ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY

Page created by Janet Ayala
ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY
The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals

Issue 103 November-December 2022
ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY

            
                    
                                                                                                  
                    
                     
                                                          s we go to press with               meanwhile, discusses how                     Our contractor feature focuses

            
                                                  A       this edition, the UN
                                                  Programme warns that unless
                                                                                              sustainability is being practiced
                                                                                              and measured in the company.
                                                                                              With so many more functional
                                                                                                                                           on Derbyshire based, Dalton
                                                                                                                                           Roofing and its characterful
                                                                                                                                           owner Phil Dalton whose
                                                  carbon emission reduction                                                                success in creating a strong
                                                                                 requirements for roofs, Ross
                                                  actions are strengthened at this                                                         domestic roofing brand was
                                                                      Finnie discusses the growing                 inspired by Disney.
                                                  month’s COP 27 in Egypt, the
                                                                                              demand for multifunctional
                           world is set to exceed its global                                                        Many have followed the
                                                                                              roofs and the design planning
                                    warming temperature rise limit                                                           restoration of Shrewsbury’s
                                                                                              that’s needed.
                           of 1.50C by 2030. No one knows                                                           Flaxmill Maltings’s slate roofs
                                                  what that would look like, but              Staying with flat roofing as well            and now the project is
                                    Inger Andersen, Executive                   as facades, Brian Mack explains              complete, Welsh Slate relates its
                                     Director of UNEP commented,                 why EJOT UK is on a mission                  role in conserving the world’s
                                         "Only a root and branch                     to change best practice to                   first iron-framed building.
                 transformation of our                       include seal testing, arguing it’s
                                                                                                                                           Regular contributor, John
                                                  economies and societies can                 just as necessary to ensure
                                                                                                                                Mercer talks us through the
                                                  save us.”                                   performance quality as existing
                  
                                                                                                                                           correct construction of low
                                                                                              tests for air and water tightness.
                                   Our industry has a huge part to                                                          pitch roofs; while there’s
                                                  play in the rapid transformation            The energy crisis as well as                 exciting news in the North West
                                                  of buildings, energy efficiency             climate change has meant that                with a new roof training centre
                                                  and generation, manufacturing               calls for a retrofit strategy are            opening in Warrington in the
                                                  and transport. And, as Ingar                increasingly vocal, and Simon                new year.
                   Anderson adds, "We've got to                Blackham adds his voice,
                                                                                                              Other features discuss roofing
                                                  take climate change with us                 pointing out that the Code for               contractors entering the solar
                                                  wherever we go."                            Construction Products should                 market and what services one
                                                                                              help to spread knowledge                     merchant is offering contractors
                                                  This edition explores how                   amongst installers, avoiding the
                                   businesses in our industry are                                                           buying roof and floor timbers.
                                                                                performance gap and making
                                                  going about the transition to                                                            Lastly, there’s several interesting
                                                                               retrofit even more effective.
                                                  sustainability. Not least is                                                             case studies focusing on
                      Carlisle, and Allen Coldrake                A big pat on the back goes to                individual products – from
                            explores the path from                      LRWA members who have                        European Slate replacing
                                                  sustainability to circularity and           recently completed their                     woodpecker attacked cedar
                                                  describes how a scheme in the               Charity Team Challenge. We                   shingles, to quality Blue
                                                  Netherlands provides an                     celebrate their laps, maps and               Diamond batten and a step-by-
                                                  exciting model of how to                    snaps, announcing the top                    step photo guide to installing
                                                  achieve more. Russell Roof Tiles            teams and wins!                              gutters.

                                                               GET YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO ROOFING TODAY

                                                                                         

                                                                   

                                                                                        

                                                                                           

                                                                                                  CHANGE OF ADDRESS?
                                                                               Email with your new details
         
                                                                      
                                    
                             
                                 
                                                 
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                                                                                                                                                     
ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY


                                     

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              
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                                                        
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ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY

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 Guidance for the Use of Building                                             Facades Firm Trials Four Day
 Boards with A1 or A2 Reaction to                                             Working Week
 Fire Classifications in Flat Roofing
     ollowing an industry
 F   consultation period, a joint
 SPRA—LRWA—NFRC technical
 guidance document has been
 published: Guidance for the Use
 of Building Boards with A1 or A2
 Reaction to Fire Classifications in
 Flat Roofing.
 Within the flat roofing industry,
 there is a growing demand for
 products with A1 or A2 reaction
 to fire classifications (formerly
 referred to as non-combustible
 and of limited combustibility,
 respectively) to be used as
                                                                                  ondensing its working           hours mean BTS’ office staff can
 alternatives to OSB3 and
 plywood. This is due to the
                                       use of Calcium Silicate, Cement-
                                       Bonded Particleboard, Fibre
                                                                              C   hours, BTS Facades and          leave at 1pm on Fridays.
 apparent drive of Approved                                                   Fabrications is working towards
                                                                                                                  BTS’ operations director Nigel
 Document B towards the                Cement, Gypsum (mat-                   implementing a four day week.
                                                                                                                  Freeman is evaluating the impact
 increased use of less combustible     reinforced), and Magnesium                                                 on productivity.
                                                                              The Newton Aycliffe based
 flat roof decks and the fluctuation   Oxide building boards as               manufacturing business, which       He said: “If the new working
 in prices and supply of building      structural flat roof decks;            supplies facade and rainscreen      pattern proves to be a success and
 materials. These factors have
                                       structural abutment wall upstands      products nationally, has moved      not hinder the productivity of
 increased enquiries to SPRA,
 LRWA, NFRC, and their                 (including parapets); acoustic         from a 40-hour working week to      each team, and all targets are met,
 members about the use of such         mass layers; thermal barriers;         a 37-hour working week,             it will prove we can move towards
 products in flat roofing              cover boards; and/or recovery          without its employees’ pay being    an 8-day fortnight.
 applications. Some of the                                                    affected.
                                       boards in flat roof overlays.                                              “We’re already working on
 materials being considered,                                                  The new working pattern has
                                       The document, along with many                                              productivity improvements for
 however, do not have relevant                                                taken six months to plan and        each department and making
 third-party approvals.                SPRA Technical Guidance                implement, after the initiative     steps to take out nonvalue added
 With the input of relevant            documents, is available via the        was first suggested by staff as a   activity within the organisation
 manufacturers and suppliers, the      SPRA website           way to improve employee             using project management styles
 document offers guidance for the      technical/downloads/.                  satisfaction. The new contracted    like the LEAN principles.”

