
brand owner, while also striving to meet the           and total harmonic distortion (THD). Data indicated      tro’s Makrolon
performance characteristics that the product           the copolyester outperformed the polycarbonate,          2407 polycar-
needs. The look of the final product may be vital to   while the cellulosic offered superior results, both in   bonate, a
catch the eye of the consumer, differentiate the       terms of clean response and lower distortion.            UV-stabilised
product in a crowded market place or highlight         Specifically, the polycarbonate had the most peaks       grade that
important safety features, for example.                for resonance whereas the cellulosic had the lowest      offers proven
   Eastman has collaborated with DW Designs to         overall level of measured THD.                           performance
mould and test beryllium models in ear monitor             Eastman says that data demonstrated that Tritan      for electronics,
housings using a variety of materials, highlighting    copolyester and Eastman Trēva engineering                IT and telecom-
the audio clarity of Eastman Tritan copolyester and    bioplastic both have superior damping characteris-       munications
Eastman Trēva engineering bioplastics. “Eastman        tics relative to polycarbonate. Furthermore, expert      applications, for
wished to understand how our polymers might            listener feedback demonstrated that consumers            the Embr Wave
improve acoustic performance in audio applica-         were able to hear fine details better and preferred      temperature
tions,” says John Quigley, Senior Application          the acoustic performance of Tritan and Trēva.            bracelet
Development Engineer for Eastman. “We worked               Eastman has also worked with Solac to intro-
with DW Designs to test housings moulded in an         duce the first double blender made with Tritan
incumbent polycarbonate material, as well as           copolyester. The Solac Orbit is driven by a powerful                                                         January/February 2019 | INJECTION WORLD         17

Right: The Solac Orbit is the first                                            enables production of aesthetically appealing
double blender made with Tritan                                                surfaces. The new compound is developed to offer
copolyester from Eastman                                                       well-balanced mechanical properties and easy
                                                                               processability, making it a promising alternative to
                                                                               incumbent ABS materials in these markets.
                                                                                  SABIC PP PPA20 polymer is aimed to provide a
                                                                               combination of high gloss, high scratch resistance
                                                                               and low stress whitening over regular impact
                                                                               copolymers together with balanced impact strength
                                                                               and stiffness. In comparison with other potentially
                                                                               more costly and overdesigned solutions, high-gloss
                                                                               SABIC PP PPA20 is engineered to deliver compara-
                                                                               ble optical properties and scratch resistance along
                                                                               with good processability. In many application cases,
                                                                               the company says that it can offer brand owners,
                                                                               moulders and OEMs a significant cost and energy
                    dual-motor base and comes with a 2.5 litre blender         savings potential based on its lower density, higher
                    jar and two 500 mL 2GO! containers. Spanish                flow and faster crystallisation than currently used
                    company Solac introduced the double blender in             materials, resulting in potentially shorter cycle times.
                    Mexico during the last quarter of 2018 under the           Further energy savings may be leveraged as the
                    name Orbit. The collaboration between Solac and            material eliminates the need for pre-drying and can
                    Eastman arose from the need to offer the market a          be injection moulded at lower mould and barrel
                    durable and high-quality product.                          temperatures compared with ABS.
                        “One of most used household appliances in the             Low density and high flow also open conceiv-
                    kitchen is the blender,” says Maria Fernanda Riestra       able new material and weight saving design
                    Ampudia, Solac’s Senior Manager of Marketing               opportunities for more resource-efficient and
                    and Product for Mexico and Central America. “The           waste-reducing products, such as sleek housings
                    Orbit provides the home and professional seg-              with lower wall thicknesses. Targeted applications
                    ments with excellent performance, power and                of SABIC’s new high-gloss impact copolymer range
                    durability at a fair and accessible price. By offering     from household appliances and food storage
                    the practicality of performing two grindings at the        containers to toys and furniture. Typical examples
                    same time, it also can reduce preparation time.”           include coffee makers, steam irons, vacuum
                        The large blender jar utilises both blender            cleaners, personal hygiene appliances and
                    drives to grind food ingredients at a cellular level       aesthetic fascia for white goods, such as washing
                    without leaving fibrous residues or chunks of food         machines and refrigerators. SABIC says that PP
                    and ice. The 2GO! containers provide single-serve          PPA20 addresses the needs of designers and
                    preparation flexibility. All Tritan vessels are shatter-   moulders in these markets for aesthetic as well as
                    resistant and easy to clean. Eastman says that Tritan      cost-efficient and more sustainable materials with
                    offers many advantages over glass and traditional          higher performance characteristics for functional
                    plastics, including the ability to resist stains                     innovation and enhanced consumer
                    and withstand temperature changes                                        experience. Already available in the
                    without cracking or crazing. After                                         Europe, Middle East and Africa
Right: SABIC        preparing hot beverages, users can                                          regions, SABIC PP PPA20 is to be
has launched a      simply wash the container and blend                                        phased in commercially in the
new impact          an ice-cold drink without losing clarity or                             Americas in 2019.
copolymer           durability. The Solac Orbit blender will be                              SABIC has also introduced new
(ICP) grade         available in Europe in 2019.                                           Thermocomp HMD-D high modulus
suitable for            SABIC has launched a new PP impact                                  ductile glass-reinforced polycarbonate
household           copolymer grade – SABIC PP PPA20                                           (PC) compounds with increased
consumer            – targeted at demanding home                                                  design freedom, suitable for
goods, such as      appliances as well as high-end                                                  challenging structural compo-
coffee makers       cosmetics packaging, furniture                                                   nents in the consumer electron-
                    and other household consumer                                                     ics, healthcare and transporta-
                    goods. The material offers                                                       tion sectors. The new series of
                    designers high gloss features that                                             six grades offers a combination of