 Complete Roofing Systems Acquires Allied Roofing
      omplete Roofing Systems –
 C    the Warrington-based
 roofing and cladding contractor –
                                       who is well-known in the roofing
                                       industry. Since his appointment
                                       in 2019, revenue has more than
 has acquired Allied Roofing of        doubled to almost £20 million.
 Stockport in a seven figure deal.
                                       Allied Roofing was started in 1989
 This first acquisition by Complete    by Mark Threlfall, joined 10 years
 Roofing Systems (CRS) will            ago by business partner Neil
 enable it to build its presence in    Higson. The company specialises
 the social housing sector. CRS        in pitched roofing and employs 30
 employs over 100 staff and            staff primarily working on public
 operates nationally for major         sector and social housing projects
 clients such as Aldi, AstraZeneca,    across the North. The company
 Warner Leisure, and the Ministry      will continue to operate under the    are complementary to ours and        “At the same time we will continue
 of Defence.                           Allied Roofing brand.                                                      to pursue opportunities to build
                                                                             the acquisition provides many
                                                                                                                  the CRS business. As the roofing
 Established in 2010 by father and     Mike Wharton, CEO of Complete         avenues for growth. We look          industry is very fragmented, we see
 son, Stuart and Jamie Lennon, the     Roofing Systems, said: “This is an    forward to working with Mark,        potential to make strategic
 company is led by CEO Mike            exciting development for CRS.         Neil and the team to further         acquisitions alongside organic
 Wharton, a former fund manager        Allied Roofing’s skills and clients   develop the company.                 growth.”

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ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY

 Industry News

 Housing Association Appoints Contractors to £38m Deals
      n Oldham housing                  people, who are committed to
 A    association has appointed
 two providers to two, four-year
                                        delivering an outstanding service
                                        for our customers.
 investment contracts, worth a
                                        “We look forward to working
 combined £38 million.
                                        closely with the First Choice
 First Choice Homes Oldham              Homes Oldham team, building on
 (FCHO) awarded Wigan family            our existing relationships and
 run builders, Connolly Ltd the         delivering great results for their
 external investment work,              residents.”
 including new roofing, windows
                                        The appointments follow a
 and doors.
                                        tendering process in which both
 The internal works deal, including     contractors delivered bids with a
                                                                               the life of the contract, and       "These long-term contracts will
 new kitchens, bathrooms and            focus on providing high quality
                                                                               adding further value through        ensure customers’ homes are high
 rewires, was awarded to Wates          customer service and creating
                                                                               wider community engagement.         quality, safe and sustainable long
 Property Services.                     social value through their work.
                                                                               The contracts started in            into the future, and will help us
 Simon Harrison, Managing               Social value will be generated by                                          add greater value to the
                                                                               September and are for an initial
 Director of Connolly Ltd said:         working with Oldham College to                                             communities in which we work.”
                                                                               four years, with the option to
 “The success is a fantastic            create training opportunities such
                                                                               extend for a further year.
 achievement for our family             as apprenticeships, work                                                   The Connolly team has already
 business and outlines the passion,     placements and T-level                 Steve Mather, FCHO Director of      started a programme of new
 commitment and drive of our            placements for local people over       Assets and Sustainability said:     roofing in Sholver.

 Langley Reorganises into Three Core Units
                                                                               Langley Roofing Solutions and       Mike Brogan, provides green, blue
                                                                               Langley Regeneration will be led    and bio-solar roofs, green walls
                                                                               by MD Dean Wincott.                 and podium landscaping.
                                                                               Langley Roofing Solutions           Tony Silvestri will remain Group
                                                                               delivers waterproofing and safety   CEO for Langley. He said,
                                                                               systems for refurbishment and       “Langley has been through a
                                                                               new build developments across       transformational period of growth
                                                                               the public and private sectors.     in recent years and I’m incredibly
                                                                               Langley Regeneration provides       proud to share the future vision
                                                                               feasibility, design, planning and   and structure of the business with
                                                                               installation of rooftop             our customers, colleagues and
      angley has completed a major      Roofing Solutions, Eco Solutions       developments.                       partners as we enter a new era.
 L    restructuring and
 transformation programme
                                        and Regeneration to deliver a          Langley Eco Solutions offers        “We’re committed to our vision
                                        more holistic and integrated           green-infrastructure and design,    of For Better Living, innovating in
 following a period of rapid            service to customers across                                                everything we do, improving the
                                                                               including sustainable roofing,
 growth.                                roofing, green-infrastructure and      water management, solar energy,     lives of everyone we work with
 The Langley Group will now             rooftop development and                decarbonisation and biodiversity.   and having a positive impact on
 operate three core business units:     extension services.                    The business unit, led by MD        the world around us.”

 Charity Night a Blinder for Good Causes
     oof tile manufacturer, Russell     Horse Racing was the main
 R   Roof Tiles (RRT), has raised
 £4,500 from its first ever charity
                                        attraction of the night, with prizes
                                        for each race winner as well as the
 “Peaky Blinders” themed race           best dressed Peaky Blinders - who
 night, held at the Pirelli Football    were Martyn Clarke and Jessica
 Stadium in Burton.                     Wadsworth.
 The RRT team along with friends,       The money was added to Russell
 family and customers dug out           Roof Tiles Give 4 Good charity
 their flat caps and flapper frocks     pot, which now stands at £39,500.
 as they enjoyed a night of betting     It will be distributed at the end of
 and boogying for a good cause,         the year to 10 charities chosen by
 hosted by Paul McLoughlin.             Russell Roof Tiles’ employees.

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ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY
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  Avonside Group Services Ltd Goes Into Administration Owing £32 Million to Suppliers, Bank, HMRC and Employees                                                                                                                    SPRA Golf Day & Dinner Declared
         hen Roofing Today broke       Monies Owed to Avonside                                                                                                                                                                     a Perfect Golfing Day
  W      the news of Avonside
  Group Services Ltd going into
                                       The administrator’s report shows
                                       that when Avonside folded it was
  administration on 5 September,
                                       owed £15.5m in debts and a
  2022 it confirmed the worst fears
                                       further £6.2m in retentions. A
  of many who had heard rumours
                                       deal has been done with Andrew
  over the preceding weeks.
                                       Morley to help recover some of
  An official announcement on 7        these outstanding amounts. The
  September verified Begbies           administrators say that valuing
  Traynor appointment as               stock and work in progress has
  administrators and the loss of 350   been difficult. They have sold
  jobs. In all, 28 branches of 4       stock from Avonside Roofing and
  Avonside Group firms collapsed:      Bracknell Roofing to Morley at a
                                                                                                         
  Avonside Roofing, Bracknell          valuation of £100,000 with more                                                                                                                                                                   ver 100 Single Ply Roofing        Ronan Brunton, SPRA CEO said,
  Roofing, Taylor Roofing and SM
  Roofing Contracts.
                                       to be recovered. Avonside
                                       Group’s stocks were valued at           model and its implications.”                                                The administrators said, “At the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   O     Association (SPRA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   members and their guests took
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “All clearly enjoyed the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           competition, evening meal and
                                       £6.5m in the last filed accounts.       Inferring the company was caught                                            time of our initial engagement,                                                                                 entertainment. It was a chance for
                                                                               out by the rising materials                                                 there were materially                                                   part in the SPRA Golf Day and
                                       Avonside and Bracknell Roofing                                                                                                                                                              Dinner at Carden Park Golf              SPRA members and guests to
                                                                               inflation of the past two years,                                            inaccuracies due to a number of                                                                                 meet again at a wonderful venue
                                       employees were owed £89,374 in          Eddie points the finger at                                                  mis-postings and large                                                  Course in September 2022.
                                       wages and holiday pay and have a                                                                                                                                                                                                    where the weather was perfect for
                                                                               Avonside’s developer and house                                              unallocated cash balances                                               Golfers taking part in the              a golfing day and evening out.
                                       preferential claim that                 builder clients who refused to pay                                          posted against the general
                                       administrators say will be paid.                                                                                                                                                            competition were joined in the
                                                                               the cost rises. He also implies                                             ledger, and other issues with the                                       afternoon by non-golfing                “A big thank you to all our
                                       However, employees say that             Avonside were pressured to over                                                                                                                                                             members and their guests for
                                                                                                                                                           ERP system.” Begbies Traynor                                            attendees to watch ‘Trick Shot’
                                       pensions deducted from them             order materials “based upon                                                                                                                                                                 making the day such a memorable
                                                                                                                                                           had first been brought into the                                         entertainment provided by PGA
                                       since June’s pay packets, were not      spurious programme forecasts”,                                                                                                                                                              occasion and congratulations to
                                                                                                                                                           company in March 2022 and by                                            professional golfer, Jeremy Dale.
                                       paid over to the pension                which, he says tied up working                                                                                                                                                              all the competition winners.”
                                                                                                                                                           June, it was clear that the ERP                                         The afternoon’s entertainment
                                       companies. Likewise,                    capital in stock and work in                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                           problems could not be resolved,                                         was followed by an evening drinks       SPRA will be announcing details
                              subcontractors who were owed            progress.                             of Avonside Groups Services Ltd       triggering exploration of sale                                          reception and awards dinner.            of SPRA Golf Day 2023 soon.
                                       end of the month payments or
                                                                               The post attracted mainly             failure. One, key reason involved     options.
  Avonside Group’s solar and           retentions, or had paid for                                                                                                                             amounting to a takeover of
                                                                               sympathetic responses, although       the introduction of a new
  insulation company, Avonside
  Energy was bought out by
                                       materials for work that will now
                                       not be paid, are unlikely to see        in a characteristically blunt         accounting model in 2019 in the
                                                                                                                                                           Board Relationships                 board control.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LRWA Reveals Headline Sponsor
                                                                               comment, former MD of multi-          form of an Enterprise Resource        Other causes for the Group’s        While a lack of accounting
  directors led by Bill Rumble and
  funded by investment from
                                       any of the £98,574 owed to them.
                                       Unsecured creditors throughout
                                                                               million M&J Group, Peter              Planning (ERP) system. Kyle           collapse are said to stem from      visibility continued to hamper      for 2023 Awards and Gala Dinner
                                                                               Henrickson, said, “I can’t believe    Burke, a director of parent           the instability of internal         the company, a rescue bid for           he Liquid Roofing and
  RCapital, saving 78 jobs. A
  further 9 branches of Avonside
                                       the supply chain are owed
                                       £17.3m, with the largest creditor,
                                                                               the crock of self pitying bilge I’m
                                                                               reading in both the post and the
                                                                                                                     company, Burke Investments
                                                                                                                     since 2017, was apparently
                                                                                                                                                           structures and relationships
                                                                                                                                                           between directors breaking
                                                                                                                                                                                               the whole group had apparently
                                                                                                                                                                                               been formulated to supply the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   T   Waterproofing Association
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (LRWA) has named Proteus
  Group companies were sold on 7       SIG owed more than £7.2m. A             comments.” Peter asserts, “Times      responsible for the system’s          down as various investors were      £3.5m identified as needed
  September as a pre-pack deal for     total of £4.7m is owed in PAYE,                                                                                                                                                             Waterproofing as the headline
                                                                               like this come around regularly       incorporation into the company.       brought in to rescue the            from one of the shareholders.                                                 the perfect opportunity to
  £437,500 to Andrew Morley            national insurance and CIS to                                                                                                                                                               sponsor for its Awards & Gala
                                                                               and well run, well managed            According to the administrators,      business. Certain members of                                                                                      demonstrate that. We are
  Business Consultancy. Andrew         HMRC, which is treated as a                                                                                                                             However, the bid needed the         Dinner 2023.
                                                                               business always outlast them -        the Group experienced “severe         the board were said to have                                                                                       looking forward to being part of
  Morley was Chief Operating           preferential creditor after the                                                                                                                         bank to accept a dilution of its
                                                                               time to look more inward as to        difficulties” following the           been excluded from knowledge                                            Offering solutions for new builds         the celebration and recognising
  Office at Avonside Group and he      Group’s banker, NatWest, and                                                                                                                            existing security guarantees on
                                                                               the reasons for failure.”             implementation of the new ERP         of “key information” earlier this                                       and refurbishments, the                   the impressive skills and
  – with former Avonside               will be paid before unsecured                                                                                                                           Avonside’s £5m bank loan and
                                                                                                                     system. It led to the production of   year. This was after Soho                                               waterproofing specialist is               strengths of all those who work in
  Commercial Development               creditors. In all, a total of £32m of   Inaccurate Financial Data                                                                                       £9.75m operational facility.
                                                                                                                     inaccurate financial management       Square Capital director Stephen                                         headquartered in Essex, and               the sector.”
  Director, Vincent Hughes – are       debts were left when Avonside           The Administrator’s, Begbies          information based on unreliable       Edwards, brought in as an           Additionally, during the            following rapid expansion, delivers       Sarah Spink, CEO of the LRWA,
  both directors of the Consultancy    folded.                                 Traynor identified several causes     data.                                 equity investor to fuel             summer, discussions were held       projects across the UK.                   added: “Although the entire
  with Jayne Pointon.                                                                                                                                      Avonside’s growth, had
                                       Construction Model to                                                                                                                                   between shareholders, the Bank                                                construction industry continues
                                                                                                                     That meant Avonside staff found       resigned in March 2022 and                                              Returning for the fifth time, the
                                       Blame                                                                         it difficult to operate day to day                                        and one of the Group's largest                                                to face change and challenge,
                                                                                                                                                           was replaced by fellow Soho                                             LRWA Awards & Gala Dinner will
                                                                                                                     creating a strain on resources, and                                       suppliers to explore providing                                                many of our members have
                                       Explanations of why Avonside                                                                                        director Stephen Ferris, who is                                         take place at the Titanic Hotel on
                                                                                                                     led to concerns over billing –                                            support to avoid liquidation,                                                 achieved growth over the past
                                       failed have come from several                                                                                       said to have deployed more                                              22 March 2023 in Liverpool.
                                                                                                                     causing cash flow difficulties,                                           but these proved inconclusive.                                                year. This is testament to their
                                       sources. Former CEO of Avonside                                                                                     aggressive tactics in seeking to                                        Following the success of the 2022
                                       Group, Eddie Stanton wrote a                                                  working capital funding issues,                                                                               event, the celebration is expected to     skills, professionalism, and
                                                                                                                                                           turnaround the company’s            By the end of August, the
                                       post blaming structural problems                                              and margin erosion. Ultimately, it                                                                            attract more than 300 people.             dedication. Our event is a great
                                                                                                                                                           finances.                           directors concluded the
                                       in the supply chain. He posted on                                             led to the Group’s financial                                                                                                                            platform to, once again, shout
                                                                                                                                                                                               company was insolvent and on
                                       LinkedIn on 8 September, saying:                                              records being considered to be        According to a senior source, at                                        Jordan Bailey, director at Proteus        about these successes, and bring
                                                                                                                                                                                               3 September, the sales of nine of   Waterproofing, said: “The liquid
                                       “Today is the saddest of days,”                                               “materially inaccurate” and meant     least one member of Avonside’s                                                                                    together the contractors, clients,
                                                                                                                                                                                               the Group’s branches and            roofing and waterproofing industry
                                       adding that the Avonside collapse                                             that sources of new capital           board had disagreed with the                                                                                      manufacturers, and suppliers
                                                                                                                                                                                               Avonside Energy were agreed.        has a lot to be proud of, and the
                                       should make people in the                                                     investment were refused for lack      methods employed by Stephen                                                                                       which are helping our sector to
                           industry “reflect on their business                               of accurate financial data.           Ferris, seeing his actions as                                           LRWA Awards & Gala Dinner is              thrive.”