18   INJECTION WORLD | January/February 2019                                                      

     high modulus and ductility to enable lighter,                   offer both better ductility and dimensional stability/
     thinner and stronger parts that advance design                  warpage control than other high-modulus PC-
     innovation and ease of use.                                     based materials. This distinctive combination of
        “From smartphone cases to medical device                     attributes allows, for example, the creation of
     housings and mass transit interior panels, there is             thin-wall devices that may withstand stringent drop
     an urgent need on the part of OEMs to replace                   testing without cracking. The new compounds use
     metal and other traditional materials to reduce                 special glass fibres that minimise warpage. Grades
     weight, expand design freedom and cut                           with different glass fibre loadings (10-50%) are
     processing costs and complexity,” says Joshua                   available to meet various modulus requirements.
     Chiaw, Director of Compounds at SABIC.                                         Thermocomp HMD-D products also               Left: SABIC has
     “Thermocomp HMD-D compounds not only                                          deliver good strength for metal               introduced new
     avoid the drawbacks of metal, they also add                                    replacement while reducing weight            Thermocomp
     value with breakthrough ductility                                               due to their low specific gravity. They     HMD-D high
     performance and excellent stiffness, which                                       provide an excellent surface               modulus ductile
     open opportunities for use in a wide range of                                     appearance by minimising the              glass-reinforced
     structural applications.”                                                         floating of glass fibres to the           polycarbonate
        The company says that in order to                                                surface and improved melt flow,         compounds
     achieve lighter weight and                                                             which, unlike parts made with        with increased
     thinner geometries in structural                                                        various competitive materials,      design freedom
     applications, Thermocomp                                                               are not affected by heat and         in consumer
     HMD-D compounds deliver                                                               moisture ageing. Together with        electronics
     high performance in key                                                               good colour-matching                  applications
     mechanical properties that                                                             capability and colour stability,
     previously were mutually                                                                   these characteristics help
     exclusive. The materials                                                                     manufacturers appeal to

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                 Bringing the global plastics industry together