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ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY
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  Brickability Group Acquires ET Clay Beesley & Fildes Opens £2m                                                                                          North East Roof Training Group AGM
  Products                            Distribution Centre                                                                                                 T    he NERTG AGM will be held
                                                                                                                                                               on Tuesday 22 November at
                                                                                                                                                                                                  physical and financial wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  support to the construction
       rickability Group plc, the        million and adjusted EBITDA of                                                                                   the Riverside Stadium in                community and their families.
  B    construction materials
  distributor, has acquired ET Clay
                                         circa £3 million.                                                                                                Middlesbrough. In addition to
                                                                                                                                                          updates from local roof training        They offer a variety of free
                                         The purchase is being completed                                                                                  providers and CITB, the NERTG           construction focussed training
  Products for £11.6 million.            with an initial cash payment of
                                                                                                                                                          is delighted to have the                programmes, ranging from hour
  Brickability purchased 100% of         £8.1 million and a deferred                                                                                                                              long interactive wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                          Lighthouse Club attending to
  the share capital of ET Clay           payment of £3.5 million, payable                                                                                                                         sessions, through to the MHFA
                                                                                                                                                          raise awareness of the mental                                                    awareness of mental health issues                
  Products Limited and Heritage          in cash over the next three years,                                                                                                                       England approved Mental Health
                                                                                                                                                          health services they offer.                                                      in the construction industry.                     
  Clay Tiles Limited.                    subject to performance.                                                                                                                                  First Aider courses.                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                          The Lighthouse Construction                                                             
  Established 25 years ago, ET Clay      The cash purchase is being
                                                                                                                                                          Industry Charity is the only            Their latest campaign: Help                                   
                                         funded from the Group’s existing
  Products is a specialist supplier of                                                                                                                    charity that provides emotional,        Inside the Hard Hat aims to raise                  
                                         cash resources and is expected to
  UK and imported clay facing
                                         generate an immediate return.
  bricks and handmade clay roof                                                    eesley & Fildes, a family-       on-site manufacturing of various
  tiles. Operating out of three yards,
  the businesses will bring new
                                         Alan Simpson, CEO, Brickability
                                         Group plc, said: “The acquisition
                                                                              B    owned independent builders’
                                                                              merchant has opened a new £2m
                                                                                                                    concrete products.                    One to Watch                                                                     A First for Preston College
                                                                                                                                                               orkshire Independent Roof
  customers to the Group,
  particularly in the merchants
                                         of ET Clay Products provides
                                         another important step in the
                                                                              distribution centre in Widnes.        James Beesley, commercial
                                                                                                                    director at Beesley & Fildes, said:   Y    Training Group (YIRTG)
                                                                                                                                                          Officer, Denise Cherry recently
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Leeds College of Building. Denise
                                                                                                                                                                                                  also met Geoff’s daughter, Bobby
                                         growth of our Import Division by     Situated near the M56, M62 and        “As we see the demand for                                                     Mae who is following in her
  channel, Brickability says.                                                                                                                             went to meet with G Smith
                                         further expanding the supply base    M57, the facility will support the    building products continually                                                 brother’s footsteps and starts
  In the year to 30 July 2022, ET                                             business’s 11 north-west branches     increasing, it was vital that we      Roofing Ltd, a family firm
                                         of the Group through new access                                                                                                                          college shortly. Bobby Mae has
                                                                              and its online click and collect                                            specialising in loft conversion                                                     t’s a first for Preston College,         The Group is even more
  Clay Products generated
  unaudited revenues of £44.3
                                         to a range of overseas
                                         manufacturers.”                      customers.
                                                                                                                    broadened our in-house
                                                                                                                    capabilities and operations. Plus,    work in Leeds.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  spent quite a lot of time on roofs
                                                                                                                                                                                                  already and particularly likes           I  as training for 19 first-year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           roofing apprentices is well
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       committed to supporting the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       development of apprentices as
                                                                              The 4.2-acre distribution centre is   with our click and collect service    Director, Geoff Smith - known on        doing decorative slate work.
                                                                                                                    now rolled out across each of our     YouTube as the Roofing Outlaw -                                                  underway in the Construction &              part of its long-term strategy.
                                                                              part of Beesley & Fildes’ wider
                                                                                                                    branches, we have an additional       has made sure his teams are well        YIRTG will be supporting Bobby           the Built Environment area of               Plans are already being made for
                                                                              £3.2m expansion plans, enabling
                                                                                                                    route to purchase.                    trained, including putting his son      Mae and following her progress           Preston College, reports the                visits to the quarry by the
                                                                              it to purchase and house more
                                                                                                                                                          through an apprenticeship at            through her apprenticeship.              North West Roof Training                    apprentices for them to see the
                                                                              stock across the building, civils,    “Through our wider expansion                                                                                           Group (NWRTG). Following a                  production process, which uses a
                                                                              and drainage market.
                                                                                                                    and distribution centre, we’re able                                                                                    block-release pattern, students             mix of time-honoured
                                                                              To service all 11 branches, the       to provide our customers with a                                                                                        are attending College for one               techniques and cutting-edge
                                                                              centre is now home to an              guarantee that products will be                                                                                        week in four, spending the other            technology.
                                                                              automated bagging machine for         available and delivered on time,                                                                                       three weeks with their employers.
                                                                                                                    causing zero distribution to their                                                                                                                                 Simian’s foray into roof
                                                                              stone and sand, along with a                                                                                                                                 Their first year will end with the          slating/tiling apprenticeships is
                                                                              batching plant which will enable      projects.”                                                                                                             June 2023 block, and it’s likely            to start in January 2023. Lead
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           that another cohort will start in           Tutor, Luke O’ Gorman,
  LCB Invests in New Rigs as 2022 Roofing Successes are Celebrated                                                                                                                                                                         the new year. Working to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           standards, this will meet the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       formerly of Bolton College, has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       recently announced that training
       eeds College of Building          Optimum Skills in Gateshead
  L    (LCB) Roofing Department
  has “significantly invested” in its
                                         starting to offer roofing training
                                         courses this autumn.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           long-term skills needs of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           employers. Plans are underway
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       will take place in a brand-new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       roof training facility in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           for a wide variety of activities            Warrington town centre. Read
  apprentice training by replacing                                                                                                                                                                                                         which aim to develop stronger               more on page 40.
  all the roofing rigs in its            Lee Bogg, Curriculum Manager in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           links with local schools and
  workshop area at a cost of             the Faculty of Construction Crafts                                                                                                                                                                                                            There’s still time for those of you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           communities to encourage and
  £40,000.                               at LCB said, “We are more than                                                                                                                                                                                                                with businesses in the Liverpool
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           promote interest in the
                                         happy to help the growth of                                                                                                                                                                                                                   area (Liverpool, the Wirral,
  The roofing rigs were rebuilt          roofing training across the                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sefton, Knowsley, Rainford,
  ready for the new intake of            country. The donations also                                                                                                                                                                       Marley‘s lorry-load of sponsored            Halton), or if looking for labour
  roofing apprentices starting their     helped us to reduce our carbon                                                                                                                                                                    tiles arrived right on cue and will         in the area, to be involved in the
  courses this September.                footprint and work sustainably,                                                                                                                                                                   serve the department well over              initiative with the DWP and
                                         ensuring that we didn’t dispose of                                                                                                                                                                the coming months. Meanwhile,               Liverpool College. If you will
  The new intake will join a total of
                                         the rigs into waste and that they                                                                                                                                                                 the NWRTG is delighted that                 consider employing anyone
  over 100 roofing apprentices
                                         were recycled for future use.                                                                                                                                                                     Burlington Stone is to supply the           currently unemployed, we can
  currently training at the college’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           College with slate, which is                provide basic training, whether
  South Bank campus on Cudbear           “The renewed roofing rigs shows                                                                                                                                                                   quarried in the Kirkby Quarry, in           roof slating/tiling or RBM plus
  Street, Leeds.                         how our roofing provision is                                                                                                                                                                      the heart of the Lake District,             health and safety training, all at
  The college donated the original       going from strength to strength,                                                                                                                                                                  Cumbria. It has operated for over           no cost to you. This offer is open
  rigs to Simian Risk which plans to     so much so, that we are now          Lee added that the new roofing        Chris Messenger who is moving                                                                                          400 years and offers exceptional            to all, regardless of membership
  add pitched roof training to its       bolstering our team by recruiting    tutor will join the highly            into delivering Roofing                                                                                                quality roofing slates to clients           of our Group. Please contact us
  current flat roofing courses in        another full time roofing tutor to   experienced roofing team of Dave      Apprenticeship Standard end                                                                                            and their projects throughout the           on nwrooftraining@gmail/07801
                                                                                                                                                                      
  London and Warrington and              support our delivery aims.”          Mallory and Dale Yates, replacing     point assessments.                                                             world.                                      278282.

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ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY

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    
          
       n September, the                                                       structured health and safety and

  I    Construction Products
       Association (CPA) published
  the Built Environment – Proposed
                                                                              technical induction for technical
                                                                              representatives, whether engaged
                                                                              in sales or site support. Products
                                                                                                                    challenge now is for the industry
                                                                                                                    to come together collectively to
                                                                                                                    agree how its key functions will
                                                                                                                    demonstrate construction product
  Construction Product Competence                                             and systems must be supplied          competence and publish
  Standard white paper on behalf of                                                                                 construction product competence
                                                                              only to contractors whose
  Working Group 12 (WG12) of                                                                                        profiles for the use of the entire
                                                                              installers have passed a product-
  the Competence Steering Group.                                                                                    built environment sector.
  WG12 Construction Products                                                  specific training course. Training
  Competence was tasked to create                                             must be offered to contractors’       As ever, the wider challenge for
  a solution that ensures all those                                           technical personnel, such as          all trade associations – not just
  using construction products are                                             estimators and supervisors. A         SPRA – is to appeal to
  competent to do so and can                                                  documented system of quality          manufacturers and contractors
  demonstrate their competence to                                             control through site visits before    who fall outside of their reach and
  others. The white paper has been                                                                                  encourage them to become
                                                                              warranties are supplied to clients
  developed to outline proposals for                                                                                members. The construction
                                                                              must also be operated.
  an industry agreed standard on                                                                                    industry, and the many sectors
  construction product competence                 SPRA Associate Members, too,          within it, are only as strong as
  and give the built environment                                                       their weakest links.
                                                                              must provide design guidance and
                                                 