                                                                            inlays in car doors, central consoles or dashboards.
                                                                            The requirements of the automotive industry
                                                                            regarding emissions and odours were also taken
                                                                            into account during the development.
                                                                               New high-performance materials for improving
                                                                            the comfort and safety of autonomous driving are
                                                                            also being developed at BASF. Sensors in the car
                                                                               are important in assisting the driver and are an
                                                                                 indispensable part of the development of
Surface-optimised Ultramid SI from BASF has been                                   autonomous driving. These include radar,
used for the fully plastic frame and armrests for the                              LiDAR, IR or ultrasonic sensors, which
lightweight Aula chair designed by Wilkhahn,                                       function as lane assistants, collision warning
offering new aesthetic and functional characteristics                              systems and distance control, and assistance
                                                                                    with the emergency brake function. Design-
                    fashion-conscious consumers of                                       ers are using a broad range of BASF
                    electronic devices and to patients                                     products, such as the hydrolysis
                    who use home medical devices. All                                      resistant Ultradur HR polybutylene
                    grades feature halogen-free flame                                      terephthalate (PBT) and the Ultramid
                    retardancy to support sustainability                                   EQ PA for these sensitive electronic
                    efforts.                                                               applications.
                        New opportunities for designers are                                   The expanded range of Ultradur
                    now possible with a number of new                                    now includes: Ultradur B4330 G6 HR
                    material developments at BASF. For example,                     High Speed, a particularly flowable and
                    speciality polyamide Ultramid Deep Gloss is now         laser markable grade with 30% glass fibre rein-
                    available in new colours. The company says that         forcement; Ultradur B4330 G10 HR, a highly
                    this offers versatile possibilities for car interior    reinforced grade with 50% glass fibres; and
                    design. The material offers resistance to scratching,   Ultradur B4331 G6 HR, the next generation with
                    plus high chemical and good UV resistance. In           optimised processing characteristics. Ultradur
                    addition, the high gloss level reproduces structures    B4331 G6 HR is available from now on as uncol-
                    with faithful detail, allowing a highly contrasting     oured grade, in a black laser markable version, and
                    mix of light and shadow – without additional            in orange for components in electric cars.
                    coating.                                                   Designers of household goods are also benefit-
                        Ultramid Deep Gloss was awarded the German          ting from new materials from BASF. Surface-opti-
                    Innovation Award 2018 in the category Materials         mised Ultramid SI has been used for the fully plastic
                    and Surfaces. The award is presented by the             frame and armrests for the lightweight Aula chair
                    German Design Council to recognise products             designed by Wilkhahn, offering new aesthetic and
                    from different industries that offer additional         functional characteristics. Employing BASF’s
                    benefits compared to previous solutions. BASF           simulation software Ultrasim, the design ensures
                    says that Ultramid Deep Gloss combines the              that every part of the chair frame can be produced
                    chemical resistance of semi-crystalline polyamides      from Ultramid SI, meaning a steel core was unnec-
                    with the high gloss and depth of amorphous              essary. This resulted in a new lightweight chair, at
                    plastics. It is therefore particularly suitable for     only 6 kg or 6.7 kg with armrests. The versatility and
                    automotive interior components which are high-          performance of Ultrason, BASF’s polyarylsulfone, is
                    gloss and yet demand chemical resistance.               also opening up new application possibilities for
                        Car interior components made of Ultramid            household appliances, for example. For devices
                    Deep Gloss have a high-gloss surface that for the       such as deep fryers, Ultrason grades can meet
                    first time does not require an additional protective    requirements where food safety, temperature
                    coating as the gloss surface is achieved with           resistance and design are successfully combined.
                    vario-thermal moulding technology. The speciality          Functional solutions made of polycarbonate
                    PA allows designers to realise unusual textures         from Covestro are being used in the most con-
                    such as ripples, waves, hammer finish, lines and        fined spaces for an automotive front module
                    diamonds with a piano-black look, or to structure       concept in a new design. With vehicle construction
                    surfaces with haptic design elements. According to      under major review, alternative drive technologies
                    the company, Ultramid Deep Gloss is suitable for        such as electric mobility, new forms of connectivity
                    components such as air vents and decorative trims,      and autonomous driving require totally new car