  sector the earliest opportunity to             technical support for SPRA            The Built Environment –
  consider these proposals and                           Membrane Manufacturer and             Proposed Construction Product
  ready itself.                                                                     Competence Standard white
                                                                              Contractor members.
  The requirements of each core
  level criteria of construction         Contractors alike – perform one       The white paper has been developed to outline
  product competence (as outlined        or more of the functions listed
  in the white paper) apply to many      above, despite employing a variety    proposals for an industry agreed standard on
  of the functions performed by          of roles.
  members of the Single Ply                                                    construction product competence and give the
                                         Construction product competence
  Roofing Association (SPRA).
  Amongst others, these include          lays at the core of SPRA’s raison     built environment sector the earliest
  designing, marketing or selling        d’être. The SPRA Design Guide
  construction products; providing       has been the go-to technical          opportunity to consider these proposals and
  technical support for construction     guidance document for single ply
  products; specifying construction      roofing for almost 30 years.          ready itself.
  products or designing with             Several other technical guidance
  construction products; procuring       documents and component              SPRA Contractor Members must          paper is available to download
  construction products or services      quality standards have been          be registered with the                from the CPA website (under
  that provide/use construction          published in the meantime. And       Construction Industry Training        Publications, Technical and
  products; handling or installing       in more recent years, SPRA has       Board (CITB) and demonstrate a        Regulatory). At the time of
  construction products;                 collaborated with other trade        commitment to recognised
                                                                                                                    writing, SPRA is convening a
  supervising, managing, inspecting      associations to publish guidance     training methods, such as
                                         for the benefit of the entire flat   National or Scottish Vocational       working group for the creation
  or verifying other functions
                                         roofing industry.                    Qualifications and those provided     and management of construction
  around construction products;
  and exchanging information                                                  by SPRA Membrane                      product competence profiles and
                                         SPRA Membrane Manufacturer
  about construction products.                                                Manufacturer Members, as              how those within the single ply
                                         Members must provide a
                                                                              outlined above. A detailed register   roofing industry demonstrate
  Functions are listed deliberately,     comprehensive design guide for
                                                                              of relevant training undertaken by    construction product competence.
  as roles are not standardised,         the application of single ply
                                                                              employees must be maintained.         All SPRA members are welcome
  meaning individuals with               products in the UK based upon
  different roles can carry out          the requirements of the SPRA         Clearly, much is being done by        to participate. 
  similar functions. All SPRA            Design Guide and relevant,           the single ply roofing industry via            
  members – Membrane                     current British and European         SPRA to drive construction                 
  Manufacturers, Associates and          Standards. They must provide a       product competence. The                

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ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY

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    
                  
                  
                 
                  
             

       t’s hard to believe there was a

  I    time before the use of single
       ply roofing when we consider
  just how well-used it is across the
  industry. Following the passing of
  the Occupational Safety and
  Health Act and the Passage of
  Clean Air Amendment Act in the
  1970s, the negative impact of
  asphalt led to the introduction of
  single ply roofing systems to fill
  the gap. These roofing
  membranes have also proven
  their worth as a long-term
  solution, especially when it is used
  in a complete system.
  Single ply products, such as
  EPDM, are made from synthetic
  rubber compounds and come in
  large sheets that don’t require
  many seams or high temperatures
  to install. Its affordability, ease of
  installation and no-fuss
  maintenance alongside its
  longstanding protection make it
  an industry leader. While we still
  see the occasional instance of
  BUR, single ply roofing combines
  all the elements of the multi-            For smaller roofs and spaces, some installations only require a single
  layered approach into a single
  sheet of waterproofing material,          sheet of membrane reducing those slightly weaker areas at seams and
  that is easily laid and adhered to
  just about any flat roof.
                                            joins, which further increases the strength and durability of the system.
  Come Rain or Shine                        In certain brands, sizes reach up to 15.25m x 30.5m.
  Part of the issue with other flat        strength, so even in extreme       In addition, the design of single    allowing for maximum coverage
  roofing materials is they can be at                                         ply makes it superior for            and longevity.
                                           temperature fluctuations, it can
  risk of deterioration through high                                          weatherproofing, due to its
                                           provide superior waterproofing                                          Working in Synergy
  exposure to UV rays – this causes                                           availability in large sheets. This
  the loss of beneficial properties        and is much more resistant to
                                           damage. The elasticity within      means for smaller roofs and          Another reason why more
  within the solution. Changes in
                                                                              spaces, some installations only      contractors are using singly-ply
  temperature through the UK’s             single ply membranes allows the
                                                                              require a single sheet of            roof systems is the versatility it
  seasonal transitions can degrade         building to move through
                                                                              membrane reducing those slightly     offers. It can be used on a variety
  materials, resulting in cracking         changing weather conditions, and   weaker areas at seams and joins,     of commercial and residential
  and tearing particularly at weaker       this is retained at extreme low    which further increases the          projects including extensions,
  points.                                  temperatures, up to –45oC in       strength and durability of the       terraces, sheds and larger
  In contrast, single ply roofing          some cases, such as EPDM rubber    system. In certain brands, sizes     buildings. It’s also a great option
  solutions have a high tensile            roofs.                             reach up to 15.25m x 30.5m,          for repairing metal roofs and       

           
ROOFING The trade magazine for UK roofing, cladding and insulation professionals TODAY