20   INJECTION WORLD | January/February 2019                                                  
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                                                                            Appliance, at Covestro in the US. “We collaborate
                                                                            early on with our customers, helping them to
                                                                            overcome their product design, engineering and
                                                                            materials challenges. This approach accelerates
                                                                            innovation, which is particularly critical given the
                                                                            rapid electronics product life cycle.”
                                                                                As an example, a highlighted development was
                                                                            Embr Wave – an intelligent bracelet that allows
                                                                            people to alter the way they feel temperature.
                                                                            According to manufacturer Embr Labs, the brace-
Above:             concepts, says the company. Covestro says the            let’s scientifically developed waveforms precisely
Automotive         front section of future cars will be characterised by    stimulate a person’s thermoreceptors, leveraging
front module       three-dimensional, joint-less and glass-like surfaces    the body’s natural systems to make the wearer feel
concept in a       – the classic radiator grille will be obsolete.          cooler or warmer by up to five degrees in just a few
new design         According to the company, this enables manufac-          minutes. The technology is based on a break-
made of            turers to differentiate their models from the            through physiological insight: warming or cooling
polycarbonate      competition, while integrating more functions in         specific parts of the human body can make some-
from Covestro      less space.                                              one feel more comfortable without changing his or
                       New design opportunities will also be available      her core body temperature. This is because thermo-
                   using a new material from Covestro with a positive       receptor stimulation – for example, at the wrist – trig-
                   eco-balance. Covestro and its partners have              gers the specific regions of the brain that control
                   developed a high-performance thermoplastic               thermoregulation and pleasure, says Embr Labs.
                   (HPT) that could be used in many industries, such            Embr Labs developed the product through years
                   as aviation, automotive and medicine in large-           of iterative prototyping and customer testing. When
                   format production processes, which would                 it came time for the production design, the com-
                   significantly increase the sustainability and perfor-    pany wanted to use a frosted light pipe with LEDs
Right: Covestro    mance of products. The challenge now is to                      as the primary user interface. “We turned to
and its partners   enable the continuous production of                                     Covestro to help select the right
have devel-        the new plastic on a large scale. This                                      material and optimise the design for
oped a high-       is the goal of a research project                                              optical performance,” says Embr
performance        coordinated by Covestro and                                                       Labs Co-founder Sam Shames.
thermoplastic      funded by the German Federal                                                          Based on the require-
(HPT) that         Ministry of Education and                                                           ments, Embr Labs chose
could be used      Research (BMBF). Test                                                               Makrolon 2407 polycarbon-
in many            batches of the new HPT                                                              ate, a UV-stabilised grade
industries, such   material, which has high                                                            that offers proven perfor-
as aviation,       hardness and is resistant to                                                       mance for electronics, IT and
automotive         heat and many solvents, are                                                       telecommunications applica-
and medicine       already being produced.                                                        tions. For the Embr Wave,
in large-format        Covestro recently attended CES                                          diffusers and optical brighteners
production         2019 – the Las Vegas exhibition for the                                were compounded into the resin to
processes          latest consumer product technologies – to                     achieve the desired visual effect.
                   demonstrate how, as a materials partner, it is able          An Italian manufacturer of electric two-wheelers
                   to help bring next generation technologies to            has specified the use of Thermolast K from Krai-
                   market. Covestro highlighted applications utilising      burg TPE for two precision gasketing applications
                   its polycarbonates and polycarbonate blends              on the new battery boxes of a growing range of
                   tailored to electronics, IT and communications           power-assisted bikes and electro-scooters. Askoll,
                   applications. The company says that these materi-        based in Vicenza, is using the thermoplastic
                   als offer a balanced combination of properties           elastomer material for an anti-rattle overmoulding
                   including high flowability, stiffness, toughness, heat   of the battery connector and for water-tight sealing
                   resistance, flame retardance and good aesthetics.        of the battery box. Key requirements to be met
                       “Successfully taking a product from concept to       included reliable direct adhesion to glass-filled PBT
                   commercialisation requires being able to juggle          on small contact surfaces.
                   multiple factors,” says Joel Matsco, Senior Market-          Electric vehicles need innovative materials that
                   ing Manager Polycarbonates – Electronics and             will support their silent travel by eliminating

22   INJECTION WORLD | January/February 2019                                                  

undesired ambient noises and – in the case of                                                            Left: The flexible, inter-
external components such as battery boxes on                                                             locking and fully articu-
two-wheelers – ensure a weatherable and                                                                  lated Hexaflex shapes
water-tight enclosure. This is opening attrac-                                                           moulded in Thermolast K
tive new application opportunities for thermo-                                                           TPE result in a modular
plastic elastomers, says Kraiburg.                                                                       padding technology for

                                                                                              XA F L E
   “For the anti-rattle cover of the battery                                                             many applications,
connector and the sealing of the redesigned                                                              including sportswear,

                                                                                            PHOTO: HE
battery box on our bikes and scooters, we were                                                           personal protection
looking for a material that would provide the right                                                      equipment and healthcare
balance of gasketing, mechanical and moulding
performance,” says Paolo Trabuio, Project Man-          to be an elastomeric solution rather than foam, the
ager Scooter, for Askoll. “Kraiburg TPE went a          success of this project was essentially driven by the
long way in supporting our efforts from concept         expertise found in collaborating with Kraiburg TPE.
to market, with qualified assistance in material        Besides helping us specify the most suitable
selection, design optimisation, adhesion testing        thermoplastic elastomer, they supported us with
and moulding trials.”                                   comprehensive assistance from early on in the
   Both TPE applications are injection moulded in a     design phase through to series production.”
two-component process, which required excellent             The Hexaflex shapes can be moulded in various
direct adhesion to the glass-filled polybutylene        sizes, thicknesses and custom colours. Thermolast
terephthalate (PBT) resin used for the battery box.     is claimed to deliver the long-term flexibility
In addition, the chosen Thermolast K compound           required for reliable articulation of the assembled
also had to offer good flowability to ensure a          padding throughout the life time of the protectors.
precise, tight and faultless fit of the gasket on the   The material has also been shown to minimise                 Below: Askoll,
narrow contact surface of the lower box compo-          rebound when the padding is flexed, which results            an Italian
nent. In addition, the compound lends the critical      in good shock absorption performance. Further                manufacturer of
long-life mechanical properties required to             specifications to be met included good mechanical            electric
withstand the shocks and vibration of the box when      strength and durability over a wide range of                 two-wheelers,
driving, as well as the wear and tear during            temperatures, ease of recycling, as well as the              has specified
frequent removal for charging the maintenance-          absence of substances of very high concern                   the use of
free battery on the electric grid at home or at work.   (SVHC) in the compound. In addition, the padding             Thermolast K
   Kraiburg TPE has also collaborated to develop        is fully washable and waterproof but breathable              from Kraiburg
second skin breathable body protectors with             due to integrated ventilation features in the design.        TPE for two
lightweight padding using a flexible TPE com-               Following its successful use in dorsal protectors,       precision
pound. French company Hexaflex has developed            Hexaflex is planning to extend the technology to             gasketing
a padding technology based on hexagonal-pyram-          other sportswear in the near future, including knee          applications on
idal shapes moulded with TPE. The thermoplastic         and elbow pads for activities such as skateboarding,         the new battery
elastomer compound provides the flexibility, light      snowboarding, skiing and horseback riding. The               boxes of a
weight and full articulation characteristics of the     company also sees broad application possibilities in         growing range
modular system that lends itself to many shock and      personal protection equipment, from helmet inserts           of power-assist-
vibration absorbing applications, from sportswear       to breathable harnesses, as well as in anti-vibration        ed bikes and
and personal protection equipment to healthcare         floor padding and various healthcare products.               electro-scooters
and other demanding industries.
   In a first application, the creative technology is   CLICK ON THE LINKS FOR
used for a dorsal protection product covered with       MORE INFORMATION:
high-strength aromatic PA stretch fabric for bikers     �
and motorcyclists. The lightweight material             �
combination acts like a second skin, and the            �
Hexaflex padding with its interlocking shapes in        �
Thermolast K is fully articulated to follow body        �
motion while ensuring maximum shock absorption.         �
   “Innovative concepts like our Hexaflex system        �
need innovative materials to take them from idea        �
to reality,” says Stephane Desnoyers, Founder and       �
CEO of Hexaflex. “Although we knew it would have        �                                                          January/February 2019 | INJECTION WORLD
You can also read