        

  supporting green roofs, which                                                                                        What improves the
  have become increasingly
  common in the drive for more                                                                                            lifespan of single ply
  eco-friendly architecture.
                                                                                                                          systems, is the ability
  A full system approach is best
  when it comes to roofing and                                                                                            to adapt them to
  consists of a membrane,
  adhesives, tapes, primer,                                                                                               feature new additions
  insulation and AVCL. Single ply
  products are designed to work in                                                                                        such as roof lights or
  synergy with a range of layers
  resulting in a high performing,                                                                                         vent pipe. Customers
  reliable roof.
                                                                                                                          can be safe in the
  On projects where there are
  challenges or tight timescales,                                                                                         knowledge they can
  single ply systems make jobs
  easier due to their quick                                                                                               keep up with trends,
  installation process, with the large
  sheets making for faster coverage.                                                                                      or their changing
  No specialist tools, heat or flames
  are needed, meaning teams spend
  less time onsite.
                                                                                                                         Standing the Test of Time
   Clifford Tower Case Study                                                                                             When looking for a long-term
                                                                                                                         solution, single ply roofing offers
                                                                                                                         an exceptional life expectancy – as
                                                                                                                         much as 40 years and potentially
                                                                                                                         longer. We know the first
                                                                                                                         Firestone rubber EPDM roofs
                                                                                                                         were laid in the States by
                                                                                                                         Firestone in the 1980s and are still
                                                                                                                         successfully protecting these roofs
                                                                                                                         An added bonus, and what
                                                                                                                         improves the lifespan of single ply
                                                                                                                         systems, is the ability to adapt
                                                                                                                         them to feature new additions
                                                                                                                         such as roof lights or vent pipe.
                                                                                                                         Customers can be safe in the
                                                                                                                         knowledge they can keep up with
                                                                                                                         trends, or their changing needs.
                                                                                                                         With high-quality single ply
                                                                                                                         systems, the colour and finish is

       
         
       
                                            
                                              
                                          
                                                                                   
                                                                                  
                                                                                   
                                                                                                                         an aesthetically pleasing shade of
                                                                                                                         black that looks more natural and
                                                                                                                         won’t show dirt easily. The
                               smooth, clean texture should stay
                                       looking smart for years, as unlike
                                       
                                                                                                                         the more traditional systems,
                          
                                                                                                                         moss is not able to grow.
                                   
                                           Furthermore, choosing a full
                                          system from a reputable brand
                                            will usually mean the inclusion of
                                               a warranty. For example,
                                              Firestone offers a membrane
                                                   warranty up to 20 years with
                                        every installation by a licensed or
                                          authorised installer, so the roof is
                                      set for the future. 
                               
                                                                                                                             
                                             
                                                                      

          

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           he concept of green roofs

  T        is not new. Advocates have
           for years pointed to the
  benefits of reducing surface water
  run-off and increasing bio-
  diversity in urban areas. Add to
  that list the fact that the thermal
  mass of a green roof provides an
  effective barrier to solar heat gain
  and there is a compelling
  argument in its favour.
  And then there is renewable
  energy. Solar PV panels are
  enjoying a resurgence in
  popularity as building owners
  look to reduce energy bills and
  move towards the goal of zero
  carbon buildings.
  Partnership Solution
  Until now the choice between
  these solutions has been seen as       output. The roof’s vegetation,        the perimeter of the roof and at         vent pipes, HVAC plant, pipe and
  just that: a choice. PV panels,        combined with the evaporation of      the corners where the wind vortex        cable runs and even maintenance
  even surface mounted, have             rainwater held within the green       is generally at its strongest. Ballast   tracks and turntables.
  typically been located too close to    roof system helps to reduce the       for the system is provided by the
                                                                                                                        Planning Stage
  the surface of a roof to allow for     temperature at the roof’s surface,    growing substrate and wind
  vegetation to flourish around and      which in turn reduces the             mapping is required to calculate
  under the panels.                      ambient temperature close to the      the volume of ballast required at a      At the planning stage for each
                                         PV panels, further increasing         specific location.                       project, SIG D&T and EGR will
  SIG, with its growing portfolio of     their electrical output.                                                       work with the PV provider to
  sustainable products, has found a                                            It all amounts to a relative
                                                                                                                        produce a roof layout which will
  solution in the form of a              In this system the PV panels are      complex design and installation          then be used to run a wind
  partnership between SIG Design         supported by the green roof           process requiring multiple               mapping analysis and work out
  and Technology and Eco Green           build-up eliminating the need to      products and materials. For the          minimum ballast requirements.
  Roof (EGR). The SolarNature            penetrate the waterproof              installer, the benefit of the
  system lifts the panel clear of the    membrane. Instead, a steel            SolarNature system is that it is         Ballast weights will be calculated
  roof, allowing light and rain to       mounting system is incorporated       supplied as a complete roofing           on the dry weight of the growing
  reach the planted surface.             into the green roof reservoir         system, with a single point of           medium to ensure adequate
                                         board at the base of the green roof   contact for the waterproof layer,        loading in dry conditions.
  In this system, PV panels are
                                         build up.                             the green roof build-up and the          However, to design the
  mounted above the roof substrate,
                                                                               integrated solar panels.                 supporting structure it is the
  with the front edge of each panel      The reservoir board is deeply                                                  increased weight of the growing
  at around 300 mm. This not only        recessed to capture rainwater         The D&T team at SIG steps in to          medium and reservoir when
  allows the vegetation to have the      which will then support the           help with the optimum design for         saturated with water which is
  right conditions to grow, but also     vegetation by keeping soil moist.     the system which will be bespoke         used.
  helps with the orientation of the      It is important to make sure that     for each individual building. The
  PV panels.                             the board has sufficient capacity     total area of PV panels, the             A bird’s eye (or drone) view of
                                         to fill and hold water even when it   number, size and installation            most UK city skylines shows the
  The optimum angle for maximum
                                         is in the rain shadow of the PV       angle of the system will all be          increasing popularity of green
  output from south facing PV in
                                         panels. Excess rainwater is           dictated by the peak kilowatt            roofs. We think this is a trend
  the UK is generally between 35
                                         directed to the roof perimeter        output requirement.                      that will continue and that the
  and 45 degrees from horizontal
                                         where gullies and outlets allow for                                            ability to combine this roof type
  (although the precise angle will
                                                                               Panels will need to be situated to       with active energy generation will
  vary depending on the latitude of      runaway.
                                                                               allow for maintenance access and         allow contractors to add
  the installation).
                                         With panels mounted above the         the bio-solar design will also need      significant value to a new roof
  The proximity of vegetation to the     roofline, wind uplift is always a     to integrate with other roof-            installation or replacement roof
  panels is also positive for power      consideration - and particularly at   mounted services such as: soil and       project. 

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            reater awareness of the       Building
  G         climate crisis means that
            ‘green’ buildings are no
  longer just for the eco-conscious;
                                          materials can
  environmental responsibility has        only be re-used
  been elevated from a nice-to-have
  to a need-to-have. Alongside
                                          or recycled
  legislative requirements to             cost-effectively if
  construct greener buildings, the
  whole subject of sustainability has     they can be
  become much more than a casual
  conversation, littered with             removed cleanly
  greenwash and empty promises;
  sustainability is now monitored as
                                          from the building
  an accountable element of the           at the end of
  procurement process.
  But sustainability is always a work
                                          their service life.
  in progress. As a commercial           Carlisle’s Hertalan EPDM roofing     chain to get on board with the         installation techniques should be
  discipline, it needs to be             system is a case in point. With a    concept of circularity. For the        factored into specification choices
  approached with the principles of      50+ year service life expectancy,    developer or building owner, it        in order to reduce waste and
  continuous improvement, which          EPDM is already known as an          not only potentially provides          optimise circularity potential.
  means taking opportunities to          environmentally beneficial           substantial cost savings on the        This is why using our induction
  learn from best practice. In           roofing technology. The system       final account, but also delivers an    system with Hertalan EPDM
  addition to selecting products that    enhances these baseline green        incentive to become actively           membranes epitomises the
  last longer, the roofing sector also   credentials by enabling roofing      involved in the specification          principles of circularity - because
  needs to consider what happens         contractors to install the EPDM      strategy, which could deliver          it means the material can be fully
  to construction materials at the       membrane using an induction          quality and service life benefits,     separated from the insulation
  end of their service life. Can they    system, allowing the material to     along with sustainability              without contamination due to
  be recycled or re-used? How can        be stripped cleanly from the roof    credentials. For the contractor,       adhesives or primers. As a result,
  they be given a second life? Who       at the end of its service life for   the incentive scheme enables due       the amount of product that can be
  will be responsible for ensuring       recycling or re-use.                 diligence in dealings with the         reprocessed to recover and reuse
  that reincarnation?                    Circularity in Action: the           supply chain and puts the onus         the component compounds can
                                                                              on the supplier to facilitate          be maximised.
  What is Circular                       Netherlands
                                                                              circularity. And for building
  Sustainability?                        In the Netherlands, to boost a       products suppliers, there is an        Long Term Sustainability
  Circular sustainability is a           culture of circularity in the        incentive to step up efforts to        Strategies
  methodology that puts a cradle-        construction sector, a Dutch         achieve cradle-to-cradle lifecycles    The benefits of circularity may
  to-cradle approach to selecting        Government initiative is enabling    during the product development         not be felt for a while – when it
                                         developers or building owners to     process.
  materials at the heart of the                                                                                      comes to EPDM roofing
                                         recoup up to 12% of the cost of
  procurement process. This means                                             While the UK does not have a           membranes, for example, there is
                                         both building materials and
  selecting products that have                                                government-led scheme to drive         an anticipated service life of 50
                                         labour. To enable the client to
  reduced embedded carbon                                                     this approach, the UK                  years – but making the right
                                         qualify for these financial
  emissions, extended performance                                             construction industry can still        choices are still critical now. The
                                         measures, the product supplier
  and the ability to be returned to      must promise to take back the        learn from the best practice we’re     devastating effects of this year’s
  the value chain at the end of their    materials at the end of their        seeing in the Netherlands.             summer heatwaves have
  initial service life. It is a          service life and recycle them or     Building materials can only be re-     reiterated that there really is a
  philosophy that is seeing the drive    reprocess them so that they can      used or recycled cost-effectively if   climate crisis and the roofing
  for greener construction come of       be re-used.                          they can be removed cleanly from       industry has a responsibility to
  age, and Carlisle is at the                                                 the building at the end of their       consider long-term strategies to
  vanguard of adopting those goals       Structuring the scheme in this       service life. Consequently,            reduce its carbon footprint that it
  in the roofing sector.                 way incentivises the whole supply    ancillary materials and                shouldn’t ignore. 
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              hen was the last time

  W           you checked the tyre
              pressures in your car?
  It may seem like an odd question,
  but it has parallels with something
  that many roofing contractors do
  day in, day out.
  If you drive a modern car, it is
  likely to have tyre pressure
  sensors, so the car tells you when
  your tyres need attention. This
  could be a simple top up of air, or
  an indication that you have a
  puncture. The good news is,
  however, that built-in technology
  tells you when there is a problem,
  giving you the chance to take
  action before it causes you a real
  If your car is not enabled with
  tyres sensors, then visual
  inspection or noticeable changes
  in the car’s driving performance
  are the only ways you will know
  you have a problem. In these           Like many aspects of life, other         How do we ensure self-drilling fasteners are
  situations, by the time you realise    things take over so if there isn’t an
  you have a tyre problem it could       obvious problem it is unlikely to        working as they should, set correctly to ensure
  be too late to fix easily, with cost   get our attention.
  and inconvenience resulting.                                                    air and watertight performance is achieved
                                         This scenario is similar to what
  Despite being a relatively easy        we see on construction sites every       from day one of installation?
  thing to do, the vast majority of      day – and it is another situation
  us probably never check our tyre       where airtightness is key!              Imagine if the self-drilling          Problems Caused by
  pressures before a long journey.
                                                                                 fasteners securing our roofs or       Inadequate Fastener Seals
                                                                                 facades had technology built in to
                                                                                                                       How often have you seen inside
                                         In a survey recently                    give us information that they
                                                                                 needed attention to stop air          relatively new buildings a bucket
                                         conducted by EJOT UK,                   leakage or water ingress and          standing in the middle of the floor
                                                                                 prevent major maintenance or          collecting dripping water from the
                                         virtually no roofing                    roof replacement. If they did, our    roof above? Clearly this could be
                                                                                 buildings would be far better         caused by many things, but one is
                                         and cladding installers
                                                                                 protected – like most of our          a result of water ingress through
                                         said they regard                        modern cars. Unfortunately, even      an incorrectly installed outer
                                                                                 if the technology was available, it   sheet. It is an obvious sign of what
                                         self-drilling fastener                  would be extremely costly.            can happen if we don’t get the
                                                                                                                       seal right during installation and
                                         seal testing as the                     So how do we ensure self-drilling
                                                                                 fasteners are working as they         can prove extremely costly. To fix
                                         priority when working                   should, set correctly to ensure air   the problem, the building owner
                                                                                 and watertight performance is         or client will need to address the
                                         on building envelope                    achieved from day one of              situation, resulting in the original
         
                                                           installation? And why does it         roofing installer having to return
                                         installations.                                                                                                     
                                                                                 matter?                               to site to rectify the issue.

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